Museum Ship
- Stardate 239308 to 239309
The crew of the Invicta are tasked with bringing an old relic back online in time for the centennial celebrations of the Khitomer Accords.
Guest Stars
- David Whale, Assistant Director of Criminal Intelligence Operations, Federation Security
- A former Starfleet Marine officer who once served on the USS Ackerman in the 2260s.
- Alton Vines, former chief engineer of the USS Ackerman
- A fellow survivor of Whale's from the Ackerman Event, which brought three officers from the 2260s into the 24th century.
- Kinan Venroe, Khitomer Centennial Event Organizer (Federation Representative)
- Former first officer of the Invicta while briefly under the command of Roshanara Rahman before being reassigned to Starfleet Administration.
Selected SIMS and reading material