Rogue World (Gorkon)

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2399, Episode 21

Rogue World

  • Stardate 239908.15 to Present

Looming on the USS Gorkon's periphery is a rogue planet on a collision course with the Tyrellian moon, Palanon. Where did it come from? What secrets does it hold? And how can the crew avert the disaster it promises?


The Rogue Moon

  • Appeared with no warning;
  • On a collision course with Palanon;
  • Geologically active, with a thick atmosphere;
  • There are several signals on the surface:
    • One appears to be an old (Dominion War era) beacon from a missing Starfleet division;
    • Another is of unknown origin, possibly an alien civilisation calling the rogue planet home

Notable Characters

  • Lieutenant Eileen Rosenblatt Stafleet Officer stranded during the Dominion War.
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: Female
  • Glinn Buros Ghammar Cardassian military Officer stranded during the Dominion War and Rosenblatt's partner.
    • Species: Cardassian
    • Gender: Male
  • Ark'Va Kelley, daughter of late Commander Verne Kelley
    • Species: hybrid
    • Gender: female
  • Janoch and Kjara two misterios natives of the Rogue World. Their species and real apparence were unknow but they showed to the Starfleet officers as humanoids of exotic colours.

Mission Summary

Click sub-headings below to expand or collapse.

Act One: The Rogue Moon

On the Bridge of the Gorkon

On the Bridge, Reynolds, Sevo, Tahna, and Sirin worked to uncover the origins of the moon and find a way to send it home. They launched probes to investigate and searched databases for similar incidents. Their research revealed that the moon likely originated in the DMZ between Bajor and Cardassia, and spent several decades briefly popping in and out of existence across the alpha and beta quadrants. They hypothesized that the moon traveled by some version of transwarp conduit that might be opened by a specific series of tachyon pulses, coordinated across the ships in the Tyrellian system. Tahna narrowed down a likely set of frequencies, and Sevo set up an algorithm to test their effectiveness. Their work was interrupted by a space quake caused by the rogue moon that damaged the biodomes on Ereina, and the arrival of the USS Kerla with inconclusive lifesigns. The Bridge team split up to aid Ereina and investigate the Kerla.

Aboard the USS Kahnrah (Yellowstone-class Runabout) to Rogue World

In order to investigate the possibility of a civilisation on the rogue planet, Neathler’s team landed on a floating island, changed into similar clothing as the people they had observed on approach. Before the team could venture into the populated city, they were intercepted by Janoch and Kjara, two of the indigenous people, who claimed that they were in constant communication with their own people and leaders. Communication was difficult, and the pair explained the “veil of the planet”, the chroniton shielding, needs fixing.

Aboard the USS Kerla (Yellowstone-class Runabout) to Rogue World

Shot down on descent, the Kerla crash-landed on the planet’s surface and its crew were “rescued” by the former Starfleet and Dominion-Cardassian population, who had long abandoned their war to live and have families together. After learning a little about the villagers and their struggles, a chroniton wave erupted from nearby caves and forced the team to flee from the Jem’Hadar emerging from it. A young woman born on the planet guided their flight, directing them across floating islands, through a forest which responded and attacked some of their pursuers, and into caverns near the remains of a battlefield.

Act Two: Ripples in Time

Aboard the USS Gorkon

Strange readings and a lack of definite life signs drew the team from the Bridge to the secondary shuttlebay to investigate the mysterious reappearance of the Kerla.

Despite taking precautions and establishing an isolation field around the shuttle, a space-time “tsunami” erupted from the shuttle. Not only did it throw everyone off their feet, it threw them back in time to an echo of the past. The time and place known to the crew as Over There, when the Gorkon was trapped in the alternate universe.

With all indications the Kerla was the epicentre of the effect, but not present in the secondary shuttlebay in this era, the team began their eight deck trek to the primary shuttlebay to find it. The Gorkon came under attack as they did so, and the team dodged debris, Jem’Hadar, and hull breaches to make their way to the main shuttlebay. There, they discover the Kerlan in pieces, and concocted a plan to bring themselves back to the correct time by injecting the ship’s bio-neural circuitry with a chroniton-infused serum.

Among the Indigenous Population, Rogue World

With directions provided by the locals, the team set off to fix the planet's chroniton shielding. Navigating physical trials, pockets of dislocated time, and attacks from Cardassians while trapped in one of those pockets, the team closed in on a building containing the energy signature they believe is the field generators they must repair. Inside, they discovered a Dominion team frozen in amber, apparently in the middle of interfacing their equipment with the alien technology. The team set about conducting repairs—or carrying out surgery, depending on your point of view—to fix the damage caused by the Dominion.

Caves, Rogue World

With only one way forward, they ventured deeper into the caves, experiencing earthquakes and discovering bioluminescent roots. Deep underground, they entered a massive cavern and discovered an equally massive and ancient tree, clearly dying. Investigating, they found someone had taken samples from its trunk and roots, some leaking a viscous, blue fluid. After some of the team came into contact with the fluid, the tree revealed a man in its heart, connected through vines in a symbiotic relationship. Their guide’s father, supposedly dead five years ago.

The team somehow enraged the tree or triggered defensive mechanisms and came under attack. Their guide begged her father to stop, the attacked ceased, and the tree released him. Without its life support, he crumbled to dust in her hands. The tree showed them a vision of the past; Jem’Hadar troops stealing samples to replace their Ketracel White reserves, and coming under attack from their Changeling leader... who had taken the form of their guide.


In response to the emergency on the ark moon, the Gorkon sent several teams to assist. The team assigned to the flooded Veonath Dome learned the drainage for the preserve’s river was blocked, and set out through the labs to rectify the situation. Before they reached the drainage systems, the team became aware of their colleagues in distress in the area above the labs, and diverted to help.

There, they discovered some of their fellow officers badly injured and/or in danger of drowning, while others were doing their best to help. After rescuing an unconscious officer from the water, they decided to divide and conquer; one team going back down to the labs to complete the drainage repairs, while another remained in the preserve to search and rescue any missing scientists and Starfleet personnel.

Act Three: TBD

Aboard the USS Gorkon

Mysterious Building, Rogue World

Caves, Rogue World

Veonath Dome, Ereina

  • Repair the drainage system and end the floods in the Veonath Dome.

Rainforest Dome, Ereina

Notable SIMs

Mission Reports

REV SD 239911.13
The Tyrellian Sector Saga
Gorkon Mission History
Previous Missions · Crew Logs
Overview Individual Missions
2393 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
2394 Old Hatreds · The Silver Function · The Devil's Expanse · Telutho'kai
2395 Hvei'khenn · Sweet Dreams Are Made of This
2396 The Njörðr Incident · Operation Sea Devil · Together in Electric Dreams
2397 Serpent Heart, Flowering Face · Welcome to Dinosauria · Operation Q-Ball
2398 What Do Boys Dream · The Pelian Brief
2399 Shadows of the Rift · Rogue World
2400 Fight the Power · Shadows in the Temple
2401 The Dying of the Light
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