User:Zephyr/sandbox 6

< User:Zephyr
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Challenger Project Through Peregrine Transition

USS Challenger Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Captain T'Pen 238502.26 - xxxxxx.xx
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238501.09 - 238502.26
Captain T'Pen 238403.24 - 238501.09
Reinstated in Starfleet pending the return of the Challenger.
Major Francis deMarc 238302.03 - 238403.23
Acting. Served concurrently as Marine CO.
Lt. Commander Samal Frazier 238312.01 - 238402.03
Temporarily Reassigned to DS 9.
Captain T'Pen 238301.28 - 238312.01
Promoted to Captain 238301.31.
Deceased 238312.01.
First Officer
Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc 238503.05 - xxxxxx.xx
Served concurrently as Marine CO.
Commander Samal Frazier 238502.24 - 238503.05
Stepped down.
Lieutenant Hugh Barnes 238501.09 - 238502.24
Commander Samal Frazier 238409.12 - 238501.09
Promoted to Commander & First Officer 238403.30.
Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc 238407.24 - 238409.12
Served concurrently as Marine CO.
Commander Samal Frazier 238403.25 - 238407.24
Promoted to Commander & First Officer 238403.30.
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238402.05 - 238403.23
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer.
Lt. Commander Samal Frazier 238301.29 - 238312.01
Moved to Acting CO.
Lt. Commander Aleana Netal 238312.04 - 238402.06
Served concurrently as Acting First Officer.
Second Officer
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238503.05 - xxxxxx.xx
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer.
Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc 238509.13 - 238503.05
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238407.24 - 238409.13
Served concurrently as Chief Operations Officer.
Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc 248403.23 - 238407.24
Served Concurrently as Second Officer.
Promoted to Lt. Colonel on 238406.04.
Lt. Commander Aleana Netal 238402.06 - 238403.23
Served concurrently as Chief Engineer.
Lieutenant Toni Turner 238312.04 -238402.05
Served concurrently as CMO.
Became acting First Officer and Chief Ops Officer.
Major Francis deMarc 238301.29 - 238312.01
Served Concurrently as Second Officer.
Made acting CO upon Frazier's reassignment.
Mission Specialist
Lieutenant T'Preen 238306.01 - 238312.02
Chief Helmsman
Lieutenant JG Cyrus Webb 239503.08 - xxxxxx.xx
Formerly Helmsman.
Lieutenant JG Alex Swift 238409.13 - 238410.23
Formerly Helmsman.
Lieutenant JG Cyrus Webb 238412.26 - 238503.08
Promoted to Chief Helmsman.
Ensign Alex Swift 238405.30 - 238409.13
Promoted to Lt. JG & Chief Helmsman 238409.13
Ensign Satoc 238404.09 - 238404.17
Ensign Lon Elbrun 238309.29 - 238310.15
Ensign Marq Khan 238308.23 - 238308.29
Ensign Chris Tribuzio 238303.20 - 238303.22
Transferred to Chief of Sec/Tac.
Helm, Communication and Operations
Ensign Hrove Kyar Ychlan 238502.03 - 238504.01
Became security officer.
Lt. Commander Samal Frazier 238402.10 - 238403.25
Assigned to DS 9, then transferred to Challenger.
Captain T'Pen 238402.03 - 238403.24
Reinstated in Starfleet pending the return of the Challenger.
Operations Division
Chief Operations Officer
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238502.26 - xxxxxx.xx
Served concurrently as Second Officer as of 238503.05.
Lt. Commander Toni Turner 238402.05 - 238501.09
Served concurrently as Acting First Officer until 238403.23.
Served concurrently as second officer until 238409.13.
Became Acting CO.
Lieutenant JG Shalom Winters 238303.22 - 238402.05
Transferred from Chief of Tactical.
Transferred to the USS Victory.
Ensign Xavier Proud 238301.29 - 238303.22
Security & Tactical
Chief of Security & Tactical
Lieutenant JG Hugh Barnes 238406.08 - 238409.13
Reshuffled to Chief of Sec/Tac.
Promoted to Lieutenant & Chief of Tactical 238409.13.
Ensign Chris Tribuzio 238303.22 - 238306.01
Transferred from Helm.
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & named Dept. Chief of Security 238306.01.
Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant Hugh Barnes 238406.08 - 238409.13
Formerly chief of tac/acting chief of tac.
Ensign Ca-Re Sophie Dall 238402.05 - 238409.13
Formerly Security Officer.
Promoted to Lt. JG & Chief of Security 238409.13.
Chief of Security
Lieutenant JG Ca-Re Sophie Dall 238409.13 - 238412.24
Formerly Sec/Tac Officer.
Lieutenant JG Chris Tribuzio 238306.01 - 238312.14
Transferred from Sec/Tac.
Lieutenant Jed Krell 238301.29 - 238303.22
Assistant Chief of Security
Ensign Hrove Kyar Ychlan 238503.08 - xxxxxx.xx
Formerly Security Officer.
Security Officer
Ensign Ann Readdy 238503.06 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Hrove Kyar Ychlan 238503.04 - 238504.01
Formerly helmsman.
Became Assistant Chief of Security.
Lieutenant Keln Sabdok 238404.12 - 238404.29
Ensign Ca-Re Sophie Dall 238402.05 - 238406.08
Reshuffled to Sec/Tac.
Ensign Hugh Barnes 238402.02 - 238402.05
Transferred to Tactical.
Chief of Tactical
Lieutenant Hugh Barnes 238502.24 - xxxxxx.xx
Lieutenant Hugh Barnes 238409.13 - 238501.09
Acting FO.
Lieutenant JG Hugh Barnes 238403.30 - 238406.08
Transferred from Security.
Promoted to Lt. JG 238403.30
Reshuffled to Chief of Sec/Tac.
Lieutenant JG Shalom Winters 238301.29 - 238303.22
Transferred to Chief Operations Officer.
Transfered to USS Victory.
Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG Kassa Quay 238412.26 - xxxxxx.xx
Ensign Hugh Barnes 238402.05 - 238403.30
Transferred from Security.
Promoted to Lt. JG 238403.30 & confirmed as Chief Tactical Officer.
Chief Engineering Officer
Lt. Commander Aleana Netal 238301.29 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted to Lt. Commander 238306.01.
Served Concurrently as Acting First Officer.
Served concurrently as Second Officer.
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
Lieutenant Richard Shawn Anderson 238312.24 - 238401.12
Ensign Justin Whiteard 238410.05 - 238410.20
On loan from the USS Boneventure.
Ensign Jennifer Wilson 238404.28 - 238405.24
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG Danzia 238402.07 - xxxxxx.xx
Acting CMO.
Promoted to Lt. JG 238403.30 & Confirmed as CMO 238403.30.
Promoted to Lieutenant: 238409.13
Lieutenant Toni Turner 238304.02 - 238402.05
Promoted to LtCommander 238312.08
Served Concurrently As Acting Second Officer.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Drake Barlow 238403.06 - 238404.10
Medical Officer
Ensign To'rbls 238202.20 - 238306.01
Promoted to Second Lieutenant and transferred to Marines 238306.01
Chief Counselor
Lieutenant Andrus Jaxx 238503.08 - xxxxxx.xx
Formerly counselor.
Lieutenant JG Andrus Jaxx 238410.07 - 238503.08
Promoted to Lieutenant JG 238411.06.
Promoted to Lieutenant & Chief Counselor 238503.08
Ensign Danzia 238312.28 - 238402.07
Made Acting CMO.
Lt. Commander Deran Beq 238301.29 - 238304.21
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant JG Emilio Aguinaldo 238503.08 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Science Officer 238503.08.
Lt. Commander T'Lea 238402.07 - 238405.17
Transferred to Starbase 118.
Lieutenant James Levin 238306.01 - 238312.20
Promoted to Lieutenant 238312.08.
Science Officer
Ensign Emilio Aguinaldo 238411.12 - 238503.08
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Science Officer 238503.08.
Ensign Ti'Brus 238408.11 - 238409.16
Ensign James Levin 238303.15 - 238303.22
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Chief Science Officer 238306.01
Starfleet Marine Corps
Chief Marine Officer
Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc 248403.23 - xxxxxx.xx
Served Concurrently as Second Officer & Acting First Officer.
Promoted to Lt. Colonel on 238406.04.
Major Francis deMarc 238301.29 - 238402.03
Served Concurrently as Second Officer until 238312.01.
Became acting CO upon Frazier's reassignment.
Marine Officer
Second Lieutenant Jerry Reid 238401.22 - xxxxxx.xx
Promoted to 1st Lt 238403.30
Second Lieutenant To'rbls 238302.20 - 238306.01
Promoted to Second Lieutenant and transferred to Marines 238306.01
Battalion XO/Diplomat
Major Heath West 238503.07 - xxxxxx.xx
Formerly Marine Diplomatic Corps.
Promoted to Major 238503.08.
Marine Diplomatic Corps
Marine Captain Heath West 238409.13 - 238503.07
Formerly an ambassador.
Bravo Company Commanding Officer
Second Lieutenant
Jonas Kagen 238409.03 - 238410.16
Civilian Jeremy Darius Black 238411.19 - xxxxxx.xx
Bartender & Diplomat
Civilian Heath West 238311.19 - 238403.30
Promoted to Lieutenant JG & Ambassador 239403.30
Federation Diplomatic Corps
Lieutenant JG Heath West 238403.30 - 238409.13
Formerly a civilian.
Promoted to Marine Captain in the Diplomatic Corps.


Captain's Log, Stardate 59646.6 (238302.23)

The USS Challenger has been ordered to the Vinos-Da system on a scientific mission to catalog the seven planetary bodies and surrounding region. Before entering the system, the ship's warp core cooling system was taken off line do to fluctuations within the core and the threat of an immediate warp core breach.

The Challenger continued its journey towards Vinos-Da on impulse. Upon reaching the outer barrier, Major deMarc's modified fighter wing was launched to begin preliminary scans of the system, before the ship's eventual arrival. It was learned, as scans began to come back that one of the seven planets was no longer within the system and that an asteroid belt had formed around the entirety.

As I called for the ship to be stopped, the emphasis Q and Trelane "popped" onto the bridge. They were quickly escorted to the conference room, while I tended to a personnel detail.

Dr. Fimpel, the EMHv4. doctor who had been turned on, when the ship left SB118, was relieved of his duties after complaints by the crew were issued. This gave way for an up and coming Ensign To'rbls to take over as medical officer (in charge of sickbay). I believe he will be strong asset to this crew.

Major deMarc, Ensign Proud and Lt Netal have been ordered to the main shuttle hanger to investigate the destructed remnants of one of the marine fighters. The rest of the crew and Trelane, who opted to stay on board the Challenger are attempting to assess the Black Splotches that had begun forming on the outer hull of the ship.

It is my hope that this issue will be resolved soon and that our mission of scientific discovery will no longer be impeded, but with Q and Trelane causing havok, it's anyone guess what will happen next.

Captain T'Pen reporting.


Captain's Log 238408.31

The Challenger is on it's way to Starbase 24 for maintenance, repair, replacement of crewmembers and a much needed time of relaxation. This crew has had its share of scrapes of the past mission. The Romulans have their work cut out for them. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Praetor won't be happy that T'Vol obliterated the Tal Shiar base. We are still several hours from SB24, but well outside of the Neutral Zone. We're acquired several new guests from our recent excursion. I can't help wonder how Turner and Reid will work out their recent experiences of being shot at. Each in their own way, as Ambassador Spock was so fond of saying.

Justin Whiteard

Officer's Personal Log Stardate: 238410.05 at 0600 Hours

Today, I am 1 step closer to fulfilling my dream to be chief engineer of a starship. I am currently on my way to my 1st assignment the USS Challenger I heard from some of the other cadets at the academy, that she was a fine ship with a good captain and crew, but I guess I will soon find that out for my self.

USS Challenger • NCC-12886 • COMMISSIONED 238301.29

"Give me a challenge, and I'll meet it with joy." Ronald Reagan
  Service Ribbons  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
238501.03 -- Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc -- Flight Deck, Shore Leave
The Marine Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service
The Marine Expeditionary Medal.
Devlin Danar
Brikk Wallace
Bronze Star for Valor
The Marine Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service
The Marine Expeditionary Medal.
Dustin Evans
Drystan Myers
Heath West
Bronze Star for Valor
The Purple Heart
Marine Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service
Marine Expeditionary Medal.
Decoration Name of Award Recipient
238503.08 - Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc -- Arlington National Cemetery - Shore Leave
Promotion to Major Heath West
238503.08 - Captain T'Pen -- Arlington National Cemetery, Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Emilio Aguinaldo
Promotion to Lieutenant Andrus Jaxx
Promotion to Lieutenant Commander Ashley Boles-Barnes
Hugh Barnes
238501.03 -- Lt. Colonel Francis deMarc -- Flight Deck, Shore Leave
Promotion to First Lieutenant Brikk Wallace
Drystan Myers
Promotion to Marine Captain Bleene
238411.06 -- Captain T'Pen -- Boles Beach, Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Andrus Jaxx
238409.13 -- Captain T'Pen -- Boles Beach, Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Alex Swift
Ca-Re Sophie Dall
Promotion to Lieutenant Danzia
Hugh Barnes
Promotion to Lt. Commander J.T. Aadi
Promotion to First Lieutenant Dade Adarnis
Promotion to Marine Captain Heath West
238406.04 -- Captain T'Pen -- R.I.G. Ring, Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel Francis deMarc
238403.30 -- Captain T'Pen -- Quarters, DS9, Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Hugh Barnes
Promotion to Lieutenant Ashley Boles bestowed to Ashlyn Willyard Posthumously
Promotion to First Lieutenant Jerry Reid
Promotion to Commander Samal Frazier
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Heath West
238312.08 -- Lieutenant Commander Samal Frazier -- Holodeck 2, Shore Leave Part 2
Promotion to Lt. Commander Toni Turner
Promotion to Lieutenant James Levin
238306.01 -- Captain T'Pen -- Bajor Proper Shore Leave
Promotion to Lieutenant JG James Levin
Chris Tribuzio
Promotion to Lt. Commander Aleana Netal
Promotion to Second Lieutenant To'rbls
238301.28 -- Fleet Captain Christopher Hutton & Captain T'Pen -- A Ceremony
Promotion to Lieutenant JG Shalom Winters
Promotion to Captain T'Pen
  OOC Awards  
Award Name of Award Recipient
238501.08 -- Captain T'Pen -- Mission Control, Shore Leave
Scotty Cross Ca-Re Sophie Dall
Nebula Bar Heath West
B-Plot Award
Neelix Award Francis deMarc
The Silver Palm Toni Turner
  The Merria Medallion
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class Emilio Aguinaldo
The Sheathed Sword Andrus Jaxx
  The Purple Star Hugh Barnes
  Barclay Bed Danzia
238312.27 -- Captain T'Pen -- Communique
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class Lon Elbrun
  The Starfleet Order of Merit and Achievement Second Class Aleana Netal
  Barclay Bead
  Purple Star T'Preen
The Sheathed Sword Shalom Winters
Neelix Award Heath West
The Scotty Cross Toni Turner
The B-Plot Award Francis deMarc
The Silver Palm Samal Frazier
The Nebula Bar
  Duty Post Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
2384 -- Fleet Award Ceremony
Pilot's Sextant -- Helm Alex Swift
Voyager Medallion -- Operations Toni Turner
238401.11 -- Major Francis deMarc -- Attention to Orders
Voyager Medallion -- Operations Shalom Winters
Cochrane Award -- Science James Levin
Prantares Ribbon -- Medical Toni Turner
Strange Medallion -- First Officer Samal Frazier
  Special Awards  
Award Name of Award Recipient
238501.08 -- Captain T'Pen -- Mission Control, Shore Leave
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award Jerry Reid
2384 -- Fleet Award Ceremony
Kalendra Award Francis deMarc
Data Artistic Award Toni Turner
38312.27 -- Captain T'Pen -- Communique
Sarpeidon Award Toni Turner
Kalendra Award
  Staff Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
2384 -- Fleet Award Ceremony
The Andorian Battle Star T'Pen
238401.11 -- Major Francis deMarc -- Attention to Orders
Captain Kirk Cross T'Pen

Challenger-A Crew History, Logs & Awardsy Things

USS Challenger-A Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
First Officer

USS Challenger-A •NCC-12886-A • COMMISSIONED 238603.03,

"Give me a challenge, and I'll meet it with joy." Ronald Reagan
  Service Ribbons  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
  OOC Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
  Duty Post Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
  Special Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
  Staff Awards  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient