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==Starfleet Academy Record==
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'''Year 1'''
|Name on Transcript= Kaito Takeshi Moore
|Serial Number= KM-2376-07A
|Graduation Date= 240006.06
|Dates of Attendance= 239608.01 - 240006.06
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
|Major= Tactical
|Major Division Color= Gold
|Minor= Security & Helm/Navigation

Semester 1: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Code= MATH101
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Code= LANG101
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Title= Federation Standard
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Code= HIST101
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Title= Birth of the Federation
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Code= SURV101
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Title= Starship Emergencies
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Code= TAC101
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Title= Combat, Unarmed
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Grade= A

MATH101: Concepts
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Code= ADMIN101
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Title= Starfleet Operations
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Grade= A
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Code= MED101
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Title= First Aid & Field Medicine
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Grade= B
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Code= PHYS101
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Code= PILOT101
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Title= Runabouts & Shuttles
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Grade= A
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Code= ARM101
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Title= Introduction to Weapons
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Grade= A-

LANG101: Federation Standard
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Code= BIO101
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC200
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Title= Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu & Federation Standard  
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Code= ADMIN110
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Title= Chain of Command & General Protocol
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Code= END221
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Title= LCARS Programming 1
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Grade= B-
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Code= TAC210
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Title= Combat, Marksmanship
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Grade= A

HIST101: Birth of the Federation
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Code= DIPL101
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Title= General
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Code= LAW101
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Title= Federation, General
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Code= TAC110
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Title= Combat, Small Weapons
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Code= ENG231
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Title= Computer Memory & Personal Interfaces
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Grade= B
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Code= SURV150
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Title= Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle & Moderate Conditions
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Grade= A-

SURV101: Starship Emergencies
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Code= ENG232
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Title= Replicators, Transporters & Holodecks
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Code= SURV110
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Title= Enviromental Suits & Zero-G Training
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Code= LANG190
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Title= Cardassian
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Code= XEN101
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Title= General
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Code= HIST200
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Title= Starfleet History
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Grade= A

TAC200: Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu and Federation Standard
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Code= END233
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Title= Sensors, Communications & Helm Systems
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Code=PILOT210
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Title= Minor Ships
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Code= ENG234
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Title= Deflectors, WEapons & Security Systems
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Code= TAC300
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Title= Leadership
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Code= LANG290
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Title= Cardassian
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Grade= B-

|Year3Sem1 Course1 Code= PILOT220
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Title= Major Ships
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Code= TAC260
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Title= Combat, Minor Starships
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Code= ARM200
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Title= Starship Phasers & Phaser Cannons
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Code= TAC170
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Title=  Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Code= HIST110
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Title= Pop Culture
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Grade= B+

Semester 2: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Code= ARM210
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Title= Photon Torpedoes
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Code= TAC170
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Title= Combat, Phasers & Photon Torpedos
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Code= ASTRG101
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Title= Navigation of Starships, Sublight
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Code= LANG390
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Title= Cardassian
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-

ADMIN101: Starfleet Operations
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Code= TAC270
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Title= Combat, Major Starships
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC220
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Title= Small Units
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Code= ASTRG102
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Title= Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Code= TAC250
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Title= Combat, Shuttles & Runabouts
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Code=ASTRO301
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Title= Stellar Cartography 1
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Grade= A-

MED101: First Aid and Field Medicine
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Code= ENG331
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Title= Operations & Command Functions
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Code= TAC289
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Title= Combat, Non-Federation Starships
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Code= PILOT100
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Title= Land Vehicles
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Code= ASTRO302
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Title= Stellar Cartography 2
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Code= ASTRG103
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Title= Navigation of Starships, Postwarp speed
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Grade= A-

PHYS101: Concepts
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Code= DIPL200
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Title= Hostile Species
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Code= ENG321
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Title= Base-Mode Programming
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Code= PSY302
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Title= Hostilities
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Code= TAC301
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Title= Strategy of Battle 1
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Grade= A

PILOT101: Runabouts and Shuttles
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Code= SURV200
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Title= Captivity
ARM101: Introduction to Weapons
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC302
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Title= Strategy of Battle 2
Semester 3: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Code= TAC230
BIO101: Concepts
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Title= Large Units
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
TAC101: Combat, Unarmed
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Code= DIPL250
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Title= Non-Traditional Situations
ADMIN110: Chain of Command and General Protocol
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade= A-
ENG221: LCARS Programming 1
Tactics: Combat, Marksmanship
'''Year 2'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
DIPL101: General
LAW101: Federation, General
TAC110: Combat, Small Weapons
ENG231: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
SURV150: Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle, and Moderate conditions.
Semester 2: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
ENG232: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
SURV110: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
LANG190: Cardassian
XEN101: General
HIST200: Starfleet History
Semester 3: 5 credits (1 core, 2 major, 2 elective)
ENG233: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
Piloting: Minor Ships
Engineering: Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems
Tactics: Leadership
LANG290: Cardassian
'''Year 3'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (2 major, 1 minor, 2 elective)
Piloting: Major Ships
Tactics: Combat, Minor Starships
Armory: Starship Phasers and Phaser Cannons
Tactics: Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat
HIST110: Pop Culture
Semester 2: 4 credits (2 major, 1 minor, 1 elective)
Armory: Photon Torpedos
Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Sublight
LANG390: Cardassian
Semester 3: 5 credits (2 major, 2 minor, 1 elective )
Tactics: Combat, Major Starships
Tactics: Small Units
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
Tactics: Combat, Shuttles and Runabouts
Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
'''Year 4'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (2 major, 2 minor, 1 elective)
Engineering: Operations and Command Functions
Tactics: Combat, Non-Federation Starships
Piloting: Land Vehicles
Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
Semester 2: 4 credits ( 4 major)
Diplomacy: Non-Traditional Situations
Engineering: Base-Mode Operations
Psychology: Hostilities
Tactics: Strategy of Battle 1
Semester 3: 4 credits (4 major)
Survival: Captivity
Tactics: Strategy of Battle 2
Tactics: Large Units
Diplomacy: Hostile Species

Revision as of 06:37, 30 December 2023

Amity Outpost
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Kaito Moore
Position Tactical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species El-Aurian/Human
Gender Male
DOB 237607.21
Age 25
Birthplace Earth

Ensign Kaito Moore is a tactical officer aboard Amity Outpost.


  • Full Name: Kaito Takeshi Moore
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Race: El-Aurian/Human Hybrid
  • Date of Birth: 237607.21
  • Place of Birth: Earth
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 6’0"
  • Weight: 77kg
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Blue


  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Parents
    • Father: Mackenzie Moore
    • Mother: Chandra Aphelion
  • Siblings:
    • Nora Aphelion


  1. 2376: Born to Starfleet Parents in the Post Dominion War Baby Boom.
  2. 2377 - 2394: Grew up going from Starbase to Starbase, and later onboard a Federation Starship to Starbase. Depended on his parent’s assignment.
  3. 2394: Decided to spend time traveling the Federation to find himself, and to make sure his desire to be in Starfleet was his own.
  4. 2396: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy.
  5. 2400: Graduated from Starfleet Academy. Major in Tactical. Minor in Security, and Helm/Navigation.

Cadet Moore was born on Stardate 237607.21 to an El-Aurian male, Mackenzie Moore, and a Human female, Chandra Aphelion. Born into a Starfleet family, his father commanded an older Excelsior-class starship, and his mother served as the CMO of the same vessel during the war. Katio Moore can be easily defined as a post-Dominion War baby—one of many born after that terrible war. Still, he does not let that define him.

Growing up, he spent most of his time on the move, usually staying at various Starbases with his mother and sister, but sometimes, as he grew older, with his father. There were periods when all four of them were together for more than shore leave and extended holidays, but these times were rare. However, some of his best memories are of the years living on-board a starship, even if they were also some of the scariest times.

Nevertheless, Moore's time spent among the stars—rarely staying in one place for more than a year or two—, the constant meeting of new people, and perhaps some of his half El-Aurian genetics, built a sense of wanderlust in him. His sister was the more technically minded in the family, always dismantling and reassembling everything she could. Moore, on the other hand, preferred exploring new places and meeting new people, always feeling an urge to help. This urge influenced his decision to follow the tactical route at Starfleet Academy.

However, he wasn't initially certain about Starfleet. Growing up, he always felt overshadowed by his sister. She was the family's overachiever—not perfect, but seemingly close. Her being six years older than him compounded this feeling. At the same time, both of his parents were in Starfleet, and when Nora was old enough, she also enrolled, graduating with a double major. Moore wanted to ensure that his decision to join Starfleet was his own and not influenced by his family, both biological and the officers and enlisted personnel he considered family too.

After some disagreements with his mother and initial push-back but eventual encouragement from his father, he was allowed to leave the ship at seventeen, as soon as he finished his secondary school studies, to venture out into the stars. His only orders were to report back occasionally, not get into too much trouble (as his father told him quietly), stay safe, and strive to leave the galaxy a better place.

Of course, the first thing he did was to book passage on the shadiest civilian transport he could find, aiming to head as far away from the Federation core worlds as possible. He wanted to understand life both within and outside Starfleet's influence. During his two years of travel, he grew to appreciate the importance of Starfleet and the Federation and the freedoms they brought to hundreds of worlds and countless lives. By the end of his journey in 2396, he was ready to enlist in Starfleet to satisfy his wanderlust and help make the galaxy a better place, albeit now with a few new habits and quirks. In 2400, he graduated with a Master's degree in Tactical Operations and minors in Navigation and Security, with sufficient credits to qualify for Operations as well.

Academy Grades

Academic Transcript - Official Copy
Starfleet Academy Office of the Registrar
Student Name: Kaito Takeshi Moore
Student ID: KM-2376-07A
Commissioned: 240006.06
Transcript Issued: 240012.30
  • Dates of Attendance: 239608.01 - 240006.06
  • Campus: San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
  • Major: Tactical
  • Minor: Security & Helm/Navigation
  • Cumulative GPA: 3.74
  • Total Credit Hours: 57
Year 1
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
MATH101 Concepts A- 1.0 3.7
LANG101 Federation Standard A 1.0 4.0
HIST101 Birth of the Federation A 1.0 4.0
SURV101 Starship Emergencies B+ 1.0 3.3
TAC101 Combat, Unarmed A 1.0 4.0
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ADMIN101 Starfleet Operations A 1.0 4.0
MED101 First Aid & Field Medicine B 1.0 3.0
PHYS101 Concepts A- 1.0 3.7
PILOT101 Runabouts & Shuttles A 1.0 4.0
ARM101 Introduction to Weapons A- 1.0 3.7
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
BIO101 Concepts B+ 1.0 3.3
TAC200 Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu & Federation Standard A 1.0 4.0
ADMIN110 Chain of Command & General Protocol A 1.0 4.0
END221 LCARS Programming 1 B- 1.0 2.7
TAC210 Combat, Marksmanship A 1.0 4.0
Year 2
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
DIPL101 General A- 1.0 3.7
LAW101 Federation, General B+ 1.0 3.3
TAC110 Combat, Small Weapons A 1.0 4.0
ENG231 Computer Memory & Personal Interfaces B 1.0 3.0
SURV150 Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle & Moderate Conditions A- 1.0 3.7
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG232 Replicators, Transporters & Holodecks A- 1.0 3.7
SURV110 Enviromental Suits & Zero-G Training A 1.0 4.0
LANG190 Cardassian A- 1.0 3.7
XEN101 General A- 1.0 3.7
HIST200 Starfleet History A 1.0 4.0
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
END233 Sensors, Communications & Helm Systems A 1.0 4.0
PILOT210 Minor Ships A 1.0 4.0
ENG234 Deflectors, WEapons & Security Systems A 1.0 4.0
TAC300 Leadership A 1.0 4.0
LANG290 Cardassian B- 1.0 2.7
Year 3
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
PILOT220 Major Ships A 1.0 4.0
TAC260 Combat, Minor Starships A 1.0 4.0
ARM200 Starship Phasers & Phaser Cannons A 1.0 4.0
TAC170 Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat A 1.0 4.0
HIST110 Pop Culture B+ 1.0 3.3
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ARM210 Photon Torpedoes A 1.0 4.0
TAC170 Combat, Phasers & Photon Torpedos A 1.0 4.0
ASTRG101 Navigation of Starships, Sublight A- 1.0 3.7
LANG390 Cardassian A- 1.0 3.7
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
TAC270 Combat, Major Starships A 1.0 4.0
TAC220 Small Units A- 1.0 3.7
ASTRG102 Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed A- 1.0 3.7
TAC250 Combat, Shuttles & Runabouts A 1.0 4.0
ASTRO301 Stellar Cartography 1 A- 1.0 3.7
Year 4
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
ENG331 Operations & Command Functions A- 1.0 3.7
TAC289 Combat, Non-Federation Starships A 1.0 4.0
PILOT100 Land Vehicles A 1.0 4.0
ASTRO302 Stellar Cartography 2 B+ 1.0 3.3
ASTRG103 Navigation of Starships, Postwarp speed A- 1.0 3.7
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
DIPL200 Hostile Species B+ 1.0 3.3
ENG321 Base-Mode Programming A- 1.0 3.7
PSY302 Hostilities A- 1.0 3.7
TAC301 Strategy of Battle 1 A 1.0 4.0
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Grade Credit Hours Grade Points
SURV200 Captivity A- 1.0 3.7
TAC302 Strategy of Battle 2 A 1.0 4.0
TAC230 Large Units A- 1.0 3.7
DIPL250 Non-Traditional Situations A- 1.0 3.7

Career Counseling Assessment

Cadet Kaito Moore

Starfleet Record: #KM-2376-07A

Cadet Kaito Moore, a male El-Aurian/Human hybrid, was born on Stardate 237607.21, during the post-Dominion War era. His familial background is intricately connected with Starfleet, with his mother, Commander Chandra Aphelion, serving in Starfleet Medical, and his father, Captain Mackenzie Moore, holding a notable Starfleet position.

Moore's elder sister, Nora Aphelion, stands as a benchmark within the family due to her successful double major in Engineering and Operations from Starfleet Academy. Cadet Moore, while not demonstrating an equivalent level of exceptional achievement, has nonetheless proved his ability to create an independent identity within the Federation and Starfleet.

In 2394, Cadet Moore sought to broaden his perspective via a self-directed journey across the Federation. This exposure to a range of socio-economic and cultural realities within the Federation refined a personal, and arguably more mature, commitment to Starfleet.

Upon his enrollment at Starfleet Academy in 2396, Cadet Moore displayed a wide range of competencies. Ultimately, he focused his studies on a major in Tactical and minors in Security and Helm/Navigation.

Throughout his academy tenure, Cadet Moore has consistently performed well. He's shown promise in tactical strategy and leadership roles, with an above-average understanding of Cardassian cultural studies. His skills in strategic diplomacy and survival preparedness have been adequate, and he shows a commendable aptitude in helm control and navigational operations.

Having graduated in 2400, Cadet Moore is prepared to embrace the duties of a Starfleet officer. His personal journey, coupled with a solid academic performance, positions him to be a reliable, if not exceptional, officer.

Upon completing his final Academy courses, Cadet Moore is set for assignment among the fleet, and already has a few possible postings lined up. As his career counselor, I anticipate that Cadet Moore will provide solid, dependable service as a Starfleet officer. His potential for growth and adaptability will be his strength in the years to come.


Lt. Commander Alaric Jensen

Starfleet Academy Career Counseling Services

NPC Listing   ·   Amity Outpost Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Chief of Mission
Rivi Vataix
First Officer
Wil Ukinix
Chief Sci Ofc. & 2O
Robin Hopper
Jr. Science Officer
Niev Galanis
Jr. Science Officer
D'Cyra Varati
Chief Counselor
John Carter
Chief of Operations
Nathan Richards
Asst. Chief of Ops
Scotty Reade
Chief of Staff
Keehani Ukinix
Vaje Kizat.png
Dep Chief of Mission
Vaje Kizat
Second Secretary
Civilian Sci. Liason
Samantha Richards
Chief Medical Ofc.
Jansen Orrey
Ikaia Icon.png
Medical Student
Ikaia Wong
Chief of Sec/Tac
Rebecca Iko
Sec/Tactical Ofc.
Kaito Moore
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