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|NAME = Wes Greaves
|NAME = Wes Greaves
|SHIP = Embassy, Duronis II
|SHIP = USS Octavia E Butler
|RANK = Second Lieutenant
|RANK = [[Image:M05-LtCol-Green.png]]
|PIPSTYLE = Second Lieutenant
|PIPSTYLE = Default
|POST = Marines
|POST = Marines
|COLOR = Green
|COLOR = Green
Line 12: Line 12:
|BIRTHPLACE = Washington, Earth
|BIRTHPLACE = Washington, Earth
|IMAGE = WesGreaves.png
|AUTHOR = E239702WG0
|AUTHOR = E239702WG0
|EXTRA =  
{{Ribbons Rack|LABEL=Service Ribbons
|Federation Cross|1
|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon|1
|Good Conduct Ribbon|2
|Legion of Merit|2
|Purple Heart|3
|Lifesaving Ribbon|2
|Captain's Commendation|5
|Unity Ribbon|1
|Innovation Ribbon|1
|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|3
|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon|1
|First Contact Ribbon|3
|Explorer's Ribbon|2
|Diplomacy Ribbon|1
|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon|2
|Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal|1
|Romulan Campaign Medal|1
|Department Chief Ribbon|1
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|1}}
{{Ribbons Rack|Label=Awards
|Strange Medallion Ribbon|1
|Rising Star Award|1
|Luminary Award|1
|Semper Fidelis Award|1
|Neelix Award|1
|Combs Cross|1
|Sheathed Sword|1
|Pathfinder Award|1
|1-year Member|1
:''Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!''
{{Badge Rack
|Writing Challenge Winner|1
|Writing Challenge 2021 Winner|1
|Writing Challenge Judge|1
|Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite |2
{{Achievements Rack
|Friends in high places
|What's up, doc?
|Penny for your thoughts
|It's all in the details
|Follow up appointment
|A head full of dreams
|A face for the name
|Data hound
|Man on a mission
|Detail oriented
|Holy dArtagnan!
|Friend in need
|I'm a Doctor, not a...
|It takes two
|These things happen
|Subspace Communicator
|Press F to Honor
|Squeaky Clean
|I Cannot Make Bricks Without Clay
|Still Tongue, Big Ears
|Arresting officer
|Arresting officer
|Everyday I'm Shufflin'
|Teller Was Here
|Properly Logic
|What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
|Holy dArtagnan!
|Avast ye
|Back to the past
|Beam me down, Leana!
|It's on the house
|Two heads are better than one
|Helping hand
{{Coin Rack
|Per Aspera Ad Astra
|25th Annual Awards Attendee
'''Lieutenant Colonel Wes Greaves''' is a [[human]] male currently serving as the '''Marine Detachment Commander''' aboard the {{USS|Octavia E Butler}}.
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Appearance|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
Wes Greaves wears his hair short.  Buzzed short.  A thin layer of light brown hair usually nigh invisible in direct sunlight.  The human man is relatively short compared to most of the species, standing at 5'7", and cut into a lean frame.  At first glance it is easy to see he is dedicated to his personal fitness, but he is certainly no heavy lifter.  A runner would be a safer assumption.  Below thin eyebrows, a pair of dull gray-blue eyes peer out at the world, framed by a lightly wrinkled face whose skin has certainly not been spared from days beneath the sun. 
* '''Height''': 5'7"
* '''Weight''': 170 lbs
* '''Hair''': Brown
* '''Eyes''': Blue
* '''Build''': Athletic
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Background|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
Wes was born on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington in 2366 to [[Joan Greaves]] and [[George Greaves]]. He spent his childhood enjoying life in the suburbs and making short trips into the Cascade Mountains and trips out to the Puget Sound.  Growing up, he fell in love with nature and became an avid hiker, camper, and spent plenty of time sailing during his teen years. As he grew older he turned weekend climbing trips a habit and experienced to some of Earth’s most beautiful mountains.  Inspired by the defeat of the Borg in the Alpha Quadrant, he was determined to serve the people of the Federation.  With his affinity for the outdoors, he sought out a Marine Corps recruiter’s office at the age of 18.
[[Image:GreavesSecurityCamera.png|thumb|left|175px|Security Camera Footage of Corporal Wes Greaves during an assault on a pirate hide-out.]]
With his enlistment and basic training complete as a [[StarFleet Marine Corps: Combat Engineering|combat engineer]], he first served on Mars with the 1st Marine Division. After several years he was assigned to Task Force 51/5, a Starfleet led anti-piracy campaign, where he saw his first combat both in space, and planetside. Following a successful tour, he was assigned to the newly created 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, a Marine command focused on anti-piracy operations. Here he experienced combat once again, but this time as a small unit leader, where he suffered the first combat loss of a Marine under his charge, Private [[Paul Newson]]  This was a fundamental moment in Wes’s life, and the experience nearly resulted in his retirement from the Corps. Through mentorship with an excellent Marine officer, Major [[Ron Jordans]], Wes recommitted himself to the Marine Corps and future service.
[[Image:GreavesRelaxPostMission.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Staff Sergeant Wes Greaves relaxing during downtime on an away team mission while assigned to the USS Hood]]
In 2391, after completing [[Advanced Marine Training]], Wes was promoted to Staff Sergeant and assigned to the [[USS Hood]] as part of a new Marine Detachment aboard the ship, serving once again under Major Jordans. Assigned to a nine-month crisis response deployment, the ship extended for a total of 16 months on a mission to continue to assist the flood of Romulan refugees after the [[Hobus Supernova]]. Initially highly disappointed with a “Navy” ship-based assignment, Wes came to love life aboard the ship working hand in hand with Starfleet's finest. The shoulder to shoulder work, and the continued work with Major Jordans inspired Wes to apply for Starfleet Academy to become a commissioned officer.
====Starfleet Academy====
Reinvigorated with a dedication to Starfleet, Wes had to choose between staying a Marine or entering the fleet as another Starfleet profession.  Ultimately he decided he wanted to give back to the Starfleet Marine Corps and continue to work with junior Marines in much the same way as Major Jordans had worked with him.  Despite the decision to stay a Marine, Wes applied for an was accepted into [[Starfleet Command School]] where he majored in [[Helm/Com/Ops (Duty Post)|Helm/Communications]].  He already knew how to be a Marine, so Wes wanted to learn more about starship life.  Such as how the giant testaments to humanity's ingenuity worked, and more importantly to learn other perspectives to command and leadership aside from the Corps' focus on ground combat. 
While at the Academy, Wes really broke out of his Marine Corps shell.  The exposure to the wider Starfleet gave the man a new perspectives on priorities, problem solving, and relationships.  His enlistment taught him to be tough, always ready for a fight, and to maintain a 'never back down' attitude.  He found during his first year at the Academy that not only did that attitude not win him any friends, it was largely counter-productive to working relationships amongst the wider Starfleet. Over time his attitude shifted to meet the other cadets somewhere in the middle.  He wouldn't forgo his Marine Corps traditions, but maybe he could catch more flies with honey.

<!--Let's start with your sidebar! Take out Harry Kim's info above and put in your own character's information. Valid colors are Red, Gold, Blue, Teal, Violet, Black, Silver, and Green. Remember those colors as we'll be using them for the section headers in the rest of this bio.
By his third year in the academy, Wes had rediscovered sailing as a hobby.  Joining a crew from the academy's sailing club, Wes traveled the seas, when coursework allowed, for most of his last two years.  

Not all ranks are available in all colors. Use full rank names (except for Lieutenant JG and Lt. Commander, and Lt. Colonel). Pipstyle can be changed from Default to DS9 or Slanted. See the table later in this bio for examples of each. There is also an extra STO pip set, but it works best in the table rather than in the sidebar.

For date of birth, add a leading zero for single digit months and dates. The sidebar will automatically calculate your character's age as well.
====Embassy to Duronis II====
As a newly commissioned Second Lieutenant, Wes Greaves entered the fleet again in 2397 assigned to the Federation [[Embassy of Duronis II]] where he immediately found himself in the midst of a Romulan plot to capture a great deal of highly dangerous protomatter. After going directly from the check-in shuttle to a rescue mission across the plant of [[Duronis II]], the crew of the Embassy defeated the Romulan scheme only to find that the Federation finally had accepted the Laudean government as members of the Federation.

If you have an image for your character, add the file name for it such as EnsignSmith.jpg in the last field.
[[Image:GreavesEVSuit.jpg|thumb|right|200px|2ndLt Wes Greaves equipped in an EV suit prior to beaming down to Vel Maijan]]

Do NOT put [[ or ]] or File: in the name. The template will automatically resize your image to fit the sidebar.
With the Laudean's offered membership to the Federation, the Embassy of Duronis II's mission came to an end.  With a highly successful crew, the core personnel of the Embassy were mostly transferred permanently to the [[USS Thor]] and re-tasked for follow on missions.

If you don't have an image for your character, just leave that field blank and a placeholder will show up instead. You can use the "EXTRA" field if you want to add something else to the bottom of your sidebar such as another image, a badge such as the Featured Bio Contest winner badge or links to subpages such as an academy transcript or a medical record. If you don't want to add anything, just leave it blank as well.

You can also display your OOC writer ID number in your character's sidebar if you want by adding AUTHOR= to the list of variables. If you leave it blank, this field will disappear.
====USS Thor====
The maiden voyage of the [[USS Thor]] with her new tasking involved responding to the [[The Lost Colony (USS Thor)|distress call]] of a colony thought lost 250 years prior. The distress call was located on the other side of the quadrant from where the entire solar system had gone missing.  During the mission, Wes was severely injured during a cave in while traversing an underground tunnel system.  Fortunately, through the hard work of the crew and the tenacious descendants of the original colonists, the away team was recovered and able to effect a rescue.  Not only were 192 surviving colonists rescued, but a previously unknown sentient species named the Azcou were rescued from the planet before it was lost to time again.

Once you're done, we'll move onto the introductory sentence/paragraph for your character below!-->

('''Your rank and name''') is currently serving as a ('''your duty post''') aboard the ({{USS|Your Ship}}). (A table of contents will be automatically generated below this line - you won't see it in the edit window but it'll be right there once you save the page!)
Shortly after the completion of the mission, the colonists and the Azcou were transferred to more appropriate conditions and the crew underwent shore leave at Ferenginar.  Major [[Hannibal Parker]] transferred to the [[USS Veritas]], leaving Wes as the acting Marine Det Commander for the time.

* '''Height''': (Add your stats after each bullet point)
* '''Weight''':
* '''Hair''':
* '''Eyes''':
* '''Build''':

Following the transfer of personnel from Vel Maijan, the crew of the USS Thor enjoyed shore leave on Ferenginar.  Doctor [[Alieth]] and Chief Engineer [[Sirok]] heavily modified one of the ship's racing SAGs and Wes entered into a race on the surface against the two.  Due to negotiations for the use of the race track, the event was widely televised across Ferenginar and resulted in heavy damage to both racing bikes.  Also during shore leave, Wes, alongside [[Dar Elandra]] and [[Geoffrey Teller]] was tricked by a Ferengi named Kregg into a pyramid scheme selling guided tours in The Grand Nagus Zek Commemorative Bazaar & Trade Concern.  The three were unable to complete their obligated sales requirements and Wes made a deal with Kregg to avoid debt.  Kregg directed him to deliver a messsage to [[Lephi]] in person on behalf of the Fernginar government.  This errand took him to Illara Prime in the Par'tha Expanse where he met [[Elizabeth Snow]] and [[Lephi]] on the planet.  During their meeting the three were attacked and kidnapped for ransom by robed men.  Fortunately the three officers managed to escape rather quickly to the [[USS Atlantis]] and Wes was able to return home to the Thor having completed his obligation.
Whom does your character get on with or not get on with? For now, pick one member of your current crew and enter their name below, then describe the nature of your character's relationship with them.

* [[(Name of character)]]
(Description Here)

Following shore leave, the USS Thor had planned a routine [[quantum slipstream drive]] test.  Fleet Captain [[Aron Kells]] departed the ship to study a nearby [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Gormagander  Gorgamander] pod during the test, leaving the XO, [[Geoffrey Teller]] in command. The initial test went smoothly, however immediately upon activating the drive on the return leg the USS Thor [[Hammerfall (USS Thor)|impacted a mine]] and was severely damaged.  The mine, an unknown semi-biological mass, embedded itself in the ship and began tunneling toward the QSD.  Casualties were upwards of the hundreds and the ship was crippled.  Due to interactions with the mine and slipstream space, the Thor was unable to return to normal space without risking the ship being destroyed.  Over the course of 12 hours the crew evacuated casualties and worked to detach the mine from the ship.  With less than an hour to spare they were successful and were able to safely return to normal space in the Bajor sector.

{{Heading|(Background/Personality/Career History)|Gold}}
In the coding above, delete two of the headings so that only one remains. You can then type here as if you were writing on notepad to drop in some information about your character. If you want to use bullets, copy and paste the star above. You can also look on the forums and the wiki for tutorials on how to use more adventurous coding. Want to include sections for Background, Personality AND Career History? Just copy the code for the title bar above, then paste it in type in the title you want - you can add extra sections in too!

{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}
The damage to the Thor was extensive and required an extended period of repair while docked at Deep Space 9.  Most of the crew was temporarily granted quarters and workspace aboard the station.  The crew spent well over a month repairing the ship and enjoying shore leave from DS9 and Wes Greaves was formally made the Marine Detachment Commander for the ship. Following the completion of repairs, the Thor was assigned a [[Stick of Butter, Dozen Eggs & A Liter of Moba juice (USS Thor)|resupply mission]] for the colony of New Bajor in the gamma quadrant. All was not as it seemed however and the Thor uncovered corruption of the planet's government which was causing the destruction of the planet's agriculture. Wes Greaves played an important role in helping collect samples of a virus ravaging the planet's crops and eventually he effected the arrest of the planet's governor.  With the virus safely erradicated and corruption rooted out of the government of New Bajor, the crew took shore leave on the planet. Wes Greaves was promoted to Marine Captain following the mission.
:''Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. Again, not all ranks are available in all colors and/or pipstyles. You can change pips from the default to a different style such as [[Template:DS9Pips|DS9]], [[Template:STOPips|STO]], or [[Template:SlantedPips|Slanted]] by adding DS9, STO, or Slanted after the color.''

After enjoying shore leave in the gamma quadrant and on New Bajor, the Thor received an [[The Cost of Forever (USS Thor)|unusual distress signal]] near an unexplored nebula. The resulting response led the crew to discover the Zet, an advanced civilization lacking warp technology but possessing technology allowed for immortality. The civilization was an extreme representation of capitalism. During diplomatic encounters with the civilization, Wes Greaves served as an away team leader for the first time, and led initial diplomatic meetings with the planet's leaders. The meetings went poorly due to the arrogance of the Zet leadership, and Wes's team was eventually recalled. During follow on negotiations, Wes Greaves found himself the senior officer aboard the Thor, and in another first, he took command of the ship. Negotiations broke down on the surface and the Zet captured one away team and fired upon the Thor with surface missiles armed with Theta radiation. Wes Greaves and the rest of the bridge crew were able to keep the Thor safe and recover the away teams from the surface without injury.  Following the mission, the Thor broke contact with the Zet and returned to the Alpha quadrant where they took shore leave on Vulcan.
During shore leave, Wes was appointed the Chief of Security and Chief of Tactical as well as the Marine Detachment Commander. Now leading three departments, Wes became overwhelmed with paddwork as he attempted to immerse himself in learning the new departments he was responsible for. In an attempt to take some time off, he traveled to Earth with [[Katsim Peri]] however a shuttle accident resulted in a crash en route where both were gravely injured.  The Thor responded to their distress call and rescued the pair in time to treat their injuries. The experience brought the two closer together than ever before.
Following a painful and long recovery, Wes Greaves returned to a full duty status just prior to the Thor departing on a survey mission near the edges of Federation space. En Route the Thor intercepted a distress signal from the [[USS Excalibur]], a ship thought lost 150 years prior.  During the course of the response Wes led the away team to survey the wreckage of the long-lost ship which had crashed in isolated in the mountains on a pre-warp planet similar to Earth's middle ages.  During the course of the [[The Fallen Sword (USS Thor)|mission]], Wes and the rest of the crew were forced to assist in the defense of the descendent's of the Excalibur's crew using period weaponry and equipment. Successful, the Thor removed all traces of the Federation's presence and withdrew to nearby Cardassia for shore leave.  Unfortunately after returning to Federation space, his close friends [[Alieth]] and [[Sirok]] accepted reassignments elsewhere in the fleet.
Following Shore leave, the Thor was [[The Mugato and the Bunnicorn (USS Thor)|directed to undertake war games]] against the [[USS Nashira]].  Intending to replicate war time conditions, both the Thor and the Nashira would have skeleton crews composed of the Thor's staff.  The Nashira herself was commanded by Commodore [[Ossa V'Airu]], and under this leadership Wes was assigned as the Nashira's first officer for the exercise.  Despite not seeing eye to eye, Wes had a successful tour with the Nashira, and although the ship lost the simulated engagement in the end, he received high marks for his performance.
Due to a neutronic storm that moved into the area during the exercises, both the Thor and the Nashira put in for repairs at [[Starbase 375]].  Once complete, the Thor was [[Shore leave: Starbase 375 (USS Thor)|retasked]] to transport the former crew of the [[USS Veritas]] to their new assignment at [[Amity Outpost]] in the Delta Quadrant.  With the Thor's [[Quantum Slipstream Drive]], the trip was exceptionally faster than under standard propulsion, but still took well over a month.  During the transit the crews of the Thor and Amity mingled with a great deal of off-time on the ship.  After finally arriving, Amity Station returned the favor and hosted the crew of the Thor where Wes was able to explore a cultural fair aboard the station.
The Thor was assigned to a new mission to assist with Amity's mapping of the region shortly thereafter.  A nearby system contained a significant debris field consisting of tens of thousands of ancient warships. It was known to the locals as The Graveyard. The Thor was tasked with exploring the field before departing back to the Alpha quadrant. The Thor was quickly caught in a trap however from a massive space faring species, previously undiscovered. The creature, larger than a Vesta class starship, manipulated time to hunt, using time travel to isolate its prey. The result on the Thor's crew was to throw them back and forth through time, to include when the massive battle took place.  It was discovered that the races that fought for the system long ago had put their differences aside and had trapped the giant creature in the system. The Thor was able to reverse engineer the trap and escape from the system unscathed.
Once returned to the Alpha quadrant, the Thor took on supplies and a new mission to relocated to the Gamma Quadrant and assist in establishing a Federation presence there. A small research station on Okaea had missed a check-in, so the Thor was to investigate. Upon arriving in orbit it was found that the planet's atmosphere contained a unique isotope that prevented transporters and sensors from penetrating. An away team, led by Commodore [[Aron Kells]] went to the surface to check in on the researchers. It was quickly discovered that pirates had attacked the station and were dredging the bottom of the ocean looking for something. The pirates ambushed the away team and the pirate ship ambushed the Thor before she could raise her shields, hitting an antimatter storage input port. The critical hit immediately disabled the Thor, forcing her to jettison all of her antimatter. The resulting explosion tore away a signficant section of her engineering hull and the Thor fell into the planet. Wes Greaves was in command during this and was forced to make the decision to abandon ship. He personally stayed behind to manage the atmospheric reentry and try to crash land the Thor into the ocean. Several of the other senior staff ethier chose to stay behind, or were trapped aboard for the crash landing. The Thor did manage to stay intact upon impact with the water and Wes then turned to recovery efforts and aimed to prevent the ship from sinking to the bottom.
After several hours the surviving crew members aboard had the Thor stabilized. The atmospheric isotope was also in the water, allowing the Thor to remain undetected and ambush the pirate ship with a single working torpedo. The hit was catastrophic and destroyed the pirate vessel, allowing the survivors of the Thor to begin full recovery efforts.  Following up on the Thor's missed check-in, another vessel, the [[USS Oumuamua]] was dispatched to the region. The Luna class recovered the Thor and towed her back to spacedock at Earth. The damage to the Thor was so great that estimates placed it in dry dock for a year to undergo repairs and refit. The majority of the senior staff, including Wes, were transferred to the Oumuamua.
====USS Oumuamua====
Wes continues to serve as the Executive Officer, Marine Detachment Commander, Chief Tactical Officer, and Chief of Security aboard the USS Oumuamua.
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Relationships|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
====[[Ron Jordans]]====
|Ron Jordans
|RELATIONSHIP=Former OIC. A mentor.
|PICTURE=Ron Jordans.jpg
|BLURB=Wes served with Major Jordans in Task Force 51/5, and again aboard the USS Hood. Major Jordans played a critical role in talking Wes away from resigning from Starfleet after a combat mission which resulted in casualties.
|RELATIONSHIP=A Vulcan wild child and a friend.
|COLOR=pale gray
|BLURB=Wes and the Vulcan doctor Alieth served together at the academy and underwent their final testing together.  Both of them were assigned to the [[Embassy of Duronis II]] and then the [[USS Thor]] together.  Despite very different personalities and a shared stubbornness, the two became quick friends and bonded over multiple missions together.  With a strong mutual respect of the other's aptitude and tenacity, the pair continue to grow close and Wes counts the woman as one of his closest friends. 
====[[Sarah Rodriguez]]====
|Sarah Rodriguez
|BLURB=Sarah 'Sally' Rodriguez was one of the first Marines Wes worked closely with on Duronis II.  The young Sergeant was a firecracker who ran a tight ship in Alpha Squad.  Wes came to respect her blunt demeanor and effective leadership style with the squad.
====[[Katsim Peri]]====
|Katsim Peri
|RELATIONSHIP=A shy woman with fire in her heart.
|COLOR=pale gray
|BLURB=Peri and Wes met aboard Deep Space 9 when the Thor was undergoing repairs, Peri was newly assigned to the Thor and the two became friends quickly. Over the course of several missions they grew closer and closer as they got to know each other better. After being nearly killed in a shuttle accident on shore leave, the pair have discovered new feelings for each other that go beyond friendship.  Over time these feelings continued to grow for both and they began dating in 2399.
|RELATIONSHIP=A firecracker of a Ferengi whose relationship with Wes is filled with strife and mutual respect. 
|BLURB=Wes met Lephi and Elizabeth while traveling on a mission from the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Tasked to hand-deliver a message to Lephi in order to pay off contractual debt, Wes unknowingly crashed Lephi and Liz's first date. In the following year, Wes bumped into the pair multiple times with resulting shenanigans where the three have settled into their own sort of friendship.   
====[[Elizabeth Snow]]====
|Elizabeth Snow
|RELATIONSHIP=One Betazoid who has seen a bit too much of Wes.
|COLOR=pale gray
|BLURB=Wes met Lephi and Elizabeth while traveling on a mission from the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Tasked to hand-deliver a message to Lephi in order to pay off contractual debt, Wes unknowingly crashed Lephi and Liz's first date. In the following year, Wes bumped into the pair multiple times with resulting shenanigans where the three have settled into their own sort of friendship.
|RELATIONSHIP=An old and stoic friend from the days of the Academy to the Thor.
|BLURB=Sirok and Wes attended the Academy together. While they never really met during classes, the two shared a final exam. Graduating together, the two were both assigned to the Embassy to Duronis II, and then to the Thor. Over many missions, the two men became friends sharing a great deal of mutual respect. Wes has vowed to one day break the man's stoicism with his humor.   
====Academy Classmates:====
[[Sara Bjørge]]
[[Mikeja Lan]]
<br>Wes briefly interacted with the four of his classmates who he shared his final evaluation with.  None of them were well known to him however at the start of the exam. By the time the five of them had graduated, Wes was only slightly more familiar with the group.  The newly commissioned Ensigns Sirok and Alieth were assigned to Duronis II along with him, and the three of them became much more familiar with each other on the freighter ride to the Embassy. 
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Mementos|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
Over the years, Wes has collected various knick knacks and other items that hold sentimental value.
file:Greaves Excelsior Painting.jpg|thumb|left|600px|The painting of the [[USS Hood]] was given to Wes Greaves the day before he left the ship for Starfleet Academy.
file:Thor Angurvadal Display.jpg|thumb|left|600px|Angurvadal is a modern replica of a viking era sword made by [[Geoffrey Teller]] and given to Wes Greaves as the Detachment Commander of the Marine Detachment aboard the USS Thor on 239708.18.
file:Greaves Embroidered Gift.jpg|thumb|left|600px|An embroidered gift that [[Katsim Peri]] gave to Wes Greaves after she helped him through a PTSD related panic attack.
file:Thor IDIC Gift.webp|thumb|left|600px|A small broach that was gifted by [[Alieth]] to the senior staff of the [[USS Thor]] on stardate 239712.20.
file:Greaves Battle of Calabrum Spear.jpg|thumb|left|600px|A duranium spear Wes Greaves replicated for use on the mission to [[The Fallen Sword (USS Thor)|Calabrum]]
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Service History|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
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Line 66: Line 299:
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold}}
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Private|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Private
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238410.14 - 238404.17
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" rowspan="3" |1st Combat Engineer Battalion
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" rowspan="3" |[[StarFleet Marine Corps: Combat Engineering|Combat Engineer]]
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Private First Class|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Private First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238504.17 - 238512.25
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lance Corporal|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lance Corporal
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238512.25 - 238611.04
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Corporal|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Corporal
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238611.04 - 238707.11
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" rowspan="2" |Task Force 51/5
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" rowspan="2" |[[StarFleet Marine Corps: Combat Engineering|Combat Engineer]]
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Sergeant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Sergeant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238707.11 - 238810.31
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Staff Sergeant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Staff Sergeant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238810.31 - 239101.22
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |[[StarFleet Marine Corps: Combat Engineering|Combat Engineer]]
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Staff Sergeant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Staff Sergeant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239101.22 - 239308.16
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Hood]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Individual Augment: Engineering 
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Red}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you completed your Academy Class)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239308.16 - 239702.09
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Duty Post you Graduated as)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Second Lieutenant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Second Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239702.09 - 239704.20
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[Embassy of Duronis II]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Second Lieutenant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Second Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239704.20 - 239706.08
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|First Lieutenant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |First Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239706.08 - 239707.22
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|First Lieutenant|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |First Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239707.22 - 239712.31
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Detachment Commander
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Marine Captain|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Captain (SFMC)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239712.31 - 239807.12
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Detachment Commander
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Major|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Major
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239807.12 - 239810.21
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Detachment Commander <br> Chief of Security <br> Chief Tactical Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Major|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Major
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239810.21 - 239905.20
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Thor]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer <br>Marine Detachment Commander
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Major|Green}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Major
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239905.20 - 239910.21
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Oumuamua]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer <br>Marine Detachment Commander
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:M05-LtCol-Green.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Colonel
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239910.21 - 239406.15
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Oumuamua]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Executive Officer <br>Marine Detachment Commander
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:M05-LtCol-Green.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Colonel
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239406.15 - 240101.01
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |43rd Combat Engineer Battalion
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Battalion Commander
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:M05-LtCol-Green.png]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your first ship) - (When you left)
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Colonel
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your first ship}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |240101.01 - Present
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[USS Oumuamua]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Marine Detachment Commander

{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Gold}}
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Awards and Service Ribbons|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
* (''We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional [[awards]] and [[service ribbons]] that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out [[Template:Ribbons Display]].'')

{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{No Citations}}
{{Citation|Neelix Award|239706.27|[[USS Thor]]|For extra, out-of-character simming devotion.}}
{{Citation|Semper Fidelis Award|239706.30|[[USS Thor]]|For great skill in protecting his crew, accomplishing his mission, avoiding tragic loss of life in the line of duty, and upholding the values of the United Federation of Planets in times of crisis.}}
{{Citation|Pathfinder Award|239806.27|[[USS Thor]]|For showing great care in the mentoring of fellow members.}}
{{Citation|TOSMA|239806.27|[[USS Thor]]|For display of great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. For regularly contributing good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. For taking the time to edit and proof-read their sims to ensure quality in their writing.}}
{{Citation|Sheathed Sword|239806.27|[[USS Thor]]|For inflicting mental and/or physical trauma on their character, and then diving into the resulting emotions and choices in a realistic manner. The name comes from a line in a Robert Jordan book where a warrior must be prepared to 'sheath the sword' in his own body, i.e. take a grievous wound to achieve one's goal (in this case, more realistic simming) as opposed to an actual goal of the character. }}
{{Citation|1-year Member|239806.29|[[USS Thor]]|For one year of service with Starbase 118.}}
{{Citation|Luminary Award|239806.29|[[USS Thor]]|For showing great promise in their future endeavors at Starbase 118 RPG}}
{{Citation|Combs Cross|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For outstanding development and writing of NPCs.}}
{{Citation|Strange Medallion Ribbon|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For outstanding devotion to duty as a ship's First Officer.}}
{{Citation|Rising Star Award|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For outstanding conduct and potential for future service at SB118.}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|Year or Stardate|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|239702.02|Starfleet Academy|For completion of Starfleet Academy course work and successful graduation.}}
{{Citation|Romulan Campaign Medal|239706.08|[[Embassy of Duronis II]]|For actions in defense of Duronis II and Federation interests against the Romulan Empire.}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239706.08|[[Embassy of Duronis II]]|For conspicuous gallantry in the rescue of Federation personnel from Romulan agents.}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239706.08|[[USS Thor]]|For wounds sustained in the line of duty while responding to the distress call of the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.}}
{{Citation|Legion of Merit|239706.08|[[USS Thor]]|For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the rescue of 192 colonists from the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239706.08|[[USS Thor]]|For the discovery of a previously unknown time/space distortion resulting in the transportation of the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.}}
{{Citation|First Contact Ribbon|239706.08|[[USS Thor]]|For the discovery of and first contact with the Azcou, a subterranean species on the planet of Vel Maijan.}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239709.14|[[USS Thor]]|For wounds sustained in the line of duty after striking a quantum slip stream mine.|2}}
{{Citation|Lifesaving Ribbon|239709.14|[[USS Thor]]|For actions in the response operations following impact with a QSD mine.  Rescue efforts went above and beyond the call of duty and directly resulted in preserving the life of trapped members of the USS Thor.}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239709.14|[[USS Thor]]|For participation in actions against previously unknown threats residing in quantum slipstream space.  Exemplary performance directly contributed to the recovery of vital data that will result in safer navigation of QSD.|2}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239712.31|[[USS Thor]]|For conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty while assaulting a bunker complex on New Bajor and effecting the arrest of the former governor of New Bajor.|2}}
{{Citation|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|239712.31|[[USS Thor]]|For service in the execution of duties aboard the USS Thor and New Bajor and for leadership of a unit engaged in significant cross-discipline activities.}}+
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239712.31|[[USS Thor]]|For exemplary leadership of the USS Thor's Marine Detachment in vicinity of New Bajor during multiple land and space engagements and for exemplary personal actions required to better understand the political environment of the planet.}}
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239804.08|[[USS Thor]]|For exemplary conduct as the bridge officer in command of the USS Thor during a surface to ship engagement which resulted in no loss of life or damage to starfleet equipment.|2}}
{{Citation|Department Chief Ribbon|239804.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct as a department head aboard the USS Thor for at least 6 months.}}
{{Citation|First Contact Ribbon|239804.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while serving aboard the USS Thor during a first contact situation with the [[Zet]] in the gamma quadrant.|2}}
{{Citation|Diplomacy Ribbon|239804.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while serving as an away team leader during the initial negotiations with the Zet.}}
{{Citation|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon|239804.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while serving on the USS Thor and for actions resulting in a deescalation of tensions between the Zet and Starfleet representatives.}}|2
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239807.12|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious leadership while leading an away team to locate the remains of the [[USS Excalibur]] on an uncharted world.|3}}
{{Citation|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|239807.12|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while defending the city of Calabrum with the descendants of the [[USS Excalibur]].|2}}
{{Citation|Lifesaving Ribbon|239807.12|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct in saving the inhabitants of the city of Calabrum in the face of imminent natural disaster.|2}}
{{Citation|Innovation Ribbon|239810.21|[[USS Thor]]|For quick actions in the modification of the [[ma:Picard Maneuver]] during the wargame exercises between the Thor and the [[USS Nashira]] |1}}
{{Citation|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|239810.21|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while in a mixed-ship skeleton crew serving about the [[USS Nashira]] during wargame exercises.|3}}
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239902.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious leadership while leading an away team aboard an unknown derelict experiencing significant temporal disruptions.|4}}
{{Citation|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon|239902.08|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious action in efforts to maintain the timeline of events upon discovering significant temporal disruptions in the Sorach System in the Delta Quadrant.|1}}
{{Citation|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For actions to save lives of the crew of the USS Thor while disabled above Okaea. Maj Greaves quickly assessed probabilities of survival and determined more time was needed for the crew to abandon ship. He piloted the Thor at great risk to his own life, jeopardizing his ability to evacuate to gain time for the crew.|1}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For wounds sustained in the line of duty in the engagement above and on the surface of Okaea|3}}
{{Citation|Federation Cross|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For conspicuous gallantry, at great risk to his own life, above and beyond the call of duty. Maj Greaves deftly commanded the Thor during an engagement above Okaea resulting in the Thor's near destruction. With his near certain death, Maj Greaves put his own life in danger to maintain the structure of the Thor during a crash landing on a planet. Surviving the crash, Maj Greaves expertly managed damage control to save the vessel. Knowing destruction was imminent with an enemy vessel searching for them, Maj Greaves rallied the fighting spirit of the survivors and destroyed the enemy vessel through ingenuity and determination|1}}
{{Citation|Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal|239906.22|[[USS Thor]]|For meritorious conduct while engaged in combat with a pirate vessel in the Gamma Quadrant.|1}}
{{Citation|Captain's Commendation|239910.21|[[USS Oumuamua]]|For meritorious action while the acting Commanding Officer of the USS Oumuamua during a highly complex first contact encounter.|5}}
{{Citation|Legion of Merit|239910.21|[[USS Oumuamua]]|For exceptionally meritorious conduct while coordinating dual first contact situations in which both species were adversarial. Maj Greaves deftly navigated the situation resulting in a peaceful outcome for both parties.|2}}
{{Citation|Unity Ribbon|239910.21|[[USS Oumuamua]]|For outstanding efforts to mentor and guide the relatively junior senior staff of the USS Oumuamua during a complex first counter mission.|1}}
{{Citation|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon|239910.21|[[USS Oumuamua]]|For meritorious conduct while serving on the USS Oumuamua and for actions resulting in a deescalation of tensions between the Suculese and Eesse.|2}}
{{Citation|First Contact Ribbon|239910.21|[[USS Oumuamua]]|For meritorious conduct while serving aboard the USS Oumuamuaduring a first contact situation with the Suculese and the Eesse in the Gamma Quadrant.|3}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}

{{Heading|SIM Archive|Gold}}
:''Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here [http://sims.starbase118.net/ at the SIM Archive].''

* [http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/POSTNUMBER Title of First SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Medical Record|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
* [http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/POSTNUMBER Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
[[/Greaves's Medical Record|Medical Record]]
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Academy Transcripts|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
[[/Greaves's Academy Transcripts|Academy Transcripts]]
<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|Notable Sims|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
====Founding the Duronis II [[Junior Officer Protection Association]] (JOPA):====
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/dWkS4nFOu10 Part 1]
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/rNeZQKrhYuY Part 2]
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/johvNTPJbE4 Part 3]
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/PYilAJAbHaE Part 4]
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/7eQISy7uFzI Part 5]
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/rpv2H02KMIA Part 6]
====Rescue on Duronis II====
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/SbR563ex-WM 'Expect the Unexpected']
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/TdD0xrkjcvQ 'Making the Right Choice']

:''To end your bio, we're going to drop in some code here for your ship's crew template, which should appear at the bottom of your bio and will help members of the fleet easily browse other bios of your shipmates. Change the name of the ship below to whatever the name of your character's ship is, unless of course you've been assigned to the USS Gemini! Don't forget the letter suffix for your ship if yours has one (such as the USS Darwin-A).''

====Personal Backstory====
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-embassy/9k9llxBqoVk 'Demons in the Dark']
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!topic/sb118-thor/xKe_RpgrYhA 'A Familiar Terror']
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?oldui=1#!topic/sb118-thor/cb5Plm6CyjI 'Ghosts of our Past']

:''Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by species]]; your duty post listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by duty post]]; and your ship characters category here: [[:Category:Characters by ship]].

<br><h3><div style="overflow: hidden;">{{LCARS-bar-left|End Record|COLOR=#537539}}</div></h3>
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:(Your ship's characters category)]]
[[Category:Embassy Characters‎]]
[[Category:(Your duty post category)]]
[[Category:(Your species category)]]
[[Category:Starfleet Marines]]
[[Category:Embassy Characters]]
[[Category:'Oumuamua Alumni]]
[[Category:Octavia E Butler PCs]]

Revision as of 08:01, 15 July 2024

USS Octavia E Butler
Wes Greaves
Position Marines
Rank M05-LtCol-Green.png
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 236602.28
Age 36
Birthplace Washington, Earth
Writer ID E239702WG0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons FederationCross 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Unity Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Federation Cross
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Purple Heart
Lifesaving Ribbon
Captain's Commendation
Unity Ribbon
Innovation Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Explorer's Ribbon
Diplomacy Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
Romulan Campaign Medal
Department Chief Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

Awards & Service Ribbons
Strange Medallion Ribbon.png
Awards Special RisingStar 2011.jpg
Luminary Award.png
Awards DutyPost MarineAward 2011.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Combs Cross.png
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Awards General 1Year.jpg

Strange Medallion Ribbon
Rising Star Award
Luminary Award
Semper Fidelis Award
Neelix Award
Combs Cross
Sheathed Sword
Pathfinder Award
1-year Member

Writing Challenge Winner
Badge 1.png
Writing Challenge 2021 Winner
Badge 1.png
Writing Challenge Judge
Badge 1.png
Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
Badge 2.png
Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
Penny for your thoughts
It's all in the details
Follow up appointment
A head full of dreams
A face for the name
Data hound
Man on a mission
Detail oriented
Holy dArtagnan!
Friend in need
I'm a Doctor, not a...
It takes two
These things happen
Subspace Communicator
Press F to Honor
Squeaky Clean
I Cannot Make Bricks Without Clay
Still Tongue, Big Ears
Arresting officer
Arresting officer
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
Teller Was Here
Properly Logic
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
Holy dArtagnan!
Avast ye
Back to the past
Beam me down, Leana!
It's on the house
Two heads are better than one
Helping hand
Commemorative Coins
Per Aspera Ad Astra Commemorative Coin.png 25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin.png

Lieutenant Colonel Wes Greaves is a human male currently serving as the Marine Detachment Commander aboard the USS Octavia E Butler.


Wes Greaves wears his hair short. Buzzed short. A thin layer of light brown hair usually nigh invisible in direct sunlight. The human man is relatively short compared to most of the species, standing at 5'7", and cut into a lean frame. At first glance it is easy to see he is dedicated to his personal fitness, but he is certainly no heavy lifter. A runner would be a safer assumption. Below thin eyebrows, a pair of dull gray-blue eyes peer out at the world, framed by a lightly wrinkled face whose skin has certainly not been spared from days beneath the sun.

  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Build: Athletic



Wes was born on the outskirts of Seattle, Washington in 2366 to Joan Greaves and George Greaves. He spent his childhood enjoying life in the suburbs and making short trips into the Cascade Mountains and trips out to the Puget Sound. Growing up, he fell in love with nature and became an avid hiker, camper, and spent plenty of time sailing during his teen years. As he grew older he turned weekend climbing trips a habit and experienced to some of Earth’s most beautiful mountains. Inspired by the defeat of the Borg in the Alpha Quadrant, he was determined to serve the people of the Federation. With his affinity for the outdoors, he sought out a Marine Corps recruiter’s office at the age of 18.


Security Camera Footage of Corporal Wes Greaves during an assault on a pirate hide-out.

With his enlistment and basic training complete as a combat engineer, he first served on Mars with the 1st Marine Division. After several years he was assigned to Task Force 51/5, a Starfleet led anti-piracy campaign, where he saw his first combat both in space, and planetside. Following a successful tour, he was assigned to the newly created 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, a Marine command focused on anti-piracy operations. Here he experienced combat once again, but this time as a small unit leader, where he suffered the first combat loss of a Marine under his charge, Private Paul Newson This was a fundamental moment in Wes’s life, and the experience nearly resulted in his retirement from the Corps. Through mentorship with an excellent Marine officer, Major Ron Jordans, Wes recommitted himself to the Marine Corps and future service.

Staff Sergeant Wes Greaves relaxing during downtime on an away team mission while assigned to the USS Hood

In 2391, after completing Advanced Marine Training, Wes was promoted to Staff Sergeant and assigned to the USS Hood as part of a new Marine Detachment aboard the ship, serving once again under Major Jordans. Assigned to a nine-month crisis response deployment, the ship extended for a total of 16 months on a mission to continue to assist the flood of Romulan refugees after the Hobus Supernova. Initially highly disappointed with a “Navy” ship-based assignment, Wes came to love life aboard the ship working hand in hand with Starfleet's finest. The shoulder to shoulder work, and the continued work with Major Jordans inspired Wes to apply for Starfleet Academy to become a commissioned officer.

Starfleet Academy

Reinvigorated with a dedication to Starfleet, Wes had to choose between staying a Marine or entering the fleet as another Starfleet profession. Ultimately he decided he wanted to give back to the Starfleet Marine Corps and continue to work with junior Marines in much the same way as Major Jordans had worked with him. Despite the decision to stay a Marine, Wes applied for an was accepted into Starfleet Command School where he majored in Helm/Communications. He already knew how to be a Marine, so Wes wanted to learn more about starship life. Such as how the giant testaments to humanity's ingenuity worked, and more importantly to learn other perspectives to command and leadership aside from the Corps' focus on ground combat.

While at the Academy, Wes really broke out of his Marine Corps shell. The exposure to the wider Starfleet gave the man a new perspectives on priorities, problem solving, and relationships. His enlistment taught him to be tough, always ready for a fight, and to maintain a 'never back down' attitude. He found during his first year at the Academy that not only did that attitude not win him any friends, it was largely counter-productive to working relationships amongst the wider Starfleet. Over time his attitude shifted to meet the other cadets somewhere in the middle. He wouldn't forgo his Marine Corps traditions, but maybe he could catch more flies with honey.

By his third year in the academy, Wes had rediscovered sailing as a hobby. Joining a crew from the academy's sailing club, Wes traveled the seas, when coursework allowed, for most of his last two years.

Embassy to Duronis II

As a newly commissioned Second Lieutenant, Wes Greaves entered the fleet again in 2397 assigned to the Federation Embassy of Duronis II where he immediately found himself in the midst of a Romulan plot to capture a great deal of highly dangerous protomatter. After going directly from the check-in shuttle to a rescue mission across the plant of Duronis II, the crew of the Embassy defeated the Romulan scheme only to find that the Federation finally had accepted the Laudean government as members of the Federation.

2ndLt Wes Greaves equipped in an EV suit prior to beaming down to Vel Maijan

With the Laudean's offered membership to the Federation, the Embassy of Duronis II's mission came to an end. With a highly successful crew, the core personnel of the Embassy were mostly transferred permanently to the USS Thor and re-tasked for follow on missions.

USS Thor

The maiden voyage of the USS Thor with her new tasking involved responding to the distress call of a colony thought lost 250 years prior. The distress call was located on the other side of the quadrant from where the entire solar system had gone missing. During the mission, Wes was severely injured during a cave in while traversing an underground tunnel system. Fortunately, through the hard work of the crew and the tenacious descendants of the original colonists, the away team was recovered and able to effect a rescue. Not only were 192 surviving colonists rescued, but a previously unknown sentient species named the Azcou were rescued from the planet before it was lost to time again.

Shortly after the completion of the mission, the colonists and the Azcou were transferred to more appropriate conditions and the crew underwent shore leave at Ferenginar. Major Hannibal Parker transferred to the USS Veritas, leaving Wes as the acting Marine Det Commander for the time.

Following the transfer of personnel from Vel Maijan, the crew of the USS Thor enjoyed shore leave on Ferenginar. Doctor Alieth and Chief Engineer Sirok heavily modified one of the ship's racing SAGs and Wes entered into a race on the surface against the two. Due to negotiations for the use of the race track, the event was widely televised across Ferenginar and resulted in heavy damage to both racing bikes. Also during shore leave, Wes, alongside Dar Elandra and Geoffrey Teller was tricked by a Ferengi named Kregg into a pyramid scheme selling guided tours in The Grand Nagus Zek Commemorative Bazaar & Trade Concern. The three were unable to complete their obligated sales requirements and Wes made a deal with Kregg to avoid debt. Kregg directed him to deliver a messsage to Lephi in person on behalf of the Fernginar government. This errand took him to Illara Prime in the Par'tha Expanse where he met Elizabeth Snow and Lephi on the planet. During their meeting the three were attacked and kidnapped for ransom by robed men. Fortunately the three officers managed to escape rather quickly to the USS Atlantis and Wes was able to return home to the Thor having completed his obligation.

Following shore leave, the USS Thor had planned a routine quantum slipstream drive test. Fleet Captain Aron Kells departed the ship to study a nearby Gorgamander pod during the test, leaving the XO, Geoffrey Teller in command. The initial test went smoothly, however immediately upon activating the drive on the return leg the USS Thor impacted a mine and was severely damaged. The mine, an unknown semi-biological mass, embedded itself in the ship and began tunneling toward the QSD. Casualties were upwards of the hundreds and the ship was crippled. Due to interactions with the mine and slipstream space, the Thor was unable to return to normal space without risking the ship being destroyed. Over the course of 12 hours the crew evacuated casualties and worked to detach the mine from the ship. With less than an hour to spare they were successful and were able to safely return to normal space in the Bajor sector.

The damage to the Thor was extensive and required an extended period of repair while docked at Deep Space 9. Most of the crew was temporarily granted quarters and workspace aboard the station. The crew spent well over a month repairing the ship and enjoying shore leave from DS9 and Wes Greaves was formally made the Marine Detachment Commander for the ship. Following the completion of repairs, the Thor was assigned a resupply mission for the colony of New Bajor in the gamma quadrant. All was not as it seemed however and the Thor uncovered corruption of the planet's government which was causing the destruction of the planet's agriculture. Wes Greaves played an important role in helping collect samples of a virus ravaging the planet's crops and eventually he effected the arrest of the planet's governor. With the virus safely erradicated and corruption rooted out of the government of New Bajor, the crew took shore leave on the planet. Wes Greaves was promoted to Marine Captain following the mission.

After enjoying shore leave in the gamma quadrant and on New Bajor, the Thor received an unusual distress signal near an unexplored nebula. The resulting response led the crew to discover the Zet, an advanced civilization lacking warp technology but possessing technology allowed for immortality. The civilization was an extreme representation of capitalism. During diplomatic encounters with the civilization, Wes Greaves served as an away team leader for the first time, and led initial diplomatic meetings with the planet's leaders. The meetings went poorly due to the arrogance of the Zet leadership, and Wes's team was eventually recalled. During follow on negotiations, Wes Greaves found himself the senior officer aboard the Thor, and in another first, he took command of the ship. Negotiations broke down on the surface and the Zet captured one away team and fired upon the Thor with surface missiles armed with Theta radiation. Wes Greaves and the rest of the bridge crew were able to keep the Thor safe and recover the away teams from the surface without injury. Following the mission, the Thor broke contact with the Zet and returned to the Alpha quadrant where they took shore leave on Vulcan.

During shore leave, Wes was appointed the Chief of Security and Chief of Tactical as well as the Marine Detachment Commander. Now leading three departments, Wes became overwhelmed with paddwork as he attempted to immerse himself in learning the new departments he was responsible for. In an attempt to take some time off, he traveled to Earth with Katsim Peri however a shuttle accident resulted in a crash en route where both were gravely injured. The Thor responded to their distress call and rescued the pair in time to treat their injuries. The experience brought the two closer together than ever before.

Following a painful and long recovery, Wes Greaves returned to a full duty status just prior to the Thor departing on a survey mission near the edges of Federation space. En Route the Thor intercepted a distress signal from the USS Excalibur, a ship thought lost 150 years prior. During the course of the response Wes led the away team to survey the wreckage of the long-lost ship which had crashed in isolated in the mountains on a pre-warp planet similar to Earth's middle ages. During the course of the mission, Wes and the rest of the crew were forced to assist in the defense of the descendent's of the Excalibur's crew using period weaponry and equipment. Successful, the Thor removed all traces of the Federation's presence and withdrew to nearby Cardassia for shore leave. Unfortunately after returning to Federation space, his close friends Alieth and Sirok accepted reassignments elsewhere in the fleet.

Following Shore leave, the Thor was directed to undertake war games against the USS Nashira. Intending to replicate war time conditions, both the Thor and the Nashira would have skeleton crews composed of the Thor's staff. The Nashira herself was commanded by Commodore Ossa V'Airu, and under this leadership Wes was assigned as the Nashira's first officer for the exercise. Despite not seeing eye to eye, Wes had a successful tour with the Nashira, and although the ship lost the simulated engagement in the end, he received high marks for his performance.

Due to a neutronic storm that moved into the area during the exercises, both the Thor and the Nashira put in for repairs at Starbase 375. Once complete, the Thor was retasked to transport the former crew of the USS Veritas to their new assignment at Amity Outpost in the Delta Quadrant. With the Thor's Quantum Slipstream Drive, the trip was exceptionally faster than under standard propulsion, but still took well over a month. During the transit the crews of the Thor and Amity mingled with a great deal of off-time on the ship. After finally arriving, Amity Station returned the favor and hosted the crew of the Thor where Wes was able to explore a cultural fair aboard the station.

The Thor was assigned to a new mission to assist with Amity's mapping of the region shortly thereafter. A nearby system contained a significant debris field consisting of tens of thousands of ancient warships. It was known to the locals as The Graveyard. The Thor was tasked with exploring the field before departing back to the Alpha quadrant. The Thor was quickly caught in a trap however from a massive space faring species, previously undiscovered. The creature, larger than a Vesta class starship, manipulated time to hunt, using time travel to isolate its prey. The result on the Thor's crew was to throw them back and forth through time, to include when the massive battle took place. It was discovered that the races that fought for the system long ago had put their differences aside and had trapped the giant creature in the system. The Thor was able to reverse engineer the trap and escape from the system unscathed.

Once returned to the Alpha quadrant, the Thor took on supplies and a new mission to relocated to the Gamma Quadrant and assist in establishing a Federation presence there. A small research station on Okaea had missed a check-in, so the Thor was to investigate. Upon arriving in orbit it was found that the planet's atmosphere contained a unique isotope that prevented transporters and sensors from penetrating. An away team, led by Commodore Aron Kells went to the surface to check in on the researchers. It was quickly discovered that pirates had attacked the station and were dredging the bottom of the ocean looking for something. The pirates ambushed the away team and the pirate ship ambushed the Thor before she could raise her shields, hitting an antimatter storage input port. The critical hit immediately disabled the Thor, forcing her to jettison all of her antimatter. The resulting explosion tore away a signficant section of her engineering hull and the Thor fell into the planet. Wes Greaves was in command during this and was forced to make the decision to abandon ship. He personally stayed behind to manage the atmospheric reentry and try to crash land the Thor into the ocean. Several of the other senior staff ethier chose to stay behind, or were trapped aboard for the crash landing. The Thor did manage to stay intact upon impact with the water and Wes then turned to recovery efforts and aimed to prevent the ship from sinking to the bottom.

After several hours the surviving crew members aboard had the Thor stabilized. The atmospheric isotope was also in the water, allowing the Thor to remain undetected and ambush the pirate ship with a single working torpedo. The hit was catastrophic and destroyed the pirate vessel, allowing the survivors of the Thor to begin full recovery efforts. Following up on the Thor's missed check-in, another vessel, the USS Oumuamua was dispatched to the region. The Luna class recovered the Thor and towed her back to spacedock at Earth. The damage to the Thor was so great that estimates placed it in dry dock for a year to undergo repairs and refit. The majority of the senior staff, including Wes, were transferred to the Oumuamua.

USS Oumuamua

Wes continues to serve as the Executive Officer, Marine Detachment Commander, Chief Tactical Officer, and Chief of Security aboard the USS Oumuamua.


Ron Jordans

Ron Jordans.jpg

Ron Jordans
Former OIC. A mentor.

Wes served with Major Jordans in Task Force 51/5, and again aboard the USS Hood. Major Jordans played a critical role in talking Wes away from resigning from Starfleet after a combat mission which resulted in casualties.



A Vulcan wild child and a friend.

Wes and the Vulcan doctor Alieth served together at the academy and underwent their final testing together. Both of them were assigned to the Embassy of Duronis II and then the USS Thor together. Despite very different personalities and a shared stubbornness, the two became quick friends and bonded over multiple missions together. With a strong mutual respect of the other's aptitude and tenacity, the pair continue to grow close and Wes counts the woman as one of his closest friends.

Sarah Rodriguez


Sarah Rodriguez
Rock solid NCO

Sarah 'Sally' Rodriguez was one of the first Marines Wes worked closely with on Duronis II. The young Sergeant was a firecracker who ran a tight ship in Alpha Squad. Wes came to respect her blunt demeanor and effective leadership style with the squad.

Katsim Peri


Katsim Peri
A shy woman with fire in her heart.

Peri and Wes met aboard Deep Space 9 when the Thor was undergoing repairs, Peri was newly assigned to the Thor and the two became friends quickly. Over the course of several missions they grew closer and closer as they got to know each other better. After being nearly killed in a shuttle accident on shore leave, the pair have discovered new feelings for each other that go beyond friendship. Over time these feelings continued to grow for both and they began dating in 2399.



A firecracker of a Ferengi whose relationship with Wes is filled with strife and mutual respect.

Wes met Lephi and Elizabeth while traveling on a mission from the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Tasked to hand-deliver a message to Lephi in order to pay off contractual debt, Wes unknowingly crashed Lephi and Liz's first date. In the following year, Wes bumped into the pair multiple times with resulting shenanigans where the three have settled into their own sort of friendship.

Elizabeth Snow


Elizabeth Snow
One Betazoid who has seen a bit too much of Wes.

Wes met Lephi and Elizabeth while traveling on a mission from the Ferengi Commerce Authority. Tasked to hand-deliver a message to Lephi in order to pay off contractual debt, Wes unknowingly crashed Lephi and Liz's first date. In the following year, Wes bumped into the pair multiple times with resulting shenanigans where the three have settled into their own sort of friendship.



An old and stoic friend from the days of the Academy to the Thor.

Sirok and Wes attended the Academy together. While they never really met during classes, the two shared a final exam. Graduating together, the two were both assigned to the Embassy to Duronis II, and then to the Thor. Over many missions, the two men became friends sharing a great deal of mutual respect. Wes has vowed to one day break the man's stoicism with his humor.

Academy Classmates:

Sara Bjørge
Mikeja Lan

Wes briefly interacted with the four of his classmates who he shared his final evaluation with. None of them were well known to him however at the start of the exam. By the time the five of them had graduated, Wes was only slightly more familiar with the group. The newly commissioned Ensigns Sirok and Alieth were assigned to Duronis II along with him, and the three of them became much more familiar with each other on the freighter ride to the Embassy.


Over the years, Wes has collected various knick knacks and other items that hold sentimental value.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Private 238410.14 - 238404.17 1st Combat Engineer Battalion Combat Engineer
Private First Class 238504.17 - 238512.25
Lance Corporal 238512.25 - 238611.04
Corporal 238611.04 - 238707.11 Task Force 51/5 Combat Engineer
Sergeant 238707.11 - 238810.31
Staff Sergeant 238810.31 - 239101.22 3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade Combat Engineer
Staff Sergeant 239101.22 - 239308.16 USS Hood Individual Augment: Engineering
Cadet First Class 239308.16 - 239702.09 Graduated Starfleet Academy Marine Officer
Second Lieutenant 239702.09 - 239704.20 Embassy of Duronis II Marine Officer
Second Lieutenant 239704.20 - 239706.08 USS Thor Marine Officer
First Lieutenant 239706.08 - 239707.22 USS Thor Marine Officer
First Lieutenant 239707.22 - 239712.31 USS Thor Marine Detachment Commander
Captain (SFMC) 239712.31 - 239807.12 USS Thor Marine Detachment Commander
Major 239807.12 - 239810.21 USS Thor Marine Detachment Commander
Chief of Security
Chief Tactical Officer
Major 239810.21 - 239905.20 USS Thor Executive Officer
Marine Detachment Commander
Major 239905.20 - 239910.21 USS Oumuamua Executive Officer
Marine Detachment Commander
M05-LtCol-Green.png Lieutenant Colonel 239910.21 - 239406.15 USS Oumuamua Executive Officer
Marine Detachment Commander
M05-LtCol-Green.png Lieutenant Colonel 239406.15 - 240101.01 43rd Combat Engineer Battalion Battalion Commander
M05-LtCol-Green.png Lieutenant Colonel 240101.01 - Present USS Oumuamua Marine Detachment Commander

Awards and Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award 239706.27
USS Thor
For extra, out-of-character simming devotion.
Awards DutyPost MarineAward 2011.jpg
Semper Fidelis Award 239706.30
USS Thor
For great skill in protecting his crew, accomplishing his mission, avoiding tragic loss of life in the line of duty, and upholding the values of the United Federation of Planets in times of crisis.
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Pathfinder Award 239806.27
USS Thor
For showing great care in the mentoring of fellow members.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239806.27
USS Thor
For display of great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. For regularly contributing good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. For taking the time to edit and proof-read their sims to ensure quality in their writing.
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Sheathed Sword 239806.27
USS Thor
For inflicting mental and/or physical trauma on their character, and then diving into the resulting emotions and choices in a realistic manner. The name comes from a line in a Robert Jordan book where a warrior must be prepared to 'sheath the sword' in his own body, i.e. take a grievous wound to achieve one's goal (in this case, more realistic simming) as opposed to an actual goal of the character.
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member 239806.29
USS Thor
For one year of service with Starbase 118.
Luminary Award.png
Luminary Award 239806.29
USS Thor
For showing great promise in their future endeavors at Starbase 118 RPG
Combs Cross.png
Combs Cross 239906.22
USS Thor
For outstanding development and writing of NPCs.
Strange Medallion Ribbon.png
Strange Medallion Ribbon 239906.22
USS Thor
For outstanding devotion to duty as a ship's First Officer.
Awards Special RisingStar 2011.jpg
Rising Star Award 239906.22
USS Thor
For outstanding conduct and potential for future service at SB118.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239702.02
Starfleet Academy
For completion of Starfleet Academy course work and successful graduation.
Awards ServiceRibbons RomulanCampaign 2011.jpg
Romulan Campaign Medal 239706.08
Embassy of Duronis II
For actions in defense of Duronis II and Federation interests against the Romulan Empire.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239706.08
Embassy of Duronis II
For conspicuous gallantry in the rescue of Federation personnel from Romulan agents.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 239706.08
USS Thor
For wounds sustained in the line of duty while responding to the distress call of the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 239706.08
USS Thor
For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the rescue of 192 colonists from the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239706.08
USS Thor
For the discovery of a previously unknown time/space distortion resulting in the transportation of the Federation Colony at Vel Maijan.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239706.08
USS Thor
For the discovery of and first contact with the Azcou, a subterranean species on the planet of Vel Maijan.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 239709.14
USS Thor
For wounds sustained in the line of duty after striking a quantum slip stream mine.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 239709.14
USS Thor
For actions in the response operations following impact with a QSD mine. Rescue efforts went above and beyond the call of duty and directly resulted in preserving the life of trapped members of the USS Thor.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239709.14
USS Thor
For participation in actions against previously unknown threats residing in quantum slipstream space. Exemplary performance directly contributed to the recovery of vital data that will result in safer navigation of QSD.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239712.31
USS Thor
For conspicuous gallantry in the line of duty while assaulting a bunker complex on New Bajor and effecting the arrest of the former governor of New Bajor.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239712.31
USS Thor
For service in the execution of duties aboard the USS Thor and New Bajor and for leadership of a unit engaged in significant cross-discipline activities.+
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239712.31
USS Thor
For exemplary leadership of the USS Thor's Marine Detachment in vicinity of New Bajor during multiple land and space engagements and for exemplary personal actions required to better understand the political environment of the planet.
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239804.08
USS Thor
For exemplary conduct as the bridge officer in command of the USS Thor during a surface to ship engagement which resulted in no loss of life or damage to starfleet equipment.
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
Department Chief Ribbon 239804.08
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct as a department head aboard the USS Thor for at least 6 months.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239804.08
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while serving aboard the USS Thor during a first contact situation with the Zet in the gamma quadrant.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 239804.08
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while serving as an away team leader during the initial negotiations with the Zet.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239804.08
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while serving on the USS Thor and for actions resulting in a deescalation of tensions between the Zet and Starfleet representatives.|2
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239807.12
USS Thor
For meritorious leadership while leading an away team to locate the remains of the USS Excalibur on an uncharted world.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239807.12
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while defending the city of Calabrum with the descendants of the USS Excalibur.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 239807.12
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct in saving the inhabitants of the city of Calabrum in the face of imminent natural disaster.
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 239810.21
USS Thor
For quick actions in the modification of the ma:Picard Maneuver during the wargame exercises between the Thor and the USS Nashira
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 239810.21
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while in a mixed-ship skeleton crew serving about the USS Nashira during wargame exercises.
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239902.08
USS Thor
For meritorious leadership while leading an away team aboard an unknown derelict experiencing significant temporal disruptions.
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 239902.08
USS Thor
For meritorious action in efforts to maintain the timeline of events upon discovering significant temporal disruptions in the Sorach System in the Delta Quadrant.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon 239906.22
USS Thor
For actions to save lives of the crew of the USS Thor while disabled above Okaea. Maj Greaves quickly assessed probabilities of survival and determined more time was needed for the crew to abandon ship. He piloted the Thor at great risk to his own life, jeopardizing his ability to evacuate to gain time for the crew.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 239906.22
USS Thor
For wounds sustained in the line of duty in the engagement above and on the surface of Okaea
Awards ServiceRibbons FederationCross 2011.jpg
Federation Cross 239906.22
USS Thor
For conspicuous gallantry, at great risk to his own life, above and beyond the call of duty. Maj Greaves deftly commanded the Thor during an engagement above Okaea resulting in the Thor's near destruction. With his near certain death, Maj Greaves put his own life in danger to maintain the structure of the Thor during a crash landing on a planet. Surviving the crash, Maj Greaves expertly managed damage control to save the vessel. Knowing destruction was imminent with an enemy vessel searching for them, Maj Greaves rallied the fighting spirit of the survivors and destroyed the enemy vessel through ingenuity and determination
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal 239906.22
USS Thor
For meritorious conduct while engaged in combat with a pirate vessel in the Gamma Quadrant.
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239910.21
USS Oumuamua
For meritorious action while the acting Commanding Officer of the USS Oumuamua during a highly complex first contact encounter.
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Legion of Merit 239910.21
USS Oumuamua
For exceptionally meritorious conduct while coordinating dual first contact situations in which both species were adversarial. Maj Greaves deftly navigated the situation resulting in a peaceful outcome for both parties.
Unity Ribbon.png
Unity Ribbon 239910.21
USS Oumuamua
For outstanding efforts to mentor and guide the relatively junior senior staff of the USS Oumuamua during a complex first counter mission.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 239910.21
USS Oumuamua
For meritorious conduct while serving on the USS Oumuamua and for actions resulting in a deescalation of tensions between the Suculese and Eesse.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239910.21
USS Oumuamua
For meritorious conduct while serving aboard the USS Oumuamuaduring a first contact situation with the Suculese and the Eesse in the Gamma Quadrant.

Medical Record

Medical Record

Academy Transcripts

Academy Transcripts

Notable Sims

Founding the Duronis II Junior Officer Protection Association (JOPA):

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Rescue on Duronis II

'Expect the Unexpected'
'Making the Right Choice'

Personal Backstory

'Demons in the Dark'
'A Familiar Terror'
'Ghosts of our Past'

End Record

NPC Listing   ·   USS Octavia E Butler Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Lia Rouiancet Capt.png
Commanding Officer
Lia Rouiancet
Avander Promontory LCDR xo.png
Executive Officer
Avander Promontory
Katsim Peri LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Katsim Peri
Science Officer
Jania Nis LTJG.png
Asst. CMO, Phys.
Jania Nis
Sevantha Saa LtJG.png
Asst. CMO, Ment.
Sevantha Saa
Wes Greaves LtCol.png
Marine Det. Cdr.
Wes Greaves
Arturo Maxwell 2nd Lt.png
Marine Ofc.
Arturo Maxwell
Josh Herrick.png
Chief Engineer, 2O
Josh Herrick
Asst. CEO
Morro Caras
Kimonzi Lahl LTJG.png
Asst. CEO
Kimonzi Lahl
Toxin Arlill LT.png
Chief of Ops
Toxin Arlill
Ens Richards thor.png
Act. Chf. Sec.
Anton Richards
Alex Forsyth LTJG 1.png
Tac. Officer
Alex Forsyth
Lhando diplomacy bridge 2402.png
Diplomatic Officer
Lhandon Nilsen
USS Octavia E Butler-logo.png
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