Lael Rosek/USS Veritas Service Jacket

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Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg






  • Rank: Lieutenant - Lieutenant Commander
  • Duty Post: Engineering Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Roshanara Rahman
  • Stardates: 239407.07 - Present

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Transfer to the Veritas


Transfer to the Veritas

Cargo ships travel along the Mother Road for speed and safety.

Rahman called a briefing in Sickbay for Lael's team (Blake; Tuk; Sepek; Ryan), where Lael learned that mass quantities of a highly addictive drug called felicium had been discovered aboard Outpost 3, an abandoned station along the Mother Road while the station was being repaired. Commander Blake and Lieutenant Commander Ryan were assigned the task of analyzing the batches in hopes of discovering their origin. The rest of the team beamed over to the Outpost, where they were greeted by Lieutenant Commander Tristam Core, the Engineer in charge of repairs. Rahman instructed Lael to help Core with repairs while the others went to investigate the damage caused by the Klingon attack on the station.

While working on the communications systems, Lael and Core discovered a hidden, encrypted message. They were able to decode enough of the message to get a few keywords...possibly a name. Any attempts to dig deeper were interrupted by Klingons boarding the station and hacking into the systems in an attempt to take control of the station. Lael was successfully able to lock them out of critical systems such as life support, weapons, and communications. But while she was distracted by the hacker, the Klingons were able to beam out the supply of felicium that Core's team had located. The Klingons then demanded they "surrender all narcotics or risk being fired upon". Fortunately, Captain Rahman was able to resolve the situation diplomatically.

Lael and Core got back to work on the communications console and, while studying the logs, discovered a hidden message containing a name: Khrelen Milol. They share their findings with the captain, who sends Lieutenant Sepek and Ensign Taryn Slater down to help them decode the message further. The investigation is halted, however, by the USS Veritas picking up some unusual readings that Captain Rahman believed warranted further study. Lael, Slater, and Sepek left Core and the Klingons to the message while they returned to the USS Veritas.


Diffusing the Tension

When turning in her AAR, Lael found Luna in her office clearly upset by something. Lael attempted to extend an olive branch in hopes that the concession would begin to alleviate some of the tension between them, However, she got more than she bargained for when Luna opened up to her about the circumstances surrounding her mother's death. This resulted in Lael telling Luna the story of her first mission as an officer. The personal nature of the truths each shared helped Lael to better understand and trust Luna.

Gaining Perspective

The crew got a bit of a break after their last mission and, upon seeing Commander Kelrod sitting alone in the Mess Hall during her late tea break, she decided to get to know him better. After a slightly awkward start, she found herself enjoying his company. Following several exchanges, she wraps up the conversation to get ready for her date with Jon.

Small Talk Between Friends

The next evening, she was in the Officer's Mess relaxing with another mug of her favorite tea when Chythar came in and ordered food. They talked briefly about the Prospero shuttle project before they were interrupted by Ensign Slater's arrival. There were then a few brief exchanges before Chythar excused himself to feed Devlin, get Alex his dinner, and get back to work, leaving Lael and Slater to talk.

Hard Truths

After the conversation in the Officer's Lounge with Slater, Lael got ready for yet another date with Jon. She decided to tell Jon the whole truth about her connection with Chythar and she became very emotional. Lael gave him the choice to leave if he wanted, even though she really wanted him to stay. He hurt her by leaving anyway and this caused a rift between the two.

Hours afterward, Chythar sought her out on the holodeck where she's was taking her anger out on holographic Klingons. He pushed her to talk to him and she eventually told him about what had happened between her and Jon. Lael had been trying to avoid a repeat of what happened with her and Jansen by being honest with Jon. Talking with Chythar helped her work through her feelings. The two then meditated for a little while before Lael returned to her quarters.

Later that evening after spending time with Chythar and Maddy on the beach in the holodeck, Jon surprised her by coming to her quarters, asking to talk. They began the awkward conversation regarding the pink elephant in the room. Lael didn't forgive him right away, but was able to hold an honest conversation with him about her feelings. They began their mending of trust with some quiet time alone together and dinner. Lael sought Chythar out the next day to tell him about Jon stopping by her quarters to apologize.

Let the Work Begin

While working out in the gym with Anjar, the two bumped into Sepek and engaged in a bit of light conversation. She was later recruited for the Ferdinand crew, pitting her against the two shuttle teams for the second trial of the shuttle races.

Wearing Her Heart On Her Sleeve

When the shuttle races were complete, Lael found herself still on duty nearly two hours after her shift has ended, most of which she spent in the Engineering Workshop, trying to come to terms with Alex's sudden departure. In that time, she realized what bothered her most wasn't that he'd left on a mission of indefinite length, but that he hadn't even said goodbye. Chythar had gotten a letter, but she hadn't. She was surprised when the Captain arrived. A brief exchange reminded Lael that she and Alex were supposed to present their pet project to the Captain before his sudden departure. Not feeling right about talking to Rahman about it without Alex, she'd instead offered the Captain her After-Action Report (AAR) as a cover. However, Rahman had seen right through her attempt to divert the topic and confronted her about it. Lael reluctantly admitted the difficulties she was having with Alex's sudden departure. Perhaps seeing that Lael needed a distraction, Rahman had surprised Lael with an invitation to join her for an inspection of the ship, which Lael had accepted gratefully. The two had made small talk as they walked and had gotten to know each other a bit better.

The New Helm Officer

Later, Lael found herself in the Officer's Lounge reflecting on a recent communication from her brother, attached to which had been many childhood holophotos that she hadn't seen or thought about in some time. One in particular caught her attention: herself and her childhood best friend, Nicholas Swett. The two had been incredibly close throughout her grade school years and she'd even had a crush on him. In the midst of her trip down memory lane, a young ensign approached her table and engaged her in conversation. She learned that the young woman was the new Helm officer, T'Venna. They talked for some time, mostly about duty, settling in, and briefly about their childhoods.

Go To Your Happy Place

Knowing that Chythar was still upset over Alex and in an attempt to soothe her own feelings, she took him to the holodeck and shared one of her childhood happy places with him (Carr-Fles Planetarium on the Muskegon Community College campus near her hometown of Cedar Springs). The two shared a bottle of brandy and stared up at the stars, talking. Alex was mentioned briefly, but Lael quickly changed the topic when they both started getting upset. Instead, she goaded him into going to the senior staff party in the Officer's Mess as her date, joking that he might actually get to dance with her to real music with Jansen being there to steal her away.

Senior Staff Party

Still upset over Alex's unexpected departure, Lael attended the party in the Officer's Mess reluctantly and spent the first part of the evening at Chythar's side. the staff then gathered for the awards part of the evening and the entire crew was awarded the Extended Service Ribbon for their time serving in the Shoals. Evan was then called forward and Lael knew what was inside the box Mei'konda retrieved. She felt envy and a touch of jealousy as he was reinstated as a Lieutenant Commander.

Following Evan's promotion, Mei'konda announced the Prospero (Chythar's team)) as the winners of the shuttle trials. Mei'konda, Harik, Alex, Chythar, Kelrod, Wolfe, Walker, and Evan were then awarded the Innovation Ribbon. Chythar and the rest of the Prospero team were also awarded the Captain's Commendation.

But the ceremony wasn't over yet. As Mei'konda retrieved another box, Lael was shocked when Rahman called her forward. She moved to join Rahman, standing frozen as Rahman pinned a third pip to her collar. The ceremony done, Lael and Chythar then moved to congratulate Evan with the intention of leaving afterward.

After a bit of small talk and a toast, Lael spotted Raissa across the room. Politely concluding the conversation with Evan and Mei'konda, she steered Chythar in Raissa's direction in hopes of breaking the tension between them. But she only succeeded at making things worse, Raissa cutting the conversation short, leaving Lael confused and frustrated.


The USS Astraeus, a Galaxy-class vessel designated for long-term exploratory missions.


The day following her promotion, Lael handed a report on the functioning of the warp core to Commander Walker, only to notice that she was distracted and that Lieutenant James wasn't at her usual post. Concerned Lael asked if everything was all right. Luna led Lael to the Chief Engineer's Office where she disclosed in confidence that Danni might be pregnant. Lael offered congratulations, but the rest of their conversation was cut off by Acting Captain Mei'konda calling from the bridge to inform them of the situation with the USS Astraeus, and asked them to come up with a way to get the ship out of danger. She and Luna worked through the situation, strategizing on how to do so without risking the safety of the Veritas and her crew. However, a yellow alert ruined those plans and forced Lael and Luna to also come up with either a way to increase the Veritas' defenses.

Shortly after, Crewman Recruit Tasmin Shandres approached her and Luna, taking the initiative by asking where she could help out. Noticing the young woman's enthusiasm and dedication, Lael decided to take the young woman under her wing. At first, Luna was going to assign Shandres to do research, but when a message came in from the bridge regarding an idea Ensign Jael Yal had to use the deflector in their plan, she suggested to Luna that maybe Shandres could help them sort through the specifics of Yal's proposal.


As the Veritas arrived to help the Astraeus, however, they came under attack and Acting Captain Mei'konda ordered Security, Engineering, and Medical to prepare teams. Commander Kelrod's team was already in place, attempting to repel the boarding parties. The other teams eventually beamed over to the other vessel into the Engineering section to find many wounded being treated by the ship's CMO, Doctor Rajan.

Once there, they learned that internal communications were down, which would make it impossible to communicate with Kelrod's team through conventional means. Also, there was a forcefield in place to keep the intruders out, but it was running on ship's power. After a great deal of discussion, the leaders of all three teams decided that the Engineers would work on reinforcing the field with a generator so the barrier didn't continue draining the little power the ship had left. Lieutenants Tuk and Jon Cumar remained with the Engineers to protect them and the medical officers, including Chythar and Doctor Solok, who were working to stabilize the patients.

However, as the Engineering team is working, a group of intruders is able to break through the weakened forcefield, shooting Lael in the shoulder and injuring a few others, Cumar among them. He took a hit jumping in front of Lael to protect her from a second shot. In the scuffle, a transport inhibitor was activated, preventing the teams from beaming out. Also, the intruders hit a panel that closed the blast doors, stopping the teams from gaining access to engineering. When they hit the panel, the intruders caused a radiation leak that the Medical teams had to treat with radiation inoculations.

Lael was ready to take hers when a man began seizing, leaving Chythar with no choice but to treat him with the last dose of anti-seizure meds. Without those anti-seizure meds prior to her radiation inoculation, Lael risked becoming incapacitated and possibly entering a coma due to her allergy. She urged the teams to focus on disabling the transport inhibitor and deactivating the blast doors to get them into Engineering.


Finally, they were successful, allowing the anti-seizure meds to be transported so Lael could receive her radiation inoculation with minimal risk. With the blast doors open, the teams gathered and focused on taking back Engineering. Weapons' fire was exchanged and they managed to regain control of Engineering, but Chythar was shot in the leg while trying to avoid getting shot. He was beamed back to the Veritas to be patched up while the rest of the team cleared Engineering and got to work setting things up to tow the Astraeus out.

Shortly thereafter, Cumar discovered a bomb inside the warp core. It was thought to be a tricobalt bomb at first, given Jilor's recent use of them. But upon further inspection, they discovered it was in fact a ultritium bomb that the Starfleet database described as "an extremely powerful chemical explosive, virtually undetectable by conventional sensors and therefore frequently employed in covert operations. Ninety isotons of enriched ultritium had enough explosive power to destroy almost anything within a radius of eight hundred kilometers".

The check-in call from Kelrod's team gave Lael the opportunity to ask for his expertise. While Kelrod's team was enroute, Lael and her team continued brainstorming solutions. At last, Kelrod's team arrived and they all opted to use cryofreezing combined with a chroniton generator to slow the clock. They then intended to beam it into space. They were successful up until they tried to beam it off the ship. The bomb exploded, though thankfully it didn't destroy the ship, only damaged Engineering aboard the Astraeus.

Lieutenants Tuk and Cumar beamed back to the Veritas to help secure the prisoners they'd captured while Lael and her team stayed behind to finish preparing the Astraeus for towing. Once that was complete, they beamed back to the Veritas to help with final preparations there. After a great deal of hard work, they put their rescue plan into action and it went off without a hitch. The Astraeus was successfully towed out and the Veritas picked up Captain Rahman from Outpost 3 and continued to Esperance to enjoy the lull between missions.


Well That Was Unexpected

After Luna returned, Lael left for Sickbay for a check-up only to find Chythar already there being assessed by Dassa.

This Is Just What We Do After A Mission


You Mean I Actually Have To Work Between Missions?


I'm Going To Try A Different Approach


Looking Forward


Another Day, Another Opponent


Unexpected Recognition


A New Counselor


Friends Getting Married



V'teridix-class Romulan warbird, employed for use by the Romulan Star Empire in the 23rd century.









Notable Relationships
  • Alex Blair: When they initially came aboard the USS Veritas together, their friendship was just beginning to recover from the obstacle of Lael and Chythar's unexpected telepathic bond. However, over the course of a couple missions working closely together, they have developed a strong trust and mutual respect for one another. Lael has come to value Alex's friendship nearly as much as she values Chythar's.
  • Chythar Skyfire: Their friendship went through a rough patch. As a result of his desperation to bring her back when she flatlined, the two formed a telepathic connection. This led to the revelation that Lael harbors non-platonic feelings for Chythar. They barely spoke for months. After a nearly-deadly experience aboard their previous assignment, Lael and Chythar arrived on the USS Veritas in the process of repairing their friendship. Though it's still awkward between them at times, they have managed to regain the majority of what they'd lost in those months of silence.
  • Dassa Alexander:
  • Jonathan Cumar:
  • Anjar Thoran:
  • Madeline Young:
  • Roshanara Rahman:
  • Evan Delano:
  • Luna Walker:
  • Mei'konda:
  • Sepek:
Full Timeline
  • 239407.07--Lael arrives on the USS Veritas.
  • 239407.08--Lael assists with the rescue of Lieutenant Commander Walker and Lieutenant Junior Grade Thoran following an unexpected cave-in.
  • 239407.08--Lael and Lieutenant Commander Walker get into a disagreement during the briefing about a safe course of action to further investigate what happened. Both receive a dress-down from Rahman.
  • 239407.10--Lael dislocates her shoulder when the Veritas is attacked [2].
  • 239411.09--Lael fights against Klingons trying to hack Outpost 3's systems.
  • 239502.10--Lael leads her first Engineering away team.
  • 239502.10--Lael gets shot in the shoulder by intruders aboard the Astraeus while trying to reinforce the forcefield protecting the injured in the Engineering section [3].
Mission Logs
Notes & References
  1. The main crew lounge aboard the USS Gorkon
  2. Refers to the boarding of the USS Veritas over Antor II during the Aftershock mission.
  3. Refers to The Irresistible Prize mission when the Astraeus became trapped after trying to exceed the maximum weight limitations for starships in the Shoals and was boarded by pirates..