USS Phoenix-B

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The USS Phoenix-B was the first vessel FltAdml. Tristan Wolf commanded as a Captain, and acted as the field ship for StarBase 118 Operations for a number of years. It was decomissioned after serious issues with the computer core.


  • Registration: NCC 65403 B
  • Decomissioned: 237701.25
  • Designation: Admiral Tristan Wolf
  • Class: Nebula
  • Explatory Status: Defense and away missions for SB 118 (decomissioned)
  • War Capabilities: 4 (1 lowest - 5 highest)
  • Carries: Crew and civilians
  • Re-fueling Status: 32 year without re-fuel
  • Speed: Cruising- Warp 8 Emergency- 9.3
  • Motto: "Carpe diem." (Seize the day.)
  • Captain's Yacht: The Capizelo

Deck Layout

Saucer Section

  1. Main Bridge, Ready Room, Observation Lounge
  2. Tranporter Rooms 1-4, Science Labs
  3. Apartments, Captain's Quarters, emergency transporters
  4. Apartments (The Phoenix is a deep space discovery vessel, it houses not only crew but civilians as well)
  5. Apartments, shuttle bay 1 (main)
  6. Six-Forward Lounge, Holodecks 1-5, and HoloSuites 1-5
  7. Sick-Bay, gymnasium, HoloSuites 6-25, "The Globe" theater
  8. Apartments, life support core
  9. Apartments, emergency transporters
  10. Apartments, main escape pods
  11. Apartments
  12. Apartments
  13. Apartments
  14. Apartments
  15. Junior officers quarters, training centers, and lounge
  16. Captains Yacht docking station. (Restricted access except to captain or other crew with permission to enter, the yacht is sole property of the captain until retirement or destruction of ship.)

Star-Drive Section

  1. Battle Bridge, life support core 2
  2. Shuttle Bays 2-3, emergency transporters
  3. Transporters 4-8, science labs
  4. Bio labs, medical labs
  5. Computer core, main escape pods for star-drive
  6. Maintenance, engineering
  7. Security, impulse engines
  8. Cargo bays
  9. Cargo bays
  10. Brig, enviro support, waste management
  11. Deuterium Chambers
  12. Anti-matter storage
  13. Anti-matter storage

Shuttle and Pod Allotment

The USS Phoenix-B can accomodate six standard personnel shuttles, six cargo shuttles, four personnel shuttle pods, and three special purpose crafts. These include:

  • 3- Type 6 personnel shuttles
  • 3- Type 7 personnel shuttles
  • 6- Type 9A cargo shuttles
  • 3- Type 16 shuttle pods
  • 1- Type 15A shuttle pods
  • 3- Special Purpose crafts

The shuttle bays in which they are housed in are as follows:

  • Shuttle Bay 1- two type 6, two type 7, four type 9A, one type 16, one type 15A, one special purpose.
  • Shuttle Bay 2- one type 6, one type 9A, one type 16, one special purpose shuttle craft.
  • Shuttle Bay 3- one type 7, one type 9A, one type 16, one special purpose shuttle craft.

Captain's Yacht

Due to the overwhelming request for change in CYs by StarFleet captains, StarFleet has put together a new ship and is testing it on the USS Phoenix-B. This new ship is The Capizelo, and attaches to the underside of the saucer section of the Phoenix.

The CY has two decks, the Flight Deck (considered Deck 2) and the Engineering Deck (considered Deck 1). It is primarily used to transport diplomatic persons to and from the ship, and occasionaly captain's shore-leave or vacation. It can be piloted with a crew of one, or for optimum performance of all stations, a crew of three. It has the ability to land on any smooth terrain or to attach to a StarBase or any other ship which has matching harness locks.

One of the major advances put into the Capizelo is the warp nacelle for warp capabilities of up to warp 5. Considerably smaller than most nacelle's, it can retract into the bridge area when the CY is attached to the Phoenix, so as not to disturb the contour of the Phoenix. This nacelle is approximately 30 feet long and 7 feet high (from connection to hull to top of nacelle). Another advance put into the Capizelo is the turbo-lift which, when in port, can connect to the StarBase or ship to provide for speedy transport.

Deck one houses the following: 1 emergency pod, 1 storage area, 2 holodecks, the master bedroom and head, and the engineering area. Deck two houses the following: the shuttle bay containing 1 shuttle and two pods, the galley, the guest lounge, the crew quarters and head for 3, 1 bedroom, 1 storage area, and the bridge.

Other Stats and Info

  • Officers Quarters:
    • Each officers quarters contains the following: View Screen, desk, computer, food and clothing replicators, walk in closets, baths with whirlpools, beds, full bathroom, and living room.
    • There are 500 civilian apartments onboard and 120 crew quarters, some crew quarters are left open for other joining crew.
  • Warp Factor/Speeds: The Phoenix-B, under the New Warp Table, has the ability to reach a maximum speed of warp 9.93, obtainable for 3 min and 42 seconds before engines activate auto-shutdown. The cruising speed for the Phoenix-B is warp 8. The warp core was recently updated to the bio-matter type, which prevents the ship from tampering with the fabric of space when at speeds over warp 5.
  • Weapons: The Phoenix-B, because it is an exploration ship, is well equipped for battle, but is not meant for battle. It has the standard compliment of weapons for a ship in it's class.
  • Saucer Separation and Emergency Maneuvers:
    • The Phoenix-B can safely separate its saucer from stardrive section at warp 2. After which, the saucer has the capability to make an emergency landing on a smooth and large surface of a planet. After this emergency landing it cannot be taken back up into space and if it is not already, must be destroyed. The stardrive section can be commanded at the Battle Bridge located just under the fastening cleats.
    • The Phoenix-B also has a large library of emergency maneuvers which can be performed at warp speeds.
  • While the Phoenix - B acted as the field ship for the StarBase, it was usually in dock, waiting for any possible emergencies. The ship was maintained by a skeleton crew, around the clock. When needed, the ship was be ready to leave dock in less than 15 minutes, if no advance notice is given. Note, though, that the ship was always a "step ahead" the base, in that when the base's alert status became yellow, the ship's status became red. As soon as the ship's status became red, the Phoenix's skeleton crew immediately readied it to leave base.

Recent Changes and Refittings

  • 9908.22: Computer cores begin experiencing cascading failures. Ship placed in drydock with no plans to re-launch the ship. The USS Tiger takes the place of the Phoenix - B as the StarBase's new field ship.
  • 9812.10 - 9901.12: Computer cores fully replaced after corruption found in retreival systems.
  • 9807.18 - 9807.23: Port side warp nacelle replaced after fatal flaw found in bussard ramscoop.
  • 9802.15 - 9803.02: Sensor pod removed, sensor pod docking clamps refitted with newest model, new sensor pod installed.
  • 9705.01 - 9710.27: Phoenix undergoes complete overhaul after Maquis attack.
  • Bridge docking area, 9701.03; newest prototype of bridge design installed.
  • Deck 7, 9603.04; all apartement complexes removed and 3 holodecks and "The Globe" theater installed.
  • Deck 5, 9601.17; the main shuttle bay refitted (delayed due to requirement that the Phoenix attended a conference at Camp Khitomer).
  • Deck 15, 9512.19; junior officers training centers and lounges installed.
  • Underside of star-drive hull, 9511.29; third tractor beam for ship installed.
  • Underside of saucer hull, 9511.30; second tractor beam for ship installed.

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