Andaris Task Force Support Team

Revision as of 16:33, 7 October 2017 by Nathaniel Wilmer (talk | contribs)

PC's First

One of the most important things on healthy and active ships is to build rich, fulfilling relationships between our PC characters. Those relationships might develop into friendship, romance, tension, or animosity - the important thing is that they develop. Writing for PNPC's can be a lot of fun, however, always keep in mind that they are meant only to be supporting characters to our PC's.

Got An Idea For A PNPC

If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. In adding a PNPC you are essentially adding a new character to the show. That's a pretty big deal! It is important that you and the CO have a chance discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PC's on the ship. Therefore, all PNPC's, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.

The PNPC Roster

USS Blackwell NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Chief Petty Officer Poppy Reynolds Human Hermaphrodite Transporter Chief Nathaniel Wilmer
Ensign Thordic Sende Ulthex Ferentis Pakhwa'thanh male Engineering Officer Randal Shayne
Lieutenant Thillia Zh'vothron Andorian Female Chief of Security/Tactical Renos
Ensign Noshka Ferengi Female Security/Tactical Brell
Cadet Morin Bolian Male Medical Trainee Brell
Ensign Hikaru Sumiye Human Female Counselor Renos
Petty Officer Third Class Lucia Maria Aquilina Coverian Female Intelligence Analyst Jarred Thoran
Civilian Lyna Namid Ash'lie Female Diplomatic Trainee Renos
Civilian Charlotte Farnsworth Human Female Civilian Nathaniel Wilmer

USS Atlantis NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Captain S'Ranna Caitian Male Commanding Officer Renos
Lt. Commander Udro Nepra Bajoran Female First Officer Brell
Ensign Ren Wei Laudean Female Science Officer Renos
Lieutenant Sindrana Vulcan/Romulan Female Counselor Merrick R'Ven

USS Darwin-A NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Lt. Commander Nicu Icavoc Dokkaran Male Commanding Officer Renos
Lieutenant Brenna O'Dell Human Female Chief Medical Officer Emery Rhyn

Deep Space 26 NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Rear Admiral Renos J'naii Starfleet Sector Commander Renos
Lt. Commander Lyldra Bolian Female Lead Diplomat Brell
Commander Varaan Vulcan Male SO / MS Emery Rhyn
Lieutenant Graham Block Human Male HCO Kael Thomas
Lieutenant Naran Ola Bajoran Female Security/Tactical Renos
Lt. Commander John Valdivia Human Male Chief Science Officer E’riQ
Lt. Commander Thaddeus Walker Human male Chief Medical Officer Emery Rhyn
302nd Tactical Fighter Wing
Lieutenant Anthony Rogers Human Male Combat Aviator Emery Rhyn
Lieutenant JG Todd Manius Human Male Combat Aviator Renos
Civilian Kendra Eberhart Human Female FNS Reporter Vito Jaice
Civilian Hars Vlin Bolian Male Oceanographic Scientist Brell
Civilian T'lani Vulcan Female Astrophysicist Emery Rhyn
Civilian T'iana Vulcan Female Child Emery Rhyn
Civilian Linalu Bolian Female Child Brell
Civilian Renu Bolian Male Child Brell
Civilian Galen Romulan Male Child Kael Thomas

NPC Listing   ·   USS Columbia Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Theo Whittaker
Executive Ofc.
Jarred Thoran
Chief of HCO & 2XO
Randal Shayne
Diplomatic Ofc.
Mirra Ezo
Intel Ofc.
Na'Lae Mandak
Intel Ofc.
Talos Dakora
Acting Chief Sec
Chief Tac
Krindo Pandorn
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Chief Science Ofc.
Ash MacKenna
Chief Medical Ofc.
Anath G'Renn
Medical Officer
Saden Lor
Dir. Behavioural Sci.
Rune Jolara
Hal Mika
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