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<div style="background-color: #e8e8e8; padding: 20px; border-radius: 40px;">
|FirstName = Trovek
|LastName = Arys
|Image = Trovek Arys LT.png
|Ship = Starbase 118 Ops
|Station = Yes
|UserName = Trovek Arys
|Rank = Lieutenant
|Serial = J239809TA4
|Style = DS9
|Post = Chief Medical Officer
|Color = Teal
|Species = [[Bajoran]]/[[Human]]
|Gender = Female
|BirthMonth = 09
|BirthDate = 12
|BirthYear = 2364
|BirthPlace = Finland, Earth
|Extra =<center>
{{Ribbons Rack|MAX=3
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|1
|Starfleet Investigation Ribbon|1
|Good Conduct Ribbon|2
|Unity Ribbon|1
|First Contact Ribbon|1
|Explorer's Ribbon|1
|Silver Lifesaving Ribbon|1
|Diplomacy Ribbon|3
|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|1
|UFP Medal of Freedom|1
|Lifesaving Ribbon |1
|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon |1
|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon |1
|Starfleet Investigation Ribbon|1
|Purple Heart |1
|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon |1

|NAME = Trovek Arys
{{sChar|First=Trovek|Last=Arys|Sub=Medical Record|Title=Medical
|SHIP = {{USS|Juneau}}
History}}<br>[[Trovek Arys|Character Page]] </center>
|RANK = Lieutenant JG
|POST = Counselor
|COLOR = Blue
|SPECIES = Bajoran/Human
|GENDER = Female
|BIRTHPLACE = Finland, Earth
|IMAGE = Trovek Arys-Ensign.png
|AUTHOR = J239809TA4

'''Lieutenant JG Trovek Arys''' is currently serving as a '''Counselor''' aboard the ({{USS|Juneau}}).

* '''Height''': 1,60m
* '''Weight''': 55kg
* '''Hair''': black
* '''Eyes''': blue

Arys is the younger one of Tuomas’ and Sileah’s two children and grew up in the northern part of Europe. Due to her grandfather's occupation as diplomat, and the fact that Arys travelled with him, she spent her childhood and early teenage years exposed to different species and cultures, rejecting her Bajoran heritage.

Her mother, a former member of the Bajoran Resistance, did not approve. She all but forced the participation in prayer and Bajoran holidays, something her husband did not agree with, and something Arys hated passionately. After the end of the Dominion War, Sileah insisted on moving her family to Bajor in order to familiarize her children more with the Bajoran culture. While Aaron quickly made new friends and would later say that he felt ‘complete’ when exploring his people’s history and faith, Arys felt caged and unhappy.
'''Lieutenant Trovek Arys''' is currently serving as a '''Chief Medical Officer''' aboard [[Starbase 118 Ops]].  

When her mother and father split, she returned to Earth with her father, decided to follow in his footsteps, and studied medicine as soon as she had finished college.

Arys worked as a doctor under her fathers' tutorage, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. She was by no means the best in her field but benefitted a lot from her father’s name and reputation. Arys quickly identified an interest in psychology and counseling, but she didn’t act on it until later in her career. She decided to apply to Starfleet Academy, which she concluded after five years with a Major in Counselling. The delay was caused by a sudden and inexplicable interest to take additional courses in Cardassian Art and Literature, which she still reads and collects as a hobby.
{{LCARS-bar-heading| Background |COLOR=teal}}

Until the events occurring in "A Good Death", Arys was in regular contact with her father and her grandfather, but by now the closest thing to family is the crew of the Juneau, and a certain Cardassian Ambassador. Arys preferably spends her free time on a holodeck or reading her grandfather's old personal logs.
==Childhood and Adolescense==
Arys is the younger one of Tuomas’ and Sileah’s two children and grew up in the northern part of Europe. Due to her grandfather's occupation as a diplomat, and the fact that Arys travelled with him, she spent her childhood and early teenage years exposed to different species and cultures, rejecting her Bajoran heritage.

Her mother, a former member of the Bajoran Resistance, did not approve. She all but forced the participation in prayer and Bajoran holidays - something Arys hated passionately. After the end of the Dominion War, Sileah insisted on moving her family to Bajor in order to familiarize her children more with the Bajoran culture. While Aaron quickly made new friends and would later say that he felt ‘complete’ when exploring his people’s history and faith, Arys felt caged and unhappy.

When her mother and father split, Arys returned to Earth with her father.

Arys is not in regular contact with most of her family, and only recently discovered the existence of her Cardassian half-Brother, who she hopes to be able to locate.  
==Education on Earth==
Having returned to Earth, Arys finished College, and studied medicine. She worked as a doctor under her father's tutorage, specializing in obstetrics, gynaecology, and prenatal surgery. She was by no means the best in her field but benefitted a lot from her father’s name and reputation. After several years of persistent encouragement by her grandfather and thorough preparation for the entry exam, Arys eventually applied to Starfleet Academy. She decided to major in Counselling and eventually become a Diplomat like her grandfather, but let a mentor convince her to obtain medical qualifications in addition. She finished Starfleet Academy successfully after almost six years.  

==USS Juneau and Starbase 118 Ops==
Upon graduating, Arys was posted to the [[USS Juneau]] where she began working as a Counsellor. After only three months she was transferred to [[Starbase 118 Ops]] as a Medical Officer - something she struggled with for quite some time. After all, it seemed that she had wasted the past years. It took several months for her to realize that her passion was indeed being a Medical Officer, and her commitment to her patients and life-saving research got her promoted to Chief Medical Officer in 239905.

[[File:Arys mom.png|228px|thumb|left|Trovek Sileah]]

==== Ceerke Foxuwea/ Trovek Sileah (mother) ====
''Follow the Prophets, my daughter. They cannot lead you astray.''

- Trovek Sileah
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Missions and B-Plots|COLOR=teal}}

* [[The Pied Piper (Juneau)|The Pied Piper]]
The Juneau sets course for nebula DE-678912 after receiving a distress call from an old Cardassian listening post, claiming Nauscican pirates are targeting transport vessels in one of the most prominent trading routes in the Aavaro Wilds. On their way to their destination, the crew experiences hallucinations and Arys is first confronted with a patient she recently lost, and then with her mother, Trovek Sileah. She bonds with Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea over shared childhood trauma which results in an uneasy friendship.

Foxuwea grew up on Bajor, and to this day prides herself in having been part of the Bajoran Resistance during the last decades of the Cardassian occupation. After sustaining a severe injury only a few years before Cardassia's official withdrawal from Bajor, she was forced to flee in order to seek medical treatment. She met Doctor Tuomas Ihalainen, who had decided to dedicate a portion of his time and skills to help the Bajorans in the various refugee camps. The young woman knew that she had a certain reputation attached to her name, and changed it to Trovek Sileah.  
* [["A Good Death" |A Good Death]]
Arys reconnects with Lukin Zorkal, a Cardassian Ambassador she had met shortly before her departure from Starbase 118's Academy Campus, and together they travel to Arys' home in Finland, Earth. Arys finds out that her grandfather's health has taken a turn for the worse, but that her father refuses to take him out of the stasis unit that keeps him alive. An argument ensues and Arys uses her power of attorney to let her grandfather die in peace. Upon receiving her inheritance, Arys finds an explanation for her father's actions - amongst other things, she inherits Cardassian documents implying that her mother had a half-Cardassian child during the Occupation.

When Sileah got married to Tuomas she insisted that he took her name, and treasured her traditions even when they decided to settle down on Earth rather than returning to Bajor. A year later, Sileah gave birth to their son Aaron. When Arys was born two years later, Sileah suffered from postpartum depression and was unwilling to take care of her daughter for the first decade of her life.
* [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Terror of Terra Prime |The Terror Of Terra Prime]]
Upon her arrival at Starbase 118, Commodore Taybrim greets her. He provides a short briefing on their struggles with Terra Prime - a terror organization believing in human superiority - and sends Arys to the USS Rahuba, which in turn is sent to assist the away teams investigating Miranda VII. Within hours, the situation escalates, leaving Arys in charge of an overcrowded sickbay and tending to a heavily injured Commander Dal.
Upon their return to Ops, they learn devastating news: The away teams have failed, and Terra Prime unleashed a hybrid-killing compound on a nearby federation colony, killing more than ten thousand people.  

The older her children grew, the more desperate Sileah was to raise them as Bajoran as possible - an effort Aaron appreciated a lot more than Arys did. Not having learned how to resolve conflict by other means than force, Sileah eventually decided to move the family to Bajor. That this uprooted her husband's career did not matter to her, and the move to Bajor marked the beginning of the end of their relationship. When Tuomas and Sileah split, Sileah and Aaron remained on Bajor.  
* [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind |First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind]]
The crew gets assigned to study a phenomenon located in the Jenatris cloud. After the anomaly reacts to the probes and causes the crew to blackout, Arys tends to the injured. As they encounter the Si'laan, a heavily damaged ship with squirrel-like aliens on board, Arys is part of the search and rescue effort.

Sileah is co-leading a Bajoran sect with her son Aaron, and is known to enforce full devotion from their followers. While the Bajoran government has not a stop to the activities of the sect, they are certainly being watched closely.
* [["Family Ties" |Family Ties]]
Together with Lukin, Arys travels to Cardassia, planning to reunite with her half-brother residing on Ithic II. However, Lukin has already found out that he was killed in an accident only weeks ago, leaving behind his little daughter Geleth. While Lukin and Arys grow closer and eventually begin a relationship, Arys argues with Cardassia's courts to be able to adopt Geleth. Eventually she is granted permission and they bring Geleth to Ops.  

* [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Return of Terra Prime |Return of Terra Prime]]
==== Tuomas Ihalainen (father) ====
When a 1000 hours mission briefing with Sal Taybrim gets moved up last minute, the crew expects that such urgent news is not good - a suspicion that quickly proves to be correct. A tricobald bomb is found aboard the SS Belladonna, a massive passenger liner. Upon their arrival, Ops' crew begins evacuations but quickly realize that the saboteurs are still on board. Arys negotiates with one of them and manages to change his mind, resulting in him joining Starfleet's efforts to save people.
''Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better.''

- Tuomas Ihalainen
* [[SB118Ops_Mission_Logs/Sal_Taybrim/Sanctuary |Sanctuary]]
The Narendra's crew is on Bajor when they are asked to assist with finding a cure to a particularly dangerous version of Craat's Disease. After assisting in the research, Arys receives a distress call from Tito and sets out to defend him and Foster from a cloaked Orion Marauder.

Tuomas lost his mother early in his life and spent his youth traveling with his father, a diplomat. Once he decided to join Starfleet, his career was nothing less than stellar and exemplary - he studied medicine, graduated top of his class, and served on different vessels for several years before agreeing to a temporary placement in one of the refugee camps.
* [[Path of the Prophets|Path of the Prophets]]
It was there that he met Trovek Sileah, and fell in love with her almost instantly. He managed to persuade her to move to his home in Finland with him, where the young couple enjoyed the support of Tuomas' father, who had settled down by that time. When Sileah was pregnant with Aaron, Tuomas found himself particularly stressed by even minor complications and potential genetic incompatibilities. Because of that, he decided to specialize in genetics and began his career dedicated to helping couples of two or more different species to conceive healthy children.  
Arys tries to reconnect with her brother Aaron, not knowing that he has other plans. When Ferri and Geleth are kidnapped, Jeni - a childhood friend - offers Arys guidance and a way to reconnect to her faith.  

When Sileah demanded that they move to Bajor, he closed his practice and agreed. While on Bajor he continued his work, researching Bajoran and Cardassian genetics in particular. When he and Sileah decided to split, Arys begged her father to take her with him. He agreed eventually and they returned to Earth.  
* [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Time Traveller's Wife|The Time Traveller's Wife]]
As acting First Officer, Arys supports Alora DeVeau when two opposing Romulan factions come to Ops for negotiations.  

Tuomas was more than delighted to tutor his daughter as she began studying medicine, even if her chosen field surprised him. After working in the same medical facility for a few years, Arys informed him of her wish to join Starfleet. After Arys graduated Starfleet Academy, Tuomas' father got sick. It was then that Sileah asked Tuomas for help with the retrieval of certain incriminating documents, and in return promised her ex husband a home with her, Aaron, and his grandchildren on Bajor.  
* [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Siege of Terra Prime |The Siege of Terra Prime]]
Together with Doctors Foster and Zumagi, Arys remains on the ISS Koh’la’shamuu - a mobile hospital meant to lend aid while Miranda VII is evacuated. When Terra Prime member Yavir Moray, posing as a civilian, is beamed on board, he takes Arys hostage and attempts to take control of the vessel.

Currently, Tuomas whereabouts are know. Arys is no longer in contact with him. 
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Friends and Living Family|COLOR=teal}}

<gallery mode=packed heights=200>
Geleth Aski Zantett.png|<small> [[Geleth A. Zantett]] is Arys' niece and was adopted by Arys after the death of her parents. When Arys relationship to [[Lukin Zorkal]] ended and he left Ops, Arys had to admit that it were better for Geleth to stay with him.</small>
Arys mom.png|<small> Arys' mother, Sileah, was a religious leader and Bajoran extremist. After reconciling with Arys, she currently resides in the Bajoran temple of Starbase 118</small>
Vitor Tito Intel.png|<small> [[Vitor Tito]] is a colleague with a good heart and a habit of following Arys around. He considers Arys his sister. </small>
Wyn Foster.jpg|<small> [[Shar'Wyn Foster]] is Arys' colleague and most valuable surgeon. Despite both being busy and socially awkward, Arys considers Foster a friend.</small>
LtCmmdr McLaren.png |<small> Arys does not trust [[Solaris McLaren]] yet, but thus far the woman seems very much interested in becoming friends, and quite persistent despite initial rejection./small>
Sal Taybrim Captain.png | <small> For the longest time, Arys disliked [[Sal Taybrim]] but she warmed up to him when he visited her while she was patient in her own sickbay. </small>

[[File:Trovek Aaron.png|228px|thumb|right|Trovek Aaron]]
==== Trovek Aaron (brother) ====

''Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.''
{{Heading|Service History|teal}}
- Trovek Aaron
Aaron is Arys' older brother. Due to sickness, he is not able to remember much of his early childhood. What he does remember is his mother praying to the prophets during this time, and he often joined her. Aaron developed an early love for the Bajoran culture and religion, and when his family moved to Bajor he took to the new environment like a fish to water.
Instead of education after College, he dedicated his time to philosophy and theology, and new interpretations of ancient scrolls. He joined the Ohalavaru until his own following grew and he split from them, maintaining his own religious sect ever since.
Aaron rarely speaks to his sister, even if he believes it to be her destiny to return to Bajor as part of the same prophecy that he believes has given him the status of a religious leader.
==== Leevi Ihalainen (grandfather) ====
''Never go into politics of any kind. It's like a pit of vipers.''
- Leevi Ihalainen
In his younger years, Leevi was focused on his career as a diplomat, and when his wife passed away, he regarded it as an annoyance to have to take his young son Tuomas with him on his journeys. Never having been able to establish a good relationship with his son was something he regretted. When Arys was born and her mother did not want to take care of her, he saw a chance to make up for his failings and raised her.
Leevi never trusted Sileah. When she and Tuomas got married, he used his connections to retrieve a file on Sileah that detailed not only her true name, but the existence of Taril Zantett, Sileah's half Cardassian son. Against his better judgement, Tuomas agreed to keep this to himself, but left the incriminating documents in crate which Arys would inherit after his death.
After months in a stasis-unit, he passed away 239811.20.
==== Taril Zantett (half-brother) ====
During the Occupation, Sileah served as a comfort woman to Ciron Zantett, one of the Cardassian officials at Terok Nor. When Sileah found out that she was pregnant, Ciron promised her that he would make sure that the child had a good life. Sileah however, cared little about that - she killed Ciron and fled.
When she gave birth to Taril ten months later, she left him to die of exposure. Taril was found and adopted by Zantett's widow, Aski Zantett, despite the implications this had for her reputation. He grew up on Cardassia Prime until his mother was killed when the Jem'Hadar destroyed Lakarian City. He himself survived the War and later moved to Ithic II, where he married Riia Karint.
In 2396, Taril and Riia were both killed in an accident, leaving behind their daughter Geleth.
====[[Tito, Vitor|Vitor Tito]]====
Tito started out as a patient and is currently Arys' roommate aboard the Juneau. She calls him 'Grumpy' and he regards her as a younger sister, making sure she gets enough sleep, doesn't drink too much coffee, and eats decent food.
Even though T'Lea and Arys aren't friends in the traditional sense, T'Lea is one of the people aboard the Juneau which Arys trusts most. Arys describes T'Lea as attractive, intelligent, snarky, and twisted. She finds that appealing in people.
====[[Lukin Zorkal]]====
Arys met Lukin while waiting for her assignment. When the two began talking, they never really stopped and remained in frequent contact with each other. She enjoys their conversations and bickering and refers to him as 'her person'.
{{Heading|Service History|Blue}}

{{Service Record}}
{{Service Record}}
{{SR Insignia|Cadet|Blue}}
{{SR Insignia|Cadet| LightSeaGreen}}
{{SR Rank|Cadet}}
{{SR Rank|Cadet}}
{{SR Dates|2394 - 2398}}
{{SR Dates|2392 - 2398}}
{{SR Posting|[[Starfleet Academy]]|AcademyLogo2390.png|73px}}
{{SR Posting|[[Starfleet Academy]]|AcademyLogo2390.png|73px}}
{{SR Assignment|Cadet|Blue}}
{{SR Assignment|Cadet| LightSeaGreen}}
{{SR Insignia|Ensign|Blue}}
{{SR Insignia|Ensign|teal}}
{{SR Rank|Ensign}}
{{SR Rank|Ensign}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239809.14 - 239811.18}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239809.14 - 239811.18}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Juneau}}|Juneau-icon.gif}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Juneau}}|Juneau-icon.gif}}
{{SR Assignment|Counselor|Blue}}
{{SR Assignment|Counselor|teal}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant JG|Blue}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant JG| LightSeaGreen}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant JG}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant JG}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239811.18 - Present}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239811.18 - 239811.30}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Juneau}}|Juneau-icon.gif}}
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Juneau}}|Juneau-icon.gif}}
{{SR Assignment|Counselor|Blue}}
{{SR Assignment|Counselor| LightSeaGreen}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant JG|teal}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant JG}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239811.30 - 239905.26}}
{{SR Posting|[[Ops|Starbase118 Ops]]|Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png|70px}}
{{SR Assignment|Medical Officer|teal}}
{{SR Insignia|Lieutenant| LightSeaGreen}}
{{SR Rank|Lieutenant}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239905.26 - present}}
{{SR Posting|[[Ops|Starbase118 Ops]]|Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png|70px}}
{{SR Assignment|Chief Medical Officer| LightSeaGreen}}
{{Service Record End}}
{{Service Record End}}
{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Blue}}
{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|teal}}

{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{No Citations}}
{{Citation|O'Brien Award|240007|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Named for one of Trek's most stalwart and dedicated supporting officers, we give this award to members who hold the rank of Lieutenant or Lt. Commander and support the ship's command staff by mentoring crew, facilitating missions, maintaining the wiki and other tasks essential to the smooth running of our sims. These officers form the backbone of their ships and stations, helping to make simming fun for everyone aboard. }}
{{Citation|Combs Cross|240007|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded to individuals who bring their ships to life with well-rounded PNPCs, enhancing plots and character development, without detracting from the main story and characters of the sim. They add depth and colour to the universe, and make the journey the experience. Named for Jeffrey Combs, guest star of a thousand faces.}}
{{Citation|Russ Bar|239906|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded to a writer who possesses an exceptional grasp of Trek mythology. Named after Tim Russ, the actor who portrayed Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager and was a huge Star Trek fan before landing the part.}}
{{Citation|TOSMA|239906|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to ensure quality in their writing.}}
{{Citation|Prantares Ribbon|239906|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine.}}
{{Citation|Luminary Award|239906|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded to members holding the rank of Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, or Lieutenant. Officers qualifying for this award have shown outstanding promise in their future endeavours by displaying their skills in leadership, dependability, and dedication to the community.}}
{{Citation|Xalor Clan Xifilis Award|239906|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded to simmers who overcome a disadvantage throughout simming. This award was initially known as the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 event to commemorate a valued StarBase 118 PBEM RPG simmer who died that year. In each event, this award can be given to all qualifying simmers.}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Citation|Purple Heart| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Siege of Terra Prime | sustaining severe injuries when a Terra Prime member attempted to hijack a medical shuttle.]]}}
{{Citation|Gold Lifesaving Ribbon| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Siege of Terra Prime | risking her life in order to save the other members of a medical shuttle.]]}}
{{Citation|Diplomacy Ribbon| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Time Traveller's Wife |taking a support role in the Romulan negotiations.]]}}
{{Citation|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Time Traveller's Wife |taking a support role in the Romulan negotiations.]]}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Investigation Ribbon| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for diffusing a dangerous [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Time Traveller's Wife |threat to the Trinity Sector as a whole - the creeping terror of Terra Prime that affected multiple factions and countless civilians]].}}
{{Citation|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon| 240007.13 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to recognizes the crew’s hard work to [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/The Time Traveller's Wife |mitigate the timeline damage done by a time traveling assassin]].}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon| 240001.14 |[[Starbase118 Ops]] |Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for confidently handling an altercation with an [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Sanctuary|Orion Syndicate Marauder]].}}
{{Citation|Diplomacy Ribbon|240001.14 |[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for convincing a Terra Prime member [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Return of Terra Prime|to switch sides]].}}
{{Citation|Lifesaving Ribbon|240001.14|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Return of Terra Prime|saving the life of Meryel Harris]].}}
{{Citation|UFP Medal of Freedom|240001.14|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Return of Terra Prime|diffusing a bomb on a passenger liner heading to Betazed]].}}
{{Citation|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|240001.14|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Awarded by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for a co-op mission with Bajorans and Cardassians to [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Sanctuary|save the Pachitrods]].}}
{{Citation|Diplomacy Ribbon|239905.26|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for diffusing a tense situation in sickbay, [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind|involving the Risu]].}}
{{Citation|Silver Lifesaving Ribbon|239905.26|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/Terror of Terra Prime|helping to mitigate casualties in the battle against Terra Prime]].}}
{{Citation|Explorer's Ribbon|239905.26|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for helping to bring the Rahuba and the Si'laan [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind|back to safety]].}}
{{Citation|First Contact Ribbon|239905.26|[[Starbase118 Ops]]|Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for making contact [[SB118Ops Mission Logs/Sal Taybrim/First Encounters of the Squirrel Kind|with the Risu]].}}
{{Citation|Unity Ribbon|239811.18|{{USS|Juneau}}|Given by Captain Oddas for helping to make the crew think about things in different ways and to see their way through the [[The Pied Piper (Juneau)|mission]].}}
{{Citation|Unity Ribbon|239811.18|{{USS|Juneau}}|Given by Captain Oddas for helping to make the crew think about things in different ways and to see their way through the [[The Pied Piper (Juneau)|mission]].}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239811.18|{{USS|Juneau}}|Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission [[The Pied Piper (Juneau)|The Pied Piper]] .}}
{{Citation|Good Conduct Ribbon|239811.18|{{USS|Juneau}}|Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission [[The Pied Piper (Juneau)|The Pied Piper]] .}}
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{{Heading|SIM Archive|Blue}}
:''Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here [ at the SIM Archive].''
* [ Title of First SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
* [ Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
:''To end your bio, we're going to drop in some code here for your ship's crew template, which should appear at the bottom of your bio and will help members of the fleet easily browse other bios of your shipmates. Change the name of the ship below to whatever the name of your character's ship is, unless of course you've been assigned to the USS Gemini! Don't forget the letter suffix for your ship if yours has one (such as the USS Darwin-A).''

:''Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by species]]; your duty post listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by duty post]]; and your ship characters category here: [[:Category:Characters by ship]].

[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
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[[Category:Starbase 118 Ops PCs]]
[[Category:Juneau PCs]]
[[Category:Healers and doctors]]
[[Category:Medical Officers]]

Latest revision as of 20:44, 30 July 2023

Crew of Starbase 118 Ops

Trovek Arys LT.png

Lieutenant Trovek Arys

Nestira Aristren
Trovek Arys
Lizanne Milton-Keynesk
Amelia Summerbrook
Ashlı Sydin

Lieutenant Trovek Arys is currently serving as a Chief Medical Officer aboard Starbase 118 Ops.


Childhood and Adolescense

Arys is the younger one of Tuomas’ and Sileah’s two children and grew up in the northern part of Europe. Due to her grandfather's occupation as a diplomat, and the fact that Arys travelled with him, she spent her childhood and early teenage years exposed to different species and cultures, rejecting her Bajoran heritage.

Her mother, a former member of the Bajoran Resistance, did not approve. She all but forced the participation in prayer and Bajoran holidays - something Arys hated passionately. After the end of the Dominion War, Sileah insisted on moving her family to Bajor in order to familiarize her children more with the Bajoran culture. While Aaron quickly made new friends and would later say that he felt ‘complete’ when exploring his people’s history and faith, Arys felt caged and unhappy.

When her mother and father split, Arys returned to Earth with her father.

Education on Earth

Having returned to Earth, Arys finished College, and studied medicine. She worked as a doctor under her father's tutorage, specializing in obstetrics, gynaecology, and prenatal surgery. She was by no means the best in her field but benefitted a lot from her father’s name and reputation. After several years of persistent encouragement by her grandfather and thorough preparation for the entry exam, Arys eventually applied to Starfleet Academy. She decided to major in Counselling and eventually become a Diplomat like her grandfather, but let a mentor convince her to obtain medical qualifications in addition. She finished Starfleet Academy successfully after almost six years.

USS Juneau and Starbase 118 Ops

Upon graduating, Arys was posted to the USS Juneau where she began working as a Counsellor. After only three months she was transferred to Starbase 118 Ops as a Medical Officer - something she struggled with for quite some time. After all, it seemed that she had wasted the past years. It took several months for her to realize that her passion was indeed being a Medical Officer, and her commitment to her patients and life-saving research got her promoted to Chief Medical Officer in 239905.

Missions and B-Plots

The Juneau sets course for nebula DE-678912 after receiving a distress call from an old Cardassian listening post, claiming Nauscican pirates are targeting transport vessels in one of the most prominent trading routes in the Aavaro Wilds. On their way to their destination, the crew experiences hallucinations and Arys is first confronted with a patient she recently lost, and then with her mother, Trovek Sileah. She bonds with Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea over shared childhood trauma which results in an uneasy friendship.

Arys reconnects with Lukin Zorkal, a Cardassian Ambassador she had met shortly before her departure from Starbase 118's Academy Campus, and together they travel to Arys' home in Finland, Earth. Arys finds out that her grandfather's health has taken a turn for the worse, but that her father refuses to take him out of the stasis unit that keeps him alive. An argument ensues and Arys uses her power of attorney to let her grandfather die in peace. Upon receiving her inheritance, Arys finds an explanation for her father's actions - amongst other things, she inherits Cardassian documents implying that her mother had a half-Cardassian child during the Occupation.

Upon her arrival at Starbase 118, Commodore Taybrim greets her. He provides a short briefing on their struggles with Terra Prime - a terror organization believing in human superiority - and sends Arys to the USS Rahuba, which in turn is sent to assist the away teams investigating Miranda VII. Within hours, the situation escalates, leaving Arys in charge of an overcrowded sickbay and tending to a heavily injured Commander Dal. Upon their return to Ops, they learn devastating news: The away teams have failed, and Terra Prime unleashed a hybrid-killing compound on a nearby federation colony, killing more than ten thousand people.

The crew gets assigned to study a phenomenon located in the Jenatris cloud. After the anomaly reacts to the probes and causes the crew to blackout, Arys tends to the injured. As they encounter the Si'laan, a heavily damaged ship with squirrel-like aliens on board, Arys is part of the search and rescue effort.

Together with Lukin, Arys travels to Cardassia, planning to reunite with her half-brother residing on Ithic II. However, Lukin has already found out that he was killed in an accident only weeks ago, leaving behind his little daughter Geleth. While Lukin and Arys grow closer and eventually begin a relationship, Arys argues with Cardassia's courts to be able to adopt Geleth. Eventually she is granted permission and they bring Geleth to Ops.

When a 1000 hours mission briefing with Sal Taybrim gets moved up last minute, the crew expects that such urgent news is not good - a suspicion that quickly proves to be correct. A tricobald bomb is found aboard the SS Belladonna, a massive passenger liner. Upon their arrival, Ops' crew begins evacuations but quickly realize that the saboteurs are still on board. Arys negotiates with one of them and manages to change his mind, resulting in him joining Starfleet's efforts to save people.

The Narendra's crew is on Bajor when they are asked to assist with finding a cure to a particularly dangerous version of Craat's Disease. After assisting in the research, Arys receives a distress call from Tito and sets out to defend him and Foster from a cloaked Orion Marauder.

Arys tries to reconnect with her brother Aaron, not knowing that he has other plans. When Ferri and Geleth are kidnapped, Jeni - a childhood friend - offers Arys guidance and a way to reconnect to her faith.

As acting First Officer, Arys supports Alora DeVeau when two opposing Romulan factions come to Ops for negotiations.

Together with Doctors Foster and Zumagi, Arys remains on the ISS Koh’la’shamuu - a mobile hospital meant to lend aid while Miranda VII is evacuated. When Terra Prime member Yavir Moray, posing as a civilian, is beamed on board, he takes Arys hostage and attempts to take control of the vessel.

Friends and Living Family

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2392 - 2398 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 239809.14 - 239811.18 USS Juneau
Lieutenant JG SD 239811.18 - 239811.30 USS Juneau
Lieutenant JG SD 239811.30 - 239905.26 Starbase118 Ops
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
Medical Officer
Lieutenant SD 239905.26 - present Starbase118 Ops
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
Chief Medical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
O'Brien Award.png
O'Brien Award 240007
Starbase118 Ops
Named for one of Trek's most stalwart and dedicated supporting officers, we give this award to members who hold the rank of Lieutenant or Lt. Commander and support the ship's command staff by mentoring crew, facilitating missions, maintaining the wiki and other tasks essential to the smooth running of our sims. These officers form the backbone of their ships and stations, helping to make simming fun for everyone aboard.
Combs Cross.png
Combs Cross 240007
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to individuals who bring their ships to life with well-rounded PNPCs, enhancing plots and character development, without detracting from the main story and characters of the sim. They add depth and colour to the universe, and make the journey the experience. Named for Jeffrey Combs, guest star of a thousand faces.
Awards General RussBar 2011.jpg
Russ Bar 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to a writer who possesses an exceptional grasp of Trek mythology. Named after Tim Russ, the actor who portrayed Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager and was a huge Star Trek fan before landing the part.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239906
Starbase118 Ops
This award is given to members who show great dedication in their behavior and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proofread their sims to ensure quality in their writing.
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg
Prantares Ribbon 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine.
Luminary Award.png
Luminary Award 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to members holding the rank of Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, or Lieutenant. Officers qualifying for this award have shown outstanding promise in their future endeavours by displaying their skills in leadership, dependability, and dedication to the community.
Awards Special Xalor 2011.jpg
Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 239906
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded to simmers who overcome a disadvantage throughout simming. This award was initially known as the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 event to commemorate a valued StarBase 118 PBEM RPG simmer who died that year. In each event, this award can be given to all qualifying simmers.
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Purple Heart 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for sustaining severe injuries when a Terra Prime member attempted to hijack a medical shuttle.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingGold 2011.jpg
Gold Lifesaving Ribbon 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for risking her life in order to save the other members of a medical shuttle.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for taking a support role in the Romulan negotiations.
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for taking a support role in the Romulan negotiations.
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for diffusing a dangerous threat to the Trinity Sector as a whole - the creeping terror of Terra Prime that affected multiple factions and countless civilians.
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 240007.13
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to recognizes the crew’s hard work to mitigate the timeline damage done by a time traveling assassin.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 240001.14
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for confidently handling an altercation with an Orion Syndicate Marauder.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 240001.14
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for convincing a Terra Prime member to switch sides.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Lifesaving Ribbon 240001.14
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for saving the life of Meryel Harris.
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
UFP Medal of Freedom 240001.14
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for diffusing a bomb on a passenger liner heading to Betazed.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Joint Meritorious Unit Award 240001.14
Starbase118 Ops
Awarded by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for a co-op mission with Bajorans and Cardassians to save the Pachitrods.
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Diplomacy Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for diffusing a tense situation in sickbay, involving the Risu.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim for helping to mitigate casualties in the battle against Terra Prime.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for helping to bring the Rahuba and the Si'laan back to safety.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239905.26
Starbase118 Ops
Given by Commodore Sal Taybrim to the whole crew for making contact with the Risu.
Unity Ribbon.png
Unity Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas for helping to make the crew think about things in different ways and to see their way through the mission.
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission The Pied Piper .
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon 239811.18
USS Juneau
Given by Captain Oddas to the whole crew for participating on the mission The Pied Piper .
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2398
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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