
< User:Zephyr
Revision as of 17:19, 3 January 2016 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (added new log. Note to self, look up episode dates when redoing the page.)


Using DS9 pip styles until further notice. I'll seek confirmation on Fleet Standard later for older ships.

Walker Projects

see sandbox 6

USS Atlantis Crew Awards

  USS Atlantis Crew Awards  
  Service Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
239207.16 -- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson & Commander Marcus Dickens --

End of an Era

Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon Raj Blueheart
Marcus Dickens
Rendal Rennyn
Tracey Townson
Daro Conti

Shar'Wyn Foster

Prometheus Incident Campaign Ribbon Raj Blueheart
Tracey Townson
Rendal Rennyn
Mary Fenelli
T'Var Helling
Adam Haase

Johnathan Pike
Daro Conti
Marcus Dickens

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Raj Blueheart
Tracey Townson
Rendal Rennyn
Mary Fenelli
T'Var Helling
Adam Haase

Johnathan Pike
Daro Conti
Marcus Dickens

Department Chief Ribbon Raj Blueheart
Marcus Dickens
Starship Commander Ribbon Raj Blueheart
Explorer's Ribbon Varaan
Purple Heart Mary Fenelli
239110.30 -- Captain Raj Blueheart and Lieutenant Commander Ian West -- Dinner Part 1 & Dinner Part 2
Legion of Merit Rendal Rennyn
Shar'Wyn Foster
Tamaiti Scott
Shane Mattingly
Marcus Dickens
Good Conduct Ribbon Jade Shryker
Gwen Gardener
Alana Larson
Shane Mattingly
Rendal Rennyn
Shar'Wyn Foster
Tamaiti Scott
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon Shar'Wyn Foster
Decoration Name of Award Recipient
239207.16 -- Lt. Commander Tracey Townson & Commander Marcus Dickens --

End of an Era

Promotion Lieutenant JG Mary Fenelli
239205.27 -- Captain Raj Blueheart -- Promotions In The Garden
Promotion to Lieutenant T'Var Helling
Daro Conti
239201.12 -- Captain Raj Blueheart & Commander Marcus Dickens -- And The Pip Goes To...
Promotion to Lieutenant JG T'Var Helling
Thomas Janeway
Daro Conti
239110.30 -- Captain Raj Blueheart and Lieutenant Commander Ian West -- Dinner Part 2
Promotion to Lieutenant Shar'Wyn Foster
Gwen Gardener
239108.29 -- Colonel Tyr Waltas -- The Mantle of Command
Promotion to Captain Raj Blueheart
239108.26 -- Commander Raj Blueheart & Commander Marcus Dickens -- Starlight Ballroom
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Gwen Gardener
L'Ral Ria'ow
Tarsii Asmara
Shar'Wyn Foster
Rendal Rennyn
Promotion to Lieutenant Tamaiti Scott
238207.03 -- Commander Jennifer Greene -- Hidden Hand
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Marcus Dickens
Promotion to Lieutenant Commander Michael Soul
238204.09 -- Commander Varaan -- The Paraan Part 1
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Mondana
  Position Changes  
Old Position New Position Recipient
239110.30 -- Captain Raj Blueheart and Lieutenant Commander Ian West -- Dinner Part 2
Engineering Officer Chief Engineering Officer Gwen Gardener
Operations Officer Chief Security and Tactical Officer Tamaiti Scott

USS Wallace

This roster is as of the last service of the USS Wallace, from 238109 to 238304.

USS Wallace Crew Manifest
Command Division
Insignia Rank/Title Portrait Character Name Duty Post


Kare'en m'Hapron m'Adrina

Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander

Alana Devar

First Officer


Kalpana Geeva

Helm, Communications and Operations Officer

Lt. Commander

Johnathan Ivanov Kirov

Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer

Lieutenant JG


Chief Engineer
Sciences Division


Drake Barlow

Science Officer
Medical Division

Lt. Commander

Rayne Rowax

Chief Medical Officer


Sidney Riley

Medical Officer


Cara Maria


This crew history contains information from both first and second tours of duty.

USS Wallace Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Captain Kare'en m'Hapron m'Adrina 238109 - 238304
Captain Jay Ross 237706 - 237902
Formerly First Officer
Captain Valarious McGregor 237706 - 237709
First Officer
Lt. Commander Alana Devar 238109 - 238304
Transferred to the USS Independence
Captain Jay Ross ------ - ------
Robert Falcon 237712 - 237803
Commander Trix ------ - ------
Lt. Commander
Mark Anderson ------ - ------
Second Officer
Lt. Commander Johnathan Ivanov Kirov 238109 - 238304
Serving simultaneously as Chief Tactical Officer, transferred to USS Triumphant
Mission Specialist
Lieutenant JG
Anishe S-Tran 237708 - ------
Helm, Communications, and Operations Officer
Ensign Kalpana Geeva 238209.09 - 238304.18
Transferred to the USS Morningstar
Rorek Navar 238109 - 238110
Atarip 2378-- - ------
Lieutenant JG
Alicia Carter 237708 - ------
Operations Division
Chief Tactical Officer
Lt. Commander Johnathan Ivanov Kirov 238109 - 238304
Serving simultaneously as Second Officer, transferred to USS Triumphant
Lt. Commander
Collim Denari 237806 - 237811
Formerly Chief Security Officer
Lt. Commander
Collim Denari 237711 - 237801
Collin Hunter 2377-- - ------
Assistant Tactical Officer
Gemini 2377-- - ------
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant JG Salak 238207.20 - 238304.21
Transferred to the USS Independence
Lt. Commander Andrew Stirling 238111 - 238201
Lt. Commander Andrew Stirling 238109
Lt. Commander Robert Whitney 237706 - ------
Sam Nigel Perkins 2378-- - ------
Assistant Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Demetri Rumanov 238109 - 238202
Matthews 2378-- - ------
Selvok 237707 - ------
Chief of Security
Collin Hunter ------ - ------
Horne Dar Makra 2381-- - ------
NaZ'Reth 2378-- - ------
Lieutenant JG
Jacen Tharen 237708 - ------
Security Officer
Katrina Thornstone 238203 - ------
Peter Christian Wittmann 238901 - 238904
Ysanne Andropath 238809 - 238810
Lieutenant JG
Westwood ------ - ------
John Caravela 237708 - ------
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Drake Barlow 238112 - 238204
Transferred to Starbase 118
Lieutenant Drake Barlow 238109 - 238111
Akino Janaa 2377-- - 2378--
Science Officer
Joran Arjin Tavex 238110.20 - 238207.20
Lieutenant JG
Milina Tara Richards 238109 - 238201
Ensign Thomas Owens 238112 - 238202
Jonathan Kelley Shelton 238105 - 238109
Lieutenant JG
Steinberg 2378-- - ------
Tuck 237708 - ------
T'Pau 237706 - ------
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
Lt. Commander Rayne Rowax 238109 - 238304
Transferred to Duronis II Embassy
Lt. Commander Jen Malcolm 237806 - ------
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Lt. Commander
Tamara Brown 2378-- - ------
Medical Officer
Lieutenant Sidney Riley 238109.10 - 238304.21
Transferred to the USS Independence
Ensign Cara Maria 238301.19 - 238304.23
Transferred to USS Independence
Lieutenant JG
Joran Arjin Tavex 238207.20 - 238211.xx
Lieutenant JG
Milina Tara Richards 238109 - 238201
Viola Templar 237708 - ------
Jonathan Bockhorst 2378-- - ------
Civilian Contingent
Lt. Commander Robert Whitney Unknown

USS Challenger

The records I found for the Challenger were not helpful. I am making changes here in my box then will eventually move them to the appropriate pages, and will offer to consolidate/clean up the template when I get it closer to done.

This is the roster as of its last service. Titles are left from what is currently on the Challenger Roster.

USS Challenger Crew Manifest
Command Division
Insignia Rank/Title Portrait Character Name Duty Post

Fleet Captain


Commanding Officer


Toni Turner

First Officer

Lt. Commander

Andrus Jaxx

Second Officer & Strategic Operations Officer

Lt. Commander

Tal Tel-ar

Mission Specialist & HCO

Lt. Commander

Aleana Netal

Chief Engineer
Security & Tactical

Lieutenant JG

Ivan Petrov

Tactical Officer

Lieutenant JG

Turc Brakur

Security Officer
Medical Division


Jerry Reid

Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG

Brenna Parker

Medical Officer
Sciences Division


Marcus Dickens

Science Officer

Lieutenant JG


Science Officer
Starfleet Marine Corps

Marine Captain

Samal Ezra Frazier

Marine Commanding Officer

First Lieutenant

Iolo Madoc Llewelyn

Marine Officer
Federation Diplomatic Corps


Mailea Labria


USS Challenger Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Fleet Captain T'Pen 238301 - 238603
Promoted to fleet captain 238301.28
First Officer
Commander Toni Turner 238601.30 - 238605.26
Transferred to USS Resolution
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238402.06 - 238501.12
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer.
Transferred to USS Peregrin.
Commander Samal Ezra Frazier ------.-- - ------.--
Second Officer
Lt. Commander Andrus Jaxx 238601.29 - 238605.26
Served concurrently as Strategic Operations Officer. Transferred to USS Resolution.
Commander Toni Turner 238511.30 - 238601.30
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer. Promoted to First Officer 238601.30.
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238503.01 - 238508.30
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer.
Transferred to USS Geronimo.
Strategic Operations Officer
Lt. Commander Andrus Jaxx 238601.29 - 238605.26
Served concurrently as Second Officer. Transferred to USS Resolution.
Mission Specialist
Lt. Commander Tal Tel-ar 238604.01 - 238605.22
Transferred to USS Challenger-A.
Operations Division
Chief Operations Officer
Commander Toni Turner 238511.30 - 238601.30
Served concurrently as Second Officer. Promoted to First Officer 238601.30.
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238503.01 - 238508.30
Served concurrently as second officer.
Transferred to USS Geronimo.
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238402.06 - 238501.12
Served concurrently as Acting FO.
Transferred to USS Peregrin.
Chief Engineer
Lt. Commander Aleana Netal 238304.01 - 238604.30
Promoted to Lt. Cmdr: 238306.01
Security Officer
Lieutenant JG Turc Brakur 238601.24 - 238605.12
Promoted to Lt. JG: 238603.23.
Transferred to USS Challenger-A.
Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG Ivan Petrov 238602.01 - 238604.30
Promoted to Lt. JG:238603.22
Transferred to USS Resolution.
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238304.01 - 238402.06
Promoted to Lt. Commander on 238312.08. Moved to Chief Operations Officer/Acting First Officer 238402.06
Lieutenant Jerry Reid 237808.10 - 238205.12
Transferred to USS Challenger-A.
Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG Brenna Parker 238601.15 - 238605.26
Promoted to Lt. JG 238603.23.
Transferred to USS Resolution
Chief Counselor
Lt. Commander Andrus Jaxx 238503.07 - 238601.29
Promotion to Lt: 238503.07.
Promotion to Lt.Cmdr: 238508.27.
Transferred to Strategic Ops Officer/Second Officer.
Lieutenant JG Andrus Jaxx 238410.08 - 238503.07
Promotion to Lt. JG: 238411.05.
Promotion to Chief Counselor: 238503.07
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Commanding Officer
Marine Captain Samal Ezra Frazier 2385 - 238603
Marine Officer
First Lieutenant Iolo Madoc Llewelyn 238602.01 - 238604.30
First Lieutenant Jerry Reid 237601.10 - 237612.10
Promoted to 1st Lt: 237609.10
Transferred to USS Entropy.
Federation Diplomatic Corps
Ensign Mailea Labria 238604.09 - 238605.12
Transferred to the USS Challenger-A.

Columbia Crew History and Awards table

  • Crew History: Avatar in progress. Livingston/Brek Era Done.
  • Awards History: Avatar In Progress. Livingston/Brek Era Done.

  USS Columbia Crew Awards  

Columbia Logs Overhaul

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log, Captain's Log SD 238103.28

Commander Mal Avatar commanding USS Columbia. This is to be my first voyage as master of this vessel. Our mission will take us deep into the Gamma Quadrant to an area of space known as the Hironian Expanse. Little is known about this area of space besides a few readings sent from a probe years before the Dominion War. Some of these readings have baffled Federation scientists for years and this will be our first chance to study the phenomenon first hand.

End Log

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log Stardate 238104.08

I am pleased to report that the starship Columbia has passed all basics tests arranged for her voyage thus far. Engines are operating at maximum efficiency and the crew has performed well. We should be arriving at Deep Space Nine within the next few minutes and I look forward to picking up some supplies for our mission into the Gamma Quadrant.

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log Stardate 238105.03

Assuming this log ever reaches Starfleet Command, it will either mean that we made it home or Starfleet has lived an extremely long life. The Columbia is stranded in another galaxy and the crew is beginning to worry about getting back home. I cannot help but think that something else was involved in stranding us out here. Maybe it is just a gut feeling as I have little proof. I guaranteed to the crew that we would return home...but without much hope that promise may be empty.

End Log.

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log Stardate 238106.13

The Columbia has returned safely to Alpha Quadrant space and we are currently docked at station Deep Space Nine. It has been a tumultuous first mission aboard the Columbia, but I am pleased with the results. Our discovery of the UUO in the Hironian Expanse lead us to the uncovering of a new race called the Urulans. It was the Urulans who had altered our instruments into tricking us into our location as part of an experiment. Unfortunately over time, we learned that their plans were even more sinister. The Urulans were interested in some of our data on time travel experiments and had hoped to use them in a civil war amongst their own people. I am very pleased to report that we were able to avoid violating the prime directive by putting a stop to their experiments. It would appear that the UUO in the Hironian Expanse was not naturally occuring and therefore would not necessarily interest a further Starfleet expedition into that corner of the galaxy.

End Log.

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log, stardate 238107.01

For the Columbia's second major mission we are en route to the Badlands area of space near Cardassian territory. Our mission is to locate and gather intelligence about a group of unidentified insurgents who have been attacking Federation supply ships. End Log.

Mal Avatar

Captain's Log, stardate 238107.01

Like many of the crew, I have strong feelings about the nature of our mission. For most of us, we see the Cardassians as the allies of the Dominion and the butchers of the Bajoran people. So I can understand why there are those who might oppose aiding the Cardassians. But, that being said we are Starfleet officers, and we have a duty to provide aid to those who need it. End Log

Shawn Anderson

Personal Log, SD 238109.11

The engineering staff been repair the Columbia for the past twenty-four hour plus, but there no one who can repair the Chief Engineer. I really want to lash out and scream. I've been working for ten hours and I'm really tired after I record this I'll going back to my quarter to sleep. I sometime wonder if there anybody who having the same problem as I. Devana doesn't love me the way I love her. She loves me as a friend. . . HA maybe as a fool, idiot, dummy, or moron. My sister wants to stay with her grandmother, I really can't blame her Grandmother estate is big and she going to a good school and she has lots of friends. I think that good environment for her. It's better than living in a starship, and I'm pregnant and I am hating it. After the party I'm gonna get some doctor's opinion. And on a personal note I got to get bigger clothes because I'm getting big. It's been couple days that I've been pregnant but the fetus is a month and a half in it stages. But the problem is I can hardly keep any food down. I wonder what pregnant women eat through these times. On another subject Devana, why she want to be friends I don't know, either she change her feeling for me or she never cared about be. . .other than as a friend, can I be friends with her. . . I guess I can but I can hang with her or go out with her things like that, maybe we best off as friends. . .distance friend, but it's best for now that I have Dr Van Dyke be my doctor I don't want and stress come in play when I'm near her. Maybe I should give Phoebe a chance you never know we might make a great team. She's already living with me. And Wilson there a possibility with her. She a good person, misguided. She needs to think about her career. Well, that's it until I make another one later on.

The Falcon Project

Done by permission of Kaitlyn Falcon for all family members in an effort to attempt to make their service records. DS9 pip style.

Robert Falcon

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Captain 237712 - 237803 USS Freedom-A Commanding Officer
Commander 2377-- - ------ USS Wallace First Officer
------ - ------ USS Nemesis Unknown
USS Ithaca
USS Nemesis-B
StarBase 118 Ops
USS Freedom-A

See list of awards and service ribbons.

Awards & Commendations
Award/Ribbon Name Stardate Posting
  Barclay Bead 2377 USS Nemesis
  Purple Star 2376 Unknown

Jiana Kennedy

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign ------ - 238005.13 USS Titan Helm, Communications & Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG 238005.13 - ------

Alice Falcon

Rho Falcon

Awards & Commendations
Award/Ribbon Name Stardate Posting
  B-Plot 2386 Starbase 118 Ops
  Scotty Cross 2385 Starbase 118 Ops

Jaden Conway

Kaitlyn Falcon

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Civilian 236410.05 - 238006.20 USS Freedom-A N/A
238006.20 - 238604.16 SS Nova
Cadet First Class 238608.01 - 239008.04 Starfleet Academy Student
Ensign 238608.01 - 239008.04 USS Vigilant Helm Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239008.04 - 239012.28 Helm Officer
Lieutenant 239012.28 - 239107.14 USS Darwin-A Operations Officer
239107.14 - 239109.06 USS Excalibur-A Helm, Communications, Operations Officer
239109.06 - 239112.10 USS Constitution-B Helm Officer
239112.10 - 239112.29 USS Garuda
239112.29 - 239202.15 Starbase 118 Ops
239202.15 - 239204.25 Chief Helm Officer
Lieutenant Commander 239204.25 - Present

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
  • Explorer's Ribbon: 239008.04
  • First Contact Ribbon: 239008.04
  • Joint Meritorious Unit Award: 239008.04
  • Good Conduct Ribbon: 239008.04
  • Gateway Ribbon: 239010.02
  • Silver Star: 239010.02
  • Three Year Service Award: 239012.22
  • Prisoner of War Ribbon: 239012.28
  • Innovation Ribbon: 239112.21
  • Five Year Service Award: 239201.01
  • Explorer's Ribbon: 239202.15
  • Legion of Merit: 239202.15
  • Captain's Commendation: 239204.25

Awards & Service Ribbons

Captain's Commendation
Explorer's Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
First Contact Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Silver Star
Legion of Merit
Gateway Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon
3-year Member
5-year Member

USS Apollo

USS Apollo Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx 238902.03 - 239104.22
Promoted to Fleet Captain: 239010.19
First Officer
Lt. Commander Sundassa Faranster 239007.25 - 239104.22
Promoted to Commander: 239108.19.
Transferred to Medical.
Lt. Commander Viktor Lanius 239001.03 - 239006.25
Transferred to Marine CAG.
Commander Liam Frost 238902.04 - 239001.03
Promoted to Commander 238910.25.
Transferred to Intelligence.
Second Officer
Lt. Commander Jalana Laxyn 239008.24 - 239109.28
Served Concurrently as CMO.
Lt. Commander Viktor Lanius 238911.05 - 239001.03
Promoted to Lt. Commander 238911.05.
Served concurrently as Chief of Intelligence.
Promoted to First Officer.
Lieutenant Viktor Lanius 238909.05 - 238909.10
Strategic Operations Officer
Lt. Commander Allen Diaz 238902.27 - 238903.06
Commander Tal Tel-ar 239104.05 - 239105.21
Formerly Chief Operations Officer.
Transferred to the USS Aegis.
Mission Specialist
Lt. Commander Ra-Uleyra 239001.26 - 239005.01
Returned from LoA 239001.25.
LoA taken 23905.01.
Lieutenant Cayden Adyr 238905.08 - 239005.08
Ensign Renae Sullivan 238904.11 - 238904.30
Chief Helm Officers
Lieutenant JG Edward Johnson 238904.30 - 239104.22
Promoted to Lieutenant JG: 239002.06.
Helm Officers
Ensign Kaleo O'Kalani 238903.20 - 238903.29
Operations Division
Chief Operations Officer
Commander Tal Tel-ar 239101.01 - 239104.22
Lieutenant Marcus Raiden 239006.15 - 239012.10
Commander Tal Tel-ar 238902.04 - 238911.28
Security & Tactical
Security & Tactical Chief
Lieutenant JG Ra-Uleyra 238904.30 - 238905.20
Security Chiefs
Lt. Commander Nemitor Atimen 239102.02 - 239104.22
Transferred to the USS Gemini.
Lt. Commander T'Mar 238909.30 - 239102.01
Promoted to Lieutenant: 238904.14.
Promoted to Lt. Commander: 239008.16.
Transferred to USS Gemini
Lt. Commander Hugh Barnes 238905.20 - 238909.30
Lt. Commander Hugh Barnes 238902.03 - 238904.11
Tactical Chiefs
Lieutenant Alexander Williams 239008.16 - 239104.22
Promoted to Lieutenant 239101.13.
Transferred to the USS Aegis.
Lt. Commander Ra-Uleyra 238905.20 - 238912.09
Promoted to Lieutenant: 238912.09.
Promoted to Lt. Commander: 238912.09.
LoA began 238912.09.
Assistant Security Chiefs
Ensign Vance Carter 238904.08 - 238905.23
Ensign Logan Ethan Kane 238902.03 - 238902.22
Security Officers
Ensign Caleb Alexander 239102.07 - 239102.06
Ensign Kyla Kirosa 239012.11 - 239102.06
Ensign T'Mar 238908.21 - 238909.30
Promoted to Lieutenant JG and Chief Security Officer 238909.30.
Ensign Adam Brandt 238902.03
Tactical Officers
Ensign Alexander Williams 239006.24 - 239008.16
Promoted to Lieutenant JG and Tactical Chief 239008.16.
Ensign Ra-Uleyra 238902.03 - 238904.30
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief of Security/Tactical 238904.30.
Chief Engineers
Lieutenant JG Eileen McCleran 239104.29 - 239109.08
Lieutenant Dade Triston 239005.28 - 239104.22
Promoted to Lieutenant: 239008.16.
Lieutenant JG Gregory Able 239001.14 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Elya Tali 238902.03 - 238907.18
Assistant Chief Engineers
Lieutenant JG Catrova Torv 239104.29 - xxxxxx.xx
Lt. Commander Ethan Brice 238904.11 - 239001.01
Moved to R&D Engineering.
Ensign Donato Romero 238903.06 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Eileen McCleran 239101.26 - 239104.22
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Engineer 239104.29.
Ensign Catrova Torv 239007.11 - 239104.29
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Assistant Chief Engineer 239104.29
Ensign Dade Triston 239003.11 - 239005.28
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Engineer 239005.28.
Lieutenant JG Alan Williams 238908.09 - 239005.28
Promoted to Lieutenant JG: 238909.27.
Ensign Gregory Able 238911.28 - 239001.14
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Engineer 239001.14.
Ensign Donato Romero 238903.06 - 238903.15
Research & Development
Lieutenant Commander Ethan Brice 239001.01 - 239105.01
Transferred to USS Darwin-A.
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officers
Lt. Commander Jalana Laxyn 238908.21 - 239104.22
Promoted to Lieutenant: 238112.10.
Promoted to Lt. Commander: 239004.14.
Held concurrently as Second Officer from 239008.24 to 239109.28.
Lieutenant JG Sidney Pierce 238905.01 - 238908.22
Transferred to Counselor.
Assistant Chief Medical Officers
Lt. Commander Jalana Laxyn xxxxxx.xx - xxxxxx.xx
Transferred to Medical Officer.
Lieutenant Sundassa Faranster 239001.15 - 239007.25
Ensign Vid-Lotilija 238903.06 - 238303.15
Transferred to Assistant Chief Science Officer.
Medical Officer
Lt. Commander Jalana Laxyn xxxxxx.xx - 239104.15
Ensign Sidney Pierce 238902.03 - 238904.30
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & CMO 238905.01.
Ensign Thomas Potter 238902.03 - 238902.16
Head Counselor
Lieutenant JG Sidney Pierce 238908.15 - 238909.29
Ensign Paetra Ramos 238906.23 - 238908.15
Ensign Avar Luna 238902.01 - 238906.11
Lieutenant Sidney Pierce 238909.30 - 239004.25
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officers
Lieutenant JG Alan Williams 239001.20 - 239007.08
Lieutenant Vid-Lotilija 238906.17 - 238909.27
Promoted to Lieutenant 238908.11.
Lieutenant Tressa 238902.03 - 238906.17
Assistant Chief Science Officers
Lieutenant JG Vid-Lotilija 238903.15 - 238906.17
Ensign Kala Maddox 239104.01 - 239104.15
Lieutenant JG Richard Matthews 238707.12 - 238912.10
Promoted to Lieutenant JG: 238802.04
Transferred to USS Vigilant.
Starfleet Intelligence
Chief Intelligence Officers
Commander Liam Frost 239001.03 - 239101.31
Assumes command of USS Gemini.
Lt. Commander Viktor Lanius 238910.28 - 239001.03
Promoted to Lt. Commander: 238910.28.
Held position of second officer a total of twice while in this position.
Intelligence Officers
Lieutenant Viktor Lanius 238909.05 - 238909.10
Promoted to Lieutenant: 238908.13.
Held Position of Second officer concurrently with Lt. Rank.
Promoted to Lieutenant JG: 238905.01.
Civilian Contingent
Civilian Cayden Adyr 238902.17 - 238905.08
Starfleet Marine Corps
Commander of the Air Group
Major Viktor Lanius 239006.25 - 239106.12