Jalana Rajel

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Jalana Rajel is the Commanding Officer on the USS Constitution-B. She is a joined Trill and prefers to be addressed as Jalana, as she herself prefers non formality over formalities. She is the seventh host of the Rajel symbiont.


  • Full Name: Jalana Rajel
  • Birth name Name: Jalana Laxyn
  • Race: Trill (joined)
  • Date of Birth: 2361
  • Joined: 2392
  • Place of Birth: Trill, Mak'ala
  • Age: 31 (earth years)
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: none
  • ID Number: TR-896-431


  • Height: 1.65m (about 5'5)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green


  • Mother: Caline Laxyn, Age 48, Botanist/Gardener
  • Father: Vivan Laxyn, Age 52, Ambassador
  • Brother: Prax Laxyn, Age 19, Student of Architecture
  • Marital Status: Single

Personal History

Jalana was born into the family of a Diplomat and a Botanist, who always wanted the best for their child. As many other times, when having good intentions, they do not work out as well as thought. Knowing that his position would bring prestige and a good life, Vivan Laxyn started early to do everything that Jalana would one day follow his footsteps. So the girl did not visit schools, but was taught by her father in everything she would have to know for this fate. But Jalana was never really interested in this field of expertise. Already early she wanted to help people in a different way.

It took her quite a bit to finally 'come out' to her parents, letting them know that she wanted to become a Doctor. In contrast to her mother, her father did not like this at all and kicked her out of the house and tried to stop her with his influence, but Jalana stood up against him and followed her dream. After graduation from school and passing the tests of Medical school she enrolled. She knew during her training that she wanted to do more and applied for Star Fleet Academy, to go there after her medical training would conclude.


She had to do the tests for Academy two times and just a week before she graduated from Medical School she got the message that she was accepted. As soon as she had her graduation letter in her hand she left Trill joining Star Fleet.

While Jalana was at Academy she never did regret that step and enjoyed her training, even though it was harder than she expected. During her fifth year she was surprised by a message from the Symbiosis commission of Trill that she was also accepted for taking tests to become an initiate. Finding out that her parents had send her application she first ignored it but then became curious if she could do it. Surprisingly she passed the tests but did not hear anything from the Commission after that. First she told herself, that they had a lot of applicants so it would take a while, but after some time she forgot about it and went on with her StarFleet Medical Training.

In the year 2389 she finally finished the Academy, and was stationed on the USS Apollo. As of Stardate 239104.30 she has been declared Doctor med. by the Medical Commission.

On Stardate 239108.22 Jalana learned that Viktor Lanius had been arrested by Starfleet. He was charged with several murders and the attack on another person, in that progress he had been removed from Starfleet and is now waiting court martial. Jalana has not taken the news well and was moved from her Chief Medical Officer position down to ACMO for the time being.

Noticing that she had more trouble getting through the situation, she requested to be lowered to Medical Officer to be able to focus on getting better. On SD 239202.01 the request was granted. On the very same day though, she received a call from the Trill Symbiosis commission and was sent to an emergency joining. Since the symbiont would not have survived a longer trip back to the homeworld, she agreed and met the USS Nemia to receive the symbiont. She is the seventh host of the Rajel Symbiont.

On SD 239205.28 she has been promoted to Commander and has received Command over the USS Constitution-B, relayed through Captain Shelther Faranster, which was a big surprise to her. The biggest part of the Apollo crew had been transferred to the Constitution to serve under her in the Talos Sector.

Personal Relationship and Family

Name Status Description
Vivan Laxyn
Father Vivan Laxyn is a Trill Ambassador working hard on becoming an Amabassador. When Jalana was young, he already started to prepare her to follow his footsteps, trained her and took her with him to Banquets to make the transition easy for her. He is unhappy about her decision to become a Doctor and does not support her. The relationship is tense and since she left Trill they have not spoken with each other.
Caline Laxyn
Mother Caline Laxyn is an easy going Botanist, who thinks that hapiness in life is to live one's dream or at least follow it. Therefore she is supportive of her children, whatever they wish to pursue as long as it makes them happy. She is the voice of reason in the Laxyn Household, but also can have quite a temper if nobody seems to listen to her. In case of the relationship between her husband and Jalana she does not have much success with the reasoning part though.
Prax Laxyn
Brother Prax is a lot younger than Jalana and has not shown any interest in Diplomacy ever, so Vivan did not even try to push him into that direction. The age difference between Prax and Jalana has not aways made things easy, but they love each other. He follows his dream of studying Architecture.
Cayden Adyr
Mentor When Jalana had learned that she will need a mentor to remain in the symbiosis program Viktor Lanius suggested Cayden as logical choice. Jalana did not know any other joined Trill in the vicinity and instead of getting a stranger to her side from the comission she decided to ask Cayden, who agreed to mentor her through her training. Even now after Jalana has been joined she continues her friendship with Cayden.
Sundassa Faranster
Best friend What started as a working relationship when Sundassa was assigned to Jalana's department turned into a close friendship between the women. Even though that Sundassa later left the department to become First Officer has not changed anything between them. Sundassa was the first to hear about Viktor's and Jalana's engagement, while Jalana was the first crew member to hear about Sun's relationship to Jaxx. Sundassa was also the bringer of bad news of Viktor being arrested for murder and accompanied her as friend and doctor to receive her symbiont.
Andrus Jaxx
Friend Although Jaxx was Jalana's commanding Officer a friendship had developed between them. This friendship deepened when Jaxx laid in a coma and Jalana had the task to figure out why and how to get him out of it. She carries one of his secrets as his Doctor since then. Jaxx's relationship to her best friend, Sundassa, and his knowledge about Viktor (Jal's ex-fiancé) only gives the friendship a more personal note. And even though the relationship between them ended, she still considers him a good friend.
Viktor Lanius
Ex-Fiancé It all had started as a simple 'Bring her to the Bridge', but as things go, that was not the end. During an R&R evening on the Holodeck that brought the crew into an old fashioned Casino Viktor was willing to teach her Poker and she had enjoyed the time at his side. But it took another R&R at the beach of Shinraka, that he asked her out. While spending time with him in a holo-version of his home on earth he confessed that he liked her and she returned these feelings. After Jalana fought with a small fit of jealousy, when she met one of Viktor's old flames on SB 118, Viktor confessed his love to her; feelings she undeniably returned. After being held as hostages during shore leave on Izar they spend time wandering through a forest and watching the beauty of a sunrise, as Viktor surprised her with proposing, she happily agreed. During shore leave Viktor and Jalana visited Earth to get to know his parents, but things did not go as wished. Not too long after when Viktor's mother was on her death bed, he left once more without her, but after his return he was not the same as before. About a week later Jalana got the bad news of him being arrested for murder. Upon trying to contact him, he refused to talk to her and relayed a message of her being free to live her life... without him.

Personal Notes

Drinks and Food

This teabox, filled with original Jestral Tea from Betazed, was gifted to Jalana by S'Lone i-Ra'thleifl tr'Khellian when she became CO of the USS Constitution

Jalana is helpless when it comes to cooking. She uses the replicator, because even the easiest meal will either burn or otherwise fail. If using the Replicator she is very eager to experiment and try out new things and does not have any favourite. She still will have to figure out if that changed after her being joined.

Also she has a little problem with alcoholic beverages. Upon trying them she usually starts to cough and hyperventilate, or spits them all over the bar to her own embarrassment. She did not find one yet, that did not cause this effect, although she keeps trying. But usually she just sticks to non alcoholic ones. Her favourite non alcoholic mixed drink is 'Coconut Kiss' a terran drink, but she exchanges the usual cherry juice against Trill Boulan Berry Juice. She learned about this drink during her academy time on Earth, introduced to her by her room-mate so she would not have to stick to water while everyone else had fancy drinks.

Jalana's favourite hot drink is Betazoid Jestral Tea. She learned to enjoy it during the training with her father, to calm her nerves.


Jalana's Quarters

When Jalana is concentrating, she bites her lower lip. Sometimes she slightly sticks out her tongue in the progress, though pulls it back as soon as she realizes that she does it.

She takes a lot of things with a portion of humour. She believes that only because she has a serious profession, she does not have to be just as serious at all times. That also shows during duty. But she knows when to be serious.

Jalana does not like formalities too much and prefers to be on first name basis with everyone. So it can happen that she does use the first name without asking first and also likes when others stick the 'Ma'am' and rank and use her name.



Jalana has learned to play the flute on Trill. The Trillian flute is a long wooden instrument with a small moveable wooden attachment, that allows a broad variety of tunes covering several octaves. It is able to be in harmony with various instrument due to this. Depending on the kind of song it can be simple or rather complicated to play. Of all instruments she had been trying as child this was the only one she stuck to.

Goals and Ambitions


Because Vivan Laxyn wanted his daughter to follow his footsteps to become a Diplomat and one day Ambassador, he is not very supportive of Jalana's choices. In that dynamic, Jalana has the feeling to proof to her father that she can make it, even without his help.

Apria, one of her former hosts had been a Commanding Officer in the Trill Private Service. The experience of course throws shadows onto the way of her own command in Starfleet. She aims to find her own way, not too much influenced by Apria's style.


On duty: While the Uniform is self explanatory, she prefers the skirt style and wears it whenever possible. She combines the knee-long skirt with knee high boots. Now that she is not bound to Sick Bay anymore, she wears hair hair either in an up-do or loose.

Off Duty: Jalana prefers skirts and dresses to pants, but wears them as well. Her favourite colour to wear is a dark green, though she likes to experiment with other colors and if they go with her hair. If not for a special occassion she usually wears rather casual or casual chique. Usually she wears her hair loose off duty.

Events and formal events: She will dress accordingly to events when attending these, even if the attire would not be her taste of make her feel foolish (for example special robes or barely covering attire for special occassions on different worlds).

Classified (( OOC: This information is not known to any character but Jalana herself and her best friend Sundassa Faranster. )) Since the hostage situation on Izar, Jalana suffered from nightmares, that had only intensified with her almost death during the Iconian Gate Mission and later by the events around her ex-fiancé. Due to those she started to self medicate to suppress her REM Sleep (the phase in which we dream). As REM sleep is where she would rest, energize, process the events of the day or problems this did have an impact on her behaviour and personality. Jalana was constantly tired - which she countered again with medication, it was easier to irritate her in contrast to her known chipper personality, she was not as stress resistant as before and in addition had audio hallucinations. Her friend Sundassa found out about her problems and is helping her through the progress of living without the drugs, so Jalana is showing a few withdrawal signs at the moment, but abstains from using any medication at all.

The previous hosts of the Rajel symbiont

Name Description
Birth name Varel
  • Born in 2032
  • Joined 2055
  • Death: 2013, Age 71
  • Family: Married to Pinar, one daughter: Iren

Olen was a successful and rather popular author before being joined, he wrote a numerous amounts of non fiction novels, philosophical works, poetry and more. After being joined none of his books hit off the ground any more. Because he needed to write to live, he ended up writing fiction novels, that did not have any impact on society like his former books, but were popular enough to earn him a living. The pressure of being the first host for the Rajel symbiont was too much for him to be. In combination with the wish to make an impact and not being able to overcome his block, he slipped into depression. He received an award for his work, but upon realisation that he earned it with his fiction, he was not able to bear the shame and pressure anymore and ended his life.

Birth name Jerin
  • Born: 2176
  • Joined: 2203
  • Death: 2233, Age 57

Zindara was an innovative and successful fashion designer. If not working on her designs, she lived rather reclusive and private. There is not much known about her, but that she never married and had no children. The cause of her death is unknown, memories have been blocked by the commission.

Birth name Navile
  • Born: 2204
  • Joined: 2233
  • Death: 2295, Age 91
  • Family: Married to Saril, 3 adopted children: Gora, Udel, Triina

Apria was born into a military family. Her parents were part of the Trill Private Service, and she followed his footsteps. Through the years she worked her path up to being commandant of her own ship, the Farel. When Trill joined the United Federation of Planets in 2285 the Trill Private service was disbanded. Apria opposed the Federation and refused to join their ranks. She retired and died 10 years later, peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by her family.

Birth name: Zerin
  • Born: 2295
  • Joined: 2304
  • Death: 2340, Age 45
  • Family: Engaged to Eryl

Waeyna was an engaged Zoologist. She travelled all over Trill to find animals that were not yet discovered, to research and get to know them and their 'essence'. She died doing exactly that, bitten by an unknown insect which lead to an Anaphylaxis.

Birth name: Tenar
  • Born: 2321
  • Joined 2344
  • Dead: 2387, Age 66
  • Family: Married to Kilan

Arlen was a police officer on Trill in the VPD (Vran's Police Department). He climbed up the ranks up to the Earth equivalent of a Chief. He refused to climb further, as he loved being in the field and did not want to end up behind a desk. He was murdered while doing his duty.

Birth name: Wenar
  • Born: 2364
  • Joined: 2387
  • Death: 2392, Age 28
  • Family: No spouse, 2 children he never met

Suril was an Agricultural engineer, working on ways to improve and optimize cultivating and harvesting crops, innovating new ideas for machinery and tools and so on. He visited many conferences to exchange ideas with engineers of other species. On the way from a conference to another, he died of an accident. Slipping after a shower, he hit his head and broke his neck.

Starfleet History

Medical Specialties

  • During Trill Medical school: General Medicine, Trill symbiosis and problems with symbionts
  • During Academy: Xenobiology and Surgery
  • During Residency: Emergency Medicine

Professional History

Year Event
2379 Begin Medical School on Trill
2383 Graduation of Medical School
2383 Joining of Starfleet Acadamy
2385 Specializing in Medical Training
2387 Internship, Hospital San Fransisco
238906.11 Graduation of Academy and posted to USS Apollo as Medical Officer.
238908.12 Promotion to Lt JG and Assistant Chief Medical Officer.
238908.12 Promotion to Chief Medical Officer.
238912.10 Promotion to Full Lieutenant. Rewarded with the Joint Meritorious Unit Award and the Klingon Invasion Ribbon
238912.23 Rewarded with the Silver Palm Award
238912.31 Named CMO of the year - Rewarded with the Prantares Ribbon
239004.14 Promotion to Lieutenant Commander
239008.16 Rewarded with the Prisoner of War Ribbon and the Silver Lifesaver Ribbon
239008.24 Appointed as Second Officer
239104.30 Awarded Doctor med. title
239104.30 Acting First Officer under Lt.Cmdr Sundassa Faranster (in Andrus Jaxx's absense)
239108.07 Returning to CMO and 2nd Officer duty
239108.18 Demoted to ACMO (Personal reasons)
239202.01 Demoted to MO (Personal reasons)
239205.28 Promoted to Commander and Commanding Officer of the USS Constitution-B

Starfleet History

Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
STO Ensign Teal.jpg Ensign 238906.11-238908.11 USS Apollo Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg Lieutenant jg. 238908.12-238908.20 Assistant Chief Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg Lieutenant jg. 238908.21-238912.10 Chief Medical Officer
STO Lieutenant Teal.jpg Lieutenant 238912.10-239004.14 Chief Medical Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg Lieutenant Commander 239004.14-239008.24 Chief Medical Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg Lieutenant Commander 239008.24-239109.18 Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer
STO LtCommander Red.jpg Lieutenant Commander 239004.30-239108.07 Temporary First Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg Lieutenant Commander 239109.18-239202.01 Assistant Chief Medical Officer
STO LtCommander Teal.jpg Lieutenant Commander 239102.01-239205.28 Medical Officer
STO Commander Red.jpg Commander 239205.28-Present USS Constitution-B Commanding Officer

Mission Overview

Service Ribbons & Awards

Award/Ribbon RP Excerpt
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg 2389 - There are also a few service ribbons to give to those who went above and beyond during this last mission. While there were various aspects involved in what we were all sent out to do, it took teamwork between the ships whose crews are represented here today in order to get the job done and get back here safe. For this, I would like to present the following officers with the Joint Meritorious Unit Award.
KlingonInvasion.jpg 2389 - This galactic incident has taken many lives. I am not just talking about the lives of our personnel, but the lives of many Romulans whose homes had been invaded. Many Klingons who lost their lives in combat for the sake of their glory. I am here to present the following officers with the Klingon Invasion Ribbon. This ribbon will be worn as a beacon of hope and accomplishment.
Awards General SilverPalm 2011.jpg 2389 - Next I would like to recognize Lieutenant Jalana Laxyn. She is awarded the Silver Palm. This woman not only serves as our Chief Medical Officer, but she is our Chief Morale Officer as well. She is often interjecting humor and unique insights into the mix. It is an enjoyment to be part of her escapades. Congratulations.
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg 2389 - Named CMO of the year - Awarded to those medical officers who has moved beyond competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. The officers given this award should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others.
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg 2390 - Due to being taken hostage by a hostile force, you are awarded the Prisoner of War Ribbon.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg 2390 - You are awarded the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon. Commander Laxyn for your treatment of Commander Tel-ar...both times.
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg 2390 - Starfleet Command has inserted a commendation into each one of your files for our last mission. You are all hereby awarded the Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal. ::Jaxx smiled and gave a slight nod. It was not every crew that was able to face the Borg and walk away from it. Of course, they did not exactly walk away from it. They had to make it to escape pods and then needed a lift back to the station, but it was close enough.::
Gateway.jpg 2390 - You are awarded the Gateway Ribbon and Explorer Ribbon for our mission on Eridea.
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg 2390 - You are awarded the Gateway Ribbon and Explorer Ribbon for our mission on Eridea.
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg 2390 - Jalana Laxyn, you are also presented with the Purple Heart for your injuries during that mission.
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg 2392: Department Chief Ribbon: Awarded to a person who has held the title of department chief for no less than 6 months.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg 2391 - OOC Award: The Neelix Award is awarded for extra, out of character, simming devotion. In this case it has been rewarded for the work and devotion in the work as Facilitator of the Image Department. She had done a superb job on the Image Collective and in the Forums providing photoshop pictures and banner for several players. She is truly devoted, quick and her job meet no equal.
Awards DutyPost StrangeMedallionAward 2011.jpg 2391 - OOC Award: Many people around the fleet are familiar with the name Jalana Laxyn. As facilitator of the Image Team she can be found diligently working on graphics and coordinating team efforts. She is a wonderful training officer that has guided many cadets through the academy. As if that was not enough, she has really done an excellent job as First Officer of the Apollo with her new character Akeelah D'Sena. As XO, she has stepped up to every challenge presented, even running things during a leave of absence of the commanding officer. She has been, and continues to be, a stellar friend, colleague, and First Officer to many of us!

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

OOC Achievements

Image Details
File:Writingdecemberlaxynwinner.jpg Winner Writing Challenge December 2012 - [Mightiest Warrior of them all]
WINNER.jpg Featured Bio Winner July 2013
Top Sims Round 19/2013 - [JP PNPC Sherana & Cmdr Tel-ar - I will remember you]
Top Sims Round 2/2014 - [Lt.Cmdr Jalana Laxyn - I am here, don't you hear me?]
Runner Writing Challenge Mar/April 2014 - [Watch your head]

Jalana Laxyn
Starfleet Officer
Commissioned on 238806.11
Sidney Riley Arden Cain
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Officer
Starbase 118 Campus

Additional pictures

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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