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'''Engineering Officer's log. SD 239405.26.''' The ESPO crew and I met with Constitution Command today... holy crap, I was so nervous I almost threw up over the observation room conference table. The meeting went well enough, though. Tor and Crete really did a fantastic job heading up the meeting, and Frag even kept her Tellarite-ness to a minimum. We got the go-ahead from Captain Rajel and Commander Traenor, on the condition that we isolate Georgio and [[Mark Two]] in a standalone processor during the transition. That would've really put us back, since it's not easy simply building or replicating the kind of large-scale processor that they'd need, but our Bynar crewmen were already working on repairing an old isolinear model that will work just fine. Now I just need to meet with Georgio and Mark... [| Part 1]
'''Engineering Officer's log. SD 239405.26.''' The ESPO crew and I met with Constitution Command today... holy crap, I was so nervous I almost threw up over the observation room conference table. The meeting went well enough, though. Tor and Crete really did a fantastic job heading up the meeting, and Frag even kept her Tellarite-ness to a minimum. We got the go-ahead from Captain Rajel and Commander Traenor, on the condition that we isolate Georgio and [[Mark Two]] in a standalone processor during the transition. That would've really put us back, since it's not easy simply building or replicating the kind of large-scale processor that they'd need, but our Bynar crewmen were already working on repairing an old isolinear model that will work just fine. Now I just need to meet with Georgio and Mark... [| Part 1]

'''Personal log. SD 239406.7.'''
'''Personal log. SD 239406.7.''' I just got in from picking up the AC-20 Micro-Series Krayne Systems bio-neural processor we requisitioned through Starbase 104. Beautiful piece of tech, Tor, Ix, Te and I were practically drooling. Just as we were finish up I got a call from Wyn, and he convinced me to come and have a late night dinner with him, which was great because I was starving... and I got to hang out with him. He's just the best, I have such a good time with him. He'd just finished a double-shift surgery, which is like... holy crap. We teased each other a bunch and we talked about doing... dinner together at his place... which would be great. Maybe after the next mission starts, since I'll be pretty busy finishing up Operation Overclocking, but... I mean, a big work project and a date! I'm... not doing too bad? [| Part 1]

'''Personal log. SD 239406.8.''' T'Reshik showed up in the ESPO, I thought she was going to kill me over what happened the other day... but it turns out she wanted to be my friend? So we ended up getting dinner together, and I got to go into full Vulcan mode, which is always fun. Too bad I couldn't be as good at suppressing my emotions all the time! She's... intense... and was in a... correctional facility? But I actually really enjoyed our conversation... it went to some... interesting places... [| Part 1]
'''Personal log. SD 239406.8.''' T'Reshik showed up in the ESPO, I thought she was going to kill me over what happened the other day... but it turns out she wanted to be my friend? So we ended up getting dinner together, and I got to go into full Vulcan mode, which is always fun. Too bad I couldn't be as good at suppressing my emotions all the time! She's... intense... and was in a... correctional facility? But I actually really enjoyed our conversation... it went to some... interesting places... [| Part 1]

Revision as of 16:06, 15 August 2017

“The sky has eyes. / I don’t have to be afraid.”

Chung Ho-seung, The Stars are Warm
USS Constitution-B
DS9style-ltjg gold.png
DS9style-blank gold.png
Choi Ji-hu
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237202.05
Age 30
Birthplace Asan Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, Earth
Writer ID C239402CJ0
Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg

Russ Bar

SJAS Author
Badge 1.png
Top Sim Round Winner
Badge 1.png
JSCE Author
Badge 1.png

Lieutenant (JG) Choi Ji-hu is currently serving as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Constitution-B.

LCARS Starfleet Personnel Profile

A 16-year-old Ji-hu's image in his STARSHIPS team roster.
  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 145 lb
  • Hair: black, shaggy
  • Eyes: dark brown
  • Build: scrawny, wiry and woefully out of shape, as he jokes a "typical nerd build"
  • Face: wide, bright, curious eyes, a bit of a baby face, quick to smile
  • Carriage: daydreaming, curious, a typical “head-in-the-clouds” type, nervous in groups
  • Off-Duty Clothing: whatever is clean; he hasn’t updated his wardrobe since arriving at Starfleet aside from the occasional gift, and his body type hasn’t changed much, so he still wears clothes that he had as a teenager, and he didn’t know how to dress himself then, either, always wears his wrist mounted PADD console he developed at Starfleet, and a simple necklace with a pendant that is actually a 10 kilobyte encrypted flash storage device
  • Voice: nervous and excitable, a nervous stutter when he’s talking with more than one person, as he has a crushing fear of public speaking
  • Handedness: right-handed
  • Personal Quarters: a small, L-shaped single room, a complete disaster zone, bed unmade, clothes and tech strewn about, replicated plates piled next to his computer console, which dominates the living area, a peace lily his mother gave him that is desperate for watering
  • Personal Effects/Decorations: a strangely out of place, beautiful, sheer golden robe of Hinji cut; a replicated model of the USS Constitution-B hanging from the ceiling over his computer console

LCARS Starfleet Personnel Biography

18-year-old Ji-hu and his mother the night before he left for Starfleet Academy.
  • Parents: Choi Seok (father) and Shin-hye (mother)
  • Siblings: none
  • Marital Status: single
  • Children: none

Ji-hu was born at the Asan Medical Center in Seoul, Korea to Seok, a marketing executive, and Shin-hye, a systems analyst.

As a child, he took an interest in programming under the guidance of his mother. He began developing simple virtual intelligences at a young age, including bringing an imaginary friend to life in his room via holographic projector. One of his most advanced programs is a portable virtual intelligence and interface named Turing. As a teenager the VI kept his schedule of educational and social obligations, did the bulk of his homework and ran various recreational subroutines for Ji-hu and his friends.

In his late teens, on top of developing a talent for online hacking, Ji-hu and his friends got involved in a competitive, code-heavy civilian simulation game, STARSHIPS, where players take complex starship simulations and mod them with their own combat and security programs, then pit the ships against each other one-on-one or in group battles, in real-time. His signature in the STARSHIPS community became elegant cyberwarfare attacks that crippled defensive or life-sustaining systems of the simulation ships.

Ji-hu and his team ended up playing professionally, participating in an international competition in Beijing. One of the judges at “Beijing STARSHIPS International” was a retired Starfleet Tactical Officer, Lt. Commander Lu Ming Shu. After his team took silver in the competition, Lu sought out Ji-hu and encouraged him to use his simulation programs to apply to Starfleet Academy.

Starfleet Academy

Cadet Choi, 19, in formal uniform during an Academy-wide briefing on developments in the Menthar Corridor.

“I double majored in Engineering and Science with focuses on computational systems, advanced mathematics and pathology, and specializations in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence! I wanted to do a minor in Intelligence too, but my course advisor threatened to throw me out of her office if I didn’t factor sleeping into my course load…”

Ji-hu made a promise to himself when he arrived at Starfleet Academy, technologically binding as he programmed the promise into his virtual intelligence assistant. Turing would only help him with scheduling, research, relaxation and the occasional sarcastic encouragement, all the work Ji-hu did in the Academy would be his own.

He, of course, regretted the promise as soon as his courses got underway. During course selection Ji-hu commanded Turing to cross reference his psychological profile and aptitude to then compile an optimized course list to be filed with the Academy. A clerical error put Ji-hu down for a double major, which was a surprise to him when he met with his course advisor to go over his planned course load. She was hesitant to authorize the workload, but when he asked her if he could add a minor in Intelligence she signed off as is and sent him on his way.

He threw himself into his soul-crushing course load with fervour, except for the Core Tactical courses, which he despised—physical exertion being the bane of his sedentary existence. The upside was that, however challenging, he adored his courses, especially his studies in computational systems, nanotechnology, neuroscience, crypto-analysis and artificial intelligence. The downside was that he almost never left his room, made few friends among his fellow students and completely missed out on student life.

Notable Starfleet Academy Projects and Essays

  • Holodeck Program: Reserva de Biosfera de la Mariposa Monarca Annual Migration
  • “Mind Bridges”: Analysis of Contemporary Nanotechnological Treatment in Neurological Disorders
  • Introducing Advanced Generative Cryptosystems In Starfleet Intelligence Gathering
  • Reaching Quorum: Applications of Swarm Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Networks

Full Starfleet Academy Transcript File

Psychological Evaluation

Referral Question: Cadet Choi Ji-hu visited the examiner for the requisite Starfleet Academy psychological evaluation at the beginning of his fourth year of study, and consequent followups. The examiner has submitted her full evaluation, but includes her initial observations and recommendations below.

Observations: When Ji-hu first visited my office he struck me as a shy but bright young man. Over our first two sessions he appeared nervous and mostly answered in one or two word responses unless prompted. When he learned I enjoyed participating in holodeck mysteries in my spare time he opened up significantly, and he spoke at length about his interests and hobbies in computer sciences and programming. In fact, it became difficult to reign in his responses, often.

We spoke at length about his family life. Ji-hu’s parents seem loving and supportive but busy and unimposing on his interests. He has fond memories of working on programming projects with his mother, and travelling with his father. He described one particular memory of camping with his father north of a Mexican biosphere reserve to observe the annual migration of monarch butterflies. I took the opportunity, while he was describing the experience, to take a surface reading of his emotions, and I felt a wealth of passion, complex feeling and empathy beneath his generally nervous exterior.

We spoke about his experiences at Starfleet Academy, and they were overwhelmingly positive. He enjoys his courses and has nothing but good things to say about his instructors and fellow students. With his significant course load I wondered what kind of recreational activities or extracurriculars he participates in. When I asked him he gave me a blank stare. I asked him to list a few people he considers friends, and he did so. I asked him how often he sees those people in person, and he gave me another blank stare. Only one, he said, which was his virtual intelligence assistant. Although he is close with his parents he has never had any other significant, intimate in-person friendships or relationships—the few people he considers “good friends” he knows online. Through conversation I learned that he has an intense fear of public speaking, prefers spending time with people one-on-one, when at all, and avoids groups if at all possible. Paradoxically, he excels at group work and team exercises, although prefers subordinate roles where he can take a background position.

Recommendations: Ji-hu and I spoke at length about issues with his general and social anxiety, for which he has never been treated, but was receptive to discussing and managing. We practiced mindfulness and breathing exercises, which he promised to continue to work on. I explained the process of long term treatment with a counsellor/psychiatrist or medically with a doctor/medication, which he said he would consider.

We also spoke about his reluctance to socialize and, offering personal anecdotes, I explained that working aboard a starbase or starship often tests social bonds and requires great trust with colleagues. After speaking at length, he expressed a genuine desire to make friends wherever his post-Academy career takes him, and we discussed strategies to do so comfortably while also challenging his fears.

If he continues with Starfleet I have no doubt Ji-hu will make an excellent engineer or scientist with a significant amount to contribute to Federation operations. I’m including a note with his file recommending future medical officers and counsellors to actively observe his progress and check in with Ji-hu in regards to his anxiety, social experiences and emotional wellbeing.

Lt. Commander Reesona Ihaa, MD,

Counsellor, Starfleet Academy, San Francisco

Crewmates & Relationships

VI Assistant Turing Initiating Interpersonal Relationship Subroutines. Please see the report prepared:

Wyn Foster.jpg Shar'Wyn Foster
Starfleet Academy/
USS Constitution
Observations: Ji-hu met the snarky but caring Andorian medical officer during his final test at Starfleet Academy, where Shar'Wyn was acting as XO in a holodeck rescue mission. Ji-hu joined an away team with Shar'Wyn in the lead, and the nervous cadet felt uncharacteristically at ease working with him. Ji-hu was pleasantly surprised to find on his first assignment aboard the USS Constitution that Shar'Wyn was serving as the CMO, who saw to his medical examination.

The young ensign later sought out the medical officer in his quarters after an incident on Starbase 104 induced Ji-hu's first panic attack. Typically slow to feel at ease around people, there's something in the Andorian's personality that made an instant impression on Ji-hu, who thinks fondly on Shar'Wyn.
Dag Sindri.png Dag Sindri
USS Constitution

Observations: Ji-hu isn't quite sure how to feel about Lieutenant Dag Sindri. Initial feelings were largely intimidation, terror, dread. Ji-hu decided soon after his assignment to the Constitution's Main Engineering that he would avoid Dag at all costs, but this proved impossible when he found himself on mission to Starbase 104, where he worked with Dag, Lieutenant Damian Wynter and Ensign Tad Cooper to foil a plot that would have thrown suspicion on an entire race involved in delicate negotiations through sabotage of critical infrastructure. Ji-hu found this Lieutenant gruff, funny and pleasant to work with. Time will tell how their professional friendship/enmity develops further.
TraenorCommand.jpg Maxwell Traenor
USS Constitution

Observations: Ji-hu feels that he and Maxwell Traenor, despite their brief acquaintance, have been through things. They met when an Academy instructor of Ji-hu's introduced them aboard Starbase 104. Maxwell made Ji-hu feel incredibly welcome as a peer and shared Ji-hu's first taste of what would turn into excessive amounts of recreational alcohol. Streets were stumbled through, clothing was lost, a mob was angered, several arrests were made, and Ji-hu found himself along with Maxwell and two fellow officers in the Starbase brig. Throughout it all, Ji-hu enjoyed Maxwell's down-to-earth personality and the older man's quiet strength and leadership. Ji-hu's secret hope is to work with Maxwell more closely during his time aboard the Constitution.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239402.12 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineering/Science
Ensign 239402.13 - 239404.30 USS Constitution-B Engineering Officer
Lieutenant JG 239404.30 - Present USS Constitution-B Engineering Officer

Starfleet Command Career Summary

Ensign Choi Ji-hu was assigned as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Constitution-B following the completion of Starfleet Academy. The Constitution was in the beginning stages of a mission in the Marchlands, where they docked at Starbase 104 to negotiate settlement rights over a planet in the Leron system.

... Ensign Choi somehow ended up in the starbase big on his first day aboard the Constitution... yes, it says that right here in his file... although apparently the charges of theft and inciting disorderly conduct were unfounded. He aided the Engineering department in foiling a sabotage plot, distinguishing himself in a firefight. He was awarded the Legion of Merit alongside his fellow operations division officers, and received a Peacekeeping Service Ribbon, as well as a promotion to Lieutenant (JG).

With his new rank, he was instated as provisional head of the Engineering Systems Programming Office, a division of engineering that oversees computational systems aboard larger starships.

Notable Starfleet Career Contributions

Mission Logs


Prologue: "Academy Days"

Cadet's log, as compiled by VI Turing, SD 239105.10. Ji-hu received a message today from a Cadet (Third Class) Colleen Bancroft, inviting him to take part in private unarmed combat training after hours with the goal of ameliorating his grade. Cadet Choi is currently failing TAC101 (Combat, Unarmed). (Administrator's note: I really hope my parents never read this...) Ji-hu met Cadet Bancroft at a Mike's Dojo, a business in San Francisco, and they began working on the basics of unarmed combat. Ji-hu is discouraged, and feels that this will not help him improve his standing. Part 1

Cadet's log, as compiled by VI Turing, SD 239105.17. Ji-hu has been training with Cadet Bancroft for a week and feels he has made a breakthrough in unarmed combat. (Administrator's note: Well... I'm not going to be an A-student, but I'm starting to think I'll actually pass.) Ji-hu notes that Cadet Bancroft is the first person he's spent significant social time with, even if its in an academic context. The two have shared details of each others' lives. Ji-hu is also starting to learn to "actually fall." Part 1

Personal log log, SD 239105.31. Turing, clear all logs for the past twelve hours. I spent the evening with Colleen and her girlfriend, Grace. We enjoyed a stroll around downtown San Francisco. It was a beautiful night for a completely innocent walk. Part 1

Cadet's log, SD 239401.02. I ran another simulation with Commander T’Mas today... I feel like I pulled one over on her. The exercise was to stop her ship from scanning and downloading sensitive information. I let her think she had gotten a chunk of it before inserting some malware into the data, which would have corrupted that and any network it got into... which would have been fun! She didn't think it was a very funny plot. I'm going to miss her when classes are done soon. The final exam is coming up really fast! Part 1


Mission I: "Peacemakers"

Engineering Officer's log, as compiled by VI Turing, SD 239402.28. Freshly graduated Ensign Choi Ji-hu arrived aboard the USS Constitution-B, his first assignment as an engineering officer. Clarification: barely arrived, as the Constitution was already underway on their way to Starbase 104, where the crew will be participating in peace negotiations between two races. Ji-hu is graciously insistent that he will not be participating in the peace talks, as his arrival was eventful enough for him. After he and fellow graduate Ensign Jason Craig briefly introduced themselves to Captain Rajel and Commander Mason aboard the bridge, Ji-hu touched base with Chief of Intelligence Solaris McLaren before reporting to main engineering. A mistake, as on-duty Lieutenant Dag Sindri was insistent his crew receive the requisite medical examination before working. Clarification: very insistent. Ji-hu was pleased to be attended to by Chief Medical Officer Shar'Wyn Foster during his examination, and the two promised they would see each other again soon, although the ensign failed to report for his stress test. Ji-hu also speculated on a program that would allow him to avoid Lieutenant Sindri. (Administrator's Note: Uh, Turing, maybe leave those last two parts out.) Part 1

Engineering Officer's log, as compiled by VI Turing, supplemental. Ensign Choi submits his report of modifications to an officer's quarters and hoverchair following a maintenance request, for reviewal. While working on Systems Wide Diagnostics after returning to his duties in main engineering, Commander Akeelah D'Sena, an injured security officer, put in an insistent in-person request for hoverchair modifications to provide greater autonomy. Clarifications: very insistent, greater autonomy of bodily functions. Ji-hu enjoyed his first foray into the Constitution on duty, and equally enjoyed the work. He was also greatly interested in D'Sena's Rodulan artwork. (Administrator's Note: Turing, can you remind me what those Rodulan sculptures are called? I forgot already...) Part 1

Personal log, as compiled by VI Turing, SD 239402.28. (Compiler's Note: Ji-hu has asked me to keep this log concise.) A visit to Starbase 104 on shore leave proved disastrous. (Administrator's Note: Come on, Turing... maybe... difficult? At least mildly disastrous?) Clarification: mildly disastrous. After visiting the Hinji bazaar on Promenade-07, a chance encounter with a former Academy professor and Starbase 104's Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Iel'ue, led to an evening of recreation with Commander Maxwell Traenor and Ensign Ahmose Hebeny that, through a series of events, landed the four officers in the starbase brig. Captain Rajel bailed them out, showing signs of stress, before she returned to the negotiations. (Administrator's Note: Or not, as it turned out.) Ji-hu experienced a panic attack on return to the Constitution and sought medical attention from Dr. Foster. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Engineering Officer's log, as compiled by VI Turing, supplemental. Ensign Choi was ordered by Lieutenant Dag Sindri, on assignment to Starbase 104, to report for duty following a light attack in the Starbase's Linaran Nightshade District. Assuming he was still confined to the Constitution, Ji-hu reported to the bridge to coordinate engineering efforts, where Lieutenant McLaren and Commander Traenor let him know the confinement had been lifted, given the circumstances. While coordinating efforts from the engineering console, Ji-hu worked with Lieutenant McLaren to probe into the distribution of ohan aboard the Starbase using blackNET. Lieutenant Damian Wynter, working with Sindri, contacted Ji-hu to analyze a small device found by a civilian in the maintenance tunnel, which turned out to be an EM pulse device rigged to explode when repairs were made to power consoles. Ji-hu transported to the maintenance tunnels, warning the officers where he met Ensign Tad Cooper, a security officer working alongside Wynter and Sindri. Cooper and Ji-hu attended to a panel that Sindri had repaired, preparing for a system bypass in order to avoid activating other sabotaged power arrays, but they discovered a group of Linaran opposition members who had organized the light attack to frame throw suspicion on the Hinji. The four officers worked together to defeat the bumbling rebels before completing the bypass. Lieutenant Wynter discovered the rebels had accidentally left the EM pulse devices unarmed, before Ji-hu delivered evidence of the rebels plot to the Starbase's chief of security. (Administrator's note: Holy crap, what a night...) Part 1

Shore Leave I

Personal log, SD 239402.29. After realizing that I needed to decommission the partitioned terminal I had assigned to observe the ohan trade aboard Starbase 104, I took my data and reports to Lieutenant McLaren. Our conversation was... uncomfortable... I'm not quite sure what to make of her, but then again, I guess she wouldn't be an intelligence officer if a computer programmer with the social skills of a Klingon shell squid could read her. She seemed concerned that I'd left Turing observing the partitioned console's activity, but after a brief conversation with my VI she was satisfied, and even seemed interested in a VI of her own. I've downloaded an administrative program and might work on a little something later. Part 1

Personal log, supplemental. Counsellor Taurek called me to his office without much warning... which was a bit terrifying. I haven't spoken with a Counsellor since Commander Ihaa at the Academy. It was pretty nerve wracking at first... but weirdly enough, talking to a Vulcan about my feelings was really helpful. Taurek encouraged me to try making a habit of practicing breathing exercises, and to... uh... Turing, can you read my notes back? (VI Assistant: Thoughts: Will cause inconvenience to others, Feelings: ANXIETY, Behaviour: social avoidance. MORE DATA.) Thanks Turing. I need to fill in that chart he showed me, find examples. I feel... good about going. I'm glad I did... Turing, can you interface with the Counselling Appointment request and-- Part 1

Personal log, supplemental. I decided to try to meditate like Commander Ihaa had taught me, on Counsellor Taurek's recommendation. Finishing up my studies at the Academy, I admittedly wasn't very good at keeping up with my mindfulness exercises like I'd promised I would. I found a weird little section of the Constitution's arboretum, a memorial to the destruction of Ohmallera on Betazed... I hadn't realized until that moment that the Constitution was the ship responsible for destroying an entire city... still, it was a beautiful, secluded section of the garden, perfect for relaxing. As I tried to meditate I fell asleep, and had a dream... can't remember what about, but when I woke up I was inspired. I have this idea for a scientific theory paper on the Hinji's "shapeshifting"... maybe I'll even submit it to the science journal! So much for meditating though. Part 1

Personal log, supplemental. I just got in from a party thrown on one of the Constitution's holodecks... holy crap! Not only did I receive two service ribbons for the mission aboard Starbase 104... but I got promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade! I couldn't believe it! Jeez, what else happened? My head's still spinning! I met Saveron, a new Vulcan officer, and Lieutenant McLaren got promoted too! She's a full Lieutenant now! Oh! And Commander Traenor got promoted to the Executive Officer! I got to speak with him afterwards, and I babbled on about my butterfly holodeck program, but he actually seemed really interested, and told me about the bar program he'd thrown the party in! We might do some holodeck work, which would be... really nice! Also, I hung out with Lieutenant... uh... Rue Blackwell, and Lieutenant Wynter, and Commander Foster, and we might be going out for dinner and a movie on the starbase tomorrow night. Hopefully it won't be as... eventful as my last trip to the starbase... Part 1

Personal log. SD 239402.31. Well, that was one of my strangest interactions aboard the Constitution so far, and that's saying something. I talked with Mom and Dad last night after the party, and Dad thought my hair was getting long, so I booked an appointment with a holographic hairstylist aboard the Constitution. I should have done a bit more research, because I ended up booking a tertiary holodeck with Georgio, an Emergency Holographic Hairstylist with a physical salon aboard the Constitution! He was... well... Georgio... but the haircut wasn't bad. I do find it strange that a sentient holographic being would constrict itself to cutting hair. Maybe that's Georgio's programmers fault? At some point I'm going to spend some time with Georgio and the ship's Emergency Medical Hologram, Mark Two. A scientific exercise. The haircut was... good, actually Part 1

Engineering Officer's log. SD 239402.31. Lieutenant Sindri got in touch with me this morning... uh, afternoon and called me to present myself to Main Engineering. When I got there, he explained that he had a... "new assignment" for me as one of my first duty's as a Lieutenant. I'm provisionally being assigned as the Engineering Systems Programming Office head! Me! Why?! He took me down to the ESPO where I met Ensigns Tor, Frag, Creet Berenez and Crewmen Ix & Te... I stayed and chatted with them for a few minutes afterwards. I think Ensign Tor hated me from the moment I walked in... apparently they were acting office head after Lieutenant Sarolk retired a few months ago. Tor acted like everything was just fine, but I reviewed the maintenance requests and routine reviews that have been piling up, and there's a lot of them! What am I going to do?! I can't run an office, even one as piddly as ESPO! Part 1

Personal log, supplemental. I'm really nervous! I'm getting ready to go out with Commander Foster, Lieutenant Wynter and Lieu--I mean... Rue. We're planning to meet at a Korean fast food place on the starbase before catching Gunslingers of New Earth... I haven't been to a movie in so long! And Commander Foster says we're going to go out for drinks after that. I was thinking I might go to the restaurant early to... test the kimchi fries. Yeah, I think I'm going to do that. Part 1

Personal log. SD 239403.13. I ran into Commander Foster's roommate, Oz today in the arboretum... or, I guess he ran into me. I was meditating when he dropped in on the section I like, in front of the Ohmallera memorial. We talked for a bit about the attack on Betazed, and even though I made an idiot of myself, he's a really nice guy. We ended up grabbing some food together and I talked him through the gravitational physics portion of the Starfleet entrance exam! Part 1

Engineering Officer's log. SD 239403.16. I've spent some time in the ESPO and have been observing the crew... and I've learned a lot about them just by listening to the way they bicker. There are some major problems with the way the office has been functioning, and other departments have been having to pick up the slack, so as provisional office heard I finally rolled out my action plan today... the first step is getting the backlog of higher priority service requests and diagnostic reviews out of the way before shore leave is over. I grouped Ensign Tor with Crewmen Ix and Te, and then Ensign Frag with Ensign Berenez to try and... broaden their skillsets by working with one another? They actually took the orders a lot easier than I thought they would, but the big shocker came when I told them my big project. I'm committing the office to some strategic retrofitting and systems upgrades to bring the ship's computer system up to a Class XXI and improve the computer system by .015%... it sounds crazy just saying it out loud, I don't know what's come over me! Part 1

Personal log. SD 239403.20. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I have a date with Commander Foster tomorrow?! Part 1

Personal log, supplemental. Turing, this may be my last will and testament. I lost a bet with Ensign Frag and I'm going to be a substitute for her rec Parrises Squares team. And she's making me go through with it. I have a feeling even stepping on the court will kill me, it's that kind of game. If I die, initiate subroutines to have my files sanitized in the event my parents receive them as part of my personal effects; delete my browser history. Part 1

Personal log. SD 239403.21. I just... got in from my date with Commander... with Wyn. He picked me up, and instantly took care of my black eye... which was really nice of him. Then we went to the Sunset Lagoon on Starbase 104 and it was... well, the whole evening was really something else. I feel like I learned so much about Wyn! It was amazing just talking with him, enjoying some burgers and drinks! And he hugged me at the end. I can't believe it, my first date... and it wasn't a complete disaster! And we're going to do something else later! Part 1

Personal log. SD 239403.30. I had a strange visit from Ensign T'Reshik, a Vulcan science officer aboard the Constitution. She was hoping I could trace the origin of a message sent from a Vulcan civilian account, since the person who sent it claimed to be one of her biological parents, who put her up for adoption. I... well... it's complicated. I sent her away and she didn't seem too suspicious... ugh, what a mess to find myself in on a day off. Part 1

Engineering Officer's log. SD 239405.26. The ESPO crew and I met with Constitution Command today... holy crap, I was so nervous I almost threw up over the observation room conference table. The meeting went well enough, though. Tor and Crete really did a fantastic job heading up the meeting, and Frag even kept her Tellarite-ness to a minimum. We got the go-ahead from Captain Rajel and Commander Traenor, on the condition that we isolate Georgio and Mark Two in a standalone processor during the transition. That would've really put us back, since it's not easy simply building or replicating the kind of large-scale processor that they'd need, but our Bynar crewmen were already working on repairing an old isolinear model that will work just fine. Now I just need to meet with Georgio and Mark... Part 1

Personal log. SD 239406.7. I just got in from picking up the AC-20 Micro-Series Krayne Systems bio-neural processor we requisitioned through Starbase 104. Beautiful piece of tech, Tor, Ix, Te and I were practically drooling. Just as we were finish up I got a call from Wyn, and he convinced me to come and have a late night dinner with him, which was great because I was starving... and I got to hang out with him. He's just the best, I have such a good time with him. He'd just finished a double-shift surgery, which is like... holy crap. We teased each other a bunch and we talked about doing... dinner together at his place... which would be great. Maybe after the next mission starts, since I'll be pretty busy finishing up Operation Overclocking, but... I mean, a big work project and a date! I'm... not doing too bad? Part 1

Personal log. SD 239406.8. T'Reshik showed up in the ESPO, I thought she was going to kill me over what happened the other day... but it turns out she wanted to be my friend? So we ended up getting dinner together, and I got to go into full Vulcan mode, which is always fun. Too bad I couldn't be as good at suppressing my emotions all the time! She's... intense... and was in a... correctional facility? But I actually really enjoyed our conversation... it went to some... interesting places... Part 1

Engineering Officer's log. SD 239406.10. We did it! I just got in from transferring Mark and Georgio into the new dedicated bio-neural processor, and they seemed totally fine! I've never been so nervous, and it was the first time I really felt like there were lives in my hands... Holy crap, I don't even know what I'm saying. It's after midnight and the new mission starts tomorrow... today... Turing, compile all my notes I've made into full specifications so I can pass my report along to Main Engineering... and maybe I'll even submit it to the Engineering Corps Journal! Part 1

Mission II: "Blind Spot"

Engineering Officer's log. SD 239406.10.

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
Russ Bar 239406.19
USS Constitution
The Russ bar is awarded to a writer whose knowledge of Trek lore is extraordinary. Named for Tim Russ, the actor who played Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager, who was already a dedicated Star Trek fan before securing the role on the show.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239406.19
USS Constitution
The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement First Class. This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to ensure quality in their writing.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239402.12
USS Constitution
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 239404.30
USS Constitution
Awarded to an individual who has distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239404.30
USS Constitution
Awarded to an individual who participates in, and successfully completes, a mission where keeping the peace is the primary goal.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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