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Four Letter Code DOKR
Federation Status Aligned
Planet of Origin Ceata
Encountered TNG: Hero Worship
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Dokkarans

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Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Sector 010
  • Proper Name: Trezire
  • Star: It orbits a class F (White) star
  • Distance from Star: it's orbit is approximately 55 million km
  • Companions: 9 other planets. It is the 5th planet in the system

Home World

Ceata is noted for it's thick, nebulous atmosphere of multicolored clouds and astounding auroras that appear everywhere in the night sky due to the planet's thick magnetosphere.
  • Proper Name: Ceata
  • Diameter: (6,933 miles) 11,158 km
  • Gravity: 0.92 G with a density of 5.8
  • Axial Tilt: 33.87%, wild seasonal extremes
  • Orbital Period: 370 days
  • Rotational Period: 26 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 58%
    • Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 65% nitrogen, 34% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
    • Climate: Varries, wild seasonal changes occur over the entire planetary surface.
    • Population: ~1 Million

Ceata is an M-class world slightly younger and smaller than Earth, and is the homeworld of the Dokkaran species, located in Sector 010 of the Beta Quadrant.

Ceata is perhaps one of the more unique M-Class worlds of the galaxy and hosts a variety of stellar, geographical, botanical and zoological phenomena that make it a stand-out world in the Alpha Quadrant. Ceata possesses a unique atmosphere that heavily filters sunlight first through a thick magnetosphere and then through a dense, nebulous cloud layer, thus preventing the majority of photosynthesis over the majority of the planet’s surface. Instead, all lifeforms on Ceata evolved with a resistance to the colder temperatures and reduced warm that sunlight provides, and all plants on Ceata instead produce oxygen by consuming live prey, or by in taking vastly increased amounts of water and nutrients from the surrounding soil. Many of Ceata’s plants are highly evolved and some have rudimentary intelligence comparable to animals. Some even have animal like shapes and can move around freely (The Dokkarans included), while others are no more advanced than their counterparts on other planets.

Besides it’s unique plant life, Ceata is home to several astonishing animals and an incredible amount of apex predators. Unlike Earth, all of these predators are omnivorous and most animals across the planet are such, with small minorities being completely herbivorous or completely carnivorous. Ceata is also home to two different species of Dragons (Both endangered) who were previously thought to be extinct until several of their nests were found in the northern mountain ranges in 2203. Since then, the smaller (And less aggressive) species has begun to roost near Luzen and Kural Hanesh. The larger of the two species are titanic behemoths that fortunately exist in small numbers, though present a serious danger to those wandering the unexplored North of Ceata. Unlike their counterparts on Maravel and Berengaria VII, these Dragons are feathered and only the larger of the species is still capable of breathing fire, though there is evidence that the smaller species was once capable of doing the same.

Ceata’s surface is largely unexplored and unpopulated, and but a few expeditions have been sent outside the Acasa region, where the Dokkarans are found. They are an estimated 500 wandering Elders that travel Ceata’s surface, occasionally coming back home, though they wander seeking enlightenment and for the most part, do not report any information of value to those wishing to explore the planet. Ceata remains as much a mystery to those who seek to study it, and those who call it home.


Otherworldly and remarkably harmonious, the Dokkarans are amongst the most unique and utterly alien life forms humans and otherwise have encountered. A race of sentient, highly evolved plants, Dokkarans emerged two hundred and thirty years ago after an encounter with the USS Elysium. Dokkarans are born fully mature beneath the branches of the great Vizinyian Trees, which in turn spawned from the lone sentient Vizinyian Tree called The Lady by the Dokkarans. The physiology of these two sentient plants is not well understood and the link between The Lady (And all other Vizinyians) and the Dokkaran is likewise enigmatic save that it appears that The Lady created the Dokkarans to be her ambassadors to the greater galaxy.


Dokkarans are born beneath the branches of the great Vizinyian Trees.

The events surrounding the discovery of The Lady and the creation of the first Dokkarans is known as the ‘Elysian Encounter’ in Federation records, and as the ‘Awakening’ among the Dokkaran. While on a deep space mission in 2165, the USS Elysium came across the planet now known as Ceata and encountered it’s unique, nebulous atmosphere of vibrant blues and purples. Sending down an away mission consisting of about 25 personnel, the team fanned out across what is now known as The Pale, where The Lady resides. The two crewmen to reach The Lady first were Lieutenant Evangeline Dell, and Ensign Christian Allanzar, where they began to observe strange movements among the plants surrounding the gigantic tree. Ensign Allanzar proposed that the plants were reacting to their presence but Lieutenant Dell dismissed the idea.

Eventually the plants physically uprooted themselves and moved towards the pair, proving that these plants either had some sort of previously unobserved intelligence or were being controlled by another entity. Reporting their findings back to the Elysium, the rest of the away mission was recalled to help observe these strange plants. Lieutenant Dell and Ensign Allanzar would not live to see the arrival of the team however, and just as their transmission ended, they were both mauled to death by a local feline predator, the Hesseragh.

Upon discovering their bodies, the away team also discovered the body of the Hesseragh strangled to death by vines. Eventually the plants surrounding The Lady created a barrier between the rest of the away team and the bodies of their crewmen. Later these plants dragged the bodies closer to The Lady and were apparently absorbed into the bark of the tree. The Elysium would stay on Ceata for a further three months, both to observe what would be done with the bodies of their dead crewman, and to study the unique and highly complex plant life on the planet.

After three months, two human looking individuals emerged from the roots of The Lady, bearing remarkable likeness to (But not quite an exact replication of) Lieutenant Dell and Ensign Allanzar. These two individuals were the first Dokkarans, sentient plants in humanoid form. Eventually their numbers grew, and by the time the Elysium left Ceata in May of 2166, nine months after their initial landing, there were over 300 Dokkarans.

Since then the Dokkarans have formed an advanced society on par with their interstellar neighbors (Though with help from the Federation), and while they are virtually isolationists as a group, most individual Dokkarans have left Ceata at some point to seek knowledge of the greater galaxy. No more than half a dozen Dokkarans had joined Starfleet by the time of the Dominion War, though since then there have been four Dokkaran students at Starfleet Academy and the first Dokkaran to reach the rank of Commander.


One would assume that Dokkarans would defer to their tangible creator, The Lady, to run their affairs (And assume that The Lady wishes to hold such power) however The Lady is an ancient being, endowed with wisdom of many millennia, and as such, knows better than to micromanage the affairs of her beloved children. Instead the Dokkarans operate on a system of direct democracy in which all citizens vote on the most important issues, but the daily minutia is left to a council of Elders (All of those over 200 years of age at present, due to be amended eventually as the Dokkaran race as a whole gets older). For a policy to be passed, it requires a two-thirds majority vote and the assent of the Elders.


Dokkarans appear externally human, but are very far from it internally. Externally though, Dokkarans are passable as humans and were modeled after them though there isn’t any natural variance in hair, eye, or skin color, with all appearing as pale, true blue eyed, and black haired (For males) and white haired (For females). The root of this lack of genetic diversity is that Dokkarans stem from only two humans, and while The Lady could create infinite unique Dokkarans, she is bound by two templates, one male, one female. Since Lieutenant Dell had white hair, all Dokkaran females have white hair, and since Ensign Allanzar had black hair, all Dokkaran males have black hair. Since both officers had blue eyes, all Dokkarans have blue eyes. Why all Dokkarans are naturally pale is a mystery since Ensign Allanzar was quite tan, though this is conceivably due to environmental factors (Ceata only receives heavily filtered sun-light) versus any limitation on the Lady's part.


It is a commonly held belief among those few scientists lucky enough to study Dokkaran physiology that the layman’s terms used in the biological studies of other sentient life forms would only lead the reader farther and farther away from understanding the Dokkarans, instead of closer to an understanding.

As previously stated, the Dokkarans are plants though are extremely unique plants in that they do not require sunlight and rather operate on a modified version of the Calvin Cycle found within other plants. Dokkarans also have complex dietary needs, requiring them to eat two or three large, highly varied meals a day to maintain themselves. Dokkarans are calcivores, feeding on calcium and bone marrow for most of their nutritional needs and Dokkaran dishes largely consist of different ways to prepare bones and bone marrow. Also requiring large amounts of water, Dokkarans must always be hydrated lest they start to wilt and die just like any other plants.

Dokkaran internal biology is a maze and is unlike anything previously encountered. Dokkaran ‘skin’ is instead a tough mesh of leaves fused together to give the convincing illusion of skin and is supported by a complex structure of stems that function as a sort of skeletal and circulatory system. It is through this ‘skin’ that Dokkarans are able to absorb sunlight and carry out a limited form of photosynthesis. Since the Dokkaran homeworld has little direct sunlight due to a very thick cloud and magnetosphere, Dokkarans and the other plants on their homeworld carry out the process of photosynthesis by in taking large amounts of nutrients to start the process in the absence of strong sunlight. When Dokkarans come into contact with less obstructed solar light, the feeling is euphoric and after a brief orgasmic reaction, the Dokkarans continue to be relaxed as they take in the sunlight that revitalizes them. Dokkarans also give off a pollen that is light in both particles and smell, so allergic reactions are uncommon among other species though no unheard of. This pollen masks the approach of Dokkaran hunters when they go out in the twilight periods to gather bones and their marrow from deceased animals.

Dokkaran muscular and skeletal systems consist of unique versions of stem and wood materials respectively. The stems merely provide support for the rest of the body and are not like human muscles as they do not benefit from exercise, nor can they be stretched very far. Dokkaran bone-wood is hard and dense, and while the wood is stronger than a human bone, once it is broken there is no medical way to heal it. In order for the bone-wood to regenerate the Dokkaran must take root in Ceata's soil (Or a similar soil on another planet) and wait several weeks (Months if the wound is serious enough) for the bone-wood to heal.

Dokkaran neurobiology is one of the few things about them to be remotely similar to other humanoids and Dokkarans have a brain, though this brain has structures, cortexes and synapses that extend throughout their body. Dokkarans also have a minimal amount of natural hormones and chemicals running through their brain and in essence are ‘running dry’ on pure neuron energy. This does not limit their emotions in a sense, but these emotions are rarely brought to extremes via hormones or other natural chemicals found in animals, giving the species its trademark harmonious and ‘Zen’ personality.

Dokkarans also exhibit psionic abilities though they are not true psionics like Vulcans or other telepathic/empathic species. Dokkarans are extremely sensitive to changes in the environment around them and can readily sense the release of hormones within animals. Dokkarans can tell if someone is lying, if they desire them sexually, and can sense chemical imbalances that relate to psychiatric disorders, something Dokkarans are ‘immune to’. Dokkarans can also execute a sort of ‘mind meld’ through physical contact with another through the attuning of their nervous system to that of the other. This allows for the unity of minds between the two, allowing for the transfer of ideas, feelings and memories. In the case of sexual or other intimate contact, this experience can be very intense and if the other partner is not Dokkaran, it can be very tiring, and potentially dangerous if the Dokkaran is not careful to control the flow of ideas and emotions.

Dokkarans do not reproduce sexually, nor do they excrete solid or liquid waste (Save for producing oxygen and sugar) so their genitalia (anatomically identical to a human’s) are purely for ‘recreational activities’. Between fellow Dokkarans though, the ultimate joining of minds through their mental abilities is enough to function as a mating ritual by itself, without physical contact.

Another unique feature about Dokkarans is their as yet unknown natural life-span. Dokkarans show little sign of aging, and the only Dokkarans that have ever died expired from disease or conflict, not natural causes. Considering the longevity capabilities of many other complex plant life, it is possible that Dokkarans are either actually immortal (They will never die naturally) or effectively immortal (They have a vastly elongated lifespan compared to other humanoids that might make them extremely long lived). As Dokkarans are not affected by the same diseases, viral or otherwise, that animals are, the best chance a Dokkaran has of dying prematurely is through conflict or some sort of accident. Dokkarans are also much lighter than other humanoids and are perhaps not the best physical fighters. Although they have a higher average strength than other humanoids, there is little variation to it and since Dokkaran's cannot exercise normally like other species (At least, they receive no enhancing effects from it) their physical strength cannot be improved. Dokkarans (Like most plants) also heal much more slowly than animals, and while on Caeta they can take root in the soil to absorb healing nutrients, this is not always possible even on other planets (Which may lack the right moisture or minerals), so for most Dokkarans, a simple paper cut might take weeks to fully heal. Dokkaran 'blood' is instead a sort of murky white water full of sugars produced by Dokkarans to energize their systems. Loss of this blood in a localized area is usually not life threatening lest the flow is not restored within a few hours lest necrosis set in. The widespread loss of this fluid however, would lead to the shut down of bodily functions without energy to sustain them, and the Dokkaran would wither and die. It has been noted that the more time a Dokkaran spends off Ceata, the weaker they become. This effect is often muted and was not noticed until Lieutenant Dellan of the USS Churchill began to shut down physically (By this point in her life she had been away from Ceata for more than 7 years). While it is not known if this condition could prove fatal, it does present a unique limitation to the amount of time a Dokkaran can spend away from their world and their people. This effect is possibly due to the fact that Ceata has (Slightly) less gravity than Earth and most Alpha Quadrant worlds.

Dokkaran sleep patterns are highly irregular compared to other species and reflect their botanical nature. Vespertine plants, Dokkarans ‘bloom’ in the evening when most of the animals on Caeta retreat back into their dens and are vulnerable to hunting parties. Dokkarans are most active in this period of the day, performing the majority of their tasks, though they are not truly Vespertine and are also active in the hours before and after dawn. In regards to actual sleep, this process is even more complicated. Dokkarans are plants and naturally respond to changes in the seasons, therefor in the Summer, they will sleep for two, 2 hour intervals surrounding solar and lunar maximums, one at high noon and one at midnight. In the Winter they will sleep for six hour periods, 3 hours before, and 3 hours after noon and midnight. In the Spring and Fall, Dokkarans sleep anywhere in between though they are generally quite active in the Spring. Dokkarans are also naturally sensitive to temperatures and while they are much more tolerant to shifts in the temperature than most plants, they do not like the extreme cold or the extreme heat (the latter of which is usually fatal).

Dokkarans possess a natural grip or ‘root’ in their feet, grounding their light weight bodies to the surface they are walking on. Like the Tzenkethi, Tholians and other species, Dokkarans can rotate their center of gravity to walk on different surfaces without being effected by their normally vertical alignment. This root system also allows Dokkarans to take root in certain types of soil that suit them, allowing them to physically tap into the surrounding environment and heighten their senses. Dokkarans are not able to tap into inorganic material and have difficulty realigning themselves on the surfaces of certain metals (Some of which are common in Starship construction).

Dokkarans have a set of retractable white claws that are made of hardened calcium, and have a faint shimmering sparkle to them. In a healthy Dokkaran, the claws are strong enough to rip through the flesh of most predators on Ceata, straight to the bone. If sick or mal-nourished, the Claws will weaken and loose their strength. For many alien doctors, checking the claws of a Dokkaran is a sound indicator of their overall health. This is because the first things to be affected when a Dokkaran becomes sick are often to do with their digestive system, and since the claws are coated with calcium supplied by their intake of bones, weakened claws suggest problems elsewhere.


As a species, Dokkarans are extremely peaceful and harmonious, exhibiting a curious, bright and serene persona throughout the population. Noble and kind, the Dokkarans have a strong sense of altruism and chivalry, having zero tolerance for injustices and the oppression of groups of people. Lacking hormones and many chemicals found within the brains of other humanoids, Dokkarans keep their cool throughout most situations lest they become totally outraged by something though these reactions are not heightened by hormones or other neurochemicals. Dokkarans are also ‘immune’ to most psychiatric diseases caused by chemical imbalances, though many Dokkarans living aboard starships or other instillations find themselves suffering from a version of Seasonal Affective Disorder. The most common treatment is the instillation of special lights and some soil and plants in a room in their quarters to give them something to remind them of home.

Though non-violent towards each other by nature (Not a single Dokkaran on Dokkaran crime has been committed), they are not pacifists as they hunt animals and a few individuals have taken the lives of aliens in defense of themselves or others.

Sexuality among Dokkarans is a complex concept and it is different than other species. In the absence of hormones and bio-chemistry drawing two individuals together, Dokkarans are attracted to the ‘Aura’ of the other. Some are attracted to masculine ‘Auras’ and some to feminine, so in essence Dokkarans display the normal range of sexuality that humans do, though it is less about the physical form and more about the energy of the individual.

Each Dokkaran is endowed with the experiences/memories of The Lady, which includes the memories of Lieutenant Dell and Ensign Allanzar, and as such, hold a certain affinity for humanity. Dokkarans are also endowed with a smattering of life experiences from other Dokkarans who have linked with The Lady. Some of these experiences all Dokkaran share (Sort of a substitute for childhood) and some only a few share. These unique memories are what usually define a Dokkaran as an individual initially, though they later set out on their own to collect their own experiences. These initial experiences are always kept balanced so that no Dokkaran knows all of his or her race's collective memories. Where one Dokkaran might know how to fix a plasma conduit, another might not, but this Dokkaran might know how to speak Romulan whereas the other does not. These differences in memories are what set Dokkarans apart until they make their own way in the world and help to shape who they are. Dokkarans also seek to gather experiences that might prove interesting to them, creating a complex exchange of memories and ideas across an entire species.


As stated before, the Dokkaran's most defining quality is their harmonious nature, but it is also their most often misconstrued and least understood trait for it's incredibly confusing nature. Dokkarans often come across as very cool and collected, speaking in a calm and wise manner and their actions reflect this. Dokkarans believe in living in Harmony with the world around them, and all of its inhabitants. They believe that wisdom is the greater virtue to strength, and that this will help them make quick and decisive, but well informed and tempered decisions. Dokkarans believe that they are fundamentally part of the world around them and that their actions have an inevitable effect on everything around them, man or beast. As such, Dokkarans shun conflict beyond their Hunting, and instead seek to resolve conflicts peacefully and with a tempered hand. However, the Dokkarans do see the virtue of violence as a means to an end, though this violence must be less than the violence another has used. Things that disrupt the natural Harmony of the world must be brought back into the path of serenity or they must be eliminated, there are no other options. When Dokkarans feel the need to take the life of another, it is a solitary affair, swift and silent, a reflection on their predatory nature. The same fate is in store for those people or things that seek to impose order, or sew chaos, for these false notions disrupt the natural Harmony of the Universe, and lead to great damage to everyone. This ties into another closely held Dokkaran concept, which is the vast permeation of freedom and liberty in their society. They believe that freedom is part of the natural Harmony and that governments and laws must be loosly organized, but subsequently, the people must be good and compassionate towards not only each other, but those that exist outside their society. Dokkarans despise protocol and formality because they see such things as dividing a people when there is no cause to do so. Even if one is a step above the rest, it does not entitle one to a superior status or rank, rather, it imposes upon them an increased responsibility and duty to society to use that superiority to enhance it. -Excerpt taken from Doctor Richard Holkar's 'Standing in the Distance: Notes on the Dokkaran People and Their Culture'.

The Dokkarans embody a philosophy called Harmony, that dictates that all the composite actions of the universe exist to fulfill a purpose, and that neither order, chaos nor a balance between the two prevail or even exist, rather the Universe is dominated by a singular state of existence the Dokkarans call Harmony. Harmony classically embodies five traits…

Nobility of Action: Dokkarans see it as their duty to be the purveyors of peace and equality wherever they go, only calm and wise actions will bring the best outcome, though one must act in order to affect change. Unlike so many aspirant peacekeepers, the Dokkarans are not above violence (Limited violence though) to affect the change they want to see in the world, though this violence must be backed up by a sure conviction of what is right.

Mutual Altruism: Besides bringing peace, the Dokkarans also disparage social boundaries and believe that everyone within a society must be giving towards one another. If one member of the group breaks a leg and cannot walk, others are obliged to carry him, however the cripple must in turn carry the weight of another should a similar incident occur. One cannot expect kindness and not give it in return.

The Beauty of All: Every piece of matter in the universe has a purpose, perhaps not one that is immediately identifiable or fundamentally good, but never the less, everything has a purpose. Supernovas may kill but they also seed the cosmos with new life in the form of carbon. A child’s death, though tragic, is the Final Call of the Goddess, and while they may be gone from this world, they are in a better place and should not be mourned, only fondly remembered for the role they played and not the one they could have.

Understanding Through Experience: Dokkarans believe that only through encountering and experiencing as much as possible can one understand the Universe around them. Dokkarans are born with a spirit for adventure and many (Nearly all) journey off world at some point in their lives for a period of time to experience the greater galaxy. When they return, they will link with the Lady and transfer these experiences onto the next generation of Dokkarans, therefor enriching not only themselves but those that come after.

Spiritual Enlightenment: Dokkarans believe in an Unnamed Goddess and that she is the Dokkaran representation of an even greater intelligence. Dokkarans believe that one cannot fundamentally understand this intelligence, but can learn to understand their work (The Universe and it’s inhabitants) through prayer and meditation. Religious zealotry is common among the Dokkarans and while they are non-violent and love the exchange of ideas between faiths (Believing that all religions worship a different form of the same deity) they do not take kindly to non-believers questioning the legitimacy of their faith, though they show a very wise and even measured hand to those who do not believe but seek to understand, embodying the 4th trait of Harmony, Understanding Through Experience.


At first glance it would be easy for the uneducated to simply state that Dokkaran religious believes are centered around trees (Specifically The Lady), though they would be incorrect. Dokkarans highly revere The Lady as their creator and wise mother; and Ensign Alanzar and Lieutenant Dell for their (albeit unfortunate) role in their creation, but do not think they are explicitly Divine. Dokkarans are highly religious and hold their faith quite close to them. Dokkaran religious beliefs are molded by those of Lieutenant Dell (A Wiccan) and Ensign Allanzar (An Anglican), along with the religious views of The Lady herself.

Actual Dokkaran religion centers on the Unnamed Goddess, who is a prominent figure in the mythology of the origins of The Lady and her own religious beliefs. The Lady does not liken herself Divine and refuses worship and instead directs her children’s prayers towards the Unnamed Goddess. The Lady shares through her visions with her children that there were at one time other sentient Vizinyian Trees that covered the surface of Caeta. However at some point before The Lady even sprouted, they vanished, leaving a single seed behind to continue their civilization. Also according to these apparent ancestral memories, the Unnamed Goddess (Who originally did have a name) was the deity of the Vizinyians and bestowed sentience upon them.

Since the Dokkaran awakening two centuries ago, The Lady has had her children plant Vizinyian seeds across Caeta, though to her disappointment, none of these trees are capable of true intelligence.

The Temple of Kural Hannesh is the greatest of the temples devoted to the Unnamed Goddess and located in a grove not far from The Lady. It is the focal point of her worship and displays great architectural harmony. The style of the Temple itself is based off of Grecco-Roman architecture glimpsed in the memories of Lieutenant Dell and Ensign Allanzar though is far more elaborate.

Dokkarans lack true prayer, but instead ‘commune with the Goddess’ through a type of hypnotic meditation that puts them into a deep trance that allows for profound spiritual enlightenment. These trances can last from hours to even days in extreme cases. Dokkarans do not ask for anything material during these trances and instead reflect upon their current situation. Whatever insight is gained is presented as divine, straight from the Goddess herself.

The Clerics

Clerics are the Clergy of the Unnamed Goddess, and may be of any gender. There are four tiers to the clergy, first there are the Cleric-Initiates who are studying to take their vows. The Second Tier consists of the full Clerics who have taken their vows. These Clerics are referred to by their position and task within the Clergy, for instance a temple historian would be known as Cleric-Archivist, a temple physician as Cleric-Surgeon, and a temple guard as Cleric-Protector (Not to protect against other Dokkarans, but the vicious wildlife Ceata supports). The third Tier consist of the Cleric-Superiors, those Clerics who have pledged their lives to the Goddess in their final vows. The fourth tier is the High Cleric, whose selection process remains a mystery, though it is almost always from the ranks of the Cleric-Superiors. The High Cleric serves for however long the Goddess allows and will leave their position when their time has come. Their periods of service have lasted from decades to months, all depending on the machinations of the Goddess. The High Cleric will then choose their successor and leave office. The former High Cleric will then either wander Ceata or retire to one of the outer gardens of Kural-Hanesh and commune with the Goddess for however long it pleases them.


Since they are so new a species, there aren’t many myths that are actually Dokkaran. The mythology surrounding The Lady and her own origins is also treated as historical fact and most would find it unwise to question the accuracy of The Lady’s visions in regard to Ceata’s pre-Dokkaran history and her own origins. Through Lieutenant Dell (Who was a cultural anthropologist), the Dokkarans know the myths of many different cultures and enjoy these tales from time to time.

Fables, Parables, and Proverbs

The aforementioned mythology detailing Ceata before both The Lady and the Dokkarans is largely incorporated into the Theology and religious texts of the Dokkarans. These are stories and axiums that make up Dokkaran religious teachings, and while there is always some debate over interpretation (As with many religions), The Lady herself or the High Cleric of Kural Hanesh will resolve these debates between theologians before they become serious.

The Wind and The Mountain

Long ago, a great Wind rushed over Ceata, it knocked down trees and rose the tides. But when the Wind came to the mighty Mountain, the Wind found that it could not bring stone so low, so easily. So instead the Wind howled at the Mountain to bow to it's power, showing it the devastation it had wrought at it's feet. The Moutain did not bow, for it could not, it's Pride too great, and it's stone too thick to see the wisdom in submission. The Mountain believed itself invincible, after all, what could a mere breeze do to solid rock? The Wind again demanded the Mountain's submission, but the Mountain again refused. The Wind retreated and the Mountain believed himself safe. But the wind came back the next day, and this time brought ice, sand and rain along with it, and though it took a thousand years, the mighty Moutain, was brought low...

The Wind and The Mountain is one of the few Dokkaran tales that is still left completely to interpretation. High Clerics throughout the centuries have always had their own spin on the tale, as have other members of the Clergy and other Dokkarans. Most have interpreted the story with the Mountain being arrogant and prideful, and incapable of bending the knee or acknowledging a force greater than itself. Others have interpreted the Wind as the Villain who asked the Mountain to break it's moral code, something it would rather die than do. Both interpretations are relatively non-conflicting, as they deal with two different aspects of the story (The different points of views of the characters)but the first interpretation is the prevailing one.

The Last and The Goddess

A world that is not our own. A star that is not seen... The Last was given shelter upon Paradise by the Goddess, after it had arisen from the ashes of the World That Was. The Last grew alone, such was the way. As age took it, memory was robbed as well, until the Last could not even remember it's own name, even less the name of the Goddess that offered it shelter. When it died, The Last deposited a single seed beside it, and with the help of the Goddess, the seed grew into the grandest of all that know the light of the Goddess, The Lady. A time will come when The Lady too will become, The Last, but her children will know her, and she will live on in them, and so shall the cycle repeat.

Poorly written and all in all a tad confusing, The Last and The Goddess occupies an important if widely ignored place in Dokkaran mythology. It foretells that The Lady is the last of her kind, and that the Dokkarans (her children) are destined to take over her legacy. As Dokkarans cannot as yet reproduce among themselves, it makes little sense that they should live on without The Lady, at least in their current state. The last verse is the most important, as it states that Time is a wheel, and that while certain events and archetypes arise in every cycle, those with individuality have free will, though all (Some way or another) work towards an inevitable end that only The Goddess can know.


  • "The Goddess listens to those who listen themselves"
  • "All tyrants are kings, but not all kings are tyrants"
  • "To have doubt is to have faith, to have faith is to have hope"
  • "A Dragon's heart is just as easily broken as a man's"
  • "Those who seek to lead must first learn to follow"
  • "Freedom is contagious"
  • "Some may be superior, but no one is above another"
  • "To hold someone's heart is to hold their life"


A noble and free people, the Dokkarans value and embody harmony. Disputes among individuals never end in violence, science and religion exist in tandem and with very few laws governing their highly democratic society, and people are largely free to do as they please. 'Follow your bliss' is a common phrase among the Dokkarans (Lifted from mythologist Joseph Campbell, who Lieutenant Dell admired)and to them means that though many of them share the same memories at birth, it was what one does with these experiences and what new ones they have that define them. All are encouraged to seek their own path in the universe, and make something of themselves that sets them apart from others. The Dokkaran concept of 'Harmony through diversity' is the focal point of their society, which preaches that only through diversity and a free exchange of ideas, concepts and emotions can they as a people evolve.


Dokkarans speak two languages, though arguably only one is complete. One is a dialect of Romanian, the other is an ancient language with no known grammatical rules and mostly filled with nouns. Dokkaran names come from the later language and are extremely complex. A simple four letter name can have a sentence long meaning. This more than compensates for being a mononymous people.


Luzen is the capital city of Ceata, and the only true city the Dokkarans have.

A deeply religious people, worship of the Unnamed Goddess is taken very seriously among Dokkarans, something many modern species find a bit peculiar and disturbing. Many would label them fanatics for their universal unquestioning belief in what most would consider nothing more than myth and false memory on the part of The Lady, but Dokkarans strongly believe that they are a part of a divine lineage, the Unnamed Goddess created The Lady and The Lady created the Dokkarans. The Dokkarans also believe that this Goddess has a never ending plan, not just for the themselves but for the Universe. Even Dokkarans admit that their limited perception of a universe encompassing intelligence is lacking and use the 'metaphor' (The Dokkarans would not call the Goddess a metaphor, but rather a simplistic term for an unknowable alien intelligence that drives the Universe and touches all life) of the Unnamed Goddess to personify this intelligence. As such, Dokkarans have a natural respect for the believers of other faiths, seeing the existence of other religions (Monotheistic or otherwise) as further proof of the Goddess' existence. However this religious tolerance does not seem to apply to the practitioners of the Bajoran faith as the Dokkarans see the Prophets as false gods who have lead the Bajorans off the path of the one, true 'goddess'.

Dokkarans do not have traditional families and do not try to form such groups, rather they see all Dokkarans as one family of distant cousins, the same, but totally unique at the same time. Dokkarans do feel a need to be in groups however, and their highly democratic and communal society helps to fulfill these needs. As there is little point to it, Dokkarans don't marry and rarely cohabitate with their lovers, preferring to engage in elongated courtships that can end at anytime, reveling in the chase. Dokkaran relationships are built around this Chase and instead of gender roles, the relationship is divided between who is chasing and who is being chased. The Chased is supposed to make the Chaser work for their favor, while the Chaser is supposed to compete for the love of the person they are pursuing. Physical intimacy is not the end point of the chase (Nor is the distinct form of telepathic intimacy that Dokkarans practice), rather the end of the chase is just that, the end of the relationship and the chase is supposed to last throughout the courtship. As Dokkarans do not marry, nor cohabitate, very few Dokkarans stay together for long periods of time, though some of the great chases of Dokkaran culture have lasted since their Awakening two hundred years ago.

In this pursuit of living in Harmony with their environment, Dokkarans build cities that make a minimal impact on the existing terrain and will never build out in a sprawl, but rather they will build upwards in spires. Only sparingly to Dokkarans mine for metals or other materials, and prefer to a naturalistic approach to making things. With the advent of the replicator, very few Dokkaran mines and factories are left on Ceata, and Dokkarans replicate materials they may need to build large structures, but prefer (Almost exclusively) a craftsman's touch when it comes to basic goods and furniture. As Dokkarans almost exclusively eat bones and drink water, they do not farm or cultivate the land, and have a rather complex attitude towards the notion, though when it comes down to it they approve of it for survival, though are wary of the impact it might have on the surrounding environment. Dokkarans do not approve of the notion of domesticating animals, seeing it as a gross violation of the natural order, and look down upon races that practice it.

Hunting to Dokkarans is see as a solitary affair. They never Hunt in groups (Save for when they first Awaken, and are still fine tuning their skills) and will only kill one animal, usually an elderly or otherwise inferior specimen. This way, the Dokkaran is serving the natural order of things and in fact mimicking it. Sometimes when other predatory species (And there are many on Ceata), become overzealous in their hunting of their prey, Dokkarans will thin their numbers. Dokkarans will systematically annihilate species that have migrated outside their natural range and disrupt other ecosystems, and will seek no other path. Dokkarans typically only Hunt once every standard Ceata week (Roughly 8 days) as many of their prey species (Which are other predators) are filled with calcium rich bones that form their complex skeletal structures. Dokkarans eat two meals in their 26 hour day, each one right after their two separate times of sleep (Midnight and High Noon). The afternoon meal is eaten after the Dokkaran has their daily Communing with their Goddess.

The Elders

The Elders of Dokkaran society are those who emerged in the first 10 years after the Awakening, constituting around 2400 individuals, There is a 10 year gap between the first/Elder generation of Dokkarans and the second (And all subsequent) generations of Dokkarans. All of these Dokkarans are entitled, but do not all choose, to sit on the Council of Elders, which handles the mundane running of Dokkaran society and grants assent to laws passed by a general vote. Many Elders drift in and out of Dokkaran politics, with the majority of the Elders choosing (At one time or another) to wander either Ceata or the galaxy. 567 Elders have not been heard from in over a century, 398 on Ceata alone and while some in the Federation speculate them to be dead, the Dokkarans refute these claims, asserting that they would know if one of their own had died. Many Elders also flock to Kural Hanesh to study with the Clerics and commune with the Goddess in serene meditation, forsaking politics. Within Dokkaran society, Elders act as mediators and magistrates, facilitating and organizing their highly democratic society. Dokkarans may chose to show however much respect they believe is appropriate as the Dokkarans as a culture despise the notion of protocol, seeing it as divisive, and talk to each other as equals, no matter what position they may hold in the greater society.


  • Dokkarans do not practice marriage; it serves little purpose to a race of long lived plants who cannot sexually reproduce.
  • Communing with the Goddess usually takes place every day after the Dokkaran awakes in the late afternoon, for about half an hour.
  • A traditional greeting involves the two meeting individuals placing their hands on the center of the other's ribcage, allowing both to transfer ideas of good tidings and warm welcomes.
  • The preparation of the Dokkaran diet of bone and bone marrow is a lengthy process as the bone itself must be cracked open and the marrow scooped out. Then the bone is placed in an acid-oil mix and boiled until it is flexible and able to be chewed apart like any normal meat.
  • It is customary to kill the weakest of the herd of the animal a hunter wishes to kill, therefor natural selection is served and the herd is the better for it since the more evolutionary favored specimens will live on and reproduce, passing their traits onto the next generation.
  • Rubbing the fore-arms and the heels of the palms together is seen as an intimate gesture.
  • The eating of an entire plant is considered taboo (It would be illegal if the Dokkarans didn't value freedom so much).
  • Consumed with the notion of equality, no particular sign of respect is showed to any one Dokkaran over another. The only person who Dokkarans will show any kind of difference to is the High Cleric of Kural Hanesh, though it is towards their position, not towards the person.
  • It is considered distasteful to speak of violence in any context or setting.
  • Because of their utter distaste for showing difference to another beyond simply being polite, all Dokkaran officers in Starfleet usually have multiple discommendations for lack of respect for the chain of command, and not showing proper respect to their superiors. Many Captains in Starfleet consider those few Dokkaran officers a stain on their crew complements and often view such transfers to their vessels as inviting conflict aboard their ships. These incidents regarding proper procedure aboard a Starship are perhaps the most high profile incidents of the Dokkarans 'lack of respect', though this is not malicious, just a societal custom that many Dokkarans cling to. There have also been several incidents where Dokkaran diplomats have refused to show the proper difference towards foreign dignitaries and heads of state.

Death and Burial

A careful count is tallied of all those Dokkaran confirmed dead. At present the number stands at 213, a number constantly ingrained in the minds of every Dokkara, as a solemn reminder of those that passed from this life, to heed the Final Call of the Goddess. The current demographics are as follows...

  • 105 Dead from accidents or deaths not attributed to violence.
  • 44 Dead from The Rot. The Rot is a mutated form of the mortal virus encountered amongst the Selelvians (Also called the Rot), it breaks down the root structure of the Dokkarans, causes their foliage, bone-wood, and later brain lobes to rot. The disease is always fatal and while occurrences are rare, and the disease cannot be passed from one person to another since it develops from environmental pressures that are not yet identified, it presents a very terrifying threat to the entire Dokkaran race.
  • 2 Dead from the Battle of Wolf 359. Those two officers present in the battle were confirmed not to be assimilated by Borg records obtained from the journeys of the starship Voyager.
  • 1 Dead in the Dominion War (Battle of Cardassia Prime).
  • 8 Dead from Dragon Attacks.
  • 19 Dead in the destruction of Romulus and Remus.
  • 23 Dead in the Breen Attack on Earth (All Civilians).
  • 1 Dead in the Klingon Invasion.

The list above only includes those confirmed killed, and Dokkarans will never speak of those declared MIA or otherwise unconfirmed deceased as if there is even the possibility that they are dead.

If the body is able to be recovered, it is returned to Ceata and planted in the Garden of the Beckoned in Luzen. From the dead corpse of a Dokkaran, a small, flowering tree sprouts from the deceased's body, and the garden is one of the holiest sites in Dokkaran culture. The trees are considered an extension of the life force of the deceased Dokkaran, and many see harmony and beauty in the passing of one of their own, even if it is tragic. When recovery of the body is not possible, a seed from one of the other trees is planted in it's place, and as such there are exactly 215 trees in the Garden (Including those planted in memorial for Lieutenant Dell and Ensign Allanzar).

Music, Art, and Architecture

Harmony is also intrinsic to all aspects of Dokkaran expression. Dokkaran architecture is often round, glittering and evokes a certain grandeur in it's shimmering beauty. Dokkaran art mainly consists of two schools, watercolors mixed with pencils, and marble sculpture, both displaying images of grand vistas and the great natural beauty of Ceata. Traditional Dokkaran music is often string heavy, accompanied by a strong choral element and loud drums. More modern and popular Dokkaran music features string like synths, ascending vocals, and catchy choruses. While Dokkaran musicians rarely tour off their homeworld, much of their material has become popular on Earth for both the modern and traditional variety's utter pathos that it brings out in an audience, be it euphoric dance numbers or gripping melancholic opera.


At first, Dokkarans had little use for technology, prefering to meditate and consider their own existance. But as time went on, many wished to form an advanced society like the others glimpsed in the memories of The Lady. Scientists emerged for the first time, using memories obtained from The Lady (And a little help from Starfleet) to begin building infastructure, buildings and devices. The Dokkarans now boast a vibrant (if small) scientific community, inventing, tinkering and introducing technology gifted by the Federation into greater Dokkaran society. Dokkarans are masters of eco-friendly and zero-emission technology, creating a self sustaining energy source using a mineral found on Caeta. In terms of military technology, Dokkarans have also pioneered imobilizer weapons or other weapon systems designed to disable starships but leave the ship, crew and technology intact.


The Dokkarans operate on an interesting and unique barter system, goods are exchanged for any manner of other services, even a song or a work of art. Dokkarans do not have communal property in the strictest sense but have a strong sense that what belongs to the one, also belongs to the whole, and believe that money is not particularly useful to them. The exchange rate for different goods for other materials depends on which merchant one is dealing with but there is little in the way of heckling and usually the first offer is accepted. The Dokkarans also maintain a stockpile of gems and precious ores to sell to use in trade with other cultures but do not use currency amongst one another. Dokkaran sculpture is highly valued off Ceata, as are the native flora for their great beauty and incredible resilience.


For years the Dokkarans were a Federation protectorate but gained their independence in 2289 and the defense of Ceata is now the responsibility of the Dokkaran Military Command (DMC). The Dokkaran fleet consists largely of assorted small craft armed with immobilizer weapons. The Dokkarans don't have the manpower to build massive starships more than one at a time and as such, there are but a few Cruiser-Class ships within the fleet. This force of thousands of fighters mixed with a few dozen capital ships (Mostly Frigates and Destroyers)has never been called upon to defend Ceata in earnest as war has yet to touch the planet, but as some scientists have predicted, 'It is only a matter of time before the sin of war is brought unto the heaven that is Ceata'.

Federation Intelligence Files

The Dokkarans are a 'space-locked' species native to the planet Ceata in the Tezire System in Sector 010. Humanoid in appearance, the Dokkarans are actually Plant based, obligate calcivores and live off the calcium found in bones, usually supplementing their diet with the meat from the animals they take the bones from. Awakened after the "Elysium Incident" in 2165, the Dokkarans are born from the seeds of the great Vizinyian Tree known as The Lady, and are incapable of sexual reproduction, though anatomically similar to the humans they were modeled after (At least externally). The Dokkarans and their culture are dominated by their own philosophy called Harmony, which is too complex to be detailed in this brief report, and promotes a Third Way line of thought. The Dokkarans practice direct democracy, and every member of their society has equal say in the government though their daily affairs are facilitated by a group of the oldest Dokkarans known as Elders. Though a Neutral species, the Dokkarans have always proven stalwart allies of the Federation (Humanity especially) and have frequently mediated conflicts between the Federation and various powers. The Dokkarans hosted the conference that would become the ground work for the Federation-Cardassian Treaty that ended the Cardassian Wars and the Ceata Conference normalized Federation relations with the Ferengi. As a collective the Dokkarans stick to their homeworld, as individuals, many leave their homeworld to explore the greater galaxy for periods of time, though most inevitably return. Dokkarans are rare in the galaxy, roughly one million inhabit Ceata and a few thousand are off world at any given time, spread out across hundreds of light years. One rarely sees two or more Dokkarans together off Ceata and what few embassies or consulates they maintain typically have no more than a dozen personnel (The exception being their embassies on Earth and Romulus, the former of which had 23 members, 19 of whom died in the planet's destruction). Only six had ever served in Starfleet until the Dominion War and few stayed in long enough to rise through the ranks.

However few their numbers are, the Dokkarans have made an impact on the greater galaxy. Their stunning architectural displays are often basic education in Federation classrooms, two of their spectacular marble sculptures guard the entrance to the Starfleet Academy library, representing the tradeoff between Knowledge and Power. And the poems of the High Cleric Disseralii are often recited during commencements and by politicians looking for a good, solid quote to mark the occasion. From the mists of Ceata the Dokkarans have reached across the known galaxy to bring them influence beyond their mere numbers, and from Bajor to Earth, from Qo’Nos to Ferenginar, the Dokkarans are known for their piety, altruism, scholarship, and above all, the harmony incarnate that all Dokkarans embody.”

-From 'Major and Minor Species of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants Textbook: Fifteenth Edition'.

When it comes to other races, Dokkarans are often split between three separate positions.

  • Study: Some Dokkarans simply wish to observe other races, and see if there might be something to be gained or learned from their observations. Dokkaran observations typically consist of deep immersion in the culture they are studying, but very rarely are Dokkarans changed by the influences of other cultures.
  • Teach: Most Dokkarans regard other races as potential equals, but inherently inferior in terms of society, and that it is the duty of the Dokkarans to ally themselves with other races and teach them how to better themselves. This is especially true of Humanity and many other Federation races.
  • Shun: Other Dokkarans would simply shun other races entirely, not wanting to interact with inferior races that will never accept their advice and from which there is nothing to be learned. Diminished senses of liberty and faith within other galactic cultures are the main points of contention for these Dokkarans when it comes to other races. Some of those Dokkaran who follow this line of thinking believe that at some point in the future the other races might be worthy of equal status and Dokkaran wisdom, but until then Dokkarans should keep to their own and seclude themselves on Ceata until that day dawns.

A mixture of these three positions make up current Dokkaran foreign policy. This is no surprise seeing that the government and people are synonymous. As a collective, Dokkarans keep to their homeworld, with very limited contact with the greater galaxy. As individuals, many Dokkarans leave their homeworld to either study, or impart their wisdom on the other races. Current policy is to try and Harmonize small corners of the galaxy through their Missions (Which also act as their Embassies) by counseling the governments of various races. These Missions usually make up nor more than two dozen individuals. When the time is right, more Dokkarans will join them and help to transform galactic societies for the better, if only in some small way.

These efforts were centered on Earth, Romulus, Deep Space Nine, Qo'nos and Cardassia Prime after the end of the Dominion War, though since the Destruction of Romulus, deaths of all but two of the Mission staff there and the subsequent conflict with the Klingons, only the Missions on Earth and Deep Space Nine remain.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as referances as well as the TV episode TNG: Hero Worship


This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 14 June 2013

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
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