Klingon Invasion of 2389
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The Klingon Invasion of 2389 refers to the invasion of Romulan territory by the Klingons following the destruction of the Hobus star and the subsequent disarray of the overall Romulan Star Empire.
Starbase 118 Fleet Involvement
USS Apollo
Having just returned from R&R, the USS Apollo and her crew are dispatched to escort the USS Mercury which was currently enroute to Trinity Sector Space. The Mercury, having been tasked with a diplomatic mission, had been carrying a Cardassian VIP, namely the Cardassian Prime Minister Prianna, who was to be closely guarded. The reason for this high level of security was subject to a rumored assassination attempt to be executed by parties uknown. The Apollo, would be in charge of defense of the Mercury, but with one caveat. Along for the ride was a Cardassian counter-intelligence agent known as Tala Rovor, who seemed to have some insight on the assassination plot. At first, it was unknown just who Rovor seemed to be working for, but through tireless talks, games and negotiations, she would pull through with vital information.
In the first few days it was relayed by Rovor that a man named Baren Dreth would be involved in the plot, if not the one who executed the plan himself. Dreth was a Cardassian revolutionary, one that Rovor had followed closely for many years, that would stop at nothing to see the Cardassians rise against the Federation and its allies. It was thought at this time that Dreth would be the architect to which these plans had been built. Through some investigation of their own, the Apollo's intelligence department was able to uncover some background on the man, as well as some information to suggest that he might alter his appearance in order to make it all work. The plans had been thought out over many years, and Dreth would be waiting for the right time to strike.
Meanwhile, as tensions between the Cardassian agent and Starfleet personnel seemed to be mounting, a chemical outbreak aboard the Mercury landed them with new information that would ultimately tie the plot together, at the cost of their CMO. A chemical agent, which was identified by Rovor a few days earlier as the method of execution, was released in the Mercury's arboretum. Confiscation of said compounds was enacted and processed, leading to the discovery of the purchase of the materials at Starbase 118. Through SFI channels it was learned that a back door deal was made, and in return for amnesty, the names of the men who made the purchase were divulged. It had indeed been Baren Dreth, and a counterpart named Zolrak. With cross-references to the passenger manifests for Prianna's ship, it was found that both men has entered the ship, but only one had boarded the Mercury. Dreth had concealed his location and identity aboard the ship by posing as one of Prianna's aides, as was already Zolrak. The two men together assembled their compound and unleashed it in the arboretum as a test.
Now with the means, motive and suspects procured, an action plan was sought by intelligence departments from both ships. Having been deeply affected by the harm done the CMO, the Lt. Isaac Bale of the Mercury took it upon himself to attempt capture of the two men, having been advised upon by Lt. Viktor Lanius of the Apollo, as well as his CO. The plan was executed by Bale, which led to the death of Zolrak by means of his own poison, and the escape of Dreth. Dreth had been infected by the same poison, although he was able to synthesis an antidote to administer to himself. By this time, both ships (the Apollo and the Mercury) had reached the Trinity Sector, bringing the Prime Minster to her destination, and the two criminals to their believed demise. It wasn't until after that Dreth was able to be located by the Apollo, only to engage in a massive gunfight. Dreth, now at the wheel of a rogue Romulan War Bird and her hapless crew, would stop at nothing to destroy the Apollo and all that she stood for. It was only then that a Cardassian warship appeared and relayed to the Apollo that they had been sent by Cardassia's intelligence bureau with intent to uncover Dreth once and for all. Without warning, Dreth destroyed the warship, to be an act of violence without provocation. With Captain Jaxx in an appearant coma, then Lt.Cmdr Frost took action, destroying the threat to the alliance, but with Dreth once again escaping, never to be seen.
Now with the threat to the Apollo vanquished, and the Cardassian Prime Minister free to partake in Thracian negotiations, it was on to Thracian space to aid in an invasion attempt made by the Klingons. A small KDF fleet had been sent as a dagger to be plunged into the heart of Thracian space, meant to disrupt any peace talks that might be happening. The Apollo joins with the Thracian Irregular fleet, as well as The USS Achilles and the USS Victory, to stage a final defense of the system. Generals
USS Avandar
USS Discovery
USS Drake
USS Mercury
USS Tiger-A
Embassy of Duronis II
StarBase 118 Ops
As a direct result of the USS Victory's involvement in the establishment of the Thracian Alliance, a Klingon former Governor is ejected from the High Council and dishonored. When the Governor is killed, his son is convinced that he will not go to Sto'Vo'Kor and vows to reclaim his father's honor by taking revenge on the Commander and crew of the USS Victory. He quickly joins forces with another dishonored Klingon, General Ma'Tag, who still commands a small fleet loyal to him and his name. Together, the two use the cover of the Nequencia and Khitomer invasions to mount their own invasion into Thracian space and stage an assault on Starfleet and the Thracians responsible for their disgrace while gaining and claiming the area in the name of the Klingon Empire and regaining their place among the rulers of their Empire.
After the deaths of thousands of evacuating civilians, who were fleeing the main KDF and the destruction caused as that fleet moved through unrecognized Thracian space, the USS Victory is deployed to the Thracia system to find the President of the Alliance. He'd gone into hiding not realizing that the small fleet terrorizing the system was not part of the main Klingon force. Once on station, the Victory is able to locate him and beams him aboard to finalize a protectorate agreement that had been started by Ambassador Lily Ventu months before when the Alliance had first formed. While the diplomats were getting the paperwork in order, Captain Kalianna Nicholotti, along with the Victory's escorts, the USS Achilles and the USS Apollo, worked to prevent war between the Klingons and the Federation.
Finally, word arrives through backchannel Intel networks that the fleet the three ships are facing is not part of the main KDF, but a ragtag group of dishonored Klingons out for revenge. Without politics and the future of Klingon/Federation relations on the line, the three captains prepare to force the small fleet out of the system by any means necessary. They are unable to, however, before the leader of the small fleet tries something unheard of and creates a pocket of a warp bubble and recalls multiple torpedoes to its location. The resulting blast is enough to heavily damage the Victory and mildly damage the Apollo. The ships are unable to pursue, but the USS Achilles, who already had a tractor beam on the lead Klingon's ship, is pulled into warp with them and gives chase.
Ultimately, Krax, the head of the Klingon fleet, escapes, but not until he and his counterpart, General Ma'Tag, are forced from the system. News of a group of KDF sanctioned ships, on their way to give chase to the dishonored fleet, reaches them all, and news of the new Federation protectorate is spread throughout the sector. Though the Klingons are not happy with the new protectorate, and still refuse to recognize the neutral zone alliance, they avoid further attacks in the area in order to maintain whatever strained relations they have with the Federation.
Outcome of the Conflict
Word arrives slow, but alludes to substantial growth of Romulan military power. While some Senators still exist, and have been working through diplomatic channels to bring together the remnants of the Star Empire's government, military leaders have largely ignored their efforts and have moved on to create their own leadership hierarchy. While name unknown, the highest ranking members have succeeded in bringing together a group of representatives who have successfully conversed with the invading force. While news is still unconfirmed at higher levels, some say that peace talks of some kind are underway near the Trinity sector.
Beyond the Khitomer system, and areas surrounding Tranome Sar, the KDF has been confirmed as halting their advance, but Federation diplomats have been kept out of any political talks involving the two empires as of now.
Veterans of the Conflict
Starfleet officers who served during the Klingon Invasion were subsequently awarded the Klingon Invasion Ribbon.
Note: This incomplete listing includes both primary characters and non-player characters (both PNPCs and NPCs). Names are listed in alphabetical order, and primary characters are listed in bold.
USS Apollo
Cayden Adyr • Oxford Brown • Liam Frost • Andrus Jaxx • Viktor Lanius • Jalana Laxyn • Richard Matthews • Sidney Pierce • Ra-Uleyra • Segolene LeMarnix • Will S Stead • T'Mar • Tal Tel-ar • Alan Williams •
USS Avandar
Nearian Ben'thal • Sky Blake • Delvia Corsetto Marcus Dickens • Eerie • My'lita Erin • Rune Jolara • Talya Robins • Sabor • Alleran Tan • S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian • T'Lea • Chase Valaine • Della Vetri
USS Discovery
Tyr Waltas • Raj Blueheart • Kieran Collim • Jorus Cogud • Rode Connor Mitchell • Eskyys • Ryoma Hoshino • Emma Valentine • Inarr Rogg • Rostan Frye • John Valdivia • Hsina Amman • Verana •
USS Drake
Karynn Ehlanii Brice • Dantin-Vex • Danzia • Peter Dixon • Eitan Kadosh • John Largent • Pandora • Wildflower Peace-Lily (KIA) • Sakorra Reed • William Rogers • Viktoriya Sokolova • Didrik Stennes • Oliver Weston • David Whale
USS Mercury
S'Peek Avandar • Isaac Bale • Arden Cain • Askade D'ciq • Niccolò del Vedova • Jacen Fanel • Gypsy Hawker • Aron Kells • Juno Khayne • Alexander Matthews • Jade Elizabeth Matthews • Chris O'Hanlon • Roshanara Rahman • Rick Rawden • Scott Reed • Quinn Reynolds • Alexander Richards • Angela Roberts • Kael Thomas • Trel'lis • Velana • Tobias Walker • Ian West • Eyas Wulfantine •
USS Tiger-A
Embassy of Duronis II
- On Surface of Duronis II - Lt. Commander Kamela Allison, Marine Captain Hella, Major Hannibal Parker, Captain Tallis Rhul, and Fleet Captain Toni Turner.
- In Space - Ensign Abraham Bennit, Lieutenant Harold Foster, Lt. Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee, Lt. Commander Nugra, Lt. Commander Boris Hendon, 1st Lieutenant Michael Hunt, Lieutenant JG S'Kahh Rossh, Lieutenant Paul Sharpe, Lieutenant William Tindall, Marine Captain Angelo Valentino, and Lt. Commander Alucard Vess.
StarBase 118 Ops
Thomas Benton • Kevin Breeman • Brek • B'Sara Cavann • David Scott Cody • Kital Creena • Colt Daniels • Joseph Dubeau • Benjamin Livingston • Ash MacKenna • Gavin MacLaren • Johanna Diedre MacLaren • Anya Nicholotti • Kali Nicholotti • Katy Orman • Rhomqlye • Michael Shepard • Vitor Silveira • Vreeya • Benjamin J. Walker • Kaedyn Zehn •
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