Gorkon Logs
USS Gorkon | ||
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The Menthar Corridor Saga
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Chief Science Officer's Log SD 239209.19 Lieutenant Ayiana Sevo Chief Science Officer’s Log Stardate 239209.19 |
HCO Officer's Log, Stardate 239209.19 This was one of the more interesting missions so far. At first, we found ourselves with a locked computer and no sign of the crew. However, after being driven out of Engineering, we found ourselves hunted by the very people we were there to help. Because of the black hole, we lost contact with the Gorkon and the other teams. Our XO became incapacitated halfway through due to a phaser blast. It wasn't until we were able to regroup and regain contact with the Gorkon that we discovered an insect was responsible for the crew's strange behavior. Commander Chen was the only injury. He has been transported to a starbase in a coma. With luck, he will return to consciousness soon and be able to resume his duties. The USS Tharsis's CMO, Dr. Morzon, will undergo the court-marshal process for his part in unleashing the insect responsible for infecting the crew. He will also be held accountable for the mass homicide the infected crew committed while under the influence of the insect's bite. |
Personal Log, Stardate 239212.20. Well, that was one hell of a shore leave. Next time someone suggests a public awards ceremony, I'm telling Stoyer to spin up the QSD and we'll make a run for it. The Maquis escaped, though Commander Skyfire and his team did manage to rescue the hostages taken from Lang's transport. Apart from some rattled nerves, the hostages seem none the worse for wear for their experience, which is a surprising turn given what we know of the Maquis Reborn. My theory is that a good number of them were neither Federation nor Cardassian citizens, and so there was no desire or advantage to hurting them. Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the Cardassians from the embassy. Our guess was correct, and they had been infected by the virus the Maquis Reborn had originally used on Deep Space Ten. Several of them were were in bad shape by the time we got to them, and are now recuperating in the Gorkon's intensive care unit, under isolation conditions. We've been informed that a Cardassian medical ship will be arriving in the next twenty-four hours to transport them home for specialist care. Which leaves my own crew. There were several injuries requiring treatment, though most of them were relatively mild and didn't require stays in sickbay -- apart from Walter, of course. Tam -- Kael -- tells me that he's healing well and should be released in the next few days. He also confessed that Walter nearly died on the operating table, and that he's lucky to have had Orrey as his surgeon. I should thank Jansen. I probably won't, but I should. He took a bullet for me, even when he hates me. Only he doesn't just hate me, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about that. I don't know if it changes anything. I can't undo what I've done, and I don't know that he's ever going to be able to forgive me for it. I know I haven't forgiven myself. I can't understand why he hasn't requested a transfer. It wouldn't be denied, and it would be easier on the both of us. Maybe I should just tell him to go, tell him he's the reason I retired from command and went back to intelligence. He's already been in my sickbay twice, and he's not even in my crew. What happens if next time it's the morgue? I don't know, but I can't get it out of my mind, and I think that's starting to show. Sevo certainly noticed something was bothering me. Anyway. We've got a routine survey mission coming up. Some peace and quiet out in an unexplored system might be just what I need. No press, no diplomats -- no Walter. I'm looking forward to it. End of personal of log. |
Captain's Log, SD 239301.18 Lieutenant Sevo informs me that our initial survey of the Alpha Chionus system was a success. I'm inclined to agree with her, and not just in terms of the scientific discoveries that we made. After the disastrous awards ceremony, it was good to see the crew have the opportunity to relax and have a little fun. With the initial survey complete, we're putting into port on Astrofori One to resupply and let off some of the scientists and passengers we had aboard. After that, I'm told we have another survey mission -- a nebula, this time. Some peculiar transmissions have been detected, so it's been bumped up the priority list and we'll be heading out to investigate. But before any of that, I have some commendations to give. And for anyone up top listening to this -- I'm never doing a public awards ceremony again. |
HCO Officer's Log, Stardate 239212.22 What should have been a relaxing evening quickly took a turn for the strange when the Cardassian envoy, Kotan Jara, was found dead in the library, clearly recently deceased and most likely the victim of a homicide. The situation was made worse by the fact that dignitaries and politicians were in attendance in addition to Starfleet personnel. Unable to shut down the holodeck, we did what we could to discreetly locate clues as well as the party responsible. Upon further investigation, we discovered clues in the mansion's basement that indicated the Cardassian envoy wasn't the murder's only victim. Dr. Orrey and I became separated from the others when he accidentally triggered a hidden trap door. Further exploration revealed a room where someone had been sleeping and living, obviously recently occupied. When at last we found a way out, we realized that the program was rapidly deteriorating. At this time, we heard the Captain's voice. We moved quickly to rejoin her only to find Commander Brunsig shot and in a bad way. With no other options, we carried him back to library of the mansion. Eventually, Lieutenant Stoyer and a couple of others were able to disable the program and get Commander Brunsig as well as Commander Vess, who was also injured, to Sickbay while Lieutenant Commander Skyfire led the chase to locate the suspect. Unfortunately, those responsible were one step ahead and were able to escape. Commander Vess has made a near full recovery, but Commander Brunsig remains in serious condition. Only time will tell if he'll survive his injuries. |
First Officer's Log SD 239302.12 I don't know how to explain what happened. We were investigating the nebula NGC 201502. Something pulled us through into an alternate universe where the Dominion has won. We're trapped here, they've been rationing pain medication and we haven't found any way to get home. This Selamderen fellow offered to guide me. If it means what I think it does, then maybe I can get my gift under control. Anything to fix what I did to it on the Columbia. I'll get my gift under control, and we'll get back home to our reality where we belong. I hope. |
Captain's Personal Log, SD 239302.29 The ship suffered moderate damage after being snared by the quantum fissure, unfortunately including the warp drive. To make matters worse, our passage destabilised the fissure, preventing us from even considering an immediate return to our home universe.
Bridge Officer's Log 239303.26 Lieutenant Ayiana Sevo reporting. Captain Reynolds has left to greet the survivors of the Triumphant we rescued from their escape pods. Sadly, the Triumphant itself was destroyed; presumably by it’s self-destruct system. We don’t know why it was activated though. There was a shuttle launched from the Triumphant that was picked up by the surviving Dominion ships, before they escaped to warp.
Chief Medical Officer's Log 239303.31 Rarely do Ah say this, but this has been a horrible day. It never ceases to surprise me just how much pain and suffering people can endure and keep going. |
First Officer's Log SD 239303.31 I hate it when life repeats itself. |
Medical Officer’s personal Log - Stardate 239304.09 Today is a bit of an anniversary for me. Today marks the first month of my post to the USS Gorkon. The first month of being stuck in this Universe and the start of my first day off. I of course plan on celebrating my first day off by doing more work. |
First Officer's Personal Log 239303.31 To say this assignment is interesting would be an understatement of galactic proportions. |
HCO Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 239303.31 I've lost track of how long we've been in this wretched universe. We thought we'd found some kind of security, but that was pulled from underneath of us like a rug. The Triumphant's destruction was a big blow for a lot of the crew. So many of us are starting to lose hope of ever getting home. I feel like the whole crew is going to need counseling when we get back...if we get back. With supplies running low, we're going to need to risk coming out of hiding to find replacement parts and stock up of items for the kitchen. Even the rations won't be enough to tide us over forever. |
First Officer’s Personal Log, Stardate 239304.30 I thought I knew what frustration was, but our recent experience with this Ferengi ship and her captain have proven that thought wrong.
HCO Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 239304.30 We've finally gotten a brief respite from the darkness of life in this universe in the form of shoreleave aboard a casino, the Helase. Anjar Thoran, an Engineering colleague, convinced me to join him for a bit of relaxation. Due to Jansen being busy in Sickbay, I agreed. It was nice to get a break...until Anjar and I got the suspicion that we were being watched. Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing...though I wouldn't be surprised if the casino owner reached out to Erik Jansen after we left. The bounty on our heads no doubt left Mot's head spinning with thoughts of the profit it would bring. After all, Ferengi are ruled by profit. |
Chief Science Officer’s Personal Log. 239307.30 I have no idea what the true stardate is. Shipboard clocks show we’ve been trapped in this universe for about nine months, but without access to Federation timebase beacons, there’s no way to know for sure.
Personal Log (SD Unknown) The longer we stay here, the longer the crew around me loses hope. I try to lighten the mood, but my efforts are in vain. Even Commander Blair barely laughs these days. Our once mighty chancellor is falling apart, three systems at a time. I recognize him now as a battle-weary and desperate wariorr willing to perform the Hegh'bat ritual. We've got a block of Swiss cheese to attack with, and we're trying to bite the mouse called DSX in order to obtain a cloaking device which...might not help us get home. If we can somehow manage to re-open a fissure in this reality by attacking the station...just maybe....it can get us home. Stripey thinks the attack could either spell success or death in any language I like. I disagree with him -- there is only success. We all die eventually, but it will not be this day. Murphy's Law states: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.