User:Rich/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{LCARS-bar-heading|Player Characters (PCs)|290|COLOR=#6699cc}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Player Characters (PCs)|COLOR=#6699cc}}
File:RiviVataix.png|{{nrank|Ambassador|Rivi Vataix}}
File:Bakari.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Msafiri|Bakari}}
File:Rahman-Official-Portrait-2397.png|{{nrank|Capt.|Roshanara Rahman}}
* '''{{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}''': The impish former chief engineer of the {{USS|Garuda}}, now unexpectedly the ship's first officer and a project manager for the [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]].
*'''[[Rivi Vataix]]''': Daughter of the [[Eleventh House of Betazed]] and [[Sky Blake]]'s cousin, who is appointed as the highest representative of the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] in the [[Delta Quadrant]].
* '''{{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}''': A human criminal investigator and security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
:''Having enjoyed the life of a Betazoid socialite, Rivi takes on the challenges that come with being Chief of Mission for [[Amity Outpost]].''
*'''[[Esma]]''': A young [[Vulcan]]/[[Romulan]] refugee who found her way to Starfleet to see the stars and engage with her puzzling non-Vulcan colleagues.
:''Born of two worlds, one lost forever, Esma navigates her way through a changed galaxy.''
* '''[[Roshanara Rahman]]''': The impish former chief engineer of the {{USS|Garuda}} and a project manager for the [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]], now commanding officer of the {{USS|Kitty Hawk}} in the [[Delta Quadrant]] after completing a 5-year tour of duty as captain of the {{USS|Veritas}} in the [[Shoals]].
File:Chesna.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Cadet Chesna]]
:''Growing up, Roshanara dreamt of reaching out to the stars above, a dream for which she has worked tirelessly and sacrificed much to achieve. Yet does her destiny lie elsewhere?''
File:Jomm.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Cadet Jomm]]
* '''[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Chesna]]''': An Andorian cadet.
* '''[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Jomm]]''': A Bolian cadet.

File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan|Kadosh}}
File:ZhouTS.jpg|{{nrank|Capt.|Zhou Tai-Sheng}}
File:ZhouTS.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Zhou Tai-Sheng}}
File:Josephwashington.jpg|{{nrank|Vice Adm.|Joseph Washington}}
File:Bakari.jpg|{{nrank|Cmdr.|Msafiri Bakari}}
File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan Kadosh}}
File:Csampi.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Charles Sampi}}
File:Tenzin_zhou.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Tenzin Zhou}}
* '''{{n|Eitan|Kadosh}}''': A veteran marine assigned to the {{USS|Drake}}.
* '''[[Zhou Tai-Sheng]]''': Former chief of security of the {{USS|Tiger|A}}, now CO of the {{USS|Concordia}}.
:''My first secondary PC, brother of {{n|Ayelet|Kadosh}}.''
:''Having spent the last few years amid the daily routine of a starbase, Zhou Tai-Sheng heads back to a starship looking for adventure.''
* '''[[Zhou Tai-Sheng]]''': Former chief of security of the {{USS|Tiger|A}}.
* '''[[Joseph Washington]]''': A human [[Dominion War]] veteran and commander for Starfleet operations in the Tholian region. Previously the commanding officer of the {{USS|Invicta}} from 2393-2395.
:''My third PC, cousin to Tenzin Zhou.''
:''Hardened by his experiences from the Dominion War and a life on the front lines, Joseph faces his greatest challenge when he's reassigned to Starfleet's Invicta Expedition, a supposed return to Starfleet's exploratory roots to renew the Federation's soul and perhaps his own.''
* '''[[Sampi, Charles|Charles "Charlie" Sampi]]''': A young human doctor.
* '''[[Msafiri Bakari]]''': A human security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to [[Cassandra Egan Manno]].
:''My second PC, now completing a fellowship on [[Medical Starbase 253]].''
:''A former resistance fighter who survived the Vaadwaur Occupation, Msafiri never forgave those in command whom he felt had acted cowardly and left others to die. Now as he dons the red collar, he learns the true courage necessary to lead.''
* '''{{n|Tenzin|Zhou}}''': A human/Trill medical doctor.
* '''[[Eitan Kadosh]]''': A veteran marine assigned to the {{USS|Drake}}.
:''My first PC, now happily stationed on Betazed.''
:''Eitan, a Dominion War veteran and career Marine officer, returns to deep space duty, away from his family and the safety of home.''
* '''[[Charles Sampi|Charles "Charlie" Sampi]]''': A young human doctor.
:''Charlie, a young physician, reports to his new assignment, only to suddenly find himself as its new CMO. With the position comes a host of new challenges as a department head, leader, and mentor.''
* '''[[Tenzin Zhou]]''': A human/Trill medical doctor.
:''The death of Veralise Jessop early in his Starfleet career haunts Zhou as he continues to deal with the separation from his wife Yasmin.''

{{LCARS-bar-heading|Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPCs)|450|COLOR=#6699cc}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPCs)|COLOR=#6699cc}}
File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess|Webber}}
File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess Webber}}
File:Daniellevistain.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Danielle|Vistain}}
File:Daniellevistain.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Danielle Vistain}}
File:Chaun.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Dre'lith Chaun}}
File:Lidia ivanova.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Lidia|Ivanova}}
File:Lidia ivanova.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Lidia Ivanova}}
File:Xio.png|{{nrank|Crewman First Class|Xio}}
File:Xio.png|{{nrank|Crewman First Class|Xio}}
File:Montanez.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Javier|Montanez}}
File:Montanez.jpg|{{nrank|Rear Adm.|Javier Montanez}}
* '''{{n|Jess|Webber}}''': An {{age|2309|11|16}}-year-old Human/[[Gideon]] operations officer who keeps {{n|Nick|Falls}} young.
* '''[[Jess Webber]]''': A {{age|2309|11|16}}-year-old Human/[[Gideon]] operations officer who keeps [[Nick Falls]] young.
* '''{{n|Danielle|Vistain}}''': A human engineer who loves shuttles, even if they don't always love her.
* '''[[Danielle Vistain]]''': A human engineer who loves shuttles, even if they don't always love her.
:''My first NPC whom I later adopted into a PNPC.''
:''My first NPC whom I later adopted into a PNPC.''
* '''[[Maravosh]]''': A Risian pilot previously stationed on Starbase 301 and close friend of [[Zhou Tai-Sheng]].
* '''[[Maravosh]]''': A Risian pilot previously stationed on Starbase 301 and close friend of [[Zhou Tai-Sheng]].
* '''{{n|Dre'lith|Chaun}}''': An Andorian helmsman who needs to learn some new pick up lines.
* '''[[Dre'lith Chaun]]''': An Andorian helmsman who needs to learn some new pick up lines.
* '''[[Reez]]''': A Denobulan engineer, whose life was saved by Roshanara Rahman during an accident aboard the {{USS|Tempest}}.
* '''[[Reez]]''': A Denobulan engineer, whose life was saved by Roshanara Rahman during an accident aboard the {{USS|Tempest}}.
* '''{{n|Lidia|Ivanova}}''': A human security officer and a close friend of Tenzin Zhou.
* '''[[Lidia Ivanova]]''': A human security officer and a close friend of Tenzin Zhou.
:''She was previously posted to the {{USS|Pioneer}}. In a message to Zhou, she mentions meeting a "kid doctor" aboard that vessel who later is revealed to be Charles Sampi.''
:''She was previously posted to the {{USS|Pioneer}}. In a message to Zhou, she mentions meeting a "kid doctor" aboard that vessel who later is revealed to be Charles Sampi.''
* '''[[Xio]]''': A Rodulan engineer.
* '''[[Xio]]''': A Rodulan engineer.
* '''{{n|Javier|Montanez}}''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.
* '''[[Javier Montanez]]''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.

===Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs===
===Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs===
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet|Kadosh}}
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet Kadosh}}
File:MacNeil.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Graham MacNeil}}
File:DoctorMol.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Grishols Mol}}
File:Jessop.jpg|{{nrank|Crewman|Veralise Jessop}}
File:Chesna.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Cadet Chesna]]
File:Jomm.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Cadet Jomm]]
* '''{{n|Ayelet|Kadosh}}''': A human nurse from [[Deep Space 17]] who transferred to the USS ''Independence''-A after [[Operation Bright Star]]. She later left Starfleet to remain on Earth in late 2388.
* '''[[Ayelet Kadosh]]''': A human nurse from [[Deep Space 17]] who transferred to the USS ''Independence''-A after [[Operation Bright Star]]. She later left Starfleet to remain on Earth in late 2388.
:''Ayelet eventually become my primary PNPC for much of 2011 and one of my favorite characters to sim. Ironically, she was meant to be only a minor side character for a mission-specific PNPC, namely {{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}.''
:''Ayelet tries to return to a normal life in the aftermath of the Vaadwaur Occupation, but her greatest struggles lie ahead.''
* '''{{n|Graham|MacNeil}}''': A human assistant chief engineer of the USS ''Mercury'', killed in action in 2389.
* '''[[Graham MacNeil]]''': A human assistant chief engineer of the USS ''Mercury'', killed in action in 2389.
* '''[[Pok]]''': A Ferengi medical student who completed a clinical rotation aboard the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Pok]]''': A Ferengi medical student who completed a clinical rotation aboard the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''{{n|Grishols|Mol}}''': A seasoned physician and observer from Starfleet Medical. He was sent to evaluate Charles Sampi.
* '''[[Grishols Mol]]''': A seasoned physician and observer from Starfleet Medical. He was sent to evaluate Charles Sampi.
* '''{{n|Veralise|Jessop}}''': A human medic who was killed in action in 2387.
* '''[[Veralise Jessop]]''': A human medic who was killed in action in 2387.
:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''
:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''
* '''[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Chesna]]''': An Andorian cadet played in the [[Training Team]].
* '''[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Jomm]]''': A Bolian cadet played in the [[Training Team]].

File:Dajhul.jpg|{{nrank|Gul|Tolas Dajhul}}
File:Reza_Kardgar.jpg|[[Reza Kardgar]]
File:ProfCowens.jpg|{{nrank|Prof.|J. Cowens}}
File:Peress.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Peress Dolsan}}
* '''{{n|Tolas|Dajhul}}''': The Cardassian co-commanding officer of [[Creshan'na Riyas]] (also known as [[Deep Space 10]]).
* '''[[Tolas Dajhul]]''': The Cardassian co-commanding officer of [[Creshan'na Riyas]] (also known as [[Deep Space 10]]).
* '''Yasmin Ibrahim''': Tenzin Zhou's wife.
* '''Yasmin Ibrahim''': Tenzin Zhou's wife.
:''Yasmin holds the distinction of having my first sim written in the first person voice: [[SIM: From DS17: Prelude to a New Chapter|"Prelude to a New Chapter"]]''
:''Yasmin holds the distinction of having my first sim written in the first person voice: [[SIM: From DS17: Prelude to a New Chapter|"Prelude to a New Chapter"]]''
* '''{{n|Reza|Kardgar}}''': A human journalist for the [[Federation News Service]] and survivor of the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]].
* '''[[Reza Kardgar]]''': A human journalist for the [[Federation News Service]] and survivor of the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]].
:''Reza holds the distinction of having the second: [[Federation News Service/Special Report: The Face of Treason|"The Face of Treason"]]''
:''Reza holds the distinction of having the second: [[Federation News Service/Special Report: The Face of Treason|"The Face of Treason"]]''
* '''{{n|J.|Cowens}}''': A human professor and astrophysicist aboard the USS ''Mercury'', on sabbatical from the Orion Institute of Cosmology.
* '''[[J. Cowens]]''': A human professor and astrophysicist aboard the USS ''Mercury'', on sabbatical from the Orion Institute of Cosmology.
* '''Pasht-Nos''': An Orion who served as first officer of the FTU K'Tarkin.
* '''Pasht-Nos''': An Orion who served as first officer of the FTU K'Tarkin.
* '''{{n|Peress|Dolsan}}''': A Romulan scientist and refugee on [[Bilire VI]].
* '''[[Peress Dolsan]]''': A Romulan scientist and refugee on [[Bilire VI]].
* '''Ivorsk Ketas''': A (not quite) retired Romulan Tal Shiar agent on Bilire VI.
* '''Ivorsk Ketas''': A (not quite) retired Romulan Tal Shiar agent on Bilire VI.
* '''Eres''': A Bajoran freedom fighter/terrorist and member of the [[Scarlet Brotherhood]]
* '''Eres''': A Bajoran freedom fighter/terrorist and member of the [[Scarlet Brotherhood]].
* '''[[Ayelet]]''': An odd human woman from the Mirror Universe.
* '''[[Ayelet]]''': An odd human woman from the Mirror Universe.
* '''[[Efili]]''': An AI of unknown origin running loose within the Mercury's computer. It uses an Arkenite crewman as its holographic avatar.
* '''[[Efili]]''': An AI of unknown origin running loose within the Mercury's computer. It uses an Arkenite crewman as its holographic avatar.

{{LCARS-bar-heading|Non-Player Characters (NPCs)|330|COLOR=#6699cc}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Non-Player Characters (NPCs)|COLOR=#6699cc}}
Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
File:ReniaLenai.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Renia Lenai}}
File:Faryul.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Faryul Nishal}}
File:Faryul.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Faryul Nishal}}
File:Mitul_Shah.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Mitul Shah}}
* '''{{n|Renia|Lenai}}''': A Haliian research assistant aboard the USS ''Mercury''.
* '''[[Renia Lenai]]''': A Haliian research assistant aboard the USS ''Mercury''.
* '''[[Faryul Nishal]]''': The Bajoran head nurse of the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Faryul Nishal]]''': The Bajoran head nurse of the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Karaav]]''': The EMH aboard the USS ''Independence''-A and USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Karaav]]''': The EMH aboard the USS ''Independence''-A and USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''{{n|Durrell|Taylor}}''': A human engineer and friend of Danielle Vistain.
* '''[[Durrell Taylor]]''': A human engineer and friend of Danielle Vistain.
* '''{{n|Mitul|Shah}}''': A veteran human nurse in his late 40s.
* '''[[Mitul Shah]]''': A veteran human nurse in his late 40s.
* '''Bhavin Vyas''': Another human engineer.
* '''Bhavin Vyas''': Another human engineer.
* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.
* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Notable Mission-Specific Personal Non-Player Characters (MSPNPCs)|COLOR=#6699cc}}
File:CmdrBlake.png|{{nrank|Commander|Sky Blake (alternate)}}
* '''[[Sky Blake (alternate)]]''': The captain of the {{USS|Veritas}} in an alternate universe.

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