The Omega Paradox (Veritas)

Revision as of 22:36, 4 July 2018 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Evan Delano assumes temporary command as the crew takes on an urgent mission - an investigation of a Borg signal detected by an Ohanze patrol deep in the Shadows. Shortly after entering the system, the Veritas becomes trapped in the ancient past. The crew's efforts to return to the present without affecting the timeline become complicated when the Veritas computer restricts access to systems under a top secret protocol known as "The Omega Directive."

Veritas Mission History
Year 1 (2393-2394)
The Forgotten Land · Rag and Bone · Aftershock · The Mother Road
Year 2 (2395)
The Irresistible Prize · Kallo Ver & The Hunt for the Lost Romulan Treasure Fleet · The Omega Paradox · Hope Lost · Flashpoint
Year 3 (2396)
Limbo · Dawn · Home · Sentinel · Play the Part · The First Colony · Tour de Ketar V · Charybdis · Lost and Found
Year 4 (2397)
E Pluribus Unum · Nadira · Free Flight · Pirates of the Quantum Realms · Forever and Always · Heartbeat · Home Is Where the Heart Is · Wandering Star
Year 5 (2398)
Here Kitty Kitty · Reunion · Chasing Shadows · Endeavour · Loopy · Fissure
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The Omega Paradox

  • Stardate 239506 to 239507


Located at roughly the halfway point between the Widowmaker Trail and the Tholian border, the Shahrazad System is deep in Ohanze territory. Several gas giants and barren rocky worlds are believed to be orbiting the Type-G yellow star, though the region has never been directly surveyed by Starfleet. Long range scans of the system are unreliable due to its location in he Shadows.

Plot Elements

  • Probe 7434: A Borg probe with a crew of approximately 60 drones.

Mission Summary

Act 1

Responding to a strange distress call, the crew of the Veritas recovers versions of Roshanara Rahman and Mei'konda from a temporal anomaly. It quickly becomes clear that the two appear to have traveled five years into their futures. Before the Veritas can fully analyze the situation and return Rahman and Mei'konda to their own time, Rear Admiral Joseph Washington issues priority orders to investigate an Ohanze sighting of a Borg vessel in the Shahrazad System. Veritas rendezvoused with an Ohanze vessel and brought aboard Lieutenant Commander Raissa Moonsong and The Oracle, an Ohanze representative.

In the Shahrazad System, Veritas encountered a Borg probe running some kind of scan on an apparently dead world. As Veritas approached, the ship became hostile. During the ensuing battle, the Veritas was forced to overload its deflector to disrupt a Borg tractor beam. While the strategy proved successful, resulting in the apparent destruction of the Borg vessel, an apparent malfunction in the Borg systems caused both vessels to travel almost 600 years into the past (Terran year, 1804). Almost immediately, Veritas systems began to lock up as the computer began to display the greek symbol for Omega. Attempts to override the lockout were met with "insufficient security clearance" error messages. Evan ordered Veritas to orbit a Lithium-based gas giant at the outer edge of the solar system, where the strong magnetic fields would help to protect the ship from sensors while the crew got a handle on their new situation.

Act 2