Arrow Awards and Promotions

Revision as of 18:05, 29 January 2023 by Artinus Serinus (talk | contribs)

{{ShipAwards|CLASS=wood |

USS Arrow-logo.png USS Arrow • NCC-69829 • COMMISSIONED 237304.05

Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if aimed at an object on a level with yourself.











|{{ServiceAwardEntry|URL=239909.07 Award Ceremony - [15] |

! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg

! style="background:#fff;"|Department Chief Ribbon ! style="background:#fff;"|Quentin Collins

|{{AwardTableEntry|Ribbon=Starfleet Investigation Ribbon|RibbonName=Investigation Ribbon|Characters=[[Artinus Serinus]
{{Philomena O'Malley]]
{{Chloe Waters]]}} |

! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|
Ribbon-Trauma Support Advocate.png

! style="background:#fff;"|Trauma Support Advocate ! style="background:#fff;"|R'Ariel


! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg

! style="background:#fff;"|Innovation Ribbon ! style="background:#fff;"|Connor DeWitt


! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|

! style="background:#fff;"|Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade ! style="background:#fff;"|Connor DeWitt


! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg

! style="background:#fff;"|Captain's Commendation ! style="background:#fff;"|Karrod Niac


|{{ServiceAwardEntry|URL=239912.30 Award Ceremony - [16] |{{AwardTableEntry|Ribbon=Silver Star|RibbonName=Silver Star|Characters=[[R'Ariel]
Quentin Collins
Ash MacKenna
Connor DeWitt }} |

! style="background:#000; width:100px;"|
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg

! style="background:#fff;"|Innovation Ribbon ! style="background:#fff;"|Artinus Serinus
Jacin Ayamet

|{{AwardTableEntry|Ribbon=Explorers Ribbon|RibbonName=Explorers Ribbon|Characters=Randal Shayne
Maz Rodan
Quentin Collins
Ash MacKenna
Connor DeWitt
Artinus Serinus
Jacin Ayamet
Ar'Goravalei}} }} | }}



Starfleet instructor.png OOC Awards Starfleet instructor.png
