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||Image = TWhittaker.png
|NAME = Theo Whittaker
|FirstName = Theo Michelangelo
|SHIP = StarBase 118 Ops
|LastName = Whittaker
|RANK = Captain
|Ship = USS Columia
|Station = Yes
|POST = Civilian
|UserName = Whittaker
|COLOR = Gold
|Rank = Captain
|SPECIES = Human
|Style = RetroSlanted
|GENDER = Male
|Post = Commanding Officer
|Color = Red
|Species = [[Terran]]
|Gender = Male
|BIRTHPLACE = T'Pol's Landing, Archer IV.
|Serial = MM-120-848
|IMAGE = Theo Whittaker Captain.png
|BirthMonth = 10
|BirthDate = 18
|BirthYear = 2364
|BirthPlace = Archer IV
|Extra =
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|Featured Bio of StarBase 118|1
|Featured Bio of StarBase 118|1
|SOTFA Ship Commendation|1
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|To Boldly Go|1
|Halloween Avatar Contest Runner Up|1
{{Ribbons Rack
{{Ribbons Rack
|Captain's Commendation|1
|Captain's Commendation|1
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|1
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|First Contact Ribbon|3
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|Innovation Ribbon|4
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|Explorer's Ribbon|1
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|Purple Heart|4
|Purple Heart|4
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|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon|1
|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon|1
|Silver Star|1
|Silver Star|1
|Starship Commander Ribbon|1
|Starship Commander Ribbon|1
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|Russ Bar|1
|Xalor Clan Xifilis Award|1
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|Sarek Star|1

'''Captain Theo Michaelangelo Whittaker''' is the {{age|2364|10|18}} year old Commanding Officer of the [[USS Columbia]] one of the vessels attached to the [[Andaris Task Force]]. Previously, he was the Commanding Officer of the [[USS Blackwell|U.S.S. Blackwell]] and Executive Officer of [[StarBase 118 Ops|StarBase 118 Operations]]. Prior to his move to the command division, he was the Chief Engineer of the Columbia under Captain [[Ben Livingston]] and subsequently Commander [[Brek]].  He has also served as an instructor and examiner for [[Starfleet Academy]] at the satellite campus aboard [[StarBase 118]].

Theo was born and raised on Archer IV largely by hs father - a professor of ancient Terran literature at The University of Tucker's Landing- who intended for his son to follow in the footsteps of his family and enter a life of academia, as all the male members of the Whittaker family had done for centuries. This expectation caused a great deal of friction between Theo and his father- with Theo wanting to find his own path in life. Eventually, when Theo was 16 he ultimately decided that he wanted to join Starfleet to follow in his mother's footsteps (who presently serves as the commanding officer of the ''U.S.S. Orb of Prophecy & Change'') who he is closer to, despite the vast distances often involved. Theo failed his academy exam twice before being accepted on his third attempt. The defiance of his father's led to an estrangement between father and son that was not resolved at the time of his father's death, when Theo was a second year engineering cadet. This often fraught and complex relationship has had long last psychological repurcussions for Theo, namely self-doubt and anxiety.

{{header|maroon|Starfleet Career Statistics}}
'''Theo Michelangelo Whittaker''' is a {{age|2364|10|18}}-year old Starfleet officer, currently assigned to '''[[StarBase 118 Ops|StarBase 118 Operations]]''' as a '''Fleet Reconstruction Specialist'''. Having previously retired from Starfleet, his commission was reactivated in the wake of the '''Battle of Frontier Day''' in 2401. 
* Starfleet Serial Number: MM - 120 - 848
* Training Facility: [[Starfleet Academy]], Sol III, Sector 001, 2389-2392
A Starfleet officer between 2392 and 2397, Whittaker ascended through the ranks to become the Commanding Officer of the now- decommissioned ''USS Columbia''- the first Federation vessel to be permanently assigned to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Following the ship's decommissioning, he briefly served as a Consultant for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, assessing starship suitability for the Warp XV programme.
* Major: Engineering
* Minor: Starship Operations
The only child of the late Josiah and Madeline Whittaker, Theo was born on October 18th 2364 at the T'Pol's Landing University Hospital. His father was a professor of English Literature at the university and his mother was a Starfleet officer. Theo's decision to follow his mother in Starfleet led to an acrimonious rift with his father who had hoped he would follow him into a life of academic study. This rift was, unfortunately, not mended by the time that his father passed away in November 2389.
* Supplimentary Data File: [[Theo Whittaker/Academy Transcript|Academy Transcript]]
* Commisioned: Stardate 239203.22
* Current Rank: Captain
* Current Assignment: Commanding Officer [[USS Columbia]]
{{Heading|Statistics & Service Record|Red}}
* '''Full Name''': Theo Michelangelo Whittaker
* '''Species''': Human
* '''T/E Rating''': T0/E0
* '''Date Of Birth''': 236410.18
* '''Age''': {{age|2364|10|18}}
* '''Place Of Birth''': Archer IV
* '''Hometown''': T'Pol's Landing
* '''Gender''': Male
* '''Medical History''': Forthcoming
* '''Bachelor of Science (with Honors) In Engineering''': 2392, Starfleet Academy, Earth.
===Starfleet Career===
* '''[[StarFleet Serial Number Register|Serial Number]]''': MM - 120 - 848
* '''Training Facility''': Starfleet Academy, Earth, 2388-2392
* '''Major''': Impulse Propulsion
* '''Minor''': Starship Operations Procedures
* '''Supplementary File''': Forthcoming
* '''Commissioned''': 2392
* '''Current Rank''': Captain
* '''Current Assignment''': StarBase 118 Operations
{{Heading|Personal Appearance|Red}}
===Anthropometric Data===
* '''Height''': 1.85m (6ft 1in)
* '''Weight''': 69kgs (152lbs)
* '''Hair''': Black
* '''Eyes''': Hazel
* '''Build''': Athletic
* '''Skin Tone''': Caucasian
* '''Handedness''': Right
Theo speaks with a South English accent, something that was engineered by his father that he has never been able to shake.
As a junior officer Theo was noted for being rather reserved and often this was mistaken for shyness. Rather, this was a result of being raised primarily by his domineering father in an aristocratic household as well as his repressed grief at his father's passing in 2389. Over time, he was able to open himself up to others and find his voice through the gentle encouragement of friends aboard the Columbia.
As a command-level officer, Theo was noted for his friendliness and willingness to engage in banter with members of his crew. Now very much a 'people person', Theo could often be found at the centre of social situations off-duty (usually of his own making) without dominating the conversation. On duty, he was an assertive but encouraging captain, preferring to be addressed as 'captain' instead of 'sir' (an honorific he was never been comfortable with). When dealing with threats to Columbia, he is known for his fierce protectiveness and being forthright. In one instance he was able to talk a mercenary captain down from a foolhardy attack upon the ''Columbia''.
===Facial Hair===
Theo began experimenting with growing a beard during his assignment aboard [[StarBase 118]], although he could not quite decide whether he liked it or not. He attended SB118 Fashion Week with a beard although shaved it off soon after. It was not until January 2396 that he finally settled on one that he was comfortable with. Interestingly, after deciding on a style, a number of officers aboard the Columbia grew similar beards.
Following his retirement from Starfleet, Theo shaved off his beard, although has subsequently allowed stubble to regrow.

Theo is of average stature for a human male from Archer IV, standing at 5ft 8' (or 1.76 meters) and weighs approximately 152lbs (69kgs). He keeps himself in shape via thrice weekly visits the gymnasium aboard the Columbia giving him a slim but toned appearance. He keeps his black hair short and prefers to wear it with his natural curls which has earned him the nickname of 'Mr. Perfect Hair' from his former colleague Lieutenant Commander [[Antero Flynn]]. He has Caucasian skin and has uncommonly bright hazel eyes.

=== Tone/Voice ===
{{Heading|Personal Life|Red}}
Due to being raised mostly by his father, whose family can trace their heritage back to the old British aristocracy, Theo speaks with a distinct old British accent known as 'received pronouncation' and has a tendency to be unusually eloquent as a result, although he has found that he has become more relaxed with his vocabularly as he has become more comfortable in his skin. He has a tendency to smile a lot, especially when dealing with his friends and colleauges. Perhaps as a result of his tenure as Captain [[Sal Taybrim]]'s Executive Officer aboard [[StarBase 118 Ops]] he also has a habit of communicating with his eyes.
Theo is known for his love of clothes and sees it as a form of self-expression and identity. Additionally he believes that if one takes pride in their appearance, they will feel better in themselves. He favours casual but tailored pieces. On more formal occasions, Theo prefers to wear tailored suits with elaborate detailing.  

As a Commanding Officer, Theo operates a relaxed style of command, encouraging many of the crew to call him by his given name when off duty and being extremely encouraging in everything they do. On duty, he does expect to be called by his rank when on-duty, although he prefers to be called by that over "sir", which he equates to his difficult childhood as his father insisted Theo call him by that honorific. He has displayed extreme discomfort at being referred to as 'sir' on a number of occasions. His amenable command style has seen him host soirees and attend various off-duty staff gatherings and he frequently greets newly arriving officers to the station by personally giving them a guided tour. He has also displayed a dry, sarcastic sense of humour which some have noted is used in difficult situations as a defense mechanism.
During the two years he was stationed aboard [[StarBase 118]] he frequently attended SB118 Fashion Week and was a patron of many of the [[StarBase 118 Commercial Sector|Commercial Sector's]] independent boutiques. He is a noted fan of Andorian designer Shrelanaleth zh'Narrash as well as the Luna-based tailor Rowena Cassidy. The latter provided him with a suit to attend SB118 Fashion Week in 2394, the last before he was transferred to the [[USS Columbia]].

{{header|maroon|Personal Life}}
===Personal Effects===
[[File:Tessdurbervilles.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Theo's first edition of Tess of the d'Urbervilles given to him as a present from his father for graduating from university]]Theo is not a collector of material things and therefore he has few treasured possessions. Regardless, there are a small number of objects and trinkets that he genuinely cares for:
[[File: Offquart.jpg|left|150px]] Theo's quarters aboard the Columbia are located on Deck 2, Section Alpha and, along with the Executive Officer's Quarters, are the closest cabins to the bridge which allows him quick access to it in the event of an emergency.  He keeps personal touches to a minimum, however he does have several model starships on display and a series of ancient human novels in first editions, given to him by his father for his 15th birthday. He is fastidious with his cleaning, which is surprising considering that he spends very little time in his quarters unless it is to sleep- even off duty (he spends much of his off duty in his ready room, on the holodeck, lurking in Engineering or visiting his friends aboard the Columbia).

* '''A collection of hard bound first edition books of ancient Terran literature'''. These were given to him by his father in commemoration of attaining his degree in Terran Literature in 2396. Some of the novels include classics such as ''Tess of the d'Urbervilles'', ''Far From The Madding Crowd'', ''Great Expectations'' and ''Jane Eyre''.

* '''A mixology set''': During this time stationed aboard [[StarBase 118]] Theo came to be known as something of an amateur mixologist. The set was brought for him as a housewarming present by close friend and confidant [[Mirra Ezo]] after he moved to the station's Commercial District. Despite his interest in mixology waning since his departure from the station, he has kept the set as a reminder of his friendship with Mirra.

===Hobbies and Interests===
* '''Miniature of the [[USS Columbia]]''': A direct result of his love of his first assignment, Theo kept a model of the ''Columbia'' on the desk in his office aboard ''[[StarBase 118]]'' and later the ''[[USS Blackwell]]'' and the ''USS Columbia''. It now resides on a small table in his living room on Archer IV.
When not on duty, Theo is a keen amateur mixologist and could- before the aforementioned destruction of his apartment- often be found in his kitchen perfecting his favourite cocktails or attempting to create new receipes. Somewhat of an old-fashioned traditionalist, his favourite cocktail (and drink of choice) is the classic Manhattan Cosmopolitan, which is he renowned for ordering on a night out. Since assuming command of the [[USS Blackwell]] he has little time to indulge this pastime, but he continues to try as and when he can.

Theo is also a follower of fashion and when not on duty. As previously mentioned he is also noted for the attention that he lavishes on his hair earning him the moniker 'Mr. Perfect Hair' from Columbia's pilot Lieutenant Commander [[Antero Flynn]].
* '''Restrictions''': None.
* '''Coffee''': Cream, no sugar. He tends to favour Earth blends (notably from Africa) but also enjoys Bajoran and Andorian blends.
* '''Tea''': Chamomile, Bajoran ''mapa'' leaf, lemon and ginger as well green tea.
* '''Alcohol''': London Dry Gin & Tonic Water.
* '''Favourite Meal''': Spaghetti Carbonara with ''hasperat'' loaf.

Possibly due to his aristocratic upbringing, Theo is also a lover of fine food and often dined out in one of many restaurants aboard [[StarBase 118]], although this did attract the ire of then-Chief Medical Officer, Doctor [[Mirra Ezo]] who placed Theo on several 'meal plans'- which he often ignored. Interestingly, despite his predilection for high society cuisine, his favourite food is in fact his mother's spaghetti carbonara.
===Hobbies & Interests===
* '''Hobbies''': Classic Terran literature, mixology (former hobby), Starfleet technical manuals, hiking, fashion.
* '''Favourite Colour''': Dusty pink.

[[File:Josiah Whittaker.jpg|thumb|left|Josiah Whittaker.]][[File:Whittaker mother.jpg|thumb|Captain Madeline Whittaker.]]
* '''Spouse''': Thraniikhalib ch’Tellak (m. 2998).
*'''Spouse''': None
* '''Children''': None.
*'''Children''': None
* '''Parents''':
*'''Father''': Josiah Peregrine Whittaker (deceased, 2387)
** '''Mother''': Captain Madeline Christina Whittaker, Commanding Officer ''USS Orb of Prophecy & Change''. (Deceased, 2399).
*'''Mother''': Madeline Christine Whittaker (neé Lawson)
** '''Father''': Professor Josiah Whittaker: Lecturer of Terran Literature, University of T'Pol's Landing (Deceased, 2389).
* '''Siblings''': None.
Theo's relationship with his father was often strained as he often chafed at his father's insistence that he follow him into an academic life. Additionally his father expected Theo to refer to him as 'sir' rather than 'father'- which might explain why Theo dislikes the honorific. Instead of a life in academia, Theo enrolled in Starfleet Academy, which resulted in the complete breakdown of his relationship with his father. This estrangement was not resolved when his fathers passed away in 2389.
In contrast, he shared a close relationship with his mother.
{{Heading|Early Life & Starfleet Career|Red}}
=== Childhood & Teenage Years===
[[File:Madeline Whittaker1.png|thumb|left|200px|Captain Madeline Whittaker, Theo's mother]]
[[File:JosiahWhittaker.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Professor Josiah Whittaker, Theo's father]] Theo Michelangelo Whittaker was born on Stardate 236410.18 at the T'Pol's Landing University Hospital on Archer IV to Josiah and Madeline Whittaker. Though she took an extended leave of absence to raise Theo, Madeline returned to her career in Starfleet when he was 7 years old taking an assignment aboard the ''USS Sparrow'' which was permanently assigned to the Archer Sector. This allowed her to be close to her only son and be an effective co-parent with her husband. From an early age, Theo displayed an interest and aptitude with technology and by a teenager he harboured a desire to become an engineer in the Federation [[Starfleet]]. Despite this, his father insisted he abandoned these dreams and wanted Theo to devote himself to a life of academic study as he and his father had before him. Although reluctant, Theo complied with his father's wish although this often led to their relationship becoming strained.
In acts of defiance, Theo would often hide in the naturally occurring tunnels underneath his father's home or disappear into the Cutler Mountains on the outskirts of T'Pol's Landing. The latter led to an interest in hiking in his teenage years that would persist in to his time at Starfleet Academy. Because of his father's insistence of a strict program of study, Theo did not have many childhood friends and was a solitary child and teenager. Many of his peers viewed him as a loner and avoided prolonged contact with him.
Notably, he was more animated when visiting the ''USS Sparrow'', his mother's long term assignment. Theo could often be found asking questions to the ship's engineering department and it is here that his social skills developed the most, although he was still nervous around children of his own age. His time aboard the ''Sparrow'' would be extremely educational for his Starfleet aspirations and he learnt much about warp and impulse propulsion technology in his teenage years.
===University Studies & Early Adulthood===
At 18, Theo was granted a place at the University of T'Pol's Landings to study Classic Terran Literature. He was an average student although many of his professor's believed that he could have been valedictorian had he only applied himself to the course more. Theo would later reflect that they were likely right and although he enjoyed the subject matter, he was not completely invested and still harboured a desire to join the Federation [[Starfleet]] as an engineer. Another reason for his average performance that he would admit to years later was because he suspected that his father had arranged for him to gain a place at the university rather than off of his own academic ability and did not apply himself fully out of immature spite.
In late 2387 and during his mother's annual shore leave visit, Theo confided in her that he wanted nothing more to join Starfleet as an engineer. Though she was initially reluctant to do so without his father's agreement, his mother eventually sponsored his application to [[Starfleet Academy]]. Upon learning of Theo's passing the Academy entrance exams, Professor Whittaker threw his son out of their house and they did not speak to one another again.
===Starfleet Academy===
[[File:Academycampus.jpg|thumb|230px|right|Starfleet Academy's San Francisco campus where Theo spent four years as an engineering cadet]]
Passing his entrance exam on his first attempt, Theo enrolled at [[Starfleet Academy]] in early 2388 and was accepted on to the engineering pathway. He Majored in impulse propulsion technology with a minor in Starship Operations. Throughout his four years of study, Theo's academic tutors noted Theo's academic prowess (in contrast to his previous University studies) though they did express concern that he did have trouble socialising for much of his first year. Referred to the Academy's mental health program, he was diagnosed with low self-esteem likely as a result of his father's domineering parenting. Weekly meetings with counsellors and a desire to push himself to be the best version of himself, his socialisation skills increased exponentially during his second year although he was never considered a 'popular' cadet.

Theo's relationship with his father was often frosty and difficult, eventually breaking down all together after Theo made the decision to become a Starfleet officer. Josiah expected his son to enter a life of academia, as had every Whittaker for over 400 years, while Theo wanted to be his own man and find his own way. He would often disappear into the Keating Mountains which lay near Tucker's Landing, the capital city of Archer IV for days on end, camping in the woods purely to spite his father. This was a sharp contrast to his relationship with his mother, Madeline, which is extremely close. She privately supported her son's desire to become whatever he wanted to be and was the one to sponsor his application to Starfleet Academy- which led to the breakdown of her marriage to Josiah when Theo was 17. Theo and his mother communicate regularly by letter and she is extremely proud that her son is the Executive Officer of Starbase 118 at the age of {{age|2366|10|18}}. His father passed away from Meenok's disease during the second year of Theo's Starfleet Academy studies while the two were still estranged.
When his father was diagnosed with the terminal Meenok's Syndrome and passed away in October of 2389, Theo struggled and was plagued with feelings of guilt and remorse over his stubborn refusal to mend the rift that had begun when he had announced his was going to join the Academy. These feelings would impact his life: while he was still in the top percentile of students, he became increasingly withdrawn and reserved, preferring to focus on his studied rather than deal with his guilt and grief. He would later admit that he did not deal with these emotions until well after he had become Executive Officer of [[StarBase 118]]. Some of his academic tutors believed that his devotion to his studies was a subconscious attempt to win his father's posthumous approval. It was a sentiment that Theo would later acknowledge as being correct.

{{header|maroon|Early Life}}
In 2392, Theo graduated from [[Starfleet Academy]] after completing his final exam aboard [[StarBase 118]]. It was during this exam that he would first meet future Commanding Officer and close personal friend [[Sal Taybrim]] who was serving as the examination's Executive Officer.

===[[USS Columbia]]===
[[File:Columbiawiki.PNG|thumb|230px|right|The [[USS Columbia]] was Theo's assignment after graduating from [[Starfleet Academy]]]]
Following his graduation, Ensign Theo Whittaker was assigned as a junior engineering office aboard the [[Nebula class]] ''[[USS Columbia]]'' under the command of Captain [[Ben Livingston]]. His immediate superior officer was Lieutenant Commander [[Ethan Brice]]. During his first assignment, Theo encountered a sentient A.I known as 'Providence' that had been developed illegally by Federation scientists in the Piktar System. He was part of a team that would attempt to reason with the A.I. which had infiltrated ''Columbia'' in an attempt to find another A.I. known as 'Mercy'. Theo was horrified when he discovered that at Providence was the cerebral impression of a deceased 7 year old girl. The scientists responsible for Providence's creation attempted to delete the program and much of it was badly degraded including the personality subroutines based on the girl, something that shocked and angered Theo to his core. Despite this, he was promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) for his efforts.

[[File:20080815parkstreet(1).png|thumb|left|Whittaker Mannor, Theo's childhood home.]] Theo Whittaker was born on Stardate 236610.18 in the city of Tucker's Landing, the capital city of Archer IV. His father, Josiah Whittaker was determined to ensure that the boy Theo would follow in ten generations of Whittaker's and become an academic, although his mother - Madeline, a Starfleet officer, privately encouraged him to find his own path in life. As mentioned previously, Theo's strong minded independence and closeness with his mother led to a frosty and difficult with his father. On multiple occasions, Theo would run away from the manor he lived in with his father, escaping to the mountains on hikes that could last for two or three days. Other times, Theo would hide for hours in the tunnels that ran beneath the family home.
Shortly after this mission, Theo met [[Mirra Ezo]] for the time and quickly formed a long lasting friendship with the science officer and later medical officer. During an assignment to assist in clean up efforts on Avronis V, Theo was brutally assaulted by a being that claimed to be an Iconian, although he was saved from serious and long lasting harm thanks to the quick efforts of the Columbia's medical division. He assisted in the modification of a shuttle that was to be discreetly sent to destroy a recently uncovered and operational Iconian gateway to prevent it from falling into Roman hands. He also found himself developing a crush on Risian pilot [[Antero Flynn]] during this times. For his actions during the mission, he was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned as Columbia's Chief Engineer after the departure of Commander Brice. While his appointment is largely met with support, one Vulcan engineer stationed aboard the ship finds it difficult to accept and his frequently abrupt and rude, frustrating Theo's first day as CEO.

Due to the intensive studies forced upon him, Theo was known by his peers at school as something of a recluse and a loner with very few friends. His teachers expressed concerns about this, which were dismissed by his father. As a result, Theo found it incredibly difficult to forge bonds with children his own age and led to his reserved manner that developed later in life.
During an assignment to the planet Hemix I, Theo encountered self styled 'pirate queen' [[Chennel]] for the first time. He was also attacked by a suddenly feral Captain [[Nugra]], Columbia's Chief Intelligence Officer, whose Gorn physiology was extremely susceptible to the planet's environment. He and the team were eventually by Chennel and she chose to torture Theo to prove a point to the Columbia, who she was attempting to force to withdraw from the region. He was saved by sudden changes to the space around Hemix I and the emergence of a fourth-dimensional lifeform. He is commended for his bravery and also awarded a Prisoner Of War ribbon and a Purple Heart (his second of four). He kisses Antero Flynn shortly after this mission who had been moved by Theo's selflessness and the two begin to cautiously date.

From a young age, Theo was fascinated by machinery and how things worked, largely due to the fact that his father was determined not to use any technology unless he absolutely had to. At age thirteen he built his first replicator as part of a high school project and won first place. When Theo was sixteen he announced his intention to apply for Starfleet Academy which his mother agreed to sponsor. As a result, his parents marriage broke down and Theo became depressed, believing that it was entirely his fault. As a result he could not focus properly and he failed his first entrance exam. He took two years to recover before reapplying at age twenty and passing the entrance exam. He took his place at Starfleet academy the following year at age 21, majoring in Starship Engineering with a minor in Starship Operations Management.  
Theo was present for the incident on the Roman colony world of Estava and helped to develop a countermeasure against the fistrium blocking the ship's sensors and hampering their ability to offer support to the away team's on the planet's surface. Shortly after the mission came to an end, Theo found out he was being transferred to [[StarBase 118]] to serve it's Chief Engineer as ''Columbia'' was being withdrawn from active service and overhauled as part of a study of it's space frame. At this time, Theo and Antero Flynn stop dating, both of them unwilling to conduct a long distance relationship.

===[[StarBase 118 Ops]] and Move To Command===

[[File:Chennel.jpg|thumb|right|230px|Much of Theo's assignment aboard [[StarBase 118]] was spent combatting the forces of the [[Orion Syndicate]], such as Chennel as seen here.]]
Theo joined [[StarBase 118]]'s command staff at a moment of transition. Captain Handley-Page had taken an extended leave of absence and Commander [[Sal Taybrim]] had been promoted to Acting Commanding Officer in his stead. His first assignment as 118's Chief Engineer was to assist in the station's attempts to bring renegade Starfleet officer [[Haz Arrhimen]] to justice after he attempted to incite a war between the Federation and the remnants of the [[Romulan Star Empire]] following a terrorist attack led by Romulans which had killed his brother. The station's auxiliary support vessel, the [[USS Albion]] was severely damaged by Arrihmen and Theo was instrumental in bringing the ship back to operational capacity in time to destroy Arrihmen's vessel the ''USS Stormcrow''. It is during this assignment that Theo first met Lieutenant Commander [[Baylen Anders]] and shortly afterwards, began a fiercely passionate relationship with him. The two managed to prevent an overload in one of the Albion's torpedo tubes that could have destroyed much of the ''Excelsior''-class vessel.

{{header|maroon|Career in Starfleet}}
It was after this incident that [[Sal Taybrim]]- who was by now permanently assigned as StarBase 118 Operations' CO asked Theo to accept the vacant position of Executive Officer after being impressed with his conduct during the Arrihmen crisis. Although still somewhat reserved and unsure of himself, Theo agreed and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander shortly afterwards. It would be this transition that would bring about the greatest change in Theo. Throughout his tenure at [[StarBase 118]] he seemed to shed his old insecurities and found himself growing as a person and as a command level officer- something he had never considered prior.

Theo's assignment as Executive Officer of [[StarBase 118 Ops]] is largely remembered for an eighteen month battle against the forces of the resurgent [[Orion Syndicate]] that were seeking to establish a foothold in the [[Trinity Sector]]. The recently escaped convict and former 'pirate queen' [[Chennel]] was their lead agent in the battle against Starfleet and terrorised the station for months on end. Theo participated in anti-piracy actions against the Syndicate on a number of occasions including operations on Tilanna V, Raskor I and Geneva VI. Theo also participated in thwarting a Syndicate effort to utilise a previously unknown section of station as well protecting installer singer Lady Shadonna from kidnappers. Shortly after solving a murder investigation on Tilanna V, Lieutenant Commander Baylen Anders apparently left the station to raise his adoptive son Mason and therefore ended his relationship with Theo. This had a profound effect on Theo who considered ending his Starfleet career after losing Baylen and being captured by forces loyal to the Syndicate's disgraced head of operations on the station. It would be almost two years before Theo discovered that Baylen and Mason were in fact kidnapped and put to work as slaves by the Syndicate.

[[File:Columbiawiki.PNG|250px|left|USS Columbia.]] [[File:Starbase11.jpg|250px|left|StarBase 118 Operations.]][[File:BlackwellPlasmaLeak.png|250px|left|USS Blackwell.]][[File:Columbiawiki.PNG|250px|left|USS Columbia.]]
In August 2393, the [[USS Albion]] was destroyed in action against the renegade [[Haz Arrihmen]] and shortly afterwards, Theo discovered a plot by corrupt Starfleet Sector Commander Commodore Allen Kinney to publicly tarnish the reputation of StarBase 118 to allow his Orion paymasters to flourish in the Trinity Sector. Theo was described as being a "hyper-active child with a tenuous grasp of command". He was present when Commodore Kinney resigned. After this, Starfleet Command assigned the [[USS Columbia]] to [[StarBase 118]] to replace the Albion, which effectively made Theo it's XO.

Theo was instrumental in the eventual defeat of the [[Orion Syndicate]] in the [[Trinity Sector]]. After their operative [[Chennel]] used a powerful interstellar storm to serruptiously board the evacuated station, she forced the skeleton crew (led by Theo) to battle her men. Much of the station's Commercial Sector was destroyed by her campaign although Theo was eventually able to push her back to the Operations Centre where she was eventually killed in battle. For his efforts in leading the counterstrike against Chennel, Theo was promoted to Commander.

In December 2394, Starfleet Command reassigned Theo to command the medical vessel [[USS Blackwell]] which formed part of the [[Andaris Task Force]] in the distant Par'tha Expanse. He was also asked to transport the [[USS Columbia]] to [[Deep Space 26]] so that the vessel could undergo extensive refits. Theo found it difficult to leave the station behind, many of the officers he had served with had become members of his chosen family.

===Command of the [[USS Blackwell]]===
[[File:Hurq.jpg|thumb|left|220px|Theo's time in command of the Blackwell is notable for an encounter with the [[Hur'q]], the long believed extinct conquerors of the Klingon Empire.]]
Theo remained in command of the USS Blackwell, an Olympic-class vessel for much of 2395. His time with the [[Andaris Task Force]] was marked with several crew rotations including three first officers and a number of long standing crew members transferring to alternate assignments. His first assignment aboard the [[Blackwell]] was to deliver humanitarian supplies to the starving world of Arndall which had become a flashpoint in the Cold War between local powers the [[Caraadian|Caraadians]] and the militaristic and imperialistic [[Valcarian|Valcarians]]. Theo is asked by Starfleet to broker a peaceful resolution between the two powers. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that neither side were interested in negociating. It is during this assignment that the Blackwell was to encounter the Kam'Jahtae- better known to the Alpha Quadrant as the [[Hur'Q]] who once occupied the Klingon Empire. The Kam'Jahtae fled after Theo deployed a hastily conceived sonic deterrent against them. After this assignment he asked Lieutenant Commander [[Jarred Thoran]] to be his Executive Officer to which he accepted.

Tasked with investigating how the [[Hur'Q]] managed to flee from Arndall so easily and quickly, Theo ordered the ''Blackwell'' to an uninhabited planetoid that was giving off similar energy signatures to Hur'Q technology. An away disappeared in to a temporal portal and Theo was faced with losing them to the time stream. Working with newly arrived Chief Engineer [[Luna Walker]], Theo helped to devise and implment a solution that brough the away team back and several displaced Starfleet Officers from the 22nd century.

'''Assignments aboard the [[USS Columbia]]''' (First Tour of Duty)
Theo is then promoted to Captain and reassigned with the Blackwell's crew to the [[USS Columbia]] and is sent on an exploratory mission to the distant [[Sagittarius Reach]] at the very edge of the galaxy.
*[[Between the Rock and a Hard Place (Columbia)|Between the Rock and a Hard Place]]
===Return to the [[USS Columbia]]===
*[[Paved with Good Intentions (Columbia)|Paved With Good Intentions]]
Theo's early days as the latest Captain of the ''Columbia'' were unfortunately marked with a series of arguments with Professor [[Olivia Sellards]], the Director of Research at the Federation science station [[Dehner Base]] on [[Delta Vega I]]. Sellards resented Starfleet's presence in the region and the defensive emplacements they had insisted be installed to protect the base. She made several unsuccessful attempts to convince Theo into advocating their removal. Every time he refused and every time it ended acrimoniously. After one argument, Theo takes the [[USS Kumari]], the Captain's Yacht on a test flight and crashes on a planet where he was quickly captured by [[Human Augments]] who had somehow ended on the planet. Following this he became embroiled in the politics of Dehner Base when it transpired that Professor Sellards was hiding evidence of an important archeological discovery on Delta Vega II: ancient Tkon artefacts. The two clashed several times before he ordered Columbia into a nebula in pursuit of raiders that had stolen the artefacts. This was a success and it led to Theo and Sellards calling a truce. He also agreed to allow [[Jev crim Glev]], Dehner Base's head of archeology to work onboard Columbia full time. Theo then established first contact with the Imperial [[Losarian]] Commonwealth and agreed to an officer exchange program, which has led to friendly relations between the Federation and the Commonwealth. He once again encountered Tkon technology on an abandoned world and saved the Ma'rithh Kenn people from extinction within an advanced computer network of Tkon origin. Most recently, he encountered the [[Shanshuri]] after being duped into believing that five members of his senior staff were killed in the of duty. He and the remaining crew uncovered evidence of the Shanshuri's duplicity also unearthed evidence of a powerful new foe within the [[Sagittarius Reach]] who occupy a different phase variance.
*[[Force of Nature (Columbia)|Force of Nature]]
*[[Nightmare (Columbia)|Nightmare]]
'''Assignments aboard [[StarBase 118 Ops]]'''
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Dish Served Cold|Dish Served Cold]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Tribbles and Strife|Tribbles and Strife]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/All Time High|All Time High]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Once More, With Feeling|Once More With Feeling]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Way Down Below|Way Down Below]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Show Must Go On|The Show Must Go On]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Dig Two Graves|Dig Two Graves]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Rendezvous at Raskor|Rendezvous at Raskor]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Terminal Velocity|Terminal Velocity]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Edge of Glory|The Edge Of Glory]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/One Last Gasp|One Last Gasp]]
*[[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Cruising for a Bruisin|Cruising for a Bruising']]
'''Assignments aboard the [[USS Blackwell]]''' ([[Andaris Task Force]])
*[[Throne of Fire (Andaris Task Force)|Throne of Fire]]
*[[Kam’Jahtae (Andaris Task Force)|Kam'Jahtae]]
*[[P-409 Sigma (Andaris Task Force)|P-409 Sigma]]
'''Assignments aboard the [[USS Columbia]]''' (Second Tour of Duty)
*[[Missing In Action (Columbia)|Missing In Action]]
*The Battle of New Years Day

===Reassignment to the Corps of Engineers and the [[USS Gorkon]]===

Columbia’s mission was prematurely cancelled after Starfleet Command grew concerned about the ship’s presence altering the balance of power in the region. Recalled to the Federation, the ship was decommissioned once again. Theo was reassigned to oversee new starship construction techniques at Utopia Plantia- an assignment that he resented as he felt he was being sidelined. When he announced that he was considering retiring in protest at what he felt was unjust treatment, he was seconded to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and assigned to the USS Gorkon to assess its suitability for the new Warp XV engine. An encounter with his former helmsman [[Jona ch’Ranni]] helped to assuage some of the guilt he felt in regards to Columbia’s decommissioning.

After serving in the role for a year, Theo retired from Starfleet, citing that the organisation had lost its way and was in danger of becoming isolationist.

=== Civilian Life. ===
Theo returned to his homeworld of Archer IV, moving into an apartment in the capital city. He was intent on selling his childhood home, although he soon met Thraniikhalib ch’Tellak, an Andorian gardener who had begun to renovate the grounds of the empty manor. Over a period of six months, the two went from friends to lovers and, eventually, bondmates. The two divide their time between their home in the capital city and visiting Betazed and the home of Mirra Ezo.

{{header|maroon|Personal Relationships}}
=== Frontier Day in 2401 ===
When word reached Archer IV of the Borg Collective's attack on Earth during the Frontier Day celebrations, Theo immediately headed for Earth over the objections of his husband. He stole a Ferris Ranger Prowler and was eventually picked up the ''USS Narendra'', crewed by officers from Starbase 118. He pledged to help Sal Taybrim, his friend and former CO, and was assigned to the Engineering section as a spare pair of hands. Theo was present during the ship's battle with the ''USS Enterprise-F'' and worked with Rusty Hael and Lieutenant T'liss to ensure the ship survived.

[[File:MirraEzo Red.png|75px|left|]]
'''[[Mirra Ezo]]''': Having served together for most of their respective careers and forged a close bond, Theo has come to consider Mirra as his best friend. Though much of their friendship has been characterised by playful and sassy banter they have an enormous amount of respect, affection and love for one another. They have saved each other's live on more than occasion from threats ranging from Iconians, sadistic criminals and Human Augments... to name but a few.  Always there for another regardless of the situation, many have speculated that there is nothing that they would not do for one another. They briefly lost contact after Mirra took a Leave of Absence to deal with personal issues stemming from her stabbing by the criminal [[Chennel]] but were reunited aboard the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] after she was caught up in the [[Hur'q]] invasion of Arndall. Mirra currently serves alongside Theo aboard the [[USS Columbia]] as his Diplomatic Officer, exploring the very edge of the galaxy in the distant [[Sagittarius Reach]].

{{Heading|Friends and Notable Colleagues|Red}}

[[File: MirraEzo Red.png|thumb|left|100px]] '''[[Mirra Ezo]]'''

Mirra is Theo's best friend of almost ten years. They first met as junior officers aboard the ''[[USS Columbia]]'' and their friendship grew after Theo placed himself between Mirra and the pirate known as [[Chennel]] during an away mission to [[Tolus Phi System|Hemix I]]. Mirra has a tendency to become exasperated at what she perceives at Theo's reckless streak and his tendency to put himself in harm's way to protect those important to him. After the ''Columbia'' was withdrawn from active service, they were reunited when they were both assigned to [[StarBase 118]] (Theo was assigned there two months earlier). Their assignment aboard 118 was marked by repeated clashes with [[Chennel]] and their fierce protectiveness for each other ensured that they both survived each encounter. Mirra took a Leave of Absence from Starfleet following Chennel's final defeat (and death) but were reunited during the [[USS Blackwell]]'s mission to Arndall in the [[Par'tha Expanse]]. Theo was by now a starship commander and he reactivated her Starfleet commission, assigning her to the Blackwell as a Diplomatic Officer. She followed him to the Columbia in September 2395 but was reassigned a short while later. Mirra retired from Starfleet at some point prior to 2398, and she supported Theo's decision to follow suite. The two see each often, with Theo acting as "grumpy uncle" to Mira's three children.

'''[[Sal Taybrim]]''': [[File:Sal Taybrim Captain.png|75px|right|Captain Sal Taybrim]] Perhaps the greatest influence on Theo's professional career has been Sal Taybrim, StarBase 118 Operation's iconic Commanding Officer. It was Taybrim who put Theo on to the command track, asking him serve as his Executive Officer. He encouraged and fostered his natural, but latent, leadership ability and was always there with advice and a kind, non-judgement ear. In many ways, one call Taybrim a mentor to Theo, with the Columbia's CO attributing much of the success he has had in his career to the ginger-haired Betazoid. When Theo considered stepping away from the fleet, it was Sal's gentle encouragement that stopped him. In return, when the man was removed from command of the station for disobeying orders, Theo protested profusely and made no secret of the fact that he did not have faith in his temporary replacement- [[Storm Bomba]]. While more professional than his friendships with Mirra and Tatash, Theo came to deeply care for his mentor and a friendship truly blossomed. Even now, tens of thousands of light years away at the edge of the galaxy, Theo still fondly thinks on the advice that Taybrim gave him during the two years he served under him.
[[File: Sal Taybrim Captain.png|left|thumb|100px]] '''[[Sal Taybrim]]'''.  

More than just Theo's former Commanding Officer, Sal Taybrim became Theo's mentor in the two years he spent as the Betazoid's Executive Officer. It was Sal who first spotted Theo's potential and transferred him out of engineering and put him on to the command track. Starbase 118's struggles against the resurgent [[Orion Syndicate]] and the corrupt Starfleet officials in their pockets led the two men working closely to thwart them. This working relationship eventually blossomed in to a close friendship, with Theo learning much about command and even himself as Sal guided him through tough times with gentle support and encouragement. After one arduous mission, Theo contemplated leaving Starfleet but the strength of loyalty to Sal made him realise he was where he needed to be. Even after Theo's reassignment to the [[USS Blackwell]] the two remained in touch and it was Sal who was given the honour of promoting Theo to Captain. When Sal himself was promoted, the Columbia's assignment to the [[Sagittarius Reach]] meant he was unable to attend the promotion ceremony- however he still found the time to send his close friend a message of congratulations.

'''[[Tatash]]''': [[File: Tatash2.png|left|75px]] Much like Mirra, Tatash has served with Theo for most of his career and they also share a close bond. Unwavering in his support, Tatash has become somebody that Theo relies on as well as looks up to (quite literally given their height difference). Their friendship grew considerably in the two years that they were stationed aboard StarBase 118 and Theo was the first person to champion the Gorn's transfer to the Marine Corps to take command of the [[StarBase 118 Marines|292nd "Iron Jaegers" Tactical Marine Regiment]]. During the final confrontation with [[Haz Arrihmen]] Tatash lost an arm and Theo kept a vigil at his bedside and supported his friend through his rehabilitation and subsequent training to use his prosthetic arm. When transferring to the [[USS Blackwell]], Theo asked him to serve as the Andaris Task Force's Strategic Operations Officer, although he was unable to due to family concerns. Never the less, the two remained friendly and when Theo needed a new Chief of Security, Tatash was his only candidate.
[[File:AitasSB118.png|left|thumb|100px]] '''[[Aitas]].

As an Intelligence officer, Aitas was mandated to report to Theo weekly to brief him on events within the Trinity Sector. Through these meetings, a deep friendship blossomed with Aitas becoming one of Theo's most trusted confidants and vice versa. First encountering her during the the station's second encounter with [[Haz Arrihman]], he spotted her potential and made it his business to get know the promising Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid. After learning of her past as a slave of the Orion Syndicate, he was noticeably more protective of her and was distrustful of her father-figure, Jakarn. He was present when she was reunited with her biological father in the mines of Dominicus VI. They were known to meditate together in their off-duty hours. Their friendship hit a rocky patch when Theo left the station abruptly in the wake of [[Baylen Anders]]' return from captivity (which also left his burgeoning romance with Taelon, Aitas' adoptive brother-figure in jeopardy). Despite this, they were firm friends once more and she and her newborn son travelled to [[Deep Space 26]] to witness Theo's promotion to Captain.

'''[[Jarred Thoran]]''': [[File: Jarred Thoran 5.png|right|75px]]: Impressed by the man's bravery, diligence and dedication, Jarred Thoran was Theo's first choice for First Officer (along with [[Randall Shayne]] when [[Cayden Adyr]] was reassigned to Starfleet Intelligence. In the months since his ascension to the second highest position of the ship, Theo has developed an excellent working relationship with the man and there are clear signs of a friendship developing between the two men. One of Theo's first official acts as the Blackwell's commanding officer was to promote him to Lieutenant Commander, which he felt was long overdue. Their friendship has stood them both in good stead on the galactic edge as Theo needs somebody he can trust to be his XO- and there is nobody better suited for the job than Thoran.
===Notable Colleagues===

[[File:Taelon AO2.jpg|left|thumb|100px]] '''[[Taelon]]'''.

'''[[Aitas]]''': [[File:AitasSB118.png|75px|left|Lieutenant Aitas]] The friendship between the then-XO of StarBase and it's second Chief Intelligence Officer began slowly, evolving from her simply delivering weekly briefings to becoming meditation partners and close confidants. There are very few people that Theo trusts more than Aitas. He dotes (when he can) on her son, Aurelio and she in return sends him parcels of alcohol when she is able to for his growing interest in mixology. She was present for his promotion to Captain and the two reaffirmed their close bond with one another. Theo is proud to have watched Aitas ascend the ranks of Starfleet Intelligence and supports her wish to make the Intelligence Tower a more transparent place. She is also unfraid of telling Theo the truth and has put him in his place more than once- chiefly over the sloppy way that Theo ended his burgeoning relationship with Taelon, another one of her close personal friends. It is this honesty that appeals most to Theo.
At one time there was a chance that Theo and Taelon could have been more than colleagues. Theo developed feelings for the socially awkward El-Aurian scientist after several assignments together. But his reticence to commit in the wake of the end of Baylen Anders' departure from station meant that little progressed between the two of them aside from a number of dates. Theo's own abrupt departure from the station laid to rest any hope of a relationship, something that Theo still feels guilt over. But despite that, Theo admired Taelon's knowledge and skills as a scientist and the two relied on each other's strengths to overcome various adversity. When Taelon was declared missing after encountering a temporal anomaly, Theo was deeply troubled and had Starfleet send him regular updates on their search for him. He was relieved when he was found after being temporally displaced, although decided not reopen contact to give the man time to heal.

'''[[Baylen Anders]]''': [[File:Aeut0h.png|75px|right]]: There was an instant chemistry between Theo and Baylen from the moment that they first met in battle aboard the USS Albion, Starbase 118's late auxiliary support vessel. That quickly blossomed into an intense and passionate relationship... not to mention Theo's first. For several months they were happy together until returning from one mission, Theo found that Baylen had left the station under mysterious circumstances and had ended their relationship without warning. It took him month's to come to terms with what happened. Then just as suddenly as he left, Baylen returned to the station well over a year later. Confused and thrown for a loop, Theo kept his distance unsure of how he should feel. Unfortunately, he had no chance to confront these emotions as Baylen's return coincided with Theo's transfer to the USS Blackwell. At present, the two men are not in communication (although they are not not speaking) and it is clear that Theo has been able to put the past behind him and move on with his life.

'''[[Taelon]]''' [[File:Taelon AO2.jpg|75px|left|Lieutenant Taelon]] Something was beginning to develop between Theo and StarBase 118's chronically shy and socially awkward Chief Science Officer although both of them were hesitant to define its nature. It fell into a grey area between friendship and romance. Unsure of how to proceed, Theo made the regrettable decision to leave the station for the USS Blackwell without defining- or indeed ending- whatever was developing between the two of them, which has led to some recriminations with Taelon's family. It is one of Theo's greatest regrets, especially since Taelon was lost in a temporal incursion.
[[File: AGRenn.png|left|thumb|100px]] '''[[Anath G'Renn]]'''.

On top of being a fellow lover of tea, Theo trusts Anath G’Renn to look after the welfare of the 750 people who live and work aboard the ''Columbia''. When her fiancee, Savok, joined the ''Columbia'' as a civilian researcher, Theo was humbled to be asked to officiate their marriage. She was also on hand to soothe Theo concerns over the possibility over member's of the crew becoming espers if they came in to contact with the [[Galactic Barrier]]. From from just being Theo's Chief Medical Officer, Anath G'Renn had become a trusted friend and confidant- and he told her family as much when they aboard for her and Savok's nuptials.

{{header|maroon|Service Record}}

[[File:Olivia Sellards.jpg|left|100px]] '''[[Olivia Sellards]]'''.

Fractious is possibly the best word to describe the relationship between Theo and the Director of Research of [[Dehner Base]]. Their ugly and acrimonious arguments characterised much of the first few weeks aboard the ''Columbia'' owing to Theo's refusal to advocate for the dismantling the defensive emplacements meant to protect the civilian research station. Relations further fell apart between the two when Sellards intentionally hid the discovery of ancient Tkon artefacts from Theo and the Columbia crew, even when mercenaries stole them to sell on the local black market. Pressed to explain herself, Sellards confided in Theo in her difficult past with Starfleet. A little more sympathetic, Theo could finally understand her reluctance to work with [[Starfleet]].
{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}

{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
Line 190: Line 278:
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239203.16-239203.16
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239203.16-239203.16
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Cadet
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|STO }}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239203.24-239205.03
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239203.24 - 239205.03
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Columbia
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239205.03-239207.26
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239205.03 - 239207.26
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Columbia
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" | 239207.26-239211.16
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239207.26 - 239211.16
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Columbia
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Chief Engineering Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Chief Engineer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239211.16-239212.14
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239211.16 - 239212.14
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |StarBase 118 Operations
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[StarBase 118 Ops]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Chief Engineering Officer
[[USS Albion]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Chief Engineer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Commander|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Commander
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239212.14 - 239309.09
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[StarBase 118 Ops]]
[[USS Albion]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Commander|Red|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant Commander|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Commander  
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Commander
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239212.14-2 239406.06
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239309.09 - 239406.06
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |StarBase 118 Operations
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[StarBase 118 Ops]]
[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Commander|Red|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Commander|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Commander  
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Commander
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239406.06-239412.04
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239406.06 - 239412.04
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |StarBase 118 Operations
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[StarBase 118 Ops]]
[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Commander|Red|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Commander|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Commander  
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Commander
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239412.07-239509.04
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239412.04 - 239509.04
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Blackwell, Andaris Task Force
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Blackwell]]
of the [[Andaris Task Force]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Red|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain  
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239509.04-239509.10
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239509.04 - 239509.10
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Blackwell, Andaris Task Force
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Blackwell]]
of the [[Andaris Task Force]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Red|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Red|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain  
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239509.10-PRESENT
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239509.10 - 239611.05
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |USS Columbia
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Columbia]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Commanding Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239611.05 - 239701.03
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Utopia Plantia Ship Yards
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |New Starship Construction Division, Commanding Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Captain|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239701.03 - 239710.18
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Gorkon]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Starfleet Corps of Engineers Consultant
! style="background:#000;" |
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |N/A
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239710.18 - 240109.04
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |N/A
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Retired
! style="background:#000;" | {{Pips|Captain|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |240109.04 - PRESENT
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[StarBase 118 Ops]]
[[USS Narendra]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Fleet Reconstruction Specialist

Image:Whittaker-Jeffries tube.png|<!--caption goes here-->
* Theo is embarrassed by his middle name, Michelangelo, perceiving it to be “pretentious”. It took him several months to disclose it to [[Mirra Ezo]]. When writing his signature he often shortens his name to “Theo M. Whittaker as a result.
Image:Whittaker-Roster.jpg|<!--caption goes here-->
* Though his background is in engineering he detests Jeffries Tubes, finding them uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
Image:TheoWhittaker3.png|<!--caption goes here-->
Image:TheTheo10fwd.jpg|<!--caption goes here-->
* Numerous people have commented that Theo has an “unnatural attachment” to the [[USS Columbia]]. Theo freely admits that he is extremely fond of the vessel but disagrees that it is unnatural, claiming that many engineers are attached to their first assignments.
Image:WhittakerWikiImg.png<!--caption goes here--></gallery>
* Theo nicknames his ready room aboard the [[USS Blackwell]] “the broom closet” owing to its extremely small size in comparison to his office aboard [[StarBase 118]]. This later caught on amongst the crew of the medical vessel.
* Though he has never stated outright, Theo is (by 21st century definitions) pansexual as he is attracted to individuals rather than specific genders.

* He is a noted fan of [[Shadonna|Lady Shadonna]], a popular Federation singer. He was once assigned to bring her to [[StarBase 118]] for a concert and ended up saving her life after they were kidnapped by Orion Syndicate operatives. Unconfirmed rumours suggest that the two may have gotten inebriated after this incident, although Theo has always denied this.
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Latest revision as of 17:04, 14 September 2024

StarBase 118 Ops
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Theo Whittaker
Position Civilian
Rank Captain
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 236410.18
Age 37
Birthplace T'Pol's Landing, Archer IV.
Featured Bio of StarBase 118
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To Boldly Go
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Halloween Avatar Contest Runner Up
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Awards & Service Ribbons
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Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards Staff SarekStarMedal 2011.jpg

Theo Michelangelo Whittaker is a 37-year old Starfleet officer, currently assigned to StarBase 118 Operations as a Fleet Reconstruction Specialist. Having previously retired from Starfleet, his commission was reactivated in the wake of the Battle of Frontier Day in 2401.

A Starfleet officer between 2392 and 2397, Whittaker ascended through the ranks to become the Commanding Officer of the now- decommissioned USS Columbia- the first Federation vessel to be permanently assigned to the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Following the ship's decommissioning, he briefly served as a Consultant for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, assessing starship suitability for the Warp XV programme.

The only child of the late Josiah and Madeline Whittaker, Theo was born on October 18th 2364 at the T'Pol's Landing University Hospital. His father was a professor of English Literature at the university and his mother was a Starfleet officer. Theo's decision to follow his mother in Starfleet led to an acrimonious rift with his father who had hoped he would follow him into a life of academic study. This rift was, unfortunately, not mended by the time that his father passed away in November 2389.

Statistics & Service Record


  • Full Name: Theo Michelangelo Whittaker
  • Species: Human
  • T/E Rating: T0/E0
  • Date Of Birth: 236410.18
  • Age: 37
  • Place Of Birth: Archer IV
  • Hometown: T'Pol's Landing
  • Gender: Male
  • Medical History: Forthcoming


  • Bachelor of Science (with Honors) In Engineering: 2392, Starfleet Academy, Earth.

Starfleet Career

  • Serial Number: MM - 120 - 848
  • Training Facility: Starfleet Academy, Earth, 2388-2392
  • Major: Impulse Propulsion
  • Minor: Starship Operations Procedures
  • Supplementary File: Forthcoming
  • Commissioned: 2392
  • Current Rank: Captain
  • Current Assignment: StarBase 118 Operations

Personal Appearance

Anthropometric Data

  • Height: 1.85m (6ft 1in)
  • Weight: 69kgs (152lbs)
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Build: Athletic
  • Skin Tone: Caucasian
  • Handedness: Right


Theo speaks with a South English accent, something that was engineered by his father that he has never been able to shake.

As a junior officer Theo was noted for being rather reserved and often this was mistaken for shyness. Rather, this was a result of being raised primarily by his domineering father in an aristocratic household as well as his repressed grief at his father's passing in 2389. Over time, he was able to open himself up to others and find his voice through the gentle encouragement of friends aboard the Columbia.

As a command-level officer, Theo was noted for his friendliness and willingness to engage in banter with members of his crew. Now very much a 'people person', Theo could often be found at the centre of social situations off-duty (usually of his own making) without dominating the conversation. On duty, he was an assertive but encouraging captain, preferring to be addressed as 'captain' instead of 'sir' (an honorific he was never been comfortable with). When dealing with threats to Columbia, he is known for his fierce protectiveness and being forthright. In one instance he was able to talk a mercenary captain down from a foolhardy attack upon the Columbia.

Facial Hair

Theo began experimenting with growing a beard during his assignment aboard StarBase 118, although he could not quite decide whether he liked it or not. He attended SB118 Fashion Week with a beard although shaved it off soon after. It was not until January 2396 that he finally settled on one that he was comfortable with. Interestingly, after deciding on a style, a number of officers aboard the Columbia grew similar beards.

Following his retirement from Starfleet, Theo shaved off his beard, although has subsequently allowed stubble to regrow.

Personal Life


Theo is known for his love of clothes and sees it as a form of self-expression and identity. Additionally he believes that if one takes pride in their appearance, they will feel better in themselves. He favours casual but tailored pieces. On more formal occasions, Theo prefers to wear tailored suits with elaborate detailing.

During the two years he was stationed aboard StarBase 118 he frequently attended SB118 Fashion Week and was a patron of many of the Commercial Sector's independent boutiques. He is a noted fan of Andorian designer Shrelanaleth zh'Narrash as well as the Luna-based tailor Rowena Cassidy. The latter provided him with a suit to attend SB118 Fashion Week in 2394, the last before he was transferred to the USS Columbia.

Personal Effects

Theo's first edition of Tess of the d'Urbervilles given to him as a present from his father for graduating from university

Theo is not a collector of material things and therefore he has few treasured possessions. Regardless, there are a small number of objects and trinkets that he genuinely cares for:

  • A collection of hard bound first edition books of ancient Terran literature. These were given to him by his father in commemoration of attaining his degree in Terran Literature in 2396. Some of the novels include classics such as Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far From The Madding Crowd, Great Expectations and Jane Eyre.
  • A mixology set: During this time stationed aboard StarBase 118 Theo came to be known as something of an amateur mixologist. The set was brought for him as a housewarming present by close friend and confidant Mirra Ezo after he moved to the station's Commercial District. Despite his interest in mixology waning since his departure from the station, he has kept the set as a reminder of his friendship with Mirra.
  • Miniature of the USS Columbia: A direct result of his love of his first assignment, Theo kept a model of the Columbia on the desk in his office aboard StarBase 118 and later the USS Blackwell and the USS Columbia. It now resides on a small table in his living room on Archer IV.


  • Restrictions: None.
  • Coffee: Cream, no sugar. He tends to favour Earth blends (notably from Africa) but also enjoys Bajoran and Andorian blends.
  • Tea: Chamomile, Bajoran mapa leaf, lemon and ginger as well green tea.
  • Alcohol: London Dry Gin & Tonic Water.
  • Favourite Meal: Spaghetti Carbonara with hasperat loaf.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Hobbies: Classic Terran literature, mixology (former hobby), Starfleet technical manuals, hiking, fashion.
  • Favourite Colour: Dusty pink.


  • Spouse: Thraniikhalib ch’Tellak (m. 2998).
  • Children: None.
  • Parents:
    • Mother: Captain Madeline Christina Whittaker, Commanding Officer USS Orb of Prophecy & Change. (Deceased, 2399).
    • Father: Professor Josiah Whittaker: Lecturer of Terran Literature, University of T'Pol's Landing (Deceased, 2389).
  • Siblings: None.

Theo's relationship with his father was often strained as he often chafed at his father's insistence that he follow him into an academic life. Additionally his father expected Theo to refer to him as 'sir' rather than 'father'- which might explain why Theo dislikes the honorific. Instead of a life in academia, Theo enrolled in Starfleet Academy, which resulted in the complete breakdown of his relationship with his father. This estrangement was not resolved when his fathers passed away in 2389.

In contrast, he shared a close relationship with his mother.

Early Life & Starfleet Career

Childhood & Teenage Years

Captain Madeline Whittaker, Theo's mother
Professor Josiah Whittaker, Theo's father

Theo Michelangelo Whittaker was born on Stardate 236410.18 at the T'Pol's Landing University Hospital on Archer IV to Josiah and Madeline Whittaker. Though she took an extended leave of absence to raise Theo, Madeline returned to her career in Starfleet when he was 7 years old taking an assignment aboard the USS Sparrow which was permanently assigned to the Archer Sector. This allowed her to be close to her only son and be an effective co-parent with her husband. From an early age, Theo displayed an interest and aptitude with technology and by a teenager he harboured a desire to become an engineer in the Federation Starfleet. Despite this, his father insisted he abandoned these dreams and wanted Theo to devote himself to a life of academic study as he and his father had before him. Although reluctant, Theo complied with his father's wish although this often led to their relationship becoming strained.

In acts of defiance, Theo would often hide in the naturally occurring tunnels underneath his father's home or disappear into the Cutler Mountains on the outskirts of T'Pol's Landing. The latter led to an interest in hiking in his teenage years that would persist in to his time at Starfleet Academy. Because of his father's insistence of a strict program of study, Theo did not have many childhood friends and was a solitary child and teenager. Many of his peers viewed him as a loner and avoided prolonged contact with him.

Notably, he was more animated when visiting the USS Sparrow, his mother's long term assignment. Theo could often be found asking questions to the ship's engineering department and it is here that his social skills developed the most, although he was still nervous around children of his own age. His time aboard the Sparrow would be extremely educational for his Starfleet aspirations and he learnt much about warp and impulse propulsion technology in his teenage years.

University Studies & Early Adulthood

At 18, Theo was granted a place at the University of T'Pol's Landings to study Classic Terran Literature. He was an average student although many of his professor's believed that he could have been valedictorian had he only applied himself to the course more. Theo would later reflect that they were likely right and although he enjoyed the subject matter, he was not completely invested and still harboured a desire to join the Federation Starfleet as an engineer. Another reason for his average performance that he would admit to years later was because he suspected that his father had arranged for him to gain a place at the university rather than off of his own academic ability and did not apply himself fully out of immature spite.

In late 2387 and during his mother's annual shore leave visit, Theo confided in her that he wanted nothing more to join Starfleet as an engineer. Though she was initially reluctant to do so without his father's agreement, his mother eventually sponsored his application to Starfleet Academy. Upon learning of Theo's passing the Academy entrance exams, Professor Whittaker threw his son out of their house and they did not speak to one another again.

Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Academy's San Francisco campus where Theo spent four years as an engineering cadet

Passing his entrance exam on his first attempt, Theo enrolled at Starfleet Academy in early 2388 and was accepted on to the engineering pathway. He Majored in impulse propulsion technology with a minor in Starship Operations. Throughout his four years of study, Theo's academic tutors noted Theo's academic prowess (in contrast to his previous University studies) though they did express concern that he did have trouble socialising for much of his first year. Referred to the Academy's mental health program, he was diagnosed with low self-esteem likely as a result of his father's domineering parenting. Weekly meetings with counsellors and a desire to push himself to be the best version of himself, his socialisation skills increased exponentially during his second year although he was never considered a 'popular' cadet.

When his father was diagnosed with the terminal Meenok's Syndrome and passed away in October of 2389, Theo struggled and was plagued with feelings of guilt and remorse over his stubborn refusal to mend the rift that had begun when he had announced his was going to join the Academy. These feelings would impact his life: while he was still in the top percentile of students, he became increasingly withdrawn and reserved, preferring to focus on his studied rather than deal with his guilt and grief. He would later admit that he did not deal with these emotions until well after he had become Executive Officer of StarBase 118. Some of his academic tutors believed that his devotion to his studies was a subconscious attempt to win his father's posthumous approval. It was a sentiment that Theo would later acknowledge as being correct.

In 2392, Theo graduated from Starfleet Academy after completing his final exam aboard StarBase 118. It was during this exam that he would first meet future Commanding Officer and close personal friend Sal Taybrim who was serving as the examination's Executive Officer.

USS Columbia

The USS Columbia was Theo's assignment after graduating from Starfleet Academy

Following his graduation, Ensign Theo Whittaker was assigned as a junior engineering office aboard the Nebula class USS Columbia under the command of Captain Ben Livingston. His immediate superior officer was Lieutenant Commander Ethan Brice. During his first assignment, Theo encountered a sentient A.I known as 'Providence' that had been developed illegally by Federation scientists in the Piktar System. He was part of a team that would attempt to reason with the A.I. which had infiltrated Columbia in an attempt to find another A.I. known as 'Mercy'. Theo was horrified when he discovered that at Providence was the cerebral impression of a deceased 7 year old girl. The scientists responsible for Providence's creation attempted to delete the program and much of it was badly degraded including the personality subroutines based on the girl, something that shocked and angered Theo to his core. Despite this, he was promoted to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) for his efforts.

Shortly after this mission, Theo met Mirra Ezo for the time and quickly formed a long lasting friendship with the science officer and later medical officer. During an assignment to assist in clean up efforts on Avronis V, Theo was brutally assaulted by a being that claimed to be an Iconian, although he was saved from serious and long lasting harm thanks to the quick efforts of the Columbia's medical division. He assisted in the modification of a shuttle that was to be discreetly sent to destroy a recently uncovered and operational Iconian gateway to prevent it from falling into Roman hands. He also found himself developing a crush on Risian pilot Antero Flynn during this times. For his actions during the mission, he was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned as Columbia's Chief Engineer after the departure of Commander Brice. While his appointment is largely met with support, one Vulcan engineer stationed aboard the ship finds it difficult to accept and his frequently abrupt and rude, frustrating Theo's first day as CEO.

During an assignment to the planet Hemix I, Theo encountered self styled 'pirate queen' Chennel for the first time. He was also attacked by a suddenly feral Captain Nugra, Columbia's Chief Intelligence Officer, whose Gorn physiology was extremely susceptible to the planet's environment. He and the team were eventually by Chennel and she chose to torture Theo to prove a point to the Columbia, who she was attempting to force to withdraw from the region. He was saved by sudden changes to the space around Hemix I and the emergence of a fourth-dimensional lifeform. He is commended for his bravery and also awarded a Prisoner Of War ribbon and a Purple Heart (his second of four). He kisses Antero Flynn shortly after this mission who had been moved by Theo's selflessness and the two begin to cautiously date.

Theo was present for the incident on the Roman colony world of Estava and helped to develop a countermeasure against the fistrium blocking the ship's sensors and hampering their ability to offer support to the away team's on the planet's surface. Shortly after the mission came to an end, Theo found out he was being transferred to StarBase 118 to serve it's Chief Engineer as Columbia was being withdrawn from active service and overhauled as part of a study of it's space frame. At this time, Theo and Antero Flynn stop dating, both of them unwilling to conduct a long distance relationship.

StarBase 118 Ops and Move To Command

Much of Theo's assignment aboard StarBase 118 was spent combatting the forces of the Orion Syndicate, such as Chennel as seen here.

Theo joined StarBase 118's command staff at a moment of transition. Captain Handley-Page had taken an extended leave of absence and Commander Sal Taybrim had been promoted to Acting Commanding Officer in his stead. His first assignment as 118's Chief Engineer was to assist in the station's attempts to bring renegade Starfleet officer Haz Arrhimen to justice after he attempted to incite a war between the Federation and the remnants of the Romulan Star Empire following a terrorist attack led by Romulans which had killed his brother. The station's auxiliary support vessel, the USS Albion was severely damaged by Arrihmen and Theo was instrumental in bringing the ship back to operational capacity in time to destroy Arrihmen's vessel the USS Stormcrow. It is during this assignment that Theo first met Lieutenant Commander Baylen Anders and shortly afterwards, began a fiercely passionate relationship with him. The two managed to prevent an overload in one of the Albion's torpedo tubes that could have destroyed much of the Excelsior-class vessel.

It was after this incident that Sal Taybrim- who was by now permanently assigned as StarBase 118 Operations' CO asked Theo to accept the vacant position of Executive Officer after being impressed with his conduct during the Arrihmen crisis. Although still somewhat reserved and unsure of himself, Theo agreed and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander shortly afterwards. It would be this transition that would bring about the greatest change in Theo. Throughout his tenure at StarBase 118 he seemed to shed his old insecurities and found himself growing as a person and as a command level officer- something he had never considered prior.

Theo's assignment as Executive Officer of StarBase 118 Ops is largely remembered for an eighteen month battle against the forces of the resurgent Orion Syndicate that were seeking to establish a foothold in the Trinity Sector. The recently escaped convict and former 'pirate queen' Chennel was their lead agent in the battle against Starfleet and terrorised the station for months on end. Theo participated in anti-piracy actions against the Syndicate on a number of occasions including operations on Tilanna V, Raskor I and Geneva VI. Theo also participated in thwarting a Syndicate effort to utilise a previously unknown section of station as well protecting installer singer Lady Shadonna from kidnappers. Shortly after solving a murder investigation on Tilanna V, Lieutenant Commander Baylen Anders apparently left the station to raise his adoptive son Mason and therefore ended his relationship with Theo. This had a profound effect on Theo who considered ending his Starfleet career after losing Baylen and being captured by forces loyal to the Syndicate's disgraced head of operations on the station. It would be almost two years before Theo discovered that Baylen and Mason were in fact kidnapped and put to work as slaves by the Syndicate.

In August 2393, the USS Albion was destroyed in action against the renegade Haz Arrihmen and shortly afterwards, Theo discovered a plot by corrupt Starfleet Sector Commander Commodore Allen Kinney to publicly tarnish the reputation of StarBase 118 to allow his Orion paymasters to flourish in the Trinity Sector. Theo was described as being a "hyper-active child with a tenuous grasp of command". He was present when Commodore Kinney resigned. After this, Starfleet Command assigned the USS Columbia to StarBase 118 to replace the Albion, which effectively made Theo it's XO.

Theo was instrumental in the eventual defeat of the Orion Syndicate in the Trinity Sector. After their operative Chennel used a powerful interstellar storm to serruptiously board the evacuated station, she forced the skeleton crew (led by Theo) to battle her men. Much of the station's Commercial Sector was destroyed by her campaign although Theo was eventually able to push her back to the Operations Centre where she was eventually killed in battle. For his efforts in leading the counterstrike against Chennel, Theo was promoted to Commander.

In December 2394, Starfleet Command reassigned Theo to command the medical vessel USS Blackwell which formed part of the Andaris Task Force in the distant Par'tha Expanse. He was also asked to transport the USS Columbia to Deep Space 26 so that the vessel could undergo extensive refits. Theo found it difficult to leave the station behind, many of the officers he had served with had become members of his chosen family.

Command of the USS Blackwell

Theo's time in command of the Blackwell is notable for an encounter with the Hur'q, the long believed extinct conquerors of the Klingon Empire.

Theo remained in command of the USS Blackwell, an Olympic-class vessel for much of 2395. His time with the Andaris Task Force was marked with several crew rotations including three first officers and a number of long standing crew members transferring to alternate assignments. His first assignment aboard the Blackwell was to deliver humanitarian supplies to the starving world of Arndall which had become a flashpoint in the Cold War between local powers the Caraadians and the militaristic and imperialistic Valcarians. Theo is asked by Starfleet to broker a peaceful resolution between the two powers. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that neither side were interested in negociating. It is during this assignment that the Blackwell was to encounter the Kam'Jahtae- better known to the Alpha Quadrant as the Hur'Q who once occupied the Klingon Empire. The Kam'Jahtae fled after Theo deployed a hastily conceived sonic deterrent against them. After this assignment he asked Lieutenant Commander Jarred Thoran to be his Executive Officer to which he accepted.

Tasked with investigating how the Hur'Q managed to flee from Arndall so easily and quickly, Theo ordered the Blackwell to an uninhabited planetoid that was giving off similar energy signatures to Hur'Q technology. An away disappeared in to a temporal portal and Theo was faced with losing them to the time stream. Working with newly arrived Chief Engineer Luna Walker, Theo helped to devise and implment a solution that brough the away team back and several displaced Starfleet Officers from the 22nd century.

Theo is then promoted to Captain and reassigned with the Blackwell's crew to the USS Columbia and is sent on an exploratory mission to the distant Sagittarius Reach at the very edge of the galaxy.

Return to the USS Columbia

Theo's early days as the latest Captain of the Columbia were unfortunately marked with a series of arguments with Professor Olivia Sellards, the Director of Research at the Federation science station Dehner Base on Delta Vega I. Sellards resented Starfleet's presence in the region and the defensive emplacements they had insisted be installed to protect the base. She made several unsuccessful attempts to convince Theo into advocating their removal. Every time he refused and every time it ended acrimoniously. After one argument, Theo takes the USS Kumari, the Captain's Yacht on a test flight and crashes on a planet where he was quickly captured by Human Augments who had somehow ended on the planet. Following this he became embroiled in the politics of Dehner Base when it transpired that Professor Sellards was hiding evidence of an important archeological discovery on Delta Vega II: ancient Tkon artefacts. The two clashed several times before he ordered Columbia into a nebula in pursuit of raiders that had stolen the artefacts. This was a success and it led to Theo and Sellards calling a truce. He also agreed to allow Jev crim Glev, Dehner Base's head of archeology to work onboard Columbia full time. Theo then established first contact with the Imperial Losarian Commonwealth and agreed to an officer exchange program, which has led to friendly relations between the Federation and the Commonwealth. He once again encountered Tkon technology on an abandoned world and saved the Ma'rithh Kenn people from extinction within an advanced computer network of Tkon origin. Most recently, he encountered the Shanshuri after being duped into believing that five members of his senior staff were killed in the of duty. He and the remaining crew uncovered evidence of the Shanshuri's duplicity also unearthed evidence of a powerful new foe within the Sagittarius Reach who occupy a different phase variance.

Reassignment to the Corps of Engineers and the USS Gorkon

Columbia’s mission was prematurely cancelled after Starfleet Command grew concerned about the ship’s presence altering the balance of power in the region. Recalled to the Federation, the ship was decommissioned once again. Theo was reassigned to oversee new starship construction techniques at Utopia Plantia- an assignment that he resented as he felt he was being sidelined. When he announced that he was considering retiring in protest at what he felt was unjust treatment, he was seconded to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and assigned to the USS Gorkon to assess its suitability for the new Warp XV engine. An encounter with his former helmsman Jona ch’Ranni helped to assuage some of the guilt he felt in regards to Columbia’s decommissioning.

After serving in the role for a year, Theo retired from Starfleet, citing that the organisation had lost its way and was in danger of becoming isolationist.

Civilian Life.

Theo returned to his homeworld of Archer IV, moving into an apartment in the capital city. He was intent on selling his childhood home, although he soon met Thraniikhalib ch’Tellak, an Andorian gardener who had begun to renovate the grounds of the empty manor. Over a period of six months, the two went from friends to lovers and, eventually, bondmates. The two divide their time between their home in the capital city and visiting Betazed and the home of Mirra Ezo.

Frontier Day in 2401

When word reached Archer IV of the Borg Collective's attack on Earth during the Frontier Day celebrations, Theo immediately headed for Earth over the objections of his husband. He stole a Ferris Ranger Prowler and was eventually picked up the USS Narendra, crewed by officers from Starbase 118. He pledged to help Sal Taybrim, his friend and former CO, and was assigned to the Engineering section as a spare pair of hands. Theo was present during the ship's battle with the USS Enterprise-F and worked with Rusty Hael and Lieutenant T'liss to ensure the ship survived.

Friends and Notable Colleagues


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Mirra Ezo

Mirra is Theo's best friend of almost ten years. They first met as junior officers aboard the USS Columbia and their friendship grew after Theo placed himself between Mirra and the pirate known as Chennel during an away mission to Hemix I. Mirra has a tendency to become exasperated at what she perceives at Theo's reckless streak and his tendency to put himself in harm's way to protect those important to him. After the Columbia was withdrawn from active service, they were reunited when they were both assigned to StarBase 118 (Theo was assigned there two months earlier). Their assignment aboard 118 was marked by repeated clashes with Chennel and their fierce protectiveness for each other ensured that they both survived each encounter. Mirra took a Leave of Absence from Starfleet following Chennel's final defeat (and death) but were reunited during the USS Blackwell's mission to Arndall in the Par'tha Expanse. Theo was by now a starship commander and he reactivated her Starfleet commission, assigning her to the Blackwell as a Diplomatic Officer. She followed him to the Columbia in September 2395 but was reassigned a short while later. Mirra retired from Starfleet at some point prior to 2398, and she supported Theo's decision to follow suite. The two see each often, with Theo acting as "grumpy uncle" to Mira's three children.

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Sal Taybrim.

More than just Theo's former Commanding Officer, Sal Taybrim became Theo's mentor in the two years he spent as the Betazoid's Executive Officer. It was Sal who first spotted Theo's potential and transferred him out of engineering and put him on to the command track. Starbase 118's struggles against the resurgent Orion Syndicate and the corrupt Starfleet officials in their pockets led the two men working closely to thwart them. This working relationship eventually blossomed in to a close friendship, with Theo learning much about command and even himself as Sal guided him through tough times with gentle support and encouragement. After one arduous mission, Theo contemplated leaving Starfleet but the strength of loyalty to Sal made him realise he was where he needed to be. Even after Theo's reassignment to the USS Blackwell the two remained in touch and it was Sal who was given the honour of promoting Theo to Captain. When Sal himself was promoted, the Columbia's assignment to the Sagittarius Reach meant he was unable to attend the promotion ceremony- however he still found the time to send his close friend a message of congratulations.



As an Intelligence officer, Aitas was mandated to report to Theo weekly to brief him on events within the Trinity Sector. Through these meetings, a deep friendship blossomed with Aitas becoming one of Theo's most trusted confidants and vice versa. First encountering her during the the station's second encounter with Haz Arrihman, he spotted her potential and made it his business to get know the promising Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid. After learning of her past as a slave of the Orion Syndicate, he was noticeably more protective of her and was distrustful of her father-figure, Jakarn. He was present when she was reunited with her biological father in the mines of Dominicus VI. They were known to meditate together in their off-duty hours. Their friendship hit a rocky patch when Theo left the station abruptly in the wake of Baylen Anders' return from captivity (which also left his burgeoning romance with Taelon, Aitas' adoptive brother-figure in jeopardy). Despite this, they were firm friends once more and she and her newborn son travelled to Deep Space 26 to witness Theo's promotion to Captain.

Notable Colleagues

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At one time there was a chance that Theo and Taelon could have been more than colleagues. Theo developed feelings for the socially awkward El-Aurian scientist after several assignments together. But his reticence to commit in the wake of the end of Baylen Anders' departure from station meant that little progressed between the two of them aside from a number of dates. Theo's own abrupt departure from the station laid to rest any hope of a relationship, something that Theo still feels guilt over. But despite that, Theo admired Taelon's knowledge and skills as a scientist and the two relied on each other's strengths to overcome various adversity. When Taelon was declared missing after encountering a temporal anomaly, Theo was deeply troubled and had Starfleet send him regular updates on their search for him. He was relieved when he was found after being temporally displaced, although decided not reopen contact to give the man time to heal.


Anath G'Renn.

On top of being a fellow lover of tea, Theo trusts Anath G’Renn to look after the welfare of the 750 people who live and work aboard the Columbia. When her fiancee, Savok, joined the Columbia as a civilian researcher, Theo was humbled to be asked to officiate their marriage. She was also on hand to soothe Theo concerns over the possibility over member's of the crew becoming espers if they came in to contact with the Galactic Barrier. From from just being Theo's Chief Medical Officer, Anath G'Renn had become a trusted friend and confidant- and he told her family as much when they aboard for her and Savok's nuptials.

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Olivia Sellards.

Fractious is possibly the best word to describe the relationship between Theo and the Director of Research of Dehner Base. Their ugly and acrimonious arguments characterised much of the first few weeks aboard the Columbia owing to Theo's refusal to advocate for the dismantling the defensive emplacements meant to protect the civilian research station. Relations further fell apart between the two when Sellards intentionally hid the discovery of ancient Tkon artefacts from Theo and the Columbia crew, even when mercenaries stole them to sell on the local black market. Pressed to explain herself, Sellards confided in Theo in her difficult past with Starfleet. A little more sympathetic, Theo could finally understand her reluctance to work with Starfleet.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239203.16-239203.16 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineering Cadet
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Ensign 239203.24 - 239205.03 USS Columbia Engineering Officer
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Lieutenant JG 239205.03 - 239207.26 USS Columbia Engineering Officer
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Lieutenant 239207.26 - 239211.16 USS Columbia Chief Engineer
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Lieutenant 239211.16 - 239212.14 StarBase 118 Ops

& USS Albion

Chief Engineer
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Lieutenant Commander 239212.14 - 239309.09 StarBase 118 Ops

& USS Albion

Executive Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239309.09 - 239406.06 StarBase 118 Ops

& USS Columbia

Executive Officer
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Commander 239406.06 - 239412.04 StarBase 118 Ops

& USS Columbia

Executive Officer
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Commander 239412.04 - 239509.04 USS Blackwell

of the Andaris Task Force

Commanding Officer
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Captain 239509.04 - 239509.10 USS Blackwell

of the Andaris Task Force

Commanding Officer
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Captain 239509.10 - 239611.05 USS Columbia Commanding Officer
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Captain 239611.05 - 239701.03 Utopia Plantia Ship Yards New Starship Construction Division, Commanding Officer
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Captain 239701.03 - 239710.18 USS Gorkon Starfleet Corps of Engineers Consultant
N/A 239710.18 - 240109.04 N/A Retired
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Captain 240109.04 - PRESENT StarBase 118 Ops

& USS Narendra

Fleet Reconstruction Specialist


  • Theo is embarrassed by his middle name, Michelangelo, perceiving it to be “pretentious”. It took him several months to disclose it to Mirra Ezo. When writing his signature he often shortens his name to “Theo M. Whittaker as a result.
  • Though his background is in engineering he detests Jeffries Tubes, finding them uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
  • Numerous people have commented that Theo has an “unnatural attachment” to the USS Columbia. Theo freely admits that he is extremely fond of the vessel but disagrees that it is unnatural, claiming that many engineers are attached to their first assignments.
  • Theo nicknames his ready room aboard the USS Blackwell “the broom closet” owing to its extremely small size in comparison to his office aboard StarBase 118. This later caught on amongst the crew of the medical vessel.
  • Though he has never stated outright, Theo is (by 21st century definitions) pansexual as he is attracted to individuals rather than specific genders.
  • He is a noted fan of Lady Shadonna, a popular Federation singer. He was once assigned to bring her to StarBase 118 for a concert and ended up saving her life after they were kidnapped by Orion Syndicate operatives. Unconfirmed rumours suggest that the two may have gotten inebriated after this incident, although Theo has always denied this.