Aine Sherlock

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“Is fearr lán doirn de cheird ná lán mála d’ór. (Faulty Universal Translator: A pram full of gills is cheddar and a ham full of rolls.)

Aine Olive Sherlock
USS Octavia E Butler
Aine Sherlock LCDR.png
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Aine Olive Sherlock
Pronunciation On-yuh
Position Chief of Security/2O
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Terran
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her, they/them
DOB 237406.09
Age 27
Birthplace Ballinaclashett, County Cork, Ireland, Earth
Writer ID R239712AS0

Academy TranscriptMedical Record

USS Octavia E Butler

Aine Olive Sherlock is a Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet. She is currently serving as Chief of Security and Second Officer aboard USS Octavia E Butler as of 240105.01.


  • Name Pronunciation: Aine=ON-yuh
  • Height: 1.6 m
  • Weight: 45.8 kg
  • Hair/Hair Length: Black/Upper Back to Mid Back, usually worn up on duty (sometimes she lets it down), and most often pulled back into a ponytail off duty.
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin: Fair, lightly freckled.
  • Build: Slight, but fit.
  • Carriage: Proper posture.
  • Handedness: Right
  • Voice: Slightly deeper voice with a northern Irish accent (like the Derry Girls) as her father's from Belfast. She attempts to hide her accent most of the time, because she felt it sounded too "country" for someone going to the Academy. Accent comes out more when angry, drinking, singing...or all of the above.
  • Tattoos: Single black band on upper left forearm. Front ortho of a Nova Class starship with NCC-78145 below it on back of neck.
  • Scars: Fist sized burn on right side of abdomen from disruptor.
  • Uniform Preference: Aine opts to wear the late '90-'00's pullover uniform. Though it is available to use, she prefers not to wear the new "flap" uniform as it does not look good sized up. Of special note: toes of boots are always spit polished, jacket is one size too big as she doesn't like the restrictive feeling of a perfect fitting uniform.
  • Off Duty Dress: Will often be seen wearing a turtle neck sweater or flannel shirt. Black leggings and black flats are de rigueur. Likes a warm robe. Tends to avoid dresses and skirts.


  • Father: Patrick Thomas Sherlock, farmer

Patrick Sherlock.png

  • Mother: Aine Rachel Sherlock nee Kelly, author

A younger picture of Aine R. Sherlock.

  • Siblings: Shevon Sherlock, Recently discovered half-sister
  • Spouse: none
  • Children: none


  • Temperament: Aine's temperament has changed over time. She is no longer the nervous wreck she once was. She displays more confidence in her interactions with other officers. However, due to various traumatic events, she is prone to impulsive behavior, sometimes even outbursts of anger. Though she's getting better at keeping it under control.
  • Habits: Bites lower lip when nervous, which hasn't happened in quite some time.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None. Though grew up in an area where Neo-Catholicism was practiced. Sometimes "cultural Catholicism" can sneak in, often presenting as guilt.
  • Hobbies: Archery, reading, playing violin (which also hasn't happened in some time, that may change).
  • Quarters: 02-0701
  • Favorite Food: Pastie's (pass-tee's) are a treat, replicated is "acceptable" but prefers the real thing. Will eat anything at least once.
  • Favorite Drink: Barry's, hot, no sugar, splash of milk.
  • Prized Possession: Small faux tortoise shell handled pocket knife given to her by her father when she left for the Academy.

Despite achieving high marks in school, Aine often feels self-doubt. However, her confidence is rising with every mission. At times can seem nervous, especially around new authority figures as she does not want to let them down. She will often bite her lower lip when nervous. Very rarely loses her cool, outwardly, as she tries to keep any panic internalized, though when she does get to the point of frustration it is evident. Her prior preference of being alone in her off hours has changed with the recent friendships she's made. She is an avid archer and won "The Robin Hood" award for high score at an interplanetary competition while on the Academy archery team. Enjoyed gymnastics and still practices as a form of exercise, though never took it too serious as a sport. Drinks recreatively on occasion, with the tolerance of an Irish dock worker on a Friday night. Having found a kinship with the character of Sherlock Holmes in her childhood, which also happens to be her family's surname, she chose to study investigative science in secondary school...she has grown tired of the jokes and “comparisons” to one of her favorite characters, especially with the arrival of a new Ensign on the Resolution who just happens to have the surname Watson. Loves a good mystery. She comes from a traditionally Catholic area, and it shows in some of her beliefs, though religion was not seen as important in her household. At times this can cause her guilt in the choices she has made.

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Fun Facts and Trivia

  • Boots are always spit shined.
  • When armed, wears her phaser on her right hip though being right handed. Feels a twist draw is faster.
  • Secretly enjoys thrilling activities to make her feel more alive.
  • Wears a uniform jacket one size too big so she doesn't feel constricted, she suffers from Schrute Syndrome.
  • Rarely wears a dress. Never wears heels (except that one time in 2400).
  • Prefers to wear earth-toned colors off duty.
  • Has a fast metabolism, for a human, and likes to eat a lot.



  • Become Chief of Security (Became Chief of Security on the USS Resolution on 239809.15)
  • Visit a Romulan Colony or Mol'Rihan (helped setup colony on Oreen V for refugess, 239807.05)
  • Pilot a ship larger than she's currently rated for (Current rating is PILOT210, ships <1,000,000 tons)


Aine was born in the year 2374 in County Cork, Ireland. She was fairly sheltered as a child and her parents rarely had them travel outside of Ireland. She grew up on their family farm where her father grew fresh foods for the local community and her mother wrote, mostly novels and short stories. She took up violin and archery at a young age. Never practicing to the point she could be a professional at either. Had a habit of taking apart her fathers equipment just to see how it worked. Upon graduating from secondary school, Aine decided she wanted to see more than just Ireland and decided bigger was better and told her parents she intended to apply for Starfleet Academy. Initially her parents were resistant to the idea as they feared for her safety, so they told her, but when they saw that she didn't want anything else, they fully supported her. She barely got into the Academy on her first try. Because of their apparent fear for her safety, Aine has a habit of keeping the dangerous parts of the missions out of updates to her parents. Unbeknownst to Aine, prior to her birth her father was a merchant marine and that's why her mother did not want her to join Starfleet.

Medical Record

Academy Experience

While at the Academy, Aine took to piloting and initially figured she would go that route. Her first year she dated a Senior classman, now Lieutenant Melvin Hollis Martinson. Upon his graduation he decided not to continue the relationship. This left Aine heartbroken and she suffered from depression. Her second year she took on less course work and her grades suffered. She sought out counseling and overcame her depression.

During her first year, she caught the eye of her unarmed combat instructor Master Chief Graves. He became a friend and mentor to her. She also decided to major in Intelligence, harkening back to her love of Investigative Science. She initially chose to double major in Security, but due to her lackluster second year, she minored in it. Her third and fourth years she doubled down and took on extra courses. Near the end of her third year, she took The Romulan Mystique and developed a fascination for the Romulan people. This showed in her choice to take all courses available on the Romulan language, which she is fluent in, and focuses in xenology and xenobiology on Romulans. In addition to taking extra courses for her major, she took all available courses and earned a full course minor in Security. At the end of her fourth year, she was transferred to Starbase 118 to take her final test administered by Lt. Cmdr.'s Antero Flynn and Genkos Adea. She graduated on stardate 239712.12. Upon graduation, she chose to focus on Security as she felt, culturally, it was a better fit for her than Intelligence. A choice she now feels confident in making.

Academy Transcript


  • Date Graduated from Academy: 239712.12
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander, promoted 240101.25
  • Current Assignment: USS Octavia E Butler, 240101.25
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security/2O


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A returning officer currently serving aboard the USS Juneau. They met during their final test and Aine quickly developed a respect for his confidence and initiative, while not knowing he was a returning officer. She resolved to keep in contact with him no matter where either ended up. After his transfer to the Resolution, their friendship seemed strained. When he acted in a way unbecoming a Starfleet Officer on his first mission with them, she really isn't sure where they stand. They haven't spoken since her transfer to 118. The pair met briefly at the opening of the Denali Invitational in 2400, seemingly getting along.

Counselor on the Resolution, who is quickly becoming a friend. Aine is feeling, more and more, she can go to Meidra and is looking forward to spending time getting to know her more over their coming shore leave. Meidra left Starfleet some time in 2399 and they haven't spoken since.

After a rough start getting to know each other, through no fault of either, Aine and Iljor have begun to get to know each other better and have spent some time enjoying each others company with other crew members during shore leave. Another friend left behind on the Excalibur, and though they haven't spoken since, she follows his career with interest. With her transfer to the USS Oumuamua in September of 2400, the two have reconnected.

Aine met Sera when the latter had transferred to StarBase 118. Their first interactions, Aine challenged Sera to The Game. Which Aine won (in her mind). As their friendship has grown, Aine has come to trust Sera, but still enjoys taunting her. In late 2399, she asked Sera to teach her sister, Shevon, to read Federation Standard, but is suspicious of the methods employed as Shevon seems to have caught on quickly. Sera left Starfleet in mid-2400, however the pair keep in contact.


Aine's first Captain. When Aine first came aboard the Resolution, she was intimidated by the Captain's presence. Her respect and admiration quickly built followed by worry when the Captain fell ill during their mission to the Celendi Nebula. After a night spent on the Gemini and getting a moment to see the Captain in a less professional manner, her admiration grew even more when the Captain shared memories of a former colleague, Captain Frost. Aine has absolute confidence in her Captain and never hesitates to follow her lead.

After helping return the Rahuba to its normal place in time and returning to 118, Aine approached Sal to introduce herself. He promptly invited her to lunch, which she accepted. She found the Commodore polite and accomodating. A man who clearly cares for his crew. Though she disagrees with some of his methods, she understands and he seems to respect an individual officers preferences for how they are treated by their superiors.

Alora gave Aine a tour of the station and helped her to figure out how to get settled on 118. The First Officer, like their CO, seems to be very polite and accomodating. But, like their CO, Aine disagrees with certain methods of their command style. Aine is working to adapt her previously strict methods to the much more relaxed duty style of 118. Even though both have left Ops for other opportunities, Aine considers Alora a friend, able to share deep feelings she rarely can with others.


  • Federation Standard: Native
  • Klingon: Elementary
  • Romulan: Advanced Composition and Speech

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet1 red.png Cadet, First Class 2393-2397 Starfleet Academy
Intelligence Major
Security Minor
PICstyle-ens gold.png Ensign 239712.13-239802.23 USS Resolution
USS Resolution-logo.png
Security Officer
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png Lieutenant JG 239802.23-239809.15
PICstyle-lt gold.png Lieutenant 239809.15-239810.13 Chief of Security
PICstyle-lt gold.png Lieutenant 239811.17-239903.31 USS Excalibur-A
USS ExcaliburA logo.png
Chief of Security
PICstyle-lt gold.png Lieutenant 239903.31-240001.14 StarBase 118 Ops
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
Tactical Officer
PICstyle-lt gold.png Lieutenant 240001.14-240009.11 Chief of Security and Tactical
PICstyle-lt gold.png Lieutenant 240009.11-240101.25 USS Oumuamua
USS 'Oumuamua-logo.png
Security Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png Lieutenant Commander 240101.25-Present USS Octavia E Butler
USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png
Chief of Security
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png Lieutenant Commander 240105.01-Present USS Octavia E Butler
USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png
Chief of Security & 2O

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

(Notes: Ribbons are displayed as would be seen on dress uniform. For service ribbon citations see HERE. For OOC Award Citations see HERE.)

Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Leadership Excellence Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Denali Invitational Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Vega Award.png
Awards DutyPost NatashaYarPinAward 2011.jpg
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Okuda Award.png
Awards General 1Year.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
Legacy Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

After Action Reports

SIM Archive

Sim Archive
Description Sim Links
240003.09 Aine has a moment of breakdown post mission (note:should say epilogue but I brained wrong). Here All Night
239911.11 Aine is invited by her "friend" to "talk about the mission. Asking For Trouble
239908.17-239909.07 Series in which Aine reconnects with an old flame and discovers her previously unknown half sister. Fly It

Let Us Begin
Curious Bunch
To The Stars
Let The Fun Begin
Red Melert
Miss Miss
This and That
Broken Glass
This Isn't Over, Part1
This Isn't Over, Part 2
This Isn't Over, Part 3

239903.28 Aine reflects on an undercover mission on Demes II, a primitive planet, that ends up being the game of a vengeful Admiral for the death of his son, Liam Wyke. Hopeful
239812.25 A BELOW DECK sim between PNPC Master Chief Graves and Marine Captain Saukkot when bodies and minds were swapped. How the Turntables Have...Turned
239811.19 Not sure if her ploy worked, Aine sets to depart Earth and return to her crew who are awaiting their next assignment on Risa. Official Business, Part 5
239811.18 Aine attempts to confrontationaly convince Master Chief Graves to return to regular service. Official Business, Part 4
239811.17 Aine receives a "warm welcome" from her old trainer, Master Chief Graves. Official Business, Part 3
239811.16 During her return to Earth, Aine spends time reminiscing and speaking to cadets before visiting "an old friend." Official Business, Part 2
239811.15 Aine makes a trip back to Earth and the San Francisco Academy Campus. Official Business, Part 1
239810.25 Aine confronts Sil regarding his general behavior. The first signs of PTSD show. Moving Forward
239810.17 Aine makes a call home after the destruction of the Resolution. The End of the Beginning
239810.13 Aine watches on as the Resolution is destroyed. In The Bleak Midwinter
239810.11 Aine has a near death experience after being shot while performing a hostage rescue. In The Woods
239810.05 While attempting a hostage rescue of Dr. Morgan, Aine is injured in the line of duty. Going Old School
239809.02 Joint Post, 2 part. Aine discusses her broken faith and comes to terms with self doubt on Bajor thanks to a stranger. Letting Go, Part 1 Letting Go, Part 2
239806.29 Joint Post and part 3 of a series in which Aine's Academy ex makes a surprise visit during her leave on DS224. Untethered, Part 1 Untethered, Part 2 Untethered, Part 3
239806.29 Part 2.2 of a series in which Aine's Academy ex makes a surprise visit during her leave on DS224. Trigger warning: topic of abortion. This Was A Mistake, Part 2
239806.25 Part 2.1 of a series in which Aine's Academy ex makes a surprise visit during her leave on DS224. This Was A Mistake, Part 1
239806.22 Part 1 of a series in which Aine's Academy ex makes a surprise visit during her leave on DS224. Quaint
239806.01 With the team stuck in a precarious situation, Aine takes a big risk to get them out. Drastic Situations
239805.01 Multi-part Counseling sim about making a mistake. Confessional Let It Go
239802.23 Captain Nicholotti makes a surprising appearance after a serious medical emergency to surprise her crew with an unexpected awards ceremony. Unexpected Surprises
239802.08 Counseling session with Meidra Sirin Guilt and Circumstance, Part II
239802.18 Three part B-Plot sim. A Ghost The Way of Vulcan Silence Is Vulcan
239801.24 Ensign Sherlock and Doctor Adea comfort a wounded team member. Laughter Is The Best Medicine
239801.08 Ensign Sherlock, on her first mission, lends a hand with the wounded. Slow Is Fast

NPC Listing   ·   USS Octavia E Butler Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Lia Rouiancet Capt.png
Commanding Officer
Lia Rouiancet
Avander Promontory LCDR xo.png
Executive Officer
Avander Promontory
Katsim Peri LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Katsim Peri
Science Officer
Jania Nis LTJG.png
Asst. CMO, Phys.
Jania Nis
Sevantha Saa LtJG.png
Asst. CMO, Ment.
Sevantha Saa
Wes Greaves LtCol.png
Marine Det. Cdr.
Wes Greaves
Arturo Maxwell 2nd Lt.png
Marine Ofc.
Arturo Maxwell
Josh Herrick.png
Chief Engineer, 2O
Josh Herrick
Asst. CEO
Morro Caras
Kimonzi Lahl LTJG.png
Asst. CEO
Kimonzi Lahl
Toxin Arlill LT.png
Chief of Ops
Toxin Arlill
Ens Richards thor.png
Act. Chf. Sec.
Anton Richards
Alex Forsyth LTJG 1.png
Tac. Officer
Alex Forsyth
Lhando diplomacy bridge 2402.png
Diplomatic Officer
Lhandon Nilsen
USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png
Edit This Nav

REV SD 240106.26