Starfleet Vessel Register/By Class: Difference between revisions

m (Adding Duderstadt & USS Cambridge)
(Updating the Kitty Hawk as lost)
(12 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 10: Line 10:
• [[#Chariot_class|Chariot]]
• [[#Chariot_class|Chariot]]
• [[#Cheyenne_class|Cheyenne]]
• [[#Cheyenne_class|Cheyenne]]
• [[#Columbia_class|Columbia]]
• [[#Constitution_class|Constitution]]
• [[#Constitution_class|Constitution]]
• [[#Constitution_III_class|Constitution III]]
• [[#Dakota_class|Dakota]]
• [[#Dakota_class|Dakota]]
• [[#Defiant_class|Defiant]]
• [[#Defiant_class|Defiant]]
Line 22: Line 24:
• [[#Miranda_class|Miranda]]
• [[#Miranda_class|Miranda]]
• [[#Nebula_class|Nebula]]
• [[#Nebula_class|Nebula]]
• [[#New_Orleans_class|New Orleans]]
• [[#New_Orleans_II_class|New Orleans II]]
• [[#Norway_class|Norway]]
• [[#Norway_class|Norway]]
• [[#Nova_class|Nova]]
• [[#Nova_class|Nova]]
• [[#Oberth_class|Oberth]]
• [[#Oberth_class|Oberth]]
• [[#Odyssey_class|Odyssey]]
• [[#Odyssey_class|Odyssey]]
• [[#Olympic_class|Olympic]]
• [[#Oracle_class|Oracle]]
• [[#Oracle_class|Oracle]]
• [[#Prometheus_class|Prometheus]]
• [[#Prometheus_class|Prometheus]]
Line 42: Line 47:
{{Ship|Akira|npc|USS Avenger-B}}
{{Ship|Akira|npc|USS Avenger-B}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Allentown}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Allentown}}
{{Ship|Akira|inactive|USS Chin'toka}}
{{Ship|Akira|active|USS Chin'toka}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Discovery}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Discovery}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Discovery-A}}
{{Ship|Akira|lost|USS Discovery-A}}
Line 77: Line 82:
{{Ship|Constitution|decom|USS Venture}}
{{Ship|Constitution|decom|USS Venture}}
{{Ship|Constitution refit|npc|USS Vera Cruz}}
{{Ship|Constitution refit|npc|USS Vera Cruz}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Constitution III class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|Constitution III|npc|USS Unity Dow}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Dakota class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Dakota class]]|#336699|clear}}
Line 94: Line 102:

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Duderstadt class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Duderstadt class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|Duderstadt|npc|USS Cambridge}}
{{Ship|Duderstadt|lost|USS Cambridge}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Excelsior class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Excelsior class]]|#336699|clear}}
Line 111: Line 119:
{{Ship|Galaxy|npc|USS Galaxy}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|npc|USS Galaxy}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|inactive|USS Garuda}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|inactive|USS Garuda}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|npc|USS Kitty Hawk}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|lost|USS Kitty Hawk}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|decom|USS Kodiak}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|decom|USS Kodiak}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|npc|USS Louisville}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|lost|USS Steadfast}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|lost|USS Steadfast}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|inactive|USS Steadfast-A}}
{{Ship|Galaxy|inactive|USS Steadfast-A}}
Line 160: Line 169:
{{Ship|Nebula|npc|USS Vandenburg}}
{{Ship|Nebula|npc|USS Vandenburg}}
{{Ship|Nebula|npc|USS Yuan Tseh Lee}}
{{Ship|Nebula|npc|USS Yuan Tseh Lee}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[New Orleans class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|New Orleans|lost|USS Independence}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[New Orleans II class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|New Orleans II|active|USS Khitomer}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Norway class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Norway class]]|#336699|clear}}
Line 186: Line 201:
{{Ship|Odyssey|lost|USS Artemis}}
{{Ship|Odyssey|lost|USS Artemis}}
{{Ship|Odyssey|inactive|USS Athena}}
{{Ship|Odyssey|inactive|USS Athena}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Olympic class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|Olympic|npc|USS Antares}}
{{Ship|Olympic|npc|USS Blackheart}}
{{Ship|Olympic|inactive|USS Blackwell}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Oracle class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Oracle class]]|#336699|clear}}
Line 203: Line 223:

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Saber class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Saber class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{Ship|Saber|active|USS Arrow}}
{{Ship|Saber|lost|USS Arrow}}
{{Ship|Saber|lost|USS Euphrates}}
{{Ship|Saber|lost|USS Euphrates}}
{{Ship|Saber|npc|USS Fidelity}}
{{Ship|Saber|npc|USS Fidelity}}
Line 240: Line 260:
{{Ship|Veritas|npc|USS Tempest}}
{{Ship|Veritas|npc|USS Tempest}}
{{Ship|Veritas|inactive|USS Veritas}}
{{Ship|Veritas|inactive|USS Veritas}}
{{Ship|Veritas|npc|USS Marianne}}

{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Vesta class]]|#336699|clear}}
{{LCARS Section Heading|[[Vesta class]]|#336699|clear}}

Latest revision as of 20:46, 20 February 2025

Starfleet Vessel Register

Listing by Class Listing by OOC Status Listing by IC Status
Utopia Planitia Fleet Launch History UFOP Family Tree

Color Coding

  • Commissioned and active PC vessel
  • Commissioned but inactive PC vessel
  • Commissioned NPC vessel
  • Decommissioned PC or NPC vessel
  • Lost PC or NPC vessel
  • Training vessel

Jump to: AchillesAkiraAmbassadorCardiffChariotCheyenneColumbiaConstitutionConstitution IIIDakotaDefiantDuderstadtExcelsiorGalaxyHorizonIntrepidJuneauLunaMirandaNebulaNew OrleansNew Orleans IINorwayNovaOberthOdysseyOlympicOraclePrometheusSaberSaganSovereignSteamrunnerVeritasVesta

Achilles class

USS Achilles
USS Apollo

Akira class

USS Avenger-B
USS Allentown
USS Chin'toka
USS Discovery
USS Discovery-A
USS Horizon
USS Ronin
USS Thunder-A
USS Challenger
USS Walton

Ambassador class

USS Arizona-A
USS Galileo
USS Indefatigable
USS Narendra
USS Temperance
USS Yamaguchi

Cardiff class

USS Invicta

Chariot class


Cheyenne class

USS Cape Horn
USS Thunder

Constitution class

USS Ackerman
USS Chicago
USS Crusader
USS Saratoga
USS Tiamat
USS Venture
USS Vera Cruz

Constitution III class

USS Unity Dow

Dakota class

USS Gemini
USS Kitakaze

Defiant class

USS Avenger
USS El Corazón
USS Independence-B
USS Resolute
USS Spartan
USS Stalwart
USS Triumphant
USS Valkyrie
USS Xanth

Duderstadt class

USS Cambridge

Excelsior class

USS Albion
USS Arizona
USS Barrington
USS Princeton
USS Shanghai

Galaxy class

USS Alliance
USS Astraeus
USS Constitution-B
USS Endeavour-A
USS Degault
USS Galaxy
USS Garuda
USS Kitty Hawk
USS Kodiak
USS Louisville
USS Steadfast
USS Steadfast-A
USS Tucson

Horizon class

USS Darwin-A

Intrepid class

USS Atlantis
USS Arthur Royale
USS Ballard-A
USS Eagle
USS Janitoreal
USS Kepler
USS Mantis
USS Nelson
USS Vesta
USS Victory
USS Vigilant

Juneau class

USS Juneau

Luna class

USS Ariel
USS Avandar
USS Artemis-A
USS Oumuamua

Miranda class

USS Bronwyn
USS Drake
USS Forberance

Nebula class

USS Atlanta
USS Columbia
USS Curie
USS Forrester
USS Indria-A
USS Isannah
USS Phoenix-B
USS Ranger
USS Ranger-A
USS Ticonderoga
USS Vandenburg
USS Yuan Tseh Lee

New Orleans class

USS Independence

New Orleans II class

USS Khitomer

Norway class

USS Aegis
USS Churchill
USS Kodiak-B
USS Montreal

Nova class

USS Aurora
USS Calippus
USS Centris-A
USS Darwin
USS Quasar
USS Resolution
USS Thomas Edison

Oberth class

USS Benjamin Franklin
USS Calgary
USS Martin
USS Zion

Odyssey class

USS Apollo-A
USS Artemis
USS Athena

Olympic class

USS Antares
USS Blackheart
USS Blackwell

Oracle class

USS Mercury
USS Wall Street

Prometheus class

USS Caledonia
USS Daedalus
USS Excalibur-G
USS Independence-A
USS Paladin
USS Tiger-A

Ronin class

USS Discovery-B

Saber class

USS Arrow
USS Euphrates
USS Fidelity
USS First Response
USS Syracuse
USS Zephyr

Sagan class

USS Octavia E Butler

Sovereign class

USS Challenger-A
USS Charleston
USS Discovery-C
USS Gorkon
USS Ithaca
USS Nimitz
USS Nemesis-B
USS Pioneer
USS Roark
USS Titan
USS Ursa Major

Steamrunner class

USS Ironbridge
USS John Paul Jones
USS Nighthawk
USS Phoenix-C
USS Tiger
USS Wallace
USS Wyoming

Veritas class

USS Concordia
USS Minerva
USS Tempest
USS Veritas
USS Marianne

Vesta class

USS Excalibur-A
USS Thor

Listing by Class Listing by OOC Status Listing by IC Status
Utopia Planitia Fleet Launch History UFOP Family Tree

REV SD 240202.20