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! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan="2" |[[USS Ronin]]
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! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief of Security
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! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Tactical Officer
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! style="background:#ffffff;" |Chief Tactical Officer
! style="background:#ffffff;" |First Officer

Revision as of 22:14, 6 November 2008


Lieutenant Commander Danny Wilde is the charismatic, charming newly promoted First Officer of the USS Ronin. Check out his writer at User:Danny Wilde and chat to him at: Talk:Danny Wilde


  • Full Name: Danny Wilde
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: Stardate 235602.14
    • Age: 29
  • Place of Birth: Kensington, London, Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: 0


  • Height: 6' 2"
  • Weight: 10 stone 5
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Distinguishing Marks/Scars: Small scar above his right eyelid. Old Bat'leth wound across his back. Borg Regeneration unit on the base of neck. Usually hides it with high collared uniforms. Slightly crooked nose evident of a break which didn't heal well.
  • Taste in Clothing (When off Duty): Typical pant/jacket combo. Formal style, deep colours.
  • Accent: English R.P
  • Handedness: Left


  • Quarters: Formerly Deck 2, Senior Officers Quarters. Now resides in Deck 2: Captain's Quarters after Max the Cat tore up every bit of furniture in his quarters. Decorated in dark, deep tones. Several photographs of loved ones, plus a few objects of cultural interest, mainly Human, Klingon, Bajoran and Betazoid.
  • Favourite Room: Double Shot Lounge
  • Least Favourite Room: Engineering
  • Habits:
    • Involuntarily raises his right eyebrow a lot. It can work for any range of emotion/situation.
    • Rubs his temples when he is annoyed.
    • Get's annoyed when people call him 'Mr. Wilde'. It makes him sound like a Butler.
  • Quirks:
    • Is secretly a very good singer/dancer
    • Named his favourite phaser "Miss Scarlett"
  • Religion: Non-religious
  • Hobbies:
    • He enjoys taking part in Holonovels. He is currently trying to write a Holonovel of some of his adventures in SFI using the alias 'Johnny Savage'.
    • Plays a lot of Poker
    • Known to dabble at Tongo
  • Temperment: At first glance, people regard him as cold. Once they get to know him, he is actually quite friendly. Usually overly serious, though.
  • Complexes/Phobias:
    • Alpha Male Syndrome
    • Once described as having a Superhero Complex: Feels the need to be the hunter/provider of a group
    • Some emotional expressive issues and neuroses from having overbearing parents.
  • Limitations: Considers his Borg Impant to be his biggest limitation, as it controls most of his cellular functions. He wishes to be 'normal' in regards to governing his own body.
  • Personal Achievements:
  • Personal Disappointments:

Personality/Notes of Character

Danny Wilde is considered by some to be an enigma character. Originally the Casanova of the Independence, due to his many flirtations, he is now more commonly known as one of the stricter senior officers of the Ronin. Sometimes seen as too disciplined and unfeeling, he has a deep, caring side which he sometimes has trouble showing. He balances his serious side with a humorous, practical-joker side which people often don't believe true. Before his joining of Starfleet Intelligence, he was often the ship's stick-in-the-mud, but has changed drastically over time. He attributes his tenure as a spy combined with his long-term relationship with Idril Mar to be the key things that mellowed him out. A once self-confessed Xenophobe, Danny had an intolerance of the Klingon species, but that has also mellowed over time. This is not evident in the case of the Romulan species, though. For one week he was held prisoner and tortured on the Romulan Prison Ship 'Torval'. He is extremely proud of his English heritage, and claims he can trace his lineage back to the 12th Century and also states that the Wilde's were as important in history as the Picard's and the Smith's. He considers his best friend and partner in mischief to be Lt. Ethan Brice, and considers Alana Devar, John Kirov, Caleb Zaahn, Horne Makra and Jalek Trollin to be his comrades in 'the early years'. John Kirov named one of his children after Danny Wilde. He considers his one-time mentor to be the legendary Jack Kelray, a former SFI trainer. It was during Danny's training that Jack took off and left him to fend for himself. They re-united on DS17 a few years later.

  • Key changes since returning from SFI:
    • No longer dislikes Klingons. A fan of Klingon history and Opera (He claims to be able to recite the complete works of Q'uvpak, the noted Klingon composer)
    • Since his participation in the Trill Zhian'tara as Azulay Mar, he no longer despises Raktejino.
    • Enjoys what he calls 'Trinketry' - the devices he got to use as a spy, for example Emergency Transport Devices and the often used 'Shield Badge'.

Mirror Universe

See Duy Danny Wilde (Mirror)

Alternate Universe

See Commander Danny Wilde (Alternate)


There has always been a tradition amongst the Wilde family that they all have two middle names. Danny has refused to disclose his two middle names, and despite some digging around by his friends, there is no mention of them on any official Starfleet record.

  • Marital Status: Married to Captain Idril Mar as of Stardate 238506.01

Wife - Captain Idril Mar

From the moment Idril walked into his office for security clearance, and him subsequently falling off his chair to strain to watch her leave, it was obvious that the two were meant for each other. This caused concern to some fellow crewmates, as Danny was already semi-involved with Ensign Rachael Moore at the time. However, that was soon ended and a serious relationship between the pair started. It started as a typical rocky relationship as pride, and even violence threatened to separate them. Officers on the Independence at the time would often note Danny attending sickbay after one of their numerous Holodeck dates. His recruitement to Starfleet Intelligence proved the biggest challenge their relationship would face, but despite three years away from each other, the love for each other was even stronger, and the pair were officially engaged soon after his return. It was their strength of heart and love which kept the relationship together, despite the many setbacks.

  • Children: None


See Sidney Wilde 00-Blank-Violet.png - Starfleet Merchant


See Joanna Wilde A-Amb-Black.png - Federation Diplomatic Corps


See Amber Wilde 00-Blank-Gold.png (Resigned from Service)

Wilde Family Tree

Coming Soon...

Personal History

Danny grew up in the pleasant suburbs of London to a merchant and a diplomat. He had a pleasant childhood, with an extravagant upbringing. He had always desired to join Starfleet after seeing first hand the splendours the Federation had to offer. Travelled off-world extensively, but developed slightly Xenophobic views due to his Father. He managed to shake them off when he became older, however, knowing that peace and tranquility can only exist in the Federation with a tolerance for each other. He was also outspoken and opinionated as he reached adolescence, often becoming an irritance to people older than him. His resolve to prove himself to his parents and to Starfleet strengthened during the Dominion War when his sister was taken prisoner.

Starfleet Academy

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
001-Cadet4th-White.png Cadet, 4th Class 237209.01 - 237307.31 Starfleet Academy,
Starbase 118
Major: Security
Specialization: Armed Combat
Additional Specializations:
Security Codes and Weapons Repair
002-Cadet3rd-White.png Cadet, 3rd Class 237309.01 - 237407.31
003-Cadet2nd-White.png Cadet, 2nd Class 237409.01 - 237507.31
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 237509.01 - 237607.31
004-Cadet1st-White.png 237609.01 - 237707.31 Additional Major: Tactical Simulations
004-Cadet1st-Gold.png 237708.01 - 237708.08 USS Centris-A
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign 237708.08 - USS Constitution-B Security Officer
01-Ens-Gold.png USS Phoenix-C Assistant Security Chief
02-LtJG-Gold.png Lieutenant JG USS Independence Chief of Security
02-LtJG-Gold.png Midway Repair Facility Acting Security Chief
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant
03-Lt-Gold.png USS Grendel Chief Tactical Officer
03-Lt-Gold.png USS Independence
03-Lt-Black.png Operative Starfleet Intel Field Agent
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant JG Deep Space 17 Attache/Special Ops
03-Lt-Gold.png Lieutenant
03-Lt-Gold.png USS Ronin Chief of Security
04-LtCmdr-Gold.png Lt Commander Chief Tactical Officer
04-LtCmdr-Red.png - present First Officer

Professional History

Danny joined Stafleet Academy in 2372, taking an interest in security and tactical courses. As well as these subjects for his finals, he also took a slight personal interest in Basic Medicine and Temporal Mechanics. In his final year he almost failed his entire year because of the Final Engineering Exam. He re-took this exam three times before passing it, and graduated Starfleet Academy in 2377. His following ranks and assignments were:

Current Vessel: USS Ronin Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander Current Assignment: First Officer

Medical History

Throughout the years, Danny has considered Sickbay his second home. Despite the several scrapes and bruises he's been treated for, his medical history is a sorry one. Whilst on a Joint Mission with the USS Kodiak in the Badlands, Danny was trapped in a Temporal Stasis Bubble, effectively 'freezing' him in Time. Complications arose following the incident when CMO of the Independence, Erik Fletcher, diagnosed him with Acute Cellular Decay, or ACD. A saturation of his DNA of mutated Chronitons destabilised his DNA structure on a cellular level and proved terminal as of Stardate 238102.19. Before Danny joined Starfleet Intelligence, Admiral Reardon authorised the use of a restricted Borg Regeneration Unit to be implanted in his spine in order to keep the condition at bay. It was essentially cured by specially programmed nanoprobes which altered his molecules constantly.

List of previous CMO's who have exclusive medical knowledge of ACD and the Borg Treatment:

  • Erik Fletcher
  • Alana Devar
  • Sidney Riley
  • Ronan Tully Adair-Walker
  • Vojana Satscher
    • If the Borg Implant is removed - for any reason - the Chroniton infection will continue to breakdown cells. Nanoprobes are required to constantly regenerate the infected DNA.
  • Stardate 238401.20 he underwent surgery for a severe disruptor wound to the chest.
  • Stardate 238405.09 Placed into a coma by 'Evil' Jack after being shot by phaser approximately five times at close range. Reconstructive surgery needed for all four appendages.
  • Stardate 238411.15 Wakes up from coma, but medically relieved of duty after an influx of infected nanoprobes caused psychotic schizophrenia.
  • Stardate 238506.08 Kidnapped by his twisted Alternate self and subjected to a 'Goldfinger' style punishment, whereby he injures his back.

Timeline of Key Events

2377: Graduated Starfleet Academy

237708.10: Posted to the USS Constitution-B as a Security Officer. T'lithian Mission

2378: Transferred to the USS Phoenix-C for the Cardassia Prime Mission. He and Commander Jessa Anassasi were almost assassinated by Gul Jarek.

237910.03: Transferred with Captain Anassasi to USS Independence. Serpentai Mission.

238001.11: Joint Mission with the USS Kodiak. Badlands Mission.

  • Danny trapped in Temporal Stasis Bubble. Captain Anassasi places reprimand in permenant file for witholding medical information in order to join an Away Team.

238005.04: Mirror Universe Mission.

238007.28: Crew reassigned to Midway Repair Facility. Promoted to Acting Chief of Security of Station.

238008.02: Crew temporarily transferred to USS Grendel to pursue rogue vessel USS Trillium, which is being commanded by its maniacal Artificial Intelligence program.

  • Held captive for one week on the Romulan Prison Ship 'Torval'. Rescued by Admiral Hollis and Captain Freya of the USS Kodiak.
  • Katalina Briyal betrays him and Starfleet by attempting to steal the Trillium, and renders Idril Mar comatose after a viscious attack. She escapes her holding cell.

238011.05: Joint Mission with the USS Steadfast. Assigned as Chief Tactical Officer.

238102.19: Transferred back to Midway Repair Facility.

  • Discovers ACD is terminal.

238103.11: USS Independence investigates spore-like substance devouring a Sabre class ship.

  • Danny is suspended in liquid nitrogen for the rest of the mission.

238103.20: Danny is 'cured' of ACD by restricted Borg technology authorised by SFI

238104.15: USS Independence is sent to Q'onos to search for the missing 'Blood Wound' aftefact.

238105 - 238306.17: Danny Wilde is recruited by Starfleet Intelligence. Details Classified.

238307: Returns to active duty on Deep Space 17 with a rank reduction to Lieutenant(jg). Serves as Attache to Station Commander and Special Ops officer to prepare the station for the upcoming Gorn Invasion.

  • Reunited with his mentor/trainer, Jack Kelray. After an argument and some home truths, Danny forgives him for walking out on him and his training.
  • After the attack, Danny is re-promoted to Lieutenant.

238401: Transferred to the USS Ronin with Commander Mar. First mission is to Lememda IV in search of the 'Eye of the Sun' artefact.

  • Katalina Briyal resurfaces and is captured. Rumours of her escape hit when DS17 encounters the Alternate Universe.
  • Danny undergoes surgery for severe disruptor wound to the chest.

238401.23: Officially engaged to Commander Idril Mar.

238403.13: Whilst on leave on Deep Space 17, the Ronin crew is required to find missing persons disappearing from the station, which leads them to a confrontation with their counterparts from an Alternate Universe where one single event changed the lives of hundreds.

238404.05: Joint Leave with the crew of the USS Triumphant to attend the wedding of Lt.jg Kassa Quay and Lt.jg Thompson Kirby.

  • Danny called back to Earth to be investigated by SFI for leaking information on classified Transphasic weapons. He is temporarily replaced by Starfleet Intelligence Operative Lieutenant Synak.

238405.09: Attacked by 'Evil' Jack Kolk and put in a coma.

238411.15: Wakes up from coma, but medically relieved of duty after a nanoprobe infection caused psychotic schizophrenia.

  • He stayed on DS17 while the USS Ronin investigated a Gorn claim that pirates were invading their space.
  • He is temporarily replaced as Chief Tactical Officer of the Ronin by his sister, Lt.Commander Amber Wilde.

238412: Returned to service aboard USS Ronin. Joint Mission with the USS Ursa Major and USS Independence-A to Wheeler Colony.

238502.11: USS Ronin, USS Ursa Major and USS Independence-A currently within the Great Galactic Barrier. Reasons unknown.

238503.06: All three ships returned to Federation space by an alien who had evolved into a higher species. Currently in orbit of Wheeler Colony.

238503.29: USS Ronin leaves Wheeler to undergo extensive repairs at Deep Space 17. Shortly thereafter the crew is ordered to evacuate due to severe power losses to the ship. The crew abandons ship but Captain Mar is deposited in the polar region of the barren Class-L planet, with Lt. Synak and a few others knocked off course near her position. Danny, along with Ben Walker, Marcel Doubleaux, and Ensign Garlone are stranded on the derelict starship after they miss the last transport before total power failure.

238504.08: Attempting to restore life support to the bridge, Danny and Marcel discover a Ferengi Acquirer-class Scout poised to attempt a salvage of the now-derelict USS Ronin.

238504.24: After a tense moment on the bridge, Danny and Marcel strike a bargain with Nekil, the Ferengi DaiMon, for help in securing the derelict Ronin. He is currently working on the Ferengi scout as Commander Walker has beamed over to the Starship Wellington, a ship which has been dispatched by Admiral Anassasi to look for the Ronin.

238505.25: After spending a tedious month being towed from DS17 in Ithassa Region to Mars' Utopia Planitia shipyards, the Ronin is now in the Sol System. The crew are planning to have extended leave, and Danny and Idril begin plans to finally get married!

238506.01 - Married to Captain Idril Mar in the Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, in London, England.

238506.04: Idril goes missing from their honeymoon suit at The Inn on the Moors, Whitby. Danny calls the Ronin senior staff to come and investigate.

238506.05: The investigation is underway at The Inn on the Moors, but it is soon evident that Danny is not behaving as he usually would. It causes many members of the crew to have doubts about his motives, and begin to suspect he is involved in some way to Idril's disappearance.

238506.06: The kidnapper is revealed to be Station Commander Danny Wilde, of the Alternate Universe. He claims to have kidnapped both Idril and Danny, and plans to escape. Recruiting 'Evil Jack Kolk', he's planted a Boridium Reactor on the premesis of the hotel, and now plans to activate it in revenge.

238506.07: Kidnapped and almost killed in a 'Goldfinger' style trap, Danny escapes the cluthces of his Evil Alternate and tracks them to a monorail heading to Calais, France. He is rescued by the Shuttle Kursk, piloted by Lt. Thelev, Ensign Wulfram, Lt.jg Rogers and Lt.jg Valis.

238506.08: Stranded in France, Danny watches as his alternate sacrifices himself for Idril after Evil Jack poisons her. Alternate Jhen Thelev - still loyal to his commander - vapourises them both to spare him an agonizing death. Danny instructs Ltjg. Rogers, Lt.jg Valis and Ensign Wulfram to find a way back to England and to a Medical facility. Lt. Thelev is in pursuit of Evil Kolk in the Shuttle Kursk.

238509.17: After the Romulan incident aboard the USS Ronin as it rendezvoused with the USS Callipus at HH-36 system to witness the birth of a protostar, Danny is promoted to Executive Officer under the command of Cmd. Ben Walker. Captain Robert Morgan has been reassigned to the USS Wellington, and the Ronin is planning a trip further into Ithassa Region to trrack down the rogue AI-driven USS Achilles, hoping Thetis - the hologram intelligence running the ship - knows the whereabouts of Evil Jack Kolk: holder of the antidote to Idril's condition.


2008: Sheathed Sword Award.

Member Of

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Niac PORTRAIT-nightshade-intensity-LOW-V1.jpg
Karrod Niac
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian OConnor Ensign.png
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
T'fearne ENS.jpg
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Marty Tucker LtJG.png
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Engineering Officer
Keneth Nakada
Tess Evinrude Character Image - Ensign.jpg
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
USS Ronin-logo.png
Luxa action.png
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Sybil nemes wm v2.png
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck LtJG.png
Quentin Beck
Chief Surgeon
V'Len Kel
Alyndra Syrex 4.png
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
USS Ronin-logo.png
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