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USS Constitution
STO Commodore Red.jpg
STO Commodore Red.jpg
Jalana Rajel
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commodore
Species Trill (Joined)
Gender Female
DOB 235902.29
Age 43
Birthplace Trill, Mak'ala
Writer ID A238906JL0

Serial Number TR-896-431

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Awards Staff KirkCrossMedal 2011.jpg
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Silver Palm
Strange Medallion
Neelix Award
Prantares Ribbon
Kalendra Award
1-year Member
3-year Member
5-year Member
B-Plot Award
Russ Bar
Nebula Bar
Sarpeidon Award
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award
Pathfinder Award
Laudean Commendation
5-year Commanding Officer
James T. Kirk Cross
Sarek Star
Christopher Pike Pendant

Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
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Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
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Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg

Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Klingon Invasion Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Purple Heart
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
Explorer's Ribbon
Gateway Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Prometheus Ribbon
Starship Commander Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
Diplomacy Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon

Excellence in Training
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio Team Member
Badge 1.png
Writing Challenge Winner
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Writing Challenge Runner Up
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Writing Challenge Judge
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Top Sim Round Winner
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Top Sim Judge
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Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Runner Up
Badge 2.png
Graphic Contest Judge
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Fall Festival Team
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Team Facilitator
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Team Facilitator - Silver
Badge 2.png
Team Facilitator - Gold
Badge 1.png
Image Collective Member
Badge 1.png
Badge 1.png
Community Ambassador
Badge 1.png
20th Annual Awards Attendee
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Chat Trivia Participant
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Facilitator Citation
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Awards Ceremony Nominator
Badge 1.png
25th Anniversary
Badge 1.png
Commemorative Coins
Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png
Player Achievements
Combined effort
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Market haggler
Your mind to my mind
Meet the Joneses
Chit Chat

Jalana Rajel is the Commanding Officer on the USS Constitution-B. She is a joined Trill and prefers to be addressed as Jalana, as she herself prefers non-formality over formalities. She is the seventh host of the Rajel symbiont.


  • Birth name Name: Jalana Laxyn
  • Joined: 2392
  • Telepathic status: none
  • ID Number: TR-896-431


  • Height: 1.65m (about 5'5)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green

Family & Relationships

  • Mother: Caline Laxyn, Botanist/Gardener
  • Father: Vivan Laxyn, Ambassador
  • Brother: Prax Laxyn, Architect
  • Marital Status: Single
VivanLaxyn.jpg Vivan Laxyn
Vivan Laxyn is a Trill Ambassador. When Jalana was young, he already started to prepare her to follow his footsteps, trained her and took her with him to Banquets to make the transition easy for her. He is unhappy about her decision to become a Doctor and does not support her. The relationship was tense and since she left Trill they have not spoken with each other. In 2393 Vivan suffered from a severe heart attack, which led to Jalana visiting Trill to take care of him. In that time they had time to speak and while it will take a while to heal that relationship, they are back to speaking terms and work on their connection together.
CalineLaxyn.jpg Caline Laxyn
Caline Laxyn is an easy-going Botanist, who thinks that happiness in life is to live one's dream or at least follow it. Therefore she is supportive of her children, whatever they wish to pursue as long as it makes them happy. She is the voice of reason in the Laxyn Household but also can have quite a temper if nobody seems to listen to her. In the case of the relationship between her husband and Jalana she does not have much success with the reasoning part though.
PraxLaxyn.jpg Prax Laxyn
Prax is 10 years younger than Jalana and has not shown any interest in Diplomacy ever. With Vivan focusing that on Jalana he did not even try to push Prax into that direction. The age difference between Prax and Jalana has not always made things easy, but they love each other. He follows his dream and became an Architect. He lives with his boyfriend of 8 years, Weyan, in their own place in Mak'ala on Trill.
Siance Thyar.png Siance Thyar
Former Host's Daughter
Siance came to the Constitution to find her father, just to find out that he had died and the Symbiont with him was now in the Commanding Officer Jalana. For over a year Siance had accumulated her courage before confiding into Commander Saveron. Together they spoke with Jalana who had to take time to cope with the new information and figure out what to do. Finally after all together two years she opened up to Siance about Suril. While Siance is the daughter of a former host Jalana now sees her as family and wishes to build a relationship with Siance, who is still seeking for a lot of answers.

LANIUSPILOT.jpg Viktor Lanius
It all had started as a simple 'Bring her to the Bridge', but as things go, that was not the end. During an R&R evening on the Holodeck that brought the crew into an old fashioned Casino Viktor was willing to teach her Poker and she had enjoyed the time at his side. But it took another R&R at the beach of Shinraka, that he asked her out. While spending time with him in a holo-version of his home on earth he confessed that he liked her and she returned these feelings. After Jalana fought with a small fit of jealousy, when she met one of Viktor's old flames on SB 118, Viktor confessed his love to her; feelings she undeniably returned. After being held as hostages during shore leave on Izar they spend time wandering through a forest and watching the beauty of a sunrise, as Viktor surprised her with proposing, she happily agreed. During shore leave Viktor and Jalana visited Earth to get to know his parents, but things did not go as wished. Not too long after when Viktor's mother was on her death bed, he left once more without her, but after his return he was not the same as before. About a week later Jalana got the bad news of him being arrested for murder. Upon trying to contact him, he refused to talk to her and relayed a message of her being free to live her life... without him.
Jerome Milsap.png Jerome Milsap
Ex Partner
It started with breakfast as a welcome and has grown into a friendship and later into more than that. It took both over a year to figure out their feelings for each other, but in December 2393 they finally made it official and started dating. In 2395 Jerome had to leave the Constitution for private family business. While he visited once for a week in 2396 nobody knows when or if he will return. So in late 2397 the pair broke it off.
Caydenav.jpg Cayden Adyr
When Jalana had learned that she will need a mentor to remain in the symbiosis program Viktor Lanius suggested Cayden as logical choice. Jalana did not know any other joined Trill in the vicinity and instead of getting a stranger to her side from the commission, she decided to ask Cayden, who agreed to mentor her through her training. Even now after Jalana has been joined she continues her friendship with Cayden.
Tmar.jpg T'Mar
T'Mar and Jalana had been serving together for a while years ago on the USS Apollo. Shortly before the ship had been destroyed by the Borg, T'Mar was transferred to the USS Gemini as First Officer. Years later while serving on the Apollo-A T'Mar returned into her life and they picked up where they had left off. They continued to work together after the crew moved to the Constitution. For a while with T'Mar as XO, otherwise in various other positions. When Jalana found out that T'Mar used drugs to get rid of her emotions, the friends got into a huge fight. T'Mar is still not speaking with her.
ColonelNugra.png Nugra
The first time Jalana met Nugra was when he had come on board of the USS Apollo, to attend Sundassa Faranster's promotion as her Academy trainer. Jalana had been very curious and had asked him a lot of questions about him, the Gorn, and the traditional blade he was carrying with him. Over time Nugra and Jalana had grown closer and formed a friendship. He is rather protective of her which lead to him storming the Conny when Starfleet Intelligence had detained her and took the ship, to rid the Conny and Jalana of SFI. He also was the one promoting her to Captain and at the same time honoring her with gifting her very own Vss'Kot blade. Learning of his death has been a tragedy for her. The more shocking it was when it turned out that he was actually alive and while she still doesn't understand how that happened she is grateful for her friend being alive. Whenever they meet it feels like they had never parted and their friendship grew to what one could call 'BFF's.
Teryn in uniform.jpg Teryn Vehk
Colleague, Childhood Acquaintance
During Jalana's upbringing Jalana has been taken to many diplomatic events by her father. As a child these were boring to her, so she gravitated around other children of the important men and women at these event. Teryn had been one of them, the nephew of Legate Trevok Vehk. They spent quite some time together over the course of childhood and teenage years, with Jalana being about 10 years older than him. They did not quite become friends, because she found his behaviour exhausting, rude, and impossible. They met again later when he was transferred to the Constitution as Tactical Officer, much to his dismay. While he is not serving on the Conny any more they remain in infrequent contact.
RustyyHael.png Rustyy Hael
During his time on the Constitution, Jalana has grown frond of Rustyy rather quickly. While she did not always understand him she felt at ease with him. As she had to crawl through rough Jeffrey's tubes during one mission to find Rustyy and get him out, which lead to her ripping her stockings, it had become a running gag between the two and when he left the ship he gifted her a new pack, that she still has not opened and treasures.
Sal Taybrim Captain.png Sal Taybrim
During various occasions the two -now- commanding officers met and hit it off right away. They had quickly become friends and keep frequent contact. Jalana had the honor to visit Sal on Starbase 118 and promote him to Captain in 2393 which only deepened their bond.
Cade Foster.png Cade Foster
While many people may see Cade as the resident grump, Jalana sees him as an invaluable part of her crew. She met him when he came on board to visit his son Shar'Wyn Foster and simply kept him. He joined the medical department and even though he left in between, when he returned and requested to work on the Conny she welcomed him back with joy. More than once his experience and no-nonsense behaviour was what Jalana needed. Jalana feels a connection with Cade and values him as a close friend.
Sarah Mason.png Sarah Mason
Sarah first came on board to become the First Officer on the Conny. Even though the position changed several times she has been an integral part to the crew and quickly became a friend to Jalana she can trust.
Sav1uniformbackground.jpg Saveron
While Saveron is the Crew's Counselor and hence a part of everyone's life, for Jalana he is more than just that. Saveron often had been her shoulder to lean on, her ear to talk nonsense into, her voice of reason. He has seen sides of her nobody else has and more than once he was the person to calm her down or hold her back when she was about to do something reckless. Outside of his position he has grown to become a close friend to Jalana.
The Protagonists
Thomas Prendar.png Thomas Prendar
Jalana met Thomas Prendar for the first time when he came to the Apollo-A under command of Acting CO Lt.Cmdr. Akeelah D'Sena. He came on board for an investigation and was hellbound to remove the ship from D'Sena's command. It was avoided but it was not the last time she saw him. The next time he visited the Constitution for an investigation of the time travel mission 1914 under Jalana's command and almost managed to remove her from command. In the last moment, it was stopped after Starfleet HQ found out what was going on and sent Nugra to remove Prendar from the ship. He attempted the same thing once more but was stopped by Headquarters again. Throughout the following years, Thomas Prendar popped up in Jalana's life at random locations and for random reasons. It always felt like he was around watching her, making her life difficult. Be is spewing threats with a smile during the wedding of her friend Selene, or unnecessary personal signage for paperwork that brought him to the Constitution. He is one of the few people who can break through Jalana's friendly demeanour and infuriate her with a simple greeting.

Olen Varel.jpg Olen Varel *Born in 2032
  • Joined 2055
  • Death: 2013, Age 71
  • Family: Married to Pinar, one daughter: Iren

Olen was a successful and rather popular author before being joined, he wrote numerous amounts of non-fiction novels, philosophical works, poetry and more. After being joined none of his books hit off the ground anymore. Because he needed to write to live, he ended up writing fiction novels, that did not have any impact on society like his former books but were popular enough to earn him a living. The pressure of being the first host for the Rajel symbiont was too much for him to be. In combination with the wish to make an impact and not being able to overcome his block, he slipped into depression. He received an award for his work, but upon realisation that he earned it with his fiction, he was not able to bear the shame and pressure anymore and ended his life.

Zindara Jerin.jpg Zindara Jerin *Born: 2176
  • Joined: 2203
  • Death: 2233, Age 57

Zindara was an innovative and successful fashion designer. If not working on her designs, she lived rather reclusive and private. There is not much known about her, but that she never married and had no children. The cause of her death is unknown, memories have been blocked by the commission.

Apria Navile.jpg Apria Navile *Born: 2204
  • Joined: 2233
  • Death: 2295, Age 91
  • Family: Married to Saril, 3 adopted children: Gora, Udel, Triina

Apria was born into a military family. Her parents were part of the Trill Private Service, and she followed his footsteps. Through the years she worked her path up to being commandant of her own ship, the Farel. One of her various accomplishments was the transport of Mida Shayzier, leader of Sicarius, after his arrest in 2248 on Trill. Apria transported and handed him over to the Klingon Empire where he was executed. When Trill joined the United Federation of Planets in 2285 the Trill Private service was disbanded. Apria opposed the Federation and refused to join their ranks. She retired and died 10 years later, peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by her family.

Waeyna Zerin.jpg Waeyna Zerin *Born: 2295
  • Joined: 2304
  • Death: 2340, Age 45
  • Family: Engaged to Eryl

Waeyna was an engaged Zoologist. She traveled all over Trill to find animals that were not yet discovered, to research and get to know them and their 'essence'. She died doing exactly that, bitten by an unknown insect which lead to an Anaphylaxis.

Arlen Tenar.jpg Arlen Tenar *Born: 2321
  • Joined 2344
  • Dead: 2387, Age 66
  • Family: Married to Kilan

Arlen was a police officer on Trill in the VPD (Vran's Police Department). He climbed up the ranks up to the Earth equivalent of a Chief. He refused to climb further, as he loved being in the field and did not want to end up behind a desk. He was murdered on duty.

Suril Wenar.jpg Suril Wenar *Born: 2354
  • Joined: 2387
  • Death: 2392, Age 38
  • Family: No spouse, 2 children he never met

Suril was an Agricultural engineer, working on ways to improve and optimize cultivating and harvesting crops, innovating new ideas for machinery and tools and so on. He visited many conferences to exchange ideas with engineers of other species. On the way from a conference to another, he died of an accident. Slipping after a shower, he hit his head and broke his neck.

Personal History

Jalana was born into the family of a Diplomat and a Botanist, who always wanted the best for their child. As many other times, when having good intentions, they do not work out as well as thought. Knowing that his position would bring prestige and a good life, Vivan Laxyn started early to do everything that Jalana would one day follow his footsteps. So the girl did not visit schools, but was taught by her father in everything she would have to know for this fate. But Jalana was never really interested in this field of expertise. Already early she wanted to help people in a different way.

It took her quite a bit to finally 'come out' to her parents, letting them know that she wanted to become a Doctor. In contrast to her mother, her father did not like this at all and kicked her out of the house and tried to stop her with his influence, but Jalana stood up against him and followed her dream. After graduation from school and passing the tests of Medical school she enrolled. She knew during her training that she wanted to do more and applied for Star Fleet Academy, to go there after her medical training would conclude.


She had to do the tests for Academy two times and just a week before she graduated from Medical School she got the message that she was accepted. As soon as she had her graduation letter in her hand she left Trill joining Star Fleet.

While Jalana was at Academy she never did regret that step and enjoyed her training, even though it was harder than she expected. During her fifth year she was surprised by a message from the Symbiosis commission of Trill that she was also accepted for taking tests to become an initiate. Finding out that her parents had send her application she first ignored it but then became curious if she could do it. Surprisingly she passed the tests but did not hear anything from the Commission after that. First she told herself, that they had a lot of applicants so it would take a while, but after some time she forgot about it and went on with her StarFleet Medical Training.

In the year 2389 she finally finished the Academy, and was stationed on the USS Apollo. As of Stardate 239104.30 she has been declared Doctor med. by the Medical Commission.

On Stardate 239108.22 Jalana learned that Viktor Lanius had been arrested by Starfleet. He was charged with several murders and the attack on another person, in that progress, he had been removed from Starfleet and was sentenced to life in prison. Jalana has not taken the news well and was moved from her Chief Medical Officer position down to ACMO and slipped into a drug addiction to cope (See Medical section).

Noticing that she had more trouble getting through the situation, she requested to be lowered to Medical Officer to be able to focus on getting better. On SD 239202.01 the request was granted. On the very same day though, she received a call from the Trill Symbiosis commission and was sent to an emergency joining. Since the symbiont would not have survived a longer trip back to the homeworld, she agreed and met the USS Nemia to receive the symbiont. She is the seventh host of the Rajel Symbiont.

On SD 239205.28 she has been promoted to Commander and has received Command over the USS Constitution-B, relayed through Captain Shelther Faranster, which was a big surprise to her. The biggest part of the Apollo crew had been transferred to the Constitution to serve under her in the Talos Sector.

After returning from a time travel mission in 1914, Jalana has been promoted to Captain on SD 239212.31 by Nugra, who came to visit the Constitution. He also honored her by gifting her a Vss'Kot blade, a Gorn dagger, that had an orange gem embedded into the silver, engraved handle, with the words: "You had once asked me about my Vss'Kot blade and I had explained to you that it is a way that a Captian of a vessel shows their achievements in the service of the leader. I present to you, this hand made Vss'Kot blade, to commemorate your rise to this hallowed position."

In 2394 the Constitution moves from the Talos Sector to the Marchlands, a region in the Far South of the Federation. On SD 239602.21 Jalana was promoted by Admiral Heraan to Fleet Captain.

In 2397, following the The Great Gas Dive Mission Jalana is accused of violating numerous General Orders and Directives and is court-martialed. With the help of her Defense Lawyer Aria Maddox and combined efforts of her crew, proof is brought up that someone tried to frame her and the case is dropped by the Prosecutor Skepus.

Medical and Counseling Notes


  • Insect bites - Can lead to anaphylactic shock due to chemical imbalance with the Symbiont
  • Slight milk intolerance. Jalana reacts to it like she is drunk
  • May have reactions to transporter beam processes due to the symbiont but takes a hypo to catch the worse

Medical and Psychological History

  • 2390 - Psychological - During the Apollo Mission The Price of Freedom Jalana was part of a group held hostage by the Galaran Resistance Front on Izar. The resistance group was about to blow up the hotel with the team in it, it was also the first time that Jalana had been directly threatened with a phaser.
  • 2390 - Psychological & Medical - During the mission Gate to the Gods on the Apollo, Jalana was among the crew members that were poisoned by the Eridean people, the inhabitants of a pre-warp civilization seeing the Constitution Crew as gods. She was close to death and only saved by the fast reaction of the Medical officer and the quick discovery of an antidote. During that time Jalana had an out-of-body experience and could hear and watch everything going on around her.
  • 2390 - Psychological - During the top-secret mission Omega one Jalana met the Borg for the first time. It lead to the assimilation and death of several crew members as well as the destruction of the USS-Apollo that she and the escaping crew just got away from. It left a real fear of the Borg within her.
  • 2391 - Drug addiction issues: Since the hostage situation on Izar, Jalana suffered from nightmares, that had only intensified with her almost death during the Iconian Gate Mission, the destruction of the Apollo through the Borg and later by the events around her ex-fiancé, who was arrested for the murder of his own father.
    • Due to those she started to self medicate to suppress her REM Sleep (the phase in which we dream) with Morphazine. As REM sleep is where she would rest, energize, process the events of the day or problems this did have an impact on her behaviour and personality. Jalana was constantly tired - which she countered again with medication (various uppers), it was easier to irritate her in contrast to her known chipper personality, she was not as stress-resistant as before and in addition, had audio hallucinations. It lead to her losing herself more and more.
    • Beginning with treatment through Chief Medical Officer Sundassa Faranster she began to clean up her act. While this has been a while, in Situations of Stress Jalana still shows signs like shaky hands and the loss of focus for a moment. She abstains from medications as much as possible, to not be tempted.
    • 2397 - Medical Jalana was confronted with having to explain why she did not want to receive a drug treatment during the Back to the Academy mission and explained her situation to Edward Spears, and began a more in-depth treatment with Counselor Saveron to deal with her past trauma and moments when she would reach for medical help.
  • 2392 - Trill Joining: The host of the Rajel Symbiont surprisingly died in an accident and Jalana was the closest Trill - who was also part of the symbiosis training program - in the vicinity. She traveled and underwent emergency surgery to be joined with Rajel.
  • 2397 - Psychological & Medical - During the Back to the Academy mission Jalana was part of the Senior Officers who were put to sleep by Aliens to relive their Academy time in a Dream World. A few mismatched wrong memories still remain in her mind but have no negative lasting effect.

Personal Notes

Drinks and Food

This teabox, filled with original Jestral Tea from Betazed, was gifted to Jalana by S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian when she became CO of the USS Constitution

Jalana is helpless when it comes to cooking. She uses the replicator because even the easiest meal will either burn or otherwise fail. If using the Replicator she is very eager to experiment and try out new things and does not have any favourite. She still will have to figure out if that changed after her being joined.

Also she has a little problem with alcoholic beverages. Upon trying them she usually starts to cough and hyperventilate or spits them all over the bar to her own embarrassment. She did not find one yet, that did not cause this effect, although she keeps trying. But usually, she just sticks to non-alcoholic ones. Her favourite non-alcoholic mixed drink is 'Coconut Kiss' a Terran drink, but she exchanges the usual cherry juice against Trill Boulan Berry Juice. She learned about this drink during her academy time on Earth, introduced to her by her room-mate so she would not have to stick to water while everyone else had fancy drinks.

Jalana's favourite hot drink is Betazoid Jestral Tea. She learned to enjoy it during the training with her father, to calm her nerves. Jalana has received a Jestral plant from her friend Nugra which she is proud to have kept alive so far. When she wants to treat herself to something special, she makes tea fresh from its leaves.


Jalana's Quarters

When Jalana is concentrating, she bites her lower lip. Sometimes she slightly sticks out her tongue in the progress, though pulls it back as soon as she realizes that she does it.

Jalana is impulsive and has the habit to act first and think second. She has gotten better and limits it mostly to small and unimportant things, but it is good for her to have someone at her side holding her back when it's something important.

Jalana's habit of thinking of others first sometimes leads to her forgetting to take care of herself. She has to be reminded at times that she is just as important.

She takes a lot of things with a portion of humour. She believes that only because she has a serious profession, she does not have to be just as serious at all times. That also shows during duty. But she knows when to be serious.

Jalana does not like formalities and prefers to be on first-name basis with everyone. So it can happen that she does use the first name without asking first and also likes when others stick the 'Ma'am' elsewhere and rank and use her name.

Jalana's Trillian Flute


Jalana has learned to play the flute on Trill. The Trillian flute is a long wooden instrument with a small moveable wooden attachment, that allows a broad variety of tunes covering several octaves. It is able to be in harmony with various instruments due to this. Depending on the kind of song it can be simple or rather complicated to play. Of all instruments she had been trying as a child this was the only one she stuck to.

Goals and Ambitions

Jalana's Class Ring
Jalana's Conny Letterman Jacket
Jalana's Vss'Kot Dagger

Because Vivan Laxyn wanted his daughter to follow his footsteps to become a Diplomat and one-day Ambassador, he was not very supportive of Jalana's choices. In that dynamic, Jalana had the feeling to prove to her father that she can make it, even without his help. She managed to do that after he had a heart attack and she hurried to his side to help him. Not only was she the one treating him but they had a long talk and are on better terms now. She still puts a lot on his opinion.

Apria, one of her former hosts was Commanding Officer of the TPS Farel in the Trill Private Service. Apria was against Trill joining the Federation, as it also swallowed the Private Service to make it part of Starfleet. The experience of course throws shadows onto the way of Jalana's own command in Starfleet. She aims to find her own way, not too much influenced by Apria's CO style. Part of that is that she feels 'Captain Rajel' is Apria and not her, so rising above that rank and being called by her first name are part of her journey.

Her rank had not been part of her ambitions or goals but she is proud of how far she has come. Her personal goal is to be close to her crew and giving them a home where they know they are supported and appreciated as part of a family.


  • On duty: While the Uniform is self-explanatory, she prefers the skirt style and wears it whenever possible. She combines the knee-long skirt with knee-high boots. Now that she is not bound to Sick Bay anymore, she wears hair either in an up-do or loose.
  • Off Duty: Jalana prefers skirts and dresses to pants, which make her feel constrained and caged. She does wear them though if the style is loose enough for her. Her favourite colour to wear is dark green and teal, though she likes to experiment with other colors and if they go with her hair. If not for a special occasion she usually wears rather casual or casual chic. Usually, she wears her hair loose off duty.
  • Events and formal events: She will dress accordingly to events when attending these, even if the attire would not be her taste of making her feel foolish (for example special robes or barely covering attire for special occasions on different worlds).

Prized Possessions

Tea Box

A wooden Tea Box, filled with original Jestral Tea from Betazed, was gifted to Jalana by S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian when she became CO of the USS Constitution. The original tea leaves have been used up but she refills it. This tea is the only thing she actually _can_ brew herself.

Jestral Plant

Jalana gifted Nugra a Jestral Tea plant a long time ago and as it grew he regifted her one of the offshoots, that now grows and thrives in Jalana's quarters. She uses some of its leaves to dry them and use for tea. These leaves are what she now keeps in the Tea Box.

Vss'Kot Dagger

During the first time Jalana met Nugra, she saw a Vss'kot Dagger for the first time. Curious about the blade she asked him a million rapid-fire questions about it. That was how their relationship began. On SD 239212.31 Jalana was promoted to Captain by her friend Nugra. For that ocassion he gifted her her own handmade Gorn Vss'kot Dagger.

Nugra pulled out a black satin bundle and opened it. She only saw part of it when her eyes widened. No, that couldn't be! She remembered a blade like this, he had worn it during their first meeting and it had been part of the many questions she had asked him. This one had a beautiful orange gem in the silver engraved handle.

Nugra: You had once asked me about my Vss'Kot blade and I had explained to you that it is a way that a Captian of a vessel shows their achievements in the service of the leader. I present to you, this hand made Vss'Kot blade, to commemorate your rise to this hallowed position. Congratulations, ma'am!

She had raised her widened eyes up to him, in disbelief mostly. She got her very own hand made Vss'Kot blade? Carefully she took the bundle from him, her eyes lowering to it again, running the finger over the engraving in the handle. She felt overwhelmed and her vision blurred, this was an incredible honor and she couldn't help herself but stepped forward, throwing her arms around the big Gorn once more, careful not to nick him with the blade.

Not even a year later news reached Jalana that her friend Nugra had passed. The memorial service was at SD 239307.12 and his daughter Ndrassa processed her father's will to make a last gift to Jalana. It was a sparkling white gem, an "Oskoran Angel Crystal".

Ndrassa retrieved a small box and allowed the Trill to open it. It contained a sparkling white gem that was flat on one side.

Ndrassa: I believe this means you already have a Vss'Kot given to you by him. This gem is a Oskoran Angel crystal. In the Registry of Awards, it signifies someone who has faced terror and prevailed. He wanted you to have it for the perils you have faced as a sign of his respect for what you accomplished.

Jalana hadn’t expected that. She looked down to the gem Ndrassa held in her claws and after a moment of hesitation, she took it gingerly with the tips of her fingers, looking at it. A gentle smile washed over her lips, and the tingle in her nose returned. The meaning of the gem didn’t get lost on her. It was impossible to put into words how much this gift meant to her.

Jalana utilized the help of a Gorn Blacksmith to have the gem inserted in the hilt of her dagger. Even though through some miracle neither she nor Nugra can explain he returned to the realm of the living she holds this 'last gift' in highest regard.

African Violet

This plant was a gift from Alora DeVeau during a visit of Starbase 118 to celebrate Sal Taybrim's promotion to Commodore. The women spent some time together to get to know each other and Alora gifted Jalana the flower upon their first meeting.

It was of an off weight hue with mottled brown all over the body. The insert was of a more solid brown, coordinating nicely with the base. Settled into that insert, however, was a much more colourful occupant. Bright, crimson petals grew naturally in the shape of a star with a brilliant yellow stamen smack dab in the center, a golden heart to that stellar flower. Broad, smooth-edged leaves of a medium green sported lightly quilted lines and stretched out beneath the flowers like a fuzzy carpet.

Tea Set

During the Giftmas Celebrations in 2397 Jalana received a Porcellain Tea Set as gift from Lystra. This gift has a special place in her office, being suspended in a 'tractor beam' coming from a model Starbase 118 integrated into the room's design.

A wide grin on her face as the longer than it was wide box was eventually opened and the familiar sight of the USS Constitution-B sat within. Made of treated and tempered porcelain, it was a scaled down replica of the ship that everyone knew the Trill loved so dearly. Shiny, because Jalana loved giving shinies and should definitely receive one herself. Though the lines were smooth, there were clear segments and Lystra grabbed the left nacelle and pulled it off. Twisted it by the front, which unscrewed slowly and she held it upside down. It was decidedly cup or mug shaped.

Lystra: So, I know how much you like your tea. And the ship. So, I commissioned this over a year ago. It’s an entire tea set. ::She smiled bashfully for the first time the gifts she got were being opened:: The nacelles are cups. The body is where you keep the tea. It heats itself by tapping on the bridge. ::She gestured to the shuttlebay, pulling it out:: If you need a creamer or something, just pull out a runabout. ::Which she did, the liquid put it would clearly pour out of the nose:: And you can pour it out by removing the saucer section. ::Which came off exactly as the real thing, which she flipped upside down, then pressed the captain’s yacht which opened the saucer:: And you can put pastries in here. Which has a warmer too.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
2379 - 2383 Medical School Trill
Cadet 4th - 1st Class 2383 - 238906.11 Starfleet Academy Medical (including Residency)
STO Ensign Teal.jpg
Ensign 238906.11-238908.11 USS Apollo Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg
Lieutenant JG 238908.12-238908.20 USS Apollo Assistant Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant JG 238908.21-238912.10 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant 238912.10-239004.14 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239004.14-239008.24 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239008.24-239109.18 USS Apollo Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239004.30-239108.07 USS Aegis (Transition-ship of Apollo Crew) Temporary First Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239008.24-239109.18 USS Apollo-A Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239102.01-239205.28 USS Apollo-A Medical Officer
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Commander 239205.28-239212.31 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
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Captain 239212.31-239602.21 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
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Fleet Captain 239602.21-239706.03 USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
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Commodore 239706.03-Present USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer
"Slither, Slither in the Night" The USS Apollo, after dispatching a discovered Borg scout ship to a transport tug, resumes her primary mission to explore the Typhon Sector. Her first mission is to locate the missing USS Nelson and find out what happened to her. Soon, the ship was discovered adrift in space. In an effort to complete its mission, is facing a double-edged dilemma. This mission was Jalana's maiden voyage. She did not have any time to get warm with the crew or the medical staff, before she was thrown into a packed Sick Bay. Because the CMO was part of the away Team Jalana had to fight through this on her own and her time in the Emergency Room during her residency helped her to stay calm and shine within the chaos.
"Vantage Point (Summer Blockbuster)" The USS Apollo was recalled to the Trinity Sector as tensions between the Romulans and Klingons got worse. With tensions flaring, and the threat of an assassination attempt on a high-level Cardassian diplomat, the crew must endure a race against time to stop it from happening. Meanwhile, the USS Victory departed StarBase 118 heading for the Thracian Alliance. Their encounter would require them to enlist help from the Apollo.
Above and Beyond After receiving word from Admiral Luke Reider that someone was securing the elements to synthesize cobalt diselenide, the USS Apollo was dispatched to investigate the situation. A research station on Quatal Minor was hypothesized to be the base of operations for the manufacturing of biogenic weapons. The crew must uncover what is going on within the walls of the research facility and who is behind the procurement of the weapons. While the Away Team checked on the planet, Jalana was invited to stay on the bridge until she was needed in Sick Bay. It was a new experience for her to be in the middle of the happenings and also her first time to 'have' the bridge when Captain Jaxx used the quiet time to check on things. After the Apollo made out a visiting Cardassian freighter approaching the planet, Jalana also had her first time in leading an Away Team to check on the cargo of this ship. She found this exciting but was needed in Sick Bay before she could finish her work. The away teams came back and had to be cut off the rest of the crew in quarantine because of possible infection with a modified version of cobalt diselenide. But not only that was a problem, also that Alan William's heart condition had become worse and she had to proceed with a heart surgery right away. Almost had she lost the Science Officer as his heart gave up, but he got through. It had been one of the closest call she had in her career so far.
The Price of Freedom Izar is the home to the Starfleet Tactical School, and the shore leave destination for the crew of the Apollo. After they arrived, the Apollo, with a skeleton crew, was dispatched to the nearest starbase for a quick resupply, leaving the senior staff and many others on the planet to enjoy some time off. Unbeknownst to them, a group of freedom fighters from a nearby system had hatched a plan to bring attention to the plight of their people. After requesting Federation intervention and being denied, the resistance fighters were desperate. One way or another, they would have the attention they needed... A small group of the Galaran Resistance took the group of Senior Officers hostage as they were sitting for dinner in the hotel's own restaurant. Jalana faced her very first hostage situation and not only that, more than once she found herself at the wrong side of the rifle, for wanting to do her job. Helping another hostage who suffered from a heart attack and Cmdr. Tel-ar as he is badly wounded brought her into the position to place demands to the hostage-takers and grow beyond the typical line of duty.
Gate to the gods Scans of a region show unusual results, that leads to further investigation. The source of these strange readings is an Iconian gateway that is found on a planet somewhere in the countryside, though with a post-warp civilization. This gate shows only one image. The other side is a fixed Gateway too. The crew begins to explore the other side. A civilization that is far back in time without own technology. The strange readings though remain and they find tools of high tech level and are greeted by the inhabitants of the planet as gods. What happened here? Jalana did not enjoy being seen as a deity, but it has been a special treat for her, to be able to work with the healer of the village. Going back to the roots of medicine. When after three days those appeared who had been showing up at the village as gods for 50 years the plans to rid the Eridean people from the 'False Gods' is in danger. That is also what the false gods notice and they deliberately poison the mayor hoping she will pass the poison on to the Starfleet team. She succeeds to a part. Among the affected was Jalana, who had a strange out-of-body experience while the poison took over her body. Thanks to her friend and former Assistant Sundassa and Captain Jaxx an antidote was found and the crew (all but one) returned to the Apollo.

"Medina Ascending" On their way to Starbase 11 - the Constitution's new home base - the crew receives a distress call from a freighter. Upon arrival they learn from the Captain of the SS Medica Ascending, that they have been attacked, boarded and robbed of their cargo by unknown aliens. During their efforts to help the Conny crew researches the attack to find the culprits. But things don't add up. Can they find out what really happened?
"1914" During routine patrols in the Talos Sector, the Constitution gets shaken through violently as they are pulled into a surprisingly appearing singularity. Upon scans and research they find out that they landed close to Earth, on June 27th 1914. The temporal rift has closed itself and the ship has been damaged during the transfer. Will the crew be able to return to their own time?
"Unity" The USS Constitution receives a distress call that is barely audible apart from the words "They are coming". The call is originated in the Bretaka Nebula from the USS Unity, a deep research ship that is well a known part of history for disappearing over 100 years ago. What happened to the ship? Why have they called out now? What are they doing so far from their Mission area? And who are 'they'?
"Cloak and Dagger" After enjoying shore leave at Starbase 11 the Constitution Crew leaves for a routine supply run. Before they are underway, however, a vessel hails them requesting sanctuary. The passenger is afraid for her life, after she witnesses a conversation that reveals that the recent death of a government official was not an accident or of natural causes. As she wants to leave the planet to find help, she misses her flight, and the ship she was supposed to board explodes. Taking an alternative route, she finds the Constitution and does not only reveal the situation but also that her people are Suliban. Will the crew help? And if so, what will they find out? Who is behind the murder of Junor and the alleged attempt to kill Akana?
"What lies below" A Dokkaran group of the planet Kelan has to leave their home due to the poisoning of the soil putting them all in danger. They ask Starfleet for help to find a new home. Dagorin VI sounds like the perfect planet, but why would signals from a supposedly crushed terrorist group come from the uninhabited system? And what do the Dokkaran know about the reasons for the poisoning of Kelan? And why would anyone track their ships? What lies behind their re-settlement and are they alone in their new home?
"Peacemakers" The Constitution crew is informed that they are moving to a new region of duty for at least a year. Starfleet wants them to leave right away to host peace talks between Hinji and Linara. Both species share the same star-system. For a while that went all well, but the small planets each species are on getting crowded, so both species want to expand and colonize the last inhabitable planet in the system. Both believe they have 'claim' and are now on the brink of war. The leaders request Starfleet's help. Can they stop events unfolding to a war of worlds or are they too late?
"Blind Spot" Starfleet sends the Constitution to Leron III for relief efforts towards the Hinji population, while the Linarans are getting the same help from the USS Bethune. The Constitution delivers replicators, water purifiers, and medical aid, but not all Hinji are happy to see the new tech. On scanners, Traenor made out a blind spot that is not penetrable by scanners or comm signals. Due to the possible implications of hiding military equipment, he sends a second team to survey the area. But upon entering the area the shuttle's controls fail and they crash. Will they be able to find their way back out unharmed?
"Dungeons & Denobulans" After Saveron is instated as First Officer, he wants to celebrate with the crew. A new technology - the Faust Unit - is supposed to give the Holodeck Setting a whole new layer. Upon entering every Senior Staff Member is assigned a Class and sometimes even a new species as part of a Roleplaying game in a medieval fantasy world. The party goes underway, but why can't they leave the holodeck and why did poetry slamming dragon disturb the party to take Queen Saveron hostage? Can the rest of the merry band save her and leave this strange world?
"The Geneva Convention" Starfleet has designed a new advanced prototype starship equipped with the latest shield and propulsion technologies: the Geneva Class. On its final long-range test with a skeleton crew before its commissioning it strayed into Klingon space. A rogue Klingon Captain saw this as an opportunity and stole the ship. A lone engineer managed to escape and return to Starfleet with her report. The Constitution is ordered to investigate, and if possible retrieve the vessel intact.
"When cracking an egg" When the Linaran Minister of Science calls for help to get back a ship lost in the Lambetta Cluster, the Constitution makes way to accommodate the request. Despite a few difficulties caused by the Nebula itself, the Constitution finds the ship, but also a Linaran Escape pod with a deceased pilot. Shortly after, as the ship approached the Linaran Vessel (floating dead in space) they notice they are not alone. An energy creature begins to drain their shields and energy and a race against time begins. Can the Constitution leave the Nebula before the same fate as the Linaran ship meets them? And why is the cargo more important to the Minister than the surviving Linarans?
"Salem" When the Constitution is sent to survey a recently scanned, time-locked planet, the two Away Teams don't expect to suddenly find themselves in 20th Century Earth, during Halloween. Undercover of being visitors in costumes, they must navigate this entirely unfamiliar environment, whilst the crew left behind to try to resolve the strange sensor readings and interferences. The discovery of ancient alien technology and a shuttle crew from 2345 also stranded back in time complicates things. Why were they sent back? What is the alien technology, and will they ever return to the present and see their loved ones again?
"Banned from Argoes" When seismic activities on a desert moon orbiting Gamma Orionis destroy part of a civilian research station, the scientists working there are in big trouble. Regular deliveries of supplies are made impossible by the position of the station in the mountains and the loss of their landing pad. Threatened to starve, their only hope is the crew of the USS Constitution. Equipped with new and updated Argo buggies the crew makes their way through the desert of Gamma Orionis VIb, faces off with Large Aggressive Life Forms, and takes on the challenge to reach the scientists before the worst occurs.
"Back to the Academy" A group of Senior Officers find themselves back as Cadets at the Academy in San Fransisco. The issue is that they see nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile on the Constitution same Senior Officers don't show up to their shifts and upon further investigation are found in a deep unresponsive sleep. What happened and who is behind all of this. Most importantly: why?
"The Great Gas Dive" Zeltion IV is the current home of the Zeltin people. They are humanoid, not native to the planet itself since, well, Zeltion IV is a gas giant. They live in large floating cities home to hundreds of thousands of their people, industry, and their respective administration. Their world contains an incredibly rare, naturally occurring gas that cannot be synthesized or replicated. This gas appears to form at the lower regions of their atmosphere and is extracted plunging into hull-crushing depths to get it manually. Most of their economy is based on the extraction, purification, and trade of this gas which seems to react impressively in power generation systems, boosting output significantly for only a small quantity of gas injection. And Starfleet wants some of that.
"Federation vs. Jalana Rajel - SD.239704.14" Upon return to Starbase 104 from Zeltion IV Flt. Cpt. Jalana Rajel is arrested by Prosecutor Lt. Cmdr Skepus for breaking the Prime Directive. What will happen to the Captain and can the Crew find a way to help?
"Bells of Paradise" What could go wrong on a Vacation planet? Accompany three groups during their team-building exercise and find out.What could go wrong on a Vacation planet? Accompany three groups during their team-building exercise and find out.
"Dilithium Digger" The USS Constitution-B has been dispatched on a routine exploratory mission to the Shahar Nebula, close to the southern border of Federation space, in a region that is little explored. The Nebula has shown unusual energy readings to the long-range observations of Federation Scientists. Whilst the Constitution checks those out, they are also tasked to check in on a dilithium mine, located on a barren planet at the edge of the Nebula. It’s been reducing production, despite being one of the richest deposits discovered in recent history. Could it really be that easy?

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2389
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 2389
USS Apollo
There are also a few service ribbons to give to those who went above and beyond during this last mission. While there were various aspects involved in what we were all sent out to do, it took teamwork between the ships whose crews are represented here today in order to get the job done and get back here safe. For this, I would like to present the following officers with the Joint Meritorious Unit Award.
Klingon Invasion Ribbon 389
USS Apollo
This galactic incident has taken many lives. I am not just talking about the lives of our personnel, but the lives of many Romulans whose homes had been invaded. Many Klingons who lost their lives in combat for the sake of their glory. I am here to present the following officers with the Klingon Invasion Ribbon. This ribbon will be worn as a beacon of hope and accomplishment.
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 2390
USS Apollo
Due to being taken hostage by a hostile force, you are awarded the Prisoner of War Ribbon.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 2390
USS Apollo
You are awarded the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon. Commander Laxyn for your treatment of Commander Tel-ar...both times.
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 2390
USS Apollo-A
Starfleet Command has inserted a commendation into each one of your files for our last mission. You are all hereby awarded the Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal. ::Jaxx smiled and gave a slight nod. It was not every crew that was able to face the Borg and walk away from it. Of course, they did not exactly walk away from it. They had to make it to escape pods and then needed a lift back to the station, but it was close enough.::
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Department Chief Ribbon 2390
USS Apollo
Awarded to a person who has held the title of department chief for no less than 6 months.
Gateway Ribbon 2390
USS Apollo-A
You are awarded the Gateway Ribbon and Explorer Ribbon for our mission on Eridea.
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Explorer's Ribbon 2390
USS Apollo-A
You are awarded the Gateway Ribbon and Explorer Ribbon for our mission on Eridea.
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Purple Heart 2390
USS Apollo-A
Jalana Laxyn, you are also presented with the Purple Heart for your injuries during that mission.
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Explorer's Ribbon 2392
USS Constitution-B
I have mentioned the Medina Ascending before. Our next ribbon also comes from that mission. Not everyone was aware, but we have actually encountered a new species on the Medina. After reports to Starfleet I have been informed that the Kameryan were unknown to the Federation, which is the species the Medina's Medic Dajunari Zinera belonged to. For that, and providing Starfleet with new information, you have received the Explorer's Ribbon.
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 2392
USS Constitution-B
Despite the interrogations and investigation of Commander Prendar, Starfleet has evaluated our last mission and has decided that we have done great work with not only protecting but also fixing the timeline. For that work you have received the Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon.
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Prometheus Ribbon 2392
USS Constitution-B
Starfleet has determined that the rift we slipped through had been caused by an incident on Prometheus Station. Thanks to our reports the rift could be found and sealed and so we are rewarded the Prometheus Ribbon.
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Starship Commander Ribbon 2393
USS Constitution-B
Now as you all know, Captain Rajel had to take some time away from the Conny recently. What you do not know, however, is that while I was acting Commanding Officer, I was contacted in regards to presenting a ribbon that Jalana had earned. For being in Command of her vessel for over one continuous year, I hereby award Captain Jalana Rajel, the Starship Commander Ribbon.
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War of Shadows Ribbon 2393
USS Constitution-B
For our dealings and arrest of members of the Orion Syndicate, Starfleet has awarded every one of us the War of Shadows Ribbon.
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Purple Heart 2394
USS Constitution-B
For suffering from Ohan Poisoning during the Mission Peacekeepers.
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Diplomacy Ribbon 2394
USS Constitution-B
For hosting and leading peace talks between the Linaran and Hinji delegates on Starbase 104.
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Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 2394
USS Constitution-B
Every single one of has done their best to make this mission work. A mission of communication, a mission of compromises and most importantly a mission of peace between two peoples sharing a star system. That act was anything but easy, disturbances and interruptions waited at every corner and no matter what has been thrown our way, you have not given in, have not surrendered. Instead, you worked tirelessly to solve the mysteries and make sure that all sides were seen, to avoid prejudice and wrongful accusations. In the end the opposing governments saw a solution and are now working hard on making it possible. Despite disruptions, we maintained the peace between the delegates so this would be possible. I am proud to present to each and everyone of you the Peacekeeper Service Ribbon.
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Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 2395
USS Constitution-B
The Silver Lifesaving Ribbon is awarded to an individual who has saved the life of another member of Starfleet. Due to your triage efforts both during and immediately after the mission, you saved the lives of your fellow crewmembers. Please accept these in recognition of your skills and efforts.
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Good Conduct Ribbon 2395
USS Constitution-B
The Good Conduct Ribbon is awarded to an individual who shows conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty. By risking your lives to face off against determined pirates in face-to-face confrontations, you have earned this award handily. Please accept these with our greatest respect.
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Joint Meritorious Unit Award 2395
USS Constitution-B
Finally, I won't ask the next recipients to step forward, because the entire senior crew present during the last mission receives this one. The Joint Meritorious Unit Award is awarded to an individual who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal. It took a lot of diplomacy and tact for you to work with our host ship and crew to save the lives of the SS Geneva, and you all did so exceedingly well. Please, everybody step forward to receive your well-justified accolade.
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Diplomacy Ribbon 2395
USS Constitution-B
For working on Diplomatic ways with the Linaran Government in dealing with a new Energy creature in the Lembatta Cluster
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Explorer's Ribbon 2395
USS Constitution-B
First everyone involved in the last mission, I am happy to announce that Grabby, as it has been named, has been confirmed as a new discovery to Starfleet. Starfleet is awarding you all with the Explorer's Ribbon for the discovery of a new life-form. Congratz everyone!
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Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 2396
USS Constitution-B
If there was one thing difficult during the last mission, it was to not accidentally change something in a time that we have not much experience with. But all of you who have tirelessly worked on finding ways to go back home, and those in Salem who tiptoes around all the traps, made it possible to not only not change the timeline, but make sure that the scout ship and the missing expedition team that had not belonged there was able to return home and with that restored the timeline. For that everyone who participated in this quite unique mission is awarded the Defense of Temporal Flow ribbon. You all deserve it after that hard work. Thank you and congratulations!
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Lifesaving Ribbon 2396
USS Constitution-B
And all of you. You have worked tirelessly way beyond the duties of your departments. You've worked hand in hand as a team throughout the whole outpost to bring home as many researchers as possible. For that all of you who were present on Gamma Orionis VIb are awarded with the Lifesaver ribbon. Thank you for each and everyone of you.
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Lifesaving Ribbon 2397
USS Constitution-B
"Let's begin, we have a lot to celebrate! Our last mission has been quite something, right? I believe that everyone involed has saved a life, be it Federation Officer, Zeltin Diver, Mechanic or any of the various other professions involved into the mining operation and rescue mission."
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Joint Meritorious Unit Award 2397
USS Constitution-B
"I was proud to see the way you all worked together with the Zeltin people. Learning their ways, finding ways to help during the crisis, offering solutions and working with them together to keep the city literally afloat. Starfleet and I both agree that working with them towards the common goal deserves recognition. Be it in the city or the underbelly or even from the ship, you all worked hard to help Xatrac find its footing again. Thank you. Everyone of you who was present during this mission has been awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award for these efforts."

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg
Silver Palm 2389
USS Apollo
Next I would like to recognize Lieutenant Jalana Laxyn. She is awarded the Silver Palm. This woman not only serves as our Chief Medical Officer, but she is our Chief Morale Officer as well. She is often interjecting humor and unique insights into the mix. It is an enjoyment to be part of her escapades. Congratulations.
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Prantares Ribbon 2389
USS Apollo
Named CMO of the year - Awarded to those medical officers who has moved beyond competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. The officers given this award should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others.
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Neelix Award 2391
USS Apollo-A
The Neelix Award is awarded for extra, out of character, simming devotion. In this case it has been rewarded for the work and devotion in the work as Facilitator of the Image Department. She had done a superb job on the Image Collective and in the Forums providing photoshop pictures and banner for several players. She is truly devoted, quick and her job meet no equal.
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Strange Medallion 2391
USS Apollo-A
Many people around the fleet are familiar with the name Jalana Laxyn. As facilitator of the Image Team she can be found diligently working on graphics and coordinating team efforts. She is a wonderful training officer that has guided many cadets through the academy. As if that was not enough, she has really done an excellent job as First Officer of the Apollo with her new character Akeelah D'Sena. As XO, she has stepped up to every challenge presented, even running things during a leave of absence of the commanding officer. She has been, and continues to be, a stellar friend, colleague, and First Officer to many of us!
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Kalendra Award 2392
USS Constitution-B
If you want devious, clever, and insidious when it comes to plot twists, than look no further than our own Jessica. This year she has spun a crafty tale of suspense around her ship and her crew utilizing surprise twists like interfering with an important assassination, to allowing a guest simmer to appear unannounced to question their crew creating an unforgettable nemesis. Jessica has shown great detail and dedication in creating an unforgettable story and plot where no one is able to predict its end. For that, I am proud to present the Kalendra Award to her!
Awards Staff KirkCrossMedal 2011.jpg
James T. Kirk Cross 2392
USS Constitution-B
Jess (Jalana) is an excellent example of what we should look for in new COs. She is even-tempered, creative, and nurturing, and her crew has rightly sung her praises. She is easy and pleasant to work with and her dedication to the group, including the projects with which she's most closely associated (the Image Collective, the Graphics Contest) shine because of her involvement there. Despite her newness to captaincy for SB118, she is already integral to our history and is inseparable from whatever current success the group currently enjoys. It is even more gratifying to have support from across the fleet, and Jess was nominated for this award from three simmers on three different ships across the fleet. She is clearly well respected, and so I would like to share some particularly representative comments from those nominations: “She has done a fantastic job of being communicative to the crew, involving everyone and making the staff feel reachable and personable. When problems arise they are quickly addressed and Jalana takes time and effort to make sure that the entire crew is being included in the plot. … I firmly believe she is the best new Captain SB118 had this year, and look forward to seeing how the Conny develops into 2016!” ...and... “I know from experience that this is very, very difficult and many ships disintegrate if the CO disappears. The roles of FO and CO are quite different and Jess had to make this transition at short notice but the day to day running of the ship was not disrupted at all. I think she displayed extraordinary professionalism in handling the situation. What’s more, she went on to oversee the switch of the crew from the Apollo to the Constitution with equal ease, again a situation that can see crew slip away. I have no doubt that Commander Jalana Rajel is an exceptional commanding officer and is fully deserving of this award.” The SB 118 fleet, the Executive Council, and the panel of first officers who chose this award have spoken, and I am delighted to recognize Jess as SB 118’s finest new commanding officer of the year!
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B-Plot Award 2393
USS Constitution-B
As you all are aware, there are many storylines that occur during a mission but are not at all involved with the mission itself. The B-Plot Award is for those simmers who manage to show a good portion of the character's life despite the demands of the main plot. Jess has created a plethora of characters on-board the Conny and uses them to make sure everyone stays busy and can grow their characters. From D'Sena and the budding relationship with a rather stiff engineer, to Jalana's travels during my practical, Jess has a talent for developing not just her own characters but others' as well. It is with great honor that I present the B-Plot award to Jess. Congratulations!!
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Russ Bar 2393
USS Constitution-B
The Russ bar is awarded to a writer whose knowledge of Trek lore is extraordinary. Named for Tim Russ, the actor who played Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, who was already a dedicated Star Trek fan before securing the role on the show. Although not a requirement of this game, being knowledgeable about Star Trek technology and medical terminology and the like is extremely helpful to paint a realistic picture of the scenario. Jess -the writer behind our very own Capt. Jalana Rajel- has a knowledge and passion for Star Trek. She then uses this knowledge to create missions and plot lines for our crew that feel more realistic for the setting. For this reason, she is being awarded the Russ Bar. Congratulations, Jess!
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Nebula Bar 2394
USS Constitution-B
The Constitution has recently moved to a whole new theater of operations, which entails not only the Marchlands and its backstory and makeup, but our new base of operations in Starbase 104. This is no small undertaking, as not only did we need the names and details of the species and star systems we’d be dealing with, but we needed the layout of the station, a myriad of NPCs, and an established mood and feel of everyone and everything within the area. This has been a group effort, there is no doubt about that, but there is one person who was the vanguard, who made sure everything came together in a cohesive and convincing style. Without her efforts, we would not have had as much fun building upon Starbase 104 and our two new antagonist species, the Hinji and the Linarans. That person is none other than Jess, our intrepid Captain Jalana Rajel, and I am pleased and honored to present this award to her.
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Sarpeidon Award 2394
USS Constitution-B
When we think of contributions to the 118Wiki, we often think of expansive pages and creative templates and coding. However, these pages would be nothing but walls of text if not for the beautiful and expressive images that adorn them. Thanks to the contributions of The Image Collective, especially those of its taskforce leader Jalana Rajel, our wiki is one of the most inviting and engaging roleplay resources in the Star Trek genre! For years now, Jalana Rajel has answered any and all requests for professionally created character images, Badge and Award graphics, and numerous other Photoshop magic acts in order to ensure that SB118 puts its best face forward with the 118Wiki. For that reason, it is our pleasure to award Jalana Rajel with the Sarpeidon Award! Congratulations!
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Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 2394
USS Constitution-B
When one looks at Jalana Rajel's contributions to SB118, whether it be with her role as leader of The Image Collective, as CO of the Constitution, or her work with the Captains Council and active presence on the forums and chatrooms, one cannot help but notice her sunny disposition and can-do attitude. Leading by example, she exudes a confidence and proficiency that motivates those that interact with her. The fact that Jalana Rajel is so active despite contending with health and depression challenges is a testament to her professionalism and dedication and is a shining example to her crew and to the fleet at large. Where many would use such challenges in real life to shy away from responsibility, Rajel meets them head on and refuses to let her issues affect the level of engagement she shares with all of us. An inspiration to any who face similar issues, Jalana Rajel is a worthy recipient of the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award.
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Pathfinder Award 2395
USS Constitution-B
From the first moment entering the game, we meet a lot of people who have influence on us. Be it the ship's leadership, our mentors or other players. We learn with each interaction and are guided through their example. The Pathfinder award is given to those players dedicating their time to guiding and mentoring fellow members. This year’s winner of this award personifies that description perfectly. They are emotionally invested in the happiness and success of those under their care, and are always more interested in the writer behind the character than they are in the writer’s abilities and contributions. By taking feedback very seriously and doing a good job reaching out to crew members who need to work on their simming skills, this winner also supports roleplayers who need to learn better collaboration skills. Congratulations to Jess aka Jalana Rajel for this very deserving win!
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Sarek Star 2395
USS Constitution-B
It is sometimes very difficult to realize what a tremendous impact that quiet level-headedness and honest diplomacy have, but in the case of Jalana Rajel, her strength and leadership lets it shine through. Jalana has been a dependable commanding officer for three years, and she’s always been able to mediate disputes with a firm and gentle tone. She’s also been able to provide a welcoming atmosphere for new crew members while making experienced players feel at home. Her crew deeply appreciates her open minded attitude and willingness to listen to concerns and work to solve them. Because of this dedication to providing a great game for all players, her ship has seen great retention in promising players, and she has been a respected mentor for her staff. I am especially impressed by her ability to turn mistakes into teaching opportunities for everyone on her ship – from the highest rank to the newest member. This creates a positive, supportive atmosphere where players are encouraged to write better, and be inspired to tell better stories. I am especially happy to be able to award Jalana with this honor this year because she has done such good work with her senior staff on the Constitution to improve communication and make a great ship to play on. This is seen in the pride she has for her crew and the support she’s given her staff as they work towards command. It takes a good CO to lead a strong ship, but it takes an extraordinary CO to teach others how to move towards command one day. For all of this hard work, the Sarek Star is very well deserved. Congratulations, Jalana! 
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TOSMA 2396
USS Constitution-B
This year’s TOSMA award goes to a more than deserving writer. Not only is her writing excellent, always moving the plot forward, but over the past year we’ve seen her main character grow while struggling with the balance of being a Starfleet officer and a mother all while dealing with the return of her partner. On top of all of that, this writer has several PNPCs that she uses to help engage others within the ship and provide more writing opportunities for everyone. It is my distinct honor
and privilege to present The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class award to none other than our leader, and newly promoted, Fleet Captain Jalana Rajel. Congratulations Jess! I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this honor than you!
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Christopher Pike Pendant 2396
Of all the awards presented, the Christopher Pike Pendant is one of the most coveted as it symbolizes the things that every commanding officer in aspires to do - command their ship with honor and dedication and help to provide a creative atmosphere which fosters outstanding simming. And Fleet Captain Rajel certainly has accomplished that goal as anyone can tell, from the sims her crew submits. They are comfortable in the environment she has created. It is evident that this talented lady takes pride in her work and strives for perfection in everything she does to enhance the entire community through the collective and her writing. So it is my honor to present her with the Christopher Pike Pendant and give her my sincere congratulations for her accomplishments.
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Laudean Commendation 2397
To quote the nomination for our winner, she "brought to life two cultures in Queen, exploring both Linaran and Zeltin culture. We’ve seen the life of a diver, the ways Queen transitioned between the two and the Linaran traditions of joining. This exploration made the mission come more to life and helped to provide an insight into another world for other writers to be guided through." For her portrayal of Queen, I’m pleased to announce Jess as the winner of the Laudean Commendation, congratulations!
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5-year Commanding Officer 2397
For those who have served as commanding officers for their ships and stations continuously for five years. Officers in this category are also appointed to the rank of Commodore to recognize their experience and leadership.



  • Homeschooling through Vivan Laxyn and Ilur (Family Butler) with the aim of Diplomatic graduation and a well-rounded general education
  • Medical school on Trill: General Medicine, Specialisation: Trill symbiosis and problems with symbionts
  • Residency in V'Rath Hospital on Trill: Emergency Medicine
  • Starfleet Academy: Specialisation: Xenobiology and Surgery
Jalana Laxyn
Starfleet Officer
Commissioned on 238806.11
Sidney Riley Arden Cain
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Additional Assets


NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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