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Crew of Deep Space 26

Varaan WIP.jpg

Commander Varaan

Vulcan IDIC.gif

“Nothing unreal exists.”

Kiri-kin-tha's First Law of Metaphysics

Commander Varaan, a Vulcan, has returned to the USS Atlantis after a long period as a Deep Cover Operative for Starfleet Intelligence. He is currently assigned as Officer of the Deck and Intelligence Liaison, and as of 239205.25 he is the Acting Chief Engineering Officer. He is also the former First Officer of the USS Paladin and USS Steadfast-A, and (ironically) former commanding officer of the USS Atlantis.


  • Full Name: Varaan
  • Race: Vulcan
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Birth: City of Khir Ahl, Kir province, continent of Na'nam, Vulcan
  • Date of Birth: 233001.06
  • Age: 72
  • Telepathic status: T3


  • Height: 1.86m
  • Weight: 86 kg
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: E.A.R.S.
  • Build: solid
  • Face: elongated
  • Poses: often stands with hands clasped behind his back; will raise his left eyebrow when something he deems interesting has happened or is said
  • Voice: rich baritone
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Birthmarks, Scars: none
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Traditional Vulcan robes
  • Handedness: Right
  • Eyes: narrow
  • Mouth: straight
  • Arms: normal
  • Legs: normal
  • Carriage: Walks with purpose
  • Shoes: In uniform: Standard Starfleet boots; Off duty: Traditional Vulcan pull-on shoes (slipper-like but with firmer bottoms)


Varaan is a "by-the-book" type of Starfleet officer, and prefers to follow established Starfleet protocols whenever possible. He is also partial to working alone or in very small groups, unless such groups are composed primarily of other Vulcans.

  • Quarters: Standard Starfleet quarters - fairly spartan, but with several strategically placed candles used during meditation; several knick-knacks (momentos) from his life (while on Steadfast-A, it was Deck 8 - room 0912)
  • Favorite Room: does not have a favourite
  • Mannerisms: often stands with hands clasped behind his back; will raise his left eyebrow when something he deems interesting has happened or is said
  • Physical Limitations: lost hearing (see below), uses prosthesis (E.A.R.S.)
  • Temperment: exceptionally even
  • Habits: often seen with a PADD in his hands; will go long periods without sleep, then meditate
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Attempts to follow the Vulcan way of Kolinahr

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Like to play kal toh
  • Studying technical journals and manuals
  • Likes to keep physically fit as well (jogs whenever/wherever he can)

Likes and Dislikes

  • Likes:
    • Solitude and Meditating
    • Complex technical and engineering problems
    • Stellar Cartography
    • Starship design
  • Dislikes:
    • Terran humour
    • Illogical situations
    • Boisterous and energetic people who want to socialize
    • Inefficiency

Ambitions and Goals

Being a Vulcan, Varaan has no "ambitions" or goals beyond successfully completing his Starfleet career. He has no ego, so "ambitions" are beyond him.

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

Varaan's greatest personal achievement, he would tell you, would be the conception and successful birth of his daughter, T'iana. Being Vulcan, he has no disappointments.


Personal History

Full Article: Varaan Personal History



T'lani is a graduate of the Vulcan Science Academy, and a scientist currently involved in the space sciences (astrophysics, cosmology, astronomy, etc). She works with Varaan's father on the Vulcan Science Council. She is a beautiful woman (even Vulcans can appreciate asthetics), and very intelligent. Their union had been arranged when they were children, but they truly love each other (as close to love as Vulcans get).





T'iana (dob: 238107.09) - currently the only child of Varaan and T'lani, T'iana was conceived when T'lani came to visit Varaan during a period of shore-leave for the USS Paladin. Their daughter was born while Varaan was on mission, and so he missed being there. He had never met his daughter until he returned to Vulcan before taking command of the USS Atlantis.


Mother: T'mol - liaison between the alien ambassadors from sectors 001 through 100 to the Vulcan government.
Father: Solath, son of Myrek - revered Astrophysicist on Vulcan, and a board member of the Vulcan Science Academy.


Marcus Dickens.jpg

After being alone for so long as a deep cover operative within the Par'tha Expanse, Varaan's return to "normal society" and the Starfleet "mainstream" has revealed that all of his old acquaintances and shipmates from the past have moved on in one way or another...except one. Commander Marcus Dickens, who was a fresh faced Ensign when Atlantis originally launched in 2382, had returned to Atlantis upon the relaunch in 2391. While calling their relationship a "friendship" might be pushing it, Dickens is the closest thing to a friend that Varaan has currently.

While a member of the USS Paladin, he got very close to Dr. Jennifer Catherine Greene, Jefferson Nariah, and (his "best friend" on board) Torin Jamar.

Professional History

Starfleet Academy Transcript

Full Article: Academy Records

Starfleet Assessments and Records

Full Article: Varaan Starfleet Records

Starfleet Medical History

Full Article: Varaan Medical Records
Vulcan IDIC.gif V'Shar insignia.png Starfleet Corps of Engineers Logo.png SCE SB118.jpg Starfleet Command.png Utopia Planitia.png ASDB.png Starfleet Intelligence.png
  • Date Graduated from Academy: 237810.28
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant (Commander)
  • Current Assignment: USS Atlantis
  • Duty Post: Officer of the Deck / Inteligence Liaison, Acting Chief Engineer

Starfleet Awards and Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 237810.28
SF Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
Nebula Bar 237909.20
USS Paladin
Awarded for achievements in exploration. Awarded to a simmer who has shown great imagination when creating new guest races, or expanding on low profile (already discovered) races, or new planets and systems.
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Department Chief Ribbon 237907.01
USS Paladin
Awarded to a person who has held the title of department chief for no less than 6 months. This ribbon signifies the important achievement of being in charge of a ship/installation's department for a period of time.
Awards DutyPost StrangeMedallionAward 2011.jpg
Strange Medallion 238102.05
USS Paladin
Awarded to executive officers who perform above the call of duty.
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
Nebula Bar 238203.09
USS Atlantis
Awarded for achievements in exploration. Awarded to a simmer who has shown great imagination when creating new guest races, or expanding on low profile (already discovered) races, or new planets and systems.
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg
5-year Member 237810.28-238311.19
For those who have been members continuously for five years.
Awards Special Sarpeidon 2011.jpg
Sarpeidon Award 238301.09
Given to any simmer who has made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki.




NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jarred Thoran 5.png
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Ilana Ganarvuss.png
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
USS Atlantis-logo.png
Doc Snow.jpg
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
LtCmmdr Noa Levinson.png
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
USS Atlantis-logo.png
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