StarFleet Serial Number Register

Revision as of 12:23, 11 November 2024 by Leenaya Edrei (talk | contribs) (added Leenaya Edrei)

A StarFleet Serial Number is much like a social security number or an employee number: it is unique to the individual it is assigned to identifies them from other people, some of whom may happen to share the same name. An individual who works in StarFleet whether they are a cadet, non-commissioned officer or officer can be assigned one. A PC, 2PC, NPC, PNPC or any MSPNPC who has a wiki bio page and is recurring can be assigned one. It is completely optional, and a player may choose not to assign a StarFleet Serial Number to their character(s).

Example of a StarFleet ID Card.


This Serial Number is for IC (in character) purposes only. It differs from a Fleet Writer Serial Number, which is for OOC (out of character) identification purposes only. The Starfleet Serial Number may be referenced by your character if they are captured and interrogated, or during official processes such as transfers, assignment of temporary command or in-character performance reviews among many other scenarios. This number is never included in your signature and belongs to a character rather than a writer. You do not have to use a Starfleet Serial Number at any point unless you choose to do so.


To keep consistency, serial numbers always have two letters, a dash, three numbers, a dash, and three numbers:

  • Example: EZ - 123 - 456

The serial numbers can be listed among other character stats on a character's wiki bio page and is used in SB118 and on the 118 Wiki in a number of ways:

  • in the creation of Starfleet ID Cards such as the example provided to the right of the page
  • as the Student ID in the academic transcript template from Starfleet Academy
  • as the Patient Reference Number in the medical record template from Starfleet Medical.

How to Register a Starfleet Serial Number

Starfleet Serial Numbers are sorted below alphabetically and numerically to make it easy to check if a particular serial number is already in use. Another way to check for specific numbers is to use the find function, which can be done on most browser by pressing Control + F. Before registering a serial number check that it has not already been registered. If it has a different one will have to be registered as there can be no duplicates.

The Register


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Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
AA - 188 - 005 Valoru AB - 294 - 660 Gwen Gardener AD - 840 - 906 Greir Reinard
AE - 837 - 516 Marcus Raiden AG - 374 -936 Bas Nadia AH - 755 - 003 Adam Haase
AS - 993 - 917 Leo Handley-Page AV - 164 - 876 T'Mihn Ah'mygahn AW - 341 - 985 Alexander Williams
AX - 100 - 256 Seff AZ - 159 - 930 Carter Greyson AC - 251- 984 Sabrina Holly
AF - 918 - 668 Johanna MacLaren AT - 248 -881 Baylen Anders AR - 724 - 555 K'Mal
AS - 935 - 454 Artinus Serinus AD - 020 -200 Alastriona DeTroyes AT - 711 - 986 Scotty Reade
AU - 342 - 708 Nathan Richards AM - 285 - 299 Hayden Cayne AS - 714 - 926 Arthur Strathmore
AV - 804 - 329 Vada - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
BA - 931 - 752 Yogan Yalu BB - 332 - 666 Blaidd Vescori BC - 242 - 424 Katsim Peri
BD - 330 - 336 Andrus Jaxx BE - 597 - 005 Aine Sherlock BG - 605 - 206 Beelam Grog
BH - 050 - 405 Rendal Rennyn BK - 520 - 671 Brayden Jorey BO - 085 - 690 Tyler Kelly
BR - 130 - 200 Frank O'Malley BS - 871 - 379 Avander Promontory BW - 250 - 197 Benjamin Livingston
BY - 567 - 187 Ben Edwards BZ - 042 - 579 Lyr'Zor, S'Ers-a BH - 685 - 023 Lia Rouiancet
BZ - 600 - 125 Divya Tam BO - 742 - 037 Nathan Campbell - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
CA - 143 - 271 Kai Rixx CA - 281 - 433 James Colquhoun CC - 102 - 554 Dr Dale McGregor
CE - 158 - 318 Sabina Tiam CL - 156 - 418 Pholin Duyzer CL - 824 - 235 Christopher Lambert
CM - 091 - 986 Jansen Orrey CN - 121 - 723 Elina Kincade CP - 213 - 002 Darius Clack
CP - 000 - 981 Cadfael Peters CW - 212 - 501 Sotak CX - 246 - 993 Adea, Genkos
CZ - 368 - 824 Sky Blake CC - 137 - 444 Kawakame Shin CC - 414 - 812 Lieu Dante
CM - 294 - 753 Maddi Hyden CH - 301 - 401 Chen CS - 162- 916 Noa T'Nessa Levinson
CM - 619 - 007 Charles Matthews CH - 001 - 529 Alix Harford CU - 342 - 708 Samantha Richards


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
DC - 170 - 142 Thomas Janeway DC - 981 - 851 Chythar Skyfire DE - 959 - 746 Varu Novin
DJ - 385 - 263 Karynn Brice DJ - 385 - 986 Lydie Ehlanii Brice DT - 525 - 812 Tya Dirsye
DZ - 102 - 439 Francis deMarc DB - 671 - 910 Diego Beyett DC - 109 - 464 Dallas Wolfe
DH - 787 - 031 German Galven DC - 326 - 001 T'Katt Dugoras DS - 996 - 719 Joshua Sutton
DZ - 133 - 685 Lephi DS - 244 - 001 Dave Shark DK - 310 - 293 Dekas
DR - 987 - 527 Toxin Arlill DM - 711 - 523 Daniel McGillian DD - 121 - 116 Drex
DX - 384 - 016 Dinaes - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
EL - 312 - 915 Clio Athenodora Margariti ER - 489 - 248 Eerie EK - 629 - 688 Lewis Little
EW - 112 - 385 Alucard Vess ED - 514 - 987 Lael Rosek EG - 166 - 768 Shayne, Randal
EZ - 452 - 358 Ezra Zerva ED - 561 - 290 Esa Darkkdust ES - 042 - 190 Elizabeth Snow
EK - 615 - 078 Elijah Kovacs EA - 472 - 568 Leenaya Edrei - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
FG - 476 - 293 Kael Thomas FI - 803 - 171 Jovenan FL - 922 - 444 Chen
FO - 961 - 415 Alexander J. Matthews FZ - 654 - 731 Sunny Peraino FQ - 008 - 126 Zinna
FN - 705 - 762 Kral chukir Grolov FM - 922 - 687 Edward Spears, MD FA - 980 - 156 Keneth Nakada
FE - 097 - 002 Alyndra Syrex FO-031-772 Alex Forsyth - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
GN - 029 - 411 Sidney Riley GN - 413 - 527 Ceciri Hakashri GT - 165 - 728 Tarsii Asmara
GT - 190 - 779 Marcus Dickens GV - 112 - 794 Zinna GB - 053 - 969 Ferier Lanta
GL - 029 - 414 Velekh Careno GT - 904 - 965 Geoffrey Teller GW - 978 - 269 Elonat


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
HF - 863 - 247 Lan Riel HK - 554 - 372 Diego Herrera HM - 201 - 614 Dueld taJoot
HW - 292 - 556 Alana Larson HW - 331 - 002 Ambrosia Hayley HG - 145 - 177 Bryan MacRae
HX - 117 - 241 Antero Flynn HB - 919 - 528 Anthony Meeks HI - 198 - 155 Ikaia Wong
HX - 113 - 661 Sepulsra Hex HB - 522 - 047 Holly Berry HR - 333 - 626 Haukea-Willow


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
IA - 122 - 737 Alexander Richards IB - 143 - 889 Liam Frost ID - 236 - 108 Zaaia Leix
IK - 455 - 268 Ilyazi Malon IX - 472 - 518 Nak'aqi Socxo IT - 128 - 927 Tamyr Ioe
IK - 272 - 772 Ian Kerensky IK - 139 - 451 Indrid Yirah IN - 831 - 219 Lyara Alroyo


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
JC - 003 - 897 Jonathan Cumar JD - 069 - 311 Akinor Onali Zaekia JD - 071 - 567 Serala
JE - 750 - 199 Michael Jellico JJ - 724 - 017 Cerissa Tyren JK - 019 - 210 Jona ch'Ranni
JK - 042 - 812 Solara Androsia JP - 009 - 030 Johnathan Pike JP - 848 - 231 Kaedyn Zehn
JQ - 415 - 599 Msafiri Bakari JR - 424 - 198 John Sonak JS - 373 - 909 Aleana Dennis
JU - 031 - 207 Janel Tarna JT - 182 - 012 Jarred Thoran JA - 703 - 968 Anath G'Renn
JZ - 387 - 977 Jana Zicv JW - 061 - 189 Ket Shoba JH - 519 - 810 Josh Herrick
JL - 025 - 626 Christopher Caldwell - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
KA - 112 - 042 Aigle Phos KF - 311 - 016 Rune Jolara KH - 314 - 639 Caitríona Cayne
KJ - 642 - 718 Jackford Kolk KJ - 642 - 719 James T. Kolk KT - 020 - 603 Thalas th'Koro
KT - 997 - 143 Shedet KD - 350 - 116 Nikki Ryan KP - 485 - 472 Stennin
KP - 968 - 403 Krindo Pandorn KL - 303 - 003 Tidus Hook KD - 300 - 730 Devon Romjin
KI - 201 - 853 Karise Indobri KN - 163 - 810 Savel KA - 820 - 513 Gila Sadar
KF - 127 - 008 Kris Fianna KL - 339 - 210 Hayashi Ichiro - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
LA - 992 - 625 Frank Lynn LC - 150 - 386 Necessity James LZ - 916 - 654 Valis
LE - 924 - 156 Lani Easterwood LX - 927 - 844 Colleen Bancroft LX - 975 - 248 Yito Seja
LD - 209 - 982 Joan Basilone LL - 363 - 022 Carmen Tis LW - 918 - 022 S'Raga
LH - 375 - 128 Laria Herren LR - 281 - 999 Harrison Kiani LL - 436 - 024 Luxa Lorana
LD - 177 - 120 Lina Dahlquist LK - 357 - 440 Imril - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
MB - 101 - 493 Varik Tal'Aura MB - 201 - 801 Samira Neathler MB - 007 - 019 Madison Marsh
MC - 455 - 268 Oxford Brown MD - 081 - 598 Grigoriy Davis MD - 022 - 461 Dassa Alexander
ME - 923 - 707 Meidra Sirin MF - 378 - 472 Mary Fenelli MH - 985 - 710 Corum Hak
MK - 017 - 020 Maxwell Traenor MM - 999 - 943 Leland Bishop MP - 079 - 782 Tsuki Kazeyama
MR - 575 - 079 Mark Ricks MS - 178 - 234 Alexander Morningstar MT - 839 - 915 Kimiko Chun
MU - 037 - 851 Cassandra Mason MW - 596 - 399 Cory Stoyer MW - 987 - 029 Tiria Hamasaki
MH - 155 - 673 Torrel - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
NC - 457 - 291 Lorian Lovar NI - 397 -295 Francis Logan NJ - 209 - 118 Arden Cain
NR - 873 - 294 Nicholas Reed NS - 734 - 107 Oddas Aria NV - 471 - 220 Sirok


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
OT - 732 - 987 Samuel Braddock OY - 265 - 032 Rocko Stevens OX - 940 - 112 R'raika Voss
OK - 228 - 937 Okira Keretene OA - 833 - 209 Kayla Drex OM - 812 - 987 Addison MacKenzie


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
PD - 231 - 131 Kestra Varis PK - 718 - 632 Xanti Ilas Ysa Liss PK - 319 - 678 Laura Baxter
PQ - 198 - 481 Piravao sh’Qynallahr PR - 132 - 209 Todd Manius PS - 125 - 712 Gnai
PS - 425 - 007 Shar'Wyn Foster PV - 335 - 786 Bowrapiquis Jetseen PZ - 338 - 192 Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
QE - 200 - 464 Puddles Peraino QJ - 921 - 238 Chloe Mannin QK - 065 - 169 Raj Blueheart
QR - 192 - 457 Teyvion Kesaan QT - 778 - 994 John Nugra QC - 112 - 214 Clara Quinn
QZ - 308 - 299 Zeylinn - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
RA - 405 - 212 Ronan Alekos RL - 274 - 619 Alex Blair RN - 713 - 013 Nathan Baker
RS - 161 - 234 Francis Ryan RD - 191 - 001 Riley Delar RC - 244 - 659 Ravenna Carter‎‎
RP - 999 - 999 Roox Penelope RD - 999 - 991 Roox Deana RT - 775 - 816 Alieth
RM - 466 - 111 Romyana Casparian RJ - 172 - 342 Rebecca Iko RO - 256 - 984 Javier Ricardo
RF - 175 - 921 Rendov Felbri RE - 080 - 999 Ras El'Heem RH-721-054 Seti Kiris


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
SA - 171 - 889 Atherton Grix SB - 011 - 991 Montague Klaus Eickleberger SC - 692 - 303 Tasi
SE - 381 - 568 Varaan SH - 724 - 211 Damian Wynter SJ - 481 - 705 Eileen McCleran
SJ - 722 - 435 Hiro Jones SL - 423 - 794 T'Var Helling SR - 343 - 007 Ta'lis Merek
SR - 742 - 737 Sabor SR - 777 - 042 Solaris McLaren SU - 159 - 954 Nicole Fullmer
SW - 251 - 977 Akoni Soriano SY - 520 - 014 Brek SZ - 110 - 980 Yiggtissi
SS - 141 - 242 Sheila Bailey SV - 783 - 184 Vitor Silveira SC - 618 - 446 Ceilidh Slipka 1
SV - 112 - 395 Senak SW - 861 - 478 Gwen'ora Tasen SD - 650 - 089 Sylvie Doucet
SB - 309 - 618 Cheylla Thonn - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
TA - 221 - 808 Lyanna Avery TC - 725 - 253 Tristam Core TR - 371 - 928 Ayiana Sevo
TR - 946 - 329 Vincent Pierce TS - 773 - 651 Della Vetri TV - 102 - 090 Trellis Vondaryan
TW - 272 - 772 Petra Bjarnadottir TR - 896 - 431 Jalana Rajel TX - 936 - 420 Caesar Hol
TH - 516 - 993 Tasha MacFarlane TS - 349 - 752 Tu'Peq TK - 615 - 360 T'Karra
TA - 098 - 451 Timothy Alentonis TA - 847 - 875 Tara Wilkins TM - 202 - 198 Tahna Meru
TC - 121 - 116 Tomas Falt TV - 555 - 5555 Is'Kah TY - 218 - 702 Torvi Ylvor
TZ - 944 - 102 Toz - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
UB - 525 - 632 Toni Lupo UL - 700 - 160 Freck US - 778 - 122 Tallis Rhul
US - 548 - 277 Jerry Reid - -- - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
VA - 731 - 349 Syrol VS - 108 - 427 Roshanara Rahman VX - 141 - 725 Lhandon Nilsen
VX - 282 - 177 Alexander Brodie VC - 715 - 619 Mirra Ezo VX - 676 - 912 Vitor Tito
VZ - 241 - 192 Vailani Zoyara VL - 340 - 112 Vaysha Lennai - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
WA - 602 - 023 Gabriel Warwick WC - 511 - 743 Ilene Torza WL - 972 - 884 T'Pen
WN - 144 - 835 Rachel Flores WZ - 412 - 504 Rel Cassi WQ - 298 - 104 Patrick Harbison


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
XR - 815 - 001 Abiona Moura XS - 223 - 746 Nugra XO - 022 - 393 Kinan Venroe
XR - 321 - 404 T'Ama XO - 022 - 478 Alora DeVeau XX - 771 - 069 Talos Dakora
XD - 734 - 373 Niev Galanis XV - 819 - 230 Araxxu Vahin - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
YO - 192 - 214 Eewon Saroa YS - 118 - 482 Paul Scudder YU - 715 - 630 Sal Taybrim
YA - 495 - 842 Jaseb Chevalier YT - 725 - 546 Harrison Blackwood - --


Serial Number Name Serial Number Name Serial Number Name
ZB - 571 - 097 Ann'ita H’tok’An’l ZP - 314 - 159 James ZZ - 000 - 001 Vian Nova
ZT - 070 - 130 Groznin Smith ZX - 040 - 404 Leona Pierce ZM - 747 - 051 Maria Alvarez


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