Samira Neathler

Revision as of 15:27, 4 October 2021 by Samira Neathler (talk | contribs) (adding Cyberpunk Sami 2398)

Samira Neathler currently serves as Chief Security and Tactical Officer & Second Officer aboard the USS Gorkon.

USS Gorkon
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Samira Neathler
Position Chief Security/Tactical & Second Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 236704.01
Age 34
Birthplace USS Skadi
Writer ID G239508SN0

Academy Transcript

Medical Record

Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
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Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
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25th Anniversary
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Appreciation Forum Nominator
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Chat Trivia Participant
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SOTFA Ship Commendation
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SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
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Excellence in Training
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FNS Editor
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Writing Challenge Judge
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Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
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Commemorative Coins
Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png

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  • Height: 1.65m (5'5")
  • Build: Slim, athletically build
  • Hair: Pixie Short, black
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Birthmarks/Scars: None
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Casual, jeans, sleeveless shirts, fingerless leather gloves.
  • Handedness: Ambidexterity.


  • Habits: Always starts her day with an hour work-out either in the gym or a run through the more quieter corridors of the ship.
  • Likes: Bubbles for alcoholic drinks and has taken a liking for whisky.
  • Dislikes: Avoids drinking coffee as it affects her temper. Gets annoyed when technical devices suddenly stop working. Is always busy with something, she doesn't like to sit still. Doesn't like to depend on other people. Will avoid flying with shuttles if she can. Doesn't like complicated words.
  • Hobbies: Working out – Trying out new holodeckprograms - Collecting knives
  • Other: Doesn't celebrate the typical Earth festivities.

Quarters - Pet - Collectables


Samira has her quarters on Deck 5, close to the gym.


Her brother Marlon had the bright idea to send her a pet, namely a male Koala who now resides either in Samira's quarters or in her office and has been given the name Ko.

  • Trophy for winning the Biathlon on Giáng Sinh.

It was a flowing piece of transparent aluminum that stood about thirty centimeters high and was shot through with splashes of opaque blues and greens in the style of Terran murano glass. The sculpture of the unicorn rearing up and kicking the air with its hooves was set with replicated sapphires for eyes and a topaz horn atop its head.

  • The ushaan-tor.

Grabbed from the female Andorian criminal on the Njörðr.

  • The Beta Veldonna Medal.

A brooch of circular metal designs set with small gemstones of differing colors, awarded to off-worlders who have shown heroism for Betazed. Given to Samira by Ghant for capturing the guy that was after Ghant's life.

  • A Dopterian combat knife.

Taken from Ghant's assaulter back on Betazed.



Father: Vance Neathler
Mother: Breanna Neathler
  Brent Neathler, Tactical Officer, born 2363
  Marlon Neathler, (aka Blackbird) Started as Ops, Intelligence Officer, born 2365


Megan, or Meg for her friends, was Sami's roommate on the Gorkon until they both got assigned separate quarters. Sami's quarters now being at Deck 5 near the Gymnasium, while those of Meg at Deck 11 close to Hydroponics. At first Samira was a bit reluctant having to share a set of quarters with a mind reader. But over time Samira appreciated her company and the always positive mood the other younger woman is showing, especially after the dreadful Skarbek adventure. Meg still frequently visits Samira, even if it is only to babysit Ko.

After making a fresh start on the Outer Hull Party, after al she had been ordered to guide him to the brig on a previous occasion, Samira joined Orson towards the Lower Deck Party and what happened afterwards, if something did happen, is only known between the two of them. He was also one of the three people who found her after she escaped from two kidnappers during the The Njörðr Incident. After that event Samira discovered she had more feelings towards Bear than she had realized so far. After hearing that Bear had a hand in the break out of Valesha Sienelis, who had prior been arrested on charges of treason, espionage and murder, and had fled the ship, Samira felt quite devastated and shocked. Later it turned out, the whole escape had been a setup for both Bear and Valesha to go undercover. After their return it took Bear days to pick up the courage to talk to Samira, only bringing her the news he no longer wanted to be with her. News that didn't really settle well with Samira.

Following Toran's martial arts classes, Samira had learn to know Toran as a strong and wise man. Yet during shore leave after the Njörðr Incident, she has seen a more sensitive side of the man. Something she decided to keep to herself.

Not knowing how to deal with a few events that happened on the USS Njörðr, Samira decided to seek help with the Counsellor. The Bajoran woman taught her that it was not a bad thing to accept help from friends or crewmembers.

During shore leave on Earth, Samira encountered Corliss on her way to a Haunting Castle Tour named the Ghostly Maiden. Even though it was in the Q-verse Samira was impressed by the way Corliss handled a hostile Cardassian, even if it was at the cost of one of her wigs.

The first time Samira met her fellow Assistant Chief Sec/Tac was at the Research Station on Giáng Sinh, having a drink together and both decided it would be best for now that he learned the ropes of both departments as a whole instead of splitting them up and each taking their part.

The smuggler as Fingers named him in the Q-verse, turned out to have quite the enterprising mind in the real world. When asking some help with Tasha MacFarlane to setup a biathlon track on Giáng Sinh, it didn't take long for the Chief of Ops to offer his help and those from his department. Including the recreation of the same scenario on the holodeck. Next to participating in the biathlon Jona also made the trophy for the winner.

Looking up some solitude, Samira was dragged back to the Research Station on Giáng Sinh by Jo to have a drink and bit of a talk. A conversation that didn't go well at first because Samira was doubting her place on board the ship, with the recent discovery that someone, without telling her department, had appointed a bodyguard to the Admiral. Yet a drink and a few quips from the First Officer later, Samira managed to have a bit of an informal chat with Jo.

During Nkai Caedan's birthday party, Samira looked up the company of the most known botanist on the ship with the idea of getting some eucalyptus trees for Ko. At the rather odd request of Erin to become friends and realizing she could count the people she had herself as friends on one hand, Samira accepted the offer.

Previous Professional Relationships

The Kid (as she will probably always call him after their Skarbek-adventure) has really good intentions but sometimes Samira wonders if he's not having a hearing problem or if there's something wrong with his short term memory. Or maybe something else is in play. A thing she will need to find out somehow. Although she was far from impressed after finding out mister Smith had managed to shoot down one of his own crewmembers. She never found out the reason of his, at times, insecurity because of a rather sudden transfer of the Kid to the USS Astraeus.

Having done an investigation together with the Trill, Samira was really impressed with her work and knowledge.

For the few times she had worked closely with the Commander, Samira has the most respect for him and is hoping that somehow she can still learn from him, even if they work in different departments. An endeavour she had to put aside after the Intelligence Officer was hauled away to a medical facility after succumbing to a toxic liquid during the mission on Nassau.

Working for the first time with the Klingon/Vulcan hybrid, Samira was impressed with the quick thinking and fighting moves the hybrid showed them during the mission on Nassau.

Her first meeting with her direct superior officer went well, and Samira took the opportunity to ask her chief in a few lessons on how to use or defend herself against an ushaan-tor. During that first meeting Samira also learned she was not only the chief's assistant but was also required to be able to do the job of the chief herself.

Tasha has this wonderful skill, to explain engineering stuff on a level that even Samira, who is not engineering minded at all, can understand.

Hearing about the fight the new ship's pilot got into with Ensign Tereen, Samira was far from impressed with the man when she heard the news, especially after both needing medical attention. During a trip to Dessica II and Betazed, Samira has gotten to know the pilot and his family better, as Ghant was following a lead to ask Victoire's birthfather to give up the birthrights to his daughter, so Ghant could and did win the custody case to adopt the little girl. Much to the dismay of the girl's grandmother who hired an assassin to take care of Ghant. The attempt luckily failed and the culprit was taken into custody. While staying on the Xerix' Family estate, Ghant also taught Samira how to protect herself somewhat against mind readers, something she intends to keep practising. After everything they had gone through together, his sudden departure left her with a bad taste as he only told her by means of a rather short note.


With both her parents and brothers serving in Starfleet, it was only natural that Samira would follow suit. She had spend all her childhood and adolescent life on spaceships and was used of living amongst different species. Yet the moment she entered Starfleet Academy a new world opened to her, a world she couldn't get used to. Unlike most of her fellow students she missed the confinements of a ship, something most people did not understand. As a result Samira failed her first year terribly and if it hadn't been for the extra encouragement of her brothers she would have given up. So the next few years she made an extra effort to make up for her mistakes and bad decisions she had made the first year.

Mission History

* Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This - 239508.27-239511.15

A few days after having boarded the USS Gorkon on Trill Samira and the rest of the crew, were put in an induced dream. Totally having forgotten about her past, Samira found herself en route to the Maquis fighter Skarbek. The Skarbek was also carrying a Starfleet prisoner and after that prisoner had been beaten up rather bad, accusations between the crew were flying high. While being split in groups to find the perpetrator, the induced dream started to break up, and weird things started to happen to everyone. Samira found herself in a cave with a symbiont pool, encountered a unicorn named Faith, saw a row of isolinear chips doing the cancan and had to take a ride on the horrific Arkaria's Brandnew Roller Coaster, to name a few, before her group (including Red, Sticks and the Kid) caught a person (Bondon) who could shed a light on things.

Some time later, Samira woke up in the Computer Control lab, together with Trellis Vondaryan and Thalas th'Koro. After some investigation it appeared a piece of equipment from the high security storage, had been stolen by the same people who had induced the dream, and those people were no longer onboard the Gorkon.

The Maquis experience had as result that Samira is currently more closed than usual. She also ended up having nightmares, for which she refuses to seek help, with the intend of solving things on her own. Also the news that her brother Marlon was send on a secret mission for a few months didn't bode well.

* The Njörðr Incident - 239602.05-239603.25

While the USS Gorkon is undergoing some routine repairs and maintenance at Starbase 123, part of the ship's crew have boarded the USS Njörðr en route to the New Horizon conference. The ship however sustains heavy damage in an unknown nebula and gravity is upside down. Mostly thanks to Tasha MacFarlane, Groznin Smith and Trellis Vondaryan their little group, managed to hold back a warp core breach. After finding access codes on the Battle Bridge Tasha MacFarlane succeeded in to displaying a message on working displays around the ship, a message that was later altered by Admiral Quinn Reynolds. Leaving the Battle Bridge Samira was being separated from the others, as she was taking hostage by two escaped prisoners who dragged her through the Jefferies tubes, in order to escape from the doomed ship, using whatever means the prisoners deemed fit.

Managing to disable the prisoners one by one and getting severely hurt in the process, Samira was later rescued by Orson Marshall, Groznin Smith and Gnaxac. With their help they reached the Life Support Control Centre, where through an unfortunate event, the gravity switched back to normal. Shortly after they were rescued and beamed onboard the USS Yarahla.

Distracted from what she had experienced during the mission Samira sought help and guidance from counsellor Valen Carys, who taught her it wasn't a bad thing to accept help when needed. Contrary to what her father always had made her believe.

After spending a wonderful afternoon on the beach with Toran Sevo and Orson Marshall, Samira and Bear picked up where they left off at previous shore leave. So it left her quite devastated and shocked, having to hear that Bear had a hand in the break out of Valesha Sienelis, who had prior been arrested on charges of treason, espionage and murder. Both Bear and the Romulan, now wanted by Starfleet Security and Jag, had fled the USS Gorkon.

* Operation Sea Devil - 239605.15-239608.01

Having chosen undercover names and teamed up with Genkos Adea (Doc), Cory Stoyer (Dante) and Kyrrha Tereen (L’ahl Vad), Samira (Newt) had been ordered to capture the Orion Syndicate boss Leelou who is currently hiding in the asteroid Nassau in the Ma no Umi region. Arriving at the Leisure District, Cory and Samira head out to buy equipment, so that Kyrrha can make a jammer that would prevent Leelou to use any electronical devices she's carrying. Yet a merchant had different ideas as he tried to ambush the couple, yet Cory and Samira managed to outsmart the criminals.

Later at the Vortex Cory started making amok and managed to get into the VIP area where Leelou resided, where he was later accompanied by Samira who used the turmoil of a distraction created by Doc and Kyrrha.

The last two managed to get inside the VIP-area using the backdoor and the team managed to capture Leelou and took her back to the docks, where the Syndicate Boss made a last attempt to escape, but thanks to the swift actions of Kyrrha, Cory and Doc the Orion woman was quickly apprehended. The group managed to lure Nassau's Authorities and made their escape of Nassau that was currently in lockdown due to an explosion.

Arriving at the rendezvous point with the USS Triumphant, Samira was in shock when she was greeted by her brother, Marlon, who she hadn't seen for almost a year.

Marlon, aka Blackbird, had all this time been undercover in The Slims of Nassau. Although he was very skeptical about the people retrieving him, in the end Blackbird, did go with Jo Marshall (Marshall), Groznin Smith (kid), Corliss Fortune (the talkative one) and Caitríona Cayne (Fox), who had been send out to bring him back to Starfleet as Blackbird suspected that his cover was blown.

Shortly after returning to the Gorkon, together with her brother for the time being, Samira was promoted to Lieutenant and it was on that same day that Bear had the luminous idea to tell her he no longer wanted to be with her because she made him weak. Words that somehow still don't make any sense with Samira. A bit at a loss of the news, she went to visit Warren, an old friend from her childhood time, back on Earth. A few days later she was dragged on a haunted castle tour with Corliss, which gave her the opportunity to get to know the counsellor a bit more, even if it was in supposedly terrified circumstances. There was also the obligated reception of the Admiral's wedding the Gorkon Senior Staff was invited too. And Samira ended shore leave in the company of her brother, who had tricked her into hiking the Inca Trail but somehow the trip helped her to put certain things into context.

* Project Capstone on the USS Juneau - 239610.28 - 239701.31

Together with a select group of the Gorkon crew, Samira joined the USS Juneau as Tactical Officer.


* Together in Electric Dreams - 239609.22-239611.08

Commemorating those they had lost in the past year, Samira, nowadays known under the call name Fingers, and the rest of the Skarbek Maquis crew, were on the Peshkova Colony taking a welcome break. That was until they received an emergency call from the SS Fourcade. The Skarbek tracked down the crashed ship on Omicron Noctae IIIa. Teamed with Blondie, Strip and Shades, Samira was ordered to inspect a Cardassian looking compound. Trying to discover the source of theta radiation, they found a way that lead below the compound where they found over fifty souls that needed saving. Splitting up the team, Shades, Samira and an Andorian named Jona, or Smuggler, went back to the surface to ask for medical assistance. As they waited they decided to explore more of the building, yet the team quickly find themselves trapped in a room with explosives. Thanks to the quick thinking of Shades/Vines, the trio managed to get out alive albeit a bit hurt.

After the arrival of the Inayat-Khan carrying Wigs and Staples Vines, Staples and Smuggler tried to triangulate the location of the other team inside the compound while Wigs and Samira had a small encounter with a few spoonheads on the dusty moon surface. Once the other team members were beamed onboard the shuttle a certain Q appeared telling them they had all been part of Q's experiment. The next moment Samira was back on the Gorkon bridge, the Maquis experience still lingering in her mind.

A terraforming project going wrong, when a strange solar flare from the system's sun, put the research outpost Giáng Sinh in a snowy and cold landscape. Together with the rest of the crew, who have temporary made camp in the outpost, they're investigating the rather strange phenomena.

* Serpent Heart, Flowering Face - 239702.28-239704.29



* Welcome to Dinosauria - 239707.12-239709.25

Teamed with Arlo Thornton, Corliss Fortune en Loxley, Samira was investigating the BetaGen Science Complex on Trueno, an asteroid located in the Bratax system. Together with the three other teams spread over the asteroid, their tasks consisted, to make sure that the life forms created by the scientists were safe to visit not only by Starfleet but also other populations. Those beings currently roamed on Trueno in science complexes, paddocks, behind force fields, etc.

Bertrand Hankins, the lead scientist, and a guy who would test her patience, greeted them in led them from the foyer, to the primary lab, into the neonatal until and from there into a maze of corridors with creatures in their enclosures on either side of the corridors. It was there that the forcefields started to break down and the team wanted to investigate what happened at the security center, where they also learned that an ion storm was circling above their heads.

A flying dinosaur snatched away a security guard in front of their eyes before the team went on the move again to reach the weather complex. While Thornton and Hankins searched for a way in, a woman named Cedre Vanham appeared from out of the bushes, apparently in shock.

Inside the weather complex, they found three more survivors and a complex being feeding on energy. Once the hungry being was lured away, Thornton succeeded in restoring the weather grid. Together with all survivals the team, under attack by razor beaks, reached the parking area, where they entered a working car, that drove them to the landing padd. Much to her despair, the only shuttle they saw was a crashed one. With tensions flying high between Thornton, Loxley and Hankins, and before another attack of the razor beaks happened, they were beamed on board the safely of the USS Triumphant.

On the Triumphant, Samira bumped into Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds and received an invitation to have something to eat in the ship’s mess hall. Back on the Gorkon, it was with some hesitation that Samira returned to her quarters, afraid that Ko would have turned into a hungry creature, but all the critter wanted was to use her shoulder as a pillow.

At the gym she encountered Piravao sh’Qynallahr who showed her her collection of weapons. Having an interest in combat knives herself, Samira asked Piravao if the Andorian would teach her how to use the ushaan-tor and if things went well, the varchuk.

Further more she looked up Loxley to refill and restock the medkit from her own quarters and office, receiving a bit of a lecture from the hybrid doctor.

In the Songbird, she witnessed the magnificent display of one of the Gorkon’s teams, consisting out of three people from her own department. A display that made her drink whiskey instead of champagne.

She also had a drink with Cory Stoyer in the Brew Continuum, finding out why the man had left the Gorkon so suddenly a few months ago and she asked him if he wanted to join her for a walk with Ko in one of the parks of Palanon.

Later on she received an invitation from the Admiral and the First Officer to join them for a game of pool in Sto'Vo'Kor. Nervously she joined them for a game, where she accepted to take up the position of Second Officer.

* Operation Q-Ball - 239711.30-239802.02



* What Do Boys Dream - 239803.23-239806.18

Trapped in a Cardassian Prison, Fingers (Samira's alter ego in the Skarbekverse) has to find a way out of said prison.

Returning to Deluvia IV, Samira spend most of her time on the planet. Although she skipped her counseling sessions, afraid to relive the memories of the ruthless killer Fingers is. A walk in the forest with Tahna Meru had let them to an enclosure with wind chimes. She later took Ko to the same enclosure. Later on she went for a dive to the ancient ruins of the first settlement with Cory Stoyer and Tahna Meru. Back on the ship she had to reassure the new arrived Doctor Mallora Vossti, that a certain reprimand in her file wouldn't have her end up in the brig. The same brig from which she released Jona ch'Ranni and Serren Tan, who managed to get themselves trapped in there. Shore leave was concluded with the wedding of Valesha Sienelis and Christopher Johns with a huge afterparty at the beach.

* The Pelian Brief - 239808.28-Present

Together with Lieutenant Cory Stoyer and Ensign Tahna Meru, Samira has to solve the murder on Chief Sakerark Bisul.


Starfleet Career

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239508.27 - 239601.27 USS Gorkon Security & Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239601.27 - 239607.25 Assistant Security & Tactical Officer
Lieutenant 239607.25 - 239702.28
Lieutenant Commander 239702.28 - 239711.06 Chief Security & Tactical Officer
239711.06 - Present Chief Security & Tactical Officer
Second Officer
Temporary Assignment
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Lieutenant 239610.28 - 239701.31 USS Juneau Tactical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239508.27
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239601.27
USS Gorkon
For being held prisoner in unusual circumstances by Lladre.
Purple Heart 239604.27
USS Gorkon
For suffering injuries during the USS Njörðr Incident.
Explorer's Ribbon 239604.27
USS Gorkon
Awarded for the discovery of the crab-nebula the during the USS Njörðr Incident.
Captain's Commendation 239604.27
USS Gorkon
Awarded for the teamwork to prevent a warp core breach on board the USS Njörðr.
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239604.27
USS Gorkon
For being kidnapped by two prisoners on the USS Njörðr
Good Conduct Ribbon 239604.27
USS Gorkon
For preventing the escaped prisoners to harm/threaten the crew and the USS Njörðr.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239607.25
USS Gorkon
For contributions to the ongoing efforts to combat they Orion Syndicate.
Silver Star 239607.25
USS Gorkon
For carrying out their mission on Nassau with remarkable courage and bravery and at great personal risk.
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239701.21
USS Juneau
Presented for participating in the first test voyage of the USS Juneau.
Project Capstone Ribbon 239701.21
USS Juneau
Participated in 6 phases of Project Capstone
Warp XV Drive Pioneer 239701.21
USS Juneau
Presented for participating in the testing of the Warp XV engine aboard the USS Juneau.
Legion of Merit 239701.21
USS Juneau
Presented for exceptionally meritorious conduct when things don't always go as planned aboard the USS Juneau.
Orion Syndicate Service Medal 239701.21
USS Juneau
Presented for participating in a conflict against the Orion Syndicate aboard the USS Juneau.
Legion of Merit 239706.24
USS Gorkon
Presented for showing determination, dedication and courage in surviving the harsh condition on Væron and revealing the planet's true nature.
Lifesaving Ribbon 239709.28
USS Gorkon
For saving and protecting the employees of a theme park trying to kill you.
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon 239709.28
USS Gorkon
For luring a razor-beaked flying dinosaur away from her team so her team could make their escape.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239709.28
USS Gorkon
For stepping to the task with bravery and courage the best of Starfleet can be proud of, when faced with the arduous and demanding conditions on Trueno.
Department Chief Ribbon 239709.28
USS Gorkon
For leading their departments with a steady hand despite the continual change around them.
Intelligence Star 239802.10
USS Gorkon
For the need for quick thinking, resourcefulness and determination, while maintaining cover.
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239802.10
USS Gorkon
For work in Ma no Umi against insurmountable odds, and a few pirates, while facing off against not only the Orion Syndicate, but members of several factions.
Good Conduct Ribbon 239802.10
USS Gorkon
For the many acts of gallantry performed during the infiltration of Nassau.
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Silver Palm 239604.24
USS Gorkon
Awarded to a simmer who has consistently boosted the morale of their crew.
Neelix Award 239706.24
USS Gorkon
Awarded to those who demonstrate extra, out of character, simming devotion. This includes, helping fellow officers who are in need of simming aid, running OOC sims, upkeep of wiki pages, etc..
1-year Member 239706.28
USS Gorkon
For those who have been members continuously for one year.
Boothby Award 239706.28
USS Gorkon
For trainers who go above and beyond their Academy Training Requirements. These trainers display an outstanding example of dedication to bringing new cadets to our community.
Natasha Yar Pin 239706.30
USS Gorkon
Awarded to those security officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in protecting and preserving the lives of their crewmates, even at risk to their own.
O'Brien Award 239806.26
USS Gorkon
Named for one of Trek's most stalwart and dedicated supporting officers, we give this award to members who hold the rank of Lieutenant or Lt. Commander and support the ship's command staff by mentoring crew, facilitating missions, maintaining the wiki and other tasks essential to the smooth running of our sims. These officers form the backbone of their ships and stations, helping to make simming fun for everyone aboard.
TOSMA 239806.26
USS Gorkon
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class. This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to ensure quality in their writing.

Alternative Character

Samira Neathler - Maquis Fighter, crewmember of the Skarbek.


Sami Halloween Version


Notable SIMs

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Science Officer
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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