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|BIRTHPLACE = Utopia Planitia Shipyard, Mars
|BIRTHPLACE = Utopia Planitia Shipyard, Mars
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Revision as of 12:52, 11 November 2017

USS Blackwell
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Nathaniel Christopher Wilmer
Position Helm
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 235502.21
Age 47
Birthplace Utopia Planitia Shipyard, Mars

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Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
Awards General 1Year.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Genesis Award
Innovation Ribbon
1-year Member

Writing Challenge Winner
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Graphic Contest Runner Up
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Graphic Contest Judge
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20th Annual Awards Attendee
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Chat Trivia Participant
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“I've been & am absurdly over-estimated. There are no supermen & I'm quite ordinary, & will say so whatever the artistic results. In that point I'm one of the few people who tell the truth about myself.”

T.E. Lawrence

Lieutenant Commander Nathaniel Wilmer is currently serving as helmsman aboard the USS Blackwell and private owner and Captain of the civilian vessel USS Longshot.


See all photographs pertaining to Nate: Gallery

Appearance & Statistics

  • Height: 1.77m (5'10")
  • Weight: 68kg
  • Hair: Auburn, has a beard and sideburns
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Skin Tone: Caucasian/freckled
  • Build: Normal
  • Scars/Features: A double scar over his right eye (received on 239410.08), and a small scar in his left shoulder from a knife wound taken in the episode: Demagogue.
  • Poses: (when not on duty) has a tendency to slouch, fold his arms, smirk and lean in doorways
  • Voice: low (deep); charismatic (tone)
  • Handedness: Right
  • Born: February 21st, 2355 (Stardate: 31608.8)
  • Marital Status: Engaged to Charlotte Farnsworth
  • Children:(1) Kael Wilmer


  • Habits: Cracks knuckles and fingers when bored, touches beard when thinking
  • Likes : Books (reading), philosophy, soccer, art, women, mint tea, Arcanis Lager
  • Dislikes : Remans (had a bad experience with one and it stayed with him), dislikes (western) Football
  • Hobbies : Chess (3d), drawing, dabo, tongo, dice, roleplaying games
  • Mental Problems/Phobias : Over-confidence with women, licentious. Note from Chief Counselor Rune Jolara: COUNSELOR REPORT: SD 239112.??
Rune Jolara

• Condition: Initial Consultation • Counselor Notes: Counselor Rune Jolara, USS Apollo-A • Medical Notes: My initial consultation with Ensign Nate Wilmer was less than ideal. As it followed our mission to Pertainia Prime. During said mission, an individual lost his life and even though all reports indicate it was an accident, Ensign Wilmer blames himself. He refused to speak freely of the incident, stating that he is fine and simply is not ready to talk about it. His insistence that he is fine is of concern. Unfortunately, our meeting was cut short. I have scheduled a follow up.

COUNSELOR REPORT: SD 239112.?? • Condition: PTSD • Counselor Notes: Counselor Rune Jolara, USS Apollo-A • Medical Notes: Upon observation of various odd behaviors, including public intoxication, I am inclined to diagnose Ensign Wilmer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is my belief that it is a direct result of the incident on Pertainia Prime. It is my recommendation that Ensign Wilmer attend mandatory Counseling sessions until further notice.

  • Physical limitations : None
  • Orientation : Heterosexual
  • Religion : Christian
  • Quarters : Mostly Spartan, but a few things to make it his own, a soccer ball, photographs of a Peregrine class fighter and a painting of Jupiter Station

Interesting Facts

  • Never set foot on Earth before applying to the academy.
  • Prefers to receive his medical treatment from an EMH if he can.
  • Tried to get a medical notation in his record so that he didn't have to eat alien foods during diplomatic missions. Hates non-earth food.
  • Has a fully-functional Klingon GarTadGar-Eleven Machine gun. It is sometimes referred to as the Klingon Windowpane. Wilmer hopes to restore it and gain permission to use it on tactical away missions.
  • Has a full-functional M5 prototype computer named Professor, that was stolen and reprogrammed by Charlotte Farnsworth.
  • Had a near death experience, where he saw his long-deceased former girlfriend Aliza Nicholson.



He talks a lot of bluster, that one, but he's true to his friends. He'd walk through fire for 'em, he would. - Necessity James

Master Chief Sullivan.jpg

Master Chief Dick Sullivan
Best Friend and Mentor

Nate and Sully have a long history together. The old man taught Nate just about everything he knows. Back in the day, the two enlisted dogs of Jupiter Station were infamous for playing cards, smoking cigars and getting into all kinds of trouble. If there was a fist-fight, Sully always had Nate's back. Unfortunately, an accidental death of a Cardassian diplomat put Sully in prison for three years. Having cost him his rank and title, Sully plans to retire once he gets back into the civilian world, and perhaps open up his own freighter business.


Lt. Cmdr. Tara Nixi
Good Friend

Tara was good friends with Nate and Sully on Jupiter Station. An attack by Cardassian Gul Skarpas caused Nate and Sully to come to her rescue. The resulting conspiracy thereafter, defined the careers of both men. Tara disappeared into Starfleet, hoping to forget the entire situation. The men have not seen her in years.


Respected Colleague and Mentor

Admiral Renos has now served as Nate's superior officer on two vessels: the USS Darwin-A and the USS Blackwell. Nate feels that Renos elevates his game. Nate specifically asked to be transferred to Renos ship because of the quality of the officers Renos possesses aboard the ship.


Necessity James
Best Friend

Nate and Nessa James befriended one another while in scientific quarantine at Starfleet Command. While they were locked in at the Presidio the two learned intimate details about one another, and Necessity even allows him to call her "Nessa." She respects him and considers him a friend. Daydreams allow her to see him as "yellow blocks."

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Shar'Wyn Foster
Best Friend

Nate and Wyn have hit things off well before Nate departed from the ship on his LOA. There working relationship started with an explosive start when the Doctor used Nate as a distraction to infiltrate an enemy base. Since then they have become drinking buddies. Nate often refers to Wyn simply as "Doc." Foster even has saved Nate's life, bringing him back from the dead after his heart stopped during an accident.


Don't count him out. He's crafty. Never turn your back on him for a second. - Lyndsey Fisher


Lyndsey Fisher
Reporter FNS

Ms. Fisher has gone to great lengths to either try and form Nate into some kind of media hero, or expose his somewhat checkerboard past, with digging into his former career aboard Jupiter Station. She has gone to such lengths as attempting to threaten him, to make him participate in her biographical work on the Apollo-A crew.


You infuriate me, Nate Wilmer... you also intrigue me... but let's be clear, infuriate comes first. - Charlotte Farnsworth

Lovers & Romance


Charlotte Farnsworth

Charlotte "Charlie" Farnsworth was a Dabo girl, and manager of the Cosmic Café on Jupiter Station. Charlie and Wilmer had an on-again/off-again relationship between 2386-2387. Even after Wilmer re-entered the Academy for officer extension courses, Charlie stayed in close contact with him and occasionally went on vacations with him. After Wilmer graduated from the academy a second time and was posted to the USS Excalibur-A., Charlie posed as his wife in order to gain favor with the ships captain. She petitioned to become the owner of the Round Table lounge, onboard ship. Once there, she manipulated her way to searching for an object that she believed was hidden somewhere in Wilmer's personal belongings. Nevertheless, she never had time to search Wilmer's quarters, because the Excalibur was decommissioned and all aboard (including civilians) were transferred elsewhere. Wilmer never got the chance to find out what Charlie was up to and she disappeared aboard a commercial freighter before he could speak to her. Since then, she has showed up on the USS Apollo-A, and opened a night club called Club Olympus. She has become friends with Nate's daughter Kael. Since transferring to the USS Constitution-B. She applied for the position of Literature Teacher, and has since gained that responsibility. She has become good friends to Nate's daughter, Kael Marrin. Now, in the last year the two have become engaged and are soon to be married.


Emery Rhyn
Former Romantic Interest

Nate and Emergy went on a few dates while serving aboard the USS Darwin-A. The two seemed to hit it off very well. However, Nate's most recent LOA put a damper on their plans, thus effectively ending the possibility of a romantic relationship.


Akeelah D'Sena
Former Romantic Interest

Nate has warmed to her quickly, attempting to introduce her to socialization and his favorite forms of entertainment, including his love for the antiquated science fiction program Dr. Who. Nate views Akeelah as being very moral, have a strict code of rules and ethics. He is very curious to see what lies beneath her stern exterior. At one point, Akeelah and Nate went on a few dates together, and Akeelah even made Nate a Rodulan Basotile. However, eventually the two concluded they should remain friends. When Nate went on to Starfleet Command to help in TOP SECRET research, Akeelah moved on with her life and began dating another person.


Leena Marrin
Former Romantic Interest

Leena was a half Risian, half Betazoid, who was at the academy at the exact time as Nate. She was a freshman when he was a Junior. Leena was a competitive pilot with Nate in flight school and herself was a member of Nova Squadron. They were never exclusively an item, however, Leena later admitted in her personal journals that she was deeply in love with Nate, despite never making a commitment to him. In 2376 after the death of Nate's fiancée Aliza, Leena went to Nate in a moment of comfort. That night of intimacy left lasting consequences, as she became pregnant with his child. Leena never informed Nate of their daughter Kael and raised her independently. Years later, Leena became the Commander of the Air Group for the USS Morningstar, she disappeared while on standard patrol. After the search for her was abandoned, her living will was declared announcing Nate as Kael's father, and transferring granted parental rites to him. Her whereabouts are currently unknown and she is believed to deceased.

Aliza Nicholson.jpg

Aliza Nicholson
Former Fiancee

Aliza was a cadet in Starfleet Academy whom Nate was engaged to. She was the love of Wilmer's life and was killed in the Breen attack on Earth during the Dominion War. Nate never fully got over her death and blamed himself for his inability to save her life. Psychologically, her death has caused Nate to live a proactive, but sometimes dangerously reckless lifestyle.


Do you think charm and good looks are going to advance your career, son? Wake up, before you realize you've done nothing with your life. - Captain Christopher Wilmer


Christopher Wilmer

Nate had an incredibly strained relationship with his father. Christopher Wilmer; though human, had been raised on Vulcan, and did not openly express his feelings for his son. He pushed Wilmer to carry on the family tradition of joining Starfleet. Over seven generations of Wilmer's family had served in Starfleet in one capacity or another, and Christopher Wilmer intended for his son to be no exception. Christopher Wilmer is cold, calculating, some might even say cruel. Nate Wilmer is by contrast, open, warm and gregarious by nature. Suffice it to say, they find they have little to talk about.

Captain Wilmer.jpg

Cassie Templeton-Wilmer

Nate does not often speak of his mother, nor does he communicate with her. All that is known is that she was at one time a Captain in the applied sciences department (circa 2364.) Only very recently did she accept voluntary demotion to Lt. Cmdr.


Kael Wilmer

Nate's daughter is sharp-tongued and often argumentative. She is good friends with Charlotte Farnsworth and loves Klingon rock music or Nagh Bom. Kael was one of two people who accidentally discovered Nate's holo-recording from Dick Sullivan, which revealed Nate's involvement in a murder cover-up. Kael is discovering that she loves her father and has quite a bit in common with him, including that they have the same eyes. She does not believe her mother is dead, and holds out hope that Starfleet will find her again someday.


  • 235502.21: Born
  • 2371: Applied to Starfleet Academy
  • 237504.28: Witnesses the death of his fiancé Aliza Nichols, at the Breen Attack on Earth.
  • 2375: Graduates from Starfleet Academy as non-commissioned crewman, is posted to Jupiter Station for Earth/Jupiter shuttle run
  • 2377: Transferred to Jovian Run
  • 237811.16: Meets Charlotte Farnsworth for the first time, when her family moves to Jupiter Station.
  • 2386: Enters into a romantic relationship with Charlotte "Charlie" Farnsworth.
  • 2387: Continues Starfleet career by reapplying to the academy and taking officers extension courses.

  • 239107.15: Graduates from Starfleet Academy courses with rank of Ensign, posted USS Excalibur-A.
  • 2391: Reassigned to Intel aboard USS Apollo-A.
  • 2391: Earns transfer to Chief Helm/Conn operator aboard USS Apollo-A.
  • 239111.10: Accidentally causes the death of an alien while on planetary away mission to Pertainia Prime.
  • 239201.08: Promoted to Lieutenant JG
  • 239202.03: Begins cooperating on the FNS Apollo-A crew biography, against his will.
  • 239202.18: Promoted to Lieutenant
  • 239203.09: Takes adoptive custody of his daughter Kael Marrin. Until this stardate, Nate did not even know she existed.
  • 239205.28: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander, transferred to USS Constitution-B and given the post of First Officer.
  • 239208.15-239305.11: LOA to assist Starfleet Command with the Farnsworth/James Paradox Situation.
  • 239305.11: Returns to the USS Constitution-B in the Helmsman/Conn/Ops Department.
  • 239307.07: Has a near death experience, when his heart stops for 7 seconds.
  • 239307.15: Is reassigned to the USS Darwin-A in the Mission Specialist department.
  • 239310.10: LOA to spend time with friends and family back at Earth and Jupiter Station.
  • 239410.01: Is reassigned to the USS Blackwell in the Helmsman position.


Early Years


Howard, Nate's childhood friend.

Born in the infirmary onboard Utopia Planitia shipyards to Captain Christopher Wilmer (applied sciences Stafleet Command) and Cassie Templeton-Wilmer (Lt. Cmdr. Starfleet Research and development.) Nate Wilmer is a common "Starfleet Brat." Having no brothers or sisters, Nate grew up in an isolated environment. His first friend was a holographic tanuki named: Howard. Since his parents were often away, Nate had a tendency to find himself getting into trouble. Though not in trouble with the law, he did have a way of finding himself in places he should not be. Nate spent most of his young teenage life onboard the USS Knightsbridge, where his father was second officer. It was not until joining Starfleet Academy at age 16 that he even set foot on Earth.

Starfleet Academy

(2371-2375) At age sixteen, Nate quickly applied to Starfleet Academy, but did not have sufficient mathematics scores to become an officer at that time. Instead, he became an enlisted non-commissioned crewman. The death of his fiancée Cadet Aliza Nichols, caused Nate to fall into a depression and his graduation grades suffered as a result of this. Starfleet took pity on him, and with counseling allowed him to graduate as a non-com.

Jupiter Station

(2376-2387) Upon graduation, Nate was posted to Jupiter Station and served there for over ten years as its Jovian Run shuttle pilot. Despite his age, his commanding officer Master Chief Dick Sullivan, encouraged him to return to the Academy and take officers extension courses.

Starfleet Academy, readmission to Command School

(2387-2391) In 2387, upon the urging of his friend and mentor Dick Sullivan, Nate reapplied for Command Level Examinations. With help from colleagues concerning his lacking mathematical skills, his efforts were accepted by the academy and in July 2391, after four years, Nate graduated from Command School with the rank of Ensign.

USS Excalibur-A (2391) He served briefly aboard the USS Excalibur give a junior position in intelligence. The ship was quickly decommissioned.

USS Apollo-A and Murder Investigation by Starfleet (2391-2392) After that ship was decommissioned, he was transferred to the USS Apollo-A. During the mission to Petranaria Prime, Nate was given the task of defending the position of team while they deactivated a beaming jammer. During the course of that duty, Nate was forced to accidentally kill an oncoming attacker. The experience changed him slightly and his demeanor slightly sobered. Shortly thereafter, he earned a duty post change to become chief helm/conn operator; a position he'd longed for since his first days in the academy.

Ten years ago (roughly 2382) Master Chief Dick Sullivan, who was Nate's mentor, was involved in the murder of Cardassian Gul Skarpas. Skarpas was a convicted rapist and serial stalker, who had several warrants on the Klingon homeworld. Skarpas had begun to stalk Wilmer and Sullivan's friend: Bajoran Lt. Cmdr. Tara Nixi. Sullivan confronted Skarpas, asking him to leave Jupiter Station. Skarpas refused, a struggle ensued, and Skarpas was pushed to his death. Sullivan used Skarpas own Cardassian code breaker rod to alter the video records and then gave Nate the code breaker to hold onto.

Nate kept the secret for ten years, until it was discovered by FNS Reporter Lyndsey Fisher. Fisher took the information to Starfleet investigation, who confronted Sullivan. Sullivan admitted to what he had done, and gave a full confession in exchange to save Nate's commission. Nate was investigated by SFI investigator Kutek, a Vulcan, and admitted to his involvement as well. He surrendered his Cardassian code breaker in exchange for a full pardon.

USS Constitution-B (2392 - 239208.16) Nate served as First Officer aboard the USS Constitution (NCC-9012-B). He stepped down to support his friend Charlotte during a difficult time in her life. Though it was necessary to be attached to Starfleet Command Research for eight months, Nate does not regret this decision. Doing so allowed him to support his former lover, and in doing so, he gained a new friend in Necessity James.

Starfleet Command (239208.16 - 239305.11) Nate officially took a LOA during this period. All other information is classified.

Returning to Constitution-B (239305.11 - 239307.15)) Nate has resumed his rank aboard the Constitution, working in the HCO department, specifically under Ops.

Near Death Experience (239307.07)) While drinking with friends, Nate suffers a near fatal thermoelectric shock which causes his heart to stop for 7 seconds. He was resuscitated by Doctor Foster, however, during his time dead he encountered his longtime deceased fiancée Aliza Nicholson, who informed him she has always been with him.

The Delta Quadrant (239307.15 - 239310.10)) Nate is reassigned to the Delta Quadrant to serve aboard the USS Darwin-A as mission specialist.

Return to Jupiter Station (239310.10 - 239410.01)} Nate takes a LOA to return to Jupiter Station and Earth.

The Beta Quadrant (239410.01 - Current)) Nate is reassigned to the Beta Quadrant to serve aboard the USS Blackwell as the helmsman.

Mission History

Mission Date Began Date Completed Ship
Consequences 239107.15 238909.14 USS Excalibur-A
Pertainia Prime 239109.04 239111.21 USS Apollo-A
Prison Break 239203.03 239205.02
Medina Ascending 239207.11 239208.24 USS Constitution-B
The Farnsworth James Paradox 239208.16 239305.11 Starfleet Command
Cloak & Dagger 239304.25 239307.01 USS Constitution-B
Sphere Today, Gone Tomorrow 239308.01 239308.08 USS Darwin-A
Fishing 239308.09 239310.10 USS Darwin-A
Home is where the heart is 239310.10 239410.01 Starfleet Command
Open Your Mind and Say Ahhh 239410.01 239410.30 USS Blackwell

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
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Crewman Third Class 237501.03 - 237809.01 Jupiter Station Shuttle Pilot
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Crewman First Class 237809.02 - 238711.19 Jovian Run - Shuttle Pilot
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Cadet First Class 238711.19 - 239107.15 Starfleet Academy Science Officer
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Ensign 239107.15 - 291109.07 USS Excalibur-A Intelligence Officer
291109.07 - 239111.22 USS Apollo-A Intelligence Officer
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239111.23 - 239201.08 HCO
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Lieutenant JG 239201.08 - 239202.18 Chief Helm/Comm/Ops
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Lieutenant 239202.18 - 239205.28 Chief Helm/Comm/Ops
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Lieutenant Commander 239205.28 - 239208.16 USS Constitution-B First Officer
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Lieutenant Commander 239208.16 - 239305.11 Starfleet Command LOA
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Lieutenant Commander 239305.11 - 239307.15 USS Constitution-B HCO
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Lieutenant Commander 239307.15 - 239310.10 USS Darwin-A Mission Specialist
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Lieutenant Commander 239310.10 - 239410.01 Jupiter Station LOA
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Lieutenant Commander 239307.15 - Current USS Blackwell Helmsman

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2391
Starfleet Academy
For graduating from officers extension courses
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Genesis Award 2391
USS Apollo-A
Improvement Award
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 239202.02
USS Apollo-A
For incorporating real scientific theory into his simming
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239306.27
USS Constitution-B
No matter which character he comes up with, they are unique and interesting, with their own voice and unique traits. He puts a lot of effort in his character development, descriptions, fun interactions and dialogue. Even small talk is never boring and feels simply refreshing, while the important plot elements bring the plot forward and leave openings for everyone to come along for the ride. We are happy to have him back and enrich our all journey through the galaxy and are delighted to award him with the TOSMA Award. Congratulations, Adam!
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member 239306.28
USS Constitution-B
For one year, continued membership.
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Innovation Ribbon 239307.15
USS Constitution-B
For saving the ship from a microbial computer infection.


Want to know about what other characters I write for? See below!

Personal Favorites:


Semi-retired or Fully Retired:

Writing Examples

Want to see examples of my writing, and other works? See below!


Want to know about me? Visit my user page! "Nate Wilmer's User Page"

External Links

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Theo Whittaker Captain.png
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
Jarred Thoran 5.png
Executive Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
Shayne, Randal.png
Chief of HCO & 2XO
Randal Shayne
MirraEzo Red.png
Diplomatic Ofc.
Mirra Ezo
Na'Lae Mandak.png
Intel Ofc.
Na'Lae Mandak
Talos - Artemis - XO-V2 Beard.jpg
Intel Ofc.
Talos Dakora
Acting Chief Sec
Chief Tac
Krindo Pandorn
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Chief Science Ofc.
Ash MacKenna
Chief Medical Ofc.
Anath G'Renn
Medical Officer
Saden Lor
Dir. Behavioural Sci.
Rune Jolara
Hal Mika.png
Hal Mika
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