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Topical Map produced by Toni Turner and Hugh Barnes


Shinraka is a small planet set aside by the Federation for the Dabh'aelisu (A.K.A. "The Dark"), a new species that evolved from the Romulans. It is located 15 minutes from the Neutral Zone, inside Federation Territory, where Deep Space 24 has been re-located.

About the People

The People of Shinraka "The Dark" (Dabh'aelisu), are an evolved telepathic form of the Romulans lead by Sharik, a Romulan with those telepathic capibilities who was educated on Earth, and returned to Romulas to help his people escape from the persecution of outcasts by the Romulans and Tal Shiar. Sharik assembled the few remaining Dabh'aelisu to make their escape on a Romulan Scout Ship, the D'haraza.

Among the handful of Dabh'aelisu with Sharik were Ael Khellian (female) and Rhian D'Heyahh (male), both of important lineage and in their mid twenties, both of them Dabh'aelisu who had to hide their telepathic abilities or be killed. After meeting each other, they fell in love and embraced their heritage, and were destined to become the parents of the first pure Dabh'aelisu, the beginning of the Dabh'aelisu race.

The Dabh'aelisu populance on the scout ship claimed sanctuary within Federation Space and were placed under the protection of the USS Challenger and the USS Thunder to escort the scout vessel to Shinraka. Sharik is now the Dabh'aelisu Ambassador to the Federation, and Rhian is the Dabh'aelisu Senator, taking on the task of getting Shinraka and its people ready of admission to the Federation of Planets.

Landmark Naming

  • Capitol City - site of the first encampment when the Dark were brought to the planet.
  • Lake Ael was named for the woman gave birth to the first pure Dark child. She and her husband, Rhian, were also instramental in helping the Dark get to the planet safely.
  • Barne's Path
  • T'Pen Island
  • Hellraiser Desert - Challenger's Marine Foot Soldiers Unit
  • Black Lion Sea - Challenger's Marine Fighter Pilots
  • Mount Hultgren - Challenger Marine Pilots
  • Reid's Pool & Water Treatment Plant - Dr. Jerry Reid who established the treatment plant.
  • Sophie's Dale
  • Lake Scott - Scott Kennedy, a relative of Ca-Re, who was killed in a war action.
  • Toni Island
  • West Beach
  • Danzia Dunes
  • Swift's Inlet
  • Bleene's Bay
  • Boles Beach
  • Netal Cove
  • Cape Challenger
  • Aadi's Glen
  • deMarc's Bluff
  • Frazier Peak
  • Rhian Mountains
  • Sharik's Ridge
  • Aguinaldo Coast