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{{Ithassa Region}}
{{Ithassa Region}}
In 2382, six ships from the [[StarBase 118 Ops|Starbase 118]] fleet set off on a brave new journey to explore strange new worlds, to seek new life and new civilizations; to go boldly where (almost) no-one had gone before.

Nestled in between the Federation, [[ma:Gorn|Gorn]] Confederacy and [[Tzenkethi]] Hegemony, the Ithassa Region has relatively few worlds and resources, and so has been largely ignored by these powers. However, with the recent reactivation of [[Deep Space 17]] under Captain [[Kare'en m'Hapron m'Adrina|Kare'en m'Hapron]], the strategic value of this region of space has increased. [[ma:Starfleet Command|Starfleet Command]], acting under the direction of its new militant commanders, assigned out-of-favour peacemaker then Rear Admiral Hollis Calley to head up a taskforce to explore this region and spread Federation influence where possible. To this end, the [[USS Kodiak|Kodiak]] and [[USS Independence|Independence]] rapidly followed by the [[USS Wallace|Wallace]], [[USS Hammond|Hammond]], [[USS Triumphant|Triumphant]] and [[USS Darwin|Darwin]] set off to explore the little-known '''Ithassa Region''' of space. They are designated T-DI (Taskforce Discovery)
<!--Intro overview-->
The '''Ithassa Region''' (''Gorn: '''Chavesss Sector''', Constellationite: '''Ulsjifga''''') is a vast expanse covering 15,000,000 ly<sup>3</sup> of the Alpha Quadrant. The region includes various [[Ithassa Region Stellar Cartography|stellar phenomenae]], such as the [[Bull's Run]] and the nebulae of the Aurona Sector. The region is cuboid in shape, with edges of length 1000ly, 500ly and 30ly. At Warp 9, it would take over 3 years to cross the Region at its widest point.

With recent changes in command, the fleet now consists of the [[USS Ursa Major]], [[USS Independence]], [[USS Triumphant]], [[USS Tucson]] (NPC) and [[USS Hammond]] (NPC).
<!--History of exploration/discovery-->
The initial discovery of the region is attributed to astrophysicist [[Ithassa, Sjori|Sjori Ithassa]], after whom the region is named in Federation records. Other local powers have differing names for the region, including the Gorn name "Chavesss Sector". Federation vessels did not begin exploration of the region until the turn of the 24th Century, with a handful of vessels being assigned before the [[ma:Tomed Incident|Tomed Incident]]. During this first foray, the station [[Deep Space 17]] was constructed to observe the neutron star [[Eratis]].

Despite the redeployment of resources, the region still held some interest from the Federation. Starfleet resumed exploration of the region in the late 2360's, after ships had been freed up by the end of the [[ma:Federation-Cardassian War|Federation-Cardassian War]]. The fleet reclaimed Deep Space 17, which had been running on automation for the previous three decades; but withdrew once more in 2373 as resources were needed for the continuing [[ma:Second Federation-Klingon War|Second Federation-Klingon War]] and then for the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]].
Known by the Gorn Confederacy as the [[Chavesss Sector]], it was discovered by the astrophysicist [[Ithassa, Sjori|Sjori Ithassa]], the region was a relative enigma to the Federation until recent years. The area was due to be explored in 2311 but the [[ma:Tomed Incident|Tomed Incident]] with the [[ma:Romulan|Romulans]] resulted in resources which were due for the '''Ithassa Region''' to be redeployed to the [[ma:Romulan Neutral Zone|Neutral Zone]].  

This redeployment left Starfleet's presence in the region very bare, totalling only a single Deep Space station. [[Deep Space 17]] slowly but successfully gathered information on the region. However, during the [[ma:Dominion War|Dominion War]], resources were again pulled from this region of space leaving [[Deep Space 17]] little more than an automated outpost.

<!--Taskforce Discovery-->
The '''Ithassa Region''' is a vast expanse of space, covering a volume of 15000000^3 light years. This region is dictated by boundaries marking out a cuboid in space of 500x1000x30 light years. At Warp 9, the region takes approximately 1000 days to cross.
Starfleet turned its attention to the Ithassa Region for a third time in late 2379, four years after the end of the Dominion War. With Starfleet still rebuilding, a small [[Ithassa Region Starfleet Vessels|Taskforce]] headed by Rear Admiral [[Hollis Calley]] was sent to once more reclaim and explore the vast region. The initial taskforce comprised of the [[USS Kodiak-B]], [[USS Independence]], [[USS Hammond]] and [[USS Triumphant]], with the [[USS Wallace]] and [[USS Darwin]] following soon after. The crew of USS Wallace assisted in the second reactivation of Deep Space 17. The USS Kodiak was decommissioned for technical reasons in early 2383, with the [[USS Ursa Major]] taking her place in the taskforce.

==Federation Presence==
<!--Federation rivals in sector-->
*[[Deep Space 17]] (NPC station)
The Federation are not the only major power in the region. At least three previously known major powers are present in the region, in the form of the [[ma:Gorn Hegemony|Gorn Hegemony]], [[Tzenkethi|Tzenkethi Coalition]] and the [[Tholian|Tholian Assembly]]. There have also been reports of the Breen, and the USS Ronin has encountered the Cardassian Empire. In addition to these major powers, there are several local powers as well. The Confederacy of Core Worlds, which include the [[Free Trade Union]], as well as the One Kingdom are examples of these. In all, the area is a politically active region, and occassionally quite a controversial one.
**[[USS Wallace]] (NPC ship)
*[[USS Ursa Major]]
*[[USS Independence]]
*[[USS Triumphant]]
*[[USS Tucson]] (NPC Ship) [[ma:Galaxy class|Galaxy]] Class;
** Commanding Officer: Captain [[Mwangi,Danson|Danson Mwangi]]
** First Officer: [[Takenawa, Akira|Akira Takenawa]]
*[[USS Hammond]] (NPC Ship)
*[[USS Darwin]] (NPC Ship)
*[[Wheeler Colony]]

==Region features==
<!--Gorn Conflict 2383-->
* Neutron Star [[Eratis]]: [[Deep Space 17]] orbits this.
The powers within the Region do not always see eye to eye, and this was shown quite dramatically in the [[Gorn Conflict of 2383]]. The first casualty of the conflict was the FTU [[Furies Furnace Base|base]] at [[Furies Furnace]], destroyed by the invading Gorn. The base had been the location where the [[Furies Furnace Treaty]] had been signed, which had since led to good relations between the Federation and the FTU. The base was not the last casualty, nor fatality of the conflict however.
* [[Aronis Sector]]: A sector of magnetic shoals and high radiation, mapped by the [[USS Kodiak|Kodiak]].
* [[3A9]]: A planet, now largely destroyed, that had housed a Tzenkethi research station.
* [[T8A]]: A reputed pleasure planet
* [[Igloo Cluster (IC-93)]]: 93 compact systems and home to many the [[Grendellai]].
* [[Furies Furnace]]: A section of space which has highly volitile substance that is corrosive to metal, as well as rendering sensors inopertable.

==The Inhabitants==
After skirmishes throughout the region, various Starfleet vessels had been heavily damaged. The [[USS Tucson]] had required towing back to Deep Space 17, whilst the Independence was operating on a skeleton crew with a makeshift warp drive. Both managed to make it back to the station before the Gorn fleet arrived however, their objective long clear. The [[Battle of Eratis|resultant battle]] ended with heavy losses on both sides, with both USS Tucson and [[USS First Response]] destroyed before the USS Ursa Major announced a ceasefire. USS Independence was destroyed when it rammed the Gorn flagship at the very end of the battle.
===The [[Grendellai]]===
The earliest inhabitants encountered in Ithassa were small caninoid creatures called the [[Grendellai]] (sing. Grendellus). Small, of bipedal appearance, and of no great physical strength, many of the Grendellai work as scavengers and pirates. They have been known to capture and cannibalize old hulls  and to capture ships' crews for disposal as slave labor. These cannibalized hulls have become known within the fleet as "Frankenstein" ships. The Grendellai are numerous throughout the sector.

There is no known 'homeworld' for the Grendellai, nor an organized government.  Many Grendellai exist in anarchy or in small autonomous groups operating ships. Officially, these are considered traders.  In practice they operate either so close to the law as to make no difference, or as pirates and slavers. They operate a pack heirarchy, with the captain as the alpha male.
The loss of vital vessels in the region led to Starfleet deploying several additional starships, to replenish the fleet. Former Independence First Officer [[Mar, Idril|Idril Mar]] was given command of the [[USS Ronin]] before the Independence herself was [[USS Independence-A|replaced]]. USS Triumphant was reassigned to be permenantly attached to Deep Space 17 in 2384. Admiral Hollis and the USS Ursa Major were recalled to Earth during 2385, with most of the senior crew assigned to either the USS Independence-A or the newly dispatched [[USS Tiger]].
*Larger networks of co-operative pirates and slavers. Similar to the smaller organizations, there is a strict hierarchy between the ships as well as the vessels.
*Slave labor utilized by the One Kingdom (see below).  These Grendellai are seen as sub-Constellationite.

Many ships possess a form of stealth technology, the material for which has been linked tentatively to the Federation's [[Wheeler Colony]] in the [[Deadwood system]]. One of their major bases is in the [[Igloo Cluster (IC-93)]]. This base was severly damaged when it was attacked by the USS Kodiak, USS Triumphant and USS Independence.
In 2388, following the [[Hobus supernova| Hobus Supernova of 2387]], some Romulan refugees have established a colony on [[Bilire VI]] and every effort to help them acclimate is being made by the crew of the Independence-A.  
Commander Mar and Lt. Commander Walker were attacked near this system as well during a mission in a runabout. They were rescued by the timely intervention of the [[USS Achilles]].
====Grendellai encountered====
[[Kullyer]] – leader of a rebellion on [[Space Station Elvar]]
=====Grendellai facilities=====
Igloo Cluster Base
===[[Free Trade Union]]===
The [[Free Trade Union]] (abbr. FTU) is the largest confederation of trade vessels in the '''Ithassa Region''. It has a quasi-political status, mostly designed to attempt to give trade vessels some autonomy over and against the various larger powers in the region.
Each of the Free Trade Ships (abbr. FTS) is autonomously run, and tends to have a crew of various species from the region. But the ships pay a periodic fee, which lets them dock at [[FTU]] bases, and be supplied and repaired. There also is a certain level of shared information and technology.
The typical FTS tends to be rather heterogeneously constructed (though not grotesquely so), with a heavy emphasis on shielding and armor. The engine technology is less developed than the Federation -- defense having been the [[FTU]]'s major research focus. The actual locations of the [[FTU]] bases are very heavily guarded secrets. They tend to be in hard to reach places (magnetic clouds, asteroid belts, etc).
Members of the [[FTU]] tend to be on the fringes of society, often joining up when an FTS makes an appearance at a neutral port. Many crewmembers have a dream of buying their own ship and captaining it. Some of the other major powers hunt the [[FTU]] actively, but others tolerate them for the goods they bring in and for a kind of "steam valve" effect.
====FTU personnel encountered====
====FTU Vessels====
* [[K'tarn|FTS T’Karn]]
* [[FTS P'Kothla]] (destroyed)
* [[FTS Marauder]]
====FTU Bases====
* [[Furies Furnace Base]]
===One Kingdom===
The One Kingdom is a hierarchical feudal empire consisting of 16 systems, and incorporating several species. Serving as menial servants are captured Grendellai. At the top are the multi-limbed [[Constellationites]] whose number of limbs designate their hierarchical rank. At the very top is the twenty-limbed Emperor, who rules by an allegiance system.
The [[Constellationites]] are a fiercely xenophobic species. They believe that they are inherently superior to all other species.
Significant antipathy exists between the One Kingdom and the Gorn Confederacy. The Constellationites consume unfertile Gorn eggs possibly as a deliberate insult.
The One Kingdom is a post-warp civilization, but at a much earlier stage of development than the Federation. Their fastest ships have a top speed of warp 2.3. Offensive weapons include low-yield directed particle weapons and chemical torpedoes. Defensive weapons consist mostly of polarized hull plating.
====One Kingdom Personnel====
* Supreme Counta [[Vol'Maatan, Doir|Doir Vol'Maatan]] – The chief of [[Colony Arkin]] roughly half-way between the [[Aronis Sector]], and the ...
* [[Kuilshum]] – Physician on the [[Space Station Elvar]]
====One Kingdom Facilities====
* [[Space Station Elvar]] – Defence perimeter platform at the edge of One Kingdom space.  Armed with low-yield directed particle weapons, polarized hull plating and possibly chemical torpedoes.
* [[Colony Arkin]] – A mining colony 3 light years from [[Space Station Elvar|Elvar]]
====One Kingdom Vessels====
====Further reading on the Constellationites====
* [[Constellationites#More about the One Kingdom|Main One Kingdom Article]]
The [[Tzenkethi]] are known to be active in the region.
Further information on Tzenkethi involvement in the Ithassa Region is classified by Starfleet Intelligence for Alpha-Two clearance and above.
===The Gorn Confederacy===
The other great power in Ithassa, the reptilian Gorn have been known to the Federation for 87 years. They have apparently been known in Ithassa for considerably longer.
Significant antipathy exists between the One Kingdom and the Gorn Confederacy. The Gorn have been known to supply weapons and supplies to resistance cells of Grendellai within the One Kingdom. The Gorn deliberately sabotaged recent peace talks hosted by then Rear Admiral Hollis.
===The [[ma:Klingon Empire|Klingons]]===
Four hundred years ago, before the rise of the warrior culture in the Klingon Empire, at the command of Emperor Devoth, a group of explorers set out to discover what they could about the galaxy. They were led by C'tran, founder of the house of C'tran. He took with him seventeen ships on a voyage that lasted ten years. Part way through, the fleet encountered some magnetic shoals, and the ships were wrecked on an unknown planet. With no way of taking the shipwrecked with them on their already overcrowded fleet, the fleet departed, promising to send help as soon as they could. 
When the fleet returned to Qo'nos, a change in leadership had occurred. Emperor Devoth had been deposed and a new emperor, Kortath, had replaced him. It was he who first encouraged the ascent of the warrior cult. Most of C'tran's discoveries were destroyed, and C'tran himself, sidelined.
Recently, [[USS Kodiak|Kodiak]] discovered this colony during a routine charting mission of the [[Aronis Sector]]. Klingons high command has been notified. The Klingons in this sector are at a pre-space flight level of development, and have evolved a totalitarian and aggressive system of government.  
===Other Species===
Other species are known to exist in the '''Ithassa Region''', but they are yet to be encountered in significant numbers and may or may not possess warp technology

{{Ithassa Stellar Cartography}}
[[Category:Ithassa Region|*]]
[[Category:Ithassa Region|*]]
[[Category:Campaign Regions]]
[[Category:Campaign Regions]]

Latest revision as of 10:53, 21 May 2020

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Ithassa Region
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Starfleet Presence

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The Ithassa Region (Gorn: Chavesss Sector, Constellationite: Ulsjifga) is a vast expanse covering 15,000,000 ly3 of the Alpha Quadrant. The region includes various stellar phenomenae, such as the Bull's Run and the nebulae of the Aurona Sector. The region is cuboid in shape, with edges of length 1000ly, 500ly and 30ly. At Warp 9, it would take over 3 years to cross the Region at its widest point.

The initial discovery of the region is attributed to astrophysicist Sjori Ithassa, after whom the region is named in Federation records. Other local powers have differing names for the region, including the Gorn name "Chavesss Sector". Federation vessels did not begin exploration of the region until the turn of the 24th Century, with a handful of vessels being assigned before the Tomed Incident. During this first foray, the station Deep Space 17 was constructed to observe the neutron star Eratis.

Despite the redeployment of resources, the region still held some interest from the Federation. Starfleet resumed exploration of the region in the late 2360's, after ships had been freed up by the end of the Federation-Cardassian War. The fleet reclaimed Deep Space 17, which had been running on automation for the previous three decades; but withdrew once more in 2373 as resources were needed for the continuing Second Federation-Klingon War and then for the Dominion War.


Starfleet turned its attention to the Ithassa Region for a third time in late 2379, four years after the end of the Dominion War. With Starfleet still rebuilding, a small Taskforce headed by Rear Admiral Hollis Calley was sent to once more reclaim and explore the vast region. The initial taskforce comprised of the USS Kodiak-B, USS Independence, USS Hammond and USS Triumphant, with the USS Wallace and USS Darwin following soon after. The crew of USS Wallace assisted in the second reactivation of Deep Space 17. The USS Kodiak was decommissioned for technical reasons in early 2383, with the USS Ursa Major taking her place in the taskforce.

The Federation are not the only major power in the region. At least three previously known major powers are present in the region, in the form of the Gorn Hegemony, Tzenkethi Coalition and the Tholian Assembly. There have also been reports of the Breen, and the USS Ronin has encountered the Cardassian Empire. In addition to these major powers, there are several local powers as well. The Confederacy of Core Worlds, which include the Free Trade Union, as well as the One Kingdom are examples of these. In all, the area is a politically active region, and occassionally quite a controversial one.

The powers within the Region do not always see eye to eye, and this was shown quite dramatically in the Gorn Conflict of 2383. The first casualty of the conflict was the FTU base at Furies Furnace, destroyed by the invading Gorn. The base had been the location where the Furies Furnace Treaty had been signed, which had since led to good relations between the Federation and the FTU. The base was not the last casualty, nor fatality of the conflict however.

After skirmishes throughout the region, various Starfleet vessels had been heavily damaged. The USS Tucson had required towing back to Deep Space 17, whilst the Independence was operating on a skeleton crew with a makeshift warp drive. Both managed to make it back to the station before the Gorn fleet arrived however, their objective long clear. The resultant battle ended with heavy losses on both sides, with both USS Tucson and USS First Response destroyed before the USS Ursa Major announced a ceasefire. USS Independence was destroyed when it rammed the Gorn flagship at the very end of the battle.

The loss of vital vessels in the region led to Starfleet deploying several additional starships, to replenish the fleet. Former Independence First Officer Idril Mar was given command of the USS Ronin before the Independence herself was replaced. USS Triumphant was reassigned to be permenantly attached to Deep Space 17 in 2384. Admiral Hollis and the USS Ursa Major were recalled to Earth during 2385, with most of the senior crew assigned to either the USS Independence-A or the newly dispatched USS Tiger.

In 2388, following the Hobus Supernova of 2387, some Romulan refugees have established a colony on Bilire VI and every effort to help them acclimate is being made by the crew of the Independence-A.

Ithassa Region Stellar Cartography (Map)
Aurona Sector Furies Furnace · Rakis system · Unity One
Eratis Sector Eratis system · Deep Space 17
One Kingdom Triceblessed · Snow-on-the-Hilltop system (Klakkr's Drift)
Other Sectors Bull's Run · Deadwood system (Wheeler Colony) · Devinon system ((Devinon VI)) · Enthri system · Groen system (Groen Klei) · Hermates Sector (Asterospolis) · Igloo Cluster · Ithassa Triangle · Mogus system · Rowlka-Alpha system · Triades-Episolon system (TE-IV)
Other Planets Esogunot · Ma'vil III · Oxi · Prantis III · Ramd · T8A · XB3
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