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The Ohanze are the native population within the Shoals. Divided into several tribes, their home system


The Ohanze language is incredibly complex due to their unique anatomy and physiology, and most humanoids are unable to pronounce their words. The Ohanze likewise are unable to articulate most common humanoid languages. Thus, communication with the Ohanze is done extensively through the universal translator, with the devices directly interpreting and "speaking" the words as literal translations into Federation Standard.

Thus there are no "Ohanze" words. Their terms, names of places and people, etc. are simply translated into their literal translation. Ohanze typically also refer to each other by their professions. For instance, an Ohanze individual might simply be referred to in their name by their profession: Pilot, Healer, Priest, etc.

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Canreb temp world page
Four Letter Code BLVI
Federation Status Unknown
Planet of Origin The Shoals in the Alpha Quadrant
Encountered Members
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level C
List of Named Balivarii

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

An extremely xenophobic race, the Balivari attempt to avoid contact with other races if at all possible.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: Various planets in the Shoals region of space
  • Proper Name: Seccora system
  • Star: Seccora is a single type B7 III (a blue giant)
  • Distance from Star: unknown
  • Companions: asteroid belt, two planets (a gas giant and much smaller planetoid). There are, however, several terrestrial moons in orbit around the gas giant.

Home World

  • Proper Name: Seccora Ia
  • Diameter: 4,900 km (3,044 miles)
  • Gravity: 0.85 standard gravity with a density of 4.5
  • Axial Tilt: 2%, with minimal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 402 days
  • Rotational Period: 18 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 8%
    • Atmosphere: 0.99% is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
    • Climate: Temperate.
    • Terrain: Forests, mountain, deserts, savannahs, lakes.
    • Population: unknown


The Ohanze do not have a single "homeworld" per se, although their myths and legends tell of a supposed mother world in the ancient past where the species and civilization first originated, united as a single nation.

Whether true or not, today's

The Treaty of Friendship and the Circle of Five Suns

Before a formal treaty was finally signed between the Circle of Five Suns and the Federation, diplomatic relations were handled between colonists and each individual tribe or even between colonists and individual clan leaders. The Circle of Five Suns was a largely ceremonial body that has become more used for the Ohanze in their dealings with the Federation in the last century. Although the Treaty of Friendship signed in 2327 contributed greatly to improving relations between the Federation and the Ohanze, pirate factions of course paid no attention to the document, and the Black Sun Tribe has only a token representative selected from the small Black Sun community that joined sympathetic Blue Sun Tribe in legitimate trade.


The Ohanze are divided into five tribes, four of which hold claim to their own capital worlds in four star systems, with the fifth tribe being purely nomadic in their space faring vessels. All four star systems are located in an area of the Shoals, dubbed the Shadows due to the severe tetryon interference wreaked on sensors and communications.

The five tribes of the Ohanze are as follows, named for the stars of their capital worlds.

  • The Red Sun Tribe: Hailing from a star system with two habitable planets out of six, the Red Sun Tribe are known for their artistry, philosophy, and literature. Many Ohanze legends originated from the Red Sun, passed on to other tribes who modified the stories for their own people.
  • The Yellow Sun Tribe: Hailing from a star system with a single habitable planet out of four, the Yellow Sun Tribe is renowned for their scientists, healers, and engineers.
  • The White Sun Tribe: Hailing from a star system with two habitable planets out of seven, the White Sun Tribe are a tribe of farmers, fishermen, and tradesmen.
  • The Blue Sun Tribe: Hailing from a star system with three habitable planets out of six, the Blue Sun Tribe are a tribe of merchants and traders. They connect the other tribes to one another through commerce.
  • The Black Sun Tribe: Named because they have no home star, the Black Sun Tribe are the smallest tribe, living in the Shadows entirely on their fleet of vessels. Their need to survive pushed them to prey on both other Ohanze tribe and non-Ohanze vessels that enter the Shadows for supplies. Early run ins with Terran colonists and other outsiders to the Shoals earned the entire Ohanze race a reputation as formidable, ruthless opponents in battle due to a lack of understanding of the varied tribes and subcultures within the Ohanze.



The Ohanze are large non-humanoid lifeforms. They thrive on M-class worlds but can survive in harsher climates than most humanoid life. Their bodies are bioluminescent. They are not telepathic, but their language is difficult for humanoids to comprehend. The Ohanze are genetically incompatible with humanoid lifeforms, and they do not interbreed with non-Ohanze.










Federation Intelligence Files

Although a formal treaty is in place supposedly keeping the peace, the Ohanze have always had a somewhat tense relationship with the colonists of the Colonial Coalition, whom they view as encroaching on their territory, which spans several planetary systems. The Ohanze have also grown resentful of continued pirate and criminal activity, which the natives view as the responsibility of the colonists and the Federation.


This is an original Starbase 118 species created by the crew of the

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Alpha Rintani system Darkwater none none n/a
Oscion system Oscion none Expanse Systems Government seat

Barahn Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Aruva system ? ? Expanse House Barahn
Barahn system Barahn Caraadian Expanse House Barahn
Danaan system Danaan Caraadian Expanse House Barahn
Gotanna system ? ? Expanse House Barahn
New Paldor system New Paldor ? Expanse House Barahn
Otha system Otha ? Expanse House Barahn
Redansk system Redansk ? Expanse House Barahn
Sorelia system Sorelia ? Expanse House Barahn
Tullus system Tullus ? Expanse House Barahn
Umbrios system Umbrios ? Expanse House Barahn
Yanisse system Yanisse ? Expanse House Barahn
Yatil system Yatil ? Expanse House Barahn

Beruna Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Beruna system Beruna none Expanse House Beruna
Derex system Derex none Expanse House Beruna
Devron system Devron none Expanse House Beruna
Felussus system Felussus none Expanse House Beruna
Prosenna system Prosenna none Expanse House Beruna
Tiraan system Tiraan none Expanse House Beruna

Kerraron Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Gorin system Gorin none Expanse House Kerraron
Iolan system Iolan none Expanse House Kerraron
T'sarran system T'sarran none Expanse House Kerraron

Lanaxa Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Elbannon system Rylos Rylan Expanse House Lanaxa
Jeraal system Jeraal none Expanse House Lanaxa
Lanaxa system Lanaxa none Expanse House Lanaxa
Peridan system Peridan none Expanse House Lanaxa
Sula Adanni system Sula Adanni VIII Adanni Expanse House Lanaxa
Syndell system Syndell none Expanse House Lanaxa
Tyrn system Tyrn none Expanse House Lanaxa
Yrocyn system Yrocyn none Expanse House Lanaxa

Larokon Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Agurtha system Agurtha Rix none Expanse House Larokon
Berenti system Berenti none Expanse House Larokon
Buqret system Buqret none Expanse House Larokon
Burellion system Burellion none Expanse House Larokon
Devorren system Devorren none Expanse House Larokon
Drovna system Drovna none Expanse House Larokon
Gotara system Gotara none Expanse House Larokon
Karna system Karna none Expanse House Larokon
Laerron system Laerron none Expanse House Larokon
Marelle system Marelle none Expanse House Larokon
Paldor system Paldor none Expanse House Larokon
Roulean system Roulean none Expanse House Larokon
Tegedaar system Tegedaar none Expanse House Larokon
Tigelis system Tigelis none Expanse House Larokon
Ustullan system Ustullan none Expanse House Larokon

Rettaan Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Cetarus system Cetarus none Expanse House Rettaan
Galidyn system Galidyn none Expanse House Rettaan
Rakaan system Rakaan none Expanse House Rettaan
Vadid system Vadid none Expanse House Rettaan
Vaedan system Vaedan none Expanse House Rettaan
Zalenaedere system Zalenaedere none Expanse House Rettaan
Zeta Pellis system Zeta Pellis none Expanse House Rettaan

Tadere Province

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Arndall system Arndall none Expanse House Tadere
Beyla'Ruus system Beyla'Ruus none Expanse House Tadere
Idrall system Idrall none Expanse House Tadere
Krotar system Krotar none Expanse House Tadere
Kumauri system Kumauri none Expanse House Tadere
Paxar system Paxar none Expanse House Tadere
Peren system Peren none Expanse House Tadere
Pollus system Pollus none Expanse House Tadere
Samnar system Samnar none Expanse House Tadere
Sankrax system Sankrax none Expanse House Tadere
Torek system Torek none Expanse House Tadere

Free Worlds Region

System Planet Indigenous Species Affiliation Control
Aelann system Aelann none Freeworlds Independent
Aluda system Aluda ? Freeworlds ?
Beta Korrilae system Beta Korrilae II Korri Freeworlds Independent
Calavar system Calivar IV Cullum Freeworlds Independent
Debin system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Dronni system Dronni IV, Sinosa Ateda Freeworlds Independent
Gornt system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Holonna system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Illara system Illara Prime Illaran Freeworlds Independent
Itani system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Kala'din system Kala'din IV Naylar Freeworlds Independent
Kellim system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Kiros system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Lanith system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Lydor system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Maaron system Maarok extinct Freeworlds colonized
Miralon system Miralon III Waleth Freeworlds Independent
Myel system Myel XII Essedarri Freeworlds Independent
Nanaria system Nanaria none Freeworlds colonized
Norala system Norala IV none Freeworlds Federation colony
Ocorum system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Prelion system Prelion Prelian Freeworlds Independent
Taraana system ? ? Freeworlds ?
Tinnaallii system Tinall Tinalli Freeworlds Independent

Barahn Province Beruna Province Kerraron Province Lanaxa Province Larokon Province Rettaan Province Tadere Province Free Worlds Region

Harkanon Sector Riala Sector Solerian Sector

Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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Cart'hen system Star  · I  · II  · III  · Belt  · IV

This star system is located at coordinates 17-12-12.

It is in orbit of a class V, type K0 (Orange) star called Cart'hen. The other objects in this star system are

  • 1)a hot rock ball of a planet, it's orbit is approximately 35 million km, with a diameter of 1273.5 km (791.5 miles).
  • 2)a hostile greenhouse planet, it's orbit is approximately 60 million km, with a diameter of 7,044.8km (4,378.4 miles).
  • 3)a class M planet (Cart'hen III), it's orbit is approximately 105 million km, with a diameter of 10,005.2km (6218.3 miles). This is the homeworld of the Cart'henian.
  • 4)asteroid belt, it's orbit is approximately 138 to 141 million km
  • 5)a large gas giant, it's orbit is approximately 195 million km

Despite now being under Federation jurisdiction, the system used to be part of the Klingon Empire.

[[Category:Trinity Sector [[Category:Systems [[Category:Cart'hen system

Canreb temp world page
Region Par'tha Expanse
Sector Freeworlds Region
System Alpha Rintani system
Sun(s) 1
Moon(s) 1
Class O
Atmosphere Oxygen-nitrogen with Carbon dioxide and trace argon; normal Earth pressure
Hydrosphere Wet; 99% of the surface of Darkwater is covered with water
Climate Torential, constant rainfall rages all over the surface of Darkwater with no seasonal variation
Gravity 1.3G
Primary terrain liquid water
Length of Day 30h
Length of Year 427d
Native species none
Affiliation none
Government none

Alpha Rintani system Star  · I

  • Resources: poor; little to no minerals or metals; massive desalination would have to occur before the water would be suitable for use
  • Places of Note: none
  • Ship Facilities: none

Darkwater has long been the object of myth and story in the Par'tha Expanse. Designated as a pirate haven, the birthplace of fantastic creatures and extraordinary individuals, the hiding place of untold riches, the location of the fountain of youth, and any other tales one might think of, Darkwater had remained just a myth until its recent discovery. A great deal of individuals were disappointed to discover the realities of Darkwater.

[[Category:Par'tha Expanse planets [[Category:Class O planets