Starfleet Vessel Register/By OOC Status
Starfleet Vessel Register |
Color Coding
Jump to: Active PC vessels
• Inactive PC vessels
• Retired PC vessels
• NPC vessels
Active PC Vessels and Installations
Amity Outpost |
Denali Station |
Starbase 118 Ops |
USS Arrow |
USS Astraeus |
USS Centris-A |
USS Constitution-B |
USS Excalibur-A |
USS Gorkon |
USS Independence-B |
USS Narendra |
USS Oumuamua |
Inactive PC Vessels and Installations
Black Tower/Intel |
Deep Space 17 |
Embassy of Duronis II |
StarBase 118 Admin |
USS Aegis |
USS Apollo-A |
USS Athena |
USS Atlantis |
USS Aurora |
USS Avandar |
USS Bronwyn |
USS Blackwell |
USS Caledonia |
USS Challenger-A |
USS Chin'toka |
USS Columbia |
USS Darwin-A |
USS Discovery-C |
USS Doyle-A |
USS Drake |
USS Eagle |
USS Garuda |
USS Gemini |
USS Indria-A |
USS Invicta |
USS Isannah |
USS Ithaca |
USS Juneau |
USS Kodiak-B |
USS Mercury |
USS Nemesis-B |
USS Paladin |
USS Phoenix-C |
USS Ranger-A |
USS Ronin |
USS Steadfast-A |
USS Thor |
USS Thunder-A |
USS Tiger-A |
USS Ursa Major |
USS Veritas |
USS Victory |
USS Vigilant-A |
USS Wallace |
USS Walton |
USS Za |
USS Zephyr |
Retired PC Vessels and Installations
Daris Colony |
Deep Space 72 |
USS Achilles |
USS Albion |
USS Alliance |
USS Apollo |
USS Arizona |
USS Arizona-A |
USS Centris |
USS Challenger |
USS Chicago |
USS Discovery |
USS Discovery-A |
USS Discovery-B |
USS Excalibur-G |
USS Freedom-A |
USS Galileo |
USS Hammond |
USS Independence |
USS Independence-A |
USS Kodiak |
USS Kodiak-A |
USS Magellan |
USS Montreal |
USS Nova |
USS Obertha |
USS Panther |
USS Phoenix-B |
USS Ranger |
USS Resolution |
USS Starwind |
USS Steadfast |
USS Thunder |
USS Tiger |
USS Titan |
USS Trinidad |
USS Valkyrie |
USS Vigilant |
NPC Vessels and Installations
Deep Space 6 |
Deep Space 10 |
Deep Space 17 |
Deep Space 24 |
Deep Space 26 |
Deep Space 224 |
Deep Space 285 |
Midway Repair Facility |
Starbase 211 |
Unity One |
USS Ackerman |
USS Allentown |
USS Antietam |
USS Ariel |
USS Artemis |
USS Arthur Royale |
USS Atlanta |
USS Avenger |
USS Avenger-B |
USS Baltimore |
USS Barrington |
USS Benjamin Franklin |
USS Braveheart |
USS Calgary |
USS Callahan |
USS Calippus |
USS Cape Horn |
USS Charleston |
USS Chesapeake |
USS Churchill |
USS Compass Rose |
USS Crick |
USS Crusader |
USS Curie |
USS Cutlass |
USS Darwin |
USS Degault |
USS El Corazón |
USS Endeavour-A |
USS Euphrates |
USS Fidelity |
USS First Response |
USS Forbearance |
USS Forrester |
USS Fortunate |
USS Glory |
USS Gridley |
USS Griffin |
USS Harricot |
USS Hercules |
USS Hood |
USS Horizon |
USS Indefatigable |
USS Iowa |
USS Ironbridge |
USS Janitoreal |
USS John Paul Jones |
USS Kepler |
USS Kitakaze |
USS Leviathan |
USS Luxembourg |
USS Mantis |
USS Martin |
USS Marseilles |
USS Minerva |
USS Nelson |
USS Nimitz |
USS Newton |
USS Nighthawk |
USS Nowak |
USS Pioneer |
USS Polk |
USS Princeton |
USS Quasar |
USS Regent |
USS Roark |
USS Saratoga |
USS Scarborough |
USS Shanghai |
USS Spartan |
USS Stalwart |
USS Syracuse |
USS Tarelgan |
USS Tell |
USS Tempest |
USS Thomas Edison |
USS Thomas Paine |
USS Ticonderoga |
USS Tucson |
USS Vandenburg |
USS Vera Cruz |
USS Vesta |
USS Wellington |
USS Wyoming |
USS Xanth |
USS Yellowfist |
USS Yorktown |
USS Yuan Tseh Lee |
USS Zion |
Listing by Class | Listing by OOC Status | Listing by IC Status | ||
Utopia Planitia | Fleet Launch History | UFOP Family Tree |
REV SD 240002.10 |