Chythar Skyfire/Timeline
Crew of the USS Astraeus | ||
Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire, MD | ||
- 236207.06: Born in Seattle, Washington.
- 237407.09:
- Took up an interest in chemistry, linguistics, and xenobiology.
- Captain Skyfire recalled to Romulus as a negotiator.
- 238007.06:
- Graduates from high school
- Applies to University of Washington.
- 238402.05:
- Graduates from University of Washington a Doctor of Medicine.
- Enters Starfleet Academy to study xenobiology and medicine.
- 2387:
- Hobus Supernova happens -- Captain Skyfire dies when planet is destroyed.
- Cadet Joan Rawlins loses her life in a live fire exercise, only to die in Chythar's arms.[1]
- 239002.17:
- Chythar Skyfire graduates from Starfleet Academy with a xenobiology major.
- Is posted to Starbase 118 Ops as a medical officer.
- 239002.17:
- Chythar Skyfire graduates from Starfleet Academy with a xenobiology major.
- Is posted to Starbase 118 Ops as a medical officer.
- 239006.10: Calvin Skyfire dies from drug overdose -- news broken to him by his uncle Chris via subspace letter.[2]
- 239008.09: Chythar & senior staff transfer to USS Excalibur-A.
- 239012.08: Received promotion to Lt. JG and several awards bestowed by Fleet Captain Kalianna Nicholotti after Pythia's Tale.
- Legion of Merit
- Medical Science
- Joint Meritorious Unit
- Gateway Ribbon
- Lifesaver Ribbon
- 239105.04: Presented[3] by Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Livingston following Strange New Worlds.
- First Contact
- Explorer's Ribbon
- 239103.11: Azin stumbled into Sickbay and requested help, as he couldn't see anything. In a dangerous attempt to save Azin's vision, Skyfire volunteered to participate in a Dokkoran mind meld.
- 239103.16: Mind meld with Azin went out of control - T2/E2 status as a side effect and rewrote CD's genetics.
- 239103.20: Discovers he is telepathic and empathic while sedated in a dream sequence.
- 239105.07: Befriends First Lieutenant Debra Cross and begins romantic relationship.
- 239105.08: Confesses brotherly love towards Sal Taybrim.
- 239106.12: Has dinner & a drink with Sal.
- 239106.14: Receives transfer orders to the USS Garuda as a medical officer.
- 239108.14: Receives promotion to Assistant Chief Medical Officer by Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- 239108.02:
- Ended romance with Debra due to betrayal letter he received via subspace.
- Decorated with ribbons by Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno[4]
- Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
- Diplomacy Ribbon
- 239109.22:
- Performed first symbiont extraction on the Trill Alleran Tan.
- Friendship begins to form before Alleran is put into stasis.
- 239109.29:
- Promoted to Lieutenant by Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- Promoted to Acting Chief Medical Officer.
- 239109.30: Raissa Moonsong begins to work with him on gaining control of his abilities.
- 239110.09: Received[5] Captain's Commendation from Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- 239110.05:
- Makes a positive step in gaining control with beginning level shielding during his session with Counselor Raissa Moonsong.
- Performs successful symbiont transplant surgery to Safine Rael, now Safine Tan.
- 239110.17 - 239110.25: Undertook dangerous medical experiment due to a pattern he saw with the Romulan-based virus on Argurtha; performed under DSX medical supervision. See Medical History.
- 239111.14: Skyfire discovers the symbiont memory blocker in Safine Tan has failed[6].
- 239111.23: Full corrective surgery left wrist.
- 239111.27: Gains basic shielding, courtesy of Counselor Raissa Moonsong.
- 239112.05:
- Decorated with ribbons presented by Lt. Commander Nia Calderan.
- Medical Science Ribbon (2nd citation)
- Silver Star
- Confirmed as Chief Medical Officer, also by Lt. Commander Nia Calderan.
- Decorated with ribbons presented by Lt. Commander Nia Calderan.
- 239112.06: Adopts Devlin as a pet, courtesy of Greywin Fergus & Alora DeVeau. See Devlin's page for the sims
- 239201.25: First and only date with Chief Chase Valaine.
- 239201.28: Decorated with ribbons presented by Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- Innovation Ribbon
- Explorer's Ribbon (2nd citation)
- 239202.22: Transports with Lt. Commander Msafiri Bakari's away team to the First Kingdom of Peppalexa.
- 239203.07: Meets Her Majesty Virah-Latyi for the first time.
- 239203.11: Discovers bronze age fossils of Ki Shandres, Tristam Core, and Saveron that were created by transporter duplicates.
- 239203.20: Returns to the present from the temporal incursion.
- 239204.01: Temporal Incursion - Returns to First Kingdom, Peppalexa[7] and Virah-Latyi. [8]
- 239204.12: Begins conversation[9] with Alora DeVeau about his temporal incursions.[10]
- 239204.13: Decorated with ribbons presented by Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- Diplomacy Ribbon (2nd citation)
- Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
- Prometheus Incident Ribbon
- First Contact Ribbon (2nd citation)
- 239206.19: Transferred to the USS Invicta.
- 239206.19: Transferred to the USS Invicta.
- 239206.23: Gains temporary mental shields via Saveron following a discussion on his abilities.
- 239206.27: Receives promotion to Lt. Commander by Captain Aron Kells.
- 239207.01: Test results return a updated telepathic/empathic rating of T4/E6.
- 239207.05:
- Temporal Incursion - Returns to the First Kingdom of Peppalexa and meets with Virah-Latyi before returning to the present. [11]
- Allows Alora DeVeau to run bloodwork for testing in hopes of unraveling his temporal incursions mystery.
- 239207.13: Decorated with ribbons presented by Fleet Captain Cassandra Egan Manno.
- Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
- Diplomacy Ribbon (3rd citation)
- Excellence in Training Ribbon
- Department Chief Ribbon
- 239207.19:
- Lieutenant Alora DeVeau helps him understand the temporal incursions he's been experiencing.
- Transfers to the USS Columbia via the Q.
- 239208.07: Meets Tyler Kelly for the first time outside of subspace calls.
- 239208.12: First meeting with Talia Kaji, counselor of the Columbia.
- 239208.22: Makes first contact with Akee via his own telepathy.
- 239208.24: Mental shields once more collapsed, due to the conversation with Akee.
- 239208.31: Received temporary shielding from Gavin MacLaren after CD exhausted himself with Akee.
- 239209.03 Transfers to the USS Gorkon.
- 239209.03: Transfers to the USS Gorkon.
- 239209.15: Temporal Incursion to First Kingdom. Witnessed the death of Queen Virah-Latyi before returning to the present. [12]
- 239209.17: Comes up with a living sample of the parasitic insect Sarpedionital Gondii and programs it into the biofilters to destroy it in transit.
- 239209.22: Becomes First Officer.
- 239210.02: First meeting with Dr. Lilavati Chandur, counselor of the Gorkon.
- 239210.07: Conversation with Alora DeVeau of the Invicta about the temporal incursions. [13]
- 239210.21: Presented with the Medical Science Ribbon (3rd citation) by Captain Quinn Reynolds.
- 239212.17: Treated for rib fractures by Jansen Orrey.
- 239212.21: Given tour of main engineering by Cory Stoyer and winds up bonding with the man over the talk of what's under the hood.
- 239212.28: Challenges Lt. Stoyer to a rematch of pool.
- 239301.03: First meeting with Counselor Jansen Orrey.
- 239301.05: Second meeting with Jansen Orrey.
- 239301.08: First jujitsu lesson with Lael Rosek and Cory Stoyer.
- 239301.18: Decorated with Purple Heart, bestowed by Captain Quinn Reynolds.
- 239301.19: Wedding Bells: Witnessed the marriage of Lt. Cory Stoyer & CWO3 Petra Bjarnadottir, officiated by Captain Quinn Reynolds. Acted as Cory's best man.
- 239301.21: The USS Gorkon gets sucked into a quantum fissure (Beginning the Year of Hell)
- 239302.18: Starfleet declares the USS Gorkon missing in action.
- 239304.09: Becomes Mission Specialist.
- 239304.10: Chythar receives help of an old Vulcan refugee from the Triumphant to learn control. [14]
- 239404.12: Chythar gets adopted by Madeline Rosek as an uncle. [15]
- 239304.13: Chythar gets another session with Selamderan (Alt) but this time loses his temper at a table. [16]
- 239304.19: CD's final lesson with Selamderan. [17]
- 239305.10: Decorated with ribbons[18] by Captain Quinn Reynolds.
- Distinguished Service Ribbon
- Joint Meritorious Unit Award (2nd Citation)
- 239306.23: Injured in another explosion (see Medical History) & loses a patient.
- 239307.14: Becomes Alex's morale officer. [19]
- 239308.01: Befriends Lael Rosek in the Sto'Vo'Kor[20] Lounge.[21]
- 239308.03: Transitions into the role of Chief Medical Officer.
- 239308.28: The Gorkon is rescued by the renegade crew of the USS Yarahla.
- 239309.06: Learns of the arresting of their rescuers from Cory Stoyer. Among the arrested is CD's adopted uncle, Chris Harrington. [22]
- 239309.08:
- Meets with Alucard Vess to discuss hearing difficulty. [23]
- Dinner with Alex Blair and discussion of emotions. [24]
- 239309.10: Goes to visit[25] Raissa Moonsong's family on Earth & is adopted[26] by them.
- 239309.14: Smacks Cory with Rule 7 via subspace[27] to talk to a counselor.
- 239309.26: Reunited with Devlin via visit from Carter Greyson[28]
- 239310.02: Returns to San Fransisco from home[29]
- 239310.08: Exchanges first[30] kiss[31] with Alex Blair before dinner.
- 239310.12: Awards bestowed by Admiral Sotek[32]
- Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
- Extended Service Ribbon
- Legion of Merit (2nd Citation)
- Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
- Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
- 239310.25: Meets Dr. Dassa Alexander for the first time.
- 239312.05: Explosion ruptures right eardrum. See Medical History
- 239312.26: Schedules EARS surgery for the following morning. [33] & [34]
- 239401.21: Receives awards bestowed by Fleet Captain Quinn Reynolds
- Purple Heart (3rd citation)
- Lifesaving Ribbon (2nd citation)
- War of Shadows Ribbon (Phase 1)
- Orion Syndicate Service Medal
- 239312.29: Misadventure involving hot[35] tub[36]& tequila[37]
- 239401.04: Skyfire comes to some interesting[38] revelations[39]
- 239403.04: Finds the captain after she was attacked[40] and rushes her to surgery[41]
- 239404.11:
- Informs Brunsig of the captain's condition & receives word of his demotion to lieutenant.[42]
- Receives word about Alex Blair's transfer to the USS Za. [43]
- 239404.14:
- Meets Lael Rosek's extended[44] family[45].
- Performs genetronic[46] surgery[47] with the aid of Dassa Alexander on Lael Rosek.
- Forms T4/E4 bond with Lael
- 239404.16: Transfers to the USS Za with Alex Blair & Dassa Alexander.
- 239404.23: Lael explains to Chythar about the complicated[48] nature[49] of her relationship with him.
- 239404.24: Dassa comes to Chythar and explains that Lael has deep, non-platonic feelings[50] for him.
- 239404.25: Explains to Alex about the complicated nature of his relationship with Lael, straining their relationship.[51]
- 239405.11: Meets Ruwon for the first time[52]
- 239405.24: Exchanges some heated words[53] with Dassa about the current situation.
- 239405.30: Begins working closely with Dassa, Alora and Haylie to discover an antiserum for the fatal flea-borne virus[54]
- 239406.30: Submits a formal request[55] to quarantine parts of the ship following the presence of the Hocktin named Mindor and begins to experience symptoms. See Medical History.
- 239407.06:
- Receives vaccination against the effects of the Hocktin induced virus.
- Reassigned to the USS Veritas following the decommissioning of the Za.
- Gets invited to move into shared quarters with Alex Blair.[56]
- Begins to seek religious answers on his own.[57]
- Is welcomed aboard the USS Veritas by Captain Roshanara Rahman. [58]
- Receives birthday present from Lael: a pre-recorded science project by his niece, Maddy[59][60]
- 239407.11: Beams down to New Macau to assist with trauma support after reporting in to Nikki Ryan
- 239407.27: Discovers tricobolt + unidentified compound on one of the accident victims, which he sends to the ship for analysis [61]
- 239408.07:
- Chythar and the engineering team pull Luna Walker from the rubble and he stabilizes her for transport to the Veritas. [62]
- Chythar gets himself checked out medically by Dr. Alexander before reporting for the briefing.[63]
- 239408.20: Chythar receives a call to consult with Dr. Somla of the Colonial Capitol Building to on a patient, Nukir Rovnitrov.
- 239408.30: Theorizes patient Nukir Rovnitrov might've been the victim of a telepathic attack.
- 239409.15: Treats Hanar Tuk for injury[64]
- 239409.18: Treats Lael Rosek for the dislocated shoulder.[65]
- 239409.19: Checks in officially with First Officer Lieutenant Commander Mei'konda[66][67]
- 239409.26: During his mandatory reassignment[68] evaluation[69], Chythar and Ris discuss his martyr complex and the mental connection between them now becoming a dull awareness of the other.
- 239409.28: Chythar agrees[70] to Lael's request[71] to carry a phaser.
- 239410.10: Explains to Alex and Lael about his impending wardrobe modifications. [72]
- 239410.14: Receives ribbons bestowed by Captain Roshanara Rahman
- Lifesaving Ribbon (3rd citation)
- Captain's Commendation (2nd citation)
- Joint Meritorious Unit Award (3rd citation)
- UFP Medal of Freedom
- 239412.23: Alex Blair leaves the Veritas on a mission after a note to Chythar that he will return.
- 239412.28: Offer is extended to Chythar about becoming the next CMO of the Veritas.
- 230501.02: Chythar accepts the offer and becomes the CMO.
- 239501.05: Receives Extended Service Ribbon (2nd citation) by Captain Roshanara Rahman
- 239501.07: Receives additional medals by Captain Rahman
- Innovation Ribbon (2nd citation)
- Captain's Commendation (3rd citation)
- 239502.08: Sustained injury to right leg. See Medical History
- 239502.28: Alex Blair returns from classified mission.
- 239503.12: Ribbons[73] bestowed by Lieutenant Commander Mei'konda
- Silver Lifesaving Ribbon (2nd Citation)
- Purple Heart (4th Citation)
- Silver Star (2nd Citation)
- 239504.21: Chythar enlists the help of Greywin Fergus to begin working on a pet project[74]: an anti-radiation inoculation for Lael Rosek.
- 239506.12: Captain Roshanara Rahman surprises Chythar by awarding honors:[75]
- Department Chief Ribbon (2nd Citation)
- Explorer's Ribbon (4th Citation)
- Orion Syndicate Service Medal (2nd Citation)
- Reinstatement to Lieutenant Commander
- 239506.15: Chythar learns that his adopted uncle, Chris Harrington was injured in an altercation at the Raktajino. causing him to request leave to return to Earth to deal with possible funerary arrangements.
- 239508.17: Chythar returns to the Veritas.
- 239508.23: Alex learns of his transfer to the Constitution.[76]
- 239509.16: Chythar goes "missing" from a "transporter accident" -- when in actuality is held in a cell by unknown forces.
- 239510.05: Chythar, Lael Rosek, German Galven, Valoru, Raissa Moonsong, and Tasnim Shandres are rescued by the Veritas.
- 239510.26: Receives ribbons[77] bestowed by Captain Roshanara Rahman and Commander Mei'konda
- Prisoner of War Ribbon
- Good Conduct Ribbon
- Peacekeeper Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
- Explorer's Ribbon (5th Citation)
- 239510.31: Chythar transfers to the USS Montreal under Commander Mei'konda Delano
- 239510.31: Transfers to the USS Montreal as its CMO.
- 239512.31: Receives accolades[78] from Commander Mei'konda Delano
- Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
- Maiden Voyage Ribbon
- Silver Lifesaving Ribbon (3rd Citation)
- 239603.05: Stepped down as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Montreal.
- 239603.18: Receives accolades[79] for participation in Enemy of My Enemy & makes a final toast[80] to the captain & crew
- Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal (2nd Citation)
- Medical Science Ribbon (5th Citation)
- Silver Lifesaving Ribbon (4th Citation)
- 239603.30: First subspace conversation with Carmen Tis of the USS Gorkon during his layover aboard Starbase 118[81]
- 239606.11: Chythar is contacted by Captain Mei'konda Delano about running a lounge aboard the Astraeus.
- 239609.05: Chythar breaks it off with Alex Blair on good terms, but it still smarts.
- 239609.07: Chythar has his first discussion[82] with Solok about returning to sickbay as an MD to stay current.
- 239609.12: Chythar enlists Solok's help with his pet project[83].
- 239701.07: Rejoins USS Veritas as a barista.
- 239701.27:
- Agrees to jointly adopt Madeline Rosek with Lael Rosek [84]
- Begins dating Lael[85]
- 239705.03: Meets Natalia Moonsong and becomes "Unca TheeDee" [86].
- 239706.30: Meets his half sister, Cailyn Krystal Sutton for the first time via subspace.
- 239707.06: Maddy's adoption is finalized, listing Chythar as the father.
- 239707.14: First long-distance[87] date[88] with Lael
- 239710.08: Reinstated as a lieutenant commander and medical officer [89]
- 239710.10: Makes contact with a former patient, Safine Raal, to learn of her condition.
- 239710.11: Stops off at Starbase 118 Ops to finish processing Alleran Mapak's body, only to get kidnapped and brought to Trill
- 239710.12: Returns to Starbase 118 Ops and bids Alleran a fond farewell before declaring him dead.
- 239710.13: Makes contact with Tan's present host, Serren Tan aboard the USS Gorkon.
- 239710.17: Makes contact with Marlee Whale (alternate), a current host of an alternate Tan symbiont.
- 239710.26: Returns to Earth to meet with Chris and Caylin.
- 239712.26: Transfers to the USS Chin'toka[90]
- 239712.31: Proposes to Lael Rosek during the New Year's Eve festivities[91]
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire: This is why I loathe the phaser
- ↑ Ens. Skyfire: Head Games
- ↑ LtCmdr Livingston: Just Reward
- ↑ Capt. C. Egan Manno: Ribbons, Ribbons, Everywhere!
- ↑ Capt. C. Egan Manno: Some Appreciation
- ↑ Lt Skyfire & Cadet Tan: We Have A Problem
- ↑ Lt. Skyfire + Virah-Latyi + Devlin -- Skyfire, the 14th Doctor (part 1)
- ↑ Lt. Skyfire + Virah-Latyi + Devlin -- Skyfire, the 14th Doctor (part 2)
- ↑ Lts. Skyfire & DeVeau, + Devlin: Better Friends Part 1
- ↑ Lts Skyfire & DeVeau + Devlin: Better Friends Part 2
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Lt DeVeau: The 14th Doctor Returns
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire, Devlin, & Virah-Latyi: The Fall
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Lt. DeVeau: 14th Doctor Epilogue
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & Selamderin Mental Challenges Part I
- ↑ Dr. Alexander, Dr. Skyfire, Lt. Rosek + Maddy Young: Newest Crewmember Part III
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & Selemderin Mental Challenges Part II
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & Selemderin Mental Challenges Part III
- ↑ Capt. Reynolds: Informal Formality Part 1
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire & Cmdr Blair: Comedic Relief
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire & Lt JG Rosek: Social Graces Part I
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire & Lt JG Rosek: Social Graces Part II
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Lt. Stoyer: What Happened?
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Cmdr Vess: Hearing Difficulty
- ↑ Cmdr Blair + LtCmdr Skyfire: Pizza & Confessions
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + S. Moonsong: Homecoming Part I
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Moonsongs: Homecoming Part II
- ↑ LtCmdrs Dalton & Skyfire, + Lt Stoyer: Rule 7 Redux Part 1
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire, Lt. JG Greyson, + Devlin: Reaching Out
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire, S. Moonsong + Devlin: You'll Be Back.
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Cmdr Blair: Dinner Before Tea Part 1
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire + Cmdr Blair: Dinner Before Tea Part II
- ↑ Capt. Reynolds: Honours & Awards Part II
- ↑ LtJG Alexander, Mark, Devlin & LtCmdr Skyfire Recovering Part I
- ↑ LtJG Alexander, Mark, Devlin & LtCmdr Skyfire Recovering Part II
- ↑ Cmdr Blair, LtCmdr Skyfire, LtJGs Rosek & Alexander: Hot Tub Party Part I
- ↑ Cmdr Blair, LtCmdr Skyfire, LtJGs Rosek & Alexander: Hot Tub Party Part II
- ↑ Cmdr Blair, LtCmdr Skyfire, LtJGs Rosek & Alexander: Hot Tub Party Part III
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire & Lt. Uzoamaka Revelations 94.01 Part I
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire & Lt. Uzoamaka Part II
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire: Not On My Watch Part I
- ↑ LtCmdr Skyfire: Not On My Watch Part II
- ↑ Lt Skyfire & Cmdr Brunsig: Not On My Watch Part III
- ↑ JP: Cmdr Blair + Lt Skyfire: The News
- ↑ Dr. Alexander, Dr. Skyfire, + Roseks, Hollendale, and Kincade: A Family Reunion of Sorts I
- ↑ Dr. Alexander, Dr. Skyfire, + Roseks, Hollendale, and Kincade: A Family Reunion of Sorts II
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire, Dr. Alexander, Lt. Rosek: The Surgery Part I
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire, Dr. Alexander, Lt. Rosek: The Surgery Part II
- ↑ Lts Rosek & Skyfire: Complicated Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It I
- ↑ Lts Rosek & Skyfire: Complicated Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It II
- ↑ LtJG Alexander & Lt Skyfire: Just to Clarify...
- ↑ Lt Skyfire: Frustrated
- ↑ Lt Skyfire + Ensign Ruwon: Meeting the Counselor
- ↑ Lt. Skyfire: & LtJG Alexander: Of Martyrs and Sass
- ↑ Lt. Skyfire: No Time For Caution
- ↑ Lt. Skyfire: A Formal Quarantine
- ↑ After the Hoktin Part I
- ↑ Lt Skyfire: Grateful to be Alive
- ↑ Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire, Lieutenant Lael Rosek, and Commander Alex Blair: A Fresh Start Part I
- ↑ Lts Rosek & Skyfire: Can't Sleep Part I
- ↑ Lts Rosek & Skyfire: Can't Sleep? Part II
- ↑ Lt Skyfire: Of Tricobolt & Patients
- ↑ Lt Skyfire: Think Teal. Save Lives.
- ↑ Lts Rosek, Skyfire, Alexander, & LtJG Thoran: Follow-up
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire: Walking Wounded Redux
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire: Always in Motion
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & LtCmdr Mei'konda: A Certain Resemblance Part I
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & LtCmdr Mei'konda: A Certain Resemblance Part II
- ↑ LCDR Moonsong + Dr. Skyfire: A Change in the Air I
- ↑ LCDR Moonsong + Dr. Skyfire: A Change in the Air II
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire & Lieutenant Lael Rosek: Shooting Practice I
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire & Lieutenant Lael Rosek: Shooting Practice II
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire: Of Pirates & Stick-figures
- ↑ Lieutenant Commander Mei'konda: Ribbons & Relaxation
- ↑ Dr. Skyfire & Ensign Fergus: Past & Present Experiments
- ↑ Captain Rahman: A Timely Affair
- ↑ Commander Alex Blair & Dr. Chythar Skyfire: The Leaving Paradox
- ↑ Captain Roshanara Rahman & Commander Mei'konda Gumption & Gusto Part II
- ↑ Commander Mei'konda Delano: Exemplary Performance
- ↑ Commander Mei'konda Delano: And an Awarding Evening
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire: Of Course You Do
- ↑ Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire & Ensign Carmen Tis: Doctor to Doctor
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire: Return to Sickbay
- ↑ Dr. Chythar Skyfire: Sales Pitch
- ↑ LtCmdrs Rosek & Skyfire: The Important Question Part I
- ↑ LtCmdrs Rosek & Skyfire: The Important Question Part II
- ↑ Lt.C Raissa Moonsong & Dr. Chythar Skyfire: The Coffee Connection
- ↑ LtCmdrs Rosek & Skyfire: Long Distance Date Night Part I
- ↑ LtCmdrs Rosek & Skyfire: Long Distance Date Night Part II
- ↑ Lazarus Saga (Veritas)
- ↑ LtCs Lael Rosek & Chythar Skyfire: Tearful Reunion
- ↑ LtC Chythar Skyfire: The Big Surprise