Gila Sadar

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“From caring comes courage.”

Lao Tzu
USS ArtemisA-logo.png

Crew of the USS Artemis-A


Lieutenant Gila Sadar

Lieutenant Gila Sadar is a socially inept Mizarian, who prefers to keep her head down and do her work without ever being noticed. She is currently serving on her very first assignment, the USS Artemis-A, as a Medical Officer.

An accomplished, but disgraced historian from Mizar II, she hopes to find a new lease on life with a career in Starfleet.


  • Portrayal: Shweta Tripathi
  • Height: 1.82 m (6'00")
  • Hair: None
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Build: Average build, long and awkward limbs.
  • Posture: Hunched and nervous, intentionally attempting to seem smaller, unless she’s working.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Gila is never caught anywhere out of her Yael-robes - the customary robes donned by all Mizarians - though they are often in slightly more colorful hues than other Mizarians don. She has a substantial ring collection. Most notably, she always wears a black obsidian ring, that she twists whenever she feels uncomfortable.
  • Voice: Slightly deeper than most, quiet and hesitant. Will talk to herself in an almost mechanical droning while working.
  • Handedness: Right-handed.


INFJ-T / The Advocate
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Creative
  • Insightful
  • Principled
  • Passionate
  • Altruistic
  • Sensitive to Criticism
  • Reluctant to Open Up
  • Perfectionistic
  • Avoiding the Ordinary
  • Prone to Burnout

Anyone meeting Gila would be hard pressed to identify anything about her save an intense lack of confidence and sense of worth. She’ll rarely be the person to initiate conversations with strangers, or indeed even acquaintances, but once she is in social circumstances, she seems almost obsessively focused on ensuring a productive and enjoyable conversation for everyone involved. The clear impression left behind by Gila is not one of someone who does not enjoy social niceties, but rather one who is dreadfully unprepared and unpracticed in how to participate in them comfortably.

Gila is very much a follower - as is the norm for her people - and does not as a rule fare well in command situations. Her Academy years were plagued by an untold number of reprimands from her superior officers for following orders blindly, sometimes to the detriment of her crew and patients. This is a weakness that Gila is acutely aware of, and yet she struggles with finding ways to overcome it. She has found it easier to hold her ground when it comes to her patients’ safety and wellbeing, but will readily ‘jump off a bridge’ if commanded, as the saying goes.

Gila is the textbook definition of a workaholic, often preferring to be neck-deep in research or a patient’s medical journal than attending to herself. She is at her core a deeply hypocritical person, often employing the philosophy of ‘do as I say, not as I do’, when it comes to the medical concerns of mental health and work-life balance. She is a good doctor, attentive and thorough, though she is perhaps the epitome of a Doctor better suited for research than patient consultations.

Beyond the above, Gila is an intensely curious and inquisitive person. She enjoys learning new things, seeing new places and interacting with objects and people she’s never seen before. When push comes to shove, she’s a very theoretical person, eager to test and expand on known knowledge.

Descent of Decency - NOT as good as Gila says it is.


  • Color: Orange
  • Music: Rhythm and Blues
  • Book: “Descent of Decency” by T’Rim
  • Sport: Dancing (spectating), Figure Skating (Spectating)
  • Food: Meduilae (Mizarian Jellyfish) Soup
  • Beverage: Bizzberry Frappé

Ambitions and Goals

  • Visit Denali Station or Vulcan
  • Obtain a physical copy of Surak's Teachings or the Rules of Acquisition
  • Secure Kolya's future as an artist
  • Return to Mizar IV to make amends


 History and Culture Studies

Gila’s original field of study was firmly within the humanities, specifically history and culture development. She seems to almost actively avoid the subject, but she’s unable to entirely cut ties with it, and most of her favorite reading material is academic journals and publications about alien history and cultural development. She does not, however, possess any of her own publications, or indeed any about the Mizarians themselves.


Calling Gila a ‘cook’ would be an insult to the profession, but it is something she enjoys doing when she’s stressed or worried about something. Following a recipe and disconnecting her mind for a while has an almost meditative effect on her, and while her skill is far from excellent, she has started to develop some skill in it after cooking her own food during her Academy years.


A more recent hobby of Gila’s, born out of necessity as the state of her Yeal-robes started deteriorating after Gila’s prolonged absence from her homeworld. She’s not skilled at it by any means, but it is something she practices with dedication and focus, and it allows her to feel closer to something akin to a feeling of home without having to face some complicated feelings directly tied to her past.


Gila has been practicing the Mizarian tradition of Ur’tal - a form of journaling where, before sleeping every night, you write down all that has happened through the day, your emotions and concerns, and then burn the material on which you’ve written. She has a complicated relationship with the tradition, as she has previously attempted to stop it, but found herself becoming increasingly more anxious for each day she didn’t perform it.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Academic work - Reading and peer-reviewing other doctors’ medical journal can seem dry work, but to Gila, it harkens back to a simpler time where she did similar work in the comforts of her home on Mizar II.
  • Exploration - Anything new and unexplored is extremely interesting to Gila, and when she's wrapped up in research, solving a mystery or discovering a new area, she comes fully out of her shell to lay bare the curious and inquisitive young woman she could be.
  • Alien art - Mizarian art is very dry and unimaginative, void of color. Since leaving Mizar II, Gila has developed a fondness for more expressive schools of artwork, partially spurred on by her desire to help her artistic nephew break the mold of Mizarian artistry.
  • Meditation - Spiritualism and faith is something Gila grew up with, and while she doesn’t consider herself religious, she still finds great calm in the act of meditation.


  • Conflict - Gila will actively avoid conflict at almost any cost, often attempting to either extract herself from a situation before it gets heated, or playing peacekeeper, if she sees no other alternative.
  • Being forgotten - Due to certain events in her past, Gila suffers from intense athazagoraphobia - the fear of being forgotten or ignored.
  • Alcohol - Gila has only gotten drunk once in her life, and it is a sensation she never wants to experience again. As such, she rarely partakes in alcoholic drinks.


Koja - Father

Gila and her father had a rocky relationship all through her upbringing, and while no one ever doubted that Gila loved and admired her father very much, her father’s prolonged absences from home and generally strict demeanor towards his daughters has since driven a wedge between the two. This wedge only deepened with Gila’s resignation and subsequent admission to Starfleet Academy.

Cefli - Mother

Gila’s mother had a limited impact on Gila’s upbringing. Busy as she was with her work, she was also completely subservient to her husband when it came to raising their two daughters. There is love between them, but more than anything, Gila has a tough time confiding in her mother due to an underdeveloped relationship. Cefli often asks her eldest daughter Eyla how Gila is doing, though she doesn’t have the courage or will to contact her daughter herself.

Eyla - Older sister

The two Sadar sisters had a tense relationship growing up, often competing for their father’s approval - a competition Gila often lost - but after they grew up, the two sisters have gotten far closer than they ever were as kids. Eyla still maintains communication with her sister, and though she initially had difficulties understanding Gila’s reasons for leaving Mizar II behind, recent developments have led to her understanding far more than she ever hoped she would.

Kolya - Nephew

Kolya is Gila’s nephew, and very much the apple of her eye. Kolya is demonstrating uncharacteristic creativity and drive for a Mizarian, a fact that worries both his grandfather and parents. Many of Gila's conflicts with her law-abiding sister stems from Gila's insistence on supporting Kolya's dreams and ambitions, and this has culminated with Kolya leaving Mizabet to live with Gila aboard the USS Artemis-A. While these living arrangements inspire joy in both of them due to their strong bond, the underlying tensions that prompted it are bound to show themselves sooner or later. Whether Gila and Kolya's strong familial love will survive these revelations remain to be seen...

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Best Friend, Starbase 118 Ops

Madison and Gila took most of the same classes at the Academy while taking their Xenobiology Major, but they didn't really start talking until they both entered Starfleet Medical Academy, and were put on the fast track. Since they both were the 'odd ones out' due to taking both 1st and 2nd year classes simultaneously, they started talking, and the two now have a close relationship. They will often communicate on subspace - with Madison stationed on Starbase 118, and Gila wherever the Artemis is taking her - both just to talk and to provide feedback and constructive criticisms on each other's latest research.

Character Page: Madison Marsh

Close Confidante and Support, USS Ronin

Gila first met Vailani Zoyara when the latter was unconscious in the Artemis' Sickbay, but the first time they spoke was when Gila was being accosted by a particularly hypochrondriac Bolian hybrid in the Brew Continuum on her 'break'. In the aftermath of that encounter, Vailani and Gila became fast accomplices to each other's workaholic tendencies, and enjoyed a good while of companionable working silence. In spite of their radically different tempers, they became fast friends, and while distance has restricted their opportunities to truly lean on each other in times of distress, they still remain in subspace contact with handwritten letters, and even took trips during shore leave together. They recently reunited when LT Vailani was transwarped along with the crew of Amity Outpost to a Borg Cube, that Gila was aboard. Not the ideal reunion, but one that brought a great sense of relief with it. When Vailani returned to the USS Ronin, she did so with Gila in tow, as Gila had been called back to the Mizar System by her family. During their time together on DS9, they supported and assisted each other, and grew ever closer as they helped each other face down troubled pasts and life-altering changes.

Character Page: Vailani Zoyara

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A Tempest of Good Intentions, USS Artemis-A

Vitor Silveira and Gila's relationship was, from the very beginning, characterized by an uneasy balance between friendliness and professionalism. The colloquial ease with which the then-superior consistently discarded all social decorum often caused the secretive Mizarian to be on her guard, and yet, it remained a fact that few aboard the Artemis made her feel as consistently welcome. Through many encounters of a more personal nature, including the regular hangouts that the two share with Lt.Cdr. Jovenan, Gila's guarded behaviour started mellowing, gradually allowing Silveira's infectious joy to brighten her outlook on life. She remains burdened by the knowledge that she can't be as stable a support to him as he was to her in those early days of her service, but now that there is no longer a rank difference to trigger her Mizarian sensibilities, calling the Tactical Chief 'Sil-net' is starting to become more and more natural to Gila's mind... Verdict's still out on whether she's going to be able to call him that to his face, though.

Character Page: Vitor Silveira

Captain, USS Artemis-A

The Captain of the Artemis-A was one of two Starfleet Officers who oversaw Gila and Madison's final test before graduation. Though Gila had little opportunity to converse with her future Captain, she felt both excitement and deep fear at the idea of being assigned to her vessel. While their working relationship started out tested by Gila's fear of what real Starship combat sometimes required of officers, the two were eventually able to have a proper talk about what being a Doctor serving in Starfleet sometimes means. The oath 'Do No Harm' sounds easy, but as Captain Mackenzie says, the job sometimes tests you in ways you'd never imagine. Gila knows that the Captain's words are true, but remains hopeful that she won't understand to what extent for a long while yet...

Character Page: Addison MacKenzie

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A Burdened Shoulder, USS Artemis-A

Gila's first meeting with the Betazoid then-Second Officer was on the surgery table after he endured severe trauma during the Suliban boarding, but in the time that Gila's served on the Artemis, she's had plenty of opportunities to form a more well-rounded opinion on the Lieutenant Commander. He's been a source of comfort in her most troubled times, most recently talking Gila out of a shameful resignation, and while Gila remains undecided on whether the crew is truly better off with her a part of it, she's dedicated to serve to the utmost of her abilities while she's here. She remains deeply concerned about the Lieutenant Commander's general health, as their encounters always give her the general impression of man who carries the world on his shoulders, but how does one ease that burden from someone all too stubborn to accept help?

Character Page: Talos Dakora

A New Chapter, USS Artemis-A

Through no true merit of her own, Ensign Lyara ended up taking center stage in a rather tumultuous time of Gila's life. When Gila returned from her trip home to the Mizar System with her nephew in tow, it was the Bajoran Ensign who piloted the shuttle that was slated to take the three of them back to the USS Artemis, Ensign Lyara and Kolya's new home. Due to their close proximity to each other for that journey, and Lyara being the first Artemisian Kolya encountered, Gila feels that - perhaps - their paths are intertwined. For better or for worse, remains to be seen.

Character Page: Lyara Alroyo

A Competent Colleague, USS Artemis-A

Gila has had limited experience with Ensign Imril thus far, roughly limited to a work-mission to Kahines II where their team participated in a joint excavation effort with a team of Klingon scientists from Brestant. While there, Gila and the Bactrican Ensign spent a lot of time together negotiating work assignments with the Klingon and excavating the First Empire Ruins in the nearby forest, and through it all, the Bactrican Ensign performed in a professional and competent manner. Gila remains at a comfortable distance on a personal level with her junior officer, but professionally, she knows she can count on them.

Character Page: Imril

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A Puzzling Individual, USS Artemis-A

Gila has had limited experience with Lieutenant JG Bergmen up 'till now, limited to the mission to Kahines II where their team participated in a joint excavation effort with a team of Klingon scientists from Brestant. Lieutenant JG Bergmen had already demonstrated questionable professional conduct, including antagonizing their Bajoran pilot with ill-timed jokes about the Cardassian Occupation, and flirting with an Enlisted Officer while on the clock. The string of odd choices continued when Lieutenant JG Bergmen excused himself from a rather important work briefing to attend to his bodily functions, and then loudly interrupted the briefing when returning. All of this being said, the Lieutenant showed a good intuition during the archaeological survey... Perhaps it's simply newbie jitters? If anyone should be familiar with that concept, it should be Gila.

Character Page: Ollie Bergmen

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Familiarity in a New Package, USS Artemis-A

Savel's Vulcan mannerisms have made him something of a safe harbor for Gila as he reminds her of one of her dearest Academy friends. When she required assistance with phaser training - per her counselor's instructions - Lieutenant Savel was the one to come to her aid, and thanks to his logical instructions and intuitive understanding of her behaviour, the training was a success. Gila is certain that the Lieutenant's wisdom will be a great source of comfort to her in the future, and she looks forward to continuing her service with him.

Character Page: Savel

TBD, USS Artemis-A

To Be Determined

Character Page: Kel Solas

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The Lighthouse in the Dark, USS Artemis-A

While in different departments, calling Lt. Commander Jovenan Gila's aspired goal would not be remiss. In the time since joining the Artemis Gila has been able to rely on the professionalism and good sense of the Edo Lieutenant time and again, and while confidence is a rare feeling to Gila, she finds that she's able to better emulate it when considering the bravery with which Lt. Commander Jovenan faces her own fears and insecurities and the kindness that she has showed her. While most of Gila and Jovenan's acquaintance has been overlapping endeavours during the Artemis' many missions, their shared acquaintance - Lieutenant Silveira - has started enabling the two to form an attachment outside of their duties as well, and most recently, the three of them shared a homecooked meal in the Holodeck 2. Hoping to be friends with a superior is very much at odds with how Mizarian Unit Theory works, but in spite of that, Gila finds herself actively seeking out Lt. Commander Jovenan in moments where she feels most insecure, knowing that her leadership will see them through all tasks ahead of them.

Character Page: Jovenan

Bonds Forged in Fire, USS Artemis-A

Gila first encountered the Galadoran Lieutenant JG during a temporal displacement to Romulus prior to the supernova, where the mission profile was to assassinate a Romulan Senator. Beyond her discomfort with the mission profile, Lieutenant Gnai was also Gila's first proper encounter with someone new after her promotion, which triggered a lot of anxious fidgeting for the newly promoted LtJG. This apprehension came to a head when the two of them were the only representatives of the USS Artemis-A sent to reinforce the USS Kitty Hawk during Frontier Day. Facing the crisis of the century amidst strangers forged a dependant bond between Gila and her junior officer, and while she's still not entirely sure she's behaved in a manner befit her station, she feels significantly more at ease when interacting with the Galadoran Ensign now... Probably a side-effect of carrying it in a backpack for two hours.

Character Page: Gnai

A Man of... Healing?, USS Artemis-A

Commander Genkos Adea is a consummate professional in many circumstances and an intolerable tease in most others. The Commander's primary goal in their working relationship is - as far as Gila can tell - to push her as far out of her comfort zone as possible, and while this is an attitude she recognized from others as well (notably Captain MacKenzie herself), the Commander may have pushed her one step too far. On a recent mission, Gila, Cdr. Adea, LT Jovenan and Ens Gnai were all transplaced to Ki Baratan, with a singular goal. To fake the Dominion's assassination on a Romulan Senator. It is perhaps unfair to aim the blame for that mission and the toll it took on her mental state on the Commander - it was a no-win scenario, after all - and yet Gila can't quite help it.

Character Page: Genkos Adea


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Graduation Overseer (and Hero)

Attending the Academy on Starbase 118 from her third year onwards, Gila had to get accustomed to a lot of new things - chiefest of which was life aboard a politically charged Starbase at a nexus point in Space. She followed the careers of the resident senior staff with keen interest - they were, after all, already considered some of the best in Starfleet - and Lieutenant Commander Fairhug was one of these staff members. While her opinion of the majority of Ops' senior staff is based on nothing but respect and admiration, Lieutenant Commander Fairhug turned out to be her CO on her final test before graduation, and Gila spent the better part of the mission under his direct supervision. They say you should never meet your heroes, but the Commander's competent leadership, kind guidance and magnanimous grace only further served to cement him as a figure worthy of respect in Gila's eyes. She realizes he probably won't remember her if they ever meet again, but she nevertheless hopes to conduct her Starfleet career in a way that won't betray the potential he saw in her during her final test.

Character Page: Gogigobo Fairhug

A Klingon... Scientist?

Korras' name was first brought up to Gila in messages from Madison Marsh in their private communications, as a Klingon who was 'extraordinary'. Encountering each other on DS9 during a shared shoreleave - and being able to partake in a shared planetary survey in the Gamma Quadrant during their stay with the Ronin crew - meant that Gila had the opportunity to get to know this 'unordinary' Klingon. Gila would be the first to admit that she has a tendency to prematurely judge people based on appearances and species, but Korras' scientific and methodical outlook on the problems laid out before him impressed upon her that regardless of heritage, Starfleet Officers are the best of the best.

Character Page: Korras


Her Every Weakness in One

Robin Hopper is everything that Gila struggles to deal with. A gregarious senior officer who seems genetically opposed to the concept of proper decorum and hierarchies in power, Lt. Commander Hopper has never shown due diligence in addressing Gila by rank, nor has she ever tried to assume her rightful position with Gila as a senior officer. While Lt. Commander Hopper's instincts as a scientist are top-notch, as evidenced by her instincts during Frontier Day, her snarky approach to the Borg Queen - and frankly self-hazardous conduct during high-risk situations - also test Gila's understanding as a physician. One thing is for sure: If Robin Hopper is involved, Gila's panic sets in at the mere mention of her name.

Character Page: Robin Hopper

First Impressions and All That

Gila has many opinions on many different alien species, and Klingons are no exception. The Klingon Security Officer from Amity Outpost lived up to every single one of Gila's preconceived notions of Klingons during Frontier Day, and worse, she's another example of aliens insisting on using nicknames for complete strangers! It would be bad form to claim that Gila doesn't like LT Iko - as truly, they don't know each other nearly well enough to make such blanket statements - but she is one stranger that Gila will actively avoid at any given moment.

Character Page: Rebecca Iko

Chaos in Sheep's Clothing

As first impressions go, Gila and Sam Richards haven't had the best beginning. First meeting each other aboard a Borg Cube in the Badlands after the Amity Crew got transwarped in from the Delta Quadrant against their will, Gila and the rambunctious civilian didn't have a chance to 'properly' meet each other until they went to Sickbay after returning to the safety of the Artemis. Which was when Gila realized that the civilian scientist with zero military education had attempted to fight back the Borg, by punching one in the face. And broke her hand. Strike 1. After that, Gila joined the Amity Crew aboard the USS Kitty Hawk during the Frontier Day crisis due to her experience with anti-Borg medication, which was when Sam Richards was promptly assimilated into the Collective and tried to kill Gila. Strike 2. Then, 11 weeks later, Sam Richards came back aboard the Artemis, and subjected Gila to the horrible experience of having to perform a pre-natal check-up for the twin fetae of her First Officer, which had infected Sam's uterus by ways of a single night coupling. Strikes 3, 4 and 5 all in one.

In short: Sam Richards is trouble.

Character Page: Samantha Richards

Colleague from my Darkest Day

Doctor Ikaia Wong and Gila met under less than ideal circumstances, with Gila temporarily assigned to the USS Kitty Hawk during Frontier Day. Due to Gila's second-hand knowledge of Anti-Borg pharmacological research, she ended up accompanying the Klingon Doctor on that dark day and together, they managed to synthesize 'Borghistamines', a medical formula that would prevent the remote assimilation signal from controlling their fellow officers. Soon after the crisis had been dealt with, Doctor Wong picked Gila as his surgical assistant for a groundbreaking surgery on an injured Changeling, further building upon their professional relationship. Gila find Doctor Wong a familiar spirit - he reminds her a lot of her colleagues aboard the Artemis - and as a Doctor, she trusts his judgment utterly.

Character Page: Ikaia Wong

The One I Helped

Gila has very few things in life that she feels genuine pride over, but her ability to save LtJG Flint from a life identified by his Borg implants rather than his own character - as well as her success in breaking the Borg Queen's hold over him during the Frontier Day Crisis - had made the Human Lieutenant one such highlight in her life. To say that the two share a personal connection would be a gross exaggeration, as Gila has perhaps exchanged two-three sentences with the man since meeting him, but once a patient of Doctor Sadar, always a patient of Doctor Sadar. And for once, it's a patient who might actually count themselves happy to have been in her care...

Character Page: David Flint

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A Hard Worker on a Bad Day


Character Page: Indrid Yirah

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A Good Woman, a Troubling Superior


Character Page: Alora DeVeau

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The Glitter Felon

If Gila had to describe Doctor Ohnari in one word, it would be 'terrifying'. Gila had hoped to assist the Haliian CMO of the USS Khitomer with the work build-up after the siege on DS33, but the extroverted Doctor had other plans. Those 'other plans' turned out to involve a Bajoran Drag Brunch, and while Gila will never speak on what happened on that fateful day, she will forever hold a special place of fear and distrust in her heart for the outgoing Doctor who was party to her misery that day...

Character Page: Talia Ohnari

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A Corrupting Influence

Captain Karrod Niac of the USS Ronin had been nothing more but an infamous pain in Vailani Zoyara's side to Gila, until events conspired to bring her to DS9 during the Ronin's shore leave there after the Lattice Alliance's siege on DS33. While there, Gila was unwittingly dragged into a cooking class together with Vailani and Captain Niac, and while the rambunctious Captain's renegade ways and mirthful attitude made him far more approachable than Gila would've anticipated, his corrupting influence on the otherwise stoic and hardworking Vailani was noted. Gila still doesn't know whether to feel apprehension or gratitude towards the Captain for his infectuous zest for life, but one thing is for sure: he made quite the impression.

Character Page: Karrod Niac
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Character Page: Alieth

Fellow Black Sheep

Gila first met Ensign Lorana while the latter served aboard the Artemis. During a shoreleave visit to the Caitian Institute of Art, Gila met Luxa's mother, M'aris Lorana, and while Gila’s familiarity with navigating the whims of overbearing parents led to an unlikely friendship with the elder Lorana, she felt an underlying kinship with the ostracized Luxa. They haven't had time to touch base since the Luxa’s transfer to the USS Ronin, but Gila keeps her in her thoughts, and hopes they get to meet gain one day. Black Sheep have to stick together, after all.

Character Page: Luxa Lorana



Character Page: Dekas

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A Kind-Hearted Catalyst for Change

Gila first encountered the Artemis' Chief Engineer during a mandatory drill organized for her and other fellow Ensigns, but it wasn't until the Lieutenant's physical check-up the following shore leave that the two had proper time to talk. During this check-up, LT Yellir accidentally misranked the newly promoted Gila, inadvertently committing one of the greatest social faux pas in Mizarian culture, and resulting in a very tense consultation. This consultation, however, proved a vital turning point for Gila, who'd just weeks prior considered resigning her commission after a particularly trying mission. After all, if she felt so strongly about a new rank - that she wasn't even sure she had earned - was she really ready to give it up? Gila isn't sure she'll ever muster up the courage to admit to the Lieutenant what her harebrained mistake meant to her, but safe to say, Hallia Yellir's made a big impact on Gila's approach to her job in Starfleet.

Character Page: Hallia Yellir

Personal History


    Gila is the younger daughter of Koja & Cefli Sadar. Koja is a Spiritualist and Educator, travelling all of Mizar II to teach the Ways of the Kahlto - 'the Wheel of Existence' - to Mizarian youths and the family's life was completely defined by it. His two daughters were raised with utmost adherence to the pacifist and normconforming ways of the Kahlto, ensuring that they grew up to be good and law-abiding citizens. Gila was unremarkable for most of her youth - intelligent, but not more so than most - and she preferred to keep to herself. Her sister, on the other hand, thrived under their father’s teachings – eventually securing herself a place as a Councillor’s Aide – but Gila’s inquisitive nature often angered her father, and the subsequent discipline enforced on her aimed to quell her curious spirit. It met with apparent success.

    Gila eventually graduated with rather good marks from the History Programme at the Fourth University of Pozaron and worked as a textbook writer for many years. She enjoyed her work immensely, considering it a job that helped enlighten and nurture future generations of the Mizarian people. But then, a survey dig in the northern hemisphere of Mizar II exposed her and her colleagues to something that could potentially shake the Mizarian cultural identity to its core. Pressure immediately came down on the history department to exclude the find from future textbooks, and to not speak of it to the outside world. This caused Gila to have a crisis of faith and she soon quit her job. A historian is only as useful as their integrity, and Gila had none.

    Choosing to go on a spiritual journey of sorts off-world, Gila got a ticket on a transport vessel heading for Mizar IV and the Starfleet colony located there. On the way, a medical emergency happened on board and as her ID identified her as 'Dr. Sadar', Gila was all but pushed to handle the situation. Needless to say, she failed and the individual she’d been charged with perished. This remains a great source of guilt for her. Her time on Mizar IV was defined by her attempt to acclimatize to life away from her people, but she struggled, both because of her rather sheltered lifestyle and because she was the cause a well-liked member of the community had perished en-route. Particularly the man's son showed great distaste for Gila, and the socially awkward Mizarian struggled to bridge the gap between her and the Federation species present on the Colony.

The Academy Years

    Gila’s four years through Starfleet Academy were quiet by comparison – she wasn’t particularly social and merely focused on her work, but compared to many of her peers, her previous university experience helped buffer her through the worst crunches and pitfalls of higher learning. The initial two years were spent on the San Francisco Campus on Earth, and while this was the longest Gila had lived on an Alien planet thus far, she spent the most of her time doing coursework rather than enjoying the novelty of the world around her. She simply worked through the motions of her Degree, choosing to double-major in Xenobiology and Xenology. The latter major led her to move away from Earth again, switching Campuses to the Academy Campus on Starbase 118, where a lauded Xenologist was doing a research project simultaneously with teaching Academy courses. Graduating from the Starbase 118 Academy, she then applied for the on-station Medical School Branch as well. The social aspect of her new calling - patient communication, review boards and ethical guidelines - was all very challenging to her, but she demonstrated great skill and proved a more than adequate physician. Her tenure at Starfleet Medical was shortened to a three-year track due to her already having completed most of the material while doing her Xenobiology Major, and as such, the already socially inept Mizarian had an even harder time bonding with any of her fellow doctors-in-training, as she took both 1st and 2nd year classes concurrently.

    Motivated by the loss of her first - if unofficial - patient back when she first left Mizar II, Gila specialized in triage and emergency care medicine, leading to her achieving the highest grade possible in the Critical Care clinical rotation. Her worst grades were in the courses of ‘Medical Ethics’ and ‘Diagnosis’, as she had the tendency to readily accept others’ diagnoses and orders, and act on them, even if she knew they were wrong. This is something she has worked to correct, but she still shies away from open conflict with fellow doctors and officers. Upon graduation, Gila was assigned to the USS Artemis-A and sent off to Starbase 224 to embark on the next leg of her journey forward.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Student 2393 - 2397 Starfleet Academy
Science Major
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Cadet 2397-2400 Starfleet Medical
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Medical Student
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Ensign 240006.26 - 240101.19 USS Artemis-A
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Medical Officer
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Lieutenant JG 240101.19 - 240109.08
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Lieutenant 240109.08 - Present


Artemis's "Question of the Week" Discoveries
1) 240007.02 - Gila's taste in music relies less on music genre, and more on the message of the lyrics. That being said, she dislikes all music with too much percussion, growling and screaming, and she also shies away from instrumental and classical music genres due to negative association.
2) 240007.16 - Gila identifies as CIS female, but is unaware of her romantic preferences beyond the fact that she's attracted to male-coded behavior.
3) 240008.04 - If Gila was a Disney character, she'd be Belle from "Beauty and the Beast".
4) 240009.06 - If she was in a Teen Movie, Gila'd be part of either the Nerd Clique or the Theater Kids, while secretly wanting to be part of the Emo/Goth crowd.
5) 240009.18 - If viewed through the lens of the Johari Window, what is Unknown about Gila is that she's stronger than she thinks she is, and for the right cause, she's capable of going far beyond what she thinks possible.
6) 240009.26 - Gila believes in the rights of synthetic life forms and the idea that androids can be sentient, intelligent individuals. She would also not be opposed to having a synthetic family-member or significant other.
7) 240010.09 - Gila can't play a musical instrument, but if she had to choose one to learn, it would likely be an ocarina. (Though Gila's not very musically inclined at all.)
8) 240101.04 - Gila's nightmare shoreleave is either a forced stay on Risa or being left behind to relax while the Artemis is off on another mission.
9) 240101.07 - The theme song currently most representing Gila's emotional state/character arc is "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish.

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Artemis-A Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Addison MacKenzie
Genkos Adea.png
Genkos Adea
Helm/Ops Ofc.
Lyara Alroyo
Jovenan Lt 2401.png
Chief Science Ofc.
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Gila Sadar
Sil-Picard Uniform.png
Chief Tactical Ofc.
Vitor Silveira
Ensign Savel.png
Security Ofc.
Security Ofc.
Kel Solas
Chief Eng. Ofc.
Engineering Ofc.
Ollie Bergman LtJG.png
Operations Ofc.
Ollie Bergmen
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