Chin'toka Crew History: Difference between revisions

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(Cleaned up V'Len leaving.)
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{{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Chin'toka}}
{{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Chin'toka}}
{{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}}
{{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}}
{{New Officer|Captain|Mei'konda|Red|239710.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{New Officer|Commander|Serala|Red|240107.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch Crew.}}
{{Old Officer|Captain|Mei'konda|Red|239710.13 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Serala|Red|239710.07 - 239710.13|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting CO}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Serala|Red|239710.07 - 239710.13|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting CO}}
{{Post|Red|First Officer}}
{{Post|Red|First Officer}}
{{New Officer|Commander|Jaelyne Isa|Red|239901.15 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC for [[Serala]].}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Aine Sherlock|Red|240107.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch Crew.}}
{{Old Officer|Commander|Jaelyne Isa|Red|239901.15 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC for [[Serala]].}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239812.22 - 239901.15|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting.<br>Serving concurrently as Chief Sec. & Tac Offc.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239812.22 - 239901.15|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting.<br>Serving concurrently as Chief Sec. & Tac Offc.}}
{{Old Officer|Commander|Serala|Red|239709.01 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239812.22}}
{{Old Officer|Commander|Serala|Red|239709.01 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239812.22}}
{{Post|Red|Second Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|V'Len Kel|Blue|240107.13 - 240202.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=<small>Re-launch crew.<br>Served concurrently as CMO.<br>LoA 240107.23 - 240108.31.<br>Transferred to USS Ronin.</small>}}
{{Post|Red|Chief Helmsman}}
{{Post|Red|Chief Helmsman}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Cadfael Peters|Red|239712.26 - 239908.31|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to Chief Engineer.<br>Transferred from {{USS|Juneau}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Cadfael Peters|Red|239712.26 - 239908.31|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to Chief Engineer.<br>Transferred from {{USS|Juneau}}.}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|T'Khio'ri|Red|240108.27 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Post|Red|Helm / Comm / Operations Officer}}
{{Post|Red|Helm / Comm / Operations Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma|Red|239910.11 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC of [[Lael Rosek-Skyfire]].<br>Serves concurrently as Mission Specialist.}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Kel Amir|Red|240107.31 - 240108.13|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Retired.}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|101 and 000|Red|239907.26 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma|Red|239910.11 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC of [[Lael Rosek-Skyfire]].<br>Serves concurrently as Mission Specialist.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|101 and 000|Red|239907.26 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Post|Red|Mission Specialist}}
{{Post|Red|Mission Specialist}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma|Red|239910.11 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC of [[Lael Rosek-Skyfire]].<br>Serves concurrently as HCO Officer.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Nysira Starlyn|Red|240110.23 - 240201.24|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC of [[Tai Ilsam]].<br>LOA 240112.14 - 240112.30.<br>LOA 240201.24 - present}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Tai Ilsam|Red|240107.13 - 240110.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew. PC change to Nysira Starlyn}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma|Red|239910.11 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=New PC of [[Lael Rosek-Skyfire]].<br>Serves concurrently as HCO Officer.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Red|239906.04 - 239909.12|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239909.12.<br>PC switch from Kasil Kesex.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Red|239906.04 - 239909.12|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239909.12.<br>PC switch from Kasil Kesex.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Kasil Kesex|Red|239812.22 - 239906.04|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=PC switch from Lael Rosek.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Kasil Kesex|Red|239812.22 - 239906.04|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=PC switch from Lael Rosek.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Red|239804.25 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=PC switch to Kasil Kesex.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Red|239804.25 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=PC switch to Kasil Kesex.}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Operations}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|T'Ama|Gold|240110.23 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Esa Kiax|Gold|239709.22 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA from 239905.28 to 239909.12.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Post|Gold|Acting Chief of Operations}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|T'Ama|Gold|240107.13 - 240110.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew. Promoted to Chief of Operations.}}
{{Post|Gold|Assistant Chief of Operations}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Esa Kiax|Gold|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Cadfael Peters|Gold|239908.31 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Formerly Chief Helmsman.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Cadfael Peters|Gold|239908.31 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Formerly Chief Helmsman.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Commander|Etas Dabin|Gold|239812.22 - 239905.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239905.25<br>New PC of [[Charmaine Ning]].}}
{{Old Officer|Commander|Etas Dabin|Gold|239812.22 - 239905.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA began 239905.25<br>New PC of [[Charmaine Ning]].}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Lephi|Gold|239804.25 - 239810.18|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Transferred to {{USS|Gorkon}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Lephi|Gold|239804.25 - 239810.18|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Transferred to {{USS|Gorkon}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Gold|239709.01 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to Mission Specialist.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Lael Rosek|Gold|239709.01 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to Mission Specialist.}}
{{Post|Gold|Acting Chief Engineer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Ghee’looth Xiron|Gold|240107.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew.}}
{{Post|Gold|Assistant Chief Engineer}}
{{Post|Gold|Assistant Chief Engineer}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Lephi|Gold|239709.22 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Promoted to Chief Engineer.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Lephi|Gold|239709.22 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Promoted to Chief Engineer.}}
{{Post|Gold|Engineering Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Engineering Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|Valin Dermont|Gold|239903.30 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Is'Kah|Gold|240107.13 - 240202.07|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew.<br>Promoted to Chief of Tactical & Security}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Wyatt Ral|Gold|239903.20 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Valin Dermont|Gold|239903.30 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Wyatt Ral|Gold|239903.20 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Lephi|Gold|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC|}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Lephi|Gold|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC|}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Operations}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Esa Kiax|Gold|239709.22 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA from 239905.28 to 239909.12}}
{{Post|Gold|Assistant Chief of Operations}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Esa Kiax|Gold|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Security}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Security}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Ilana Ganarvuss|Gold|239709.01 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting, LOA}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Ilana Ganarvuss|Gold|239709.01 - 239710.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting, LOA.}}
{{Post|Gold|Tactical Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Varik|Gold|239709.09 - Present|Tactical Officer|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LOA}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Tactical & Security}}
{{Post|Gold|Chief of Tactical & Security}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239803.28 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Serving as Acting FO between 239812.22 and 239901.15.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239803.28 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Serving as Acting FO between 239812.22 and 239901.15.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Post|Gold|Acting Chief of Tactical & Security}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant JG|Is'Kah|Gold|240202.07 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Daniel McGillian|Gold|240110.23 - 240201.13|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LOA 240201.13}}
{{Post|Gold|Tactical & Security Officer}}
{{Post|Gold|Tactical & Security Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|Amuro McKnight|Gold|239803.28 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|Seleya of Khanda|Gold|240202.17 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Catalina Soldia|Gold|240201.22 - 240202.06|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Retired.}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Daniel McGillian|Gold|240107.13 - 240110.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew. Promoted to Acting Chief of Tactical/Security}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Amuro McKnight|Gold|239803.28 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Basbah Trem|Gold|239907.11 - 239910.11|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Basbah Trem|Gold|239907.11 - 239910.11|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Kurt Logan|Gold|239810.18 - 239904.01|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Kurt Logan|Gold|239810.18 - 239904.01|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Kurt Logan|Gold|239803.28 - 239807.17|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Kurt Logan|Gold|239803.28 - 239807.17|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Post|Gold|Tactical Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Varik Tal'Aura|Gold|239709.09 - 239712.01|Tactical Officer|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LOA}}
{{Post|Gold|SOR Team Leader}}
{{Post|Gold|SOR Team Leader}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239709.01 - 239803.28|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=SOR Team reintegrated with Tac/Sec}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Toryn Raga|Gold|239709.01 - 239803.28|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=SOR Team reintegrated with Tac/Sec}}
Line 57: Line 78:
{{Post|Blue|Chief Science Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Chief Science Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|Noa T'Nessa Levinson|Blue|239804.25 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|Kimberly Stapledon|Blue|240110.23 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Noa T'Nessa Levinson|Blue|239804.25 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Post|Blue|Acting Chief Science Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Kimberly Stapledon|Blue|240107.13 - 240110.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew. Promoted to Chief Science Officer.}}
{{Post|Blue|Science Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Science Officer}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|Skye Shepherd|Blue|240110.23 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Charmaine Ning|Blue|239806.24 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reverted to PNPC status. Changed to [[Etas Dabin]].}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Charmaine Ning|Blue|239806.24 - 239812.22|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Reverted to PNPC status. Changed to [[Etas Dabin]].}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Thalas th'Koro|Blue|239709.01 - 239806.20|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Thalas th'Koro|Blue|239709.01 - 239806.20|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=AWOL}}
Line 65: Line 90:
{{Post|Blue|Chief Medical Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Chief Medical Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239804.25 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Promoted to Lt. Commander 239905.23}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|V'Len Kel|Blue|240110.23 - 240202.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=<small>Served concurrently as 2O.<br>Transferred to USS Ronin</small>}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Anath G'Renn|Blue|239710.26 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LOA 239801.01}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239804.25 - 239911.27|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Promoted to Lt. Commander 239905.23.<br>Reassigned to {{USS|Astraeus}}.}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|Anath G'Renn|Blue|239710.26 - 239801.01|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LOA 239801.01}}
{{Post|Blue|Acting Chief Medical Officer}}
{{Old Officer|Lt. Commander|V'Len Kel|Blue|240107.13 - 240110.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=<small>Re-launch crew.<br>Served concurrently as 2O.<br>LoA 240107.23 - 240108.31.<br>Made Chief SD240110.23.</small>}}
{{Post|Blue|Assistant Chief Medical Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Assistant Chief Medical Officer}}
{{New Officer|Lieutenant|Sylvie Doucet|Blue|240107.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew.<br>LoA 240109.15 - 240112.30.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239709.22 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting Chief 239801.01<br>Promoted to Chief Medical Officer.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant JG|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239709.22 - 239804.25|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Acting Chief 239801.01<br>Promoted to Chief Medical Officer.}}
{{Post|Blue|Medical Officer}}
{{Post|Blue|Medical Officer}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|T'syrik|Blue|239907.26 - Present|STYLE=PIC}}
{{New Officer|Ensign|Leenaya Edrei|Blue|240107.27 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|T'syrik|Blue|239907.26 - 239908|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Never Simmed.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Solok|Blue|239905.25 - 239907.20|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA 239907.20}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Solok|Blue|239905.25 - 239907.20|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=LoA 239907.20}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Talma|Blue|239811.22 - 239901.14|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Talma|Blue|239811.22 - 239901.14|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Elizabeth Snow|Blue|239709.01 - 239709.21|STYLE=PIC}}
{{New Officer|Lt. Commander|Alexander Brodie|Blue|240107.13 - Present|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Re-launch crew.<br>LOA 240112.09 - 240202.03}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Ilana Ganarvuss|Blue|239811.22 - 239901.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Retired.}}
{{Old Officer|Lieutenant|Ilana Ganarvuss|Blue|239811.22 - 239901.23|STYLE=PIC|NOTES=Retired.}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Sepulsra Hex|Blue|239809.06 - 239811.14|STYLE=PIC|LOA}}
{{Old Officer|Ensign|Sepulsra Hex|Blue|239809.06 - 239811.14|STYLE=PIC|LOA}}

Latest revision as of 06:50, 28 February 2025

The Chin'toka Crew History tracks the officers and civilians who have served aboard the USS Chin'toka since her first commissioning in 2397. Crew ranks are recorded at their highest fields and ranks on board. Service dates of crew on board the ship are also included.

All sections are arranged by date of service, with the most recent additions to the crew at the top of each list. Links to profiles have been added where possible.

USS Chin'toka Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
PICstyle-cmdr red.png
Serala 240107.13 - Present
Re-launch Crew.
PICstyle-cpt red.png
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png
Mei'konda 239710.13 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Serala 239710.07 - 239710.13
Acting CO
First Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Aine Sherlock LCDR FO 0002.png
Aine Sherlock 240107.13 - Present
Re-launch Crew.
PICstyle-cmdr red.png
Jaelyne Isa.png
Jaelyne Isa 239901.15 - 239911.27
New PC for Serala.
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Toryn Raga 239812.22 - 239901.15
Serving concurrently as Chief Sec. & Tac Offc.
PICstyle-cmdr red.png
Serala 239709.01 - 239812.22
LoA began 239812.22
Second Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
V'Len Kel 240107.13 - 240202.27
Re-launch crew.
Served concurrently as CMO.
LoA 240107.23 - 240108.31.
Transferred to USS Ronin.
Chief Helmsman
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
LtCPeters Gold 2399.png
Cadfael Peters 239712.26 - 239908.31
Reassigned to Chief Engineer.
Transferred from USS Juneau.
PICstyle-ens red.png
T'Khio'ri 240108.27 - Present
Helm / Comm / Operations Officer
PICstyle-ens red.png
Kel Amir 240107.31 - 240108.13
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Lansa Cheveyo-Arma.png
Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma 239910.11 - 239911.27
New PC of Lael Rosek-Skyfire.
Serves concurrently as Mission Specialist.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ens red.png
101 and 000 239907.26 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
Mission Specialist
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Nysira Starlyn 240110.23 - 240201.24
New PC of Tai Ilsam.
LOA 240112.14 - 240112.30.
LOA 240201.24 - present
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Ilsam Red LtCmdr..png
Tai Ilsam 240107.13 - 240110.23
Re-launch crew. PC change to Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Lansa Cheveyo-Arma.png
Chochmingwu Cheveyo-Arma 239910.11 - 239911.27
New PC of Lael Rosek-Skyfire.
Serves concurrently as HCO Officer.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Lael Rosek-Skyfire 239906.04 - 239909.12
LoA began 239909.12.
PC switch from Kasil Kesex.
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Kesex LtCmdrRed Bckgd.png
Kasil Kesex 239812.22 - 239906.04
PC switch from Lael Rosek.
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lt. Commander
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Lael Rosek-Skyfire 239804.25 - 239812.22
PC switch to Kasil Kesex.
Operations Division
Chief of Operations
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Ens T'Ama.png
T'Ama 240110.23 - Present
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Esa Kiax 239709.22 - 239911.27
LoA from 239905.28 to 239909.12.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
Acting Chief of Operations
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Ens T'Ama.png
T'Ama 240107.13 - 240110.23
Re-launch crew. Promoted to Chief of Operations.
Assistant Chief of Operations
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Esa Kiax 239709.01 - 239709.21
Chief Engineer
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
LtCPeters Gold 2399.png
Cadfael Peters 239908.31 - 239911.27
Formerly Chief Helmsman.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-cmdr gold.png
Etas Dabin 239812.22 - 239905.25
LoA began 239905.25
New PC of Charmaine Ning.
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Lephi 239804.25 - 239810.18
Transferred to USS Gorkon.
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Lael Rosek-Skyfire 239709.01 - 239804.25
Reassigned to Mission Specialist.
Acting Chief Engineer
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Ensign Xiron.png
Ghee’looth Xiron 240107.13 - Present
Re-launch crew.
Assistant Chief Engineer
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Lephi 239709.22 - 239804.25
Promoted to Chief Engineer.
Engineering Officer
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Is'Kah Ensign.png
Is’Kah 240107.13 - 240202.07
Re-launch crew.
Promoted to Chief of Tactical & Security
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Valin Dermont.png
Valin Dermont 239903.30 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Wyatt RalLT.jpg
Wyatt Ral 239903.20 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Lephi 239709.01 - 239709.21
Chief of Security
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Ilana Ganarvuss.png
Ilana Ganarvuss 239709.01 - 239710.27
Acting, LOA.
Chief of Tactical & Security
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Toryn Raga 239803.28 - 239911.27
Serving as Acting FO between 239812.22 and 239901.15.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
Acting Chief of Tactical & Security
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Is'Kah Ensign.png
Is’Kah 240202.07 - Present
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
LtJG McGillian.png
Daniel McGillian 240110.23 - 240201.13
LOA 240201.13
Tactical & Security Officer
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Seleya of Khanda 240202.17 - Present
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Catalina Soldia 240201.22 - 240202.06
PICstyle-ens gold.png
LtJG McGillian.png
Daniel McGillian 240107.13 - 240110.23
Re-launch crew. Promoted to Acting Chief of Tactical/Security
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Amuro McKnight 239803.28 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Basbah Trem.png
Basbah Trem 239907.11 - 239910.11
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Kurt Logan 239810.18 - 239904.01
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
Kurt Logan 239803.28 - 239807.17
Tactical Officer
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Varik Tal'Aura 239709.09 - 239712.01
SOR Team Leader
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Toryn Raga 239709.01 - 239803.28
SOR Team reintegrated with Tac/Sec
Deputy SOR Team Leader
PICstyle-lt gold.png
Amuro McKnight 239709.01 - 239803.28
SOR Team reintegrated with Tac/Sec
SOR Team Member
PICstyle-ltcmdr gold.png
Lt. Commander
Kurt Logan 239709.01 - 239803.28
SOR Team reintegrated with Tac/Sec
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Kim stapledon final.png
Kimberly Stapledon 240110.23 - Present
PICstyle-lt blue.png
LtCmmdr Noa Levinson.png
Noa T'Nessa Levinson 239804.25 - 239911.27
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
Acting Chief Science Officer
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Kim stapledon final.png
Kimberly Stapledon 240107.13 - 240110.23
Re-launch crew. Promoted to Chief Science Officer.
Science Officer
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Skye Shepherd Ensign.png
Skye Shepherd 240110.23 - Present
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
Charmaine Ning.jpg
Charmaine Ning 239806.24 - 239812.22
Reverted to PNPC status. Changed to Etas Dabin.
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Thalas th'Koro 239709.01 - 239806.20
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
LtCmmdr Noa Levinson.png
Noa T'Nessa Levinson 239709.09 - 239804.25
Transferred from USS Juneau.
Promoted to Chief Science Officer.
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Paros 239709.09 - 239710.24
Medical Division
Chief Medical Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
V'Len Kel 240110.23 - 240202.27
Served concurrently as 2O.
Transferred to USS Ronin
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
Doc Snow.jpg
Elizabeth Snow 239804.25 - 239911.27
Promoted to Lt. Commander 239905.23.
Reassigned to USS Astraeus.
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
Anath G'Renn 239710.26 - 239801.01
LOA 239801.01
Acting Chief Medical Officer
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
V'Len Kel 240107.13 - 240110.23
Re-launch crew.
Served concurrently as 2O.
LoA 240107.23 - 240108.31.
Made Chief SD240110.23.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Sylvie Doucet Ensign.png
Sylvie Doucet 240107.13 - Present
Re-launch crew.
LoA 240109.15 - 240112.30.
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Doc Snow.jpg
Elizabeth Snow 239709.22 - 239804.25
Acting Chief 239801.01
Promoted to Chief Medical Officer.
Medical Officer
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Leenaya Edrei Ensign.png
Leenaya Edrei 240107.27 - Present
PICstyle-ens blue.png
T'syrik 239907.26 - 239908
Never Simmed.
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Solok 239905.25 - 239907.20
LoA 239907.20
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Talma 239811.22 - 239901.14
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Doc Snow.jpg
Elizabeth Snow 239709.01 - 239709.21
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lt. Commander
Alexander Brodie 240107.13 - Present
Re-launch crew.
LOA 240112.09 - 240202.03
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Ilana Ganarvuss.png
Ilana Ganarvuss 239811.22 - 239901.23
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Sepulsra Hex 2401.png
Sepulsra Hex 239809.06 - 239811.14
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Freki Azorius 239712.07 - 239808.20

This page incorporates information from character ID subpages. More information about how to use them is available here.