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Eagle Crew & Awardsy Project

USS Eagle Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Captain Daydan Taboo 238501.06 - xxxxxx.xx
First Officer
Lieutenant Commander Victoria Yladro 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Chief Helm Officer
Lieutenant Commander Richard Anderson 238501.10 - 238501.13
Demoted to rank of Lieutenant 238501.13
Operations Division
Security & Tactical
Security & Tactical Officers
Ensign Michael Valentino 238501.22 - xxxxxx.xx
Chief of Security
Lieutenant Commander Dar Elandra 238501.23 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted from Security Officer
Lieutenant Commander Keely Lah'rel 238501.15 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Commander Dar Elandra 238501.10 - 238501.23
Became Chief of Security
Lieutenant Tal Tel-ar 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted to Lieutenant 238501.14
Lieutenant JG Tracey Townson 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted to Lieutenant JG 238501.14.
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Hunnicutt 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Ash Rex 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Seph 647 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Commander Emirry MacGowan 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx
Medical Officer
Ensign Arthur Keiran Rayne 238502.20 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Lyla Ranun 238502.06 - xxxxxx.xx
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Commander Xoet Twelve 238501.10 - xxxxxx.xx


“Bring it on.”
  Service Ribbons  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
Decoration Name of Award Recipient
  OOC Awards  
Award Name of Award Recipient

Independence / Independence-A crew & awardsy project

v2 Per Email Archive - last sim = Ensign Pierce: It's apparently a virtue.

USS Independence-A Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Captain Sidney Riley xxxxxx.xx - 238712.11
First Officer
Lt. Commander William Rogers xxxxxx.xx - 238712.12
Helm, Communications, and Operations Officers
Ensign Allison Stone xxxxxx.xx - 238712.12
Second Officers
Lt. Commander Karynn Ehlanii Brice xxxxxx.xx - 238712.07
Served concurrently as Chief Science Officer.
Operations Division
Chief of Operations
Lieutenant Tracey Townson xxxxxx.xx - 238712.12
Chief Engineering Officers
Lt. Commander Darius Clack xxxxxx.xx - 238712.12
Engineering Officers
Ensign Luna Walker xxxxxx.xx - 238712.12
Chief of Research & Development
Lt. Commander Ethan Brice xxxxxx.xx - 238712.06
Security & Tactical
Chief Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG Sturm Kobylarz xxxxxx.xx - 238712.11
Chief of Security
Lieutenant Bron Storos xxxxxx.xx - 238712.13
Security Officers
Ensign Eyas Wulfantine xxxxxx.xx - 238712.13
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Commanding Officers
Marine Captain
Alexandria Somers xxxxxx.xx - 238712.11
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lt. Commander Karynn Ehlanii Brice xxxxxx.xx - 238712.07
Served concurrently as Chief Science Officer.
Assistant Chief Science Officers
Lieutenant JG Galon Sudra xxxxxx.xx - 238712.11
Science Officers
Ensign Traven Gene Stark xxxxxx.xx - 238712.13
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Tenzin Zhou xxxxxx.xx - 238712.09
Assistant Chief Medical Officers
Ensign Alicia Ballentyne xxxxxx.xx - 238712.13
Ensign Sidney Pierce xxxxxx.xx - 238712.10

v1: Per the current Independence-A Crew History page

USS Independence-A Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Fleet Captain Sidney Riley 238703.24 - 238811.20
Commander David Cody 238609.30 - 238703.24
Captain Idril Mar 238510.01 - 238609.30
Lt. Commander David Cody 238509.28 - 238510.01
Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi 238401.01 - 238509.28
First Officer
Lt. Commander Darius Clack 238808.01 - 238811.20
Commander Karynn Ehlanii 238609.30 - 238808.01
Commander David Cody 238603.01 - 238609.30
Commander C'elest Moranta 238509.01 - 238604.01
Lt. Commander David Cody 238504.01 - 238509.30
Commander Sidney Riley 238401.01 - 238504.01
Second Officers
Lt. Commander Tracey Townson 23XXXX.XX - 238811.16
Lt. Commander William Rogers 238708.26 - 238710.24
Lt. Commander Solok 238703.16 - 238707.07
Mission Specialists
Lt. Commander William Rogers 238710.24 - 238802.05
Lt. Commander Salak 238409.30 - 238504.30
Lt. Commander Alana Devar 238401.30 - 238409.29
Helm, Communications & Operations Officers
Ensign David Hertz 238802.06 - 238810.31
Ensign Alexander Richards 238802.06 - 238810.31
Lieutenant JG Alleran Tan 238802.06 - 238810.31
Ensign Allison Stone 238712.08 - 238802.06
Lieutenant JG Alleran Tan 238708.26 - 238710.19
Lieutenant JG Zuriba 238706.03 - 238707.02
Fen De-Rey 238703.12 - 238705.24
Ensign Zita Sesilia 238610.22 - 238704.06
Ensign Matthew Rathbone 238610.13 - 238701.01
Carson Ral 238511.01 - 238601.17
Commander T'Lara 238502.01 - xxxxxx.xx
On LoA.
Lieutenant Makno 238401.01 - 238502.01
Ensign Marshall Kinston 238406.01 - 238408.01
Ensign Russ Heston 238403.01 - 238404.01
Operations Division
Chief of Operations
Lt. Commander Tracey Townson 238708.26 - 238811.16
Promoted to Lt. Commander: xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant JG Guy Hunt 238610.13 - 238702.07
Commander C'elest Moranta 238401.01 - 238509.30
Security & Tactical
Chief Tactical Officers
Lt. Commander Danny Wilde 238811.04 - 238811.20
Lieutenant JG Sturm Kobylarz 238708.26 - 238809.04
Lt. Commander William Rogers 238609.30 - 238708.26
Lieutenant William Carrington 238504.01 - 238609.30
Lieutenant Marcus Dickens 238402.01 - 238504.01
Tactical Officers
Ensign Scarlet Delores 238808.15 - 238811.20
Ensign Donall Finnegan 238806.15 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Darren Shan 238708.26 - 238710.30
Lieutenant JG Sturm Kobylarz 238604.31 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Paul Sharpe 238706.19 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Ivan Petrov 238610.22 - 238612.23
Ensign Rann Havaris 2384xx.xx - 2384xx.xx
Ensign Ro Lorne 2384xx.xx - 2384xx.xx
Ensign Hayase 2384xx.xx - 2384xx.xx
Chief Security Officers
Lieutenant JG Eyas Wulfantine 238801.12 - 238811.20
Lieutenant JG Ashtad Gee 238710.24 - 238710.30
Lt. Commander David Whale 238708.26 - 238710.16
Lt. Commander William Rogers 238706.09 - 238708.26
Lieutenant Dar Elandra 238702.13 - 238705.06
Lt. Commander David Cody 238401.01 - 238510.01
Lieutenant Nemitor Atimen 238409.01 - 238410.01
Assistant Chiefs of Security
Lieutenant JG Ashtad Gee 238708.26 - 238710.24
Security Officers
Ensign Jade Shryker 238802.13 - 238811.20
Ensign Shirk'ah Fel'sian 238801.12 - 238802.13
Lieutenant JG Eyas Wulfantine 238801.01 - 238801.12
Ensign Jhereg Drageran 238701.21 - 238710.01
Ensign Christopher Peter Shan 238705.24 - 238707.16
Ensign Dar Elandra 238702.09 - 238703.24
Lieutenant JG Nicholas "Nickels" Luciano 238604.19 - 238701.24
Soon-Yi Park 238512.19 - 238601.01
Lieutenant Kassa Quay 238504.01 - 238510.01
Lieutenant JG Daniel Wood 238404.01 - 238510.01
Lieutenant Alexander Hutton 238402.01 - 238504.01
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant JG Luna Walker 238808.01 - 238811.20
Lt. Commander Darius Clack 238703.22 - 238808.01
Lt. Commander Ethan Brice 238510.12 - 238703.22
Lieutenant Quinn Reynolds 238409.04 - 238508.10
Lieutenant JG Jacomus Aharon 238402.15 - 238407.15
Assistant Chief Engineers
Lieutenant JG Luna Walker 238708.16 - 238808.01
Lieutenant Ralik 238609.30 - 238706.29
Lieutenant JG Kevin Breeman 238501.19 - 238609.30
Lieutenant JG Paul Sharpe
Ensign Theo Nathan Grady 238708.12 - 238709.21
Ensign Quinn Douglas Holmes 238706.03 - 238707.30
Intelligence Officers
Lt. Commander David Cody 238401.01 - 238510.01
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Officers
Marine Captain
Alexandria Somers 238708.01 - 238803.25
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officers
Lieutenant Charles Sampi 238803.29 - 238811.20
Lieutenant Tenzin Zhou 238708.26 - 238803.28
Lt. Commander Solok 238703.16 - 238707.07
Ensign Li'Tam Valae 238606.21 - 238609.29
Lieutenant Hugh Barnes 238606.21 - 238606.15
Lt. Commander Jophry Calhan 238505.05 - 238609.20
Lieutenant Vojana Satscher 238501.01 - 238504.01
Lieutenant Ronan Adair-Walker 238411.01 - 238501.01
Lieutenant Vojana Satscher 238403.01 - 238411.01
Assistant Chief Medical Officers
Lieutenant JG Alahndra Lelwin Nevarass 238805.01 - 238806.13
Lieutenant T'Reshik 238710.17 - 238710.30
Lieutenant JG Sasak 238708.26 - 238709.12
Medical Officers
Ensign Leah St. James 238808.02 - 238811.20
Ensign Velana 238808.29 - 238811.20
Ensign Alahndra Lelwin Nevarass 238801.11 - 238805.01
Ensign Tenzin Zhou 238705.27 - 238708.26
Ensign Aaron Shalls 238702.06 - 238706.09
Ensign Relin "Tybe" Graxanous 238612.16 - 2387022.10
Ensign Alexander Redfield 238611.28 - 238612.03
Ensign Ronda Mal-ten 238502.01 - 238510.01
Ensign Shane Falco 238409.01 - 238410.01
Lieutenant JG Angelina DeCosta 238408.01 - 238410.01
Ensign Telemachus Jeremy Remo 238512.10 - 23XXXX.XX
Ensign Zinna 238807.22 - 238811.20
Lieutenant JG Askade D'ciq 238805.12 - 238806.13
Lt. Commander Karynn Brice 238804.01 - 238805.12
Ensign Sidney Pierce 238710.10 - 238802.06
Lieutenant S'Peek Avandar 238708.26 - 238710.30
Ensign Aaron Shalls 238706.09 - 238706.24
Lieutenant JG Galon Sudra 238703.16 - 238706.09
Lieutenant JG Ignis Fatuus 238610.23 - xxxxxx.xx
Lt. Commander Karynn Ehlanii Brice 238510.24 - 238609.30
Emmalynn Scott 238505.01 - 238507.01
Lt. Commander Lily Ventu 238409.01- 238505.01
Ensign Chloe Bjelland 238409.01 - 238411.01
Ensign Erza Riber 238406
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officers
Lieutenant Tyriden th'Dani 238801.12 - 238811.20
Lt. Commander Karynn Ehlanii Brice 238810.24 - 238812.01
Lieutenant JG Galon Sudra 238706.09 -238710.24
Lieutenant Kevin Breeman 238609.30 - 238706.02
Lt. Commander Takashi Chen 238607.19 - 238508.08
Lt. Commander Cara Maria 238510.01 - 238602.24
Lieutenant Allen Cruise 238412.01 - 238510.31
Assistant Chief Science Officers
Lieutenant JG Galon Sudra 238710.24 - 238811.20
Science Officers
Ensign Traven Gene Stark 238801.12 - 238803.04
Ensign Inarr Rogg 238610.30 - 238611.20
Ensign Anora Manar 238610.23 - 238612.10
Ensign Aeric Tiernan 238505.01 - 238510.01
Ensign Galon Sudra 238505.01 - 238504.01
Lieutenant JG Tildaen Ethelwin 238409.01 - 238411.01
Ensign Johnny Bravo 238409.01 - 238412.05
Ensign Syrol 238801.20 - 238811.20
Lieutenant JG Sarion 238510.12 -238610.30
Known to Serve
Ensign Raynik Altross Dates unknown
Tactical Officer
Civilian Julia Amada (mirror) Dates Unknown
Civilian from another universe.
Ensign Moses Welling Dates Unknown
Science Officer
Ensign Daro Dates unknown
Medical Officer