
< User:Sevo
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=== Test Mission History. Work in Progress ===
Crew of the USS Gorkon


Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo

Current Assignment

U.S.S. Gorkon

U.S.S. Gorkon

  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Duty Post: Research Coordinator
  • Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds
  • Stardates: 239207.15 - Present

Please note that these records are from the viewpoint of Lt. Commander Ayiana Sevo. For full mission debriefings, refer to the official Gorkon Mission Reports. Level 4 clearance required.

Mission History (Click Icons to Expand)
Mission Stardate Synopsis
239208.08 - 239209.17 The USS Tharsis, an Oberth-class vessel and one of the ships assigned to Peaceforce Five as a science and survey vessel, has become trapped in a gravity well. The Gorkon arrives to help, but finds the crew's minds twisted - they believe themselves hunters, and the Gorkon crew their prey.

A Sinking Ship

Ayiana swims through water-filled Jefferies Tubes to save her crewmates.
The first mission of the Gorkon saw Ayiana and the crew respond to a distress call from the science ship USS Tharsis. The Gorkon sent several away teams to different parts of the ship to ascertain the problem. Ayiana was assigned to Captain Quinn Reynolds' team, which was sent to the bridge of the Tharsis. Very early into their investigations, the away teams discovered that the crew of the Tharsis had set numerous traps throughout the ship; a result of rampant paranoia caused by an accidental infection of parasitic Sarpedionital Gondii. Further, the ship had been saturated with disruption fields, preventing the away teams from detecting anything with sensors. Ayiana managed to program her tricorder to detect these fields, giving her away team a little warning. At one point, Reynolds' team, including Ayiana, had been trapped in a Jefferies tube junction that had been rigged to fill with water; intending to drown its victims. Ayiana pulled on her childhood swimming skills and volunteered to swim down into the depths to find a way to release the trapped away team.[1] Successfully draining the water, Ayiana regrouped with Reynolds' team, only to find them at gunpoint by paranoid Tharsis crewmembers. She successfully managed to disrupt the energy of their phasers, allowing Reynolds' superior melee team to overwhelm the Tharsis group. The reserve crew of the Gorkon managed to penetrate the dispersion fields of the Tharsis and beam the away teams back aboard, along with the infected Tharsis crew; eventually managing to cure them of the parasites. The entire medical division, along with the away teams, including Ayiana, received a Medical Science Ribbon for their efforts.
  • Service Ribbons:
    • Innovation Ribbon
    • Good Conduct Ribbon (2nd Citation)
    • Medical Science Ribbon
239210.25 - 239212.18 A celebration turns into a murder investigation when a Cardassian diplomat is found dead during the Gorkon's awards after-party. Trapped inside a sabotaged holodeck, will they be able to find the murderer, while keeping themselves and their guests safe?

A Monstrous Murder Mystery

Ayiana's Victorian costume.
Shortly after the Gorkon's return to its regional homebase of Astrofori One, the crew were honored with their first awards ceremony within one of the station's many holodecks. The ceremony had been designed to replicate a 19th-century Earth Victorian mansion, with period-specific attire. Ayiana found it very difficult to wear the heavy and outlandish dress human women of the era wore. Even more, the ceremony was attended by all manner of Starfleet brass, as well as press and foreign dignitaries. As Ayiana was not fond of social gatherings, she was having an exceptionally hard time with the event.

It was during this event that a sinister plot by the Maquis Reborn was hatched. They assassinated the Cardassian Ambassador to Astrofori One inside the holodeck during the party. They had also sabotaged the program, preventing anyone from accessing holodeck controls, exiting, or even contacting the outside world. During the crisis, Ayiana was able to use materials from inside the program to create fire, reigniting the fireplace and torches.[2] Once the Gorkon crew managed to escape the holodeck, she was part of the team that was sent to rescue Cardassian hostages within the Cardassian Embassy.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Innovation Ribbon (2nd Citation)
239301.21 - 239304.03 While studying a nebula with strange transmissions emanating from it, the Gorkon is pulled into an alternate reality where the Dominion won the war and the Federation is destroyed.

Annus Horribilis, Part 1

The Battle of NGC 201502
Early into 2393, while studying an unexplored nebula, the Gorkon was presumed lost with all hands. In actuality, it had slipped through a quantum fissure and traveled to an alternate reality where the Dominion won the war. Shortly after arriving and confirming their location, the Gorkon came across the USS Triumphant from that reality. It was crewed by a ragtag band of former Starfleet officers, civilians, and refugees who spent their time avoiding Dominion patrols. What was remarkable was the fact that it was crewed by several doppelgangers of the Gorkon crew or their associates, including Karl 'Walter' Brunsig, their Captain; Quinn 'Erin' Reynolds, their quirky Engineer; and Erik Jansen, doppelganger of Alucard Vess and their nominal Chief Science Officer.

The Gorkons arrival was not unnoticed, however, as a small fleet of Dominion and Cardassian ships soon arrived in the nebula and attacked the pair of ships. The battle had been going well, up until the Triumphant had been sabotaged from the inside by Erik Jansen, who felt that his odds of survival were higher on the Dominion's side. Fortunately, he had given enough time for the Triumphant crew to evacuate to the Gorkon before it self-destructed. Jansen managed to escape to one of the Dominion ships and warp away during the confusion. The battle was not without consequence, however, as all the weapon energies in the nebula caused the quantum fissure to destabilize and collapse, trapping the Gorkon in the parallel reality.

After they had warped away from the nebula and tended to their wounded, Ayiana had a shocking encounter. Toran Sevo, the previous host of the Sevo symbiont, was alive and well, and had been on the Triumphant![3] It took time for Ayiana to process the fact that her former self was still alive and kicking. She spent the next few months getting to know Toran after "the Divergence," the time after which their two realities and memories split.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Department Chief Ribbon
    • Innovation Ribbon (3rd Citation)
    • Distinguished Service Ribbon
    • Joint Meritorious Unit Award
239305.11 - 239309.07 Still trapped in an alternate universe where the Dominion won the war, the Gorkon is pursued by a relentless and familiar adversary as it tries desperately to find a way home.

Annus Horribilis, Part 2

The journey Over There toughened Ayiana up.
The months spent in that universe were some of the hardest and most traumatic in Sevo's lives. Constantly on the run and assaulted by Dominion forces, the Gorkon was in increasingly bad shape. During the journey, they lost nearly three-fourths of the crew, many of which Ayiana had served with for years. She suffered trauma as well; at one point Ayiana was trapped in a Jefferies tube junction for twelve hours before she could be rescued. Due to her severe claustrophobia, it was an excruciating experience, one she doesn't fully remember; although repair crews afterward had said there were bloody claw marks on the walls.

At the eleventh hour, assaulted on all sides by Erik Jansen's fleet, a new quantum fissure appeared, opened from the other side by the USS Yarahla which had been pirated by rogue Starfleet officers and acquaintances of the Gorkon crew. During this battle, many Jem'Hadar had managed to board the ship and engage the remaining crew. Ayiana had suffered severe injuries in one such scuffle. If it hadn't been for the timely arrival of the Yarahla, she certainly would have died. Due to a quirk of physics native to quantum fissures, the crew returned after only several months missing in their home universe, despite spending 394 days in the other one.

Upon returning to their universe, along with the survivors of the Triumphant, the Gorkon and her crew spent time on Earth. Ayiana had spent the next few weeks in recovery,[4] both physical and mental. Her long, fire-red hair had been shaved off due to needing brain surgery. It was a blow to Ayiana, as her hair was one of her defining qualities. Along with much of the Gorkon crew, Ayiana spent much time among counselors as well. A monument was built and placed in the Gorkon to remember the 413 lives lost in the alternate dimension, colloquially called "Over There" by the crew.

Their return had not been without controversy, however. A few months after the Gorkon had "disappeared", Starfleet had called off the search for them and declared them officially Missing in Action (MIA). Sympathies and flags were sent to their families, including Ayiana's; delivered by her Academy mentor, Commander Omun Inaki.[5] When they returned back alive and (mostly) unharmed, an outrage among their families and the general population ensued, culminating in protests outside of Starfleet Headquarters; denouncing them for calling off the search; Ayiana's family had traveled from Trill to protest; her sister Aleesia clutching the trifold Federation flag given to them earlier by Inaki.

Despite all the controversy, the Gorkon crew were given a return celebration by Starfleet, attended by Starfleet brass and the crews' families.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • The Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
    • Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
    • Extended Service Ribbon
    • Legion of Merit
    • Distinguished Service Ribbon
239311.1 - 239312.25 Shortly after arriving at their new theater of operations, the Tyrellian government contacts the Gorkon with an urgent request for help with the Orion Syndicate. Increased crime, an infiltrated government, a possible smuggling operation, and an informant on the loose, the Gorkon crew has their work cut out for them.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

On Stardate 239311.1, the Gorkon arrived at it's new base of operations in the Tyrellian system, near the borders of Klingon and Romulan space. Their first order of business - to root out corruption throughout the Tyrellian government, suspected to be the Orion Syndicate. Ayiana first led a team to a shipping warehouse to see if they could find clues as to what the Syndicate was doing on Palanon, the Tyrellian's adopted homeworld. Her team managed to capture a low-level thug, and discovered crates of currencies from Klingon, Romulan, and Federation economies; as well as encrypted data chips.

They followed up on a lead by the captured Syndicate goon, as well as partially decrypted information from the recovered chips. Ayiana soon found herself leading a team to the great Perlonian Swamp near the capital city Yarista. There, they found what appeared to be a Syndicate safe house. Attempting to investigate the structure led to a fail-safe being tripped, destroying the house, and most of the content therein, including a few Orions. One survivor was an Orion slavegirl named Leelou, who tried to escape out of fear, but quickly surrendered when she was cornered. It was soon discovered that Leelou had an implanted tracking device and the Syndicate would soon be sending troops to investigate the destroyed safe house. Ayiana and her team took cover in the surrounding swamp while a shuttle containing Syndicate shock troops landed. While her team was distracted, Leelou stole a phaser from Lt. JG Dassa Alexander and shot them from behind. Leelou had actually been the boss for the Tyrellian operation and escaped with the troops.

After recovering in sickbay,[6] Ayiana joined her crewmates on Palanon in the Mindirra mountain range for some shore leave. Calling on her second host, Camen's, skills as a grill chef, Ayiana cooked an elaborate steak dinner for the crew at the culmination of shore leave.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • The Purple Heart (3rd Citation)
    • War of Shadows Ribbon
    • Orion Syndicate Service Medal
239403.18 - 239404.10 To aide in talks between the races within the Tyrellian Sector and its neighbors, the Gorkon plays host to a diplomatic conference -- but when the Captain is attacked and the conference is rocked by explosions, diplomacy becomes the last thing on anyone's minds.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

This mission saw Ayiana serving as acting First Officer to Commander Vess, commanding the Triumphant in a war games scenario against the USS Resolute. Their team concocted a bold plan to incapacitate the Resolute, but they were unknowingly being listened to by the Resolute's captain, T'Vei. She had quickly shut down the Triumphant in one second by firing a perfectly-calibrated polaron burst at them, negating their tractor beam mid-maneuver. T'Vei had been listening in via a bug planted before the exercise, listening to the crew's planning and calibrated the beam appropriately.[7] The precise and effective maneuver irritated Ayiana and Vess to no end.

Fortunately, T'Vei didn't have time to gloat, as a real distress call came from the USS Shavar, one of the support vessels assigned to the Tyrellian Defence and Exploration Taskforce, who had been tasked with gathering sensor information on a potential Syndicate base in the system. They were under attack by an Orion-controlled Breen dreadnought. The Resolute and Triumphant quickly raced to its location to assist. The dreadnought stymied the pair due in no small part to a cloaking device they managed to aquire. After the hostilities, Ayiana realized they had lost contact with the Gorkon. The Triumphant had taken extensive damage during the battle, and was humiliatingly towed back to Palanon by the Resolute over the course of several days. When they finally arrived, they found Commander Walter Brunsig in command and Fleet Captain Reynolds severely injured from an attempted assassination. During the next few weeks she spent in recovery, Vess had taken de facto command of the Gorkon, while Ayiana took over XO duties.

Eventually, the Gorkon found themselves at Risa for some much-needed shore leave. Ayiana was just about to head down to the planet when she got a surprise - in the form of her sister, Aleesia, visiting on vacation from Trill. During shore leave, the pair participated in a volleyball game, swimming, and socializing.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Good Conduct Ribbon (3rd Citation)
    • Orion Syndicate Service Medal (2nd Citation)
239405.25 - 239407.12 When a scientific curiosity turns deadly and traps the away teams on a virgin planet, Leutra IV, the USS Gorkon's crew are forced to survive without their technology -- and make some startling discoveries along the way.

The Silver Function

The Leutra system is something of an enigma. The primary star is a magnetar, a type of neutron star with extremely high levels of electromagnetic radiation. With no indication the system has been visited by any species, all logic says that the fourth planet should not be the source of any power signatures, let alone bear life. Once on the surface, the reason for its safety quickly became apparent. A massive shield encircled the planet, protecting it from the frequent bursts of radiation emitted by the magnetar. It blocked enough of the radiation to save their lives but had caused irreparable damage to the teams' equipment. The only thing they had to go on was a mysterious region of electromagnetic signals they had detected from orbit. Ayiana led the team towards what she remembered to be the direction of the EM signal.

During a night of camping, Ayiana and her team witnessed a ship crash near their location. Once they reconnoitered the site, they realized it was a shuttle of Federation design, yet Ayiana did not know of any other ships in the area. It turned out it was filled with a contingent of Starfleet Rangers from the 451st platoon on a covert mission to destroy an Orion base on the planet; of which no one knew about either. There was only one survivor - Ensign Grace Freeman. They managed to pull her from the wreck and carry her back to their camp where she rested through the rest of the night.

The next morning, Freeman had immediately clashed with Ayiana over concerns of secrecy and confidentiality regarding her mission; going so far as to refuse Ayiana and her team entry to her ship. Considering their survival above all other concerns, Ayiana decided to "pull rank" and overrule Freeman, ordering her team to search the ship for supplies. At one point, Freeman rigged the ship's cockpit to explode, destroying the main computer core, and any information it may have contained. The explosion also knocked everyone off their feet, causing a few scrapes and bruises. Furious, Ayiana ran to Freeman and slammed the armored woman against the shuttle. Things were about to come to blows when the impact crater the ship had created began to crumble and collapse from the explosion. Surprisingly, they fell only a few meters into a clearly artificial cave system just below the surface. Ayiana ordered Freeman held in custody until they could return to the Gorkon. Fortunately, Ayiana soon regrouped with the other away teams and they recounted their story. The other teams discovered that the planet had been filled with AI robots acting as "Keepers" of the planet. They were unable to ascertain the true purpose of the planet before returning to the Gorkon; however, Starfleet planned to send long-term science vessels for further study with the approval of the Keepers.

Unfortunately, the fallout of the mission to Leutra IV followed Ayiana back to the ship. A formal inquiry[8] was held to determine what transpired between Ayiana and Freeman. Captain Reynolds presided, along with Commander Vess, who was First Officer at the time. Ayiana felt ashamed, thinking she may have permanently hurt her relationships with Reynolds and Vess for acting inappropriately. After the hearing, Reynolds rendered her verdict - the 451st Ranger Platoon was to be reformed and put under her command onboard the Gorkon. As for Ayiana, she was stripped of her Second Officer status. Further, Reynolds ordered Ayiana and Freeman to room together for no less than six months.[9] The pair were practically speechless. They came to blows a few hours after meeting each other; how would they be able to live together?!

The Gorkon soon returned to Earth, where a lavish awards ceremony took place at the ancient Palace Hotel in San Francisco. Reynolds had been promoted to Rear Admiral during the festivities.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Explorer's Ribbon (2nd Citation)
    • First Contact Ribbon (2nd Citation)
239409.17 - 239411.01 Upon suffering a dire shutdown of the Quantum Slipstream Drive mid-flight, the Gorkon found itself in the midst of The Roman Expanse, and at the mercy of an energy-hungry creature residing there.

The Devil's Expanse

The "Faceless," or Seraphim.
On their return to the Tyrellian system, the Gorkon's slipstream malfunctioned and collapsed, dropping the ship in the dangerous Roman Nebula. Dozens of ships had been lost there over the centuries, and the place remained uncharted; partly due to the constantly-shifting interior. Shortly after being trapped in the nebula, strange faceless, shapeshifting aliens appeared around the ship. They took on the appearance of various crew members for unknown reasons; except they had blank faces. Further, the ship itself became "stuck" in something, unable to move and all power being drained. Eventually it was determined an enormous subspace creature had trapped the Gorkon in it's feeding tendrils, attempting to sap the energy from the ship as food. (The creature is later classified as Romanus Spatium Satanum.)

Ayiana managed to corner one of the Faceless, later classified as Seraphim, and tried to communicate with it. She was unsuccessful, but another team managed some rudimentary telepathic contact with the Faceless. They discovered that the Faceless had been acting as "zookeepers" for the creature for millions of years. Every time a ship became trapped in the nebula, they tried to warn them off, but the communication barrier was too great. Eventually, the Gorkon managed to find a way to free themselves from the creature and escape the nebula.

While the Gorkon underwent repairs, the crew once again received some much-needed shore leave at Iana Station, orbiting Palanon. Ayiana spent much of her time on the station, shopping its promenades. She met up with Lieutenant Cory Stoyer, helping him shop for his wife, Petra Bjarnadottir. It was during this shore leave that an impromptu "reunion" took place between Ayiana, Vess, Eerie, and Nugra; all of whom served together on the USS Victory.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Explorer's Ribbon (3rd Citation)
    • Captain's Commendation
239412.28 - 239502.12 After a starbase goes silent, the USS Gorkon is tasked with discovering what happened to the station and its missing crew.


Leelou, the ruthless Orion crime boss that hounded the Gorkon for years.
The next mission saw the Gorkon investigate Starbase 173, which had gone mysteriously silent. Ayiana found it interesting to learn that it was the station where the famous Sentience Hearing regarding Commander Data took place over thirty years before. Upon transporting aboard, the Gorkon teams quickly found the station in a sort of "hibernation" mode. The life support was at a bare minimum and computers were offline. The entire population of more than 100,000 people were missing.

Ayiana's team was tasked with scouting the science facilities of the station. Once there, they found the body of a Benzite Commander. They also discovered unusual and quasi-illegal science experiments taking place on the station. Their investigation was interrupted by the appearance of powerful but brief subspace rifts throughout the station. Upon communicating with the other teams, along with the Gorkon, it was theorized that some sort of technology was at work. It turned out to be three pieces of an ancient pre-Awakening Vulcan artifact known as the Iapegi Stones. They had the ability to be "programmed" to open rifts to different realms of subspace. Unfortunately, the one it was "tuned" to was inhabited by dangerous aliens. They seemed to defy the laws of physics. They moved in an unnatural way as if looking at stop-motion animation. Their bodies registered intense cold, yet their touch ignited flames as hot as a star.

The aliens were not the only contenders the Gorkon teams had to deal with. Leelou had returned with a contingent of Orion Syndicate troops. They had been hired to find the stones as well. After threatening the lives of one of the Gorkon teams, Admiral Reynolds managed to trap Leelou with one of the aliens. Eventually, the crew managed to shut down the stones, rendering them inert. This also forced the aliens back into their subspace realm and returning the starbase's population. Though mostly unharmed, they were suffering from frostbite, as if they had been in some very cold environment.

Returning to Palanon, the Gorkon's crew took some much-needed shore leave. Soon after arriving back at Palanon, Admiral Reynolds extended an offer to make Ayiana First Officer of the Gorkon;[10] which she accepted, but not without some reluctance.[11] She thought her past actions on Leutra IV pretty much sealed any possibility of command for her, but apparently Admiral Reynolds thought otherwise.

Meanwhile, the Captain of the luxury skyliner Cloud Skipper extended an invitation to them, which many of the crew graciously accepted.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Orion Syndicate Service Medal (3rd Citation)
239504.15 - 239506.08 When the Gorkon is called to assist in diplomatic negotiations on a Romulan Republic colony world, the crew must survive both the legendary storms and the secrets that are revealed.


The Gorkon is called to assist in diplomatic negotiations on the Romulan Republic colony world of Sikuna. Ayiana led a diplomatic team to the planet capital to meet with Governor Khaveid ir'Dinalla tr'Valai. Their job was to offer mediation and protection from those protesting against the joint scientific alliance between the Romulan Republic scientists and the Federation. Negotiations with the Governor had barely begun when the protestors outside nearly attacked the Civic Center building they were in. To top it off, a massive verteron storm was incoming, which forced everyone to take shelter inside the building. Multiple hostile factions came to blows inside, before being broken up by Ayiana's team. Unfortunately, during the brawl, several people were injured, including some of her team. Ayiana led a small team through the storm to a nearby medical facility to find supplies. While there, they met some more storm victims inside. One was an extremely pregnant Romulan woman who had gone into labor. Ayiana managed to deliver a healthy baby.[12]

After the tumultuous mission, the Gorkon spend shore leave on Trill, allowing Ayiana to visit her family in Najana City.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • None.
239508.14 - 239511.15 The Maquis crew of the Skarbek has escaped Outpost Schulman, surviving a Cardassian raid. With a captured Starfleet Intelligence Officer, and a ship full of dreams, the crew hurtle toward the unknown.

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

"Red", Maquis fighter and big gun aficionado.
The Maquis crew of the Skarbek has escaped Outpost Schulman, surviving a Cardassian raid. With a captured Starfleet Intelligence Officer, the ragtag band of pirates, mercenaries, rebels, and miscreants flee before the Cardassians can track them. During their flight to a nearby system for a rendezvous with a fellow crewmember, strange things begin happening on the ship. The crew sees things that aren't there: strange creatures out of myth walk the halls of the ship and rooms are replaced by alien worlds.[13][14] Medical scans of some crew suggest they are asleep, and that their entire reality is nothing but a shared dream or hallucination. At first, the hypothesis is rebuffed as nonsense, but as reality continues to break down around them, the crew begins to realize perhaps not everything is as it seems. Slowly, they realize they have some measure of control over the place.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Lt. Commander Caedan Nkai manages to wake Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds, who subsequently is able to awaken the rest of the crew from the dream, with the assistance of Lieutenant Yiggtissi. Suddenly pulled from the dreamscape, Ayiana finds herself entwined in the arms of Lieutenant Cory Stoyer; much to her emotional shock. They have no time to dwell on the thought, however, as the hijackers of the ship, led by the villainous Trill Lladre, leaves behind a bomb on the bridge. Ayiana and those with her manage to beam the bomb into space, then fly the Gorkon away as fast as they can to avoid the blast.

During shore leave, Ayiana and Cory fall in love with each other, despite Cory being married to Petra. Over the course of a few months, the pair dance around each other, trying not to act on their feelings. Petra requests and is granted reassignment to the Triumphant. The "relationship" comes to a climax at a party put together by Engineering, taking place on the hull of the Gorkon. During a dance with her, Cory breaks off the relationship, leaving a distraught Ayiana alone and broken on the dance floor.[15][16][17][18][19]

Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds is forced to remove Ayiana from the position of First Officer, due to Ayiana's continuing trouble with her anger, which came to the forefront during the Dream of Skarbek. She is reassigned as the Tyrellian Taskforce's Chief Research Coordinator.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Prisoner of War
239602.05 - 239603.25 While the USS Gorkon is in for routine repairs and maintenance at Starbase 123, Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds and company have hitched a lift with the USS Njörðr to the annual New Horizons conference; a prestigious conference to showcase new technologies for all branches of Starfleet. During their voyage, the ship encountered a nebula, suffered intense damage, and nebula gases have begun to seep slowly into the ship.

The Njörðr Incident

The Maquis crew of the Skarbek has escaped Outpost Schulman, surviving a Cardassian raid. With a captured Starfleet Intelligence Officer, the ragtag band of pirates, mercenaries, rebels, and miscreants flee before the Cardassians can track them. During their flight to a nearby system for a rendezvous with a fellow crewmember, strange things begin happening on the ship. The crew sees things that aren't there: strange creatures out of myth walk the halls of the ship and rooms are replaced by alien worlds.[20][21] Medical scans of some crew suggest they are asleep, and that their entire reality is nothing but a shared dream or hallucination. At first, the hypothesis is rebuffed as nonsense, but as reality continues to break down around them, the crew begins to realize perhaps not everything is as it seems. Slowly, they realize they have some measure of control over the place.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Lt. Commander Caedan Nkai manages to wake Rear Admiral Quinn Reynolds, who subsequently is able to awaken the rest of the crew from the dream, with the assistance of Lieutenant Yiggtissi. Suddenly pulled from the dreamscape, Ayiana finds herself entwined in the arms of Lieutenant Cory Stoyer; much to her emotional shock. They have no time to dwell on the thought, however, as the hijackers of the ship, led by the villainous Trill Lladre, leaves behind a bomb on the bridge. Ayiana and those with her manage to beam the bomb into space, then fly the Gorkon away as fast as they can to avoid the blast.

  • Service Ribbons:
    • Prisoner of War

REV SD 239706.17