Hars Vlin

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Hars Vlin is a civilian oceanographic Scientist serving aboard The USS Atlantis, where his Co-husband Brell is Commanding Officer.

USS Atlantis
Hars Vlin2.png
Hars Vlin
Position Oceanographic Scientist
Rank Civilian
Species Bolian
Gender Male
DOB 236010.26
Age 40
Birthplace Rabor Archipelago, Bolarus IX
Writer ID E239109B10

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Hars Vlin
  • Current Rank: Oceanographic Scientist
  • Race: Bolian
  • Date of Birth: 236010.26
  • Place of birth: Rabor Archipelago, Bolarus IX
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 1.79 m (5'11)
  • Weight: 77 kg (170lbs)
  • Hair Color: Bald
  • Eye Color: Yellow


  • Spouses:

Wife - Lyldra - Diplomatic Officer, DS26.

Co-Husband - Brell - Commanding Officer, USS Atlantis

  • Children:

Son - Renu

Daughter - Linalu

  • Parents:

Father: Nox Vlin

Mother: Kelah Vlin

  • Siblings:

Flil, Gret, Lomll, Larell

Personal History

Attending the university of Boralus He often found the university and the city to be overwhelming he had grown up on his families houseboat. There could always find a quiet corner or empty cabin but not in the campus and megalopolis it resided in.

He met Lyldra when he was a third year student and she was a fresh faced first year. The young woman took notice of his shy nature and seemed able to cut through to his inner-self whenever they spent time one on one. Their engagement was almost expected and they were wed by his father and Lyldra's father on the Vlin families ancestral houseboat a year after meeting.

Hars met Brell when the University of Bolarus research module at his families homestead was brought online. Hars enjoyed the the homestead finding the underwater setting relaxing and he could focus on his work. Meeting someone here who he would eventually invite into his marriage was not expected. He, Brell, Lyldra, and Lalax spent a lot of time together both in the research lab and and at home as Brell's co-father had invited the science team to live in the main family's habitat module. When Brell started to attend the university himself Hars spent even more time with Brell and the two became even closer. It was Hars that proposed the idea the the three join together.

After his Co-husbands reenlistment in starfleet and posting to the Federation embassy to Duronis II his wife Lyldra also became attached to the Embassies diplomatic team, he as well revived an assignment to the embassies underwater lab. Something he was not too keen on. [[1]]

Through all of Lyldra and Brell's times on the Darwin he stay near to them. Living on the ship itself or on the Starbase they called thier home port. From DS6 to the reaches of the Delta quadrant then to the Beta Quadrant and the Par'tha expanse and DS26. During their time in the Delta quadrant he took the opportunity to take the Bolian designed research Subship Bol'ro'tal'ri, still on loan to him from the University of Bolarus, out on a joint mission with Talaxian Oceanographers to study to oceans of the New Talax star system. It had been the longest time he was away from the twins since their birth and he missed them dearly.

When Brell was given Command of the USS Atlantis He gave Hars a position as the ship's Oceanographic Scientist. He enjoys once again having lab access and is still going over all the data collected from his New Talax expedition.

Friends & Relationships

  • Brell and Hars first met when the University of Bolarus research module at his families homestead was brought online. Meeting someone here who he would eventually invite into his marriage was not expected. It was Hars that proposed the idea the the three join together. Hars was hardest hit by Brell's infidelity with the human Didrik Stennes. It took him some time to forgive Brell but still has lingering doubts and suspicions towards his Co-husband.
  • Lyldra met Hars when he was a third year student and she was a fresh faced first year. Their courtship and then engagement were short and the two were wed by his father and Lyldra's father on the Vlin families ancestral houseboat a year after meeting.

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NPC Listing   ·   USS Atlantis Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jarred Thoran 5.png
Commanding Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
First Officer
LtCdr Toryn Raga.png
Mission Specialist
Toryn Raga
Ilana Ganarvuss.png
Act. Chief Sec. Ofc.
Ilana Ganarvuss
Tactical Officer
Varik Tal'Aura
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
Chief Engineer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Engineering Officer
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Ast. Chief Ops Ofc.
Esa Kiax
USS Atlantis-logo.png
Doc Snow.jpg
Medical Officer
Elizabeth Snow
LtCmmdr Noa Levinson.png
Science Officer
Noa T. Levinson
Science Officer
Thalas th'Koro
Science Officer
Chief of Marines
Amuro McKnight
Kurt Logan
USS Atlantis-logo.png
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