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USS Ronin
Alieth profile ltcmmdr2.png
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
PICstyle-end blue.png
Position CSO
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Vulcan
Gender Female
DOB 235406.04
Age 47
Birthplace Chi-ree, Xial, Vulcan
Writer ID E239702A10

StarfleetMedicalAcademy.pngSFA-Science.pngAlieth's Medical RecordAlieth's Academy Transcript

Medical RecordAcademy TranscriptRelationships
Service Ribbons
Defense of The Isles.png
Changeling Campaign Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Tholian Campaign Ribbon.png
Legacy Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Scientific Discovery Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Defense of The Isles
Changeling Campaign Ribbon
Distinguished Service Ribbon
Tholian Campaign Ribbon
Legacy Ribbon
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Scientific Discovery Ribbon
UFP Medal of Freedom
Captain's Commendation
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Diplomacy Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon
Silver Star
Medical Science Ribbon
Lifesaving Ribbon
Purple Heart
First Contact Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Romulan Campaign Medal
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

Luminary Award.png
Laudean Commendation.png
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Vega Award.png
Awards General 1Year.jpg
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
Okuda Award.png
Awards Special Xalor 2011.jpg
Awards Special Locutus.jpg
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
O'Brien Award.png
Northern Star Award.png

Luminary Award
Laudean Commendation
B-Plot Award
Neelix Award
Vega Award
1-year Member
3-year Member
Okuda Award
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award
Locutus Award
Prantares Ribbon
Pathfinder Award
O'Brien Award
Northern Star Award


Alieth medkit badge, courtesy of Jalana


Alieth chibi version

239807 GORKON QOTM Alieth.jpg

Alieth's badge for winning the July 2398 Quote of the Month competition, courtesy of Jo Marshall

Alieth ld3.png
Halloween Avatars Ronin 2024 Alieth Toy.png
Badge 1.png
To Boldly Go
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
Badge 2.png
Chat Trivia Participant
Badge 2.png
Image Collective Member
Badge 1.png
Facilitator Citation
Badge 1.png
SOTFA Taskforce Commendation
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Legendary
Badge 2.png
Badge 2.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
Excellence in Training
Badge 1.png
Team Facilitator
Badge 9.png

Commemorative Coins
30th Anniversary Commemorative Coin.png Turn of the Century Commemorative Coin.png Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png
25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin.png Year of the Commodore Commemorative Coin.png
Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
Penny for your thoughts
It's all in the details
Follow up appointment
A head full of dreams
A face for the name
Data hound
Speak your mind
Take a deep breath for me
Man on a mission
Detail oriented
Holy dArtagnan!
Friend in need
I'm a Doctor, not a...
It takes two
These things happen
Subspace Communicator
Press F to Honor
Squeaky Clean
Informed diplomat
I Cannot Make Bricks Without Clay
Still Tongue, Big Ears
Under warranty
Space Space Wanna Go to Space
It's part of the job
A modest proposal
JOPA Member
Teller Was Here
Properly Logic
USS Ronin

Lieutenant Alieth is a vulcan female currently serving as a medical officer aboard the USS Thor .

Personal Stats

  • Full name: Al’rig-pseth (Translated to standard as 'Alieth')
  • Date of birth (Age): 235406.04 (47 Years)
  • Serial Number: RT - 775 - 816
  • Species: vulcan
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 1.57 m // 5' 2
  • Weight: 55 kg // 121 lbs
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Dark Brown
  • Build: Average
  • Handedness: Right
  • T/E: T5


Personal History


Alieth was born and raised in Chi-ree, in Xial. She was educated in the traditional way of Surak's followers, in a province with scarce offworld visitors. It was always expected that she would follow the footsteps of her parents and older sister and eventually join the army of public employees that keep the Vulcan government functioning. However, Alieth's interests always diverged widely, and from an early age she displayed an affinity towards science and and and taking care of others. During her infancy she frequently brought home small injured animals in order to heal them, under the premise that 'all life should be preserved'.

After graduating with notable marks at the small learning center in Chi-ree, she endeavoured to get a place to study at the VSA so she could pursue her medical education there. However, her first attempts were unsuccessful. She only managed to granted access to the VSA degree after the third attempt, which brough her the chance to began the basic training program in Science and Medicine. However, after completing half of her degree, she found that her perception of the institution was quite different from reality. Despite the institution's claim to be a meritocracy, connections within the university members were fundamental and students like her who lacked them were forced to progress at a slower pace and assume lesser roles in remote health centers until they could prove their worth, which could set back her career by decades and would deny her any chance to help others as she endeavoured.

By chance, she met a PhD exchange student that suggested that she should apply to Starfleet Academy. To her surprise, she was accepted at the first attempt and she left her studies at the VSA to move to Earth. Her family expressed their reluctance to this decision.

After a lifetime spent in the logical and orderly Vulcan society, her time at the Starfleet Academy was a culture shock. In spite of the years spent among humans and other emotional beings, they still intrigue her. Alieth remains intensely curious about their creativity and capacity for lateral thinking, while she is somewhat surprised that their societies haven't been devastated by their emotional instability and tendency to circumvent regulations

She received her medical degree from Starfleet Academy, specializing in First Aid and Trauma Care

Federation Embassy of Til'ahn

Alieth's first assignment, along with her fellow Academy graduates Sirok and Wes Greaves, was at the Embassy of the Laudeans home planet in the Typhon Expanse. However, as a result of the events, her time in the Embassy was relatively short.

Upon arrival at Duronis II, Alieth and her colleagues discovered that the resident Embassy Officers had been attacked by Tal'Shiar operatives while they were on a shuttle trip around the planet in a shoreleave. This led to the abduction of the CMO Addison MacKenzie as well as a number of officers being severely injured, the most critical being Commander Geoffrey Teller, who was trapped under a shuttle. Afterwards, there was evidence that this attack had been perpetrated as a distraction to cover up the actions of a Romulan vessel in the Expanse, which sought to collect a significant amount of Protomater that had not been previously discovered. The crew split into two groups, with the first group travelling on the USS Thunder-A to stop the Romulans while the rest remained in Duronis to perform a rescue mission. Alieth remained in this second group in order to attend the health of the injured Commander Teller. After several approaches to rescue the CMO, including the development and use of a vulcanoid anesthetic and Alieth acting as a Romulan contact that would extract Tal Shiar operatives from the planet, all efforts were futile, as MacKenzie had gained the collaboration of one of the Romulan spies, who surrendered to the Starfleeters and handed over his hostage in exchange for his survival. The other Tal'Shiar operative never was found, after he fell prey to a native feline-like predator.

U.S.S. Thor

Alieth was transferred to the USS Thor with the rest of the Embassy officers once the Planet began the process of becoming a full member of Federation. From that moment on, she served under the command of Fleet Captain Aron Kells whom she had met in a somewhat peculiar way when both were lost in the massive gardens of the diplomatic complex. Alieth never talks about her degree of responsibility in this event.

The USS Thor answered to a distress call from a lost colony world in the [Menthar Corridor] known as Vel Maijan, thought to have disappeared from existence in 2159. Alieth was assigned to a team led by Lieutenant Commander Krindo Pandorn, Lieutenant Lorian Lovar, Ambassador Toni Turner and Doctor Alieth herself. Tto gather as much information as possible about the settlement's history. Once it is put in common with the rest of the crew, they decided to explore the surface of the planet and the caves under its surface in search of the colonists' descendants... and of what happened to the planet during all this time.

Alieth is summoned to the bridge to help monitor the away teams, but an increased concentration of chronitrons and rising tectonic and ionic activity forced the recovery of one of the teams, led by Dr. Mackenzie. However, the second party, led by the XO Geoffrey Teller, vanished from the starship's sensors and is left stranded on the planet.

Later, they discovered that the descendants of the Vel Maijan settlers are alive but dealing with attacks from strange native creatures, alien substances in the tunnels and a significant lack of resources. Due to the high possibility that the solar system could leap forward in time once again, Captain Aron Kells ordered the deployment of an emergency team collect the away team and the colonists, which included Alieth. While Ben Garcia, Major Parker and herself navigated through the ion storm to reach the surface, one of the native aliens, known as Azcou, beamed up to the ship, creating havoc.

The team was rescued and, after a heated argument with Greaves, Alieth managed to remain on the surface and help rescue the rest of the settlers.

After the extraction of the humans, as well as one of the native alien's colonies that requested the Thor's help in view of the imminent destruction or disappearance of their homeworld, the Thor must depart from the system, narrowly escaping the strange anomaly that makes Vel Maijan disappear again...

After the shoreleave, the USS Thor planned a quantum slipstream drive test while Fleet Captain Aron Kells estudied a nearby Gormagander pod on the USS Tharsis.

The first part of the test went smoothly, but as soon as the return trip was activated, something attacked the vessel. The jolt destabilised the QSD and damaged the ship dramatically, resulting in hundreds of injuries and casualties. The impact caught Alieth in the middle of a call to her home planet, causing her to crash into a wall, resulting in a mild concussion. However, that didn't stop her from approaching the Sickbay to help.

The medical department was soon overwhelmed and the officers split up into several teams, with Quen Deena and Addisson Mackenzie treating the worst cases on the sickbay, as Alieth set a triage center on the Marine deck. There, the Vulcan collaborated with Rouinacet, who helped her to conduct several emergency surgeries. When the concussion effects became evident at the end of a complicated one, she had to be treated on Sickbay by her own colleagues and the evident displeasure of the CMO.

Shortly thereafter, the CMO left the ship with most of the patients who were able to be saved. This left Quen Deena in charge of the sickbay. Alieth, on the other hand, was left in charge of the dying patients, to whom I administered palliative care and whom she tried to alleviate in the process through her telepathic abilities. That meant a heavy toll on the Vulcan, which she would carry for a while.

Soon after, after briefly helping Quen Deena and Tara Wilkins to study a part of the mine that had been taken over by a Marine officer and was to be removed, Alieth was called to help Dar Kalib, Quen Deena's son.

Somehow, the young Half Bajoran had received a telepathic inference from creatures inhabiting the QSD, known as The Eidolon Mandate. To free him from the influence of the Mandate, Alieth realized a mind melt with the boy, which became complicated and from which they had to be extracted thanks to the assistance of Commander Teller. Unfortunately, in doing so, the katra of Alieth's best friend, which he had been carrying for years, was transferred to the XO, without either the XO or the Vulcan being aware of the fact.

When Alieth discovered the disappearance of her friend's soul, she felt a great deal of grief.

A straightforward run into the Gamma Quadrant. The USS Thor visit New New Bajor. A pastoral, agrarian settlement, and they can definitely use some of the heavy tech they're bringing. Alieth went down in an away team to the planet to meet with the Governor, a mere diplomatic procedure . The away team, led by Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie and consisting of Lieutenant Lorian Lovar, Lt. Commander Krindo Pandorn, Ensign Kira Pol and Lieutenant JG Alieth headed to the Administrative Complex to meet with the Governor and Minister Velos. The former proved to be a vacuous and seemingly superficial man, who made a strenuous effort to divert the away team's attention from the obvious problems in the fields around the Complex, while the Minister subtly tried to inform them of what was happening. When the Governor realised this he locked the group in the Ambassadorial Suites and jammed the communications at a planetary level, making it impossible to transport themselves back to their runabout or the Thor. However, the group managed to escape this trap thanks to Velos's collaboration and resourcefulness.

After the crew reunited on the starship again, and in view of the worrisome reports received from all teams, Fleet Captain Aron Kells resolved to visit the planet to confer with Governor Tidak Beru and find out what was happening in the Colony and why the leader of said settlement had been trying so diligently to obscure the situation.There, Kells was assaulted by an unidentified enemy with an unidentified weapon. Captain Kells suffered serious injuries and his life was put in jeopardy. Thanks to the collaboration of the Ensign Dar with the air support team that Commander Teller had left behind (composed of Valkyrie 4 and 5 as well as the shuttle Freyr under the command of Lieutenant Commander Lia Rouiancet), the group was extracted. Not only that, but thanks to their joint action, they were able to intercept a sinister Karemma that seemed to be the author of the attempt against Aron Kells. With the captain in a critical condition preserved in the buffer of the Freyr's transporter, the small flotilla left the planet to rendezvous with the Thor.

After saving the captain's life with Lieutenant Commander Lia Rouiancet and Lieutenant Quen Deena, Alieth returned to the planet with Lieutenant Commander Brodie and Lieutenant JG Siork escorted Minister Tan and Secretary Nerys to restore political power to non-corrupt officials. The team made their way to the council chambers which was in session at the time. Confronted by Council Spokesperson Uja Koss, Minister Tan and Secretary Nerys were accused of treason. Despite the allegations, Minister Tan presented her evidence with the assistance of the rest of the team. In a rousing speech Minister Tan swayed much of the council to her side. Learning of the capture of Governor Tidak, Lieutenant Commander Brodie had Commander Teller's team beam directly to the council chambers so Tidak could be questioned in front of the council. Even confronted by the entire governing body of the planet, Tidak still claimed his innocence. With all arguments made, the council convened for a vote of no confidence of Governor Tidak. There were few holdouts, but the vote passed. Furthermore, Minister Tan was immediately voted in as the new Governor of New Bajor in a surprise turn of events. She appointed Nerys as her Chief of Staff and Starfleet took Tidak away to be tried in Federation Court.


Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet4 blue.png
Cadet First Class 239702.09 Graduated Starfleet Academy Medical Officer
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Ensign 239702.10 - 239704.20 Embassy of Duronis II Medical Officer
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Ensign 239704.20 - 239706.08 USS Thor Medical Officer
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG 239706.08 - 239712.31 USS Thor Medical Officer
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Lieutenant 239712.31 - 239803.29 USS Thor Chief Medical Officer
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Lieutenant 239803.29 - Present USS Thor Co-Chief Medical Officer,
Co-Chief Science Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Luminary Award.png
Luminary Award 239706.28
USS Thor
For those who show great promise in their future endeavours in UFOP: Starbase 118 RPG[[1]]
Laudean Commendation.png
Laudean Commendation 239706.27
USS Thor
Shared with Alexander Brodie by the Azcou race encountered in the Thor’s first official mission [[2]][[3]]
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Prisoner of War Ribbon 239712.31
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller in recognition of the hardship you suffered as part of the initial away team to New Bajor[4]
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon 239712.31
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller For actions on the surface of New Bajor. Those actions, saved Captain Kells' life , but also have repercussions well beyond that- [5]
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Silver Star 239709.14
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller For your heroism in directly confronting an unknown intelligence in defense of the ship and crew- [6]
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Medical Science Ribbon 239709.14
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller Countering the biological factors of the weapon used against us, and finding the connection between the Laudean fielding ability gave us a much needed information at a critical moment- [7]
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 239709.14
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller For your efforts to protect the crew of the Thor- [8]
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239709.14
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller In recognition of that exemplary work, and of your individual sacrifices during the Hammerfall crisis- [9]
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 239709.14
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey TellerIn recognition of that exemplary work, and of your individual sacrifices during the Hammerfall crisis- [10]
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239706.08
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller - For the unexpected meeting with the Azcou [11].
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239706.08
USS Thor
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller - For the unexpected meeting with the Azcou [12].
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Romulan Campaign Medal 239706.08
Embassy of Duronis II
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller - For work to hinder the plans of the Tal Shiar [13].
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239706.08
Embassy of Duronis II
Fleet Captain Aron Kells / Commander Geoffrey Teller - For efforts to effect the rescue crewmember from Tal Shiar agents [14].
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239702.09
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.


  • She can' t swim, she sinks like a rock.
  • A visit to her cousin at SB224 led to her acquiring a Klingon tattoo on her left shoulder blade: boQDu' which can be translated as she-devil
  • She adopted one of her deceased patients' pet after the Hammerfall incident, which she called Cheesecake Watanabe
  • She is a keen devotee of Zhar-kur tei
  • Over her desk there is this plaque: Chief Medical Officer Alieth, Professional Troublemaker, USS Thor made from a piece of duranium salgaved from a SAG engine. A gift from Geoffrey Teller

Image Gallery

Thor unofficial buttons earned

False accusations and related shenanigans


  • [15] Lower decks interview

SIM Archive

  • Concussion and Gummy Bears - (239702.17) The best way to start an eventful first day is deal with a troublemaker and some gummy bears.
  • The Founding of the JOPA - The first rule of JOPA is: you do not talk about JOPA. The second rule of JOPA is: you DO NOT talk about what happens in the JOPA (239702.20)
  • [16] 'Calls' - Alieth conducted a long-dreaded call to an elderly acquaintance, during it, chaos arrived

End Record

NPC Listing   ·   USS Thor Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Aron Kells.png
Commanding Ofc.
Aron Kells
Alexander Brodie
Act. Chf. Med. Ofc.
V'Len Kel
Toz LtJG.png
Medical Officer
Katsim Peri LCDR.png
Chf. Science Ofc.
Katsim Peri
Wes Greaves LtCol.png
Executive Ofc.
Wes Greaves
Ensign Ulasso.png
HCO Officer
Kammus Corelli-Ensign.png
Act. Chf. Eng. Ofc.
Kammus Corelli
Isabelle Basilia.png
Security Officer
Isabelle Basilia
Jack Kessler v2.png
Tactical Officer
Jack Kessler
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