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Having started earning the trust of the Freeworlds Council and the population of the Par'tha Expanse Andaris Task Fore solidifies it's position in the region.

While travelling through space an warp speed, the [[USS Blackwell]] was pulled to a hault by what some are calling a verteron snare: a field of verteron particles in space that has inhibited any form of warp travel through it. The force of the impact has caused significant damage to the ship and while the bridge crew attempt to determine the source of this unnatural phenomenon, the rest of the crew are fighting fires on the lower decks. Soon after the Blackwell ground to a hault, a mysterious ship of unknown origin which seemed impervious to the effects of the verteron particles approached the Blackwell. Visual contact was made for a split second, and what the crew saw was an alien with slithery, ink-like skin, the likes of which the crew had never encountered.
=== Part 1 ===
With the end of shore leave came the inevitable [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453129 recognition ceremony] attended by all the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]]’s senior staff. [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]], [[Graeme Cook|Cook]] and [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] were awarded the Medical Science Ribbon. Captain [[Akinor Onali Zaekia| Zaekia]] and [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] were awarded the Diplomacy Ribbon. The [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]]’s newest member [[Krindo Pandorn|Pandorn]], who had recently transferred from the USS Za, was presented by Rear Admiral [[Renos|Renos]] the Explorer’s Ribbon, Purple Heart and Prisoner of War Ribbon. [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] and [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] received promotions to the rank of Lieutenant (Junior Grade). Adding to the jubilation [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]] was made Second Officer.
The [[Atlantis]] was now functional and had a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453077 new captain] in Captain [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]] and First Officer, Lieutenant Commander [[Udro Nepra| Nepra]], with the former captain, Commander [[Emery Rhyn|Rhynn]] now acting as mission specialist. Along with new staff, [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] was made Second Officer, with [[Isabel Pond|Pond]] being made Chief Medical Officer. The [[Atlantis]] and [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] opened visual comms to present Rear Admiral [[Renos|Renos]] with a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453302 commemorative plaque] in recognition of nirs tireless work and commitment.
Once the ceremonies were over, the senior staff on each ship reported their respective statuses before being briefed on their missions. The [[Atlantis]] was heading [[Aelann]] to handle a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453315 trade negotiation] with Taventa Robotics, who wished to began a trade partnership with the Federation. The [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] was being sent to [[Arndall]], to offer [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453311 medical assistance] to wounded [[Valcarian Imperial Republic| Valcarian]] soldiers.
[[Udro Nepra| Nepra]] along with [[Isabel Pond|Pond]], [[Jon Oswald|Oswald]] and Reacher were to meet the [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453394 product developer] and find out as much about the robots as they could. [[Emery Rhyn|Rhynn]] had the unenviable task of studying trading laws and customs, whilst [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] would handle the buyer. Lastly and arguable most importantly [[Kurt Logan|Logan]] would be responsible for security matters.
En route to their destination the crew of the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] were keeping busy. Captain [[Akinor Onali Zaekia| Zaekia]] paid a visit to [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453389 sickbay], whilst Rear Admiral [[Renos| Renos]] held a meeting with [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]] and [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] to discuss [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453397 potential threats].
The [[Caraadian]] sales representative, Froid Olin, arrived aboard the [[Atlantis]], along with a selection of his [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453418 robots]. First to be displayed was a servant robot with the upper half being human and the lower half similar to a cylindrical cart, with organic skin on the hands and face. For the next demonstration Olin threw tea towards the armoured security robot, which in an instant was able expertly dodged the liquid. He followed this up by tapping his cane on one of the small disks on the ground, a crawler robot. It produced four legs, raised itself up before being directed to clean up the tea spillage. The demonstrations raised some questions from the Starfleet officers; with [[Jon Oswald|Oswald]] noting the robots did not seem much more advanced than anything Starfleet already had, whilst [[Isabel Pond|Pond]] questioned whether Taventa Robotics had any ethical guidelines or if there were Caraadian laws regarding semi-sentient AI.
A second [[Caraadian]] representative came aboard the [[Atlantis]], this time the CEO of Taventa Robotics, [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453418 Janiel Gaddington], who was to meet with [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]], [[Emery Rhyn|Rhynn]], [[Sindrana|Sindrana]],[[Kurt Logan|Logan]] and Captain [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]]. Gaddington made a good impression by questioning whether the Federation had been able to make the Romulans part of their empire.
[[Udro Nepra| Nepra]] requested to see the robots [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453613 programming], with Olin granting the request. He tried to reassure them the robots were not sentient as they were unable to alter their own programming, and their “instincts” was a calculation to decide if a ‘reflex’ command or more complex ‘decision’ command would be executed. Surprising the Starfleet officers, Odin announced he had a new model to demonstrate.
Whilst he was away, [[Udro Nepra| Nepra]] along with the others investigated the programming, finding it to be [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453715 impressive], although [[Udro Nepra| Nepra]] did want to examine the biological elements closer. Olin returned with a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453768 goo], which he called Biomechanical Multipurpose Gel, that could apparently change form and repurposed to perform specialized functions.
=== Part 2 ===
Things on the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] had been progressing along, until a sudden shock ripped them out of [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453635 warp]. Captain [[Akinor Onali Zaekia| Zaekia]] and [[E'riQ|E'riQ]] returned to the bridge. [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]], who had been in the briefing room with Rear Admiral [[Renos| Renos]] and [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] called into the bridge that he had spotted [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453645 plasma fires] on the port warp nacelle.
Hot on the trail of figuring out what had happened [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]] noted there were [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453668 sensor distortions], believed to be caused by a field of verteron particles in the area and [[E'riQ|E'riQ]] brought up the ships status. The port nacelle was down; starboard nacelle was at 50%, with impulse available only up to 50% power. [[Brell|Brell]] and [[E'riQ|E'riQ]] left the bridge for engineering, suffering another explosion on route causing a comm system outage.
[[Kalara Avran|Avran]] and [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] had been in the counselling suite on deck 19 when the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] was hit. [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] contacted the pair with [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453685 orders] from Rear Admiral [[Renos| Renos]] to start a search and rescue. Meeting on deck 11, the trio commenced their search of the science labs, before being advised by a scientist there were children in the school. [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]] had made it to engineering where he was [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453669 joined by] [[Brell|Brell]] and [[E'riQ|E'riQ]], who decided it would be best to get internal communications online first. [[Tu'Peq|Tu'Peq]] reported to the bridge, taking over the science station from [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]].
[[Tu'Peq|Tu'Peq]] started his shift by launching a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453748 probe], which found an area not too far that was free of the verteron particles. Rear Admiral [[Renos| Renos]] had managed to contact the [[Atlantis]] and appraised Captain [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]] of their [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453753 situation]. Receiving the message from [[Renos| Renos]], [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]] made the decision to come after the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]]. After being briefed [[Udro Nepra| Nepra]] gave her apologies to Olin, even offering to purchase one of the [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453853 robots]. [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] was given the task of [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453920 diplomatically hurrying] Gaddington off the ship. Sadly it seemed Gaddington had felt slighted and upon returning to [Aelann] informed a colleague the deal with the Federation was off.
Down in engineering [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]] was able to repair the [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453799 internal comms]. It also appeared the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]] was not alone, another ship had joined them. Worryingly it did not match [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453802 any known configuration].
Meanwhile, in sickbay [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] reported to [[Jora Kalis|Kalis]], as he had suffered a mild [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453819 head injury] on the bridge. [[Jora Kalis|Kalis]] performed some tests. As they were being conducted, [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] fell into a deep [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453855 sleep]. Once he had been woken back up and signed off by [[Jora Kalis|Kalis]], [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] went to leave sickbay, when the door panel exploded, trapping them.
During their expedition to the school, [[Kalara Avran|Avran]], [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] and [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] stumbled upon [[Alarra Lavot|Lavot]]. They treated her injuries and continued on the way to the school where they found the children, trapped behind the door. [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] and [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] left to find a way, via the gym, into the schoolroom. Having found a way in, they now had to get the children, along with an unconscious ensign out.
On the bridge [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]] had been able to bridge a connection with a shuttle allowing the use of external comms; however it had required the help of the engineering team to fully realise the solution.
With the problems in engineering temporarily resolved [[Brell| Brell]], [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]] and [[E'riQ|E'riQ]] went [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453918 firefighting]. Reaching deck 18 they met [[Amar Lux|Lux]] and the trio continued on their way to deck 16.
=== Part 3 ===
The Atlantic had finally arrived at the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]]’s position. [[Kurt Logan|Logan]] and [[Jon Oswald|Oswald]] provided the bridge crew with the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]]’s [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453958 status]. Captain [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]] acting on [[Kurt Logan|Logan’s]] recommendation ordered the launching of probes and asked [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] to contact the [[USS Blackwell|Blackwell]].
Now they had reached deck 16, the engineering team had their work cut out. [[Vito Jiace| Jiace]] had identified that radiation and air toxicity levels were rising. Meanwhile, the bridge had a new problem, they were being [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453968 hailed] by the unknown ship. It took a few adjustments before they were able to see the view screen clearly. For the short time the view screen was clear, Captain [[Akinor Onali Zaekia| Zaekia]] noticed the [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454005 aliens] had inky black skin that appeared slightly damp, along with huge eyes on the side of their heads. He was reminded of the [[Korri]], but the image disappeared too quickly to confirm this.
In sickbay, [[Jora Kalis|Kalis]] and [[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] were able to jury rig the panel allowing them to [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2453992 open the door]. Similarly [[Anath G'Renn|G’Renn]] and [[Krindo Pandorn| Pandorn]] were able to force the school room door open, freeing the school children. [[Kalara Avran|Avran]] guided the children to sickbay, whilst the remaining two officers continued their search.
Rear Admiral [[Renos|Renos]] and [[Alarra Lavot|Lavot]] had met up and were now making their way to the Bolian family quarters where a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454011 medical emergency] had been reported.
[[Jarred Thoran|Thoran]] had now returned to bridge duty. He had not been there long when a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454012 second hail] came through. It was [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] from the [[Atlantis]]. He was able to get a sentence out before the signal was lost. [[Merrick R'Ven|R’Ven]] spotted an increase in verteron particles and other background radiation. Adding to that, ship to ship communications were being disrupted along with sensor acuity and shields. [[Tu'Peq|Tu'Peq]] was able to ascertain the [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454071  background radiation] was being caused by the alien vessel and that ship had used its deflector dish to modulate its shields, allowing it to compensate for the verteron particles.
The engineering party led by [[Brell|Brell]] agreed the best course of action was to make auxiliary cargo bay 10 safe, as it was showing elevated radiation. Upon entry they found nearly two thirds of the wall that bordered the medical lab engulfed in [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454057 plasma fire]. [[E'riQ|E'riQ]] noted that the lab on the other side of the flames was the pathology lab, which should have had a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454080 quarantine].
With the failed connection the [[Atlantis]] crew were trying to find a solution. [[Randal Shayne|Shayne]] recommended against transporters, but a [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454075 shuttle instead]. Unfortunately Captain [[S'Ranna| S’Ranna]] pointed out the conditions were too severe to send a shuttle. Perhaps they could [http://sims.starbase118.net/sim.php?simnum=2454096 clear the field] to help instead.

Meanwhile, the [[USS Atlantis]] had to abandon trade negotiations midway through, in order to come to the aid of their sister ship. The ramifications of this abandonment have yet to be determined.

What is the source of this verteron snare, who placed it there? Is the mysterious ship the source? Tune in soon, so find out!<br>
{{LCARS Page Title|This episode is still airing. Stay tuned for periodic updates!|#9966FF}}
{{LCARS Page Title|This episode is still airing. Stay tuned for periodic updates!|#9966FF}}
[[Category:Andaris Task Force]]
[[Category:Andaris Task Force]]
[[Category:Andaris Task Force Missions]]
[[Category:Andaris Task Force Missions]]

Revision as of 08:49, 11 August 2017

Season 1, Episode 1


Part 1

With the end of shore leave came the inevitable recognition ceremony attended by all the Blackwell’s senior staff. R’Ven, Cook and G’Renn were awarded the Medical Science Ribbon. Captain Zaekia and Thoran were awarded the Diplomacy Ribbon. The Blackwell’s newest member Pandorn, who had recently transferred from the USS Za, was presented by Rear Admiral Renos the Explorer’s Ribbon, Purple Heart and Prisoner of War Ribbon. G’Renn and Thoran received promotions to the rank of Lieutenant (Junior Grade). Adding to the jubilation R’Ven was made Second Officer.

The Atlantis was now functional and had a new captain in Captain S’Ranna and First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Nepra, with the former captain, Commander Rhynn now acting as mission specialist. Along with new staff, Shayne was made Second Officer, with Pond being made Chief Medical Officer. The Atlantis and Blackwell opened visual comms to present Rear Admiral Renos with a commemorative plaque in recognition of nirs tireless work and commitment.

Once the ceremonies were over, the senior staff on each ship reported their respective statuses before being briefed on their missions. The Atlantis was heading Aelann to handle a trade negotiation with Taventa Robotics, who wished to began a trade partnership with the Federation. The Blackwell was being sent to Arndall, to offer medical assistance to wounded Valcarian soldiers.

Nepra along with Pond, Oswald and Reacher were to meet the product developer and find out as much about the robots as they could. Rhynn had the unenviable task of studying trading laws and customs, whilst Shayne would handle the buyer. Lastly and arguable most importantly Logan would be responsible for security matters.

En route to their destination the crew of the Blackwell were keeping busy. Captain Zaekia paid a visit to sickbay, whilst Rear Admiral Renos held a meeting with Jiace and Pandorn to discuss potential threats.

The Caraadian sales representative, Froid Olin, arrived aboard the Atlantis, along with a selection of his robots. First to be displayed was a servant robot with the upper half being human and the lower half similar to a cylindrical cart, with organic skin on the hands and face. For the next demonstration Olin threw tea towards the armoured security robot, which in an instant was able expertly dodged the liquid. He followed this up by tapping his cane on one of the small disks on the ground, a crawler robot. It produced four legs, raised itself up before being directed to clean up the tea spillage. The demonstrations raised some questions from the Starfleet officers; with Oswald noting the robots did not seem much more advanced than anything Starfleet already had, whilst Pond questioned whether Taventa Robotics had any ethical guidelines or if there were Caraadian laws regarding semi-sentient AI.

A second Caraadian representative came aboard the Atlantis, this time the CEO of Taventa Robotics, Janiel Gaddington, who was to meet with Shayne, Rhynn, Sindrana,Logan and Captain S’Ranna. Gaddington made a good impression by questioning whether the Federation had been able to make the Romulans part of their empire.

Nepra requested to see the robots programming, with Olin granting the request. He tried to reassure them the robots were not sentient as they were unable to alter their own programming, and their “instincts” was a calculation to decide if a ‘reflex’ command or more complex ‘decision’ command would be executed. Surprising the Starfleet officers, Odin announced he had a new model to demonstrate.

Whilst he was away, Nepra along with the others investigated the programming, finding it to be impressive, although Nepra did want to examine the biological elements closer. Olin returned with a goo, which he called Biomechanical Multipurpose Gel, that could apparently change form and repurposed to perform specialized functions.

Part 2

Things on the Blackwell had been progressing along, until a sudden shock ripped them out of warp. Captain Zaekia and E'riQ returned to the bridge. Jiace, who had been in the briefing room with Rear Admiral Renos and Pandorn called into the bridge that he had spotted plasma fires on the port warp nacelle.

Hot on the trail of figuring out what had happened R’Ven noted there were sensor distortions, believed to be caused by a field of verteron particles in the area and E'riQ brought up the ships status. The port nacelle was down; starboard nacelle was at 50%, with impulse available only up to 50% power. Brell and E'riQ left the bridge for engineering, suffering another explosion on route causing a comm system outage.

Avran and G’Renn had been in the counselling suite on deck 19 when the Blackwell was hit. Pandorn contacted the pair with orders from Rear Admiral Renos to start a search and rescue. Meeting on deck 11, the trio commenced their search of the science labs, before being advised by a scientist there were children in the school. Jiace had made it to engineering where he was joined by Brell and E'riQ, who decided it would be best to get internal communications online first. Tu'Peq reported to the bridge, taking over the science station from R’Ven.

Tu'Peq started his shift by launching a probe, which found an area not too far that was free of the verteron particles. Rear Admiral Renos had managed to contact the Atlantis and appraised Captain S’Ranna of their situation. Receiving the message from Renos, S’Ranna made the decision to come after the Blackwell. After being briefed Nepra gave her apologies to Olin, even offering to purchase one of the robots. Shayne was given the task of diplomatically hurrying Gaddington off the ship. Sadly it seemed Gaddington had felt slighted and upon returning to [Aelann] informed a colleague the deal with the Federation was off.

Down in engineering Jiace was able to repair the internal comms. It also appeared the Blackwell was not alone, another ship had joined them. Worryingly it did not match any known configuration.

Meanwhile, in sickbay Thoran reported to Kalis, as he had suffered a mild head injury on the bridge. Kalis performed some tests. As they were being conducted, Thoran fell into a deep sleep. Once he had been woken back up and signed off by Kalis, Thoran went to leave sickbay, when the door panel exploded, trapping them.

During their expedition to the school, Avran, G’Renn and Pandorn stumbled upon Lavot. They treated her injuries and continued on the way to the school where they found the children, trapped behind the door. G’Renn and Pandorn left to find a way, via the gym, into the schoolroom. Having found a way in, they now had to get the children, along with an unconscious ensign out.

On the bridge R’Ven had been able to bridge a connection with a shuttle allowing the use of external comms; however it had required the help of the engineering team to fully realise the solution.

With the problems in engineering temporarily resolved Brell, Jiace and E'riQ went firefighting. Reaching deck 18 they met Lux and the trio continued on their way to deck 16.

Part 3

The Atlantic had finally arrived at the Blackwell’s position. Logan and Oswald provided the bridge crew with the Blackwell’s status. Captain S’Ranna acting on Logan’s recommendation ordered the launching of probes and asked Shayne to contact the Blackwell.

Now they had reached deck 16, the engineering team had their work cut out. Jiace had identified that radiation and air toxicity levels were rising. Meanwhile, the bridge had a new problem, they were being hailed by the unknown ship. It took a few adjustments before they were able to see the view screen clearly. For the short time the view screen was clear, Captain Zaekia noticed the aliens had inky black skin that appeared slightly damp, along with huge eyes on the side of their heads. He was reminded of the Korri, but the image disappeared too quickly to confirm this.

In sickbay, Kalis and Thoran were able to jury rig the panel allowing them to open the door. Similarly G’Renn and Pandorn were able to force the school room door open, freeing the school children. Avran guided the children to sickbay, whilst the remaining two officers continued their search.

Rear Admiral Renos and Lavot had met up and were now making their way to the Bolian family quarters where a medical emergency had been reported.

Thoran had now returned to bridge duty. He had not been there long when a second hail came through. It was Shayne from the Atlantis. He was able to get a sentence out before the signal was lost. R’Ven spotted an increase in verteron particles and other background radiation. Adding to that, ship to ship communications were being disrupted along with sensor acuity and shields. Tu'Peq was able to ascertain the background radiation was being caused by the alien vessel and that ship had used its deflector dish to modulate its shields, allowing it to compensate for the verteron particles.

The engineering party led by Brell agreed the best course of action was to make auxiliary cargo bay 10 safe, as it was showing elevated radiation. Upon entry they found nearly two thirds of the wall that bordered the medical lab engulfed in plasma fire. E'riQ noted that the lab on the other side of the flames was the pathology lab, which should have had a quarantine.

With the failed connection the Atlantis crew were trying to find a solution. Shayne recommended against transporters, but a shuttle instead. Unfortunately Captain S’Ranna pointed out the conditions were too severe to send a shuttle. Perhaps they could clear the field to help instead.

This episode is still airing. Stay tuned for periodic updates!

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