John Nugra

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USS Wellington
DS9style-cmdr gold.png
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John Nugra
Position Chief Security Officer
Rank Commander
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 234511.27
Age 56
Birthplace Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts
Writer ID V238008N10

Medical Record

Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Silver Star
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Maiden Voyage Ribbon

Commander John Nugra is a Chief Security Officer aboard the USS Wellington.


  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 177lbs.
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Gray
  • Build: Athletic
  • Handedness: Left
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Very faint scar running down his left eye.
  • Carriage: Bit of a swagger and nonchalance to it.
  • Build: Heavy built due to having a past as a ranch hand.
  • Poses: Like to lean against things when conversing.
  • Voice: Baritone.
  • Handedness: Left handed


  • Quarters: Rustic and comfortable. He has tried to make it like his old cabin as much as possible.
  • Mannerisms: Though efficient, he has a tendency to be sarcastic. Some assume he doesn't care when he really does.
  • Physical Limitations: Normal human limitations.
  • Temperament: Calm for the majority of the time, but when angry he is unpredictable.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Methodist, Christianity.

Life & Relationships

Amuro McKnight

One of his most staunch work hands, John Nugra found it a surprise to discover that Amuro McKnight was not a figment of the fake reality of Reverie Rock and was a real person who served as a marine officer aboard the USS Athena. Though they were no longer boss and ranch hand, some of their friendship did remain.

Selene Faranfey

Either a stroke of luck or a gift from God, John Nugra was happy when he discovered that all the memories that Colonel Nugra had of Selene Faranfey fully grafted themselves on him. From his point of view, he had been the one to train her in the academy, to rescue her from her burning ship and to serve with her on the USS Doyle-A. It is a friendship that he cherishes and glad to have back.

Family History

  • Thomas Nugra was the a lawyer in Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts. John did not know how well because he died of tuberculosis when John was twelve, he is considered a great man in the city.
  • June Nugra was John's mother and a rich heiress who married Thomas Nugra in an arranged marriage. A socialite, June was an expert at all the social responsibilities of people of their status.


  • Janet Nugra: Nugra's older sister who married when she was 15 and moved to California when her husband followed the gold rush.
  • Henry Nugra: The youngest of the Nugra family, a headstrong, idealistic boy who wanted to become a politician.


Before The Awakening

John Nugra was born to his parents Henry and Janet Nugra on November 27th, 1837 in Massachusetts Bay. Coming from a well established family, John was able to get a premier education than most in the United States at the time. Though problem was that John was not content to become a lawyer like his father.

Though he started a practice as soon as her left Harvard, John dropped it all when the American Civil War began. Not telling his parents, John joined the Union Army being able to purchase the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Over the next four years, he fought in many engagemtns like the first and second Battle of Bull's Run and Gettysburg.

War weary and jaded with life, John tried to return to Massachusetts Bay in 1866 but could not make things work. His disgust with the well to do after seeing the horrors of war forced him to move west with the great western expansion. In 1869, he settled in Reverie Rock, Montana at the age of 32. Here he spent 16 years building up his ranch into a vast, sprawling empire of his own. It was in the fateful day that The scorpion and Los Parasitos arrived that destroyed the world as he knew it.

John Nugra discovered that his entire life was a creation of an alien entity.

After the Dream Ended

It is difficult for John Nugra to explain his beginnings to people. His core memories are based in Reverie Rock, Montana on the planet Earth during the 19th century. In these memories, he was born and raised in Great Falls, Montana and later moved with his family to Reverie Rock. There he lived the majority of his life, marrying a young woman from the community and creating the largest cattle ranch within a thousand miles.

Unfortunately, these were fake memories imprinted on Colonel Nugra by an alien entity called the Dream Master in a dream world. Colonel Nugra died in the process of freeing the Dream Master from a parasitic entity. The alien being created John Nugra as a thank you to the Gorn and the crew of the USS Doyle.

Having many of the memories and experiences of Colonel Nugra, John Nugra is the Gorn's soul filtered through a human emotional schema. John knows he's not the original Nugra. Starfleet Commander later ruled that due to the amount of memories that he had retained and his ability to live up to Starfleet ideals, he was granted Federation citizenship and a commission under a special provision from Starfleet Command.

Upon the recall of the USS Athena, he was offered a position as Chief of Security aboard the USS Wellington in the Ithassa Region.

Service History

Service Record
Insignia Rank Ship From To Position
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Civilian USS Doyle-A 239306.12 239307.17 Not Assigned
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Lieutenant USS Athena 239307.17 239310.29 Security Officer
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Lt. Commander USS Athena 239310.29 239402.14 Risk Assessment Officer
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Commander USS Athena 239402.14 239501.04 Risk Assessment Officer
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Commander USS Wellington 239501.04 Present Chief of Security

Mission Logs

USS Athena
Twilight Reliquary 239307.17 - 239310.12 The Ravaged Systems 239311.07 - 239402.13
A Home Away From Home 239403.01 - 239404.17 The Romani Gambit 239405.16 - 239407.18

Awards, Service Ribbons, & Badges

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

Professional Information

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238008.04
  • Serial Number: QT - 778 - 994
  • Current Rank: Commander
  • Current Assignment: USS Athena
  • Duty Post: Risk Assessment Officer

Service Ribbons & Annual Awards

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 238008.04
Starfleet Academy Equiv.
Graduating Equivalent Academy (Gorn Space Navy)
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
War of Shadows Ribbon 239310.24
Campaign Ribbon
For stopping the Sisterhood of Chains
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239402.13
Service Ribbon
For exploring the Raytas Sector.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239402.13
Service Ribbon
For First Contact with the Dryary Confederation.
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Silver Star 239404.28
Service Ribbon
For engaging the Agragons while outnumbered.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239408.05
Service Ribbon
For stopping the terrorist attacks on the Dryarian Confederacy.
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239408.05
Service Ribbon
For being aboard the original launch of the Athena.

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