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USS Artemis-A
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
PICstyle-end blue.png
Position Chief Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Edo
Gender Female
DOB 237310.26
Age 28
Birthplace Ramakis, Somian Region,
Rubicun III Rubicun III
Writer ID E239911J11
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Scientific Discovery Ribbon.png
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Changeling Campaign Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Legacy Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Distinguished Service Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Scientific Discovery Ribbon
Frontier Day Ribbon
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
Changeling Campaign Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Legacy Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

“If I have a thousand ideas a year, and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.”

Alfred Nobel
USS ArtemisA-logo.png
For alternate universe counterpart, see Jovenan (alternate).

Lieutenant Commander Jovenan is an Edo Starfleet officer. She is currently serving as the Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Artemis-A. Born on the Edo homeworld in 2373, she enrolled in the University of Hurkos in 2390, when the planet was ending its isolation. Upon graduation with a degree in Planetary Sciences, she entered the Starfleet Academy. In 2399, she received the commission as ensign and was posted on the USS Excalibur-A, later transferring to the Artemis with much of the Excalibur crew.


  • Height: 157 cm
  • Weight: 51 kg
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Green

Early life and education

Jovenan was born in the Ramakis Community of the Somian Region on Rubicun III, the Edo homeworld in the Alpha Quadrant in 2373, before the planet’s accession to the Federation. The ongoing Dominion War didn’t affect the remote and neutral planet, allowing Jovenan to grow up in a peaceful environment. She was raised communally, common in her home region. She had a happy childhood, but as she grew up, she found she had no desire for intimate relations, an important aspect of Edo culture. While the other members of her community were accepting of her, she started to feel herself an outsider in her own culture. This roused her longing to leave Rubicun III.

In 2390, she was accepted to University of Hurkos Bachelor Programme in Planetary Sciences. Pending the permission of the Edo God and governance to leave the still partly isolationist planet, the university allowed her to participate in education remotely from Rubicun III. She excelled in her studies, and she was eventually allowed to leave for Hurkos III. The life in the campus was, however, too large a cultural shock for her, and she also faced harassment due to her culture. She faced mental difficulties, and her grades plummeted. Her community back home pleaded her to return, and she eventually agreed. She spent almost a year on Rubicun III before returning to Hurkos III to complete her remaining studies. This time she passed as human, which made it easier for her to concentrate on studying, and she graduated in 2395.


The graduation portrait from 2399.

Starfleet Academy

After graduation from the University of Hurkos, she became interested in Starfleet and the possibility to explore strange new worlds. She joined the Starfleet Academy in 2395. Her decision to major in science had been obvious to her before applying to the Academy. Already having a degree in Planetary Science, she chose to broaden her skill set and specialize in something new to her, namely astronomy and xenobiology. She completed a minor in Communications and Operations. She didn’t actively hide her being an Edo anymore, but with so many humans around, very few had reason to think she wasn’t one too. She had almost perfect record in sciences but struggled with the mandatory combat and piloting courses.

She completed Starfleet Academy final examination at the Starbase 118 Campus. The examination was supervised by training officer Commander Genkos Adea, assisted by Lieutenant Commander Wil Ukinix. She assumed the role of the science officer of USS Centris-A during an away mission on Durosa, where they had received a distress call.[1]

USS Excalibur

Jovenan shortly after joining the Excalibur in 2399.

Jovenan was first assigned to USS Excalibur-A, a Vesta class explorer. She was happy to join a vessel with extensive scientific facilities, but she was also uncertain of the Borderlands, the area of operation of the Excalibur.

Her introduction to the ship had to be postponed, as the ship was in the middle of a diplomatic mission. After the delegates were poisoned, Jovenan joined the crew she didn’t know yet to identify the source and find a cure. She met more of her colleagues during the following shore leave. The leave was however cut short as two officers went missing and were later kidnapped by a group of Klingons wishing to destroy the Excalibur. Jovenan and her colleagues discovered data on their location and status, providing the bridge vital information that helped in avoiding the destruction of the ship. She was awarded her first service ribbons thereafter.

USS Artemis

Along with many other officers and crewmembers of the Excalibur, Jovenan was transferred to the Luna class explorer USS Artemis-A in 240002. She first boarded the ship after the brief shore leave on Deep Space 224 wearing her new skant uniform.[2]

Their maiden voyage was to Meranuge IV, where a meteor had hit the city of Tecra. Their relief efforts were cut short after the locals and telepathic crewmembers became aggressive under the effect of Da’allium dust. After the discovery of the cure and a shoreleave on the planet, Jovenan was promoted to Lieutenant JG. During a drill-turned-fight against pirates, Jovenan showed her skills in operating multiple different systems. She was then appointed the Assistant Chief Science Officer. Soon after the appointment, the crew had to face their counterparts from an alternate universe. The counterparts tried to take over the Artemis, except for Jovenan’s counterpart, who was killed after warning the Artemis.

The ceremony in which Jovenan was promoted to (full) Lieutenant and Chief Science Officer was interrupted by CloQ, and the crew was moved to an alternate past. After spending some time in c. 2376 Dominion Occupied Betazed, Jovenan and her team travelled back to 2374 Romulus with the intention to fix the timeline. After their attempt failed in setting the history back to its proper course, CloQ revealed Jovenan and others how the Starfleet had gained the Romulans to their side in the Dominion War in the reality. During the next shoreleave, Jovenan lead a training exercise in Bajor with disasterous consequences, and some of her team got injured.

Later in 2401, the Artemis was to join the Frontier Day celebrations at Earth. However, they discovered a Borg Cube on their way. Unable to warn Starfleet due to Changeling sabotage, the Artemis continued to Earth. After the Borg assimilated all the young members of the crew, Jovenan and other senior officers had to fight them for survival. Following them defeating the Collective, Jovenan found herself promoted to a Lieutenant Commander. The return to the Borderlands was marked by a rescue mission on Ura Neteos III that turned to an unintended (second) first contact.

Recent events

For the full service history, see Jovenan’s Service History.
Shoreleave 240108-240109
Paris, Earth
Shore leave: Earth - After Frontier Day (USS Artemis-A)

The Artemis remained on Earth to mend the damages to the ship and the crew. Shoreleave was permitted.

Soon after the Battle of Frontier Day, Jovenan suffered from psychological issues causing her to fear Borg drones attacking her. During one such episode, she came across with Silveira and asked if she could join him for the evening, hoping that company could keep her from hearing and seeing things.[3] Jovenan was grateful for him saving her during the battle, and Silveira seemed eager to spend time with her as well, so they went to Elysium for a dinner.[4] Jovenan asked him about his family, leading him to tell her about his son, a topic he seemed happy to talk about. Jovenan too told about her family.[5] She asked him if he ever thought about the alternate universe Jovenan, to which he replied "Most likely more than I should". He revealed that when Jovenan had been attacked by drones, he had seen alternate Jovenan in her, causing him to act. He told that CloQ had once said he would be assimilated, which had made him afraid of the Borg, but seeing Jovenan (or, alternate Jovenan as he saw her as well) in danger had made him overcome that fear more than anything else could have. Jovenan wanted to console him and be near him at that moment. He then, surprising her, took Jovenan's hands and told her how similiar but different the two Jovenans were, and how he had been watching her grow as a person and how he wanted to make her happy and protect her. Jovenan interpreted this as a personal expression of intimacy and reacted stronger than intended, telling him that she was not the other Jovenan and how he was attracted to the other Jovenan and not her, in which she could never replace the other Jovenan.[6] Silveira, too, reacted strongly and claimed Jovenan had misunderstood him. They apologized to each other, but departed alone and regretting what they had said.[7]

Later into the shoreleave, Jovenan received an invite from the Edo representative to the Federation Council. Nervous, she asked Adea to accompany her to Paris.[8] In the Palais de la Concorde, they met Councillor Grombria, whom they discovered to be an extravagant personality. Jovenan told about herself and her relationship to the crew, describing it almost a family to her.[9] They talked about various topics, but the Councillor kept turning the discussion to Jovenan personally, wanting to know, for example, what she did for fun and if she had relationships. As Jovenan turned out to be a rather dull personality, the Councillor got bored and the two officers left with an excuse.[10]

Near the end of the shoreleave, the crew were invited to MacKenzie's family home in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for a casual outing, including a ribbon and promotion ceremony. Jovenan was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. After the ceremony, Silveira came to congratulate her, and Jovenan expressed how sorry she was that the things had turned awkward between them.[11] They agreed that they could still be friends and that they would continue their previous discussion later. They then went to congratulate Gnai and Sadar, who also were promoted in the ceremony.[12]

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Artemis)

The Artemis is informed that a civilian freighter, Tritorian, has disappeared in the Borderlands near the Celendi Nebula, which is unusually active. The radiation from the Nebula interferes with the ship's sensors and may cause health damage if unprotected. Working on the bridge, Jovenan tries to find the missing ship, while she sends Gnai to the sensor pod to mitigate the interference from the radiation.[13] The bridge crew deduces that the ship has likely crashed down to one of the two M class planets that can shield them from the radiation in the vincinity. One of them is barren and cold, while the other is known to be inhabited.[14] They approach the first planet, and despite the difficulties they have in scanning the planet due to the radiation, they discover that the missing freighter is not there. They instead go to the other planet, Ura Neteos III. Jovenan starts scanning its surface, finding similar difficulties as on the first planet. She discovers that the civilization living on the planet is in the pre-industrial stage, as their old records indicated.[15] She then finds the missing freighter on the planet's surface, crash-landed to a jungle. They discuss the possibilities they have, such as sending an away team or surgical alterations. Sadar informs Jovenan that the Sickbay personnel are moving non-essential personnel to the better shielded parts of the ship while the anti-radiation medication is being prepared. Jovenan relays their situation report to Sadar.[16] The Captain rejects the idea of surgical alterations and instead inquires about the beaming down teams to investigate as soon as possible. Jovenan finds out that beaming down is possible from a lower orbit, but beaming up may be more difficult due to the difficulties posed by the radiation. As the others point out, a shuttle would be safer but would be an obvious target to the locals. The Captain decides that they shall transport down nonetheless.[17] The Captain calls the senior officers and informs them of the away teams. Jovenan is to join Adea, Sadar and Ensign Kel Solas to locate any survivors. Jovenan and Silveira say goodbye before leaving for their respective preparations.[18]

Jovenan meets her team in the transporter room. They beam down to the jungle near the Tritorian.[19] Adea decides they'll look for survivors or bodies around the crash site first, since the wreckage itself is already being search by the others teams. The Captain informs the team leaders that her team has noticed lifesigns that could belong to the Meirashi, the pre-warp locals. Jovenan's team discover something that could be lifesigns and something that could be blood.[20] The results are inconclusive, but while they are doing that, they are informed that there is a strong radiation source, maybe a beacon, in the city 130 kilometres off their location. They also receive a silent distress signal from one of the other teams.[21] They deduce that one of the other teams must have been attacked by the Meirashi, and Adea makes the decision that his team must move away so not to be discovered and continue with the mission. They continue their travel to the distant radiation source.[22]

The journey to the radiation source is long and they have to make it through a jungle. Jovenan is worried about the others, but it doesn't seem likely that they would be able to contact them. She offers the others some water she had carried in her backpack, and they start to make plans for their survival. They're going to need water, but they haven't discovered any besides the moisture in the air. Kel locates a cave they may camp for the night.[23] While they are walking, Kel hears something. Taking it as a threat, the team prepares for combat. However, the source of the sound turns out to be a large worm with sacs of water on its back. Since they haven't found any water yet and the worm seems to be carrying drinkable water, they consider extracting it from the worm. Jovenan volunteers to catch it, kneeling to the ground and luring it closer to her with a half empty water bottle.[24] The worm turns out to be quite harmless and defenceless, and besides, very cute. Sadar manages to extract some water without harming the worm while Jovenan holds onto it. Adea checks the water is potable, and since that proves to be the case (despite his prank), they are satisfied that they have discovered a method of gaining water in the jungle.[25] The team resumes to the cave, where they find it occupied by a large scorpion-like creature. They try to expel it using fire.[26] Having done so, they find themselves still under the attack by the scorpion, who now tries throwing rocks at them. They retreat deeper into the cave, and reaching the end, set out a simple camp. Adea takes the first watch, so Jovenan lies down to the hard rock and tries to sleep, still worried about what had happened to the other teams.[27]

A Meirashi person.

The next day, the team reaches a town surrounding a large castle or a feudal estate. From a distance, they can see the Captain and some of the others being taken in the estate. They also detect radiation from somewhere under the estate, meaning they'd have to find a way to enter the building and assess the situation concerning the radiation and the capture of the other away team.[28] The team plans to try and find disguises, which they intend to "borrow" and wear so that they can sneak into the castle.[29] They find and follow a Meirashi escort, which turns out to be difficult due to the teams general clumsiness. However, before they can attack the Meirashi, the Captain calls Adea and informs him that she has managed to make a deal with the locals. She orders Adea and Jovenan to come to the castle and help the leader of the region with his sickness, while Kel and some other crewmembers go to the Tritorian with the Captain.[30]

At the residence of the Grand Rishe Maprash, Adea and Jovenan meet Gnai. They discuss the radiation they had discovered, and after Jovenan asked it, Gnai informs them that it doesn't know about Dakora's or Silveira's location. The three officers meet with Maprash, and while Adea is diagnosing him, Gnai and Jovenan try to identify the source of the radiation.[31] Once they are done with Maprash, the team discusses what to do with the radiation. They had noticed disparities and other oddities in the readings and what Maprash and the other Meirashi had told them, and they start to suspect there may have been an unrecorded contact between the Meirashi and the wider galactic community somewhere in the past. Adea reveals he had tranquillized Maprash, buying them some time to snoop around. They go off to search for the source of the radiation, finding a guarded staircase to the basement.[32] In the dungeon, they discover several old pieces of scrap metal, made of alloys the Meirashi aren't familiar with. They believe it may be from a crashed ship and decide they'll need to take it all back to the Artemis when they leave.[33] Deeper into the dungeon, they find a large chamber with more of those old parts. The radiation in the dungeon in intense, preventing them from contacting the Artemis at least until after they have dealt with the radiation source.[34] Jovenan finds the radiation source, a cylinder shaped object. It looks like it could be closed, which would prevent radiation from leaking, but the device is dead. Gnai offers to volunteer to try and force it closed.[35] It succeeds, stopping the radiation. The team beams up, with all the scap metal.[36]

During the next shoreleave, she received the Lifesaving Ribbon for her actions during this mission.[37]

Shoreleave 240112-240202
Shore leave: DS224 - 2401 (USS Artemis-A)

The Artemis spent the shore leave at Deep Space 224.

Jovenan took a tour to remind herself of the places on the station, when she met Dakora. The two decide to go eat somewhere together, when they are joined by Lt Commander Salkath. Salkath wanted to apologise to Jovenan for placing her in an uncomfortable situation before the events of the Frontier Day by suggesting that they would try to gain access to the Fleet Formation files without permission. Jovenan hadn't thought about that or what would have happened if she had agreed. They both express their apologies for how they acted.[38] Dakora says that they both acted with good intention. They agree to let the issue go, and instead Jovenan asks if Salkath would like to join for their meal.[39] They go to Vulcan restaurant, where they discuss their past in Starfleet and before that.[40]

Plushy doll Silveira

Silveira invited Jovenan to see a project he had been working on. It turned out to be an holographic representation of an old Earth arcade.[41] He is very excited to show her the games he has selected for each of their colleagues. He introduces Jovenan to a bubbleshooter game, which he has selected for her as it reminds him of her and it is the cutest game there.[42] They play together, very close to each other, until they are surprised by Captain MacKenzie, who starts questioning them over what is happening there.[43] They show MacKenzie around, introducing her to the games. After finding a pair of plushy dolls left there by Lyara Alroyo, they convince MacKenzie to try a racing game while continuing to talk together.[44] Jovenan shows intent to leave, but Silveira stops her and gifts her the other of the dolls they found, the one that looks like him. MacKenzie unexpectedly jumps in and forces their hands together and "orders" them to a date the same evening. Despite the awkwardness, they agree, and Jovenan comes to his quarters at 1900 hours.[45] The date goes well, but it is cut short by a small incident in the HazMat Lab which Jovenan needs to go and inspect. Silveira escorts her to the turbolifts, and they kiss before departing.[46]

Jovenan also talked with Captain MacKenzie in the arboretum of DS224.[47] She also met Samantha Richards in the Brew Continuum on the Artemis, despite Jovenan not recognizing her first.[48] Richards wanted to thank Jovenan for helping her during the events of the Frontier Day.[49] They talked about those events, and Richards revealed she has a relationship with Dakora.[50]

The awards ceremony was held in the Elysium. Jovenan received ribbons for the previous two missions as well as the Department Chief Ribbon. She talked with Lyara after the event.[51]

Resolution’s Heritage
Resolution’s Heritage (Artemis)

Jovenan and Adea are summoned to the Captain's ready room, where they find MacKenzie and their old Commanding Officer, Commodore Kalianna Nicholotti. A team of Klingons who claim to be scientists have entered the Genesis Planet created by the USS Resolution, the ship where many of the older members of the crew (but not Jovenan) had served. In addition, a Da'al team has followed the Klingons there. Since the planet had been ruled no-flight zone by the Federation, the Artemis must investigate. While the others would contact the other factions, Jovenan and Adea are to study the planet, given the rare chance to visit it.[52] Curious and sceptical of the motives of the Klingon team (and the Da'al), they arrive to the planet, finding the two other ship expecting them. They prepare to beam down.[53]

Jovenan and her team, consisting of Adea, Savel and Gnai transport onto the planet, finding themselves in a small forest. However, they soon discover that there seem to be no animal life anywhere to be seen, only plants. Jovenan suspects it has to do with how difficult creating animals must have been for the designers of the Genesis device that created the planet as they see it now.[54] Speculating there may be more to see on the spot where the device was activated, they move on and discuss if they'd be able to publish their scientific results. On the way there, Genkos thinks he saw one of the flowers move. They get closer and discover that, indeed, the flower turned away from whoever was watching it, until it burrowed down into the ground. Soon, they notice that other flowers in the area are doing the same and are moving away from them.[55] When they look back, the clearing they had beamed down to has been overtaken by scrubs and other plants. Since the flowers seem to be heading towards the Ground Zero, the activation place of the Genesis device, they head there as well.[56]

Personal life


Look Nan, I have seen you grow in the face of adversity. And grow in the right direction.

Jovenan is generally shy, although she has grown bolder over the time in Starfleet. Her bad experiences after moving out of her homeworld made her avoid touching other people and being too close with anyone, easily blaming herself of violating others’ personal area. Even after her graduation from the Academy, Jovenan was skittish about senior officers. While her “fear” of them has diminished, as she has become more familiar with the crew and she has risen in ranks, she still tends to be formal around them.

She enjoys running. She has taken a habit of going for a run in the ship’s Fitness Centre, although she would prefer runs or longer treks in nature. The limited space on the ship and social expectations prevent her from running everywhere, which she prefers over constant walking. This sometimes makes her feel confined.

For cultural and health reasons, Jovenan typically eats vegan food. She isn’t opposed to eating meat or other animal-based food but won’t do so without a reason.

Having grown up with strict Edo law, which at the time required death penalty for all crimes, Jovenan has had difficulty in adjusting to the more relaxed moral code. She has poor tolerance of misbehaviour and may sometimes mentally judge people for their missteps from the legal codes. Still, she can also be not as black-and-white as she was raised to be, understanding that some actions might be necessary even if not strictly within the letter of the law.

Jovenan is a follower of the Edo religion. Since the Edo God is a physical, albeit transdimensional, entity, she and the most Edo consider them a part of the reality and not as much something that needs to be believed in. Jovenan has a religious symbol in her quarters, and she prays occasionally. She, however, does not believe in spirits of the dead or other spiritual teachings of her culture.

She speaks Somian, one of the Rubicun Edo languages/dialects spoken in her home region. Thanks to the University and Academy language courses, she can also speak decent Federation Standard and some Betazoid. Her other language skills are minimal.


While on service, Jovenan typically wears the skant variant of the Artemis standard sciences division uniform. She opted to wear the skant variant due to comfort and familiarity to the Edo clothing, despite having suppressed her Edo habits in public. If needed in cooler environments, she also has the basic version of the uniform, in addition to the thermal layers provided by Doctor Adea when she first joined the Excalibur. She sometimes wears her hair tied in a ponytail or similar style with a blue hair tie.

During off-hours when alone, she prefers to don more typical Edo clothes, such as her light pink romper. She has no problem wearing such revealing clothes when alone or with other Edo, but never wears them with off-worlders due to their reactions. When in civilian clothes with off-worlders, she usually wears typical Earth clothes, such as trousers, t-shirts and skirts.

She had an Edo Community leader’s necklace, which she received from her family. She often wore it under the uniform turtleneck. She had to destroy it on a mission to the past.


Jovenan’s quarters are located on Deck 3, Sector 03, Compartment 17. She had lived in shared quarters on a lower deck while an Ensign, although the second berth had happened to be empty for the entire duration. After being promoted to Lieutenant JG, she moved to the upper deck with senior officers, to her own quarters.

As of yet, she doesn’t have many items to decorate her room with. She has some flowers, an Edo religious symbol and books around the room. She often listens to Edo music in the privacy of her quarters.

0317 Jovenan
Chief Science Officer



Noimage.jpg Jarer and Saven
Caring parents, different ideals
Jovenan’s parents love and support her very much, even if they don’t always understand her.
Jovenan: I was… I didn’t always fit in. I love my family and my home, and they love and care about me, but I didn’t always have the same… mindset about everything. They respected it, but I still felt an outsider.[58]
Noimage.jpg 1 full brother, 3 maternal half-siblings, 4 paternal half-siblings Supportive older siblings. Lovable little scoundrels for younger siblings.
Noimage.jpg Several other communal parents and siblings Being raised communally, Jovenan considers many of the older adults in her community her parents and kids her age her siblings.
Jovenan (Shint War Alternate).png Jovenan
Twin sister I hardly knew
Jovenans’ meeting was very unexpected and initially unfriendly. Alternate universe Jovenan ended up in the same universe with Jovenan by coincidence and appeared schemy and suspicious to her. However, after alternate Jovenan lost her life to save the Artemis, Jovenan began to regard her as her sister.

Friends who are family

HiroJones.jpg Hiro Jones
Space brother
Hiro joined the Excalibur soon after Jovenan, and they have served until his transfer to the Ronin. Finding Hiro easy to approach, Jovenan has spent much time with him, including freejumping across empty space and watching stars in the Astrometrics. During one emotional discussion, Jovenan admitted viewing the crew as family and called Hiro her brother, a title he was happy to receive. She was saddened when he left to another ship.
Jones: Jovenan, listen very carefully. One: You never ever have to apologize for being your genuine self with me. I will never judge you for it, hold it against you, or think any less of you for it. I will always be someone with whom you can be free and honest, ok? That's a promise. Two: I never had any siblings. I didn't really even have many friends until fairly recently. I'm thrilled to be called your friend, and it is the highest honor I can think to be called your brother.[59]
Jones: Hey, I promise you: I will keep in touch. You’re going to hear from me all the time. I love you, sis. A few lightyears between us isn’t changing that.[60]
Jovenan: And you better tell Commander Niac I don’t appreciate him stealing my brother.
Jones: ::a choked giggle:: I don’t want to terrify my new CO right off the bat.[60]

It's complicated

Sil-Picard Uniform.png Vitor Silveira
Friend? Best friend! Or…?
Vitor was there for Jovenan from the beginning. He had a brief but fervent romance with Jovenan's alternate universe counterpart. Dealing with her death brought the two closer together. He became helpful and protective of her, to the point she can't tell if he views her as a friend, if he's projecting his previous romance to her, or if it's genuinely more… and what it is that she feels.
Jovenan: I was with you around that time, remember? We couldn’t have taken the bridge if it weren’t for you. We needed you, I needed you. You saved many more lives that day. She would have been proud of you. I am.[61]
Silveira: Forgive me, I am burdening you and making it awkward. You are so much alike… ::Vitor paused, shaking his head.:: Were so much alike, but yet so much apart. And my feelings for you… I remember the first time I saw you in the Excalibur briefing. It’s been a pleasure and an honor to see you grow and I just… I just want to make you happy, protect you and help you in any way I can.
Jovenan: You… You’re very dear to me, I couldn’t imagine surviving here without you. You showed me an example what it meant to be here, and now, you’re a friend, someone who I can trust and talk to, who I can rely on whenever I need. And I want to be that person for you, too. But I’m not her, I’m not… I’m not your Jo. You are, were attracted to her, you fell in… you fell in for her, but I can’t be her for you.[62]
Silveira: [::sternly::] What I meant is that I can tell you both apart. Forgive me, that in my moment of weakness, I might have projected her. I hope you understand I was vulnerable, and I am sorry to open up. I believed we were close enough for that. But rest assured I am well aware that she is dead. That I will never see her again and that whatever we had ended. Nobody can replace Jo.[63]
Jovenan: I, uh, I’m sorry. For what happened between us. I didn’t… You, um… I mean, I don’t want this to continue like this. I just… I care about you, and I don’t want to keep avoiding you. I want to be your friend again.
Silveira: Nan… Nan, look at me. My feel… Friendship… My friendship for you is too strong to change. You are my best friend. -- But we have to talk again. Things aren't exactly the same. Not today, not this week. Let’s… Let’s give it some time. Let’s enjoy our friendship and… When we are ready, we will speak again. What do you think?[64]


JK - Red Picard v5.jpg Talos Dakora
Action hero with a soft side
When Jovenan first met him, she wary of him. After a partially failed covert mission Jovenan had gotten herself into, Dakora came to their rescue. Jovenan noticed that he wasn’t the dangerous spy charicature after all. The events following them meeting their alternate universe counterparts lead them to become closer.
Jovenan: I mean it. When I first joined the Excalibur, I was terrified of everyone. You in particular. I didn’t know you or what you do, and to me you seemed like a secretive, tough spy who could read my thoughts. But over time, I’ve got to know you more, and I’m not scared of you anymore. ::looks at him:: When I said you’re a good person, I meant it.[65]
Dakora: You, of course, have been a positive ray of sunshine the entire time I’ve known you. ::He placed a hand on her on her shoulder and chuckled.:: Though, I’m embarrassed to admit that I was a little worried you and I might not get along because I like to occasionally play a bit fast-and-loose with the rules. ::He waved his other hand dismissively.:: Figured you'd soon be calling for my execution or something ridiculous like that.[65]
Adea-2400-CMO-Coat.png Genkos Adea
Early role model
Not only is Adea Jovenan’s CMO on the Excalibur and the Artemis, he was her Academy final training officer. This made him the first approachable officer after assignment. Since then, they’ve been on missions together multiple times, including Jovenan having him shot after running a sword through Lt Silveira, and her rescuing him from the closet. Him bringing her to visit his home town helped her to get to know him better.
Adea: You want to know everything there is to know about Genkos, eh? ::he chortled:: Well, I’m not going to tell you everything I’ve ever done - we don’t have enough time, and there’s several past girlfriends, and at least one boyfriend who wouldn’t be best pleased.[66]
Elain: You call each other “Lieutenant” and “Doctor”?
Adea: Jovenan and I are merely colleagues, Tevet. She came along as moral support. Although ::he slid a grin at Jovenan:: I think I have told her a few times to call me Genkos.[67]
Sadar-2400.png Gila Sadar
More capable than she believes
Doctor Sadar might not be the bravest or boldest individual, but Jovenan has quickly learnt she can always trust her skills and integrity in every situation. The multitude of missions together and shared friendships have brought the two to join forces often.
Sadar: Th-That’s okay. I-I’ve been working, so… Rain check?
Jovenan: Oh, I didn’t know you two already had plans. Well, good luck for your date when you get there!
Silveira: Why don’t we make it a threesome?[68]
CloQ: You’re getting so close, but excuse me amoment. I want to go back and watch ::they pointed at Silveira:: this guy getting stabbed again. ::a pause:: I’m adding it to my highlight reel, it’s right up there with the fall of Romulus, the Napoleonic wars and ::they pointed to Sadar:: your violent death.
Jovenan: ::puts arm around Sadar:: Don’t listen to them, they always lie.[69]

Highly respected colleagues

2400-MacKenzie-WM-Long.png Addison MacKenzie
Skilled but scary
Jovenan appreciates highly her first XO’s and later CO’s skill and dedication. Despite this and the fact that she considers most of the senior officers her friends, Jovenan and MacKenzie haven’t become close. Jovenan is still quite intimidated by her, which is not helped by the fact that the Captain once made her cry when giving a reprimand to her for putting a team in risk she couldn’t have known about.
Jovenan: Th- Thank you for your confidence, sir. I’ll try to live up your expectations.
MacKenzie: Expectations, perhaps not. More like, possibility. I will say that you’ve demonstrated critical thinking and good judgment in your time here so far. That counts for a lot in my book.[70]
MacKenzie: You’ll be responsible for overseeing his recovery and that of Crewman Renirs. You’ll also be responsible for collecting the information from the Bajorans about whatever they uncover in that cave.
Jovenan: Aye, Captain.
MacKenzie: Consider yourself lucky none of them died.
Jovenan: ::wavering:: Aye, Captain.[71]
Salkath1.png Salkath
There is logic behind even the most questionable actions
When Jovenan had first tried to introduced herself to Salkath, he had suggested they try to access Fleet Formation files without permission. Jovenan obviously declined, but as she later found out, Salkath’s methods would have likely saved a large number of lives. They later apologised to each other and started over.

Old friends

Kawarda.jpg Kawarda
Valued colleague, great supporter
Jovenan and Kawarda both served as science officers on Artemis, and Excalibur before that. Kawarda has come in her rescue in more than one occasion, and she values greatly his work and support.
Kawarda: Ensign Jovenan, you did a good job. You should be proud of yourself. ::a pause to consider:: Would ... you like a hug?[72]
Luxa Lorana Ensign Self.png
Luxa Lorana
The wild scientist
They first met when Luxa charged to a fight, roaring. Later Jovenan rescued her unconscious body from a cliffside ledge after she had tried to do that again.

Former colleagues

Kali Nicholotti
You will always remember your first captain
Nicholotti became Jovenan’s first CO when she was assigned to the Excalibur. Even though they have only met a few time, Jovenan holds her in great respect.
Nicholotti: =/\= Well, you've done great getting us this far, Ensign. Thank you. =/\=[73]
Seta Jinean LT.png Seta Jinean
Jovenan had worked with Seta in conditions where neither of them were too sure about themselves. Not only that, Seta has amazing counselling skills that can soothe even Jovenan.
Seta: I think being scared is very normal, and having doubts is... normal too. The last few weeks were a lot more stressful than life in Starfleet has any right to be. I was scared too, or at the very least unsure what to do, and I've been in Starfleet for a while now.[74]
Niac.jpg Karrod Niac
He took me out once… no, not like that
Jovenan and Niac’s service together on the Excalibur was brief but eventful. Niac brougth Jovenan and other ensigns to a spacewalk that ended up with them having to jump across empty space.
Jeseb Chevalier Ensign.png Jaseb Chevalier
Can’t look at without feeling guilt
Jovenan actually met his alternate universe counterpart’s dead body before him. It was long after that when the two worked together for the first time, and it lead to a disaster. Jovenan had to pull his body and severed leg out of a cave to save him. Because Jovenan was leading the mission, she blames herself for what happened to him.


Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2395 - 2399 Starfleet Academy
DS9style-ens blue.png
Ensign 239911.07 - 240002.11 USS Excalibur-A
USS ExcaliburA logo.png
Science Officer
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240002.11 - 240005.19 USS Artemis-A
USS ArtemisA-logo.png
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG 240005.19 - 240009.03
240009.03 - 240101.19 Assistant Chief Science Officer
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Lieutenant 240101.19 - 240109.08 Chief Science Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lieutenant Commander 240109.08 - Present
Awards and Service Ribbons
For OOC awards, see User:Jovenan#Awards
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2399
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240002.02
USS Excalibur-A
“For all that was done to get us on the other side of certain destruction” [75]
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240002.02
USS Excalibur-A
“For taking the risks necessary and making sure vital information got to the bridge allowing us to find and mitigate issues regarding the Daisy [75]
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 240002.02
USS Excalibur-A
“Even as a brand new Academy graduate, your knowledge and taking of calculated risks saved many, many lives.” [75]
Scientific Discovery Ribbon.png
Scientific Discovery Ribbon 240005.19
USS Artemis
“From developing the hypothesis that the dust might be the culprit to designing and implementing a solution that worked on an individual and large-scale basis likely saved us all” [76]
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240005.19
USS Artemis
“[Y]our quick thinking in calling for an emergency beamout back at the Palace of Culture prevented Ms. Kleebohn from murdering you and your crewmates, and saved the entire group.” [76]
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240005.19
USS Artemis
“You were required to do a lot with very few resources, and you had to come up with creative solutions to get out of very sticky situations.” [76]
Legacy Ribbon.png
Legacy Ribbon 2340005.19
USS Artemis
“[F]or the successful reinstatement of the USS Doyle, now USS Artemis-A.” [76]
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240009.03
USS Artemis
“When many of the decks of the Artemis were filled with gas and many of our systems unresponsive, you two came up with a plan that allowed our teams to get in and neutralize the Suliban threat.” [77]
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 240009.03
USS Artemis
“[B]ecause of our dealings with the Suliban pirates” [77]
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 240101.19
USS Artemis
“For your encounter with the Desdemona and their crew” [78]
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 240101.19
USS Artemis
“[W]ithout your scientific intuition and incredible work ethic, I’m not sure that we would have been able to figure out how the prismagons worked” [78]
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 240105.24
USS Artemis
“For your efforts in combating CloQ and all of [their] temporal misgivings” [79]
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal 240109.08
USS Artemis
“For your heroic actions repelling the Borg efforts at assimilating and/or destroying Earth” [80]
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Frontier Day Ribbon 240109.08
USS Artemis
“For your heroic actions repelling the Borg efforts at assimilating and/or destroying Earth”[80]
[Phases 1 & 2]
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Distinguished Service Ribbon 240109.08
USS Artemis
“[T]o the members of [the Captain's] team who were responsible for helping to retake the ship”[80]
Changeling Campaign Ribbon.png
Changeling Campaign Ribbon 240201.26
USS Artemis
“Now that further details have come to light regarding the part the Changelings had to play in the Frontier Day disaster”[81]
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 240201.26
USS Artemis
“For your work in rendering aid not only to heal the Rishe, but to clean up the [radioactive] equipment”[81]
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Department Chief Ribbon 240201.26
USS Artemis
“I continue to be impressed by your work, and the seriousness with which you take the position.”[82]


This is not a full list of Jovenan’s sims, nor is it a list of "best" or "favourite" sims either. It’s simply a list of sims referred to in this wiki article.

  1. Let's Get Down To Business, Cmdr. Genkos Adea, Academy Holodeck 1, 239911.01. Requires access.
  2. ...but the life goes on, Ens. Jovenan, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.18
  3. Voices among silence, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240108.23
  4. My light in the dark, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240108.25
  5. Loved ones, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240108.29
  6. Broken, and apart, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.01
  7. Don't go, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.02
  8. An invitation by a compatriot, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240108.27
  9. Familiar doubts, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.06
  10. Sorry, I left the stove on, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.24
  11. Beginning, ends, and opportunities, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.10
  12. The more things change..., LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.14
  13. It's never just a science mission, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.02
  14. Narrowing down the options to bad and worse, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.08
  15. Hay in a needle stack, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.13
  16. Some discoveries are unpleasant but necessary, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.16
  17. Approaching the go time, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.18
  18. The time for a new world, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.20
  19. Putting the band back together, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.23
  20. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.26
  21. The signals all around us, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.29
  22. Let’s make ourselves scarce, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240110.31
  23. Camping and caves? Good thing I've been practising, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.03
  24. Can we keep it?, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.07
  25. Let’s remain scientific about the cute worms, shall we?, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.09
  26. Fire in the hole, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.15
  27. Good night, wherever you are, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.19
  28. A long trek later, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.21
  29. Starfleet is turning me into a criminal again, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.24
  30. We were just about to come and rescue you, I promise, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240111.29
  31. I’m a scientist, not a nurse!, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.03
  32. These people are reptiles, do you think they’ve got dragons in their dungeons?, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.08
  33. I’m getting tired of dungeons, can we go now?, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.12
  34. Do you think they’ll mind if we stole the treasure from their vault?, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.16
  35. At least one of us has the muscles, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.18
  36. Goodbye, and may we never meet again, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.21
  37. Accolades and acquaintances, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.30
  38. The treatise in morality of inaction considering the consequences a posteriori, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240112.30
  39. Lunch Back On Track, LtCmdr Talos Dakora, USS Artemis-A, 240112.31
  40. Yeah, you’re looking at a real rebel over here, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.04
  41. The Arcade for colleagues and very good friends, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.11
  42. A friendly game with a friend, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.13
  43. With all due respect, sir, could you please learn to knock first!, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.16
  44. Keep playing, kid, me and your babysitter are just gonna talk, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.23
  45. Captain-mandated date, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.27
  46. Good night <3, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.04
  47. Evaluation of subconsciousness, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.07
  48. Some people say they never forget a face..., LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.15
  49. I should have called the next morning, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.20
  50. Way to go, Talos, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.26
  51. Accolades and acquaintances, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240201.30
  52. Seeking resolution, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.05
  53. Observers to the Genesis, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.08
  54. A world that’s actually strange and new, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.11
  55. The last time we had Wormie, now say hello to Plantie, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.15
  56. I’m a planetary scientist with some biological expertise, not a botanist!, LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240202.18
  57. Prank and praise., Lt Vitor Silveira, USS Artemis-A, 240008.23
  58. Longing for the Paradise, Ens Jovenan, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.10
  59. Catharsis, LtJG Hiro Jones, USS Artemis-A, 240007.24
  60. 60.0 60.1 Sudden Goodbyes, LtJG Jones & LtJG Jovenan & Lt Vitor Silveira & Ens Gila Sadar & Ens Jaseb Chevalier, USS Artemis-A, 240101.07
  61. A bond from another universe, Lt Vitor Silveira & LtJG Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240012.20
  62. Broken, and apart, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.01
  63. Don't go, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.02
  64. The more things change..., LtCmdr Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240109.14
  65. 65.0 65.1 From shadows to sunshine, LtJG Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240012.13
  66. Getting Personal, Cmdr. Genkos Adea, USS Excalibur-A, 239912.05
  67. Married with a job, LtJG Jovenan & Dr Tevet Elain, USS Artemis-A, 240101.09
  68. We saw you from across the bar and really dig your vibe, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240101.25
  69. Along the streets of history, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240103.27
  70. Just Roll With It, Cmdr. Addison MacKenzie, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.07
  71. The Offworlder Mercy, Lt Jovenan, USS Artemis-A, 240105.15
  72. Just a Pointy-Eared Teddy Bear, Ens Kawarda, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.02
  73. And They All Fell Down, Cdre. Kali Nicholotti, USS Excalibur-A, 240001.12
  74. When We're Scared, Lt. Seta Jinean, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.14
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 The Best of the Best, Cdre. Nicholotti, USS Excalibur-A, 240002.02
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 Honoring Traditions (Part 1), Cmdr Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240005.19
  77. 77.0 77.1 Momentary Recognition, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240009.03
  78. 78.0 78.1 Saved From Ourselves, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240101.19
  79. Tried and Tested, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240105.24
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Family Ties - Part 2, Cpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240109.08
  81. 81.0 81.1 Cultivating Community - Part 1, FlCpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240201.26
  82. Cultivating Community - Part 2, FlCpt Addison MacKenzie, USS Artemis-A, 240201.26

NPC Listing   ·   USS Artemis-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Genkos Adea.png
Genkos Adea
Helm/Ops Ofc.
Lyara Alroyo
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Gila Sadar
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Ensign Savel.png
Security Ofc.
Security Ofc.
Kel Solas
Chief Eng. Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Ollie Bergman LtJG.png
Operations Ofc.
Ollie Bergmen
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