IC93 system
Ithassa Region (Map, Stellar Cartography) |
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A system with 6 planets and an extensive asteriod belt. It is known to be controlled, at least until recently, by the Grendellai. They had fortified the system with a number of ion-cannon implacements throughout the asteriod belt and in orbit of the one (barely) M-class world, the 6th planet. A Federation taskforce, consisting of the USS Independence, USS Triumphant, and [[USS Kodiak}} performed a strike on this system to recover crew and supplies that the Grendellai had stolen from a convoy bound for the Wheeler Colony. The status of the system is currently unknown, though a pair of Federation Officers aboard the runabout USS Wye were attacked nearby.
Further in towards the very edge of the outskirts a Federation probe launched by DS17 discovered a pre-warp culture on the planet Groen Klei.