Chythar Skyfire/Sim Archive

< Chythar Skyfire
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Crew of the USS Astraeus

2398 skyfire.png

Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire, MD


  • SD 239006.10: Head Games -- CD learns of his father's death and has a hard time accepting it.
  • SD 239008.12: To Separate What Cannot Be Separated -- Chythar struggles with the personal and professional difficulties of his post via counseling by Lt Mandany Rose that takes place prior to Pythia's Tale. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239010.18: Saving Ensign Cuthbert -- Folds, Cuthbert and Skyfire in the aftermath of Pythia's Tale -- Nominated For Top Sims Contest 239010.25
  • SD 239012.13: Reactions -- Included is Captain Nicholotti's speech in full, and Chythar's reactions to her promotion shenanigans.
  • SD 239012.15: Finding Balance -- Conversation with Sal Taybrim following Lt. Skyfire's promotion.
  • SD 239012.30: Another Counselor Gone -- A conversation between Chythar and Taybrim shortly before the counselor ships off for the USS Darwin-A.


  • SD 239101.14: Sensitive Subjects -- A cup of coffee yields a discussion with Collim regarding his mental shielding, his reluctant bargain to meet with Ensign Riverview, and the beginnings of a new friendship.
  • SD 239102.02: Mental States -- Chythar begins his discussion with Riverview about his mental shields and thinking about who helped him.
  • SD 239102.03: Reunited -- The reunification of Chythar and Sal on the Excalibur
  • SD 239103.11 The Mind Is A Complicated Thing --- Azin stumbled into Sickbay and requested help, as he couldn't see anything. In a dangerous attempt to save Azin's vision, Skyfire volunteered to participate in a Dokkoran mind meld. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239103.20: Trapped In The Mind -- This explains the aftermath of Chythar's encounter with Azin and the mind meld that rewrote his genetics.
  • SD 239106.15: The Transfer -- Chythar Skyfire talks to 1st Lt. Debra Cross, and Lt. Sal Taybrim about his transfer off the Excalibur
  • SD 239108.07: A Penny For Your Thoughts -- Ensign Raissa Moonsong and Lt. JG Chythar Skyfire converse in his second counseling session aboard the Garuda -- Nominated For Top Sims Contest 239108.07
  • SD 239109.30: Lt. Skyfire's Promotion To Lieutenant -- CD receives his promotion to lieutenant and acting chief of medical aboard the Garuda.
  • SD 239109.30: Square One -- Lt. Chythar Skyfire and Lt. JG Raissa Moonsong establish what he hopes to accomplish by seeing a counselor. His second session. Nominated for Top Sims Contest 239110.01
  • SD 239110.05: Reaching Square 2 -- CD takes the first steps toward learning how to control his abilities, revealing a connection to Taybrim in the process.
  • SD 239110.26: Eye of the Storm -- Chythar has a near-death experience in a risky attempt to save the Cardassians.
  • SD 239111.14: We Have A Problem --- Chythar meets with Cadet Safine Tan and discovers he can't re-implement the Tan symbiont to his friend Alleran.
  • SD 239111.27: The Path Out of Darkness -- Skyfire's third counseling session with Raissa Moonsong. Part I & Part II Nominated for Top Sims Contest 239111.28


  • SD 239201.25: Can You Tell Me The Date? -- CD meets with CWO Chase Valaine for the first time outside of work, and gets his first lesson in social stings. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239203.11: I Know Them... -- Chythar and his away team were transported into the past, and he makes a startling discovery: the fossilized remains of three of his crew mates. Nominated for Top Sims 239203.24
  • SD 239204.08: All In The Mind: Conversation between Drs Saveron and Chythar Skyfire to confirm that Saveron is still alive and a mind meld for understanding into Chythar's telepathy.
    Part 1 & Part II
  • SD 239206.23: Genetic Variation -- Chythar has a conversation with Raissa Moonsong and Saveron regarding his mental abilities. Part I Part II Part III
  • SD 239206.27: Different Ship, Same Conversation -- Chythar's first real conversation with Captain Aron Kells, in which he receives his promotion to Lieutenant Commander.
  • SD 239207.02: The Engineer Puzzle: Chythar & Raissa have a discussion about Carter's visit to sickbay, and CD offers a bit of advice. Part I Part II
  • SD 239207.05: The Wounding: Raissa Moonsong and Carter Greyson break up, against the wishes of both parties, and Chythar Skyfire tells Ris not to underestimate the healing power of hugs. Part I Part II
  • SD 239207.09: Chance Encounters & Telepathic Conundrums: Conversation between Chythar Skyfire and Quinn Reynolds in which recent events, ranging from professional to personal interest. Quinn reacts to his high telepathy and offers to put him in contact with another Dokkaran. Part I &Part II
  • SD 239207.19: Old Friends -- Chythar Skyfire and Sal Taybrim aboard Starbase 118 on CD's way to the USS Columbia. Nominated for Top Sims 239207.22
  • SD 239209.23: Teal No More: A conversation in which Captain Quinn Reynolds asks Chythar him to fill Chen's role as FO aboard the USS Gorkon. Part I & Part 2
  • SD 239212.21: What's Under The Hood Revisited: Chythar gets a tour of main engineering of the Gorkon and asks a question that he'd been wondering since the party. Nominated for Top Sims Contest 239212.22


  • SD 239301.03: How Did I Miss That? Chythar's first meeting with Counselor Jansen Orrey in which he recounts his stories of previous counselors and confronts his deeply rooted anger issues.  Part I & Part II
  • SD 239301.05: The Importance of Sand Drawings --- Chythar and Jansen engage in a holodeck program to discuss what's important and why. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239304.09: Transition to Mission Specialist -- Chythar doesn't feel the enthusiasm for the first officer position and becomes a mission specialist. Captain Reynolds: Duty Changes & LtCmdr Skyfire: The Transition
  • SD 239304.10: Mental Challenges Part I Chythar receives help of an old Vulcan refugee from the Triumphant to learn control.
  • SD 239304.13: Mental Challenges Part II: Five months after his last lesson, Chythar gets another session with Selamderan (Alt) but this time loses his temper at a table.
  • SD 239304.19: Mental Challenges Part III: Five months after breaking a table, CD receives final lesson with Selamderan.
  • SD 239307.14: Comedic Relief: A conversation in which Alex Blair makes Chythar the comedic relief/morale officer.
  • SD 239308.17: Social Graces -- A conversation between Lael Rosek and Chythar Skyfire while they were still in the alternate universe that begins their friendship. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239308.25: Working Lunch II: Conversation with Alex Blair after the assault on DSX concerning crew morale and stale jokes.
  • SD 239309.07: Pizza & Confessions: A conversation with Alex Blair in which the two of them express feelings for each other.
  • SD 239309.08: Lightyears Apart: Chythar calls Raissa Moonsong while aboard the Yarahla to let her know he's home.
  • SD 239309.10: Homecoming: CD goes home to Llamasong Farms to meet his adopted family. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239309.23: A Brother's Subspace Call: CD takes the time to call his adopted brother Sal Taybrim now that he's home.
  • SD 239310.02: You'll Be Back: Chythar says good-bye to Sasha Moonsong and returns to San Francisco.
  • SD 239310.08: Dinner Before Tea: Written with Alex Blair in which the two exchange their first kisses and dinner. Part 1 & Part II


  • SD 239401.04: Understanding of the Species: Chythar gets his meeting with Dokkaran LtCmdr Nicu Icavoc to discuss CD's unusual abilities. Nominated for Top Sims 239401.05
  • SD 239403.04: Not On My Watch Part I: Chythar and a pair of other officers go looking for Captain Reynolds when she doesn't answer her comm, finding her injured at the base of the 413 memorial.
  • SD 239403.05: Not On My Watch Part II: Chythar embarks on a 12 hour surgery marathon to save the life of Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds. Nominated for Top Sims 239403.06
  • SD 239404.11:
  • SD 239404.12: That Conversation: Part I, Part II, & Part III: Lael is presented with her options for her the spine replacement surgery and the risks.
  • SD 239404.13: A Family Reunion of Sorts: Lael's family and friends get together the night before the surgery, inviting Chythar to dinner. Lael is forced to confront her growing feelings for Chythar on top of her anxiety regarding her surgery. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239404.14: CD performs genetronic surgery on Lael Rosek with the aid of Dassa Alexander. The Surgery Part I & The Surgery Part II
  • SD 239404.17:
    • Awake...Finally: Lael wakes up from her coma and Chythar has a chat with Elina Kincade. Part I & Part II
    • I'm Sorry Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It: Lael apologizes to Chythar for drinking the night before her operation, and they learn of their unique mental connection. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239404.24: Care to let me in on the secret? -- Lael, Chythar, Alex and Dassa get together fro a relaxing good time, but the newest complication between Lael and Chythar ruins it.
    Part I & Part II & Part III
  • SD 239404.19: Boredom Express: Alex & Chythar have a chat on their way to their new posting about all the stressors CD has endured. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239404.25:
    • Just to Clarify... -- Dassa Alexander seeks CD out to explain Lael's emotional connection to him. Nominated for Top Sims 239404.25
    • Frustrated: Chythar has a talk with Alex to elaborate more on the empathic bond. Alex shuts him out and this strains their relationship.
  • SD 239405.11: Meeting The Counselor: Chythar's first mandatory session aboard the Za with a new counselor. Ruwon. Expresses an interest in learning mental discipline and his loathing for mind melds. Nominated for Top Sims 239405.11
  • SD 239405.30: No Time For Caution: Chythar, Alora & Haylie are working something out in the science lab, discussing the fatal implications of their wee beasties caught in the pattern buffer. Nominated for top sims 239405.31
  • SD 239407.06:
  • SD 239409.10: This is Why I Loathe the Phaser: CD picks up a phaser for the first time off a firing range since 2387 and relives a painful memory from his academy days.
  • SD 239409.19: A Certain Resemblance -- Chythar gets a chance to finally check in with Lieutenant Commander Mei'konda. Part I & Part II
  • SD 239409.26: A Change In The Air: During his mandatory reassignment evaluation, Chythar and Ris discuss his martyr complex and the mental connection between them now becoming a dull awareness of the other. Part I & Part II



  • SD 239602.26: PTSD Strikes Back: CD relives his moments from his freeze-up moment in the quarantine ward, and some of his prior mistakes from earlier in his career. This brought him to the realization that he froze in the middle of a code blue, and the captain saw it.
  • SD 239603.02: Physician, Heal Thyself: Chythar has a conversation with Lael Rosek and Mei'konda about taking a leave of absence.
    Part I, Part II, Part III
  • SD 239606.11: Recruitment Drive -- Mei'konda has a conversation with Chythar inviting him back aboard the Astraeus, this time as a barista. Part I & Part II (Author's note: Even though they both hit the list at the same time, 1 week elapsed between Skyfire's conversation with the captain and his arrival.)
  • SD 239606.13: Long Time No See: Lael & Chythar see each other for the first time since his return to the Astraeus
  • SD 239609.05: Full Circle: Oh, The Irony -- Chythar and Lael reminisce about the first time he gets introduced to tequila as he explains how his relationship ended with Alex, and CD experiences rebound emotions. Part 1 & Part 2



  • SD 239802.17: LtC Chythar Skyfire: The 8th Year -- Chythar gets lost in memory lane on the eighth anniversary of his graduation from Starfleet Academy.
  • SD 239803.27:
    • A Fine Cup of Aesohll: A 2 part JP sequence with Serala where Chythar is basically ordered to make the grand opening of the Chin'toka Brew Continuum as the captain's welcome back party venue. part 1 & part 2
    • The Proposal Scheme: Lephi and Chythar converse on proposals and marriage customs.
  • SD 239803.28: The Comet Conspiracy: Tim hears about Chythar's "orders" to set up a welcome back party and goes to set a pretense.

REV SD 239804.04