SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Dig Two Graves: Difference between revisions

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<center>''Still, kittens verses a massive bird of prey usually lost, no matter how angry they were.::''</center>
<center>''Still, kittens verses a massive bird of prey usually lost, no matter how angry they were.::''</center>

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! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ Sample Sim]
| This Sim Was Awesome
! style="width:200px;"|[ MSNPC Dempok: Watching from the wings]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ MSNPC Dempok: Watching from the wings]  
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! style="width:200px;"|[ PNPC Lt. Sanara Pran: Pray]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ PNPC Lt. Sanara Pran: Pray]  
| Sanara Pran dwells on the idea her crewmates are on a suicide mission
| Sanara Pran dwells on the idea her crewmates are on a suicide mission
! style="width:200px;"|[ Captain Taybrim - Prepare for the Worst]
| The Albion contacts L'Trena and finds out he's about to make a horrible mistake.
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== Act II: A Grave Error In Judgement ==
== Act II: A Grave Error In Judgement ==
<center>''::Phrik nearly exploded, it took almost all of his self-control to not shout the medic into a perforated ear-drum:: Forgive my lack of Engineering knowledge, but aren’t the engines usually the most EXPLOSIVE part of a ship?! ::He let out a long rattling breath and shook his head. This wasn’t worth the effort:: Just tell me where on this Godsforsaken death trap I need to be to do my damn job without dying.''</center>
<center>''::Phrik nearly exploded, it took almost all of his self-control to not shout the medic into a perforated ear-drum:: Forgive my lack of Engineering knowledge, but aren’t the engines usually the most EXPLOSIVE part of a ship?! ::He let out a long rattling breath and shook his head. This wasn’t worth the effort:: Just tell me where on this Godsforsaken death trap I need to be to do my damn job without dying.''</center>

{| style= border='0'
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| [[Image:The Below.jpg|150px|thumb|right|Starfleet Officers uncover the horrible past of The Below]]
| [[Image:AlbionFlight.jpg|150px|thumb|right|The USS Albion rushes to the aid to the USS Avalon]] En route to the USS Avalon, the Albion's sense of dread only gets worse when Lt. Commander Whittaker and Ensign Aitas uncover a coded communique from Commodore Kinney to Captain L'Trena that clearly tells L'Trena to consider the Albion expendable.  Feeling that they are going into a suicide mission the Albion makes preparations for an all out assault from the moment they find the Sienov. 
Act 2 summary
Major Tatash and Lieutenant Taelon come up with a plan to focus every offensive array the Albion has on a single weak spot of the Sienov - a move that Tatash labels as a 'glass cannon' which should weaken the warbird enough to allow the S'Tarahk and Avalon a chance to do some damage.  With everything prepared, the Albion speeds towards the Avalon before L'Trena can do something stupid. 
Unfortunately L'Trena has already poked the bees' nest in a nearby nebula and the Sienov moves to attack the Avalon before either the Albion or the S'Tarahk can get close.  The Avalon spills the fighters she is carrying into battle, but they quickly panic and are routed.  The Albion and the S'Tarahk blaze in at red alert to take some of the heat off, doing considerable damage to the Sienov, but it's too late.  The USS Avalon loses warp containment and blows apart with only a handful of survivors left in its saucer section.  The shockwave does heavy damage to both the Sienov and the Albion - but the warbird recovers much faster than the aging Excelsior class ship.
On board the Avalon death surrounds the survivors, who are mainly contained in sickbay.  Ensign Phrik is tending an injured Captain L'Trena when the Avalon's engines blow and the ship is plunged into darkness.  Along with the CMO and a tiny handful of survivors, the group makes its way out of sickbay and to a place where they can send out a distress signal.  The Albion gets the signal and asks the S'Tarahk to provide cover while they rescue the survivors - but the Sienov won't let up.  Lt. Commander Kelly proposes taking an armored shuttle over to the Avalon to enact the rescue.  The shuttle is launched while the S'Tarahk and Albion continue the offensive against the Sienov.  Finally the Sienov is beaten back and it limps into hiding in the nebula badly damaged.  Unfortunately the S'Tarahk and Albion are equally damaged and resources are running low.
The fighter squadron from the Avalon has fallen and is in shambles.  Major Tatash offers to take out one of the fighters in the ALbion's shuttlebay to rally what is left both to give Commander Kelly cover in rescuing the survivors and to rally some last-minute support.  He launches and rallies the fighters just before Kelly's team makes their dangerous trek.

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! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ Sample Sim]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Counselor Zinna: "Lambs to be Slaughtered" ]
| This Sim Was Awesome
| The morale of the Albion wavers when the find out Starfleet Command believes this a suicide mission
! style="width:200px;"|[ Major Tatash: "Ava-Gone"]
| The destruction of the USS Avalon
! style="width:200px;"|[ MSNPC Dempok: "For Honor"]  
| The Sienov retreats, the S'Tarahk gives pursuit
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== Act III: The Ultimate Sacrifice ==
== Act III: The Ultimate Sacrifice ==
<center>''::The Negh'var continued to float around the Albion like a guardian angel before she turned, belching out a string of torpedo's into the Sienov which twisted in response, explosions covering part of the swept wing and main body leaving her looking like she was literally wincing in pain. A solid, painful hit that took out one of her green engines, breaches pockmarking the formally invulnerable surface.''</center>
<center>''::Taelon looked at Taybrim wild-eyed for a half second, still caught up in the flurry of terror. His half sister might be bloody jam on the shuttle bay floor, the Major might be dying -''</center>
<center>''Mourn later. It was a surprisingly cold thought, matter-of-fact and ruthless. He blinked once, twice, and looked back to his console.::

<center>''She turned, limping back towards the purpleish cloud she'd emerged from like an angry spider heading back to it's web.:: ''</center>

{| style="width:100%" border='0'
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| [[Image:Phaser_Fire.jpg|150px|thumb|left|A shot fired in the darkness]]Act 3 summary
| [[Image:Exploding Nebula.jpg|150px|thumb|left|When you can't flush a warbird out you can always blow up a nebula...]]Commander Kelly takes Ensign Ishani Kasun and Ensign Zel Rohan with him on the Aramis II to rescue the survivors.  Kelly and Kasun will board and Zel's there to showcase his hairtrigger - nearly suicidal - piloting skills.  Meanwhile Lieutenant Taelon works on using scientific probes to track the Sienov while Commander Whittaker and Ensign Antraydin start shunting power away from non-critical systems to shore up shields and prioritize one form of offense.  Captain Taybrim suspects that Haz Arerhimen will hail the Albion to gloat before the death blow so he gathers Lieutenant Trel'lis and Counselor Zinna to come up with a way to distract Arrhimen and give the Albion and the S'Tarahk an edge.
The Aramis II clears the distance between the Albion and the wreckage of the Avalon.  Kelly and Kasun disembark, searching for the survivors lifesigns, which they quickly find.  Only a tiny handful of crew survived the explosion.  Doctor Phrik joins the Albion crew, tending the injured.  The Aramis signals the Albion that they are ready to return.  Tatash's fighter wing discovers that the Sienov had a handful of its own fighters which it mobilized just before going into hiding.  It's a dogfight in the debris field over the protection of the Aramis.
Meanwhile the Albion is desperately searching for the Sienov when Lieutenant Taelon comes up with a dangerous potential plan: To ignite the nebula the Sienov is hiding in with tricobalt explosives.  It's just crazy enough to work and Captain Taybrim approves it.
The Aramis heads back to the Albion at maximum speed, with an escort of fighters behind it.  Major Tatash manages to fend off the Romulan fighter attacks, but he is gravely injured in the process and beamed directly to the Albion's sickbay.  The Aramis makes it roughly into the Albion's shuttlebay.  It's not a pretty landing, but the survivors and team walk away from it.
The Albion readies to charge the nebula and Captain Taybrim shares the plan with Councillor Dempok - they will flush the warbird from cover giving the Klingons a chance to shoot.  Captain Taybrim evacuates all crew to the primary hull section where the shields are the best while Taelon ignites the nebula.  It succeeds, but the warp core is overloaded and Commander Whittaker makes the call to eject it.
Meanwhile the Sienov is violently ejected from the nebula and the S'Tarahk moves in for the deathblow.  It leaves the Albion dead in the water in contested space.  Councillor Dempok offers to evacuate all survivors to the S'Tarahk, leaving Captain Taybrim, Commander Whittaker and Lieutenant Flynn one last grim task: The destruction of the USS Albion to prevent her from falling into enemy hands.  With heavy hearts they initiate the auto destruct sequence before saying a final goodbye to a ship that carried them through so much.

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! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="background:#B31B1B;" colspan="2"|Notable Sims
! style="width:200px;"|[ Sample Sim]  
! style="width:200px;"|[ Major Tatash: "Dreams"]
| This Sim Was Awesome
| Major Tatash is injured while protecting the Aramis
! style="width:200px;"|[ Lt. Mirra Ezo - Professional rivalries]
| CMO Ezo desperately works to save Tatash
! style="width:200px;"|[ Captain Taybrim - Big Badda Boom]
| The Albion ignites the nebula
! style="width:200px;"|[ LT Mirra Ezo & Ens Phrik -- The trouble with bipeds]
| Ens Phrik and Dr. Ezo meet, finally the grumpy doctor can rest
! style="width:200px;"|[ MSNPC Dempok: "The Last Stand"]
| The final destruction of the IRW Sienov
! style="width:200px;"|[ Captain Taybrim - Burning Brightly]
| The final moments of the USS Albion
! style="width:200px;"|[ Captain Taybrim, Lt. Cmdr Whittaker & Lt. Flynn: Goodbye, Old Girl]
| The final destruction of the USS Albion
! style="width:200px;"|[ Captain Taybrim - Live on In Legend]  
| One last goodbye to the USS Albion
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! colspan=100% style ="background:#B31B1B;" | Rendezvous at Raskor Characters
! colspan=100% style ="background:#B31B1B;" | Dig Two Graves Characters
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" width="10%" |Name
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" width="10%" |Name
Line 97: Line 146:
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Bio  
! style="background:#c4bfb8;" |Bio  
| align="center"|[[Allan Kinney]]
| align="center"|[[Haz Arrhimen]]
| align="center"|Human
| align="center"|Antaran
| align="center"|Dishonorably discharged
| align="center"|Deceased
| align="center"|[[Sal Taybrim]]
| align="center"|[[Sal Taybrim]]
| align="center"|Former Commodore Allan Kinney was the sector commander for the Trinity Sector.  He was removed from duty and stripped of rank following the discovery of his ties to the Orion Syndicate
| align="center"|Haz Arrhimen hijacked the IRW Sienov intent on igniting war between the Klingons and the Romulans.  He was KIA in the destruction of the Sienov
| align="center"|Dreva Nan
| align="center"|Captain [[L'Trena]]
| align="center"|Angoian Augment
| align="center"|Troyian
| align="center"|Deceased
| align="center"|On extended medical leave
| align="center"|[[Sal Taybrim]]
| align="center"|Captain L'Trena was one of Commodore Kinney's favored officers who made a grave error in combating the IRW Sienov.  He suffered a head injury and was placed on extended medical leave after this mission before he retired from the fleet in 2394.
| align="center"|Lt Commander Vorhan Gort
| align="center"|Denobulan
| align="center"|Transferred to Starbase 67
| align="center"|[[Sal Taybrim]]
| align="center"|[[Sal Taybrim]]
| align="center"|Dreva Nan was an Orion Syndicate assassin sent to silence Commodore Kinney and the crew of StarBase 118 Ops
| align="center"|Dr. Gort was the chief medical officer on board the USS Avalon.  He suffered a nervous breakdown after the ship's destruction and the near total loss of the crew.  He returned to active duty after physical and mental rehabilitation at a much safer posting on Starbase 67.
| align="center"|Ensign Cirus Amman
| align="center"|Bajoran
| align="center"|Transferred to the USS Hathaway
| align="center"|[[Clayas Ellat]]
| align="center"|Ensign Cirus was a security officer on the USS Avalon and one of the survivors.  He transferred to the USS Hathaway after a personal leave
Line 143: Line 204:
|Security Officer
|Security Officer
|[[Diego Beyett]]
|Tactical Officer
|Went AWOL during this mission
|[[Ziron Antraydin]]
|[[Ziron Antraydin]]
Line 154: Line 219:
|[[Quexit Phrik]]
|[[Quexit Phrik]]
|Medical Officer
|Medical Officer
|Joined 239308.30
|Head Counselor
|[[T'Sai Reyes]]
|Went AWOL during this mission
|Chief Science Officer
|Chief Science Officer
|[[Valdar Sorna]]
|Science Officer
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|Chief Intelligence Officer
|Intelligence Officer
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{{LCARS Section Heading|Gallery and Quotes|#B31B1B}}
[[Category:StarBase 118 Mission History/Sal Taybrim|Dig]]

Latest revision as of 03:40, 29 November 2017


"I do not know what Gods you worship, but should we fail, you and your crew will be welcomed to Sto'vo'kor as Warriors and the bond between our great Empires will be reforged in iron by blood. Today is a good day to die, Captain." -Councillor Dempok

FNS Headlines

Mission Summary

Act I: A Menace Returns

::Brilliant. Sal's dark eyes narrowed at the viewscreen where the Avalon was picked up on long range sensors. There she was, just sitting there like a big, pregnant, naive cat with a belly full of angry kittens.
Still, kittens verses a massive bird of prey usually lost, no matter how angry they were.::

The Klingon colony Thosis is the next target for the IRW Sienov
A rogue Romulan warbid is attacking Klingon border colonies. The Romulans deny any connection to the attacks, and the Klingons are actively hostile, seeing this as an act of war. In the middle of this tense standoff Captain Sal Taybrim gets a call from Commodore Allan Kinney. Kinney reveals that and old friend, Haz Arrhimen, has commandeered the D'deridex class IRW Sienov and he is the one behind these attacks.

Kinney's orders are firm, placing Captain Taybrim and the USS Albion firmly under the direction of Captain L'Trena and the USS Avalon. Taybrim privately expresses deep concern as to this set up, believing Captain L'Trena to be inexperienced in ship combat and an unwise choice to face a Romulan Warbird, especially since both the Albion and the Avalon lack the firepower to win a straight up fight with the Sienov.

Captain Taybrim quickly mobilizes the USS Albion and they enact an expedited launch with full battle preparations. Teams across the ship prepare for battle, while Lieutenant Taelon, Major Tatash and Lieutenant Beyett start preparing some creative solutions to deal with the Sienov to compensate for the lacking Armaments on both the Albion and the Avalon. Major Tatash proposes that everyone be aware that they need to use lethal force to take Arrhimen down, something Captain Taybrim agrees with; but which causes pain to Doctor Ezo and Counselor Zinna.

Before they can rendezvous with the USS Avalon, Captain Taybrim takes a coded message from Councillor Dempok of the Klingon Empire. Dempok has his Vor'Cha class cruiser the IKS S’Tarahk cloaked and on standby to engage the Sienov. The two share information and strike an alliance to fight the Sienov together.

As the Albion nears the rendezvous point with the Avalon, they hail Captain L'Trena who tells the Albion that he intends to break cover and send some fighters to investigate a disturbance. Captain Taybrim implores L'Trena to not break cover and wait for them to arrive, but Captain L'Trena brushes him off and closes the commline. The Albion speeds towards the rendezvous with an increasing sense of dread.

Act II: A Grave Error In Judgement

::Phrik nearly exploded, it took almost all of his self-control to not shout the medic into a perforated ear-drum:: Forgive my lack of Engineering knowledge, but aren’t the engines usually the most EXPLOSIVE part of a ship?! ::He let out a long rattling breath and shook his head. This wasn’t worth the effort:: Just tell me where on this Godsforsaken death trap I need to be to do my damn job without dying.

The USS Albion rushes to the aid to the USS Avalon
En route to the USS Avalon, the Albion's sense of dread only gets worse when Lt. Commander Whittaker and Ensign Aitas uncover a coded communique from Commodore Kinney to Captain L'Trena that clearly tells L'Trena to consider the Albion expendable. Feeling that they are going into a suicide mission the Albion makes preparations for an all out assault from the moment they find the Sienov.

Major Tatash and Lieutenant Taelon come up with a plan to focus every offensive array the Albion has on a single weak spot of the Sienov - a move that Tatash labels as a 'glass cannon' which should weaken the warbird enough to allow the S'Tarahk and Avalon a chance to do some damage. With everything prepared, the Albion speeds towards the Avalon before L'Trena can do something stupid.

Unfortunately L'Trena has already poked the bees' nest in a nearby nebula and the Sienov moves to attack the Avalon before either the Albion or the S'Tarahk can get close. The Avalon spills the fighters she is carrying into battle, but they quickly panic and are routed. The Albion and the S'Tarahk blaze in at red alert to take some of the heat off, doing considerable damage to the Sienov, but it's too late. The USS Avalon loses warp containment and blows apart with only a handful of survivors left in its saucer section. The shockwave does heavy damage to both the Sienov and the Albion - but the warbird recovers much faster than the aging Excelsior class ship.

On board the Avalon death surrounds the survivors, who are mainly contained in sickbay. Ensign Phrik is tending an injured Captain L'Trena when the Avalon's engines blow and the ship is plunged into darkness. Along with the CMO and a tiny handful of survivors, the group makes its way out of sickbay and to a place where they can send out a distress signal. The Albion gets the signal and asks the S'Tarahk to provide cover while they rescue the survivors - but the Sienov won't let up. Lt. Commander Kelly proposes taking an armored shuttle over to the Avalon to enact the rescue. The shuttle is launched while the S'Tarahk and Albion continue the offensive against the Sienov. Finally the Sienov is beaten back and it limps into hiding in the nebula badly damaged. Unfortunately the S'Tarahk and Albion are equally damaged and resources are running low.

The fighter squadron from the Avalon has fallen and is in shambles. Major Tatash offers to take out one of the fighters in the ALbion's shuttlebay to rally what is left both to give Commander Kelly cover in rescuing the survivors and to rally some last-minute support. He launches and rallies the fighters just before Kelly's team makes their dangerous trek.

Act III: The Ultimate Sacrifice

::Taelon looked at Taybrim wild-eyed for a half second, still caught up in the flurry of terror. His half sister might be bloody jam on the shuttle bay floor, the Major might be dying -
Mourn later. It was a surprisingly cold thought, matter-of-fact and ruthless. He blinked once, twice, and looked back to his console.::

When you can't flush a warbird out you can always blow up a nebula...
Commander Kelly takes Ensign Ishani Kasun and Ensign Zel Rohan with him on the Aramis II to rescue the survivors. Kelly and Kasun will board and Zel's there to showcase his hairtrigger - nearly suicidal - piloting skills. Meanwhile Lieutenant Taelon works on using scientific probes to track the Sienov while Commander Whittaker and Ensign Antraydin start shunting power away from non-critical systems to shore up shields and prioritize one form of offense. Captain Taybrim suspects that Haz Arerhimen will hail the Albion to gloat before the death blow so he gathers Lieutenant Trel'lis and Counselor Zinna to come up with a way to distract Arrhimen and give the Albion and the S'Tarahk an edge.

The Aramis II clears the distance between the Albion and the wreckage of the Avalon. Kelly and Kasun disembark, searching for the survivors lifesigns, which they quickly find. Only a tiny handful of crew survived the explosion. Doctor Phrik joins the Albion crew, tending the injured. The Aramis signals the Albion that they are ready to return. Tatash's fighter wing discovers that the Sienov had a handful of its own fighters which it mobilized just before going into hiding. It's a dogfight in the debris field over the protection of the Aramis.

Meanwhile the Albion is desperately searching for the Sienov when Lieutenant Taelon comes up with a dangerous potential plan: To ignite the nebula the Sienov is hiding in with tricobalt explosives. It's just crazy enough to work and Captain Taybrim approves it.

The Aramis heads back to the Albion at maximum speed, with an escort of fighters behind it. Major Tatash manages to fend off the Romulan fighter attacks, but he is gravely injured in the process and beamed directly to the Albion's sickbay. The Aramis makes it roughly into the Albion's shuttlebay. It's not a pretty landing, but the survivors and team walk away from it.

The Albion readies to charge the nebula and Captain Taybrim shares the plan with Councillor Dempok - they will flush the warbird from cover giving the Klingons a chance to shoot. Captain Taybrim evacuates all crew to the primary hull section where the shields are the best while Taelon ignites the nebula. It succeeds, but the warp core is overloaded and Commander Whittaker makes the call to eject it.

Meanwhile the Sienov is violently ejected from the nebula and the S'Tarahk moves in for the deathblow. It leaves the Albion dead in the water in contested space. Councillor Dempok offers to evacuate all survivors to the S'Tarahk, leaving Captain Taybrim, Commander Whittaker and Lieutenant Flynn one last grim task: The destruction of the USS Albion to prevent her from falling into enemy hands. With heavy hearts they initiate the auto destruct sequence before saying a final goodbye to a ship that carried them through so much.

Dramatis Personae

[hide]Dig Two Graves Characters
Name Species Status Created/Simmed by Bio
Haz Arrhimen Antaran Deceased Sal Taybrim Haz Arrhimen hijacked the IRW Sienov intent on igniting war between the Klingons and the Romulans. He was KIA in the destruction of the Sienov
Captain L'Trena Troyian On extended medical leave Sal Taybrim Captain L'Trena was one of Commodore Kinney's favored officers who made a grave error in combating the IRW Sienov. He suffered a head injury and was placed on extended medical leave after this mission before he retired from the fleet in 2394.
Lt Commander Vorhan Gort Denobulan Transferred to Starbase 67 Sal Taybrim Dr. Gort was the chief medical officer on board the USS Avalon. He suffered a nervous breakdown after the ship's destruction and the near total loss of the crew. He returned to active duty after physical and mental rehabilitation at a much safer posting on Starbase 67.
Ensign Cirus Amman Bajoran Transferred to the USS Hathaway Clayas Ellat Ensign Cirus was a security officer on the USS Avalon and one of the survivors. He transferred to the USS Hathaway after a personal leave

Crew Participating in the Mission

Officers taking part in the Mission
Name Position Notes
Sal Taybrim Commanding Officer
Theo Whittaker First Officer
Antero Flynn Chief of Helm/Comm/Ops
Tatash Marine Commander
Ishani Kasun Asst. Chief of Security Crisis Response
Tyler Kelly Security Officer
Diego Beyett Tactical Officer Went AWOL during this mission
Ziron Antraydin Engineering Officer
Mirra Ezo Chief Medical Officer
Quexit Phrik Medical Officer Joined 239308.30
Zinna Head Counselor
T'Sai Reyes Counselor Went AWOL during this mission
Taelon Chief Science Officer
Trel'lis Head Diplomatic Officer
Aitas Intelligence Officer

Gallery and Quotes