Mission to Mercia (Arrow)

Revision as of 21:21, 3 March 2022 by Danny Wilde (talk | contribs)
Episode 9


Officers taking part in the mission
Name Position Notes
Randal Shayne Commanding Officer
Maz Rodan First Officer
Chloe Waters Helm Officer
Keneth Nakada Engineering Officer
Connor Dewitt Engineering Officer
Artinus Serinus Chief Tactical Officer, Chief of Security
R'Ariel Chief Medical Officer/Chief Counselor
Cassandra Mason Medical Officer
Ar'Gorvalei Medical Officer
Quentin Collins Chief Science Officer
Jacin Ayemet Science Officer
Ash MacKenna Chief Intelligence Officer
Tolan Voral Intelligence Officer
Mission Specific NPCs
Name Position Notes
Minister Varn Leader of Mercia IV Simmed by guest simmer Aine Sherlock
NPC's & PNPC's
Name Position Notes

Mission to Mercia

The Sheliak Corporate have discarded all treaties and have launched full scale attacks on peaceful worlds close to Federation space. The USS Arrow is urgently despatched to stop a Sheliak strike force from annihilating a key trading planet - Mercia IV - with metagenic weapons.

Act 1

The Arrow receives grim orders from Admiral Thy’Quirn as the Sheliak declare war on several systems close to Federation space. According to reports, there has been rumours of a coup d’etat within the Corporate and the new regime is far more antagonistic than before and has quashed all treaties with these worlds.

Arrow is assigned to head to the trading outpost planet of Mercia IV, where intel suggests a Sheliak invasion task force is heading with a mothership carrying metagenic weaponry - in flagrant disregard for the Khitomer Accords.

Captain Randal Shayne prepares the ship for combat, but wonders why Starfleet is choosing to strike first rather than pursue diplomatic relations.

As the ship intercepts the Sheliak attack fleet, the crew works on a way to neutralise the metagenic virus the Sheliak have developed. LtCmdr Quentin Collins, Lieutenant JG Jacin Ayemet and Lieutenant JG Ar’Gorvalei work on a solution to render the matter inert, but the compound would have to be administered directly to the weapons.

Shayne authorises a strike away team to the Sheliak mothership currently heading to Mercia IV with one condition; he will lead it. This causes great concern amongst the senior staff, especially LtCmdr Maz Rodan, who must command the Arrow in Shayne’s absence.

After the successful deployment of the away team, the Arrow attracts unwanted attention as it warps to Mercia. A solitary escort ship has followed them and unleashes a volley of micro-torpedoes capable of penetrating the ships shields. Their only course of action is to take refuge in a nearby mutara class nebula and hope to shake off the Sheliak…

Important Sims

Honorary Mentions

End File