Jalana Rajel

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USS Constitution
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
STO Commodore Red.jpg
STO Commodore Red.jpg
Jalana Rajel
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commodore
Species Trill (Joined)
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
DOB 235902.29
Age 43
Birthplace Trill, Mak'ala
Writer ID A238906JL0

Serial Number TR-896-431

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Service Ribbons
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Jalana Rajel is the Commanding Officer on the USS Constitution-B. She is a joined Trill and prefers to be addressed as Jalana, as she herself prefers non-formality over formalities. She is the seventh host of the Rajel symbiont.


  • Birth name Name: Jalana Laxyn
  • Joined: 2392
  • Telepathic status: none
  • ID Number: TR-896-431


  • Height: 1.65m (about 5'5)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green (Right eye), Left eye missing covered with eye patch

Family & Relationships

  • Mother: Caline Laxyn, Botanist/Gardener
  • Father: Vivan Laxyn, Ambassador
  • Brother: Prax Laxyn, Architect
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Orientation: Straight (While she has memories from past lives of being with any gender, she separates the host and the symbiont in her preference)


Personal History

Jalana was born into the family of a Diplomat and a Botanist, who always wanted the best for their child. As many other times, when having good intentions, they do not work out as well as thought. Knowing that his position would bring prestige and a good life, Vivan Laxyn started early to do everything that Jalana would one day follow his footsteps. So the girl did not visit schools, but was taught by her father and their butler Ilur in everything she would have to know for this fate. It had several side effects. Such as Jalana not playing with other children. The only children she knew were her younger brother and the children of other Diplomats at banquets, which all had to behave real well and way too grown up. Jalana though was never really interested in this field of expertise. Already early she wanted to help people in a different way.

It took her quite a bit to finally 'come out' to her parents, letting them know that she wanted to become a Doctor. In contrast to her mother, her father did not like this at all and kicked her out of the house. He tried to stop her with his influence by throwing rocks in her way, but Jalana stood up against him and followed her dream. Ilur secretly still met with her to prepare her for her dream, so that she could take the tests that would let her graduate. She did with his help, and passed the entry tests of Medical school, so she enrolled. She knew during her training that she wanted to do more and applied for Starfleet Academy, to go there after her medical training would conclude.


She had to do the tests for Academy two times and just a week before she graduated from Medical School she got the message that she was accepted. As soon as she had her graduation letter in her hand she left Trill joining Starfleet.

While Jalana was at Academy she never did regret that step and enjoyed her training, even though it was harder than she expected. During her fifth year she was surprised by a message from the Symbiosis commission of Trill that she was also accepted for taking tests to become an initiate. Finding out that her parents had send her application she first ignored it but then became curious if she could do it. Surprisingly she passed the tests but did not hear anything from the Commission after that. First she told herself, that they had a lot of applicants so it would take a while, but after some time she forgot about it and went on with her StarFleet Medical Training.

In the year 2389 she finally finished the Academy, and was stationed on the USS Apollo. As of Stardate 239104.30 she has been declared Doctor med. by the Medical Commission.

On Stardate 239108.22 Jalana learned that Viktor Lanius had been arrested by Starfleet. He was charged with several murders and the attack on another person, in that progress, he had been removed from Starfleet and was sentenced to life in prison. Jalana has not taken the news well and was moved from her Chief Medical Officer position down to ACMO and slipped into a drug addiction to cope (See Medical section).

Noticing that she had more trouble getting through the situation, she requested to be lowered to Medical Officer to be able to focus on getting better. On SD 239202.01 the request was granted. On the very same day though, she received a call from the Trill Symbiosis commission and was sent to an emergency joining. Since the symbiont would not have survived a longer trip back to the homeworld, she agreed and met the USS Nemia to receive the symbiont. She is the seventh host of the Rajel Symbiont.

On SD 239205.28 she has been promoted to Commander and has received Command over the USS Constitution-B, relayed through Captain Shelther Faranster, which was a big surprise to her. The biggest part of the Apollo crew had been transferred to the Constitution to serve under her in the Talos Sector.

After returning from a time travel mission in 1914, Jalana has been promoted to Captain on SD 239212.31 by Nugra, who came to visit the Constitution. He also honored her by gifting her a Vss'Kot blade, a Gorn dagger, that had an orange gem embedded into the silver, engraved handle, with the words: "You had once asked me about my Vss'Kot blade and I had explained to you that it is a way that a Captian of a vessel shows their achievements in the service of the leader. I present to you, this hand made Vss'Kot blade, to commemorate your rise to this hallowed position."

In 2393 Jalana's father Vivan suffered from a severe heart attack. Jalana dropped everything and immediately traveled to Trill to take care of him. In that time they had time to speak and they are back to speaking terms and work on their connection together.

In 2394 the Constitution moves from the Talos Sector to the Marchlands, a region in the Far South of the Federation. On SD 239602.21 Jalana was promoted by Admiral Heraan to Fleet Captain on Endaasi. Vivan, Caline and Prax Laxyn were all there to celebrate with her.

In 2397, following the The Great Gas Dive Mission Jalana is accused of violating numerous General Orders and Directives and is court-martialed. With the help of her Defense Lawyer Aria Maddox and combined efforts of her crew, proof is brought up that someone tried to frame her and the case is dropped by the Prosecutor Skepus.

While enjoying a market visit on Starbase 104 in 2398, Jalana is being attacked and kidnapped by members of the Orion Syndicate. During that time a 'doctor' paid by the Syndicate attempted 'liberate' her Symbiont from her. Thanks to her crew hunting down the flight path of the Syndicate and finding her the man working on her was stopped but not before Jalana was poisoned and her symbiont removed. Thanks to the tireless work of the doctors of the Constituion Jalana and Rajel were saved and reunited. Not without a few aftereffects that Jalana tries to ignore, including becoming more protective of Rajel.

Symbiont Notes

Rajel was born in the year 2000. The symbiont matured in the caves of Mak'ala before first being joined in 2055. Rajel is currently 401 years old.


Medical and Counseling Notes


  • Insect bites - Can lead to anaphylactic shock due to chemical imbalance with the Symbiont
  • Slight milk intolerance. Jalana reacts to it like she is drunk
  • May have reactions to transporter beam processes due to the symbiont but takes a hypo to catch the worse

Medical and Psychological History

  • 2390 - Psychological - During the Apollo Mission The Price of Freedom Jalana was part of a group held hostage by the Galaran Resistance Front on Izar. The resistance group was about to blow up the hotel with the team in it, it was also the first time that Jalana had been directly threatened with a phaser.
  • 2390 - Psychological & Medical - During the mission Gate to the Gods on the Apollo, Jalana was among the crew members that were poisoned by the Eridean people, the inhabitants of a pre-warp civilization seeing the Constitution Crew as gods. She was close to death and only saved by the fast reaction of the Medical officer and the quick discovery of an antidote. During that time Jalana had an out-of-body experience and could hear and watch everything going on around her.
  • 2390 - Psychological - During the top-secret mission Omega one Jalana met the Borg for the first time. It lead to the assimilation and death of several crew members as well as the destruction of the USS-Apollo that she and the escaping crew just got away from. It left a real fear of the Borg within her.
  • 2391 - Drug addiction issues: Since the hostage situation on Izar, Jalana suffered from nightmares, that had only intensified with her almost death during the Iconian Gate Mission, the destruction of the Apollo through the Borg and later by the events around her ex-fiancé, who was arrested for the murder of his own father.
    • Due to those she started to self medicate to suppress her REM Sleep (the phase in which we dream) with Morphazine. As REM sleep is where she would rest, energize, process the events of the day or problems this did have an impact on her behaviour and personality. Jalana was constantly tired - which she countered again with medication (various uppers), it was easier to irritate her in contrast to her known chipper personality, she was not as stress-resistant as before and in addition, had audio hallucinations. It lead to her losing herself more and more.
    • Beginning with treatment through Chief Medical Officer Sundassa Faranster she began to clean up her act. While this has been a while, in Situations of Stress Jalana still shows signs like shaky hands and the loss of focus for a moment. She abstains from medications as much as possible, to not be tempted.
    • 2397 - Medical Jalana was confronted with having to explain why she did not want to receive a drug treatment during the Back to the Academy mission and explained her situation to Edward Spears, and began a more in-depth treatment with Counselor Saveron to deal with her past trauma and moments when she would reach for medical help.
  • 2392 - Trill Joining: The host of the Rajel Symbiont surprisingly died in an accident and Jalana was the closest Trill - who was also part of the symbiosis training program - in the vicinity. She traveled and underwent emergency surgery to be joined with Rajel.
  • 2397 - Psychological & Medical - During the Back to the Academy mission Jalana was part of the Senior Officers who were put to sleep by Aliens to relive their Academy time in a Dream World. A few mismatched wrong memories still remain in her mind but have no negative lasting effect.
  • 2399 - Psychological & Medical - During shore leave Jalana was kidnapped by the Orion Syndicate. During her time in captivity she was tortured and underwent a botchy surgery in which she was first poisoned and then separated from her symbiont. Cade Foster, Edward Spears and Talia Ohnari worked on getting rid of the poison and rejoining symbiont and host, physically her wounds are recovering. Mental recovery remains to be seen.
  • 2401 - Psychological & Medical - During imprisonment by Changelings Jalana Rajel carried several plasmaburns over her leg with her, that are treated and healed, though still cause her phantom pain at times. In an altercation with a Changeling after release she was attacked by said Changeling and lost her left eye. A new artificial eye is under consideration. Guilt of not being there for her crew as the crew was in direct danger of a hostile Changeling Take-over is still haunting her.

Personal Notes

Drinks and Food

This teabox, filled with original Jestral Tea from Betazed, was gifted to Jalana by S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian when she became CO of the USS Constitution

Jalana is helpless when it comes to cooking. She uses the replicator because even the easiest meal will either burn or otherwise fail. If using the Replicator she is very eager to experiment and try out new things and does not have any favourite. She still will have to figure out if that changed after her being joined.

Also she has a little problem with alcoholic beverages. Upon trying them she usually starts to cough and hyperventilate or spits them all over the bar to her own embarrassment. She did not find one yet, that did not cause this effect, although she keeps trying. But usually, she just sticks to non-alcoholic ones. Her favourite non-alcoholic mixed drink is 'Coconut Kiss' a Terran drink, but she exchanges the usual cherry juice against Trill Boulan Berry Juice. She learned about this drink during her academy time on Earth, introduced to her by her room-mate so she would not have to stick to water while everyone else had fancy drinks.

Jalana's favourite hot drink is Betazoid Jestral Tea. She learned to enjoy it during the training with her father, to calm her nerves. Jalana has received a Jestral plant from her friend Nugra which she is proud to have kept alive so far. When she wants to treat herself to something special, she makes tea fresh from its leaves.


Jalana's Quarters

When Jalana is concentrating, she bites her lower lip. Sometimes she slightly sticks out her tongue in the progress, though pulls it back as soon as she realizes that she does it.

Jalana is impulsive and has the habit to act first and think second. She has gotten better and limits it mostly to small and unimportant things, but it is good for her to have someone at her side holding her back when it's something important.

Jalana's habit of thinking of others first sometimes leads to her forgetting to take care of herself. She has to be reminded at times that she is just as important.

She takes a lot of things with a portion of humour. She believes that only because she has a serious profession, she does not have to be just as serious at all times. That also shows during duty. But she knows when to be serious.

Jalana does not like formalities and prefers to be on first-name basis with everyone. So it can happen that she does use the first name without asking first and also likes when others stick the 'Ma'am' elsewhere and rank and use her name.

Jalana's Trillian Flute


Jalana has learned to play the flute on Trill. The Trillian flute is a long wooden instrument with a small moveable wooden attachment, that allows a broad variety of tunes covering several octaves. It is able to be in harmony with various instruments due to this. Depending on the kind of song it can be simple or rather complicated to play. Of all instruments she had been trying as a child this was the only one she stuck to.

Goals and Ambitions

Jalana's Class Ring
Jalana's Conny Letterman Jacket
Jalana's Vss'Kot Dagger

Because Vivan Laxyn wanted his daughter to follow his footsteps to become a Diplomat and one-day Ambassador, he was not very supportive of Jalana's choices. In that dynamic, Jalana had the feeling to prove to her father that she can make it, even without his help. She managed to do that after he had a heart attack and she hurried to his side to help him. Not only was she the one treating him but they had a long talk and are on better terms now. She still puts a lot on his opinion.

Apria, one of her former hosts was Commanding Officer of the TPS Farel in the Trill Private Service. Apria was against Trill joining the Federation, as it also swallowed the Private Service to make it part of Starfleet. The experience of course throws shadows onto the way of Jalana's own command in Starfleet. She aims to find her own way, not too much influenced by Apria's CO style. Part of that is that she feels 'Captain Rajel' is Apria and not her, so rising above that rank and being called by her first name are part of her journey.

Her rank had not been part of her ambitions or goals but she is proud of how far she has come. Her personal goal is to be close to her crew and giving them a home where they know they are supported and appreciated as part of a family.


  • On duty: While the Uniform is self-explanatory, she prefers the skirt style and wears it whenever possible. She combines the knee-long skirt with knee-high boots. Now that she is not bound to Sick Bay anymore, she wears hair either in an up-do or loose.
  • Off Duty: Jalana prefers skirts and dresses to pants, which make her feel constrained and caged. She does wear them though if the style is loose enough for her. Her favourite colour to wear is dark green and teal, though she likes to experiment with other colors and if they go with her hair. If not for a special occasion she usually wears rather casual or casual chic. Usually, she wears her hair loose off duty.
  • Events and formal events: She will dress accordingly to events when attending these, even if the attire would not be her taste of making her feel foolish (for example special robes or barely covering attire for special occasions on different worlds).

Prized Possessions

Tea Box

A wooden Tea Box, filled with original Jestral Tea from Betazed, was gifted to Jalana by S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian when she became CO of the USS Constitution. The original tea leaves have been used up but she refills it. This tea is the only thing she actually _can_ brew herself.

Jestral Plant

Jalana gifted Nugra a Jestral Tea plant a long time ago and as it grew he regifted her one of the offshoots, that now grows and thrives in Jalana's quarters. She uses some of its leaves to dry them and use for tea. These leaves are what she now keeps in the Tea Box.

Vss'Kot Dagger

During the first time Jalana met Nugra, she saw a Vss'kot Dagger for the first time. Curious about the blade she asked him a million rapid-fire questions about it. That was how their relationship began. On SD 239212.31 Jalana was promoted to Captain by her friend Nugra. For that ocassion he gifted her her own handmade Gorn Vss'kot Dagger.

Nugra pulled out a black satin bundle and opened it. She only saw part of it when her eyes widened. No, that couldn't be! She remembered a blade like this, he had worn it during their first meeting and it had been part of the many questions she had asked him. This one had a beautiful orange gem in the silver engraved handle.

Nugra: You had once asked me about my Vss'Kot blade and I had explained to you that it is a way that a Captian of a vessel shows their achievements in the service of the leader. I present to you, this hand made Vss'Kot blade, to commemorate your rise to this hallowed position. Congratulations, ma'am!

She had raised her widened eyes up to him, in disbelief mostly. She got her very own hand made Vss'Kot blade? Carefully she took the bundle from him, her eyes lowering to it again, running the finger over the engraving in the handle. She felt overwhelmed and her vision blurred, this was an incredible honor and she couldn't help herself but stepped forward, throwing her arms around the big Gorn once more, careful not to nick him with the blade.

Not even a year later news reached Jalana that her friend Nugra had passed. The memorial service was at SD 239307.12 and his daughter Ndrassa processed her father's will to make a last gift to Jalana. It was a sparkling white gem, an "Oskoran Angel Crystal".

Ndrassa retrieved a small box and allowed the Trill to open it. It contained a sparkling white gem that was flat on one side.

Ndrassa: I believe this means you already have a Vss'Kot given to you by him. This gem is a Oskoran Angel crystal. In the Registry of Awards, it signifies someone who has faced terror and prevailed. He wanted you to have it for the perils you have faced as a sign of his respect for what you accomplished.

Jalana hadn’t expected that. She looked down to the gem Ndrassa held in her claws and after a moment of hesitation, she took it gingerly with the tips of her fingers, looking at it. A gentle smile washed over her lips, and the tingle in her nose returned. The meaning of the gem didn’t get lost on her. It was impossible to put into words how much this gift meant to her.

Jalana utilized the help of a Gorn Blacksmith to have the gem inserted in the hilt of her dagger. Even though through some miracle neither she nor Nugra can explain he returned to the realm of the living she holds this 'last gift' in highest regard.

African Violet

This plant was a gift from Alora DeVeau during a visit of Starbase 118 to celebrate Sal Taybrim's promotion to Commodore. The women spent some time together to get to know each other and Alora gifted Jalana the flower upon their first meeting.

It was of an off weight hue with mottled brown all over the body. The insert was of a more solid brown, coordinating nicely with the base. Settled into that insert, however, was a much more colourful occupant. Bright, crimson petals grew naturally in the shape of a star with a brilliant yellow stamen smack dab in the center, a golden heart to that stellar flower. Broad, smooth-edged leaves of a medium green sported lightly quilted lines and stretched out beneath the flowers like a fuzzy carpet.

Tea Set

During the Giftmas Celebrations in 2397 Jalana received a Porcellain Tea Set as gift from Lystra. This gift has a special place in her office, being suspended in a 'tractor beam' coming from a model Starbase 118 integrated into the room's design.

A wide grin on her face as the longer than it was wide box was eventually opened and the familiar sight of the USS Constitution-B sat within. Made of treated and tempered porcelain, it was a scaled down replica of the ship that everyone knew the Trill loved so dearly. Shiny, because Jalana loved giving shinies and should definitely receive one herself. Though the lines were smooth, there were clear segments and Lystra grabbed the left nacelle and pulled it off. Twisted it by the front, which unscrewed slowly and she held it upside down. It was decidedly cup or mug shaped.

Lystra: So, I know how much you like your tea. And the ship. So, I commissioned this over a year ago. It’s an entire tea set. ::She smiled bashfully for the first time the gifts she got were being opened:: The nacelles are cups. The body is where you keep the tea. It heats itself by tapping on the bridge. ::She gestured to the shuttlebay, pulling it out:: If you need a creamer or something, just pull out a runabout. ::Which she did, the liquid put it would clearly pour out of the nose:: And you can pour it out by removing the saucer section. ::Which came off exactly as the real thing, which she flipped upside down, then pressed the captain’s yacht which opened the saucer:: And you can put pastries in here. Which has a warmer too.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
2379 - 2383 Medical School Trill
Cadet 4th - 1st Class 2383 - 238906.11 Starfleet Academy Medical (including Residency)
STO Ensign Teal.jpg
Ensign 238906.11-238908.11 USS Apollo Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg
Lieutenant JG 238908.12-238908.20 USS Apollo Assistant Chief Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg
Lieutenant JG 238908.21-238912.10 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant Teal.jpg
Lieutenant 238912.10-239004.14 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg
Lieutenant Commander 239004.14-239008.24 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg
Lieutenant Commander 239008.24-239109.18 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer
STO LtCommander Red.jpg
Lieutenant Commander 239004.30-239108.07 USS Aegis (Transition-ship of Apollo Crew) Temporary First Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg
Lieutenant Commander 239008.24-239109.18 USS Apollo-A Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg
Lieutenant Commander 239102.01-239205.28 USS Apollo-A Medical Officer
STO Commander Red.jpg
Commander 239205.28-239212.31 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
STO Captain Red.jpg
Captain 239212.31-239602.21 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
STO FltCapt Red.jpg
Fleet Captain 239602.21-239706.03 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
STO Commodore Red.jpg
Commodore 239706.03-Present USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer






  • Homeschooling through Vivan Laxyn and Ilur (Family Butler) with the aim of Diplomatic graduation and a well-rounded general education
  • Medical school on Trill: General Medicine, Specialisation: Trill symbiosis and problems with symbionts
  • Residency in V'Rath Hospital on Trill: Emergency Medicine
  • Starfleet Academy: Specialisation: Xenobiology and Surgery
Jalana Laxyn
Starfleet Officer
Commissioned on 238806.11
Sidney Riley Arden Cain
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Additional Assets


NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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