StarFleet Serial Number Register
A StarFleet Serial Number is much like a social security number or an employee number: it is unique to the individual it is assigned to identifies them from other people, some of whom may happen to share the same name. An individual who works in StarFleet whether they are a cadet, non-commissioned officer or officer can be assigned one. A PC, 2PC, NPC, PNPC or any MSPNPC who has a wiki bio page and is recurring can be assigned one. It is completely optional, and a player may choose not to assign a StarFleet Serial Number to their character(s).
NOTEThis Serial Number is for IC (in character) purposes only. It differs from a Fleet Writer Serial Number, which is for OOC (out of character) identification purposes only. The Starfleet Serial Number may be referenced by your character if they are captured and interrogated, or during official processes such as transfers, assignment of temporary command or in-character performance reviews among many other scenarios. This number is never included in your signature and belongs to a character rather than a writer. You do not have to use a Starfleet Serial Number at any point unless you choose to do so. OverviewTo keep consistency, serial numbers always have two letters, a dash, three numbers, a dash, and three numbers:
The serial numbers can be listed among other character stats on a character's wiki bio page and is used in SB118 and on the 118 Wiki in a number of ways:
How to Register a Starfleet Serial Number
Starfleet Serial Numbers are sorted below alphabetically and numerically to make it easy to check if a particular serial number is already in use. Another way to check for specific numbers is to use the find function, which can be done on most browser by pressing Control + F. Before registering a serial number check that it has not already been registered. If it has a different one will have to be registered as there can be no duplicates.
The Register
Contents |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
AA - 188 - 005 | Valoru | AB - 294 - 660 | Gwen Gardener | AD - 840 - 906 | Greir Reinard |
AE - 837 - 516 | Marcus Raiden | AG - 374 -936 | Bas Nadia | AH - 755 - 003 | Adam Haase |
AS - 993 - 917 | Leo Handley-Page | AV - 164 - 876 | T'Mihn Ah'mygahn | AW - 341 - 985 | Alexander Williams |
AX - 100 - 256 | Seff | AZ - 159 - 930 | Carter Greyson | AC - 251- 984 | Sabrina Holly |
AF - 918 - 668 | Johanna MacLaren | AT - 248 -881 | Baylen Anders |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
BD - 330 - 336 | Andrus Jaxx | BH - 050 - 405 | Rendal Rennyn | BK - 520 - 671 | Brayden Jorey |
BO - 085 - 690 | Tyler Kelly | BR - 130 - 200 | Frank O'Malley | BW - 250 - 197 | Benjamin Livingston |
BY - 567 - 187 | Ben Edwards | - - | - - |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
CA-143-271 | Kai Rixx | CC-102-554 | Dr Dale McGregor | CE - 158 - 318 | Sabina Tiam |
CM-091-986 | Jansen Orrey | CP-213-002 | Darius Clack | CP-000-981 | Cadfael Peters |
CL-824-235 | Christopher Lambert | - - | - - |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
DC - 170 - 142 | Thomas Janeway | DC - 981 - 851 | Chythar Skyfire | DE - 959 - 746 | Varu Novin |
DJ - 385 - 263 | Karynn Brice | DJ - 385 - 986 | Lydie Ehlanii Brice | DT - 525 - 812 | Tya Dirsye |
DZ - 102 - 439 | Francis deMarc | DB-671-910 | Diego Beyett | DC - 109 - 464 | Dallas Wolfe |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
EL - 312 - 915 | Clio Athenodora Margariti | ER - 489 - 248 | Eerie | ET - 118 - 611 | Orsisius Kizito |
EW-112-385 | Alucard Vess | ED-514-987 | Lael Rosek | EG-166-768 | Shayne, Randal |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
FG - 476 - 293 | Kael Thomas | FL - 922 - 444 | Chen | FO - 961 - 415 | Alexander J. Matthews |
FZ - 654 - 731 | Sunny Peraino | FQ - 008 - 126 | Zinna |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
GN - 029 - 411 | Sidney Riley | GN - 413 - 527 | Ceciri Hakashri | GT - 165 - 728 | Tarsii Asmara |
GT - 190 -779 | Marcus Dickens | GV-112-794 | Zinna |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
HF - 863 - 247 | Lan Riel | HK - 554 - 372 | Diego Herrera | HM - 201 - 614 | Dueld taJoot |
HW-292-556 | Alana Larson | HW-331-002 | Ambrosia Hayley | - - |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
IA - 122 - 737 | Alexander Richards | IB - 143 - 889 | Liam Frost | IK - 455 - 268 | Ilyazi Malon |
IT - 564 - 733 | Steffen Andersson | IX - 472 - 518 | Nak'aqi Socxo | - - |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name
JC - 003 - 897 | Jonathan Cumar | JD - 069 - 311 | Akinor Onali Zaekia | JE - 750 - 199 | Michael Jellico |
JJ-724-017 | Cerissa Tyren | JK - 042 - 812 | Solara Androsia | JP - 009 - 030 | Johnathan Pike |
JP - 848 - 231 | Kaedyn Zehn | JQ - 415 - 599 | Msafiri Bakari | JR - 373 - 909 | Aleana Dennis |
JU-031-207 | Janel Tarna | JT - 182 - 012 | Jarred Thoran | JA - 703 - 968 | Anath G'Renn |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
KA-112-042 | Aigle Phos | KF-311-016 | Rune Jolara | KJ-642-718 | Jackford Kolk |
KJ-642-718-A* | James T. Kolk | KT-997-143 | Shedet | KD-350-116 | Nikki Ryan |
*Special case: duplicate of Jackford Kolk from alternate universe.
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
LA-992-625 | Frank Lynn | LC - 150 - 386 | Necessity James | LZ-916-654 | Valis |
LE - 924 - 156 | Lani Easterwood | LX - 927 - 844 | Colleen Bancroft |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
MC - 455 - 268 | Oxford Brown | MD - 081 - 598 | Grigoriy Davis | MD - 022 - 461 | Dassa Alexander |
MF - 378 - 472 | Mary Fenelli | MK - 017 - 020 | Maxwell Traenor | MM - 999 - 943 | Leland Bishop |
MP - 079 - 782 | Tsuki Kazeyama | MR - 575 - 079 | Mark Ricks | ||
MS - 178 - 234 | Alexander Morningstar | MT - 839 - 915 | Kimiko Chun | ||
MW - 596 - 399 | Cory Stoyer |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | ||
NI - 397 -295 | Francis Logan | NR - 873 - 294 | Nicholas Reed | NJ - 209 - 118 | Arden Cain | - - |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
OT-732-987 | Samuel Braddock | OY-265-032 | Rocko Stevens | OX-940-112 | R'raika Voss |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
PD - 231 - 131 | Kestra Varis | PK - 718 - 632 | Xanti Ilas Ysa Liss | PK-319-678 | Laura Baxter |
PR - 132 - 209 | Todd Manius | PS - 425 - 007 | Shar'Wyn Foster | PV-335-786 | Bowrapiquis Jetseen |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
QE-200-464 | Puddles Peraino | QJ - 921 - 238 | Chloe Mannin | QK-065-169 | Raj Blueheart |
QR-192-457 | Teyvion Kesaan | QT-778-994 | John Nugra |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | |
RA - 405 - 212 | Ronan Alekos | RL-274-619 | Alex Blair | RN-713-013 | Nathan Baker | RS-161-234 | Francis Ryan |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
SA - 171 - 889 | Atherton Grix | SB - 011 - 991 | Montague Klaus Eickleberger | SE - 381 - 568 | Varaan |
SH - 724 - 211 | Damian Wynter | SJ - 481 - 705 | Eileen McCleran | SL - 423 - 794 | T'Var Helling |
SR - 343 - 007 | Ta'lis Merek | SR - 742 - 737 | Sabor | SR - 777 - 042 | Solaris McLaren |
SU - 159 - 954 | Nicole Fullmer | SW - 251 - 977 | Akoni Soriano | SY - 520 - 014 | Brek |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
TA-221-808 | Lyanna Avery | TC-725-253 | Tristam Core | TR-371-928 | Ayiana Sevo |
TR-946-329 | Vincent Pierce | TS-773-651 | Della Vetri | TV-102-090 | Trellis Vondaryan |
TW -272 - 772 | Petra Bjarnadottir | TR-896-431 | Jalana Rajel | TX-936-420 | Caesar Hol |
TH-516-993 | Tasha MacFarlane | TS - 349 - 752 | Tu'Peq | TK - 615 - 360 | T'Karra |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
UB- 525 - 632 | Toni Lupo | US - 778 - 122 | Tallis Rhul | US - 548 - 277 | Jerry Reid |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
VA-731-349 | Syrol | VS-108-427 | Roshanara Rahman | VX-282-177 | Bryan MacRae |
VC-715-619 | Mirra Ezo |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
WA-602-023 | Gabriel Warwick | WC-511-743 | Ilene Torza | WL-972-884 | T'Pen |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
XR - 815 - 001 | Abiona Moura | XS - 223 - 746 | Nugra | XO - 022 - 393 | Kinan Venroe |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
YO - 192 - 214 | Eewon Saroa | YS - 118 - 482 | Paul Scudder | YU - 715 - 630 | Sal Taybrim |
Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name | Serial Number | Name |
ZB-571-097 | Ann'ita H’tok’An’l | ZP - 314 - 159 | James | ZZ - 000 - 001 | Vian Nova |
Contents |