Both Sides Now (Artemis): Difference between revisions

Added news reports
(Added Shint!Jo's final Sim to Notable Sim-tab)
(Added news reports)
(13 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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! style="width:200px;"|[ Hot Yogan]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Hot Yogan]  
| First Sim - Written by [[Yogan Yalu]] on SD 240009.09
| First Sim - Written by [[Yogan Yalu]] on SD 240009.09
! style="width:200px;"|[ Off With Them]
| Last Sim - Written by [[Addison MacKenzie]] on SD 240012.01
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* '''Computer Lab Planning Team: Addison MacKenzie, Genkos Adea, Luana Yellir, [[Jovenan (alternate)|Jovenan]], Kuva, J'''
* '''Computer Lab Planning Team: Addison MacKenzie, Genkos Adea, Luana Yellir, [[Jovenan (alternate)|Jovenan]], Kuva, J'''
* '''Armory Planning Team: Ares 'Romeo' Dakora, Victor Olivera, [[Harry Sato]], [[Savel (alternate)|Savel]], [[Gila Thevn]]'''

* '''Armory Planning Team: Ares 'Romeo' Dakora, Victor Olivera, [[Harry Sato]], [[Savel (alternate)|Savel]], [[Gila Thevn]]'''
Splitting the senior crew of the ''Desdemona'' in half for planning sessions, one half discusses the possibilities that comes with Colonel Adea's successful infiltration of the ''Artemis'', as well as their chances at disrupting Starfleet systems. When faced with the very real possibility that her so-called allies from the Commonwealth will take over the ''Artemis'' and possibly kill the crew that assisted them in their hour of need - including Lt. [[Vitor Silveira]] - [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]] makes a tough call and tries to warn the ''Artemis'' through alternating the heat levels of the computer core. It was a gamble - a communication written in Edo and utilizing a system that no normal person would be surveilling - and the telepathic Colonel Adea, sensing the treacherous mind of the [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator]], outed her before the message was complete. Unbeknownst to everyone, J has been altered by his ''Artemis'' counterpart, allowing for some semblance of free will, and he too starts to work against the machinations of Colonel MacKenzie from within...
Meanwhile, in the Armory, Major Dakora brings in the remainder of the senior crew to discuss their options for taking the Federation vessel. 2nd Lt. [[Savel (alternate)|Savel]] had used his likeness to Ensign [[Savel]] to gain access to the armory, and as such, the crew of the ''Desdemona'' had weaponry ready for the taking so long as they could get aboard the ''Artemis''. This was an important part of the plan, as the transporters with which they usually crossed between ships didn't allow for bringing weapons aboard the Federation vessel. It was decided that the senior crew of the ''Desdemona'' would all cross over to the ''Artemis'' - playing at the guests they had been for the past week - after which they would all reconvene at the armory to procure phasers, and then start taking over key areas of the ''Artemis''.
Meanwhile, aboard the USS ''Artemis''-A, Petty Officer [[Xandeus Filistrien]] notices a strange heat fluctuation in the computer core. In his overzealous paranoia, he ascertains that it ''might'' be a communication, and if so - considering the crew makeup of the visiting vessel - a message in Edo. Bringing it to the attention of Lt.Cdr. [[Talos Dakora]] & LtJG [[Jovenan]], a troubling message heralds the coming crisis, just as Colonel MacKenzie and a contingent of her crew are beamed aboard.

{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
{| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" style="width:70%" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" "
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims of the Interlude
! style="background:linear-gradient(to left, #400000, #800000);color:#FFFFFF;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims of Act 2
! style="width:200px;"|[ Two households, both alike in dignity (SD240010.08)]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Two households, both alike in dignity (SD240010.08)]  
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{{LCARS-bar-heading|Act 3|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Act 3|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}

[[Addison MacKenzie|Captain MacKenzie]] was greeted in her office by a man she believed to be her old friend and Chief Medical Officer, [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Genkos Adea]], but this man was in reality his counterpart from the Shintverse, who was intending to lure the ''Artemis''' Captain into a trap. Meanwhile, [[Jovenan|Lt. Jovenan]] was headed to Sickbay to rendezvous with the Commander to discuss the effects of the prismic radiation, but she was met with no one but [[Gila Sadar|Ensign Sadar]], who revealed that the Commander had stopped attending to his more menial duties in Sickbay. As the Ensign started filling in [[Jovenan|Lt. Jovenan]] on some peculiar ways that Commander Adea's behavior had changed recently, [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] and [[Savel|Ensign Savel]] were going about their days elsewhere on Deck 7. They were intercepted by [[Xandeus Filistrien|PO Filistrien]] and informed of the impending attack, just as emergency lights trigger.
[[Addison MacKenzie|Captain MacKenzie]], who's realized that something is off with the supposed Adea, tricks him and reveals his deception, which leads to an altercation between the two. The resultant phaser fire puts the ''Artemis'' into a ship-wide Red Alert, just as Major Dakora holds [[Hallia Yellir|Chief Engineer Yellir]] at gunpoint in Main Engineering and J infiltrates the Hazard Lab and steals the container holding the prismagons, killing one of the scientists on duty at the same time. He meets up with Colonel MacKenzie who has Mediator Jovenan with her, both as hostage and as leverage, but they're soon intercepted by Security. To the Mediator's frustration, however, the Colonel proves quite excellent at impersonating her counterpart. The only option left to her is daring.  Meanwhile, [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]] joins up with the Captain and the Colonel, who're facing each other down. Colonel Adea attempts deception, but it doesn't quite bite and [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]] ends up backing his Captain. Seconds later, [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]]'s stolen combadge chirps with a request from the security team who's conversing with Colonel MacKenzie, and [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]]'s cry rings out. "She lies! She’s an imposter!"<ref>[ ''Last Ditch Attempt''], Lt. Col. Adea, SD 240011.09</ref> Col. Adea - whose ruse is well and truly up - calls for her immediate execution, which triggers a vicious reaction from [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]], but unbeknownst to the group, [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]] is promptly disintegrated by Colonel MacKenzie for her treason.
Elsewhere, [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] and [[Savel|Ensign Savel]], along with [[Xandeus Filistrien|PO Filistrien]], arm themselves and head towards Transporter Room One, where they've received news that a group of ''Desdemonan'' crewmembers - including their own counterparts - are attempting to gain access to the transporter system. They have difficulty approaching the Transporter Room due to hostile fire, but following an ingenius distraction by Ensign Savel, the group manages to infiltrate the disputed territory. This leads to a shootout between the two groups, which culminates with [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] sustaining an injury, the death of [[Harry Sato|1st Lt. Sato]] and the capture of [[Savel (alternate)|2nd Lt. Savel]]. [[Gila Thevn|2nd Lt. Thevn]], however, evades capture, but Transporter Room One is once again in Artemisian hands.<ref>[ ''Look at Me, I am the Doctor Now''], Ensign Savel, SD 240011.14</ref>
At this time, Lt. Olivera broadcasts a ship-wide commmunication announcing his succesful takeover of the bridge, and calling for the complete surrender of the Artemis' crew.
[[Jovenan|Lt. Jovenan]] - who was already suspicious due to the irregular behavior exhibited by 'Commander Adea' - enlists [[Gila Sadar|Ensign Sadar]] on a mission of breaking-and-entering, in an attempt at locating the real [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]]. They locate him in his quarters, gagged and tied in the closer, and manage to rescue him, just before they receive a communiqué from [[Addison MacKenzie|Cpt. MacKenzie]], who intends to retake the bridge from Lt. Olivera, and needs more able hands. The pacifistic [[Gila Sadar|Ensign Sadar]] hesitates, but a desperate [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]] pleads with her, and the group heads off. After pretending to be Desdemonan crewmembers having succesfully captured [[Addison MacKenzie|the Captain]] and [[Vitor Silveira|Lt. Silveira]], the group manages to retake the bridge and post up there in order to aid the liberation efforts. [[Gila Thevn|2nd Lt. Thevn]] - who thus far had evaded capture - sets an explosive in Primary Sickbay, that catches [[Savel|Ensign Savel]] and [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] by surprise. The resultant explosion grievously wounds the Lieutenant, and [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] beams down directly from the Bridge to go into emergency surgery. While unconscious, [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] has an out-of-body experience, where he does some soul-searching with an old friend of his - [[Kayla Drex]] - and while the surgery is a resounding success, a tired [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] informs him that the road back to peak physical health will be long and arduous. [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] takes these news with surprising ease, feeling a new sense of inner peace and purpose after his hallucination(?).
Elsewhere on the ship, [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] stares down Colonel MacKenzie. His interrogations as to her identity are interrupted by the appearance of "J", who - after learning of the demise of [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]] - intends to forcibly execute the Colonel for her unjust termination of someone he considered a good person. Shocked by the brutality demonstrated by the Desdemonan cyborg, [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]]'s hand is forced and he assists the Colonel in killing the errant "J". He then attempts to subdue the Colonel, but she proves as tenacious as her Artemisian counterpart, and soon gains the upper hand. [[Talos Dakora|The Lt.Cdr.]] is saved by the timely arrival of Ensigns [[Kawarda]] and [[Jaseb Chevalier|Chevalier]], who eventually see through the Colonel's attempt at impersonating the Captain, and she is stunned for her trouble.
[[Hallia Yellir|Chief Yellir]] - who's spent a significant amount of time as Major Dakora's hostage in Engineering - uses her cunning and her extensive knowledge of the ''Artemis'' 's systems to trick the Major into a trap. Cordoning him off in a plasma containment field, the Major suffers significant tissue damage. With their situations reversed, [[Hallia Yellir|Chief Yellir]] calls for his surrender so that medical aid can be administered. The Major refuses - remaining certain of the ''Desdemona'' 's moral high ground - and attempts to retrieve a weapon to fight back, forcing the [[Hallia Yellir|Chief]] to end his life... With the situation for their on-board infiltrators rapidly worsening, the remaining crew of the ''Desdemona'' attempt to flee the area, but with her own crew in charge of the bridge, the ''Artemis'' 's tractor beam easily halts the movement of the warworn vessel. This, unfortunately, provides a window for Colonel Adea - who has escaped custody of the security detail responsible for escorting him to the Brig - and he escapes the ''Artemis'' in a stolen Federation shuttle, while the bridge crew can do nothing but look on in frustration.
On board the ''Artemis'', Crewman [[Jozial Renirs|Renirs]] intercept a wounded 2nd Lt. Kader on Deck 11, and manage to use her sparse field medicine to save his life. With his apprehension, and the successful capture of [[Gila Thevn|2nd Lt. Thevn]] on Deck 11, the ''Artemis''' crew makes the prompt return of their treacherous guests a priority. But even as the Bridge Crew observes their successful efforts and the Desdemona returns to it's own universe, the crew grapples to reconcile the betrayal that occurred and the losses they suffered...

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! style="width:200px;"|[ Red Handed (SD240011.07)]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Red Handed (SD240011.07)]  
| Main Engineering is infiltrated and [[Hallia Yellir|Chief Yellir]] finds herself in a dangerous position (or two).
| Main Engineering is infiltrated and [[Hallia Yellir|Chief Yellir]] finds herself in a dangerous position (or two).
! style="width:200px;"|[ Code Red (SD240011.07)]
| [[Jovenan|Lt. Jovenan]] and [[Gila Sadar|Ensign Sadar]] realize that 'Commander Adea' isn't who he seems. But where is the real one?
! style="width:200px;"|[ Nothing stains the soul more indelibly than killing (SD240011.08)]
| J infiltrates the Hazard Lab, with fatal consequences for the scientist on duty.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Freedom! (SD240011.11)]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] is let out of the closet by his home-invaders.
! style="width:200px;"|[ He will be there for me (SD240011.11)]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ He will be there for me (SD240011.11)]  
| [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]] takes a chance on love... With dire consequences.
| [[Jovenan (alternate)|Mediator Jovenan]] takes a chance on love... With dire consequences.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Listen to reason (SD240011.11)]
| Cpt. Olivera takes control of the Bridge.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Rave in the Transporter Room (SD240011.13)]
| [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] and [[Savel|Ensign Savel]] lead a team to retake Transporter Room One.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Not Just a Doctor (SD240011.16)]
| [[Gila Thevn|2nd Lt. Thevn]] plays Explosive Santa in Sickbay.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Showdown (SD240011.18)]
| The Bridge is retaken.
! style="width:200px;"|[ An Unlikely Conversation pt2 (SD240011.19)]
| [[Hiro Jones|Lt. Jones]] gets a new perspective when meeting an old friend in the light.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Light Burn You (SD240011.21)]
| [[Hallia Yellir|Chief Yellir]] regains control of Main Engineering.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Running From Responsibilities (SD240011.23)]
| [[Genkos Adea|Cdr. Adea]] finishes surgery and takes a well-deserved rest, while his counterpart seizes his freedom by force.
! style="width:200px;"|[ We've Got the Package (SD240011.24)]
| [[Talos Dakora|Lt.Cdr. Dakora]] and [[Jaseb Chevalier|Ensign Chevalier]] retrieve the Prismagons from a stunned Colonel MacKenzie.
! style="width:200px;"|[ Send Them Home (SD240011.29)]
| The ''Artemis'' is cleared of Desdemonan boarders, and [[Addison MacKenzie|Captain MacKenzie]] says 'good riddance'.

{{LCARS-bar-heading|MSPCs and NPC Mentions|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Conclusion|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Crew Manifest|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Character name !! Rank equivalent<ref>The Interstellar Commonwealth uses a rank structure similar to that of the prime universe [[Starfleet_Rank_Index/Marines|Starfleet Marine Corps]]. Not all crew members are graduates of the Commonwealth Fleet Academy; some hold field commissions or provisional ranks.</ref> !! Duty post !! Notes
! Character name !! Rank equivalent<ref>The Interstellar Commonwealth uses a rank structure similar to that of the prime universe [[Starfleet_Rank_Index/Marines|Starfleet Marine Corps]]. Not all crew members are graduates of the Commonwealth Fleet Academy; some hold field commissions or provisional ranks.</ref> !! Duty post !! Notes
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| [[Didrik Stennes (alternate)|Didrik Stennes]] || Major || Acting executive officer || Simmed by [[Yogan Yalu]].<br>Player on LoA partway through.
| [[Didrik Stennes (alternate)|Didrik Stennes]] || Major || Acting executive officer || Simmed by [[Yogan Yalu]].<br>Player on LoA partway through.
| Ares 'Romeo' Dakora || Major || Air group commander || Counterpart of [[Talos Dakora]]
| Genkos Adea || Lieutenant Colonel || Chief physician || Counterpart of [[Genkos Adea]].<br>MIA - Escaped in Starfleet Shuttle.
| Genkos Adea || Lieutenant Colonel || Chief physician || Counterpart of [[Genkos Adea]]
| Victor 'Vik' Olivera || Captain || Tactician || Counterpart of [[Vitor Silveira]]
| Victor 'Vik' Olivera || Captain || Tactician || Counterpart of [[Vitor Silveira]]
Line 196: Line 257:
|- style="text-decoration: line-through;"
|- style="text-decoration: line-through;"
| J ||2nd Lieutenant || Shock Troop || Counterpart of [[Jaseb Chevalier]]. Deceased.
| J ||2nd Lieutenant || Shock Troop || Counterpart of [[Jaseb Chevalier]]. Deceased.
|- style="text-decoration: line-through;"
| Ares 'Romeo' Dakora || Major || Air group commander || Counterpart of [[Talos Dakora]]. Deceased.

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**Shock Troop '''M'Bel''' - ''Lux's littermate''
**Shock Troop '''M'Bel''' - ''Lux's littermate''
**Special Ops  '''Della''' - ''Lux's littermate''
**Special Ops  '''Della''' - ''Lux's littermate''
**Petty Officer 3rd Class '''Xandeus Filistrien''' - ''PNPC Signals Analyst on the Artemis''
**Petty Officer 3rd Class '''Xandeus Filistrien''' - ''PNPC Signals Analyst on the USS ''Artemis''''
**Ensign '''Kawarda''' - ''PNPC Scientist on the USS ''Artemis''''
**Crewman 3rd Class '''Jozial Renirs''' - ''PNPC Technician on the USS ''Artemis''''

{{LCARS-bar-heading|MSNPCs|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|FNS Headlines|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
* ''' Stardate 240011.30:''' [ Intrigue in the Borderlands: USS Artemis-A encounters vessel from an alternate reality.]
* ''' Stardate 240012.30:''' [ Realities collide: USS Artemis fends off assault from alternate universe counterparts.]

{{LCARS-bar-heading|Fun facts|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Fun facts|COLOR=linear-gradient(to right, #400000, #800000)}}
