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Myel XII

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Myel XII
Stellar Cartography
Region Par'tha Expanse
Sector Freeworlds Region
System Myel system
Sun(s) 1 (Myel)
Moon(s) 2
Class M
Diameter km
Atmosphere Nitrogen-Oxygen, moderate Carbon Dioxide and trace Argon content; Earth-normal pressure
Hydrosphere 69% surface water; three large seas
Climate Temperate, with normal seasonal variation
Gravity 1 G
Primary terrain Plains, Mountains, Forests, Oceans, glaciers
Length of Day h
Length of Year d
Native species Essedarri
Affiliation independent; Freeworlds Council Member

Myel XII is a planet in the Par'tha Expanse's Freeworlds Region, and homeworld to the Essedarri.