PNPC - Medical Officer - USS Constitution-B
Original PC. Anath is the middle child of a Klingon doctor and a Vulcan biologist. She was raised on Vulcan but maintains an awareness of and fondness for her Klingon heritage. The death of her younger brother Avarak inspired her to study medicine and her best friend's decision to join Starfleet convinced Anath to become a medical officer. She has served on the Blackwell, the Columbia, the Astraeus, the Atlantis, the Chin'toka, and the Constitution-B.
PNPC - Engineering Officer - USS Constitution-B
Secondary-turned-primary character. Rachel was born in the 22nd century and served in the United Earth Starfleet. She witnessed the Xindi Crisis, the foundation of the Coalition of Planets, and fought in the Earth-Romulan War. Her ship encountered a temporal anomaly and was stranded outside of normal spacetime. The survivors were rescued by an away team from the USS Blackwell. After being introduced to the 24th century, Rachel joined the Federation Starfleet and is working to build a new life in the present.
PNPC - Civilian Botanist - USS Constitution-B
First PNPC and spouse of Anath G'Renn. Savok is a botanist and staff member at the Vulcan Science Academy. He was betrothed to Anath at an early age and remained on Vulcan while she joined Starfleet. The two were reunited when Savok was assigned to the USS Blackwell as a civilian researcher.
PNPC - Child - USS Constitution-B
Fifth PNPC and nephew of Anath G'Renn. Rol'Q is the young son of Anath's sister Jolash G'Renn and Kolrriq. When the transport ship carrying his parents disappeared on the return home from the Par'tha Expanse, Anath and Savok became his legal guardians.
PNPC - HCO Officer - USS Constitution-B
Second PNPC. Torrel is a Denobulan HCO officer. She spent her childhood both home on Denobula and traveling with her father for some of his assignments as a Federation diplomat. As a child she had (and still has) a love for holonovel adventures. This passion translated into an aptitude for programming holodeck programs. Sometimes, she feels that she always winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
PNPC - Cosmologist - USS Constitution-B
Seventh PNPC. Seti Kiris is a Bajoran cosmologist. He was born at the tail end of the Occupation of Bajor to a Bajoran clergyman and a resistance fighter. He was part of the seminary, but proved especially curious and instead attended the University of Bajor to study astrophysics and cosmology. After getting his masters degree, he used his newfound Federation citizenship to join Starfleet and attend the Academy.
PNPC - Telepathic Therapist - USS Constitution-B
Eighth PNPC. Zeylinn is an Aenar telepathic therapist. She has spent most of her career at Starfleet Medical adapting a traditional form of Aenar mental health counseling for wider use. She has proven her technique working with certain telepathic and neurological conditions such as Bendii Syndrome. Her posting to the USS Constitution-B is an opportunity to try her methods with more people.